The What's For Dinner Thread - August '09(recipe index in OP)


Vick, hope the "boy" is feeling better today.

Sheryl, how is Alexis today?

Janice, enjoy your book.

Dinner last night was Jack Daniels ribs, corn on the cob & salad.
Greg left this morning for Boston on business so tonight I might order some California rolls.....
Have to check in again tomorrow with Lily......last night was night #4 of insomnia, I LOVE menopause:headache:

Enjoy your day!
Dinner last night was Jack Daniels ribs, corn on the cob & salad.
Greg left this morning for Boston on business so tonight I might order some California rolls.....
Have to check in again tomorrow with Lily......last night was night #4 of insomnia, I LOVE menopause:headache:

Enjoy your day!

How do you make those?

I'm sorry about the insomnia - I deal with that sometimes, too, and rely on Benadryl more than I should. Maybe your PCP could call in a sleep aid?

We have no real plans - just working around the house. I actually remembered to thaw the ground beef so we're having tacos tonight. :laughing:
WFD- I have some chicken breast marinating in McCormicks Baja marinade from last night, broccoli slaw, and either corn on the cob or summer squash.

Anyone else having a blahhhhhhhhhhhh day, maybe it is pms. TMI.

Happy Labor Day all.

Happy Birthday Scott!!!!
Having a great day so far! Had a nice breakfast at Mimi's Cafe and then took Katelyn on a city tour. Now a little down time before the bday party. We're watching "Remember the Titans" One of our faves!

Aimee--the intern program Katelyn is a part of is called 24/7+cadre Arkansas. It was started in Colorado Springs and now is in Arkansas, Alabama, and Florida. It's an intensive program that's mission based. The kids are disciplined in workouts, every morning at 6am. They will have an accelerated bachelor's degree by May. Spend 2 months in the mission field, Mexico and Romania, I think. She will have every Monday off and then holiday breaks. But it is super intensive.

Okay, need to get the party stuff together!
Happy Birthday Scott!!!!!!!!!!

Maria- I get the insomnia thing too. I am awake a lot lately and it is awful! I end up getting to keep from waking Buddy.

Steph- is Katryn liking her new home and city?

Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes for my brother. He is home and Sue said he was relaxing on his recliner in front of the game. My brother drank way too heavily for years and when he got the first attack we thought that was the end for him. He refused to go to AA of to some kind of clinic to help him stop drinking. We were thrilled to see him stop, he now goes to AA because Sue's cousin asked him if her would help him to stop. He now needs to give up smoking adn needs to keep a strict low fat diet. I have never smoked but I know that this is going to be very hard for him. I told Sue I would make some meals so that we could help him with the diet while he works on the smoking. My nephew is going to stop smoking and so the Buddy system with him. We are all going to need prayers to get through this.....I doubt the smoke free environment is goiong to be pretty :eek:

Tonight we are havcing spaghetti with meat sauce, meatballs and sausage, salad and garlic bread. WE snacked on cheddar apepperoni and crackers adn I have my berry martini

I don;t measure anything but this is what is in it. It is really good!

blueberry vodka about 2 oz
raspberry vodka (my homemade) a couple tablespoons
white grape juice concentrate maybe 2 T
lime 1 wedge squeezed

serve over ice
Gretchen -- :hug: I am so sorry for your loss. I know your dad is in a better place, and I know you are happy he is finally at peace, but losing someone so close is always difficult. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and your mom.

Aimee -- I hope you are feeling better today. Are you having a reaction to the new medication?

I am now going to be there for the last day of the F&W festival, and the Christmas Party will also be going on.

That is great! I guess I missed your post when you said you were going to keep the trip.

Nancy -- I'm glad your brother is feeling better.

Sheryl -- How is Alexis? I hope her fever has broken. She must be ready to get out of that hospital! Her food requests did make me smile. She is so funny!

Staying close to home with Lily & have had an insomnia bought that is now going 5 days strong:headache:

The stress of what you have been through is probably causing the sleeplessness. I know I can never sleep if I am super stressed. I won't take sleep medication, but maybe a glass of red wine would help?

Kathy -- I am glad you had a good weekend with Kyle.

Vickie -- I hope you and the Boy are feeling better today.

Stephanie -- Happy Birthday to Scott! Today is Caili's birthday too. I can't believe she is eight!

Can you believe he is 6 months old today??? Wow, the time has flown!

It has! I can't believe he is so big!

We stayed at my parents' house last night because that is what Caili wanted. Yesterday, we had grilled steak, yucky gnocchi (we bought it prepared), summer squash, and green beans. Today we had antipasto with Becky's grilled eggplant parmesan. Yum! Caili requested a raspberry and blueberry shortcake for her birthday dessert. I might have a picture on my camera to post later.
Have to check in again tomorrow with Lily......last night was night #4 of insomnia, I LOVE menopause:headache:

I can relate, :hug:.

He now needs to give up smoking adn needs to keep a strict low fat diet. I have never smoked but I know that this is going to be very hard for him. I told Sue I would make some meals so that we could help him with the diet while he works on the smoking. My nephew is going to stop smoking and so the Buddy system with him. We are all going to need prayers to get through this.....I doubt the smoke free environment is goiong to be pretty :eek:
Being an ex-smoker I can tell you it was the hardest thing I've ever done but the medication Chantix helped tremendously. As with anything though you have to "want to do it".

Kyle has gone back to Baton Rouge...will I ever not cry when he leaves??????:sad2:
Aimee--the intern program Katelyn is a part of is called 24/7+cadre Arkansas. It was started in Colorado Springs and now is in Arkansas, Alabama, and Florida. It's an intensive program that's mission based. The kids are disciplined in workouts, every morning at 6am. They will have an accelerated bachelor's degree by May. Spend 2 months in the mission field, Mexico and Romania, I think. She will have every Monday off and then holiday breaks. But it is super intensive.

Okay, need to get the party stuff together!


Aimee -- I hope you are feeling better today. Are you having a reaction to the new medication?

No reaction... but no response yet, either.

My DH sometimes makes me :mad: Who has a deep freezer? :laughing:

I threw a 3 pound package of ground beef in the sink (so Winston couldn't reach it) to thaw for a few hours. Little did I know, my lovely husband decided to fill the sink with water to help the process. Now this isn't typically an issue if the meat is IN A DARN FREEZER BAG but this was just on the foam tray and not water tight!

So, the water was no longer clear - DIGUSTING - and the meat was ruined. It looked so nasty I told him he was the one cleaning it up, i wasn't going near it. And he now needed to head to the store to buy more meat for dinner. He tried to convince me it was still okay :confused3

Why do they do such stupid things?! Money - literally - down the drain. :headache:
My brother is out of pain today.

Im so glad you brother is getting better.:thumbsup2

I need to catch up some more but my 6 month old is calling...Can you believe he is 6 months old today??? Wow, the time has flown!

Andrew starts school tomorrow so hopefully I will get on a better schedule. Gotta get my butt back to the gym...I have been eating way too much!\

Your boys are both getting so big.

I can see the difference in A since I started posting on the thread.

I love your pic's on FB....Andrew just has so much love in his eyes when he looks at Thomas.

Beautiful boys !!

I dont know if youse caught my post about The Real House wifes of New Jersey starting over here......:scared1:

It scared the livin bejesus oot me, but Maria has assured me youse will kill me

with hugs and not fake tan and nails !! :laughing:

......last night was night #4 of insomnia,

Im having a hard time with insomnia too.

Its a shame we are over time lines...we could chat all night !! :laughing:

:hug: for yer wee fur ball.

Yum! Caili requested a raspberry and blueberry shortcake for her birthday dessert. I might have a picture on my camera to post later.

That sounds yummy...Happy Birthday to your wee scone !!

Kyle has gone back to Baton Rouge...will I ever not cry when he leaves??????:sad2:


Thanks all for asking after The boy.

I had to take him to the doctors today.

He has detached the skin at the bottom of his big toe nail.

You know the edge right along where your cuticle...its making me squirm just typing about it !!

The doctor told him he was lucky because some times the nail comes right out and they need to tuck it back in :eek: the wee scone went 20 shades of white just thinking about it.

The pain had eased off big time before bed thankfully.

Have a good night lassies xx
Gretchen, I am so sorry that you've lost your Dad. I know you are feeling good about him no longer suffering & that is now in a better place. I know that is still one of the hardest trials that we have to go through. You are in my thoughts &prayers, for you & your whole family!

Nancy, I'm very sorry your brother has been ill. I hope he continues to mend & kick the smoking. Prayers for him.

Vickie,I hope the boy's foot feels much better very soon!

Alexis update: No fever last night! She is feeling better, this morning she couldn't keep down her food, but by this evening did it. They really wanted her to start moving more & the great nurse she had today, talked her into a long walk down the hall. Where she found this crazy little riding toy, you put your feet up & turning the handle from side to side & your body movement makes it go. She loved it & it definitly got her moving. She was racing Uncle Bob in the halls & forgot about her pain for a little while.

The dr was considering letting her out today, but her white blood cell count was still too high & she needed to be able to eat. So hopefully tomorrow, she might get out. Unfortunately the doofus dr. told her he was going to let her out, before the blood tests came back! Of course she wasn't happy about that. The nurse had suggested warm & hot fluids and she wasn't going for it. So I brought my fanciest teapot & cups,. made her favorite mint tea & we had a tea party. Although she didnt want the cookies with her tea. She was also offered birthday cake three times & just said "No thank you." Each time.

Sorry that's all I got for now. I appreciate all of you & your friendship!
Thanks all for asking after The boy.

I had to take him to the doctors today.

He has detached the skin at the bottom of his big toe nail.

You know the edge right along where your cuticle...its making me squirm just typing about it !!

The doctor told him he was lucky because some times the nail comes right out and they need to tuck it back in :eek: the wee scone went 20 shades of white just thinking about it.

The pain had eased off big time before bed thankfully.

Have a good night lassies xx

:scared: How did he manage to do that? :eek:

Alexis update: No fever last night! She is feeling better, this morning she couldn't keep down her food, but by this evening did it. They really wanted her to start moving more & the great nurse she had today, talked her into a long walk down the hall. Where she found this crazy little riding toy, you put your feet up & turning the handle from side to side & your body movement makes it go. She loved it & it definitly got her moving. She was racing Uncle Bob in the halls & forgot about her pain for a little while.

The dr was considering letting her out today, but her white blood cell count was still too high & she needed to be able to eat. So hopefully tomorrow, she might get out. Unfortunately the doofus dr. told her he was going to let her out, before the blood tests came back! Of course she wasn't happy about that. The nurse had suggested warm & hot fluids and she wasn't going for it. So I brought my fanciest teapot & cups,. made her favorite mint tea & we had a tea party. Although she didnt want the cookies with her tea. She was also offered birthday cake three times & just said "No thank you." Each time.

Sorry that's all I got for now. I appreciate all of you & your friendship!

:cool1: I'm so glad she's making some progress!! You were brillant to think of the tea party.

I assume she's in a children's hospital? Do they have Child Life Specialists there? I know a couple at the children's hospital here and they are AMAZING. Seriously, if I wasn't doing what I am doing I would probably be doing that. Since I've had kids in and out of the hospital over the years, I've worked alongside many of them. They also are present at the special camps they do during the summer, like the one I chaperoned for IBD kids and the one DH did for cancer kids. Anyways, they are the child centered people that come into rooms to help kids with procedures, eating, processing hard diagnosis, etc. In a time of death, they do things for the parents and siblings to help them process it. They do nothing medical, they are simply there for the CHILD. They would come up with something like you did to help Alexis drink some hot tea! :goodvibes
I had to take him to the doctors today.

He has detached the skin at the bottom of his big toe nail.

Hope his foot is better this morning.:hug:

The nurse had suggested warm & hot fluids and she wasn't going for it. So I brought my fanciest teapot & cups,. made her favorite mint tea & we had a tea party. Although she didnt want the cookies with her tea. She was also offered birthday cake three times & just said "No thank you." Each time.

You are such a good Nana. I hope she gets to go home today.:hug:

WFD - Roast beef po-boys!:goodvibes

Off to work then the gym, bbl.........
Wont be on much today. I have my follow-up pregnancy exam today.

Wish everyone well, thinking of Alexis & Gretchen.

WFD- lamb chops, baked pot., corn on cob.
The doctor told him he was lucky because some times the nail comes right out and they need to tuck it back in :eek: the wee scone went 20 shades of white just thinking about it.

The pain had eased off big time before bed thankfully.

Oh that poor kid! I hope that poor toe is better soon!

So I brought my fanciest teapot & cups,. made her favorite mint tea & we had a tea party. Although she didnt want the cookies with her tea. She was also offered birthday cake three times & just said "No thank you." Each time.

Sheryl- Only you would have thought of a tea party with the fancy china :goodvibes It makes me smile just picturing your little Princess sipping her tea and getting better! I can also "see" Uncle Bob racing down the halls with her to get her moving! What a great sport! I hope that today is as good day for the little "Racer"

Wont be on much today. I have my follow-up pregnancy exam today.

Good luck!

Today is a busy day for me. I have got a lot of catch up cleaning here, I was doing it yesterday but Buddy put his foot down and told me 1/4 of what I planned and that was it!

Right now Nola is in her playpen and I can hear her pulling the velco strap on her new little shoes :cloud9:. There was no way she was not going to learn how to get that undone :rotfl2:

Marisa bought her a little buggy type thing to go for walks in. Her Daddy took her around the neighborhood visiting yesterday afternoon. she was so darn cute "driving" her little car. I could hear her before I could see her, she has no inside voice and apparently she has no outside voice either :lmao: For such a little thing she sure is loud!
Vickie -- I hope your boy's toe feels better.

Sheryl -- I'm glad Alexis is starting to feel better. I hope she gets to go home today! She must be so tired of the hospital.

Nancy -- I can tell that Nola just adds so much joy to your life.

Today is the kids' first day of school. Caili was excited to be going, and I think Liam was too, despite himself. Now that they are back in school, I have no excuses left for my house being in the state it is in. It is time to reclaim it.

Caili has skating and her first class at a new ballet school this afternoon. We are eating out somewhere between activities.
Gretchen- My thoughts are with you and your family. I know he's at peace, but I'm sorry it has to bring you and your family so much pain.

School started today at our house too, and like Laura I also need to "reclaim" my house. I down to four day work weeks now, so no excuses. The kiddo was so excited for school to start last night, she compared it to trying to get to sleep on Christmas eve, somethings not right with that kid.

Nancy- Nola sounds like a handful, but lots of fun too.

Sheryl- I hope you and Alexis are having tea parties in your backyard soon, glad she's on the mend.

Vickie- I hope your boy's battle wound isn't bothering him to much.

Laura- Happy Birthday to Caili, she has great choices for dessert.

Skillet shephard's pie for dinner tonight, I'm looking foward to a real meal at a normal time tonight. Have a great day all.
Gretchen, I am sorry for your loss. :hug:

Sheryl, I am glad that Alexis is continuing to improve! I hope she gets to go home soon.

I have not uploaded the pictures from the weekend yet. Here is Friday's farmer's market:

Sheryl, the picture in my mind of you & Alexis is just:lovestruc

Vickie~ that poor "boy". Sounds like a true boy ouch.

Gretchen, you are in my thoughts & prayers.

Lauren, no thanks make some beautiful babies.

Ann, good luck at the doctor.

Nan & Vick, hope your sleeping....My doctor called in Ambian yesterday for me no luck...took the meds at 10pm went to sleep at 6:30am-9:30.

This afternoon I have an appointment with my allergist/immunologist so I will get the regular flu shot & retest for allergies.
If you have a moment please say a prayer I had a call from the breast center earlier with the results of my mammography last week & I have to go back for more views, an ultrasound & biopsy so I'm very nervous. I have never been called back.

Greg comes back from Boston this afternoon...yeah!
Last night was take out California rolls.
I'm heading to the hospital. Alexis had a rough night & morning. She complained of pain all night & they ended up having to give her morphine again. The dr came in this morning & ordered a suppository, she hasn't gotten that yet. She is going to be so mad. They needed to take blood & I guess she is doing better because it took the the dr., 2 nurses & Chris to hold her down to get the blood! If the blood work looks okay & the supp. works they may let her go today. We'll see.

Aimee, Funny you should mention the Child Life specialist. The lady just popped her head into Alexis' room & told her the New Orleans Saints will be in the Child Life Room in 5 minutes! Chris said she got a big smile across her face & said "Wait til I tell Uncle Josh! He is going to be so jealous!" :laughing: I've got news for her, Nana's jealous too!


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