Well, that's kind of the point. Maybe most out of state APs don't make special trips for these type of things at least in part because of the way Disney handles them.
Imagine that a friend who lives over a thousand miles away is having an event. Some of his friends get an email invite but others (including you) only hear of it via word of mouth. A few weeks before the event the friend posts a general invitation with the caveat that you might be turned away at the door if the venue is at capacity. Do you feel valued? Do you take the time off from work, buy an airline ticket, pay for a hotel, etc and show up hoping to get in? How about if the friend gives you a scheduled time that you can reasonably expect (barring unforeseen circumstances) to enter the event?
You've stated that you have no interest in this event and that's fine. But for those out of state APs who would like to attend these events, the last minute release of details and inconsistent implementation makes it difficult.