Tipsy is as Tipsy Does - A February '17 Dining Adventure - Complete 8/15

Aww! Little does she know that will be the first of many blisters in her life because of shoes!

Smart move on just going with the naan! We're fine with have the 3 types of naan but they are better than those other two options! I'm all for having bread for dinner sometimes - can't blame your daughter for just wanting that when its especially yummy!

All your options look great! They definitely have good options for vegetables that seem to outshine the protein dishes! I want to try that Pepper Pot wine now!

Up next, why don't we do a little day drinkin'?

Hey! That's my line!
Sanaa is our fav for sure!! Good taste there my friend for sure. Alexander is doing well. He will be 3 July 5. Where does the time go?!!
It was a beautiful night so we elected to walk instead of taking a bus. It was a nice relaxing walk for most of us, but poor Casey experienced her first case of wearing the wrong shoes and ended up with blister. Of course if she'd listed to me when I said the cheap frozen shoes from payless may not have been the best choice the outcome may have been different. Oh well, welcome to womanhood kid!
Ah yes, that sounds very familiar. Reminds me of my last trip when my youngest insisted on keeping her Anna costume boots on to stomp around MK. She lasted a few hours and made it pretty far with them (as evidence below by the picture on Tom Sawyer Island), but finally gave up when the blisters came.


For those unfamiliar with this majestic dish it is Naan (we just got traditional as we are naan purists, though 4 other options are available)
I've never been to Sanaa, but I feel like I would enjoy it. I love Naan, traditional style like you, but with the butter of course. I've had it just plain without butter and it's not as good.

Matthew also went the Potjie route and chose the butter chicken and the cilantro-coconut milk veggies.
I love butter chicken too. Of course I'm the only one in my clan who will eat Indian food, so I have no idea what the rest would eat. Perhaps just plain naan. I think that is perfectly fine for a meal.
Your trip report is getting me so excited for my trip!! I've got both Narcoossee's and Sanaa booked during my 1st week....aaaand I just bought a pair of cheap Frozen sandals which I now will be promptly discarding in the trash, thanks Casey you saved me a box of Mickey bandaids girlfriend!! ;) Thank you for another great report, I'll be standing by for some entertaining day drinking!! :hyper:
And of course we couldn't come to Sanaa without getting the entire reason for coming to Sanaa in the first place: BREAD SERVICE!!!!
Now you have me second guessing my decision to cancel my Sanna lunch on departure day! That looks fantastic! I am trying to branch out and only make ADRs at places I have never eaten at before.

I got two of the Potjie choices, going with the Spicy Durban Shrimp and Chickpea Wat.
I love, love, love chick peas and that looks delish!

Matthew also went the Potjie route and chose the butter chicken and the cilantro-coconut milk veggies.
I would be all over the cilantro/coconut milk veggies too.....yummo!

Up next, why don't we do a little day drinkin'?
Haha! Isn't that the best kind????
We love Sanna and especially their bread service. I totally could make a meal out of it like Casey!
Bread is a Meal, Right?
Um... YES!!! ::yes:: It is in my world anyway! :laughing:

And Casey's favorite was apparently #5 (no idea what I meant by that one).
:rotfl: I find my own trip report notes like this all the time...

At this point she also requested no food for dinner and just more Naan, so like any good mother we just ordered more bread!!!!
I approve! :thumbsup2

He did enjoy the butter chicken, but didn't think it lived up to all the great reviews it gets.
I'm so obsessed with butter chicken and have tried to find the "perfect" recipe at home, but I also don't care much for cooking, so... :laughing:

The chicken on here had great flavor and was really moist and Jason loved the addition of the paneer.
Yum! I love paneer, too!
I'm fairly certain that Sean is going to just go with extra bread service for his dinner in September, too. Nothing wrong with that! I think you're the first person I've seen review the chickpea wat. Curious to try it! Of course now my entree choices just got that much more complicated, since your brother's coconut milk veggies sound good too. Ah, decisions decisions. At least I've got 118 days to figure it out ;)
As I sit in my bed a couple floors up from Sanaa :D I am reading your review and wishing we'd eaten there on this short trip! It's been far too long since I've had that bread service.......we did eat breakfast there yesterday but that's a story for another report. I always get the butter chicken but the Biryani chicken does look and sound good!
The walk between Jambo and Kidani can be very nice if its not 105 degrees, 100% humidity, or if your shoes aren't the Payless Frozen type. Luckily I left my Frozen shoes home so we've enjoyed the walk a couple times :laughing:
Yeah, welcome to womanhood dear Casey. One day it's wearing uncomfortable shoes in the name of fashion, the next day it's crying your eyes out in a dressing room somewhere while attempting to purchase jeans, a bathing suit, or a bra that fits correctly :scared:
Yeah, welcome to womanhood dear Casey. One day it's wearing uncomfortable shoes in the name of fashion, the next day it's crying your eyes out in a dressing room somewhere while attempting to purchase jeans, a bathing suit, or a bra that fits correctly :scared:[/QUOTE]

Ariane! That was too funny!!!!! It made me LOL and almost spit out my coffee...
As I sit in my bed a couple floors up from Sanaa :D I am reading your review and wishing we'd eaten there on this short trip! It's been far too long since I've had that bread service.......we did eat breakfast there yesterday but that's a story for another report. I always get the butter chicken but the Biryani chicken does look and sound good!
The walk between Jambo and Kidani can be very nice if its not 105 degrees, 100% humidity, or if your shoes aren't the Payless Frozen type. Luckily I left my Frozen shoes home so we've enjoyed the walk a couple times :laughing:
Yeah, welcome to womanhood dear Casey. One day it's wearing uncomfortable shoes in the name of fashion, the next day it's crying your eyes out in a dressing room somewhere while attempting to purchase jeans, a bathing suit, or a bra that fits correctly :scared:

That last part made me LOL!!! I almost spit out my coffee...:P
And of course we couldn't come to Sanaa without getting the entire reason for coming to Sanaa in the first place: BREAD SERVICE!!!!
This is making me soo hungry for Indian... Yum... The bread service is seriously half of the reason I want to go so much. Good to know that you can order more bread! I love to sop up my sauce with the bread.. I could probably do without the stuff in it... ;)

Besides the bread service, the chickpeas are in my opinion the best thing on the menu. They are sweet, spicy, and cooked to perfection.
I will have to remember the Chickpea Wat.. DH and I always order Chicken Tikka Masala when we order Indian at home.

Overall he liked both dishes, but the veggies much more so as the coconut curry like sauce was excellent. He did enjoy the butter chicken, but didn't think it lived up to all the great reviews it gets.
Looks soooooo good!!! I am kind of worried about the butter chicken not living up to what I want it to be. I might need to do the Coconut Curry and Chickpea Wat to be "adventous" !

As I sit in my bed a couple floors up from Sanaa :D
This is just mean!

I am reading your review and wishing we'd eaten there on this short trip! It's been far too long since I've had that bread service...
I think you can order the bread service from the bar next to Sanaa... But you are probably on your way home now....
This is just mean!
:laughing: I know but I couldn't resist! You can be mean and post something like that on one of my reports when you're down there lol.

I think you can order the bread service from the bar next to Sanaa... But you are probably on your way home now....
You are correct, madam. We saw someone eating it when we walked in there Thurs. night, before deciding to go to Victoria Falls for a drink instead. A couple times we thought about going down and getting it but we ended up eating other things :)
Great update!! I seriously need to look into the bread service at Sanaa... I would love nothing more than a cocktail and bread. Two of my favorite food groups :cloud9: Also, poor Casey and her little feet.... lesson learned ;)
Great update!! I seriously need to look into the bread service at Sanaa... I would love nothing more than a cocktail and bread. Two of my favorite food groups :cloud9: Also, poor Casey and her little feet.... lesson learned ;)

That's so funny that you say that, because that's exactly what my husband and I did in March. We went to Sanaa strictly for cocktails and the bread service.:P
Sanaa is the best! That bread service, is worth the trip all by itself!! Never disppointed :)
You got that right. I love all the food, but I'm not sure we'd return as often as we do if it wasn't for that dang bread.

Now, I'm regretting not making time for Sanaa this coming trip! I love that place and think my family would, too. I cancelled the ADR when plans seemed too packed but I'm going to look for an excuse to go.
You should at least try and stop by for some drinks in the lounge and the bread service if you can. It's so worth the trip. And have an amazing vacation!!!!! 5 days and counting!

I honestly can't remember if I've commented here on this TR, but I'm glad I found you anyway...always love a good dining report.
Hi Kathy!!!! Always great to have you check in. Hope all is well in Canada.

The worst. And you always hope kids learn their lesson...but they don't usually lol
Coming from a woman who still insist on going to work in 2-3 inch heels despite knee problems, nope we never do learn :-)

I would totally do this. On a similar note I was just browsing some menus for our upcoming trip and thinking about how at many of them I like the sound of several appetizers rather than a I may just do that. At the more upscale places do they care/let you do this?
No, they do not care at all. I've just ordered apps at CG before and had no issue. In fact I much prefer apps to meals most of the time, so that sounds like a fabulous idea.

Hi Kari! I finally ate at Sanaa for the first time in March, strictly for the naan bread service. After reading all the wonderful reviews, I had to try it!!!! And, it was DELICIOUS!!!!! Seeing your pics bring back all the yummy memories...
Hey Jenny!!!! So glad to hear you loved Sanna as much as we did. Are you doing a TR or DR???? Would love to hear all about it.

Sanaa is so good! I think we should eat there on our next trip :scratchin
If you think it, you must eat it :-)

Sanaa is an absolute gem! Glad you had another incredible dinner here.

The Biryani Chicken looks really good. And who doesn't love Paneer Cheese? I haven't seen a pic of this dish before so yay! for posting a DIS first!
Sanaa is most definitely a gem and I am totally in the paneer cheese lovers club too. I don't think I'd ever seen the dish before either and was glad Jason ordered it. I can't ever seem to move beyond the potjie options.

Ouch for Casey and the blister. I always get them despite wearing sensible shoes. Think my cold little Canadian feet get stressed out by the hot, humid Florida weather. I love moleskin and keep a couple pre-cut in a little ziplock in my park bag. They have saved my Canadian bacon more than a few times.
Her shoes were decidedly not sensible and IMO atrocious at that, but my best efforts to get her to wear something better were an epic fail. Gonna have to go all American on you and ask what moleskin is? I have a feeling casey's American bacon is going to need to be saved a lot in our future.

We are going to Sanaa on our next trip and I can't wait!!
WOO to the HOO!!!

Yes to all of this! I definitely give Sanaa 1/10, lol! I went for the first time this past September & only ordered the bread service & their seasonal soup which was a split pea and one of the best soups I have ever had!!

One thing I need to do one of these days though is make an ADR at the end of the night so I am able to take home all of that awesome leftover bread, dips & Potjie I am never able to finish! I'm just always more tempted to go there when it's light out so I can get a window seat to see the animals. When I went a couple weeks ago, it started pouring (which we so desperately need here!) & all the animals were getting frisky & hopping around being playful. It was fun to watch.
I've never tried the Sanaa soup, but I unquestionably had the best soup of my life at Jiko several years ago. AKL definitely knows what it is doing. So jealous you are so close to even think about leftovers.

That was so nice of that driver to give y'all a ride back! I had a great experience last night with the hostess at Trader Sam's who gave me a much needed laugh after having a rough start to my day. I got her name & will be writing to Disney about how great she is & how much I appreciate CMs like her.
Now I feel bad I didn't even get her name. I definitely should have as she did not need to do that. I'll try to be better next time :-)

That was me yesterday after having to make the decision at the vet's office to put my budgie down (I know it's just a parakeet but I had him for 6 years & still managed to get attached to him). So I went to HS for some rides & sidecars from the Brown Derby lounge. Then over to Epcot for dinner from F&G booths, then ended at the Poly. Talk about a way to get my mind off worked pretty well.
Oh no, so sorry about your bird. No matter what kind of animal or how long you have them I know it is tough. Our dogs are both very old now and unfortunately those decisions aren't too far in our future. If only we could escape to WDW when the time comes :-) Hope you're doing better
Aww! Little does she know that will be the first of many blisters in her life because of shoes!
Amen sista. And she is starting so young those poor feet don't stand a chance.

Smart move on just going with the naan! We're fine with have the 3 types of naan but they are better than those other two options! I'm all for having bread for dinner sometimes - can't blame your daughter for just wanting that when its especially yummy!
I don't think we've ever had the other options, but have tried all the naan. We like the garlic and the cheese one, but prefer a nice clean palette for all the delicious sauces :-)

Casey would live on bread, butter, salt and olive oil if we let her. Thankfully she eats just about everything, but those are most definitely her 4 food groups.

Hey! That's my line!
Hey! That's all of our lines :drinking1

Sanaa is our fav for sure!! Good taste there my friend for sure. Alexander is doing well. He will be 3 July 5. Where does the time go?!!
3 already, OMG where does the time go indeed. You'll have to post a picture of him. He's still barely a toddler in my crazy mind

Ah yes, that sounds very familiar. Reminds me of my last trip when my youngest insisted on keeping her Anna costume boots on to stomp around MK. She lasted a few hours and made it pretty far with them (as evidence below by the picture on Tom Sawyer Island), but finally gave up when the blisters came.

She and Casey are most definitely two peas in the proverbial pod. I'm sure if Casey's mean mother would let her a. wear a costume or b. let said costume have anything remotely resembling Anna boots she'd be in the exact same Tom Sawyer island kinda blister pain :P

I've never been to Sanaa, but I feel like I would enjoy it. I love Naan, traditional style like you, but with the butter of course. I've had it just plain without butter and it's not as good.
You should most definitely give it a whirl. Butter or not, their naan is divine. Do you all have any trips planned soon?

I love butter chicken too. Of course I'm the only one in my clan who will eat Indian food, so I have no idea what the rest would eat. Perhaps just plain naan. I think that is perfectly fine for a meal.
Just feed the girls the naan and go all out on the Indian for you!

Your trip report is getting me so excited for my trip!! I've got both Narcoossee's and Sanaa booked during my 1st week....aaaand I just bought a pair of cheap Frozen sandals which I now will be promptly discarding in the trash, thanks Casey you saved me a box of Mickey bandaids girlfriend!! ;) Thank you for another great report, I'll be standing by for some entertaining day drinking!! :hyper:
Awesome!!!!! Hope you enjoy two of our all time favs. And your trip is so close!!! Where are you staying?

And please don't throw out your cheap frozen sandles. Surely someone with uncranky in their name can make due and rock those frozen candles like there is no tomorrow all over the world.

Your meal at Sanaa looks great! Especially the bread service.
It is oh so good. A definite dining must do!

Now you have me second guessing my decision to cancel my Sanna lunch on departure day! That looks fantastic! I am trying to branch out and only make ADRs at places I have never eaten at before.
I know you went on your last trip, so I can appreciate branching out. Though if you find yourself at AKL and are hungry....... :-)

We love Sanna and especially their bread service. I totally could make a meal out of it like Casey!
After all the comments on here, I'm thinking the 6 year old and her request to have the bread only is the way too go. Maybe next time we just cozy up the bar and drink and eat naan all night :-)

I find my own trip report notes like this all the time...
Aren't they the funniest. I type notes in my phone and they tend to be pretty sparse, so putting them together is always a feet. Add the alcohol and well you know how that goes :P

'm so obsessed with butter chicken and have tried to find the "perfect" recipe at home, but I also don't care much for cooking, so... :laughing:
I've never done the butter chicken, but if you have a Harris Teeter near you they have their own really great line of indian sauces and have a butter one. We've been really happy with with the korma, tikka and a few other sauces, so I'm sure the butter one is good too.

I'm fairly certain that Sean is going to just go with extra bread service for his dinner in September, too. Nothing wrong with that! I think you're the first person I've seen review the chickpea wat. Curious to try it! Of course now my entree choices just got that much more complicated, since your brother's coconut milk veggies sound good too. Ah, decisions decisions. At least I've got 118 days to figure it out ;)
Nope, nothing wrong with all bread at all. Especially when you're a kid on vacation in disney world :-)

I'd definitely go for the chickpea over the veggies. The veggies were good, but the chickpeas are from another world. Keep me posted on which is winning daily tally in your mind over the next 118 days :P

As I sit in my bed a couple floors up from Sanaa :D I am reading your review and wishing we'd eaten there on this short trip! It's been far too long since I've had that bread service.......we did eat breakfast there yesterday but that's a story for another report. I always get the butter chicken but the Biryani chicken does look and sound good!
Oh how I simultaneously hate and love you :D Can't believe you were at AKL and didn't Sanaa it up for bread service, but did have breakfast there :confused3 Can't wait to hear the story

The walk between Jambo and Kidani can be very nice if its not 105 degrees, 100% humidity, or if your shoes aren't the Payless Frozen type. Luckily I left my Frozen shoes home so we've enjoyed the walk a couple times :laughing:
What???????? You left your frozen shoes at home!!!!!!! Having seen your shirt choices you clearly would have had TONS of thing to wear them with. And I know you could have drank your way through the blisters :drinking1

Yeah, welcome to womanhood dear Casey. One day it's wearing uncomfortable shoes in the name of fashion, the next day it's crying your eyes out in a dressing room somewhere while attempting to purchase jeans, a bathing suit, or a bra that fits correctly :scared:

That last part made me LOL!!! I almost spit out my coffee...:P
What do you know I almost spit out my wine :drinking1:P

This is making me soo hungry for Indian... Yum... The bread service is seriously half of the reason I want to go so much. Good to know that you can order more bread! I love to sop up my sauce with the bread.. I could probably do without the stuff in it... ;)
I think it is only like 2 or 3 dollars more for extra bread and oh so worth it.

I will have to remember the Chickpea Wat.. DH and I always order Chicken Tikka Masala when we order Indian at home.
We don't have many great indian places here, but we have a lot of Afghan ones that turned me onto really well done chickpeas. As much as I love my beloved local kabob house chickpeas, the ones at Sanaa are seriously the best I've ever had. When I want vegetarian over meat you know they are doing something right!

Looks soooooo good!!! I am kind of worried about the butter chicken not living up to what I want it to be. I might need to do the Coconut Curry and Chickpea Wat to be "adventous" !
You should totally go all vegetarian. We've had the paneer, curry, chickpeas, and lentils and all are ah-maz-ing!!!!

This is just mean!
@ariane37 is mean. Please torment her on my behalf on your trip!

You are correct, madam. We saw someone eating it when we walked in there Thurs. night, before deciding to go to Victoria Falls for a drink instead. A couple times we thought about going down and getting it but we ended up eating other things :)
Victoria Falls over Sanaa lounge?????? Can't wait to see how that worked out for ya :P

Great update!! I seriously need to look into the bread service at Sanaa... I would love nothing more than a cocktail and bread. Two of my favorite food groups :cloud9: Also, poor Casey and her little feet.... lesson learned ;)
What do you know, cocktails and bread are my 2 favorite food groups too :-)

That's so funny that you say that, because that's exactly what my husband and I did in March. We went to Sanaa strictly for cocktails and the bread service.:P
I think we all have one track bread and cocktail minds :P
You should most definitely give it a whirl. Butter or not, their naan is divine. Do you all have any trips planned soon?
Sadly not for me. DW and youngest DD are going in July with her dance school. They will be dancing in a parade at Epcot (yes, an Epcot parade, but it is just dancers). I am heartbroken that I can't go, but I am in transition to a new job in June and I will be very busy for a couple months, so I just couldn't make it work. I'm hoping to take the whole family next year, or even an adults only trip, but I'm not sure yet.
what moleskin is?
Moleskin is a wonderful thin self-sticking felt that you can cut to size and apply right to hotspots and blisters. It comes in a large roll and I cut some of the roll up into thumb and half thumb sz squares, put into a ziplock baggy, and stash in my park bag. I also pack the rest of the roll in my suitcase in case needed (with a little pr of dollar store scissors). I now know where the hotspots or places are on my feet where blisters are likely to develop so I put it on my first day at the park to help prevent blisters from even starting. I prefer to carefully take it off each night and reapply a fresh one the next morning but think it's actually designed to stay on for a while. YMMV but I'm more comfortable with a clean one each day as long as I'm not tearing the skin when taking off (which I've never had happen). This stuff is a hiker's best friend and since we all do huge amounts of walking at WDW, it's a big help. You should be able to get it at any drug store but I find the best price is on amazon. I checked and it is definitely on The brand I like is Dr. Scholl's Moleskin. Here's a pic:


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