Thank you all for your kind words of support and prayers. Unfortunately, the news is not good. My mother has cancer (they believe it is lung cancer) and it has spread to her bones and maybe elsewhere, they will need to do more tests, I imagine. They are supposed to be seeing a specialist sometime soon, but have yet to get an appointment. I don't understand why their PCP is dragging his feet on this. At any rate, they were told that it is terminal and there is nothing that can be done. There is supposed to be a new drug coming out next month that is sometimes effective in certain kinds of lung cancer....I'm holding out hope that this will work for her, but at the same time I realize that it's a long shot - it only works for 10% of patients with a certain kind of lung cancer - we don't even know if she'd be a candidate. I'm just so sad right now, I've been crying all weekend. I'm worried for my mother, but also I'm worried for my Dad, my grandmother (my mother is her only child), and my 3 girls who love their grandmother with all their heart. She is barely 60....much too young to die.
