We Ate, We Drank, We Conquered - An Aug/Sep '16 Dining Report - Complete 3/11

Somehow I got behind all over again. But I am all caught up now...

....And here it is with the official Disney food model

She is quite the natural. Love that facial expression!

Jason went with a new to him dish, the Traditional Sosatie which is Braai Lamb with Apricots, Butternut Squash, Bacon, Cashews, and Goat Cheese.

This is definitely something right up my alley (sans the bacon of course) although how anyone can eat anything more after that bread service is beyond me.

From there we canoed through the deep south where somehow Randy "Macho Man" Savage ended up with us.

Yes ladies and gentlemen I really have two children :P


But the boba balls are fun so coupled with extreme sweetness this was of course right up my 5 year old's alley.

Mine too....

I'm sad to see these are no longer on the menu, but I'm looking forward to trying their new version which is pork and corn pancakes.

That's too bad about the arepas being replaced by a pork dish. Which made me just check out their menu and I'm really liking what I see

In the new to us area, we also tried the Shiriki Noodle Salad.

Mmmm, YUM!

Since we'd shared the appetizers we had thankfully left room for dessert. Our server had recommended the Kungaloosh, which is An African-inspired Chocolate Cake with Caramelized Bananas served with Cashew-Caramel Ice Cream topped with Coffee Dust.

Casey described this as a party on her spoon and I must say I have to agree. The chocolate cake was very dense, almost like a brownie, then had an unexpected caramel center.

Jason even liked this more than the Ooey Gooey Cake at Liberty Tree.

My kind of dessert! LOVE Casey's description of it. And since the menu change over at Liberty, a meal at Skipper's plus this dessert seems like a no brainer. But who knows? A lot can change in 5 years...


It took her a good 5 minutes to "construct" her sundae, but once she dug in she declared "Dessert is My Favorite Ride."

Smart girl

Casey commented that I'm "always looking for wine"

:rotfl:, see above comment
I love how "Casey-Day" was really a heavily guided "Casey Day".

Nice choice for Via Napoli! Can't go wrong with Pizza & Beer! I get my Naples pizza Friday pre-races! Your look so good but with going with the 'nothing new' I'm going to stick with something like bbq chicken or bacon.

Can't wait to see where adult night is :)
Spoiler alert one of us imbibes a little too much. I'll let ya make some bets on who that is.

Well, because you are a woman after my own heart, my money is on you. Don't let me down! ;)

Casey makes good choices. Via Napoli for the win!
Hey there! Due to computer trouble Have been MIA for ages, but now I'm back and catching up!

I am glad to see you finally made it to Trail's End! Glad to see you enjoyed it. You have me CRAVING an avocado margarita now. I have been considering going the two apps route at San Angel and I think you convinced me to do it. Too bad about the gross fishy smell at The Wave. We had a bad experience there a few years ago and it really but us off of ever going back.

I am back and forth about Tiffins this trip. I don't know! The menu honestly doesn't look super appealing to me, but it seems like it has to be good. Now your review has me pondering a last minute ADR change. Ahhhh! What to do?
Sorry to hear about the stinky fishy smell at the Wave! We had the breakfast buffet there once and loved the sweet potato pancakes! Via Napoli has always been a hit for us as well yummy! Kylo Ren really creeped us out as well, I got a priceless picture of Andi giving him a look of disgust.
Just began planning a trip for May. I keep waffling about Via Napoli.Mike hates pizza. Going back and forth between that and Rose & Crown. Your Via report looks mighty tasty.
I've always lurked on dining reviews, but I had to say, I enjoy yours so much. We seem to have similar tastes and I love that your kid is just a small person who seems really cool and self-assured. Anyway, thanks for the great reviews and the entertainment.
Hi there. Skipper Canteen looks delish! I'm excited to try it on our next trip. I think we will be in WDW around the same time. Aww, poor Casey with her smeared face paint. Sucks getting caught in the rain. I am also from DC suburbs. Did you know there is a restaurant at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda run by the same people as Via Napoli? It's called Naples Ristorante , they even have the same ovens. Fun to try when you have a case of the Disney blues. Looking forward to next update -Amada
which hit the proverbial beer spot (in case anyone is wondering the beer spot is just above your belly button and a little to the right)
Oooh . . . I've been wondering where that is! I knew my beer was going somewhere :scratchin. Thanks for the belly button up!

I haven't been to Via Napoli for years. So many great foody choices at Epcot & so little time. I will definitely have to make a point to commit (myself) to that yummy pizza ::yes::
So I've already convinced AJ to ride Splash Mtn again by offering to get him something from the shop there or somewhere else close by to there! #Winning Haha.

Love Casey day thus far! And glad for the Via Napoli review. We are doing it in June and I'm either getting your choice or the other white pizza. I love me a white pizza but I rarely get to partake.

Nice Magic shot! Yes, I think I'll try the getting my boys to disappear, as well. Let me file that info away...lol.

Kylo wasn't too scary in June. We all showed him our Star Wars "good guy" shirts and he seemed none too impressed. Oh well.

My boys met Sophia in June at H&V. AJ protested so much before we got there but then he just grinned the whole time she was at the table. We'll be back again this June so I'll be sure to torture him some more. Haha.
UHM now that I have wiped all of the drool off my keyboard I can tell ya I love your report. Casey is cute as heck and I love her daring appetite. Y'all are hilarious can't wait to read more.
Dessert is My Favorite Ride

We got an extra surprise when the lights in space were on and we could see first hand the mangled mess of
metal we'd just experienced.

Your titles always make me :) & since this one is a direct quote from Casey, that's just awesome!

I've always wanted to see Space Mountain w/the lights on but unfortunately, never got the chance to experience it yet. It looks scary from your pic & I'm glad I saw it after I broke my 3 year streak of being too scared to go on Space Mountain all of the sudden. Haha! It didn't really have much to do w/the ride itself but the fact that a few years ago, I tweaked my back on it & thankfully it wasn't too bad, but bad enough to give me a scare. I had a friend who went several years ago & after riding it, his back was pretty much out for the rest of his trip. No Fun! But, I convinced myself finally to go on it again & maybe it's me, but it seems like the track got smoother. I'm wondering if they redid the track some time during my veto phase?

I'm sorry you had to endure that awful smell at the Wave. It does not sound appetizing.. I've never gone to eat there but am planning to one of these days when I might be able to manage to fit it in for breakfast at some point on an MK day. The breakfast buffet there looks really yummy!

Casey Day

I think for at least our last 5 trips to Via Napoli I always get the Carciofi and added arugula to it.

That pizza looks & sounds amazing! When I get the chance to go back there again, I might try it. I was thinking at first that I'd miss the traditional style pizza I'm used to w/marinara but it looks like it might be worth a try. I'm all about anything truffle!
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I've decided to put an end to my lurking and let you know that I love reading your dining reports! Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip!
Hi everyone!!!! Sorry for the delay in responding, but I've had a very rough time sunning, eating, and of course drinking my way through Key West for the last week!!! Key West is my adult Disney World and it did not disappoint. We had an amazing Casey-free week with our best friends that was sun and alcohol soup for my soul.

Speaking of my soul, we will be home just 13 days before our Disney trip. In what will prove my lack of planning skills, despite scheduling these trips in August and October respectively, somehow it took us until December to realize they were so close time wise. We thought we had a solid month in between #Oops. Good news is I only have to go to work for 9 days before we leave again. Bad news is its gonna be a long time before any semblance of vacation comes my way again.

Based on your (and @Lisa F ) Skippers review I have changed our May plan up a bit so we can try this. I promise the fact that I could get an adult beverage now did not affect this choice at all! :rolleyes1
Of course alcohol did not influence your decision. It would never influence any of us :drinking1 Glad to hear you changed. We'll be back again next month so I'll be sure to let you know if the hype continues.
:rotfl:That is the BEST magic shot I've ever seen! Disney magic can make children disappear pixiedust:

I don't know why we haven't been back to VN since Nov. 2015, especially since I was sick then and couldn't eat my meal. We love it and have had numerous trips since then. I've also never had the carciofi pizza and I know I'd love it so we may have to go back there soon, especially if we stand the chance of seeing Linguini :rotfl2:
Magical disappearing children! Think what a good advertisement for Disney that could be!

I'm sure in NY you have lots of great pizza that probably precludes VN. We have one really solid place by our house, but nothing can still beat VN or the carciofi for me.

Greetings from a frigid but mostly non-snowy Atlanta, where the cold weekend has finally brought me back to the Dis to check in on all my favorite threads. I've gotten all caught up! Definitely laughed a lot and had to read some passages aloud to my peanut gallery (R laughed, the dog did not).
Greetings from kinda cold but definitely rainy DC. I'm going to have to work on my material to get the dog laughing along. Usually my sarcasam and alcohol humor play great with the canine crowd. :-)

"Ma'am, before you leave, we'll need to check your receipt for a bread service." This may be true since I convinced some guy at the Sanaa bar to purchase the bread service, which he didn't like (weirdo), and then give the rest to me. At least he had the correct receipt to be able to leave the premises.
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Though please tell me you made sure he didn't double dip :-)

Jason is my spirit animal!
You and he can be spirit animals for each other. Me and whiskey just do not get along!

Hilariously enough when I purchased a bottle in the WL gift shop the cast member asked me if I had a wine opener. I think I might have responded "this ain't my first rodeo" but at least they are warning people over there at the wilderness...
Wonder if they switched up to no corkscrews everywhere? This ain't my first rodeo either :-) but we've never had an issue with the store opening a bottle for us before. Knowing I'll never remember to pack one, gonna have to go screw top all the way next trip!

If you would stop posting about the Carciofi I might stop craving it and I might not have a fat roll above my beer spot... oh who am I kidding I would crave it anyway.

That would make me happy too! I have a hard time deciding which I like best Via Napoli or Tutto Italia. My family are suckers for Italian food and both have been good for us.
It's definitely VN for us. We're huge Italian fans, but since I'm half Italian and can whip up some mean dishes and Jason owned an Italian restaurant for a while, pizza is the one thing we can't do. So we really appreciate the wonder that is VN. And yes I know I'm completely spoiled.

Wow, they are really pulling out all the stops with these special add ons and magical experiences. They must be putting their best people on photopass these days :sad2:
Yep, no cut back on photo pass cast members or overall quality overall!

Ah ha! Here's where I make my money back! Any takers?...no...to easy...oh well. I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat with anticipation to find out the answer in the next update.
Coming up very soon...

That's too bad about the arepas being replaced by a pork dish. Which made me just check out their menu and I'm really liking what I see
Of course it just gives me an excuse to try something new :-)

She is quite the natural. Love that facial expression!
She is definitely a natural. Getting herself ready for her self professed future career in modeling :-)

I love how "Casey-Day" was really a heavily guided "Casey Day".

Nice choice for Via Napoli! Can't go wrong with Pizza & Beer! I get my Naples pizza Friday pre-races! Your look so good but with going with the 'nothing new' I'm going to stick with something like bbq chicken or bacon.

Can't wait to see where adult night is :)
Heavily guided Casey Day or Casey Day, when you're five you don't really know the difference :-) Thankfully for my sake she is very easily influenced. I may not feel the same way in another 10 years though.
Well, because you are a woman after my own heart, my money is on you. Don't let me down! ;)

Casey makes good choices. Via Napoli for the win!

Hey there! Due to computer trouble Have been MIA for ages, but now I'm back and catching up!

I am glad to see you finally made it to Trail's End! Glad to see you enjoyed it. You have me CRAVING an avocado margarita now. I have been considering going the two apps route at San Angel and I think you convinced me to do it. Too bad about the gross fishy smell at The Wave. We had a bad experience there a few years ago and it really but us off of ever going back.

I am back and forth about Tiffins this trip. I don't know! The menu honestly doesn't look super appealing to me, but it seems like it has to be good. Now your review has me pondering a last minute ADR change. Ahhhh! What to do?
Thanks again for the Trails End assist. If it wasn't for you I'd never have gotten off my lazy **** and gotten over there

Hi there! When are you all going again? We're trying Tiffins again next month so I'll have more to compare it too. The menu didn't jump at me too much at first either, but it was definitely well executed.

Sorry to hear about the stinky fishy smell at the Wave! We had the breakfast buffet there once and loved the sweet potato pancakes! Via Napoli has always been a hit for us as well yummy! Kylo Ren really creeped us out as well, I got a priceless picture of Andi giving him a look of disgust.
Yeah, the Wave breakfast was a totally different food (and smell) experience for us too. Who knows what was going on that day!

Just began planning a trip for May. I keep waffling about Via Napoli.Mike hates pizza. Going back and forth between that and Rose & Crown. Your Via report looks mighty tasty.
I've heard great things about the VN non-pizza entrees too, though I can never imagine hating pizza and having anything but that :-)

I've always lurked on dining reviews, but I had to say, I enjoy yours so much. We seem to have similar tastes and I love that your kid is just a small person who seems really cool and self-assured. Anyway, thanks for the great reviews and the entertainment.
Wow, thanks so much for the very kind words. Casey is a pretty darn cool kid if I say so myself (just don't tell her or her already inflated ego will grow more).

Hi there. Skipper Canteen looks delish! I'm excited to try it on our next trip. I think we will be in WDW around the same time. Aww, poor Casey with her smeared face paint. Sucks getting caught in the rain. I am also from DC suburbs. Did you know there is a restaurant at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda run by the same people as Via Napoli? It's called Naples Ristorante , they even have the same ovens. Fun to try when you have a case of the Disney blues. Looking forward to next update -Amada
Hi there!!!! Hope you all have a great trip!

Yep, I've heard about the place in Bethesda just haven't ventured over there. We live in Fairfax County so as you know traversing 66 and the beltway is never fun. But as we look to take a disney break for a while after our next trip I'm sure it will come in handy for a fix!

Oooh . . . I've been wondering where that is! I knew my beer was going somewhere :scratchin. Thanks for the belly button up!

I haven't been to Via Napoli for years. So many great foody choices at Epcot & so little time. I will definitely have to make a point to commit (myself) to that yummy pizza ::yes::
So glad to assist. My beer generally goes straight to my stomach, but the traverse through the belly button helps a bit :P

So I've already convinced AJ to ride Splash Mtn again by offering to get him something from the shop there or somewhere else close by to there! #Winning Haha.
Definite winning. A little bribery never hurt anyone!

Love Casey day thus far! And glad for the Via Napoli review. We are doing it in June and I'm either getting your choice or the other white pizza. I love me a white pizza but I rarely get to partake.
Hope you all love it as much as we did. And why do I think you'll try some white pizza and you're crew will be right there in cheese and pepperoni land :rolleyes1

My boys met Sophia in June at H&V. AJ protested so much before we got there but then he just grinned the whole time she was at the table. We'll be back again this June so I'll be sure to torture him some more. Haha.
Bribery and torture. The hallmarks of good parenting!

UHM now that I have wiped all of the drool off my keyboard I can tell ya I love your report. Casey is cute as heck and I love her daring appetite. Y'all are hilarious can't wait to read more.
Thanks so much!!!

I've always wanted to see Space Mountain w/the lights on but unfortunately, never got the chance to experience it yet. It looks scary from your pic & I'm glad I saw it after I broke my 3 year streak of being too scared to go on Space Mountain all of the sudden. Haha! It didn't really have much to do w/the ride itself but the fact that a few years ago, I tweaked my back on it & thankfully it wasn't too bad, but bad enough to give me a scare. I had a friend who went several years ago & after riding it, his back was pretty much out for the rest of his trip. No Fun! But, I convinced myself finally to go on it again & maybe it's me, but it seems like the track got smoother. I'm wondering if they redid the track some time during my veto phase?
Yikes on your back. I'm not sure if the track has gotten any smoother, but from the mangled mess of medal I think you can see why you might get whirled around a bit. I've gotten knocked around pretty good on it before too and find if you just go with it and not fight it, all is good! Hopefully I didn't just convince you to back into your veto phase.

That pizza looks & sounds amazing! When I get the chance to go back there again, I might try it. I was thinking at first that I'd miss the traditional style pizza I'm used to w/marinara but it looks like it might be worth a try. I'm all about anything truffle!
Yeah, I'm all about the marina too but the truffle more than makes up for the lack of tomato.

I've decided to put an end to my lurking and let you know that I love reading your dining reports! Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip!
:welcome: So glad to hear you are enjoying it!
"Casey" Day Part Deux

As today was Casey day what does any child want more than anything in Disney? To meet Mickey? To dine with Princesses? To be a freakin' Princess? No, in the case of our child, to be away from the buzz kills known as Mom and Dad of course :-)

Tonight Casey had one thing on her mind: Lilo's Playhouse! For those unfamiliar this is the Disney child care service at the Polynesian and Casey loves it! We've done this one night a trip for the last few and its been a huge hit. She gets to play and do whatever she wants all night and we get to remember who our younger, kid-free selves used to be. When I dropped her off Captain Hook was in the playhouse so she was set!

Speaking of set, Jason and I had plans to eat and drink our way through Disney Springs but with the impending hurricane and tons of rain, we elected to go elsewhere, that was ya know, indoors!

We started off right at the Poly at Tambu Lounge. Jason went with Bear Republic's Racer 5

And I went for this...

In what will be a reoccurring issue tonight, my notes are a little spotty, so I have no idea what this is. This of course will have nothing to do with my level of intoxication :-) So maybe someone can help a girl out and let me know what this was. Besides seeing it has mint in it, I did at least write down that I didn't like it :P

Due to the weather, we elected to do our drink and appetizer crawl through the Swan and Dolphin. We figured they had the most options available to us without having to be outside. After a quick ride our first stop Shula's.

This was our first time here and all I can say is I felt like we were traveling back in time. From our server in fishnets, shorts, and go go boots to the football they apparently take to your table with you, this is definitely a "masculine" place. But it was a masculine place with a bar and food/drinks, so we were in. Speaking of drinks, Jason made a switch and moved to some Rye Whiskey.

And I went with some kind of Florida Citrus Gin Drink.

Don't know the exact name, but it apparently was good as I had two.

For eats, they brought us some complimentary popcorn and bread.

I can't recollect anything particular about the popcorn, but the bread was sourdough perfection. Definitely the best "non-fancy" bread I've had on property.

We also ordered their Premium Black Angus Steak Tartare

I'm sure many of you are gagging right about now, but the only thing better than a good medium rare steak is one that isn't cooked at all! This was served with some toasted brioche and caper aioli mixed it. Our only complaint was it needed more acid so we asked for some lemon and more caper aioli and presto it was perfect!

From Shula's we moved onto BlueZoo. We saddled up to the bar and of course ordered more drinks. Jason stayed with his rye and I elected to at least stay in the gin family and went with The Local Bee's Knee's (bonus points to me for remembering the name).

This is a re-imagined classic cocktail featuring st. augustine gin, breckenridge bitters, fresh citrus, and honey syrup. shaken and served up with an orange blossom honey foam. As my glassy eyes will attest this was STRONG. Like pure gin kinda strong. Jason thought it tasted like plastic, he was kinda right but I insisted to him at least that it was a throwback and we should appreciate the rich history of gin :-) Thankfully I still had some sense in me as I switched to some kind of white wine rather than a second one of these.

For eats they had a small bites menu where I think you could pick 2 things for something like $10. My senses should have told me that just meant these were minuscule, but my brain heard DEAL! For those who didn't like the beef picture avert your eyes, because we stayed in that vein with their Yellow Fin Tuna Tartare.

This is tuna with miso caviar, scallion cream, and nitro siracha aïoli. This was a teeny, tiny little portion but packed a lot of wasabi and soy flavor.

Our second pick was their Crispy Asian Pork Rib.

Yes we got just one rib and Yes you see a mushroom! Somehow my eyes didn't see the dang mushroom word in their description of serving the rib with
spring peas, sweet thai chili sauce, prosciutto di parma, beech mushrooms, but it was large so I could eat around it. As a lover of all things prosciutto I appreciated the cracklings on top and it went well with the sweet heat of the rib. It wasn't worth $5 but it wasn't bad either.

From Bluezoo we ventured to our last stop of the evening: Il Mulino. At this point my wonderful husband was about 3 sheets to the wind thanks to 4 or 5 rye whiskey's so I took over as the responsible adult (shocking I know). I stuck with my go to wine and asked Jason to order me a nice glass of red while I ran to the bathroom to dry off after our rain soaked run over (we inadvertently took the open air route instead of the covered one I'm sure no one at this point is wondering what caused that) .

He listened indeed and ordered us both a glass of some kind of Super Tuscan that was apparently $25 a glass. At least we didn't buy the whole bar a round :-)

For eats were in need of some much needed protein and carbs so we started with their meatballs.

I'll get my snobbery out of the way now and preface this by saying I'm a 2nd generation Italian American with a chef for a husband so we are picky about our Italian food. The Il Mulino meatballs were very tender and their sauce good, but I'm gonna have to say my meatballs and sauce is better. Now if only I could find a way to sell mine for $4 a piece I'd really be in business :-)

In the carb department, we ordered the Gnocchi Bolognese.

Their bolofness (as I called bolognese in my notes) was quite good (I confess this is one sauce I can never get right) and their gnocchi was clearly homemade as it was soft and pillowy. Now their gnocchi's weren't as good as Jason's, but this hit the carb spot!!!

We elected to call it a night after Il Mulino while Jason was still upright :-) We got back to the Poly a bit after ten and while I picked Casey up, Jason had other things on his mind...

Nothing like licking a dole whip with your kid in the lobby of the Poly after a fun night of food and drinks!!!

In case no one can tell, we thoroughly enjoyed our night and remembering the people we used to be. I even kept track of our Tables in Wonderland savings, which across the 3 restaurants (plus Tambu) was $43 bringing our total savings to $137. I'm looking forward to our trip NEXT WEEK and hopefully getting to do the same in Disney Springs. I just intend for me to be the drunkin' one next time :P

Up next, food, wine, and Hurricane Hermine!

Your date night seems like a lot of fun. I think I would be all over Jason's drink and all of your food choices! You can keep all that gin to yourself ;).
I almost texted you last week and then I saw your beer post on FB :drinking1I'm glad you guys had a great time!

Speaking of my soul, we will be home just 13 days before our Disney trip.
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 I can't wait to hear about that trip!

I'm sure many of you are gagging right about now, but the only thing better than a good medium rare steak is one that isn't cooked at all
Yup, I gagged lol. I could see some of it in the picture of Jason before you mentioned what it was and, although I knew it couldn't be, my first thought was dog food :faint:

He listened indeed and ordered us both a glass of some kind of Super Tuscan that was apparently $25 a glass. At least we didn't buy the whole bar a round :-)
Are you sure?

I'll get my snobbery out of the way now and preface this by saying I'm a 2nd generation Italian American with a chef for a husband so we are picky about our Italian food. The Il Mulino meatballs were very tender and their sauce good, but I'm gonna have to say my meatballs and sauce is better. Now if only I could find a way to sell mine for $4 a piece I'd really be in business :-)
I think all good Italians think their meatballs and sauce are better than anywhere else. I still haven't found one that beats my Mama's!

Their bolofness (as I called bolognese in my notes) was quite good
:rotfl::rotfl2:Since Steve is also a 2nd generation Italian, I'm totally asking him to make BOLOFNESS for us now. I can't wait to see what he comes up with......
Seriously though :cool: I almost tried the bolognese in Nov. but instead went with the same entree I'd had in Aug. since I loved it so much. But now I know I'll be safe getting bolofness next time :thumbsup2
We missed you! So exciting that you are headed back to WDW in short order. I bet the Keys were fantastic with the wonderfully warm weather we've been experiencing in the south this "winter"

maybe someone can help a girl out and let me know what this was. Besides seeing it has mint in it, I did at least write down that I didn't like it :P
Fairly sure this is the raspberry ginger mojito. I have also fallen victim to the yummy description and also did not care for it.

The Local Bee's Knee's
My favorite local place does a great Bee's Knees which is always tasty so it's a bit disappointing that yours tasted like plastic. Sometimes I feel like when a bartender is unleashed with too many bitters and shrubs and tinctures and things they can come up with some unique but icky concoctions...

Yes we got just one rib and Yes you see a mushroom! Somehow my eyes didn't see the dang mushroom word in their description of serving the rib with spring peas, sweet thai chili sauce, prosciutto di parma, beech mushrooms, but it was large so I could eat around it. As a lover of all things prosciutto I appreciated the cracklings on top and it went well with the sweet heat of the rib. It wasn't worth $5 but it wasn't bad either.
LOL well that's disappointing. This made me laugh since my sister's guideline for value is always the $5 threshold - if it's $5 or under she will buy it to try it. If not, no dice.

The Il Mulino meatballs were very tender and their sauce good, but I'm gonna have to say my meatballs and sauce is better. Now if only I could find a way to sell mine for $4 a piece I'd really be in business
Well that's disappointing but since no one is making meatballs at my house I believe I may give these a shot...

Their bolofness (as I called bolognese in my notes) was quite good (I confess this is one sauce I can never get right) and their gnocchi was clearly homemade as it was soft and pillowy. Now their gnocchi's weren't as good as Jason's, but this hit the carb spot!!!
Oh I LOVE bolognese and it is such a PITA to make at home (and never turns out how I'm expecting) I'm definitely adding Il Mulino to the list...
My favorite bolognese is Marcella Hazan's original recipe. Her later version, in Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking, ups the veg more than I'd like and makes it sweeter. The original is beefy goodness. I quadruple it and often use some ground pork along with the ground chuck. Big batches take all day waiting for the liquids to reduce! It really shines with homemade pasta or in her lasagna recipe. She's bossy, reminding me of my Irish Grandma, but I have never regretted following her instructions! You really want to buy a brand like Pomi if yummy fresh ones aren't available. I've had good luck with D.O.P San Marzano in most of my red sauces.


Fun night out! My mom and I grabbed drinks at Blue Zoo and devoured the crab nachos. She still talks about them.
Really enjoying your reviews. Jason's Bear Republic beer reminded me of our trip to wine country when we ate at their brewpub in Healdsburg. Enjoy your trip next week.


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