Trying to get the most value out of DC membership


Earning My Ears
Feb 3, 2001
We're going to WDW August 2001 and June 2002. I haven't joined the new DC yet, and I see that the membership is good for just one year. Would it be beneficial to me to join in July so the one year would cover both trips? I don't need it for our hotel ressie this August, but might use it next June. I definitely want it before purchasing our AP's. The main drawback I can see is if I want to use the discount for our car rental this August, I couldn't make the reservation till sort of late. Any advice???
You can make a rental car reservation at National's website using the Disney Club codes before you are actually in the Disney Club. You just need to have the DC card and coupons when you get the car. If you want to do this and need the coupon code numbers post a message on the transportation board with your email address and I am sure someone will get them to you. I don't have them with me right now or I would just send them.

I think you would need to have your DC membership to get into the National Emerald Club for free but you can also get that for free through biztravel. Again, check the transportation board for more details.
Hi, we have found the card pays for itself in souvineers only and restaurtant discounts...remember to buy souvineers at Downtown Disney and not the parks....For rentals cars really shop around...we are going in may and have always used National, but right now they are very high 241.00 a week for midsize....Dollar was 125.00 and Avis 134.00 from any discount number...try first and they will give good ballpark prices for the day...these rates can change by the hour, so shop around..Ted


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