Turkey and treacles, we went back! TR started! Park Day 3 added


Wizard momma living in a muggle world.
Sep 5, 2013
Just sit right back and I'll tell a tale, a tale of a fateful trip....

Grab your wand, dial back the time-turner to let's say, oh...March. Why March, you ask? Well, that would be right about the time that track season started for DS. After a few days of running DS mentions that his ankle didn't feel right. This would be the ankle that had been broken in 3 places during the previous football season. We all thought it was probably just stiff after winter and he kept running. Several more days of running and the pain continues, my Mom radar says this isn't right. After several X-rays and an MRI, it's discovered that after having suffered 3 breaks and a shifted growth plate at 14, our soon to be 16yr old DS has arthritis in his ankle.

.....and exhale. Our original vacation plans had us going back to Universal this summer. Once the ankle started flaring up and before we had a diagnosis, I got really worried about going. I didn't want DS to be in pain and miserable at his most favorite place in the world.:crutches: Like many kids his age, he grew up with me reading HP to him so going is a big deal. We made the painful decision to put the brakes on going this summer and instead we're going up to Ocean City, NJ to visit with very special friends. A week on the beach with people we love dearly, how ever will we manage? :cloud9:

But wait!!! The '17-'18 school year calendar comes out and they've revised both Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation!!! :yay: We're booked at HRH from Sat, 11/18 - Fri, 11/24. Yes, I know it'll be incredibly crowded but a busy and crowded day in Diagon Alley is better than not being there at all. :jumping1: The other plus for going this time of year is that we'll get to see my parents. :lovestruc My whole family (us, both of my brothers and my parents) live on roughly 30 acres in Virginia. My parents are Ocala, FL snowbirds from late September through early April. Being able to pop over and see them will be a huge bonus.

Now, fingers crossed that kid stays healthy and upright during the upcoming football season! party:
Wow, reading the story of what your son is going through...crazy enough, sounds just like my 14 y.o. :sad2: Hope the summer off will help him mend!

Sounds like a fun trip planned for November, can't wait to hear more!
Wow, reading the story of what your son is going through...crazy enough, sounds just like my 14 y.o. :sad2: Hope the summer off will help him mend!

Sounds like a fun trip planned for November, can't wait to hear more!

Thanks, Kivara! Our awesome ortho and PT released him last week and he's back to weightlifting and light running and so far so good! Football camp starts this Sunday and I'm a nervous Momma!
Started reading and thought, what a cool intro you are doing for your readers

Gasped when I got to the part of your son and medical issue

Did a short boohoo but perked up to see a darkside trip is still gonna happen!

(Can you handle another sport season and not fret of another injury?)

Your sweet ending for seeing the family is a plus
UO and family for the next trip!
Thanks, Kivara! Our awesome ortho and PT released him last week and he's back to weightlifting and light running and so far so good! Football camp starts this Sunday and I'm a nervous Momma!

So glad he is doing better (they bounce back scary-quick, right?) He has my prayers for a safe, fun football season!
Started reading and thought, what a cool intro you are doing for your readers

Gasped when I got to the part of your son and medical issue

Did a short boohoo but perked up to see a darkside trip is still gonna happen!

(Can you handle another sport season and not fret of another injury?)

Ever seen a football Mom outfit a 6ft 16yr old linebacker to resemble Baymax? I'm not proud.

Your sweet ending for seeing the family is a plus
UO and family for the next trip!
Just a few teeny tiny details....like who am I taking with me?

This Is Us, and this is usually what happens if anyone asks my crew to attempt any level of seriousness.

The cutie on the left, that's Corey. He came roaring into this world and hasn't slowed down since. He's my Potter partner in crime.

That's me, Wendy, in the middle. As you can tell from my profile pic, kid may be a foot taller than me but Momma rules the roost....or at least they do a good job at letting me think I do.
Ever get that wild 'hey, I think I'll get all my hair cut off!!' thought?? Yeah, welcome to 'what was I thinking?' world. :wave2:

And on the right is my orbit, my center, my exhale....you get the picture. That's my Tony. :love2:

We've got a trip coming up to Ocean City, NJ in the next couple of weeks so I'll have a taste of vacation and some November travel fun stuff to work through, but I'll leave you with this from a one day Uni visit in Dec '15 while visiting my parents after Christmas.

It was a quick one day visit, but at that point Corey had just been taken out of the ortho boot after the ankle ordeal.
Nice pics........and what a shame to miss the trip.......but, sounds like this one will be a blast......ideal to wait until he has healed........

Looking forward to reading more about your trip.........
Nice pics........and what a shame to miss the trip.......but, sounds like this one will be a blast......ideal to wait until he has healed........

Looking forward to reading more about your trip.........

Thanks, @schumigirl ! I've been lurking and reading TRs here for so many years that I feel like I already know you like a lizard knows the sun. :lmao:
Is your son going to be able to go with you and Tom on this year's excursion?
Ever get that wild 'hey, I think I'll get all my hair cut off!!' thought?? Yeah, welcome to 'what was I thinking?' world. :wave2:

You guys look like a fun bunch! It's so funny, you saying that about your hair...when I opened the pic larger, the first thing I thought was wow, I love your hair...wish I could pull off that striking short hair! :D
Thanks, @schumigirl ! I've been lurking and reading TRs here for so many years that I feel like I already know you like a lizard knows the sun. :lmao:
Is your son going to be able to go with you and Tom on this year's excursion?

Lol.........you do know me so well!!! I was actually a lizard today.......when sun went in......so did I........:rotfl:

No DS won't be joining us this year, thank you for asking............he is working, but, although he does get 6 weeks paid vacation time, but doesn't want to take such a long period of time off so close to their so called busy time of year........so just the two of us again which is just lovely too, especially for such a celebration..........but we do wish he was coming along........can't imagine him in NY though.....he hates shopping..........:laughing:

Glad you're not lurking anymore........:wave2:
You all look so cute!

You make me blush! I've learned to not leave my phone unguarded....I end up with pics of Corey's toes....nostrils. It never ends. He's the kid that doctors told us that we'd never have so I'll take every bit of insanity he adds to our lives. My 23 year old son adds balance. :-)


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Your leggings of yellow and orange are fabulous!

Went back to enlarge your pic and noticed them
So that comment I made earlier about wrapping Corey up ala Baymax, turns out it came back to bite me.IMG_9463.JPG

This was today, just before six stitches went into his left thumb. With any luck the stitches will come out 3 days before we leave for Ocean City.

How was your Saturday? :scared:
ACK!! We're leaving Wednesday morning for Surf City, NJ (salt air and sea....here I come!!!) and I'm now convinced beyond all reason that there is, indeed, another family whom I've yet to meet living in this house. How do I know this, you might ask. Well, because as of right now I've done approximately 3,264 loads of laundry today! :laundy:
Hehe, we always have midnight laundry before leaving the next day, early morning.

Have fun down the shore. We just came back from Wildwood, as DD plays soccer. Sand soccer weekend, and it was hot. I mean hot. That sand also got everywhere. But a really fun weekend and a first place, undefeated finish.
Hehe, we always have midnight laundry before leaving the next day, early morning.

Have fun down the shore. We just came back from Wildwood, as DD plays soccer. Sand soccer weekend, and it was hot. I mean hot. That sand also got everywhere. But a really fun weekend and a first place, undefeated finish.

Surf City was wonderful! The weather was wonderful, but oh my did we have winds! We were lucky and went to the Barnegat Lighthouse the day before all of the state parks were shut down.


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