What does everyone think of the new normal (covid related)

I agree with your entire post.

But get this...my sister lives in San Francisco. Home of the elusive Yellow Tier. SF Public schools are STILL not open, with no near term plans to do so. What the heck is even the point of this color system if in the LEAST RESTRICTIVE tier, officials are still not allowing everything to reopen? This just shows the massive flaw in the application of the "equity metric." SFs ACTUAL infection rates mirror OCs, based on per capital rates. The virus is either under control or it isn't and granting counties lower tier status based on some arbitrary equity metric doesn't tell the whole story of what is happening in real time.
Well SF should have never been yellow. They only moved because of the equity matrix and I thought all 3 had to be met. And they moved back to Orange or red today.

But I agree with you. The closed all their ballet studios to in person when they got to yellow which made no sense. They had been opened under red and orange and then they close them?! Their health director is something else.
Dumb? Can't think of a place easier to transfer something like Covid than a place like Disneyworld. Talk about dumb, my brother and his GF went to a casino recently thinking it was safe bc it is now open, and brought home Covid to themselves and my 93 year old dad. Maybe they needed some restrictions and they wouldn't have done it, along with common sense, I told them it was a bad idea. So that's why we need intelligent gov restrictions. They all still have it, my bro and SIL running almost 105 fevers, luckily my dad did not, but right now he is in the hospital bc he had beginnings of pneumonia. Just so tired of dumb. So is that fear mongering??
You are outside, masked up AND socially distanced at Disney. Hand sanitizing stations are everywhere. A bit over the top but doable. IMO

A one size fits all set of restrictions...scary and unnecessary. “Intelligent”...the meaning likely varies depending on who you ask. We can’t even get the the experts to agree on any given day.

I’m sorry your family has the virus. It may be hard to discern where they were exposed. Maybe the casino or possibly the local grocery. Prayers for a speedy recover.
You are outside, masked up AND socially distanced at Disney. Hand sanitizing stations are everywhere. A bit over the top but doable. IMO

A one size fits all set of restrictions...scary and unnecessary. “Intelligent”...the meaning likely varies depending on who you ask. We can’t even get the the experts to agree on any given day.

I’m sorry your family has the virus. It may be hard to discern where they were exposed. Maybe the casino or possibly the local grocery. Prayers for a speedy recover.
Can't get experts to agree any time and also you can get those oppressing you to follow their own rules of oppression. Yet another one went on video to apologize after the fact for going out to a dinner with others in a large group just after ordering everyone not to even get together at home. Same as every other one of them, ordering everyone to stay home from his vacation home 1000 miles away. Going to the salon after ordering salons to be closed, without a mask even. Ordering people not to go to their loved ones' funerals and weddings while attending his son's very large wedding. It goes on and on and on.
You are outside, masked up AND socially distanced at Disney. Hand sanitizing stations are everywhere. A bit over the top but doable. IMO

A one size fits all set of restrictions...scary and unnecessary. “Intelligent”...the meaning likely varies depending on who you ask. We can’t even get the the experts to agree on any given day.

I’m sorry your family has the virus. It may be hard to discern where they were exposed. Maybe the casino or possibly the local grocery. Prayers for a speedy recover.

All the rides at Disney are outside???? Since when? I can't even begin to list the ones that you go inside for, or where you spend at least part of the time inside, or entire ride inside, too many to list. Or how much of WDW you spend inside places, establishments, hotels, etc., etc., etc. Constantly climbing onto and touching things that others go on. As far as where they got it, they went to a casino, stayed overnight, and a couple days later they all were sick. So yes we can discern using our intelligence tho not 100% sure, that the odds were that it likely came from there. In fact, I was angry about it thinking it was a stupid idea and told them so before they went.
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Goodness, as others have asked, where do you live? My high-schooler has been in school everyday since early August. No major problems. School plays, sports and home-coming have been going on. My kid is happy. It’s sad the people ignore the science of schools and COVID.

We're all under CDL. Unrealistic metrics were setup. Under 30 cases per 100K for 2 weeks straight to just for grades K-3 to go back hybrid. Then after 3 weeks of K-3 back in the green, grades 4-12 would be brought back hybrid. The metrics was recently increased to 100 cases per 100K because K-3 still hasn't been brought back for a lot of counties. For ours, the metrics went green for one week, red for the next. No one has been back except Private schools and limited cohorts which goes to teachers who have school aged kids first with them having to do CDL.

Then the explosion of cases happened where we are hitting way over 100 cases for the week. So far we're at almost 60 cases this week and it's only Tuesday. At least the State pause doesn't include the schools, yet with the cases soring like they are, it's very clear grades 4-12 won't be going back this year. Next week is Thanksgiving break. Then it's only 3 weeks of school til winter break with the current metrics grades 4-12 are indeed out from going back.
I can't stand the term 'new normal' to describe living under restrictions. It's all a 'new abnormal to me, and I'm yearning for all this to be over within a year, or even 6 months if science can push hard and we're all vaccinated enough for everything to revert to what it was prior to the pandemic. Everything I've tried adapting to has been an absolute pain, and I hate being forced to wear a face mask because of how annoying it is, especially with my glasses constantly fogging up and needing to find a comfortable way to wear them without causing too much strain on my ears and reducing fog as much as possible, not to mention remembering it every time I go somewhere where it's mandated.

As for how sustainable the 'new normal' is going to be, well, it's already becoming unsustainable. If the virus is going to be around forever, there's no way we'd be forced to put up with all this because everyone will have had enough by then, and there's definitely no way travel restrictions will be around forever. I think, as soon as enough people are vaccinated, we'd be back to the real normal, and I can finally go wherever I want and be able to enjoy myself without social distancing and face mask mandates.
All the rides at Disney are outside???? Since when? I can't even begin to list the ones that you go inside for, or where you spend at least part of the time inside, or entire ride inside, too many to list. Or how much of WDW you spend inside places, establishments, hotels, etc., etc., etc. Constantly climbing onto and touching things that others go on. As far as where they got it, they went to a casino, stayed overnight, and a couple days later they all were sick. So yes we can discern using our intelligence tho not 100% sure, that the odds were that it likely came from there. In fact, I was angry about it thinking it was a stupid idea and told them so before they went.
Although you must be indoors for some activities you are still masked and socially distanced. We wash our hands and use hand sanitizer when necessary and don’t touch our face. If they were sick only a couple of days after the casino visit...odds are they contracted the virus elsewhere
All the rides at Disney are outside???? Since when? I can't even begin to list the ones that you go inside for, or where you spend at least part of the time inside, or entire ride inside, too many to list. Or how much of WDW you spend inside places, establishments, hotels, etc., etc., etc. Constantly climbing onto and touching things that others go on. As far as where they got it, they went to a casino, stayed overnight, and a couple days later they all were sick. So yes we can discern using our intelligence tho not 100% sure, that the odds were that it likely came from there. In fact, I was angry about it thinking it was a stupid idea and told them so before they went.
It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to appear so no that wouldn't be using intelligence just by what you wrote alone. If your brother and his girlfriend completely isolated themselves at home from everyone else for at least 14 days before going to the casino and they went from the house to the casino no stopping and then after the casino they went home and completely isolated themselves then that would be stronger ties to the casino being the point of infection as opposed to being one of the possible points of infection. That's the uphill battle with contact tracing unfortunately.
It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to appear so no that wouldn't be using intelligence just by what you wrote alone. If your brother and his girlfriend completely isolated themselves at home from everyone else for at least 14 days before going to the casino and they went from the house to the casino no stopping and then after the casino they went home and completely isolated themselves then that would be stronger ties to the casino being the point of infection as opposed to being one of the possible points of infection. That's the uphill battle with contact tracing unfortunately.

This is why we need intelligent rules on where to go and close down places where there is a high spread, especially since it is spreading by me again, and I lived in the worst area in the US that had it. I would hope that at the very least, people know that large populated places like casinos may be a high spread area. Don't tell me where my family got it or not, and just for the record I never said I know for sure, I said it was likely, also they don't go out much and order groceries. Seems like just this basic thing seems lost on so many, LARGE POPULATED PLACES WILL SPREAD IT FASTER, we all should know this by now. This illness spreads fast, and is more contagious, that is a known thing. SMH. And listen to the intelligence of experts who have said this very thing. Many do not, which is why we need regulations and lock downs. Thanks also for asking about my family, smh.
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This is why we need intelligent rules on where to go and close down places where there is a high spread, especially since it is spreading by me again, and I lived in the worst area in the US that had it. I would hope that at the very least, people know that large populated places like casinos may be a high spread area. Don't tell me where my family got it or not, and just for the record I never said I know for sure, I said it was likely, also they don't go out much and order groceries. Seems like just this basic thing seems lost on so many, LARGE POPULATED PLACES WILL SPREAD IT FASTER, we all should know this by now. This illness spreads fast, and is more contagious, that is a known thing. SMH. And listen to the intelligence of experts who have said this very thing. Many do not, which is why we need regulations and lock downs bc so many are just plain old stupid. Just like many posts here. Thanks also for asking about my family, smh.
Whew, with all due respect take a breath here.

Your exact comment was "so yes we can discern using our intelligence tho not 100% sure, that the odds were that it likely came from there." but with the details you gave and the way the virus operates the casino is not the only source out there; I was not saying they couldn't possibly have gotten it there just that there are more than one sources depending on their activities before and after they went to the casino. Heck there were cases in my state traced to a rest stop bathroom off of I-70 so activities one does in between things can and have been related to cases and cases are not always associated with what is considered high risk.

Your anger and frustration that they went to a place you feel is high risk (whether it's a casino or not I would imagine) seem to be bleeding through the comments and I do understand that :hug: but my comments were not on an emotional level. They were purely looking at the incubation period and other possible activities and contact tracing. I say with with utmost respect but if you are perceiving comments related to that with such visceral response it may be best to not share those details here on the DIS. I'm truly sorry they contracted the virus and that my comments have apparently hit a nerve, it was not what I was going for.
Whew, with all due respect take a breath here.

Your exact comment was "so yes we can discern using our intelligence tho not 100% sure, that the odds were that it likely came from there." but with the details you gave and the way the virus operates the casino is not the only source out there; I was not saying they couldn't possibly have gotten it there just that there are more than one sources depending on their activities before and after they went to the casino. Heck there were cases in my state traced to a rest stop bathroom off of I-70 so activities one does in between things can and have been related to cases and cases are not always associated with what is considered high risk.

Your anger and frustration that they went to a place you feel is high risk (whether it's a casino or not I would imagine) seem to be bleeding through the comments and I do understand that :hug: but my comments were not on an emotional level. They were purely looking at the incubation period and other possible activities and contact tracing. I say with with utmost respect but if you are perceiving comments related to that with such visceral response it may be best to not share those details here on the DIS. I'm truly sorry they contracted the virus and that my comments have apparently hit a nerve, it was not what I was going for.

Maybe you should have taken your own advice, responding to me with your own visceral reaction and frankly cold hearted comments about something I never even said. I said the ODDS are likely, which is a far cry from what you are saying I said. Actually your response which you are trying to say was meant kind, smh, and I shouldn't have a visceral reaction to was "that is not using your intelligence for", by me saying the odds are likely. Don't pull my comment out of context either, I was replying to someone else who brought up the word "intelligence", saying closing places WDW lacks gov intelligence of something along those lines. As far as emotional level, maybe you should have had some understanding that my only brother, my twin brother and my father are right now suffering from Covid which you didn't care about or respectfully give condolences, just the other stuff which I never even said, seeming to know more about the situation that I do, smh, and I don't have the patience for ignorance. You may also realize that arguing about whether or not crowded places are not a source of Covid, is just plain ignorant. Or arguing with me that I said I knew for sure, and me saying "odds are likely" is not that. We deduced that from the fact also that they do not go anywhere, they get things delivered also. This is not a visceral reaction, this is from an intelligent deduction of where they went and places they have been and even with that, I said ODDS are, not that we knew for sure.
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Maybe you should have taken your own advice, responding to me with your own visceral reaction and frankly cold hearted comments about something I never even said. I said the ODDS are likely, which is a far cry from what you are saying I said. Actually your response which you are trying to say was meant kind, smh, and I shouldn't have a visceral reaction to was "that is not using your intelligence for". Don't pull my comment out of context either, I was replying to someone else who brought up the word "intelligence", saying closing places WDW lacks gov intelligence of something along those lines. As far as emotional level, maybe you should have had some understanding that my only brother, my twin brother and my father are right now suffering from Covid which you didn't even comment on, just the other stuff which I never even said, and I don't have the patience for ignorance. You may also realize that arguing about whether or not crowded places are not a source of Covid, is just plain ignorant. Or arguing with me that I said I knew for sure, and me saying "odds are likely" is not that. We deduced that from the fact also that they do not go anywhere, they get things delivered also. This is not a visceral reaction, this is from an intelligent deduction of where they went and places they have been and even with that, I said ODDS are, not that we knew for sure.
We seem to be talking past each other I don't think my comments were visceral at all they were speaking on a practical level. I'm not arguing nor am I intending to argue but it appears at the moment anything I say in response to you is perceived to be one. I'm going to stop there because this seems to be an issue that cannot be discussed. I wish you and your family the best :flower3:
I'm excited for some of these changes, we have for sure done contactless delivery more and curbside is nice. I know curbside existed in some places before this but it's been wonderful just how many places jumped on board, some just because they had to by a mandate or public health order or state of emergency declaration, but still.

I do sympathize with the phone part. Before this mess I'm sure people disliked that Disney was relying heavily on the phone users. Now it's all over people's lives with the using of phones for COVID.
My entire family is considered essential and has continued to work (Not from home) during the lockdown/restrictions We travel (drive and/or fly), visit family, dine out, go to the nail/hair salon, movies, dentist, doctor, masseuse, beach, school, etc BUT we use reasonable precautions. Do we feel invincible? Absolutely not but we are careful. Maybe something is working?

Currently we are unable to attend the theater, concerts, sporting events or travel outside of the states. Not normal for us but I don't expect it to be forever. Thankfully vaccines will be available in the near future.
This is why we need intelligent rules on where to go and close down places where there is a high spread, especially since it is spreading by me again, and I lived in the worst area in the US that had it. I would hope that at the very least, people know that large populated places like casinos may be a high spread area. Don't tell me where my family got it or not, and just for the record I never said I know for sure, I said it was likely, also they don't go out much and order groceries. Seems like just this basic thing seems lost on so many, LARGE POPULATED PLACES WILL SPREAD IT FASTER, we all should know this by now. This illness spreads fast, and is more contagious, that is a known thing. SMH. And listen to the intelligence of experts who have said this very thing. Many do not, which is why we need regulations and lock downs bc so many are just plain old stupid. Just like many posts here. Thanks also for asking about my family, smh.
Maybe you should have taken your own advice, responding to me with your own visceral reaction and frankly cold hearted comments about something I never even said. I said the ODDS are likely, which is a far cry from what you are saying I said. Actually your response which you are trying to say was meant kind, smh, and I shouldn't have a visceral reaction to was "that is not using your intelligence for", by me saying the odds are likely. Don't pull my comment out of context either, I was replying to someone else who brought up the word "intelligence", saying closing places WDW lacks gov intelligence of something along those lines. As far as emotional level, maybe you should have had some understanding that my only brother, my twin brother and my father are right now suffering from Covid which you didn't care about or respectfully give condolences, just the other stuff which I never even said, seeming to know more about the situation that I do, smh, and I don't have the patience for ignorance. You may also realize that arguing about whether or not crowded places are not a source of Covid, is just plain ignorant. Or arguing with me that I said I knew for sure, and me saying "odds are likely" is not that. We deduced that from the fact also that they do not go anywhere, they get things delivered also. This is not a visceral reaction, this is from an intelligent deduction of where they went and places they have been and even with that, I said ODDS are, not that we knew for sure.
I just want to say I'm so sorry to hear about your family's situation :( This virus is just unfair :( :(

I don't think that person meant something bad by what they wrote. I'm not reading their interaction with you the same as you, I think. I don't think either of you are necessarily wrong but there seems to be a misunderstanding with what they were saying and how you read it or how they were saying and how it could be read. Troubles with talking on the internet I think. The person seems to just be talking about things we all talk about which is just how difficult it can be to figure out where this virus is coming from. I've been reading that spread is so wide in many places that contact tracing is too difficult to be used effectively which is just a shame! I hope the day gets better for us all! I need more :coffee: myself ::yes:: Back to the topic for me :flower1:
We use Zoom for our book clubs.
That is a great idea! Do you meet once a month virtually or weekly? Or is it just whenever everyone is done with the book?

I've used zoom a few times and I never had used it before this virus, I wasn't comfortable with video chats (still working on that truthfully). I liked the different backgrounds you could use, we used spaceship earth one time and it was so cute, but found that if you had more than 1 person the background often made one person disappear too much.
The data supports that Disney is doing what it takes to keep it from spreading there. The data (from other states) supports that the schools are likewise not spreading COVID. Both are closed in CA though (so it's really not spreading there), yet the Casino is open? My point exactly. I understand we need to sacrifice, but the sacrifice has to be based on something and it has to have a positive effect. It's not.

You know what else the data supports? That remote learning is a complete failure - yet we are still doing that too. Frankly I'd rather all the schools were just shut and we pick back up when the schools can ALL be open - just take the year off. Not because of COVID though (but believe that if you want) - how are kids in LA county, that has been shut from the start ever going to catch up to the kids in all the other states where schools are open?

Schools are spreading COVID. We've seen it in my area. As I said in another thread, parents are not testing their children. In one of our high schools a cohort had to quarantine because 1 student had positive. Other kids in the cohort became ill later but parents did not have them tested because they didn't see the point. Loss of smell and taste was the main symptom, which is a huge symptom to COVID so if they have that symptom why have them tested?

Others have said that the private schools are not having problems with COIVD outbreaks but they are. It's just not reported as often via new media because they tend to focus more on public schools. A friend of mine teaches at a private Catholic school. She got COIVD last March and she knows she got it from school because many of the students had been in Italy on a school trip and some of them were ill when they returned home. There have also been some private preschools, such as Primrose, that have reported students and staff who have become infected.

My main point about school data is that parents aren't testing their kids so therefore we don't have accurate data on how many cases are being transmitted at schools. Also with the lack of contract tracing in our country we will never know where people are contracting the virus.
That is a great idea! Do you meet once a month virtually or weekly? Or is it just whenever everyone is done with the book?

I've used zoom a few times and I never had used it before this virus, I wasn't comfortable with video chats (still working on that truthfully). I liked the different backgrounds you could use, we used spaceship earth one time and it was so cute, but found that if you had more than 1 person the background often made one person disappear too much.

We do it once a month. I’m in two book clubs, so twice a month for me.
Schools are spreading COVID. We've seen it in my area. As I said in another thread, parents are not testing their children. In one of our high schools a cohort had to quarantine because 1 student had positive. Other kids in the cohort became ill later but parents did not have them tested because they didn't see the point. Loss of smell and taste was the main symptom, which is a huge symptom to COVID so if they have that symptom why have them tested?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck. I imagine the actual COVID numbers are much higher than is reported for every demographic for this reason. If it doesn’t change the treatment a positive test isn’t that beneficial.


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