Trail's End

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Sep 12, 1999
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Registered: 02-14-01
Posts: 17
Trail's End
Just wondering -- has anyone eaten at the Trail's End Restaurant lately? How is the food (Especially
the breakfast buffet)? Is it a good deal (moneywise) or would it be better (price vs. quality) to eat at the park? (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
I have three teenagers to feed (one girl who eats very little and two boys who will want to eat a lot!!)
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!

posted 02-20-01 10:59 AM

DIS Veteran

From: Farmington Hills, Michigan
Registered: 08-11-00
Posts: 78
We weren't impressed.
I seem to be in the minority on this issue, but we really didn't think that Trail's End was anything special. Some of the food was pretty cold, the pizza was very tired looking etc... They also didn't have anything special for the kids - I'm used to the Disney buffets having a "kids" buffet. Drinks weren't included either. In general, we didn't feel like it was worth the price. My 5 and 2 year olds ended up eating cornbread and shredded cheese from the salad bar (at least the little guy was free). It was SuperBowl Sunday, and the place was almost deserted (we must be the only people in the state who weren't watching!) - so maybe we just had an unusual experience. We had planned to eat breakfast there one day, but after the dinner experience, we never went back.
posted 02-20-01 01:20 PM


From: Minnesota, USA
Registered: 08-18-99
Posts: 1266
We love the Trail's End!
We always end up eating there a few times on every trip! The breakfast buffet is great - inexpensive and lots of choices! They have a couple different kinds of eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausages, corn beef hash, lots of pastries, mickey waffles or pancakes or french toast, breakfast pizza, and fruit!
For dinner they serve bbq ribs and chicken with all the fixin's! It's a country-western style atmosphere.

They also have pizza on their lunch and dinner menus, and they serve late night pizza after 9:00pm.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator

posted 02-20-01 01:47 PM

DIS Veteran

From: Miami, Fl, USA
Registered: 03-14-00
Posts: 453
We have always found plenty to eat at Trail's End. Why should there be a special kids buffet when a good portion of the buffet is kid friendly in the first place. Mac and Cheese, pizza ( and if you felt it was old why didn't you ask for fresh),mash potatoes, usually some type of fried chicken, fried fish. And if you don't find something to the kids liking all you had to do is ask the server. The chef has made something special for my 2 daughters on many occasions as they are vergetarians, They have also made a fresh cheese pizza so that they could have pizza uncontaminated by any meat (they usually do half cheese/half pepperoni). Also they have great desserts and fruit one the salad bar.
Breakfast bar is awesome and filling also.
And the servers at Trail's End really go beyond expectations in trying to accommodate their guests
Best at dinner are Alex, Chris, Joy, Bob and Nancy.
Pooh Bear

posted 02-20-01 11:06 PM

DIS Veteran Campn

From: Hales Corners. WI USA
Registered: 01-15-00
Posts: 577

I'll agree with Rhonda.
The buffet is great i have two growing boys and they get there fill at Trails End.If you want a
good pizza or chicken dinner they have the best for take. We do the pizza twice along with the chicken.As for MichiganMommy i'm sorry you didn't think it was that good,Everyone i have taken there all loved it. Please give it another try.

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posted 02-21-01 06:19 AM

Jessica Rabbit
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Registered: 01-04-01
Posts: 5
We love the Trail's End, also. My daughter, who is a picky eater, likes the pizza, fried chicken, and mac and cheese. The desserts are good, too.
posted 02-21-01 07:05 AM

DIS Veteran

From: Ohio
Registered: 12-07-00
Posts: 123
We have always enjoyed the Trail's End and found it to be a good deal for the money. But then, anywhere that has great all-you-can-eat ribs is a wonderful place for my husband, a true Ribaholic!
My kids (teenager and 9 year old) liked the pizza there also.
posted 02-22-01 01:30 PM

DIS Veteran

From: Ohio
Registered: 12-07-00
Posts: 123

Sorry -- in my last post I meant to say that we have always eaten dinner there, never lunch or breakfast, although we have seen the breakfast buffet and it looked great. We will most likely try it at least one day on our upcoming trip. I've heard that the breakfast buffet is the best deal in the World.
posted 02-22-01 01:37 PM

DIS Veteran

Registered: 01-06-00
Posts: 132
We ate there less than 3 weeks ago and we liked it. Sure, it does cost you more than any buffet you might be used to, but then again you are at WDW...what do you expect? The breakfast was better than the dinner, but I did enjoy them both. The service was great, and I did not have any food that I would not want again. Enjoy!
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posted 02-22-01 06:54 PM

DIS Veteran

From: Warrenville, Illlinois USA
Registered: 05-18-00
Posts: 258
Trails End Buffet
We just love the buffet. We usually do the breakfast and the kids can always find something to eat. There is suchh a variety. We are staying at a hotel the next time we go and are going to make a special trip to eat breakfast there then go to River Country.
posted 02-25-01 09:08 PM

Welcomed Guest

Registered: 02-14-01
Posts: 17
Great Advice
We just returned from WDW and following the advice
of many we ate at Trail's End. It was really good.
Thank you to all who suggested we eat there. The breakfast buffet was wonderful. My teenage boys ate enough to keep even them full for a while.
We only ate the dinner buffet there once. The food was really good and although it is pricey as someone said, remember you are at WDW.

I would recommend it to anyone!

posted 03-02-01 11:49 AM

DIS Veteran

From: Richardson, TX USA
Registered: 11-10-99
Posts: 624
Breakfast and lunch there seem to be much better values than dinner! We love it for breakfast.

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