Vacation Saved AND Improved!!!


Now a Disney Grandma!!
Aug 24, 1999
Had made ressies for 7/27-29 and 8/2-6 with a 4 night Royal Caribbean cruise in the middle - staying at DxL for standard rate of $149. Really looking forward to this. Then, yesterday, DD comes home and informs me that Varsity Volleyball tryouts have been changed and if she's not present on 8/1, no way she can make the team. ARRRRGH!!
So, change the cruise to 7/22-26 which causes additional headaches because foster son won't be 18 until 7/28 and taking him out of the country, blah, blah, blah. OK, get that all worked out. (Helps that I work for a law firm - all this free legal advice comes in handy once in a while - nice to know that these lawyers are good for SOMETHING!)

Next, call CRO. Know there are no AP rates out yet for that time and it's peak season, yada, yada, yada, but get this GREAT CM on the phone who is just wonderful and tells me, you know, there is a special at the Beach Club for that time period - only $184 a night. Ok, so that's $35 a nite more, but we're only going 5 days now instead of 6, so, hmmmmmmm, GO FOR IT!

I'm so excited I can hardly sit here at my desk pretending to work!!!

Offsite 9/81
Offsite 5/92
Offsite 6/94
Y&BC 9/95
CS 12/97
CBR 12/98
DxL 12/99
DxL 12/00
DxL & Cruise 7/01 - Can't WAIT!!

It sounds like a great vacation. Have a good time.


I wish I were in Disneyworld!!!
I was wondering what we need lawyers for & now I know! :)

That's a great rate. It sounds like you got an upsell. Have a wonderful time!



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