Tiki-tastic Graduation Celebration - May 2016 TR - Updated 2/9 - D-Luxe Burger and Ample Hills

It is a little strange. And from the pictures I've seen, it's Santa Goofy greeting during the christmas dine
The only reason I can see behind it is that you don't get a lot of time with the character in the front, so maybe thats why? :confused3

Glad you had a great experience and meal there. Unfortunately other factors prevented me from fully enjoying my meal there, but I did love the characters in their spring outfits
I'm sorry to hear that! :worried:

Agreed those outfits are too CUTE!

great pics!

Thank you!
I won't lie in saying that outfits were probably 75% of the reason I wanted to eat there! :laughing:
Finishing Off With a Little Starwars! - Day 3 Part 3
After dinner, we decided to head back off to launch bay - we still hadn't met one of our favorite characters - Chewbaca!


He was very happy to see BB8 on my shirt and bow. He was very confused by a snowman on the beach, which we all had to try to explain to him (even the attendant) but he wasn't having any of it.

After seeing Chewie, we headed to check out some stuff on Launch Bay we hadn't see earlier, and one of them was the jawas! They had gotten ahold of one of those BB8s you control with your phone... it was hilarious! Another one got ahold of some hand sanitizer wand was giving everyone some.


Afterwards, we decided to go see if we could meet Minnie and Mickey - but the line was SO LONG! So we caught the end of the stag show, which was pretty cool. I wish we would have seen all of it, but it put us in the mood to ride Star Tours again, so off we went! We got the same ride as we did earlier, but that's okay.

When we got off of Star Tours - we still had some time before Fantasmic! But we were pretty tired, so we decided to sit on the steps in front of the Frozen singalong and people watch. It was a lot of fun - and something we don't do a lot at Disney. Before heading over to Fantasmic! We got some popcorn and a BB8 sipper. I love this sipper! Its so cute and I am so happy with it.

We left the show a little early to get a good spot for the fireworks, and while waiting it started to rain. Once they did start though, they were fantastic. Hands down one of our favorite fireworks shows at Disney. When they ended we ducked into a shop and browsed for a few before leaving. I already bought a "Phases of the Death Star" off the shoulder top and Kenny the "dropping in" t-shirt from ToT, so while we didn't need to buy anything we didn't want to be trampled trying to get out of the park. There was EMH, but we were exhausted.

However, when we did get to the bus stop the line was really long. We were like "okay, well, whatever, its not that bad" and then it got bad. One bus came, but then we waited another 45 minutes for the second one! We almost considered going back into the park. By the time we got home, we were so ready for sleep.
It's been such a long time! I've been so busy (and also lost both my USBs with the disney pictures on them so I had to get them from Kenny), so I think it's time for an update!

Break Day! And Lunch at Sanaa - Day 4 Part 1
In the morning we did our usual routine of getting breakfast at club level, and then we headed to the pool for a while. After swimming, we got ready to go to lunch. Since Kenny had his car we decided to drive over to AKV, and on our way out of the lobby we caught a little bit of a show...


We watched for a little bit, but then decided we really had to head out to the car.


Last year when we stayed at AKL we absolutely loved the resort. However, it is very far away from everything, but the buses weren't bad. So this brought back a lot of memories from last year!

We arrived and park (after some confusion) at AKV, and then (after some more confusion) found Sanaa and we were seated fairly quickly.

I love how the restaurant makes it look like you're under trees, it's so cool! You can kind of see it in this picture:


And here I am:

We weren't seated close to the windows, and Kenny's back was to them anyways, so he didn't see any animals. Every now and then I could see a giraffe walking around - and even though the animals were one reason we came to eat here, I think the food definitely made up for the lack of the view (and the decor too!)

We started out with the bread service. We got all the sauces/dips, but for bread just stuck with the Naan.

So at the right of the picture are the mild sauces, and then from right to left they get spicier. I don't remember which is which, but they were all delicious! The only one I didn't really like was the 3rd one from the right, but it had mangos in it, and I don't like mangos. The redish-orange one next to it was the red pepper humus which we knew we already loved from club level.

Since we knew how much food the bread service was, we decided to share an entree. We ended up getting the Potjie Inspired with Basmati Rice, Butter Chicken, and Goan Seafood Curry.

The butter chicken is in the front of the picture, and while it definitely had some spice, it was, like everything else, delicious. Definitely one of Kenny's favorites this trip. I personally prefered the Seafood curry, but I did happen across some chewy pieces of seafood.

And how can you not have dessert on vacation?


Deciding on the fruit trio we got (from left to right): Tanzanian Chocolate Mousse, Lemon Lychee tart, and the Seasonal Kulfi which was strawberry flavored.

Everything was excellent, and surprisingly, not too rich. The Kulfi was actually refreshing.

Once we paid we decided to walk around the resort and see some of the animals (because how can you visit AKL or AKV and not see the animals?!)


The original plan was to then bus to Disney Springs, but since we had Kenny's car we just drove. And its weird to say, but those parking garages are lovely. I never thought I'd say that.

We mostly stayed in the newer section of Disney Springs, and we stopped by Amorette's for a treat... which we'll be eating later!

I also ended up getting this hoodie at World of Disney:


Kenny also got clothes from under armor, and I got a pair of Sperry's.

Heading back to the resort to then nap, and later we end up going to MK! (Because how can you be so close to a park and not go?? - But that's for the next update!
I love how the restaurant makes it look like you're under trees, it's so cool! You can kind of see it in this picture:

Very cool! Love it!

And how can you not have dessert on vacation?


Deciding on the fruit trio we got (from left to right): Tanzanian Chocolate Mousse, Lemon Lychee tart, and the Seasonal Kulfi which was strawberry flavored.

Dessert looks delicious! So does that bread service

I also ended up getting this hoodie at World of Disney:


So adorable!
Again, I've been so busy lately! But I'M BACK FOR AN UPDATE! If anyone is still here, that is! :rotfl:

Just a small life update:
Kenny and I saw Dr. Strange two weekends ago, and it was fantastic.
Also, Kenny is most likely going to be going to a training thing in Georgia for a couple months (actually - the one he visited BEFORE we started this vacation!) And so that may mean over my Spring Break I'll be taking a short trip down to Disney! We're thinking he'd come Friday night until Sunday night, and I'd do Friday morning to Monday morning. Any advice on short trips?

But for now... Back on to the show!

Break day! Or not... A visit to MK! - Day 4 Part 2
Once finishing up at DS, we drove back to the Poly (I have to say that I was loving having a car at this point). We took a small nap, hung out in the club level lounge, we may have spent some time at the pool. Then we took the boat out to MK. I think I've said this before, and even though it was super nice to have the monorail, we definitely took the boat more, and enjoyed it more. Kenny snapped a few pictures on our walk over...



They were getting ready to roast marshmallows as we walked by (I think it was around 5:30pm)

Once getting into MK, how can you not take a picture in front of the Castle??


We did walk towards the Tiana and Naveen meet and greet, but then I remembered I had a Princess Frog tank that I REALLY wanted to wear when I met them, so we jumped out of line to go over and meet a queen and a princess instead! Elsa and Anna, that is. princess: Thankfully I was able to grab FP+ for them during our original opening period. I remember the first time we went to Disney together was when they started meeting and it was crazy hard to get a FP! It was only slightly easier now.



We had to wait about 45 minutes for our next FP to open (it was Peter Pan's Flight which started at 7pm), and since we hadn't seen Daisy or Minnie in their circus costumes yet we decided to head over! I'm not a huge fan of the big top area as a whole, but the smell in that gift shop you walk by gets me every time. I wish I had a candle of it.



By the time we got done with our pictures, I walked around the gift shop taking in all the smells, it was time for Peter Pan's Flight! And even the FP+ line took awhile to get through. Overall we both enjoy the ride. Since we didn't have any solid plans for this night next to our FPs, our next one being at 9pm for 7DMT, we headed over to It's a Small World.


Appropriately, Kenny is wearing his "I conquered It's A Small World" t-shirt. I may plan these things out and he just hasn't figured it out yet! :laughing:
There was some more in and out of gift shops in that area, and off to 7DMT, one of our favorites. It gives a slightly different feeling at night, so I'm glad we got these FPs.
We started to get hungry (somehow after that huge lunch at Sanaa) and went back to the Poly to get dinner at Captain Cook's.

I got the Aloha Pork Sandwich, and Kenny got the Hot Beef and Cheddar - both were very good and hot when we got them, even for being around 9:30pm.



Captain Cook's turned into our favorite QS in a resort. We loved all its options, and it tended to be faster than the Mara last year. As we finished, Wishes started, so we stood outside for a little bit to watch (by this time I was starting to get sick of wishes).

Once we got back to the room, I showered and we turned on some disney cartoons. We also cut one of our treats from Amorette's! We decided to go with their signature mini-cake. At a price of $15 it might sound expensive (it was very good for two people), I'd say its worth the price. I'm not a huge chocolate and cherry fan, but I'd eat this cake again. Now I'm interested in trying their other cakes too!




Overall, a good day! Tomorrow is my second favorite park (because which one can really top MK?) - Animal Kingdom! :simba:
It's a Jungle Out There! - Day 5 Part 1
Today is our AK day! So excited because we had one of our favorite breakfasts planned - a PPO at Tusker House! We decided to drive (and we still got there late). I wasn't overly happy about this, but even the lady who was letting us in could tell and she definitely tried to lift my spirits! And it helped, a little.

Anyways, we got seated right away after making our way to the back of the park. The first thing we notice? This place is HOT, and they have all the doors open. It turns out, neither the wifi that the waiters use on their devices was working, nor was the AC. So, it was a little less than enjoyable. It was even too hot for coffee, and I think I drank my weight in POG juice. No food pictures because I think we just forgot? But it was the same as it always is, and still delicious! As always, we ate too much... but got some great character pictures!







We actually ate relatively fast, so by the time we saw Goofy we were done. And Daisy was there, but, it was *almost* park open and I really wanted to get on the safari ride BEFORE the crowds hit, so we decided to leave. We already had pictures with Daisy anyways, so no harm done.

And we did get on the second safari truck! We got some good views of the animals, especially the new Painted Dogs (no pictures though because they were running around like crazy). And the lions were out! And they were a little... frisky. :rolleyes1




We got stopped in front of the for awhile because a rhino was walking in front of us too. Some parents did not seem very happy - but it's life!

My planning had us zigagging all around the park today. I really should have planned it better, but I wanted to try something new with AK. And we got some good character meets in in the morning!

Once Tarzan found out I was graduating, he taught us how to speak like a gorilla...


Then we saw Pocahontas, but it wasn't anything overly special and I can't really remember it.

I remember she commented on my necklace, but that is about it. And Kenny needs to open his eyes! :scared:

We then had a FP for Dinosaur, which only being 10am by this point we didn't really need as it was pretty much walk-on. We'd never been on it before because our first year we just ran out of time, and last year it broke down.... I really liked it, and I think Kenny did too.


After leaving we wandered around a little bit then got in line for the Nemo show. And I have to say I HATED it. I almost fell asleep. I think the main reason was because it was so hot outside, but so cold in the theatre. And also the park seemed to be crowded today (probably our busiest day). I think this was a one and done attraction for us.

I'll stop here... but coming up next (probably in two weeks once I'm on break...):
1. The rest of the day at AK!
2. Trying out D-Luxe Burger AND Ample Hills (Hints: They're both delicious!)
Yours is now the second report I've read recommending 7DMT at night. Def need to remember that.
Tusker House is also one I need to keep in mind for next time.
Just like you, I disappeared for a while (school and work takes over life huh?) but I'm finally all caught up on your TR!

After leaving we wandered around a little bit then got in line for the Nemo show. And I have to say I HATED it. I almost fell asleep. I think the main reason was because it was so hot outside, but so cold in the theatre. And also the park seemed to be crowded today (probably our busiest day). I think this was a one and done attraction for us.

I AGREE 100%! and I think you and my family are the only ones who agree. I always read about how much people enjoy this show. Back in May 2015 I saw it with my family and we were all bored, all had back aches, all wanted to lay down and nap! I'm sad that we feel this way, but it's true!!

Looking forward to more!!
Yours is now the second report I've read recommending 7DMT at night. Def need to remember that.
Tusker House is also one I need to keep in mind for next time.

I can't decide if I like 7DMT more at night than during the day. But the nighttime just gives it a different feel!
Also, I'd recommend Tusker House (especially breakfast, since we haven't done it for any other meals) to anyone! This was the only year where we felt like it was slightly slow (we didn't see Daisy), but that could be because we were about 15 minutes late for our ADR. Also, the no air conditioning absolutely sucked, and I remember getting coffee and not being able to drink it, it was so hot, but they were also having problems with their wifi in the building (this occurred later too at the jewelry shop in MK). Its also super nice for the PPO, since then you can hop in line for the Safari with no wait! That leaves another FP+ to use.

Just like you, I disappeared for a while (school and work takes over life huh?) but I'm finally all caught up on your TR!

Hahaha. I said I was going to post again like two weeks ago! I've just been too busy relaxing. :rolleyes1:coffee:

I AGREE 100%! and I think you and my family are the only ones who agree. I always read about how much people enjoy this show. Back in May 2015 I saw it with my family and we were all bored, all had back aches, all wanted to lay down and nap! I'm sad that we feel this way, but it's true!!

Looking forward to more!!

I was kinda sad because Finding Nemo was one of my favorite movies when I was in little/middle school. My mom even took me to Disney On Ice a lot as a child, and I LOVE the Finding Nemo one (I have so many souvenirs from there that just pop up all the time!), and I loved Finding Dory. So I was looking forward to the show. But, it was so boring! Maybe it's because the songs aren't really in the movie, so you don't know them, and it's not acrobatic like FotLK. :confused3

I can see how people recommend it for those with young kids, and how they would really enjoy it.
It's A Jungle Out There! - Day 5, Part 2



After a very disappointing Finding Nemo Show, we walked around for a bit and did the Asia trail. We got a glimpse of the Tiger, but nothing overly fantastic. I think it was at such an angle we couldn't even get a picture! We walked around some more, and then stopped for the pre-show at the bird show. They brought out a horned owl (I'm not sure if that's the bird they bring all the time) and it was really cool to watch it, so Kenny and I decided we'd go see the show! I'm so glad we did, because even though I don't love birds, it was cool to see all of them. This has definitely become a must-do at AK for us now.


Once finishing the show, our FP for EE were ready to be used!


Annnndddd, I finally got Kenny to not hold on!

Then we took some pictures...


And then more zig-zagging around the park! I'm not sure why I planned our day like this, but it didn't help that this park was PACKED (our busiest day) for most of the day. We went to FoTLK, and walked some of the African trail before heading over Kali River Rapids. And even with FP+, I think we waited 20 minutes. I was slightly worried about getting wet, and so was the little boy who sat next to me. Actually, we got on with this really nice family who had about 3 boys, and the teenager kept scaring him, and the mother would comfort him, and then I told him it wouldn't be that bad.

Karma came around, and the teenager was the one to get soaked! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

My shoes got a little wet, but all in all, I think I was hoping to at least get a little bit of a cool down!

This was our last activity of the day for AK. At this point, I was really glad Kenny drove us to the park today, because I was so tired (I think I may have fallen asleep in the car!)



I think I'll save D-Luxe Burger and Ample Hills for a short post next time! One reason is, I left the USB with the D-Luxe Burger photos in DC... Ooops.
No matter how many magic shots, we have never gotten the picture with the balloons. I really do like that magic shot.
D-Luxe Burger and Ample Hills! - Day 5 Part 3

Finally getting back to, I keep saying I will every time I have a free moment... and then the thought goes away! Anyways, on we go to D-Luxe Burger and Ample Hills!

After we saw the reviews for D-Luxe burger before we left, we knew we had to try it! When we got there the line was out the door and just starting to wrap around the building, but there were CMs walking about with menus and talking to people, it only took about 30 minutes. I didn't think this was too bad since it had just opened a few weeks before.

So we ordered at the counter (Kenny and I both got the same thing) and took our buzzer to find a seat. While it didn't look like a lot of seating in the restaurant, theres a ton outside/in the backroom.


Both of us got the Barbecue Classic Burger, and they were 1. Huge and 2. Delicious. I forgot to order fries, but we both decided that was okay because they were so big and we were going to get ice cream later anyways.


I don't think I've found a burger as good as this one, next to BurgerFi. The burger as an onion ring, smoked gouda, bbq sauce, and lettuce. I also really like the packaging, but I found it slightly hard to get the burger out of.

Once we finished our meal, we walked around Disney Springs. I don't think we did any shopping, and we pretty much headed straight for the busses. We had to get on a Yacht, Beach or BWI bus to get over to the boardwalk, and Yacht was the first one to appear!

As we walked around the boardwalk, Star Wars fireworks started, so it was really cool to see them again, however they are definitely less impressive without the sound!

Now, time for icecream!
Kenny got something with pecans in it, and I go PB wins the cup. Both delicious, Kenny's was more rich than mine and I don't think he finished it. Also they have HUGE portion sizes and smalls were definitely big enough.



Kenny and I both really liked the atmosphere of the boardwalk, and while Kenny was skeptical of those resorts (I don't really know why), he decided he really liked BWI.

Before exploring inside of BWI and then catching a bus to MK, Kenny snapped some more photos...



At MK, Wishes was just about to end, so thankfully we jumped in line for the boat right in time to head back over to the Poly!




And we were exhausted! Time for bed!

Just a small real-time life update....

We've definitely set out dates for our next Disney trip! May 2018, 15th - 24th. We'll most likely book Coronado Springs. The pictures I've seen of the updated rooms are really nice, and it'll be much cheaper. However, someone who isn't going on the vacation (my mother, to be exact) thinks we should stay somewhere else because she hated the room size at CBR when we stayed there when I was little. She is partially funding the trip as a christmas/birthday/graduation present, so BWI or Yacht club aren't necessarily off the table.

Also, Kenny got a job in the beginning of this year! I'm unsure if I announced it or not, but he got a job in IT as a User Support Specialist at a law firm in MD. So exciting! He really loves it there and is doing great.

Next up: Our 2nd Epcot day! And we ran into a character training session! Surprise!


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