What are the crowds like in mid July??


A DIS Veteran who just won't grow up!
Aug 6, 2000
Ok...thanks to you all I have ideas on where to eat and definately what not to miss when we're there in July.
Now...the ultimate question!! How bad are the crowds around the 3rd week in July. Don't hold back; I can take it. I go to WDW in the summer all the time!! :D :D

Poly -'76,'78,'82,'85,'89
DVC/BWV - 8/00, 07/01

"I won't grow up, I won't grow up"
July is very busy and hot! Expect crowds to be huge.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
That's what I thought. I've been to Florida many times during the summer and I'm all too familiar with the "Double H's"...heat and humidity. I really had no idea about the crowds. So it's basically like WDW; CROWDED!!! That's ok..we'll take it easy! :)

Poly -'76,'78,'82,'85,'89
DVC/BWV - 8/00, 07/01

"I won't grow up, I won't grow up"
We went in July 1999 (4th of July timeframe). It wasn't bad for the first hour or two--We went right into SpiderMan and a couple other rides. Then it started to get crowded. Still not as bad as WDW, which was crowded within the first 15-30 minutes. We're going back in April of this year (no kids this time so I can ride what I want to!) Hopefully the Easter break won't be a problem with crowds.


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