What Rewards Programs Do you do and HOW TO DO THEM......


DIS Veteran
Sep 15, 1999
Since we have moved I thought we needed to start this thread over.First I want to give credit to the OP of this thread the first time.

Just Pick a program and go for it.

Milesource http://www.milesource.com

log in do the Trivia I usually post the answers here dailey.(If I do not someone will)

next click on click fix and click on each site wait til it loads and tells you your points have been recorded.Then click on the back down arror and click on clickfix home and go to the next site and so on & so on.

I do not do Sklif someone else will have to post how to on that part of Milesource.

Happy Rewarding everyone :bounce:

I'll try to make this easy...

1. Login at the top of the page
2. On the left click Blink Rewards
3. Scroll down past the lil pic and just use the list of sites (the pic ones are repeated in the list)
4. Click on the first one and a new window opens
5. The next screen will have a pink box with a four digit number you have to type in the box...somehow this keeps peeps from cheating.
6. The next screen will be your first site....I shrink my window so as to only see the very top where you'll see your "reward" processing then it'll show a new bonus thing where 3 matched numbers gets you that many bonus points. Once that stops then you can leave the window open and go back to the first window and click the next site (this window can be shrunk too so as to see both at the same time)and continue to the bottom of the list.
7. Then I click Blink today in the left hand column and then "My Most Recent Visits"
8. Check the sites with the "r" symbol next to them from the day before....sometimes sponsors quit the program but possibly are still clickable from your history.
9. There is other ways to get points like shopping, trial offers, free stuff and referrals but I skip these. To see points earned click Blink Rewards then MyAccount and it shows all points even the bonus ones.
10. Most sites are clickable every 20 hours but there are currently like 4 that are 24 hours.
11. I'm currently at around 80,000 points so havent cashed out yet and havent done this real regular till now. Takes my about 10-15 minutes depending on what other site I'm doing at the same time.

BTW.....loading all my sites from my favorites folder to the Blink site was a lifesaver for us when we reformated twice. I now have the "blink button" on my tool bar....its found by clicking Tools at the top of the page.

:jester: Lets build this back up fast by copying and pasting from our old posts.
Go to www.searchcactus.com

click on "sign up and win"
Add your pesonal info

After you sign up, whenever you visit the site again, all you have to do is go to member login and login

Once you login it will take you to your account, there you will see your balance.

Near the top of the page (in the light green area) you will see a place to put your search word. Casino, cigarettes, web shopping and web hosting are usually pretty good.

Type in your word, click search. You will then see a list of links, some of which will have an "eye" in front of them(hopefully). Click on those links. Those are the only links that you will get credit($.01). You must let the link load fully and keep it open for 20 seconds...they state 20 seconds but we get credit when they are open about 12-15 seconds.

You can earn $.25 a day for searches. $.01 per search....25 searches doesn't sound so bad and it wasn't, but lately you really have to search for the links you will get credit.

Once you hit the $20.00 level you can click on the "send my check" button on your account page. Searchcactus will send your check out on the 25th of the NEXT month. Example: If you click on "send my check" on the 21st of March they will send a check on the 25th of April. Click on the 2nd of April and you get a check sent out on the 25th of May.

Because this is a time consuming rewards program I'll give you a hint on how to do it more effectively.

This may be tough for some, but try it, it really does save time.

We use MSN Explorer(free) and Internet Explorer(free). We open MSN, go to searchcactus, sign in and start. We then shrink the window by clicking on the "restore" icon in the top rigt corner of your screen and then use the mouse cursor to get it to the size we want by pushing and pulling on the sides of the windows.

Next, we open Internet explorer. We go to Blink(or any other program) and start doing that program. We then size that window so that we can see both (searchcactus and Blink) at the same time.

Then we click back on searchcactus in MSN click on an "eye" and open the link. Since we have about 15 seconds to do something while we wait to get credit for the searcactus link we can then do some of Blink.

Whew.....it is tougher to explain than do. I wouldn't try doing 2 or more rewards programs at once unless you are very comfortable doing each program and with your computer skills (ie. you won't panic when the computer siezes).

We also have a cable modem....I don't think it would be to your advantage to do multiple programs at once if you have a phone line.

If you need my help email me
GoCollect you can not earn money or giftcertificates but you can earn free yankee candles and other collectibles. Look at it as saving money toward other disney things.

All you do is go to the site everyday and you earn 5 points automatically.

They also post surveys and quizzes you can earn 5 - 15 points for once in awhile. They are usually on the collectors community page or in the newsletter.

It takes 500 points for $10 off of an item. When you have 1000 points you can purchase a yankee candle free you just pay shipping.

Easiest program I know!!:cool:

Very easy to do. Log in daily and answer the daily trivia (the answers are usually posted here! Thanks Mal!!). Next, click on clickfix. On the Clickfix page, there will be a lot of links, click on each of them and let the page load (it will tell you when you have received credit). That's all you have to do each day!

You can cash out at 3500 points for a $25 supercertificate that you take to giftcertificates.com. There you can buy such things as Rainforest Cafe, ghiradelli's, and Planet hollywood gift certificates. (They have a ton of things to chose from)
Treasure Surfing

There are basically 3 ways to earn points at Treasure Surfing.

1. Cash for click: This will take you to a cash for search page. You can use their search words or use your own. You must let the results page load completely(but you do not need to click on a result if you do not want). For each search you will be paid .01 and you can do a maximum of 10 searches per day.

2. They have "quick cash" offers that you can do. Some are signups for newslwtters etc. others are for clubs, credit cards etc.

3. Shopping (self explanatory).

Only 1 account is allowed per household and there is a referral system in place. You can cash out at 20.00 for either a cheque or paypal.
If you have any questions let me know.

Mypoints is a very simple program but it is a slow earner right now. With mypoints, the main way right now to earn points is through email. They will send you an email and you just have to respond to it to get the points. Sometimes, they have point opportunities that show up from time to time on their site by visiting certain sites, but these are not daily. The people on this board are great about spotting the place to visit if points do show up. You can also have mulitple household accounts.

With the initial sign up, you can get points for doing a survey as well as visiting some other sites that only gives credit every 365 days.

Wow, I think that is it.

just bumping for any newbies:D minus my post about garageband.com,,what a shame:rolleyes: lol laurie
...and hoping that someone will tell me how to do memolink. I know, I know, I should just follow the instructions, but wouldn't that be a little bit easy?? I'm really interested in what the "daily routine" is to do this program. Thanks so much for anyone that can help!
Bumping again. I'd like to know how to do Memolink and Netflip. Also, are there are any programs that give credit for joining either of these?
I have earned over 25,000 points with mypoints and I have spent alot of those points
for gift certificates to Rainforest Cafe (2750 points for a 25.00 certificate) and other
resteraunts. Most of our food for our upcoming WDW trip will be paid for with these
certificates. You can sign up to get emails sent to you where u earn points just for
reading the mail (5-10 points per email) plus you can shop and earn points, visit
websites and earn points etc...I have redeemed many of my points and received
the certificates and gift cards within a few days. I think its one of the better programs
and it has been around for awhile.

Thanks for this thread....I just discovered this board.

I was checking out the Disney Rewards site and it says there is a partial shutdown.

What type of rewards does this site offer? How easy is it to earn them? Does it take a large amount of points to ear rewards?

Thanks again.
How reliable are these rewards programs? And are they safe ~ meaning do they share all of your personal info that you have to give with anyone? I'd love to join rewards programs that will specifically help with Disney trips. I did sign on to SuzyKats since they have Disney Dollars. Any other suggestions?:earseek:


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