Vistana Resort? or another large resort?

Lynnie 2002

Earning My Ears
Jan 19, 2002
I have been reading some of the posts on the Vistana Resorts. Is it closer to Disney than the Vistana Villages? Are there any golf courses close by? What is the best building to stay in and can you make requests for the building you want? We would like to stay at a large resort because we don't plan on spending all our time at the parks. Are there any other resorts that you might reccommend? Thanks for any input.
Hello Lynnie 2002 and welcome to the DIS!

I'm sure someone will be along to give you better information. I personally am staying at the Vistana Villages in April with my DH and kids and chose this because I also want some "down" time to enjoy by the pool and have room to relax which there seems to plenty of in the 1 and 2 bedroom villas. Having a fully equipped kitchen and washer/dryer sure is a plus too!

I know that the Villages are on the south end of I-Drive and the Resort is on the north.

Hope this helps a little.


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