WDW Summary of NEW DAS changes and Disney Genie - Post ONE is an updated summary

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Just got back from Disney World for my November trip - picking Return times in the app is wonderful and worked really well for me. When it didn't work, it was either because the app decided for no good reason to sign me out (signing in fixed it) - or one time I had to close and re-open the app. You must be scanned into the park for the DAS tile to show up though.

The pre-selections also worked great, no issues at all. Overall the new system is really good imho, I was very happy with it - we personally did not feel the need to buy Genie+ or any ILL$, but if you did - you could ride even more rides this way.

I have another trip planned in December, some interesting observations...

1. When I booked my initial trip, it was just my wife and I. I told the video chat person that I had a 2nd trip in December with my 2 children too - I should have had him add them to DAS right away even though they were not going in November - this caused an issue when trying to make my pre-selections for my December trip because they had to add my kids.

2. When making my pre-selections for December, they told me they would not allow me to pick times anymore, Nelson told me he would only pick the first available times, I had no choice.

3. My DAS expired 60 days from the first day of my trip in November, *NOT* 60 days from when I registered - so while I registered on 10/12/21, my DAS actually expires on 1/9/2022 (60 days from 11/11/21). I was worried because my DAS would have expired in the middle of my December trip if it expired 60 days from 10/12/21. No issues doing all of my pre-selections in this case.

4. Something has changed with Disney's chat feature.

Timeline today was from 7am - 9:29am to get my pre-selections made, mostly because it took over an hour to add my kids to DAS...
1. Started chat at 7am
2. 7:26am - Chatted with Martini - she confirmed my DAS was good through 1/9/2022 and I did not need to do the video chat - transferred me to pre-selections chat
3. 7:30am - Chatted with Nelson for pre-selections, he told me only first available times, no choice on times - but had issues making my pre-selections due to my kids not being part of my DAS party - put me on "hold" while he was trying to fix this at 7:56am because he could not get someone to help him quickly to add them to my DAS party.
4. 9:20am - Nelson finally came back and said it was fixed and added all of my pre-selections and was done by 9:29am.
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Just got back from Disney World for my November trip - picking Return times in the app is wonderful and worked really well for me. When it didn't work, it was either because the app decided for no good reason to sign me out (signing in fixed it) - or one time I had to close and re-open the app. You must be scanned into the park for the DAS tile to show up though.

The pre-selections also worked great, no issues at all. Overall the new system is really good imho, I was very happy with it - we personally did not feel the need to buy Genie+ or any ILL$, but if you did - you could ride even more rides this way.

I have another trip planned in December, some interesting observations...

1. When I booked my initial trip, it was just my wife and I. I told the video chat person that I had a 2nd trip in December with my 2 children too - I should have had him add them to DAS right away even though they were not going in November - this caused an issue when trying to make my pre-selections for my December trip because they had to add my kids.

2. When making my pre-selections for December, they told me they would not allow me to pick times anymore, Nelson told me he would only pick the first available times, I had no choice.

3. My DAS expired 60 days from the first day of my trip in November, *NOT* 60 days from when I registered - so while I registered on 10/12/21, my DAS actually expires on 1/9/2022 (60 days from 11/11/21). I was worried because my DAS would have expired in the middle of my December trip if it expired 60 days from 10/12/21. No issues doing all of my pre-selections in this case.

4. Something has changed with Disney's chat feature.

Timeline today was from 7am - 9:29am to get my pre-selections made, mostly because it took over an hour to add my kids to DAS...
1. Started chat at 7am
2. 7:26am - Chatted with Martini - she confirmed my DAS was good through 1/9/2022 and I did not need to do the video chat - transferred me to pre-selections chat
3. 7:30am - Chatted with Nelson for pre-selections, he told me only first available times, no choice on times - but had issues making my pre-selections due to my kids not being part of my DAS party - put me on "hold" while he was trying to fix this at 7:56am because he could not get someone to help him quickly to add them to my DAS party.
4. 9:20am - Nelson finally came back and said it was fixed and added all of my pre-selections and was done by 9:29am.
I just returned from Disney too and had a similar experience...making return times in the app was so easy, and the advance passes were extremely helpful! After seeing your post about making your advance passes for December, I decided (yesterday) to go ahead and try to do mine for the week before Christmas as well using just the planning chat, and I got a chat started with a CM after a minute (so immediately)! That was at 10:36 central time! The main difference was that she let me choose between three different times for all the attractions. I noticed that they were all during a time that we are normally in the park which is for a couple of hours mid day and a short period after dinner (sometimes). In the mean time, we decided we wanted to change our park passes for one day, so I did another chat at around 9:30 this morning, and I got right through to a CM again! I was actually just going to ask him the procedure for the advance passes if I wanted to change parks, but he asked me what day I wanted to change and switched the park passes for me and then made the advance passes for the new park! I really didn't expect that, but that was really helpful since I'm really not good with technology at all! When he made my passes for the new park, he didn't give me options in time for the advance passes like the CM yesterday, but I noticed he booked them for around the same mid day times we normally go. He had me check the times in MDE, and one was just a bit earlier than we typically go due to my daughter's chronic migraine issues (she is not the one with DAS) so he adjusted that one to a bit later time. This is just a guess since as I said I'm not good with technology, but it seems they really are gathering data about when we go to parks and maybe they are using that data to know what times will work for people for the advance passes? Did you find that to be the case? I suppose if someone goes to parks for a long time during the day normally, it wouldn't be as obvious, but I'm just curious if they're using that data to try to help speed the process? I still don't know why I was able to choose times one day but not the other unless they are just starting the new process or it varies depending on the CM you get?? I guess time will tell, but I was shocked to get to the planning chat so quickly since that took at least an hour to get to a chat a month ago (just planning chat not video chat obviously)! I forgot to mention that my DAS did not become active when I did my initial video chat either which is why it will still be good for my December trip. When I did the video chat back in October, she asked me if I would be needing DAS before my November trip, and since I didn't she started the effective date on the first day of the November trip.
I just returned from Disney too and had a similar experience...making return times in the app was so easy, and the advance passes were extremely helpful! After seeing your post about making your advance passes for December, I decided (yesterday) to go ahead and try to do mine for the week before Christmas as well using just the planning chat, and I got a chat started with a CM after a minute (so immediately)! That was at 10:36 central time! The main difference was that she let me choose between three different times for all the attractions. I noticed that they were all during a time that we are normally in the park which is for a couple of hours mid day and a short period after dinner (sometimes). In the mean time, we decided we wanted to change our park passes for one day, so I did another chat at around 9:30 this morning, and I got right through to a CM again! I was actually just going to ask him the procedure for the advance passes if I wanted to change parks, but he asked me what day I wanted to change and switched the park passes for me and then made the advance passes for the new park! I really didn't expect that, but that was really helpful since I'm really not good with technology at all! When he made my passes for the new park, he didn't give me options in time for the advance passes like the CM yesterday, but I noticed he booked them for around the same mid day times we normally go. He had me check the times in MDE, and one was just a bit earlier than we typically go due to my daughter's chronic migraine issues (she is not the one with DAS) so he adjusted that one to a bit later time. This is just a guess since as I said I'm not good with technology, but it seems they really are gathering data about when we go to parks and maybe they are using that data to know what times will work for people for the advance passes? Did you find that to be the case? I suppose if someone goes to parks for a long time during the day normally, it wouldn't be as obvious, but I'm just curious if they're using that data to try to help speed the process? I still don't know why I was able to choose times one day but not the other unless they are just starting the new process or it varies depending on the CM you get?? I guess time will tell, but I was shocked to get to the planning chat so quickly since that took at least an hour to get to a chat a month ago (just planning chat not video chat obviously)! I forgot to mention that my DAS did not become active when I did my initial video chat either which is why it will still be good for my December trip. When I did the video chat back in October, she asked me if I would be needing DAS before my November trip, and since I didn't she started the effective date on the first day of the November trip.

I did not find that to be the case unfortunately. I might have to actually ask that one be changed because they scheduled it for 11:30am - 12:30pm for the Kilimanjaro Safari and I have a ADR that overlaps with it (11:45am). The Safari ride is so long that if we went at 11:30am it would be past 11:45am when we got off and if we tried to go after lunch it would be passed the 12:30pm end of the pass.

They told me they were only booking first available time slot for me and that was it.

It sounds like perhaps the CM you get may influence whether you're allowed to select times or not though.

Glad to hear wait times are very low too though!
We are planning to renew my son's DAS and use it to book return times the same as we have for the last couple years. Are any of the new changes going to interfere with this plan? Hopefully we can book on the app, but I hear some are having issues. I've heard about some longer lines at LL entrance when requesting return times as well. Any other changes I should be aware of?

The new advanced booking option is not really feasible for us as plans shift based on his capabilities each day. If they are enforcing the 1 hour return window, we likely would not make it to most. I am glad to see that is an option for others!

Everything I've read sounds like the previous system is still an option for us. I am just trying to make sure they didn't include any unwelcome surprises. It seems so unlike Disney to giveth without also taking away. :scratchin
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We are planning to renew my son's DAS and use it to book return times the same as we have for the last couple years. Are any of the new changes going to interfere with this plan? Hopefully we can book on the app, but I hear some are having issues. I've heard about some longer lines at LL entrance when requesting return times as well. Any other changes I should be aware of?

The new advanced booking option is not really feasible for us as plans shift based on his capabilities each day. If they are enforcing the 1 hour return window, we likely would make it to most. I am glad to see that is an option for others!

Everything I've read sounds like the previous system is still an option for us. I am just trying to make sure they didn't include any unwelcome surprises.
DAS Return Times still work exactly the same as before.
The only change to booking them is that you now will have the additional option of booking them on the My Disney Experience app. The old ways have not changed - in person at individual attractions or blue Guest Experience umbrellas.
DAS Return Times are still based on the current wait time in the Standby line and guests can still only have one active DAS Return Time at a time.
DAS Return Time still remains active until it is used, changed, cancelled or until the attraction or park closes for the day.

The other changes have to do with the new video DAS registration and won‘t guests who are registering for DAS in person at Guest Relations at one of the theme parks.

There is more complete info on the first post of this thread, but that’s the quick scoop.
DAS Return Times still work exactly the same as before.
The only change to booking them is that you now will have the additional option of booking them on the My Disney Experience app. The old ways have not changed - in person at individual attractions or blue Guest Experience umbrellas.
DAS Return Times are still based on the current wait time in the Standby line and guests can still only have one active DAS Return Time at a time.
DAS Return Time still remains active until it is used, changed, cancelled or until the attraction or park closes for the day.

The other changes have to do with the new video DAS registration and won‘t guests who are registering for DAS in person at Guest Relations at one of the theme parks.

There is more complete info on the first post of this thread, but that’s the quick scoop.

Perfect, thank you very much! I'll report back on any other observations after our trip next week during one of the busiest time of the year. :wave2:
We are planning to renew my son's DAS and use it to book return times the same as we have for the last couple years. Are any of the new changes going to interfere with this plan? Hopefully we can book on the app, but I hear some are having issues. I've heard about some longer lines at LL entrance when requesting return times as well. Any other changes I should be aware of?

The new advanced booking option is not really feasible for us as plans shift based on his capabilities each day. If they are enforcing the 1 hour return window, we likely would not make it to most. I am glad to see that is an option for others!

Everything I've read sounds like the previous system is still an option for us. I am just trying to make sure they didn't include any unwelcome surprises. It seems so unlike Disney to giveth without also taking away. :scratchin
Last weekend was pretty crowded, but I didn't think the LL entrance was very long for most rides we did. Some were almost empty! I hope it's the same for you next week! Making the return times in the app was so much easier too! There was also a blue umbrella in Toy Story Land going toward TSM. I don't remember that one being there?? MMRR went down for a little while so we needed to change things up a bit. Otherwise, we wouldn't have even needed to visit one of the umbrellas. Have a great trip!
I'm sure I asked this but now I can't find the answer: Does anyone know if the DAS advance selection windows truly expire, or do they just indicate the soonest we can arrive like other returns?
I'm sure I asked this but now I can't find the answer: Does anyone know if the DAS advance selection windows truly expire, or do they just indicate the soonest we can arrive like other returns?
They are only good for the hour window - like FastPass used to be.
Sorry - another question. I keep getting an error that says to go back to the previous page or log in to continue my conversation. When I log back in it still shows my original start time but does anyone know if this is putting me back at the bottom of the queue every time?
no, you are still in line.... it's annoying - Disney makes you log in about every 30 minutes, then you need to get the conversation back up on your screen
Has anyone had their time for their Advanced selection windows switched without being notified? We noticed today that our time for Animation Experience was switched to mid afternoon after having been set up for mid morning. This is for 11/28 but we arrive next Friday (11/26], so we plan on swinging by to guest services that day to see if we can get it changed to something else, since I don’t want to have to deal with this and have it possibly messed up even more before our trip since we have 8 days.
We have two upcoming trips - both times on our first day, we fly in early morning, but wouldn't be to parks before noon.

If they give us the "First Available" - we might not even be in the air yet; let along at the parks. Any idea how this would be handled?

Same with the last day - our airport transport leaves the hotel around 4pm; so we would need our two attractions before then...
Thank you for this, I thought I was being kicked out everytime !!

I'm in the same boat!

Crazy thing though - I logged in right at 7am; and got the chat with the Cast member asking me to fill out the form to select my attractions right at 7:05. Did that; but then they came back and asked if we'd had our Video Chat? Told them no, and they said they would "transfer us"? How did we end up with the abiilty to select attractions before the Chat?
I'm in the same boat!

Crazy thing though - I logged in right at 7am; and got the chat with the Cast member asking me to fill out the form to select my attractions right at 7:05. Did that; but then they came back and asked if we'd had our Video Chat? Told them no, and they said they would "transfer us"? How did we end up with the abiilty to select attractions before the Chat?

I've been waiting for any type of response since 7:24am. This is not how I planned on spending my Saturday !!
So, I'm getting a "this page isn't working" error now on my computer after 4 hours, but when I clicked the app on my phone, the chat comes back up?

Now what do I do?
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