The What's For Dinner Thread - August '09(recipe index in OP)

Just spoke to DM to fill her in on our night last night...she had a doozy as well. She had my brother and his family over for steak, mashed pot, and salad. Well, my goddaughter had an allergic reaction to dinner and ended up being taken away in the rescue. My poor mother thought she was so safe. She said she wont be cooking for her anytime soon. Scary, the only thing they figure it could be was canola oil in the salad dressing she made. DN is home now and fine. Allergies are so darn scary.

Oooh, that is scary!! I'm so glad she's okay.

I'm going to try and get back into the swing of things this week. Hopefully my girl will "be back home" in a day or so, we had her cremated. Today is my first day home alone and it's very strange. Kyle will be coming in this afternoon to have a physical and will spend a few hours with us. I'll be sending him back with Shrimp creole, rice, garlic bread and a hot fudge pudding cake.


Tonight I have planned to do hamburger steaks with mushroom gravy, scalloped potatos, and squash/zucchini but we are going to help out a friend and watch their 4 kids for a couple of hours right around dinner time. I probably won't get home in time to eat so we may do fast food and save that for tomorrow night. She and her hubby are both in education and they both had events planned for the same time and didn't realize it until this morning when they were comparing calendars for the day. :laughing: I looooooove their kids (age 2,4,6,7) so it's fun to hang out with them.
We are here...Luke is running a fever of 100 and I am having sinus trouble and headache. Let's hope the sudafed and motrin kick in for each of us. I don't want little Emma sick too.
Glynis, how was the Thai Pork???? Sounds like something I would love.

Kathy, no need to apologize. Give Kyle and extra long hug and kiss when you see him.

Lauren, how are you holding together with all the change?

The pork dish was ok, but it could have been much better. It really dried out in the crock pot. Next time, I won't let it cook as long. I'll post the recipe in a little bit. The flavor was really good, it was just the dry meat that turned me off. I suspect this would be good with chicken, as well.
Kathy ~ My heart goes out to you, Johnny and Kyle. There is not much worse than losing our fur babies. I am so sorry my friend. :hug:

:hug: Maria & Ann

I am swamped here at work today - it is a true monday at the Church. I just able to skim back. Prayers are with you all.

We had a great busy weekend. Went to Lincoln to the Husker game. We won!! YEA!!! We had a Runza at the game and then just snacks on the way back to Kearney. We had tickets to see the Starship concert and it was GREAT!!!

Yesterday we had a Hispanic Fiesta here in church and it was wonderful. Oh the food was abundant, authnetic, hot (like I like it) and yummy.

WFDT ~ Homemade vegetable pizza and a cold beer. I can't wait!!

Make it a great day my friends.
Kyle came in and we sorted through some of Sammie's stuff and we grieved together. I'm so sad for him, while dealing with losing Sammie, Mariah is acting out again, like he hasn't had enough to deal with. Honestly I wish they would just call it off for good, he should be happy and looking forward to baseball try-outs instead of dealing with the "drama".

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and to the gym, gotta get out of the house. We ARE CLOSING on M&D's house at 10:30 Wednesday morning!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathy, good news to look forward to with the house. Hugs.

We are having a bitter sweet day today. We got a buyer for our VWL DVC.
It is what we want but part of me will miss it, not that it is going to stop us from WDW.

Luke fell alseep at 6pm, I am gonna be screwed tonight...but he doesnt feel well so I cant try to keep him up. Emma just crashed too while I was cleaning up a few toys. Mom might take a small nap with one eye open.
You have to love High school fundraisers. A just told me of one that just started for his spanish class. His goal per the school is $3000.00 yes you read that right 3 thousand dollars for a trip he can't take until senior year :lmao::lmao:

Kathy I am sorry Kyle is having such trouble with Mariah. But yeah on the closing. I'll wait to do the happy dance though.:hug:

Ann Sorry you and Luke aren't feeling well.:hug:

Anyone hear from Maria yet?
We are here...Luke is running a fever of 100 and I am having sinus trouble and headache. Let's hope the sudafed and motrin kick in for each of us. I don't want little Emma sick too.

Augh. There is something going around at church ~ half the youth group (including the youth minister) has it, evidently, and it's migrating down to my areas. I'm scared! It's a throwing up/big D/high fever kinda thing.

Kyle came in and we sorted through some of Sammie's stuff and we grieved together. I'm so sad for him, while dealing with losing Sammie, Mariah is acting out again, like he hasn't had enough to deal with. Honestly I wish they would just call it off for good, he should be happy and looking forward to baseball try-outs instead of dealing with the "drama".

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and to the gym, gotta get out of the house. We ARE CLOSING on M&D's house at 10:30 Wednesday morning!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad Kyle came home for awhile :hug:
:banana: on the closing!!!

We had Chick Fil A ~ which I :lovestruc
Ann~ sorry you & Luke are sick:sick: Hope Emma stays clear of it.

Kat, been thinking & praying for you & may I just say ENOUGH with Mariah! Kyle has had enough this year to deal with!

Lauri, I hope your feeling better.

Mom & I spent almost 6 hours at the hospital. Initially there was a paperwork screw up & the receptionist decided to tell me if it wasn't cleared up within 1/2 hour I would have to make another appointment. I don't think the receptionist realized I was with my Mom & she was going to put on her Mom cape & panties!

They first took 12 additional mammography pictures & then had to wait for a doctor to review them. Then the doc decided I needed an ultrasound because there were 5 suspicious areas. We were told the doctor wanted to do the sonogram so we waited some more....bottom line no biopsies & I go back in 6 months:thumbsup2

Mom & I then went for a late lunch, ate like pigs & then some shopping therapy. I'm so glad she was with me.

Thank you for all your thoughts & prayers.....

Thank you so much for your thoughts & prayers
We are here...Luke is running a fever of 100 and I am having sinus trouble and headache. Let's hope the sudafed and motrin kick in for each of us. I don't want little Emma sick too.

Prayers that all of you get some sleep tonight! :flower3::hug:

We had a great busy weekend. Went to Lincoln to the Husker game. We won!! YEA!!! We had a Runza at the game and then just snacks on the way back to Kearney. We had tickets to see the Starship concert and it was GREAT!!!

Yesterday we had a Hispanic Fiesta here in church and it was wonderful. Oh the food was abundant, authnetic, hot (like I like it) and yummy.

WFDT ~ Homemade vegetable pizza and a cold beer. I can't wait!!

Make it a great day my friends.

Wow what a weekend!:goodvibes

Kyle came in and we sorted through some of Sammie's stuff and we grieved together. I'm so sad for him, while dealing with losing Sammie, Mariah is acting out again, like he hasn't had enough to deal with. Honestly I wish they would just call it off for good, he should be happy and looking forward to baseball try-outs instead of dealing with the "drama".

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and to the gym, gotta get out of the house. We ARE CLOSING on M&D's house at 10:30 Wednesday morning!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah on the closing!!:banana: Boo-hiss on Mariah! :sad2: He really doesn't need that right now!

You have to love High school fundraisers. A just told me of one that just started for his spanish class. His goal per the school is $3000.00 yes you read that right 3 thousand dollars for a trip he can't take until senior year :lmao::lmao:

Anyone hear from Maria yet?

Gosh where are they going, Spain?

I worried that Maria hasn't checked in yet. :sad1:
Hello ladies. Every time I have started to post in the last couple of days I end up not having enough time to. :headache:

Spent Friday evening at my godsons football game, in the rain for the first half! Thankfully it did stop but then it got cold. Did a little shopping Saturday to get ready for his birthday party, he turned 16 yesterday. :sad1: Went to the party yesterday, I got him some GC's so he could pay for a date with the girl friend (it's not one word, yet!) :rotfl: and some shirts for under his football jersey.

Last week I took some of the pulled pork we had made for barbeque and added some spices and stuff to it and used it in burrito's. :cloud9:

Pulled pork

Pork butt or shoulder
Onion, sliced
Salt and pepper

Place the pork and as much onion as you would like in a crockpot, add salt and pepper. Cook on low for 8 hours, pull apart.

Pork Burrito's

1 lb pulled pork
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 bay leaf

Favorite rice
Lime juice
Favorite taco/burrito toppings

After the pork is pulled leave about one pound of meat in the crock pot and add the garlic and seasonings, cook for 30 minutes more.

Cook your favorite rice adding 2 tablespoons of lime juice and a small handfull of chopped cilantro.

Place rice, meat and your favorite salsa, cheese and any other taco/burrito toppings you may like in the tortilla, leaving enough space to roll up and enjoy.
Kyle came in and we sorted through some of Sammie's stuff and we grieved together. I'm so sad for him, while dealing with losing Sammie, Mariah is acting out again, like he hasn't had enough to deal with. Honestly I wish they would just call it off for good, he should be happy and looking forward to baseball try-outs instead of dealing with the "drama".

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and to the gym, gotta get out of the house. We ARE CLOSING on M&D's house at 10:30 Wednesday morning!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that he starts to play the field. I am old fashioned but I think that there are real advantages to dating more than one person at a time. Young folks get way too serious way too fast and suddenly find themselves tied in a relationship that is not always good for them. Whatever happened to just dating?

Waiting to hear that you seal the deal on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luke fell alseep at 6pm, I am gonna be screwed tonight...but he doesnt feel well so I cant try to keep him up. Emma just crashed too while I was cleaning up a few toys. Mom might take a small nap with one eye open.

Poor baby, I hope he is better today

bottom line no biopsies & I go back in 6 months:thumbsup2

I checked in hoping for this news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello ladies. Every time I have started to post in the last couple of days I end up not having enough time to. :headache:

I don't know how you survive your schedule!!!!!!!!!!

Kady was not feeling well yesterday. Marisa is taking her to the Dr this morning if she is still under the weather. She took her first gymnastics class yesterday and it was rough! She was not feeling well and then found out that all she has learned in her previous classes needs to be unlearned and done properly:sad2: Marisa said she came out barely holding back tears, she was that stressed! Marisa explained to her that the instructors at her dance school taught her tumbling that she would use in dance but that this is different. I have no idea if this is true but it made my poor Angel feel better. Now Risa needs to find new mats for her to practice on, hers are tumbling mats and the instructor said not to use them.

Dinner is going to be a lightened sauerkraut and hot dogs along with coleslaw and a cucumber and onion salad.
They first took 12 additional mammography pictures & then had to wait for a doctor to review them. Then the doc decided I needed an ultrasound because there were 5 suspicious areas. We were told the doctor wanted to do the sonogram so we waited some more....bottom line no biopsies & I go back in 6 months:thumbsup2

Great news my friend.:hug:

WFD - Crockpot creamy mushroom chicken, pasta and corn.
Good Morning!

Ann, I hope Luke is better today.

Maria, So glad it went well yesterday. I had a scare in the past and now my dr orders ultasounds and mammograms. How is Lily?

Nancy, I hope Kady starts to feel better soon!

Kat, Yay on the house :goodvibes...Nay on Mariah :mad:!

Not sure about dinner...we have some ziti left but not enough for all of us.

BBL to catch up more...have a great day!
Maria, :cheer2: great news. SO glad your DM was there for support.

Kathy, your boy doesnt need that drama. I wish he would just move on and find the right girl worthy of such a charm!!!! Tomorrow is almost here.

Luke slept with me last night. He got up a couple of times but to be expected since he crashed at 6. He seems much better today. I started running a fever last night of 102. Emma seems to be okay right now. Fingers crossed.

WFD- something out of the freezer for DH.
Ann- not you too! Take it easy today!

I spoke to Marisa and she said Kady was fine this morning. She sent an email to the teacher to give her a heads up that if Kady needs to use the bathroom more often than they think necessary let her go and told Kady to ask to see the nurse if she needed to.
Nan, I didn't know Kady was sick! I'm sorry I've had some things slip through the cracks.
Love & kisses for Kady.
From all of us NANCY PLEASE come to F&W if only for the weekend!!!! You could even bring the Princess!!!!!!!!!

Kat, yeah for the closing tomorrow!!!! I would hold off the dancing until tomorrow evening.

Janice, yesterday at lunch I was telling my Mom about Minnie being the tomato thief....we were cracking up.

Sheryl, how is Alexis? Is her appetite back to 100%?

Ann, how is everyone this morning? Hope you had a peaceful night:lovestruc

Lauren, I miss you! Seems like you've been missing forever.

Tonight is short ribs with pearl onions & red wine.

Nancy, sorry I forgot to mention Kady. I hope see is feeling better today.
Do you need us to pressure Buddy into letting you go to F&W???;)
I wish I could. I am so excited just to be there for the last couple of days of F&W and hopefully meet Lauren and her crew.

I am lurking with tissues in hand. Please forgive me if I oversee anyone.

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