Upgrading a 2 day pass to 3 day


Aug 2, 2000
I have a 2 day pass with 1 day used on it. Can I still upgrade it to a a 3 day pass.
How does this work? Do they just credit you with 1 day's admission so you get a 3 day pass with 3 days on it. Or do they upgrade you to a 3 day pass with 2 days left on it?
Or does it just make more sense to buy a new 2 day pass?

Oct/Nov 1987 Travelodge Maingate East (WDW)
1991 Anaheim (DL)
1993 Camp Davey Crockett (DLP)
1995 Hotel Cheyenne (DLP)
1996 Sequoia Lodge (DLP)
Oct 1997 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Mar 2000 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Feb 2001 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Dec 2001/Jan 2002 Esprit Villa (WDW)
On your last valid day, go to customer service, which is inside the buildings 'near' the enterance. Ask someone to point you to it. They will upgrade it then.
This can easily be done at either Guest Services or the Vacation Planning Desks located at each theme park or City Walk.

When the upgrade is complete, you will have a 3-day pass with 2-days left on it.

Oct/Nov 1987 Travelodge Maingate East (WDW)
1991 Anaheim (DL)
1993 Camp Davey Crockett (DLP)
1995 Hotel Cheyenne (DLP)
1996 Sequoia Lodge (DLP)
Oct 1997 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Mar 2000 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Feb 2001 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Dec 2001/Jan 2002 Esprit Villa (WDW)


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