Upgrade Hopper Passes??


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2003
Anyone know if I could upgrade a 4 day Hopper Pass for AP?

Thanks so much.

Hi Jill! And welcome to the DIS! :)

The answer to your question is Yes. They will apply what you have paid for your 4 day Hopper to the price of your AP. You have to do this at WDW or one of its resorts.

Good Luck! :)
Originally posted by BethR
Hi Jill! And welcome to the DIS! :)

The answer to your question is Yes. They will apply what you have paid for your 4 day Hopper to the price of your AP. You have to do this at WDW or one of its resorts.

Good Luck! :)
Beth, Beth, Beth!!! Shame on you! :p

The resorts do not sell AP's therefore an upgrade to an AP cannot be handled there.

tsk, tsk. ;)

To expand on the information:

If you have not used the 4 day yet, you can get the entire amount credited towards an AP. Your AP will run one year from the day you do the upgrade.

If you do the upgrade within 7 days of first use (but before you use the pass up entirely), you can also apply the entire purchase price to the AP. The expiration date will be backdated to the first day you used the pass.

If you miss the seven day window but still have 1, 2, or 3 remaining unused days, they will give you a dollar credit equal to the percentage of the remaining unused days. Example: You paid $200 and now have 3 days left. Your credit would be $150 (3/4 of the $200).

All of the above transactions must be handled at a major park Guest Relations window or at the GR offices at DD.
When we have upgraded Hoppers to APs in the past, they always gave us full credit for what we paid for the Hoppers but started our year on the date of first use of the Hopper. This was regardless of how many days we had used on the Hoppers (but they weren't used up yet, of course). We have never upgraded within 7 days of first use of the Hopper, always months later (when we came back unexpectedly. If we had known we'd be back then when we bought the Hoppers, we'd have bought APs to begin with!). We have not done this for two or three years however so policy may have changed....
Do you know the closest place to Polynesian that I could exchange my HP for AP?

Thank you all so very much for your help!

Judy (1st time at WDW)
Originally posted by jlillberto
Do you know the closest place to Polynesian that I could exchange my HP for AP?

Thank you all so very much for your help!

Judy (1st time at WDW)

The closest place would be either the MK (ticket booth or guest relations window) or the TTC (guest relations window). The closest depends on the particular Poly building you are staying in. IMHO, both are close to the Poly and easy to get to.

Enjoy your trip!
Spin-off question: We have 6 day park hopper plus passes, 1 park day used, no plus options used, can we upgrade to a regular AP or would we have to upgrade to a Premium AP? (We do not want the premium)Thanks for any info!!!
Originally posted by Wislodgers
Spin-off question: We have 6 day park hopper plus passes, 1 park day used, no plus options used, can we upgrade to a regular AP or would we have to upgrade to a Premium AP? (We do not want the premium)Thanks for any info!!!
You can get a regular AP. The only time they require you to get a PAP is if you have used one or more of the plus options AND you are upgrading within 7 days of first use.
Originally posted by TexasAggie
When we have upgraded Hoppers to APs in the past, they always gave us full credit for what we paid for the Hoppers but started our year on the date of first use of the Hopper. This was regardless of how many days we had used on the Hoppers (but they weren't used up yet, of course). We have never upgraded within 7 days of first use of the Hopper, always months later (when we came back unexpectedly. If we had known we'd be back then when we bought the Hoppers, we'd have bought APs to begin with!). We have not done this for two or three years however so policy may have changed....
Please oh please tell me exactly where you did this so I can! Dec 25th we purchased 5 day park hoppers and only use 4 days on each. I am planning a trip soon (as you can see below) and I am planning on getting a PAP. I would really really love to get a bigger discount even if the start date of my PAP started on the 25th when I purchased that park hopper! Otherwise it's not even worth the piddly discount I'd get for the one day left... :(
Oh oh.. you have me so excited. That would save me literally a couple hundred dollars if I could do that also!!! I'm sure if I were to use the PAP again it would be before Dec 25th anyway... so it sure wouldn't bother me to only have 11mo on the PAP with that big of a discount using my park hopper!
You are the first time I have heard of such a thing!
Also, if they did give you full credit for your passes and backdated to first use, many of us would have expired before we ever got to the gate. Case in point, old park hoppers from '91 three days left, they applied the three days and we paid the difference for the annual pass.

From Deb's site:

I have heard that I can upgrade my park hopper pass to an AP or PAP and get full credit for the original purchase price even after I have used a few days admission. Is this true?

Yes it is. If you decide within 7 days of first using a hopper pass that you want to upgrade it to an AP/PAP, you will get full credit for the price of the hopper pass towards the AP/PAP. The AP/PAP will be backdated to the date the hopper pass was first used. But beware: If you get a hopper plus pass and use one of the plus admissions before doing this, you will only be allowed to upgrade to a PAP.
Gail is absolutely correct on this one.

Also, if they did give you full credit for your passes and backdated to first use, many of us would have expired before we ever got to the gate. Case in point, old park hoppers from '91 three days left, they applied the three days and we paid the difference for the annual pass.

From Deb's site:

I have heard that I can upgrade my park hopper pass to an AP or PAP and get full credit for the original purchase price even after I have used a few days admission. Is this true?

Yes it is. If you decide within 7 days of first using a hopper pass that you want to upgrade it to an AP/PAP, you will get full credit for the price of the hopper pass towards the AP/PAP. The AP/PAP will be backdated to the date the hopper pass was first used. But beware: If you get a hopper plus pass and use one of the plus admissions before doing this, you will only be allowed to upgrade to a PAP.

sorry, The Sybah Shelstah, but, you seem to be out of luck on this one.
Simplytobeme: [quote/Also, if they did give you full credit for your passes and backdated to first use, many of us would have expired before we ever got to the gate.[/quote]
Ah Yes, but I would think they'd give you the choice! And the obvious choice would be to NOT take a full discount with the start of the annual pass starting when you purchased the last tickets- if they were from years and years ago (ie:like the 1991 example)
I mean, like duh.

But it would be a really nice option -especially since in MY case I used the first day on the 25th, returned home on the 3rd and by the 6th of January I was already making plans to return! Still have one day left on the park hopper- would be nice to have the choice of just paying the difference between that 5 day park hopper and an annual pass- even if I lost almost a month's time on that annual pass. For people like those in MY situation, it would surely be nice. Ohwell. :(
What I was thinking would be great... would be like if the person purchased the park hopper within the last year (or even if they made it 6mo or 3mo or even 1 MONTH haha- would be fine with me!!!) and had atleast one day left on it- unused (or maybe even if they didn't but still had it?) that they could upgrade to an annual pass (or in my case to a PAP) with more of a discount than just the one day left on the park hopper.

I'm seriously kicking myself in the butt for not getting an annual pass to begin with but I really didn't know BEFORE my trip that I'd be going back so soon. (I purchased the park hoppers for all my family members in advance through the disneyworld.com website)
*sigh* stupid stupid stupid of me. :(


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