US/IOA good for 5 yr old


Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2001
This will be my first time to US/IOA. We will be traveling with 5,6,7 y/o boys. What are the best things to see and do. We will have 1 day at US. Is IOA something that I should consider also spending a day at. Any recomendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)
As always, depends on the 5 year old. If he's tall enough to meet most height restrictions and somewhat adventurous there should be plenty for him to enjoy. If not, you may be somewhat limited at IOA.

Then again, if your touring style allows for one parent to stay with him while the others ride things he can't/won't ride, the play area is great fun as is Seuss Landing.


Living To Keep The Promise


We went today with 48" tall 6 year old, but did go last year when he was 5 - had a BLAST. IOA has a new Unicorn "coaster" for anyone over 36", son road with Dad 4 times and solo two more times (no line) - it was a great day today, no waits over 10 minutes. Our son is not afraid of much, he loves Back to the Future, MIB, Jaws, Kong, and of course (our first stop) the amazing Spiderman! Was tall enough this year at 48" to ride Bluto's raft ride - what a blast! Then of course, there's Suess - lot's of stuff for kids IMHO.


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