U 2 hot to walk, run, get surprised?

:hug: sorry that you are not feeling well...

that is so good!!! she was sooooooooo shocked, it's definitely gonna be hard to top this one!!
Hope you feel better!!!!!

is that the sweetest thing you have ever seen...

Thank you.

we think it is. ;)

:hug: sorry that you are not feeling well...

that is so good!!! she was sooooooooo shocked, it's definitely gonna be hard to top this one!!

thank you.

she truly was shocked. I was afraid she was going to hyperventilate. When we ask her what her favorite part of vacation was, she still says her siblings surprising coming down. :goodvibes

Now below you will find the link for my sons youtube video of the engagement. The beginning of it is side ways, as he is used to taking stills. He forgot the video would not adjust the angle. Dh's video is actually in two parts. You can google it on youtube if you want. Disney surprise proposal part 1 and part 2.

Here is DS's

She gets really emotional, when she realizes his family flew down for it also.
At the end of the night we said our goodbyes to DD's future inlaws. They were heading to Universal the next day, then flying home. We had other things to do in Disney. They are a wonderful family whom I feel very blessed to have been able to share such an exciting part of life with. We look forward to the planning of the wedding with them.

Now, back to Disney so, after the end of the day, which I was ready to call a day, we headed back to the hotels. We dropped the boys off at CSR. This would be the last night for DS#1. Next morning, EPCOT.
We picked the boys up about 9:30. Noone was very anxious to get going this am.
There were a couple of must do's for this day. Space Ship Earth is out, as it was only open the first 2 days we were here. So, looks like we will miss that this time. Must experience the new test track, must ride Journey into imagination, and DH, myself & the bday girl had ADR's at Restaurant Marrakesh, which I was very excited about. However above any of that there was 1 thing one of us had never done. Soaring! E. had never experienced Soarin! So, they ran over for fastpasses. 3:45 return time. YIKES! We still had to get DS#1 to the airport. We had decided that since he had so little time, DH & I would drive him into the airport. Allowing him as much time with us as possible. In order for him to get to the airport for the 2hr check in process (which rarely takes the entire 2 hours, but better safe than sorry, we had to leave at 4:15. We knew this would be close. We weren't going to worry about that now, we had things to do, food to eat! Off we went, first stop TT. closed. The thunder had begun. But, that's okay, we can ride Journey into Imagination. DD was all excited. Look, no wait! YAY! AH, no Capt. EO this trip, closed. :cheer2: We pause to watch the fountain show. I love that. I can't believe people just rush past it not even noticing it! Now, it is time for DH, myself & DD#2 to head to Morocco. We don't want to be late for our ADR's. We arrive before they are starting seatings for the day. We sit & discuss if I should stay in my wheelchair for the meal. I decide to experience it entirely, seat and all. We fold the chair and wait to be called. DH & I are immediately impressed with this place.

We are seated at a table near the middle of the room. Beautiful room.

Although we had lunch ADR's, I imagine this is for dinner when they have belly dancing for entertainment. That is when we will go next time.

appetizers - combo for two It was very tasty. The chicken had a sweet crust. very tasty.

I got the Shish kabobs. I know, not very adventurist, but I must say...no regrets, they were soooo delicious

DH got Beef Couscous He loved his too. Similar to a pot roast

DD got a cold beverage, I got coffee & water, and DH got "watermelon Delight ($11.98)
The total came to ... $86.60 which include a 20% for TIW and an 18% tip. We actually left an additional tip, as our server & staff was wonderful.


Next up.... Mission Space....well for the brave.
NOT ME or DD#2. We decide to hang out and talk while we wait for them. It was a great opportunity for her to chat about her feelings of big sister getting engaged. She is very happy & excited. However, I feel a "but" coming. Not yet, she leaves the sentence as happy & excited. hmmm... wonder when that will erupt. For now we talk about her birthday surprise, and the engagement. She is very pleased E's little brother paid her so much attention, even if he is a little too old to be her boyfriend. :rolleyes2
After Mission Space is complete Dh & I discuss paying to change DS#1 airflight & adding a couple of days to his PHP. We research the options. And, although it is doable it would cost us a little over $300. He seems hesitant to have us spend that money. WE tell him not to worry about it, just remember it when he is picking out our nursing home. :rotfl2: Before calling the airline. DS's work, (which happens to be the store DH is manager of) is called. NO, they cann't spare him. DH could override this, but DS insists that he needs to be the "right guy". So, he is to fly home tonight, and be back at the job tomorrow.

We squeeze in a couple more rides, but we have to leave to bring DS#1 to the airport. The entire clan decides to join us in seeing him off. It was a very quiet ride back to the hotel. We all wished he could have stayed. Live and learn. He has said numerous times next time he WILL be staying the entire trip.
Once we got back to the respective hotels we change for our dinner at O'hana's. I am not a thrilled at this prospect as DH & DD#1. We are a little late for the beginning and just catch the end of the coconut rolling. AND we are seated too far away to see it. We do however have a beautiful window seat where we catch a few firework views. The food was excellent. I like an idiot forgot our TIW card, so we wasted much money.
At one point during the night "Aunty" calls the woman to ask their special men to dance. DD#1 is happy to ask her "fiance" to dance, and DD#2 is thrilled to dance with her Daddy.




We had a nice time. I don't imagine we will go back soon though. By the end of the night, I was ready to go back to our hotel. Tomorrow we were to switch hotels. Again, not something I think we will be doing again. It isn't that much of a hastle but I prefer getting settled in & not spending a couple of hours making sure everyone has everything. Maybe if we ever stay for 15-20 days I would consider switching resorts again. Or for just one night while waiting for your hotel to open for availability

Next up, saying goodbye to Animal Kingdom Villas, heading to Animal Kingdom the park. Will DD ride EE? .
Your meal in Morocco looks delicious!!!

Sorry DS couldn't stay longer - but I admire him for going back to work when he was needed. I am glad that next time he will stay for the entire trip... It's no fun having to leave your family when everyone is having fun.

Ohana looked amazing... We were there for breakfast this time - and it was very good. We prefer the breakfast food over the dinner food.

I cna't wait to hear what the other surprises are!

Oh my so much to go over...

1. Your so sweet birthday princess looks overjoyed at the sight of her siblings! What a wonderful reunion! :cutie:
2. The video of your DD#1's engagement is phenomenal! I love the PP Cm's swarming around her and her fiance! (Is that weird for you to hear still? Or even say? hahaha) :lovestruc
3. Your dinner at Marrakesh does look fantastic! I'm thinking that we will need to give that a try next trip out!
4. I'm soooo excited to get back to Ohana's! We had the pics/video from the last visit (when our now 11 yr old DD was only 6) and then our camera was stolen the next day at Epcot! blarg!:furious:

Hope your feeling better soon! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip! popcorn::
Your meal in Morocco looks delicious!!!

Sorry DS couldn't stay longer - but I admire him for going back to work when he was needed. I am glad that next time he will stay for the entire trip... It's no fun having to leave your family when everyone is having fun.

Ohana looked amazing... We were there for breakfast this time - and it was very good. We prefer the breakfast food over the dinner food.

I cna't wait to hear what the other surprises are!


Thanks it was soo good! I think we may try breakfast one of the times.

Oh my so much to go over...

1. Your so sweet birthday princess looks overjoyed at the sight of her siblings! What a wonderful reunion! :cutie:
2. The video of your DD#1's engagement is phenomenal! I love the PP Cm's swarming around her and her fiance! (Is that weird for you to hear still? Or even say? hahaha) :lovestruc
3. Your dinner at Marrakesh does look fantastic! I'm thinking that we will need to give that a try next trip out!
4. I'm soooo excited to get back to Ohana's! We had the pics/video from the last visit (when our now 11 yr old DD was only 6) and then our camera was stolen the next day at Epcot! blarg!:furious:

Hope your feeling better soon! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip! popcorn::
1)She was so happy, I just can't believe we pulled it off.
2)yes, it does still sound weird. And, the pp was incredible! All of them, but especially.... I think it was Pat. He was unreal. DD has his name written & is going to send a letter/email to say how wonderful he was.
3)yes you should give it a try. I don't know how dinner is, but lunch was great!
4) I hate to believe that people steal cameras! That is all your memories. slimy, I hope they got theirs... or will.

Now, why I really logged on. hehehe I enjoy Starbucks, but was upset that Main Street Bakery was changing....more on that later in the TR. But, I just saw this and all I can say is ... SNAKES. Why'd it have to be SNAKES.


Glad it wasn't anywhere near me. I would have a fear of snakes & toilets!! haha
Both your videos were awesome! I hope you're feeling better :flower3:
Congrats to them!!!! That is a wonderful story (and video) for them to cherish!!! I wish them all the luck and love to last throughout their lives!!

I love your TR!! It sounds like you had such a great time, and the surprises went so well, so happy for you!
Congrats to them!!!! That is a wonderful story (and video) for them to cherish!!! I wish them all the luck and love to last throughout their lives!!

I love your TR!! It sounds like you had such a great time, and the surprises went so well, so happy for you!

Thank you ! They are a good couple. They compliment each other well.

Thanks again. I started out taking notes, but then at one point we forgot dd's autograph book so I let her use my note book. That was the end of taking notes. So I'm afraid I am telling things out of order, but I am doing my best.

Thanks to everyone for following along!
Okay, I admit it... I forget what we did the morning of the 23rd. Ohanas was the night before. I was very off that night. I even forgot to bring our TIW card, so we paid 20% more than we should have!!!!
That KILLS me! But, will not ruin our vacation.

Oh, yeah, the 23rd we checked out of AKV. We had called the night before to have bell hop plan on picking up our luggage & bring it to the BWV. We were told to call about 1/2 hr before we were ready to leave the resort. So, I called about 9am. I told the boys the same thing, BUT my son decided to go to the front desk to advise them they would need their luggage moved the next day. Apparently the CM asked him what time they would like BH services to show up. DS advised them 10:30. That was that. DD#1 and DDF (darling daughters fiance :) ) went on their own to one of the parks this day. DH, myself & DD decided to go to IHOP. This has become a tradition, and frankly I was surprised neither of our older kids wanted to join us. K & E wanted to hit AK early, and DS wanted to sleep in a little.
Slight interruption to give a small report on IHOP. For those of you that don't know it is at the crossroads area. We drove there. Easy enough. NO wait, which was wonderful. However, unlike past visits we were seated in the opposite area we usually are. I am now thinking this is an older section of the restaurant. I sat, and promptly stuck to the seat. As in gross! I had shorts on, and I literally felt my skin stick to the seat. URGH! I kept smelling a unsettling smell. I couldn't quite identify it. But, it was not a smell I associate with happiness. We thought about leaving, but DH loves IHOP, so we could deal with it. The food was wonderful. But.... and I fear I will be flamed, but must say this.... there was a group directly across from us. That were loud & rude. No flames for that I expect, but here goes. They had a dog with them. No service dog. He just sat under the table. I keep thinking he MUST be some type of service dog, but didn't have the harness with the words service pet/animal. We only noticed the dog because, when the waitress returned to their table, the dog made a deep growling, noise, and went for her leg. The people settled him down instantly, but the waitress was obviously shaken. She left to get them their bill and when she returned the same thing happened. I felt bad for her. When we noticed the dog, that is when it hit me, I now remembered the smell. Our old dog. She had throat cancer that caused an odor of ...rotting flesh. I'm sorry, I know that is gross. I got emotional. All in all, it was not a nice start to our day. However, a nice note, (because there always should be one in any story IMO), our waiter made a slight error. When we pointed it out (he forgot DD's juice or something small), he apologized and said he is a little off his wife & he had just had a baby a couple days previous. :lovestruc He pulled out the picture and shared his joy with us! He was such a proud Dad, that put things a little more into perspective. Sticky seat was fine, stinky dog, no big deal.... Life goes on, and there is joy.
So, onward. After IHOP we bounce into the little gift shop across the parking lot. We were able to get K & E tshirts that say I'm with him/her with the Mickey hand pointing to the other person. We also got the boys tshirts. And Miss M. picked out something for herself. I also got each one of my great niece/nephews that are going to Disney on Christmas a little back sac with a mickey/minnie/princess on them. And of course the FLA souvenir for DMIL. An ash tray. Next off to pick up DS to head to AK.
We called DS to tell him we were on our way. He informed us to pick him up at the main lobby. Since that is NO where near his room, we asked why. He said they never picked up his luggage. It becomes confusing for me here. All I know is he got a ride with his luggage to the main lobby area. This is where we pulled up & saw him sitting on his luggage, as 2 bell hops and what appeared to be a manager were standing talking. DS looked rather pathetic. Somewhat like Woody, or Buzz sitting on Andys luggage, wondering if they were going off to college with him. DS had been told he needed to bring it to another area, right down the road. DH was NOT happy. He called over the manager and explained the situation. She apologized and said of course we can transfer that for him. She called over one of the bell hops. DH thanked her & tipped the bell hop. DS was happy & we got into our car & drove off.
Next stop Animal Kingdom!
just a quick Hi to you Dee , been trying to get caught up, now I have

LOVED the proposal video LOVED when DD pretended to haul off and belt her new fiance :rotfl:

So when you went over to the gift shop near IHOP and bought the I'm with her I'm with him t-shirts with the Mickey hand did they remind you of anyone ?

:rotfl2: That's exactly where I got those shirts for me & Fred ...remember now

OK Love you got to go , another work week begins...oh by the way thanks for the Birthday Wishes I have to catch up on my own report Love you all !!
Okay, I admit it... I forget what we did the morning of the 23rd. Ohanas was the night before. I was very off that night. I even forgot to bring our TIW card, so we paid 20% more than we should have!!!!
That KILLS me! But, will not ruin our vacation.

Oh, yeah, the 23rd we checked out of AKV. We had called the night before to have bell hop plan on picking up our luggage & bring it to the BWV. We were told to call about 1/2 hr before we were ready to leave the resort. So, I called about 9am. I told the boys the same thing, BUT my son decided to go to the front desk to advise them they would need their luggage moved the next day. Apparently the CM asked him what time they would like BH services to show up. DS advised them 10:30. That was that. DD#1 and DDF (darling daughters fiance :) ) went on their own to one of the parks this day. DH, myself & DD decided to go to IHOP. This has become a tradition, and frankly I was surprised neither of our older kids wanted to join us. K & E wanted to hit AK early, and DS wanted to sleep in a little.
Slight interruption to give a small report on IHOP. For those of you that don't know it is at the crossroads area. We drove there. Easy enough. NO wait, which was wonderful. However, unlike past visits we were seated in the opposite area we usually are. I am now thinking this is an older section of the restaurant. I sat, and promptly stuck to the seat. As in gross! I had shorts on, and I literally felt my skin stick to the seat. URGH! I kept smelling a unsettling smell. I couldn't quite identify it. But, it was not a smell I associate with happiness. We thought about leaving, but DH loves IHOP, so we could deal with it. The food was wonderful. But.... and I fear I will be flamed, but must say this.... there was a group directly across from us. That were loud & rude. No flames for that I expect, but here goes. They had a dog with them. No service dog. He just sat under the table. I keep thinking he MUST be some type of service dog, but didn't have the harness with the words service pet/animal. We only noticed the dog because, when the waitress returned to their table, the dog made a deep growling, noise, and went for her leg. The people settled him down instantly, but the waitress was obviously shaken. She left to get them their bill and when she returned the same thing happened. I felt bad for her. When we noticed the dog, that is when it hit me, I now remembered the smell. Our old dog. She had throat cancer that caused an odor of ...rotting flesh. I'm sorry, I know that is gross. I got emotional. All in all, it was not a nice start to our day. However, a nice note, (because there always should be one in any story IMO), our waiter made a slight error. When we pointed it out (he forgot DD's juice or something small), he apologized and said he is a little off his wife & he had just had a baby a couple days previous. :lovestruc He pulled out the picture and shared his joy with us! He was such a proud Dad, that put things a little more into perspective. Sticky seat was fine, stinky dog, no big deal.... Life goes on, and there is joy.
So, onward. After IHOP we bounce into the little gift shop across the parking lot. We were able to get K & E tshirts that say I'm with him/her with the Mickey hand pointing to the other person. We also got the boys tshirts. And Miss M. picked out something for herself. I also got each one of my great niece/nephews that are going to Disney on Christmas a little back sac with a mickey/minnie/princess on them. And of course the FLA souvenir for DMIL. An ash tray. Next off to pick up DS to head to AK.
We called DS to tell him we were on our way. He informed us to pick him up at the main lobby. Since that is NO where near his room, we asked why. He said they never picked up his luggage. It becomes confusing for me here. All I know is he got a ride with his luggage to the main lobby area. This is where we pulled up & saw him sitting on his luggage, as 2 bell hops and what appeared to be a manager were standing talking. DS looked rather pathetic. Somewhat like Woody, or Buzz sitting on Andys luggage, wondering if they were going off to college with him. DS had been told he needed to bring it to another area, right down the road. DH was NOT happy. He called over the manager and explained the situation. She apologized and said of course we can transfer that for him. She called over one of the bell hops. DH thanked her & tipped the bell hop. DS was happy & we got into our car & drove off.
Next stop Animal Kingdom!


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