traveling with a newborn



I was wondering if anyone has ever taken a newborn to disney? I would like to plan a trip for June with our 6 year old, but we will also have a 4 week old at the time of the trip. Anyone have any suggestions?null
I would also love to hear any replies om this. How young is too young? I heard from my doctor that 1-2 months is ideal because they are so good and non-fussy. Is this true? We would definitely go in December when it is cooler. Anty tips would be super helpful.
I know several people on this board have taken newborns with them, and many of them had very good trips. Since none of them have replied yet, I'll give my opinions.

I think that taking a baby would be infinitely easier than taking a 1 year old. The baby will sleep in its stroller when it's tired, and you don't have to worried about baby being scared on HM, PoC, etc.

The downside would be that you really don't want to travel with a too-young infant. I can't recall offhand what the minimum age is for flying, but it is several weeks after the baby is born. Also, you have to keep in mind that young babies (and even toddlers) can't regulate their body temps as well as you can. Personally, I wouldn't consider taking a child under 3 or 4 during the summer. It's just too hot. You can't even use sunscreen on babies until they're 6 months old, and you can't count on keeping the baby shaded continually so that there is no risk of sunburn.
We took our son on a day trip to MGM when he was 7 months old in 1996. He did fine, but was wearing out by days end. Our daughter was born in June 1999 and we spent a long Labor Day weekend at Disneyworld. It was no problem. We stayed on property and just planned our days around getting her an afternoon nap. Each park has great amenities for babies. MK has even has a tv lounge for older children with Toon Disney playing. EPCOTs baby room has a play area. All of them have rooms for nursing if you choose to do so as well as high chairs and changing tables. They also offer diapers, wipes, etc. for sale if you need. Also, we have always had good luck with our kids being contented in their strollers, especially at that age. :p :D :p :D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I agree with Kermit!!! I'm in the process of packing for my 10 month old, and I can't believe that I have a suitcase filled with formula, water, baby bottles, jar food, cherrio's, baby cereal, etc....

When he was a newborn, it was pretty much just the bottles, and he didn't crawl around and have to investigate everything like he does now!

One tip of advice, and I know you know this already, but, I feel like my mom for even saying this, "Make sure you keep a hat on his head!" :)
My daughter was just about 2 1/2 months old for her first trip to WDW and it was one of our most memorable and enjoyable trips. She was an absolute angel. I was breastfeeding her (so I didn't have to worry about bottles or formula) but with the Carnation Baby Care Stations, even formula feeding would be easy.

It was such a breeze that we're planning a trip in November and we'll have three girls by then, 5, 2 and 2 1/2 months.


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