Now tht we have found several deals for our dates from Thrifty, we are hoping that our Dis friends might help us decide which option to choose. We have three ressies: one is for a Pacifica, the second is for a Jeep Liberty. Both cost pretty much the same for our 12 days. The third is for a full-sized SUV, but costs around $8 a day more. We will need seating for 4, plus luggage, groceries and beach gear, and will be travelling to several citeis in S. Fla and Orlando with kids, so comfort is a factor.
Any suggestions which rental to go with and why? Also, is it worth our while to sign up for Blue Chip? And is it hard to find the way from the Thrifty rental center to the turnpike?
TIA for any help!
Any suggestions which rental to go with and why? Also, is it worth our while to sign up for Blue Chip? And is it hard to find the way from the Thrifty rental center to the turnpike?
TIA for any help!