Turn Around and See What Happens -- It's Whoopi Time and that's a wrap 3/31; F&G add

I'm late to the party once again, but I can't wait to hear all about your trip.
Hi, sorry I'm late to the party!! That's what happens when I work instead of DIS! ;)
Can't wait to hear all about all of your adventures.
I may take a short break from report writing, so that will allow me to enjoy other reports and pictures more. I am looking forward to seeing everything you've just seen when we take off in a couple of weeks. :thumbsup2 I'm definitely looking forward to all of your pictures, and especially the ones with the girls. I'm so glad you were able to have this special time with them and then have the added fun of Nicki joining in, too. :goodvibes
I'm here! Looking forward to hearing all about the trip!

Thank you for being here, Lisa.

Following along! :)

Always to good to have you along.

First page???

Yeah man!!!! :cool1::cool1:

Yes, you did Tim!!! :goodvibes

I'm in, can't wait to read all about it! I loved all the pictures in the intro.

Ariana, I'm delighted you are here.


Can't wait to read about your trip!

Great meets, great eats and a few real sweeties

Dee, thanks for being here. We had some awesome meets.

Hopefully ha ha! As long as you remind me on FB about updates I will be here lol!

I promise to remind you.

:wave2: Judy, glad you are here.

Christine, thank you for being here again.

Count me on this one Kathy. :wave2:

Bob, I'm thrilled you are here...especially since you were part of the trip.

Joining in.

Lorrie's here. :banana::banana::banana:

Let's see if I can make page 1!

Glenn, you did make Page 1. :thumbsup2
Yippie! Caught it right at the start of it! Now going back to read - I was just so eager to subscribe. :rotfl:

:wave2: Karin, thank you for being here.
I'm here and will try to keep up!

:welcome:, thanks for being here. This will go slow the first couple of weeks with the holidays coming and our son and daughter-in-law will be visiting.

joining in

Emma, thanks for joining.

Page 2 not bad!!!:cool1:

You did great, Elaine and thanks for being here as you always are.

:banana::banana: Ruthie is here. :)

Reporting for duty Miss Kathy!:coffee:

:wave2: Molly is here.

Love the intro pictures!

Thank you.

I am determined this time around to follow along. I don't bother subscribing to threads anymore, the DIS keeps unsubscribing me for some reason. But I swear I'm here. And remember our deal...if I miss a post on your TR, you can say something mean about Timmy or Marv. Or both if you're so inclined.:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

That's odd about the DIS unsubscribing you. But I'm happy to have you here whenever you can be here. And trust me, I'm sure I'll be picking on both of them at some point.

Looking forward to reading!:cheer2:

Thank you.

I vow to keep up with this one!!! Thanks for the heads up!!!

:wave2: Anne; thank you for joining.

I'm heeeeerrrrrreeeeee!!!!!

:woohoo::woohoo: Danielle is here.

I'm in! Ready for more!

:wave2:, Mark. Thank you for being here as always.
I'm here too!! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!

Thank you for being here again. :)

Here!! :) Going back to read now. :goodvibes

:yay::yay::yay::yay: Camille is here.

Great intro and pictures of everyone. I especially love the first one of you with your drink in your hand, you look like you were having a grand ol' time! :laughing:

Thanks; I don't get many pictures of myself because I am always behind the camera it seems.

I am pulling up my seat here!! I can't wait to read!

Brenda, thank you so much for signing up so fast...especially since you are still at Disney.

:wave2:I'm here Kathy! And I will keep up this time around!! :goodvibes

Loving all the pix so far!

Janet, I am thrilled you are here; it will be good to have you around and you can add to our DIS meet if you like.

Beautiful pictures. I'm in!

:wave: Mary Ellen; I'm glad to have you here and glad you like the pictures I selected for the intro.

Yay! I'm here! I looked for you at MVMCP but I didn't see you, apparently we were at the same one!

Hi, Jen. I kept an eye out for you and was sorry I never saw you.

:welcome: Steph; thank you for being here.

I'm here Kathy, been out all day, need to catch up.

Doris, I am so happy to have you here. :)
Yikes - page 3 - you would think I was busy or something. :lmao:

Pat, thanks for being here. Aren't you out painting, cleaning, etc? :rotfl: Seriously, hope you are doing better and you have a trip coming up soon.

Looking forward as always. :cool1:


Joining in! Thank you for the message! So excited to read all about your trip! :-)

:wave2:Toni-Marie; thank you for being here again.

Checking In!:yay:

:yay::yay: Tammie's here. :)

Checking, subbed earlier but didn't get a chance to post. Excited to hear about this trip after seeing all the Facebook photos.

:welcome: Esther, thank you for being here.

I am here

Scott, glad you are here. Are you wishing you were back in the warm weather as I am?

You are so fast with getting these started! I'm here and I'm impressed!!:worship:

Sheree, thank you for being here. It will be a little slow going with the holidays, but I tend to forget things faster so I wanted to get start.

I'm here! I can't wait to read all about your trip :goodvibes

Krysten, I am so happy you are here. I can't wait to hear about the new baby. :love:

Joining in !!!Will go back and read!!!

:cool1::cool1::cool1: Rosie is here!
Wow page 3 already! You know I will be here since we got the wonderful gift in finally meeting you and mark!

Lisa, it was great meeting you and Megan, and we enjoyed our time with you.

HUH? When was this approved by the committee? :confused3

Tim, how long have you known me? It's always been okay to pick on you. :)

Page 3? Maybe... But I am here! THanks for the invite! Looking forward to hearing all about this trip!


D, I am so happy you are here.

Joining in

:welcome::welcome: Thanks for joining; I hope you enjoy it.

Made it. Will subscribe. We leave in about 2 weeks so I know I'll be sooooo far behind when we get back it will seem like I'm reading a novel to catch up!!!

Anita, I promise this one should go slow...especially with Christmas, my birthday, the kids visiting and the New Year. I'll try to pace it for you. :)

Joining in. Thanks for the heads up! :thumbsup2

Love all of your intro pics! :goodvibes

Thanks for being here my friend and I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures.

Oh Good Grief i'm on page 4???

Hi, Mo...sorry...I tried to give you a heads up. ;)
I'm here!!! Sorry we missed you, we ended up at the darkside :hug:

Jeanette, I am so sorry we didn't hook up. One of these days. Thank you for being here.

I'm here - can't wait to read along :)

Linda, it is always good to have you here.

:goodvibes Cynthia is here.

I'm here Kathy! Can't wait to hear!

:woohoo: Shannon is here.

Think I've read all your TRs but never bothered to jump in and comment. Thought I'd jump in at the start of this one and say hi! :wave2:

:welcome::welcome: and thank you for commenting. Please don't be shy. 99% of us are really friendly. ;) Seriously, delighted to have you here.

Hey, I'm my own committee buddy!;) And I approve this motion.:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

What Molly said!

Page 4 already?!? :scared: Well, here I am marking my spot in another great Katmark report! :thumbsup2

:yay::yay: Connie is here. I'm so happy you are here. :)

Thanks Kathy I will catch up this evening

Tess, thank you for being here.

:wave: hi ms kathy, happy to be reading along

Hi, Mr. Dan! Thanks for reading along.
Yay! Love!! Great introduction, off to read more. Happy Friday! Please feel free to write as much as possible as I am on vacation until the 16th and your TR's are some of my favorites. Hope you're staying warm!!

Starr, thank you for joining another KatMark TR. This one will be slow moving to start. I hope you had a good vacation.

Sure one more report to get behind on. I mean I'm starting at what page 4. Oh well just means I don't have to wait for updates.:rotfl: Thanks for the invite!! Can't wait to read your report!!

Sandy, thanks for being here. By the way, what part of Iowa are you from? Our youngest son is in Dubuque.

Okay, so I'm not page 1, 2, 3 or maybe not even 4, BUT I'm also not page 20 like I was on your last TR. So... progress not perfection....right?

Dee, I'm so happy you are here. No perfection needed here...just friendly faces. :)

Ok, I know I said I needed to finish unpacking and getting things in order from the trip, but if I don't join in soon it will be page 50 and I will be lost forever! :rotfl:

Unpacking? Laundry? What the heck? Is that what I was supposed to do when I got hoem? Thanks for being here, Tammy.

I'm late to the party once again, but I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Jen, you are not late; we are just getting started.

Hi, sorry I'm late to the party!! That's what happens when I work instead of DIS! ;)
Can't wait to hear all about all of your adventures.

Linda, I am happy to have you here again. Work...why does it always get in the way of our DIS time?

I may take a short break from report writing, so that will allow me to enjoy other reports and pictures more. I am looking forward to seeing everything you've just seen when we take off in a couple of weeks. :thumbsup2 I'm definitely looking forward to all of your pictures, and especially the ones with the girls. I'm so glad you were able to have this special time with them and then have the added fun of Nicki joining in, too. :goodvibes

Caren, you have your own trip just around the corner. Thank you for being here, and hope you have as much fun as we did. We had such fun with Mary and the girls and our surprise visit from Nicki and Todd.

late but here! :wave2:

No worries, Ali...we've just gotten started.

Just checking in waiting for an update !!!

Rosie, going to do a short update soon.
Thank you ALL for being here. I am overwhelmed by all of you being here to read about our trip.

Before I move on with this TR, I want to share some exciting news with you. The first "real" friend I met here on the DIS was "that's nice" (Tim in real life). Tim and I hit it off right away and I fell in love with his only child at the time, Juliana. Juliana had some serious health issues when she turned a year old. Thankfully, she is now a healthy girl, and has two siblings, Christopher and Gabriella. Anyway, although I've been in touch with Tim and his family for years, I have never had the opportunity to meet them in person. Well, this is finally happening. It turns out Tim and Mel and the kids will be in Disney for part of our September 2014 trip and I am just so excited that I am going to finally meet my first real DIS friend. Okay, back to what you are here for.

Tuesday, December 3 --

It was departure day...finally. I was up just a little bit before 3:45 a.m. to hop in the shower and finish up packing. Before you knew it, I was ready to go:

Now, I just had to get Mark moving...he seemed to be in a bit of slow motion (he told me no more 7:30 a.m. flights; yeah, whatever!).

Andy was up and ready to take us. He loaded the car with our luggage and we were out the door and on the road by 4:30 a.m..

O'Hare Airport decked out for the holidays:

We were through security in under 10 minutes and walked towards our gate. Of course, on the way, those who know me, know that I had to stop for my Starbucks coffee. I also got a butter croissant:

Mark got a bagel (sorry for the "half eaten" food pic...you would think the man would know better by now):

Our chariot awaited:

Waiting patiently to board by reading his Nook:

We boarded right on schedule:

And we were off:

We had a little snack mid flight as we knew we wouldn't be eating until our first ADR which wasn't until 3:15 that afternoon:

The flight had a little bumpiness at one point according to Mark (I didn't notice...I was sleeping). Soon we were approaching Orlando:

And then we were there:

Our first palm tree:

I sent Mark to go pick up our rental car while I went and got the luggage. I figured this would save us some time to get to our first destination.

I met Mark down by Budget and we were set to go. We found our car, got the luggage in and we were on our way. I texted Mary to tell her we should be there in about 40 minutes. But I lied. Within 20 minutes, we were pulling in here:

Mark made a pit stop and then we stopped for our annual picture:

We headed over to Guest Relations to pick up our new Annual Passes and pray that our Magic Bands would work. It took about 20 minutes, but everything was working.

Up next, we check into our resort. Will our room be ready?

And just as a side note: I have LOST all of my cell phone pictures except for the last two days. So as I get to spots where we had DIS meets, please feel free to post your pictures if you have any.
Woooo whoooo!! Off to a great start. Gotta love that first spotting of a palm tree. That is when you know, you have arrived! :rotfl:
So happy you finally get to meet Tim, Mel and the kids!!!

Wow only 20 minutes you made great time to DTD!
Bummer about losing your photos do you have anything from our day in AK? can get you copies of the ones I have
Wow! If that was ALL your luggage then you travel light. :thumbsup2

I hear Mark on the early flights. Ours usually leave at 6am and getting up for them is "hard work". :lmao:
Love how nicely the airport in Chicago (is that O'Hare?) is decorated and even better the sight of the first palm tree!
You were "flying" to WDW in 20 minutes, well done!
Sorry about your cell phone photos.

And congratulations on finally being able to meet Tim! :woohoo:
Thanks for the background info about Tim and his family. I didn't know that and I'm really glad you guys have plans to meet during an upcoming trip!

Mark made a pit stop and then we stopped for our annual picture:

Annual picture or every trip? I suspect you have more than 1 for each year.

That is a fantastic tradition.

And just as a side note: I have LOST all of my cell phone pictures except for the last two days. So as I get to spots where we had DIS meets, please feel free to post your pictures if you have any.

That sucks! I hope your friends are able to fill in the gaps.

I don't have that many cell phone photos mostly because I try to always have a regular camera with me AND I forget that my phone is a camera too. I swear I can't even count the number of times I have said "I wish I had a camera" and my husband gives me "that look"

Yay! I am so happy for you that you get to meet your frist Dis friend! That is so awesome! I get to meet 1 of my first Dis friends on my next trip... I hope to meet the other "someday". ;)

Fantastic that you made it to DTD in 20 minutes... Mark must have a lead foot?

Glad you were able to get your APs and MBs - and thankful they worked. I have heard too many horror stories lately.

So excited to hear about the rest of your trip! :)

O'Hare decorations look beautiful How was Orlando airport decorated? I haven't been in that airport since I had to fly to NY about 4 yrs ago , so I am clueless
I always like the traditional Dumbo DTD picture okay ready for more .....:coffee:
Awesome start!! We arrived that night and also rented budget LOL. We will meet one of these days..I got to see Janet and Rosie so did you.so it was an almost haha. So sweet about finally getting to meet Tim!! My real life buddies I've found here on the Dis (yourself included) :hug:

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