Viva Las Vegas - A Vegas Mini-Trip Report - And Yet Another...

Well, thanks Susan for starting the Thursday evening adventures. I am glad you got to it, I have been busy all day and kept thinking I would wind down to post, but never got a chance.
Well, at some point, I decided against the dress and I can't remember if I wore jeans or what, but it wasn't the dress.

Sorry about the dress thing.... we were tired and didn't feel like dressing up. Not to mention at this point we (you, me, Wes and Chris) had still not made it to our own hotel. All of our stuff was still packed in luggage in Dad's room.
The bad news: All the food porn is on Sierra's camera in Jackson Tennessee and she has no clue how to download it, much less get it to photobucket.

So you will have to wait and see if we can somehow, someday, get ahold of our food porn.
Actually, we have all of Sierra's pictures on Photobucket. I borrowed her memory card and downloaded it to PB and already sent it back to her in the mail. We just didn't start taking food porn that night. I think we were too hungry or too engrossed in our conversations. If I remember correctly, we had some pretty raunchy topics in some strange attempt to maybe gross each other out. It seems we were playing some game of trying to top the last disgusting or disturbing story with another more disgusting or disturbing story. Which, by the way, catapulted the 'Penelope' skits. And I still think Sierra is confused about that and how it all relates to just about EVERY conversation we had on this trip.
For those who do not already know, if you read Susan's DisPTR, you will remember that we love Penelope from SNL. You will have to go back to the archives to appreciate how she relates to our family;) .

Next: The rest of the evening - what do the cards hold for us?

Well, before the cards, we went out to the strip to see what we could see.
We were specifically looking forward to the Bellagio fountains. Sierra had never seen them and I love watching them at night. So we walked toward them and Sierra took some pics of the bright lights in the big city.
The sidewalks were crowded, as they were every night starting around 6:30 or so. It's like everyone is hiding in their rooms until the sun starts to go down, then all of a sudden, their doors open and people are EVERYWHERE!!!!

We muscled our way up to the middle of the wall in front of the fountains. Staked out a spot for all of us to stand with a great view and waited for about 5 minutes for the music to begin and water to start dancing.
I have to tell you, these pictures are cool, but if you haven't had a chance to stand directly in front of the fountains and watch this, shame on you! The music is blaring and you feel it in your bones and the water is spraying misting you with cool refreshment. Each dance change is lit differently, the water is synchronized to the music and it's explosive. You can even hear the water being forced out with explosives like a fireworks show. The only thing different is you don't smell the gun powder, but that is not to say there are not other Vegas smells to experience. :sick:

Once the water stopped dancing we plowed through the crowd again to make it back to Caesar's. We tried to keep up with Dad who was making a much anticipated Bee line to the high stakes black jack tables. Dad found one that he, Susan and myself could sit at, and we played for a short while. Wes, Sierra, and Chris watched for a little. Mind you, we have been up since the crack of dawn and we were getting a bit tired. It must have been around 10:00 Vegas time.
Sadly, we don't have grand news to report that we won big during this play. We donated some of Dad's line of credit right back to the dealers and decided to get our things and go to our own suite at our own Casino. We grabbed our bags, and hailed a cab to......

Next: We still haven't told you were we stayed, or about our suite. See, it just gets better and better.
I am a rookie, something fishy is happening that it wants to post twice each time.... ugg!
Awesome! I am putting the Bellagio Fountains as a must see for my trip!

Do you know what time they "perform"? :rotfl:


Awesome! I am putting the Bellagio Fountains as a must see for my trip!

Do you know what time they "perform"? :rotfl:


The perform most of the day and night. They start at either 11am or 12noon. The last show may be around 10pm or closer to midnight, not sure.

You need to see them both day and night. During the day, I think it's on the hour and half hour. At night, it was every 15 minutes.

If you really want to do it up (Jo can tell you about this). Go to the Eiffel Tower at Paris across the street to view the fountains, or have dinner in the Eiffel Tower restaurant.

There is usually a different song and show each time. My least favorite is the patriotic one with Lee Greenwood's song. I think my favorite is the classical one with maybe Pavrotti? Maybe there is more info on the website: (AHA! Showtimes!!) Fountains of Bellagio Website

Edit: I found more. Here is the song list. And the song I liked wasn't Pavrotti, it was Con Te Partiro (Time to Say Goodbye). Artist: Andrea Bocelli & Sarah Brightman. The Heart Will Go On one is pretty good too. I think that's the one we saw.
Oh Excellent! Thank you for the link!

This is an awesome report!
Well, it's about time we check into our own hotel and suite. A friend of Wes' works in marketing at hotels inc. and he had set us up at a suite at the Las Vegas Hilton. We were to check in through the VIP check in and receive our keys to our room. We were greeted cordially, and directed toward the tower where are suite was on the 26th floor.

We were given a party suite with two large bedrooms and a connecting room in between. This room was twice as large as our rooms and it had a dining area, a bar, a sitting area, desk, TV, Murphy bed and full bathroom. Entirely too large for our needs, but we aren't ones to complain.

By the time we got to our rooms, it was after 11:00 and we were so tired. 2:00 our time.

We had decided that we will take it slow in the morning and plan to go to the pool at Caesar's. And Wes and Dad had a T time at Cascata. The limo was to pick them up at 7:30 I think. Oh, and I almost forgot! The Hilton has their signature serenity beds that I absolutely LOVE!!!!!!! If you don't know, it's just an experience you have to have to appreciate. They have this seven layer recipe of down pillowtops, comforters, sheets, pillows, etc that create this incredible marshmellow effect when you sink into them. I couldn't wait to dive right in!!!!
So we went to ZZZZ land with not problems.

The morning came way too early. Susan called around 8:30 I think. And she and Chris went to the work out room to grab some exercise. I stayed back to rest a little more and check the internet for emails and upload some pics of the heli tour to a couple of friends. Wes and Dad were long gone by the time I woke. And Sierra called to tell us she was going to get her hair cut at the spa and would call us when she was done.

So when all that was taken care of, we sported our swim wear under our shorts and gathered a bag of quickchange dry clothes and headed toward Caesar's. Susan, Chris and I met up with Sierra to scout out some poolside lunch. We decided to grab a bite at the Bocce Bar located next to the main pool. We sat next to the dj who was fun to watch him spin/mix the music and with a great view of the Bocce girls assisting a couple of guys play bocce.

I sent wes a quick text message with a pic of the girls we were watching and he sent me back a picture of some of the holes at Cascata. He and Dad were having a blast.
They both said they never wanted to quit playing. It was beautiful!!! And they were both playing very well, apparently!

So, next Chris wanted to buy a good pair of sunglasses and sierra wanted to visit the shops of the forum, so they left us to go do that and Susan and I sweated our way through the lines of lounge chairs in an attempt to find two together so that we could 'enjoy' the pool. We had envisioned a relaxing time poolside people watching and soaking in the sun and music.
But the reality was quite different. We did find two chairs, at the back about 4 rows from the pool. Our view of people was about every over 40 year old over 200 pound vacationer at the pool, and it was FREEEGGGGIIIINNNN HOT! 115 degrees again. That means that we sat on our chairs very gingerly as to not tough any of the metal parts, because it would burn you. And we could only tolerate about 5 minutes of sitting there before the heat would make us feel our heartbeat in our heads and chest thus needing to take a dip in the water to cool down. The problem was that we wanted to take turns doing so , so that the other of us could stay with our stuff. That means were were practically there together ... well..... never. What shall we do?

Well, we looked at each other and said... it's cabana time. We tried to make some sort of plan of how to rationalize the expense, but that was just silly talk, because we both knew we were going to do it. We grabbed our stuff, abandoned our lounge chairs and headed to the cabana boy central. When we enquired about the cabanas and daybeds, the attendants where not real serious about helping us with lot's of talk about priority and limitability until we said we were with a seven star member and from that point on...... we were rock stars. Out of no where Leo showed up to tell us what we would get. He let us have the bed we requested - the one in the front of the pool by the bar with the DJ and front and center.

Leo introduced himself as our cabana boy/bodyguard. And oh, was he that... he was ... he was....

Well..... stay tuned to see how the cabana experience went... quite intoxicating!!!! :lmao:
good update, Sis. This is the part where my memory gets a little fuzzy. I had 1 citron vodka/lemonade with lunch, another when we had our poolside chairs, and another when we got to the daybed. If only it weren't for Betty, I might have had more....

Stay tuned to find out who Betty is.
Wow! That cabana looks wonderful.


Do you think your Dad will go to Vegas with me on the 20th so I can get 7 star treatment?

Wow! That cabana looks wonderful.


Do you think your Dad will go to Vegas with me on the 20th so I can get 7 star treatment?


Yeah! Us too!! And will he pay for us a helicopter trip?

Oh, and that was us you saw at the pool---over 40 and chunky.

How did the pool water feel? My sister-in-law lives in Tucson, AZ and hers stays cool all of the time even though the temps are in the hundreds. My father-in-law says that it is because the water evaporates so fast. I like my pool water to feel like bath water.

Did you guys go to any shows? We finally broke down and bought tickets to see Mystere. It has only been there about 100 years but we are just now getting around to seeing it.

Can't wait for your next installment.
Wow! That cabana looks wonderful.


Do you think your Dad will go to Vegas with me on the 20th so I can get 7 star treatment?

I don't know - you could ask him! I honestly think they will treat anyone like royalty that will pay $300 for a day bed. It wasn't a cabana. Cabanas are larger with misters and tvs and are $750/day. The $300/day wouldn't be bad if you could split the cost with 6-8 people.

Yeah! Us too!! And will he pay for us a helicopter trip?

Oh, and that was us you saw at the pool---over 40 and chunky.

How did the pool water feel? My sister-in-law lives in Tucson, AZ and hers stays cool all of the time even though the temps are in the hundreds. My father-in-law says that it is because the water evaporates so fast. I like my pool water to feel like bath water.

Did you guys go to any shows? We finally broke down and bought tickets to see Mystere. It has only been there about 100 years but we are just now getting around to seeing it.

Can't wait for your next installment.
I'm sure that you don't look like that. And a reminder to my sister. She turned 40 the next day, and I am 41. So there.

The pool water seemed just about right. My pool at home is at 87 right now, and I think Caesars was cooler. Just cool enough to be refreshing, but I was never shivering. And I am cold natured. So you should be fine.

We did see a show or two, but you will have to wait until a future installment to find out which one(s). :D I am such the tease.

Y'all should enjoy Mystere. I have yet to see a Cirque show that was not entertaining. I have never seen Mystere though.
I know Susan likes to be correct. But I like saying cabana. So, I have decided that my daybed needed a name and I have named it .... "Cabana Baby". Now, are you happy Susan?

While we were enjoying our Cabana Baby, Sierra and Chris contined to shop in the forums. Sierra was apparently engrossed and entranced by the spiraling escalators.

So she rode it up and down several times. I know this because she took movie clips of it with her digital camera to prove it. :thumbsup2 Chris was patiently watching her and shopping diligently for the perfect pair of sunglasses.

We didn't mind their absence, but we were eagerly awaiting their return to share the enjoyment of the Cabana Baby. Leo set us up right. We jumped right into the bed part.. mostly because it was shaded.
As he explained all the service we get. The bed has a table and two chairs sitting with it. on the table we had 3 different newspapers to read. A basket full of bottled water and snacks and treats - u quietly covered with a towel to keep the cool air in.
Three lounge chairs with two towels each were set next to the Cabana Baby if we chose to sit in the sun. These lush loungers had nice fluffy pillows that none of the others had. We had a floating noodle and two nice floats to use, we were offered a menu of items and a cocktail waitress named Betty to serve us whatever we wanted from the bar. Susan and I ran Betty down quickly to order our first round of drinks. Betty took some creative lassoing, but she finally got to us and we weren't quite ready so we asked her to come back in 5 minutes. Leo explained that the water area directly in front of the Cabana Baby was our area and that if anyone bothered us or our things, we were to give him a signal *he showed us the signal* and he would take care of it. :cool2:
Leo was excited because he was leaving next week to compete in a professional surfboarding event. ---- yeah, he was just what you want in a cabana boy.

So we relaxed for a while. It wasn't long before Chris and Sierra joined us. They immediately wanted to get some drinks from Betty and join in the fun. So, remember Betty? Yeah, we thought we did too.... but her 5 minutes are the longest 5 minutes in the world. In fact Leo kept checking on us, and we got him to get Betty to return. Betty was probably in her late 20s. Maybe a showgirl, very nice looking, blonde, very muscularly tone, wore a bikini, carried a tray, and spoke in some foreign accent. Betty finally took our order and we didn't see Betty for another hour or so. I am glad we weren't dying or she might (might being generous) have felt bad. Betty sucked as a cocktail waitress. :headache:

That didn't stop us from having a great time. Chris had no problem going to the bar and getting us drinks.


Susan and I needed to use our Leo signal once or twice, as we had random guys wanting to bug us and use our table to grab a towel and put their nasty shorts and shoes on... then they wanted to chat with us until they saw wedding bands.... quickly they left for their next prey. Leo was hot on their trails running them off and shortly after we had shade hog hussies cozying up to our Cabana Baby and using our rafts and noodles. We said "oh, nay nay, those are ours.. we paid for them with our cabana." They were nice enough to apologize, but they kept using all our stuff. So Leo to the rescue again. Dad and Wes finished the game of their lives at Cascata and joined us. They had both already begun celebrating as they were in very happy moods.

Dad enjoys a basket of crab legs and shrimp that Leo got for us. You didn't think Betty got it did you? Well you would have been mistaken... we are still waiting for our drinks from her. Betty, Betty..... Where are you?
Dad lasted about oh, 4 minutes and he was eager to dive into the pool and cool off. One problem Dad.... you are not in your swim trunks .... but he doesn't care!!! Oh, Gawd! Dad... what are you doing.... it's starting he's stripping right here.... one garment at a time......

Susan and Wes were both freaking out as he was doing this. First the shirt, then the shows, then the socks, then all the stuff from one pocket (wads of $ thrown everywhere on the bed), then the next pocket (not going to tell you what came out of that), then his belt and this is when panic sat into Susan and Wes. As Dad was unbuckling and pulling his belt out of the hoops, I was getting 'the eye' and elbow from them that I said "Dad, really, you can go in in your shorts, that's enough" so he just turned and jumped in. Paying no regard to anyone else in the pool....
Shweeewww!!!!! no one wants to see a Naked 65 year old in the pool.:rolleyes2

But he was happy and that is all that mattered.
And we noticed he was not the only one happy in that pool. Just floating next to us were some girls who had mistakenly worn their skimpy victoria's secret underwear as bikinis to the pool. And as we watched them, we noticed that they were very happy and friendly with some young gentlemen. Then time would pass for a while, and low and behold, they would have a couple of new young gentlemen they were very friendly and happy with. So after the next round of this type of behavior Susan (who's inhibitions were long gone due to the amount of vodka lemonaids she has been drinking) asked the girls what was up? They just plainly informed her that - they work for the casino to hang out at the pool, look good, and be very nice to the male guests. Well.... how about that? In this pic you can see one of them on a float with my dad trying not to be obvious while he checks her out.
:rolleyes1 :wave2:

Wes found his happy place eating fruit and watching "all the little people"

Chris did some let's make a dealing with some folks that wanted our cush cush lounge chairs next to the cabana. He just told them that we paid for this and those chairs were part of the deal. So he said, now if you want to pitch in and give us some $ toward it, you can have them. And next thing we knew we were in some sort of underground Cabana Baby lounge chair black market. I think he got like 40 bucks for them. I love drunk people!!:love:

Betty? Betty? Anyone seen Betty? ..... What the? We don't need her ...

Well, I guess you can figure it out. We loved our Cabana Baby. And we will do it no other way in the future. Well worth the money. Although .... in the end..... it was comped. ;) ;)

Well, it's getting late and we have big plans....
We have Bobby Flay's Messa and Cirque Love Revolution tonight.
Stay tuned for those reports.... they are just as good... here's a hint--- Dad is NOT on his best behavior --- but what we have learned is ---- Vegas doesn't mind if he doesn't follow the rules. You will see.....
Here are my additions:

Chris made $60. That was $20/chair that he rented to the boys who thought they were going home with the Victoria's Secret underwear wearers. Little did they know that the girls would desert them less than 30 minutes later. Not sure that was money well-spent on their part. But not sure they cared.

Like Mother like Father. If you remember, our Grandma Shelby was notorious for that vacation we spent in Nassau Bahamas. For some reason (I don't believe she forgot to pack her swimsuit. I think she didn't feel like going to the room to get it.) she decided to sunbathe in her finest Cross-Your-Heart bra and granny panties. I remember being SO embarrassed. So that's where he gets it. God love Grandma - RIP. :)

Oh, I think I nearly wet my pants. When you were saying that your dad was striping down. That is something my dad would do. And my son. My son had tennis today. A 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. deal at the country club. When I picked him up he informed me he forgot it was swim day and that were swimming in the afternoon and he didn't have his trunks. I asked why didn't he call me I would have brought his trunks up to him. He informed there was no need as he swam in his shorts. :rotfl: At the country club. I was mortified but I feel better now. If you can swim in your shorts at Ceasar's I guess you can swim in them at the country club. I just couldn' t believe they didn't call me as they have "RULES" about those sorts of things. :laughing:

$350 for the "Baby Cabana"! :scared1: I am so sheltered. I would have never guessed how much that would have cost. And what a nice comp. :thumbsup2

My DH has been to LOVE and loved it. :love: He wants us to go. But I hate for him to see a show he has already seen. I can't wait to hear your view on it.

I cannot wait to hear what Dad did next? I cannot imagine him behaving badly.
Who behaves in Vegas?

We were having a great time Friday so far. Everyone had a fantastic morning and we totally enjoyed the pool. It was time to go back to our rooms and get ready for our big night. But first we needed to get there.

Now remember, Susan was totally enjoying her vodka lemonaides. So she was really 'chilled out' and well.... misbehaving. First, she decided that she didn't need to put anything over her bathing suit as she walked back through the casino... but, once she got half way through it, she decided maybe she needed some more clothing than that. So she stopped in the lobby and covered up a bit. However, she was wearing her wet suit under her clothes and it created quite a sight. We giggled and just had to document for later laughs.

Silly huh? She didn't care!

We got back to our suite and all freshened up. We were playing a game of 'beat the clock' so that we could meet Dad at Mesa by our reservation time. Remember, this was a coveted reservation, as we had tried to get this several weeks ahead and could not. But once we got to Vegas, Dad used his magical 7 star status to get us a table for tonight. We needed to be on time so that we would not loose our table.

We were very excited to be eating at Bobby Flay's. Susan and Dad had eaten there once before, and the reputation was outstanding. So all of us were anticipating this fabulous food all day.

Here begins the race. We were a good 15 minutes away from Caesar's and needed to get there in 10 to make our reservation. So we called Dad and told him that we would meet him at Mesa's rather than his room. We were all dressed up and Susan had on the cutest outfit with a precious pink sequin backless shirt. Very Vegas, but classy too. We hailed a cab and asked to be dropped of at Caesar's Palace. Of course, we would get Vegas' Stupidest Cabby tonight. He seemed to take the longest route and then the little joker dropped us off at the forum shops entrance rather than the lobby. So we are already late, thanks mr. cab man, and we are rushing through the very crowded forum center while on the phone with Dad, who is calling every 2 minutes wondering where we are. We finally make it to the restaurant and the hostess meets and seats us immediately.

The atmosphere is fabulous! We are hungry and exhausted from our track meet so we are very appreciative of the sweet waiter who pulls our chairs out for us and pushed us close to the table. Wes becomes instantly confused as the waitress takes his white napkin away from him, which he had placed on his lap, and replaces it with a black napkin. She explains, "Sir, you are wearing black pants, I must replace the napkin to match your attire."
We are offered the wine list, and Dad chooses a nice wine (I have forgotten what it was) and the wine steward girl cordially goes through all the proper procedures of opening, smelling, testing, and pouring the wine. Again, this confuses Wes when she politely wipes his wine glass each time he leaves a drip on the edge after sipping from it. Our waitress, Racheal, describes the specials and offers details on the other items from the menu. We are quick to make our appetizer selections.
I order the Blue Corn Pancake (by the way it's got DUCK in it)


Sierra got Roasted Beets

Dad and Susan share the Spicy Tuna Tar Tar

And I think Chris got the Spicy Black Bean Soup

We all shared our appetizers. They were all incredible. Very southwestern and grill inspired already. Now it is time for main course meals. We all ordered something different and loved our choices from the menu.[1].28.08.pdf
We went around the table attempting to correctly order these fine meals, but when she got to Wes, he innocently asked if they had nuggets and fries with a glass of white milk. --- He's so silly!
I got the Red and Black Crusted Filet.... It was AMAZING!!!!

Dad got the Black Angus Steak it was served with Flay's signature sauce... Spicy and septacutlar

Sierra got the Pork Chops

I forgot what susan and Chris got... Susan will fill you in... but here are pics


Somewhere on that table were the signature mashed potatoes. We had glazed carrots and spinach as well. All of the sides were shared by all of us... along with some more wine.
And Wes began to get confused again as he reached for the wrong glass and the waitress came to replace the one he touched. We had to give him a quick lesson on b and d trick. You hold your hand out in front of you and make a lower case b with your left hand (forfinger and thumb) and a lower case d with your right hand (forfinger and thumb) --- then you know b is for bread (on left hand side) and d for drink (on the right hand side). He also got a new napkin when he stood to go to the bathroom and his fell off his lap. Racheal replaced the 'dirty' one with a new wardrobe matching black on for his lab.
We enjoyed our meal so much that none of us could finish anything. there was no need to ask for dessert. We did get a doggy bag for our wine though. We had some left over, that's not to say that we hadn't enjoyed the bottles we had during dinner. Especially Dad. Begin Baddly Behaving Daddy.
As we get up from the table in this very high end restaurant (which by the way.. our bill was well over 700.00) But worth it!!!
Dad is behind Susan and says LOUDLY, "Suzie, your shirt is wide open in the back! You are not wearing a bra!!!" Susan turned as pink as her shirt and tried to walk as fast as she could to pretend she was not with this man. He continued to keep up and continued to make comments loudly. People continued to stop and stare. :rolleyes1

Dad, Hello! I know it's Vegas.. ... but, gawd, she's your daughter!!!!

We are headed to Cirque LOVE! Stay tuned.... promise not to disappoint!
Dad and Susan share the Spicy Tuna Tar Tar
Before we confuse everyone - that was not the spicy tuna tartare. That was Sierra's grapefruit salad something or other. The Tuna tartare was so yummy, it may have been gone before we remembered the camera for the food porn.

I wish I had an incriminating picture of you like that!
Well, holy cow, Susan, I didn't know you had started a Vegas report! :thumbsup2 It sounds like you had a fabulous time--I can't wait to hear more.

Although I must say, and I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, I've been to the Grand Canyon a few times and, really, it's just a big hole. It's hot and there's a big canyon. :rotfl:
The cabana baby sounded great--especially since it was so hot. It sounded even better once you said that you made $60 and it ended up being comped.

My husband really enjoyed the Bocce girls picture and thinks we will be visiting the Bocce Bar while we are there. I told him that I would make reservations. ;) :rotfl: :rolleyes1

He also wanted to know where the picture of Betty is----and he said not to try any funny stuff and put up a picture of a 40 something year old 200 lb. woman because you have already described Betty.:rotfl: I guess he is too used to me doing stuff like that. :rolleyes1

How long did you guys stay in Las Vegas?

Wow!! I could never say that a meal cost $700 and put "but it was worth it" right behind it. We really DO need to get to know your dad--assuming that he picked up the tab..
Wow! That meal sounds amazing! Susan your pink shirt was adorable, I don't care what your daddy says. I wouldn't have worn a bra either!

We made ressies for LOVE last night. Can't wait! We ended up booking for Thursday as the good seats were gone for Friday and Sat. Are there any shows or restaurants I should try to book before we go? I don't have a 7 star daddy to get me in. :sad2: What's a girl to do?

I have a big family reunion out of town this weekend. Maybe I can steal away to check on your report.

I also posted to someone on the California and the West board that you had been on the heli tour. They were wanting more information.

Thanks! I love your report!
Hey, your helicopter tour sounds absolutely amazing and something we may want to do for our trip in September. If you wouldn't mind shaing can you let me know some of the finer details - cost, timings, where you booked etc.

I have been to Vegas a couple of times but never found time for the Grand Canyon but I am determined this time!!!!

Any help would be really appreciated - keep up with the trip report i'm really enjoying it as there's lots of ideas for our visit!!!


:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Before we confuse everyone - that was not the spicy tuna tartare. That was Sierra's grapefruit salad something or other. The Tuna tartare was so yummy, it may have been gone before we remembered the camera for the food porn.
Oops, see I knew I didn't have all the food right. Thanks for clearing that up. I still don't know what some of those pics were of, but they looked good and that's all that matters. :)
I wish I had an incriminating picture of you like that!
Oh, there are some out there!!!! I've been caught behaving badly too, my friend.

Although I must say, and I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, I've been to the Grand Canyon a few times and, really, it's just a big hole. It's hot and there's a big canyon.
That is the same way I felt the first time I went to the Hoover Dam and through the area. I was completely bored with it all after about 10 minutes. So, I can relate to that. But this time, in the helicopter, it was very different. Maybe it speaks to the ADD tourists. It keeps moving and changing while you are flying overhead. It worked for me.

My husband really enjoyed the Bocce girls picture and thinks we will be visiting the Bocce Bar while we are there. I told him that I would make reservations.
He's gonna love it. I don't think you will need reservations for it. We just walked right up to it. Very entertaining and the view (girls) were great.
He also wanted to know where the picture of Betty is----and he said not to try any funny stuff and put up a picture of a 40 something year old 200 lb. woman because you have already described Betty. I guess he is too used to me doing stuff like that.
Sorry, no pictures of Betty. We couldn't have gotten one. She was never around long enough for us to take one. It's too bad too, I want to remember her so I don't get stuck with her again. UGG!!
How long did you guys stay in Las Vegas?
3 nights - 4 days...... perfect amount of time!! That's how we like to do it... and we do it with very little sleep and turbo vegas style
Wow!! I could never say that a meal cost $700 and put "but it was worth it" right behind it. We really DO need to get to know your dad--assuming that he picked up the tab..
Well, actually... Jack Binion picked up the tab. It was comped too. But, we (Susan, Chris, Wes, and Myself) always get the tip. And with a meal that expensive... the tip gets big too
We made ressies for LOVE last night.

Here comes the LOVE report.... you are gonna LOVE it.:rolleyes:

Hey, your helicopter tour sounds absolutely amazing and something we may want to do for our trip in September. If you wouldn't mind shaing can you let me know some of the finer details - cost, timings, where you booked etc.

I have been to Vegas a couple of times but never found time for the Grand Canyon but I am determined this time!!!!

Any help would be really appreciated - keep up with the trip report i'm really enjoying it as there's lots of ideas for our visit!!!


Welcome David! We would love to share anything. The Heli tour was through Sundance Helicopter Tours
All of the information about cost and times is there on the website. There are several options with varying costs and times. You have to do it, if you can. It's just incredible.


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