Try posing with the bad guy characters at Universal


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
I think the bad guys are more fun to pose with than the good guys. Sure, everyone wants a photo with Spider-Man (especially Robin! :) ), but I've seen the bad guys pose with guests and they do more fun things. I saw a monster from the Sinbad show hanging around Posideon's Fury. A guest went up to pose with him and he put her in a headlock. I videotaped him for a while and he acted like he was upset at me for filming him!

I saw Frankenstein once and when people posed with him, he put his arm around their necks or acted like he was going to snap some heads off!

This makes for a great memory and a fun photo to put in your scrapbook! :)
I agree, they make much more interesting photos!

I have a great shot of my son and the Grinch... he is a hoot, in a headlock and Dr Doom giving him a noogie!

I still prefer my Spidey shots, though.... :sigh: ...
Oh Barry!
My youngest grandson has been throughly into the Universal Monsters since we took him to Universal Studios in 1999. We had to go to their show three times and finally taped it so he can watch it whenever he wants. He insists on being a Universal Monster each Halloween- in 2000 it was Dracula and last year Wolfman. We got the entire set of Universal Monster movies last year and he watches them over and over. (Except for Creature from the Black Lagoon - he won't take a bubble bath after that one and will not watch it at night! lol) Thank God for Ebay, I can get toys and coloring books for him from collectors (but don't tell them, they might not sell to me anymore). His favorites right now are Wolfman and Frankenstein. If we can get a picture of Grandma with either of them he would be soooooooo impressed! He will be 6 in March, I got him a wolfman pinata and planned to look for some special birthday presents when I was there, but a picture would make it special.
This is our Universal baby, he also loves King Kong. None of his friends in kindegarten knew any of his favorites, so he shared his books and toys and now here on Molokai we have a bunch of 5 year olds that all dream of going to Universal instead of Disney!!!
What do you think our chances of seeing the Monsters and getting pictures during my visit? We have been to UO 4 times and have never seen the Monsters out. :(
Come to think of it, I haven't seen the Universal monsters in a long time. I think the only place that you can see them is at the Beetlejuice show. You can hang around for a little bit after the show and the performers will come out for meet and greet. Should we put a Beetlejuice meet for MG Con? :)
The monsters should be out for the Mardi Gras parade, but i would do a bettlejuice show, The bride of frankenstien is really a hottie:smooth:
Yes Barry, I will definitely be going to the Beetlejuice show.

BTW, on our last visit to USH we discovered that they had dropped this show there. :( What a disappointment. Think they have it at USJ???

I recall the morning when my 4 yr old son refused to wear a belt. Then when Frankenstein saw him, picked him off the floor for the pic and his pants slipped right off

Nice pic for the eternities...

But I thought it was cool that Hercules let the kids hold his sword for the pics
The Monster all do sets outside of the Beetlejuice theatre between show times. They are also a part of the end of day good bye sets at the front of the park. those seta have all the characters come out for final meet and greet starting at 5 til 6 in front of main store.
I finally met the Green Goblin last November. Everybody was in line for Spider-Man, nobody cared for the goblin. So i went up and said "You are my favorite comic book character, even though you are just a guy in a suit, it means a lot for me to meet you in person" and i reached out to shake his hand.
He said "I dont do fake handshakes." And that made me smile...cause you see, Norman Osborne, the Green Goblin's sevret identity, never shook hands with his business partners because he knew they were cheating him and waiting to stab him in the back. It's nice that the characters act out who they are supposed to be, and that's the one thing i couldnt stop talking about that day. :-D
Here's my experience posing with a BAD GUY CHARACTER... :p
<img src="" width="600" height="450">
Originally posted by Robinrs
Here's my experience posing with a BAD GUY CHARACTER... :p

Robin...could you WARN us before you do that next time!!! :eek:


How does one Emu, anyway??? :::ponder:::

Why are you picking on Malarie, Robin? She will hold your photo of Spider-Man way up high while you jump for it. :)

How do you emu? How do you Wang Chung, as in "Everybody Wang Chung tonight?" :)
Kungfu Hamster to the RESCUE!!<marquee>

I'll get you for pickin' on Robin, you Rat you!


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