The Weekend Grind ~ 8/1-8/2/2020


Life is out there waiting so go and get it!
Nov 26, 2006

Well, we are under a tropical storm warning but will not take a direct hit from the storm. Yay! Expecting rain on and off most of the day and some 25-45mph winds this afternoon. Vero Beach is under a hurricane warning but the track is looking betterfor them as well. Storm will be in GA by Monday morning. I called the Disney resort last night and they had no plans of closing so it looks like our beach trip will still be on tap :)

Lisa - hope your dr. appt. went well! Great job on the chairs!
Hi Nan and Chae!

This weekend:
Update scrap pages
Today is Joe's Birthday! And also his nephew's birthday. Yes, Joe got a nephew for his 16th bithday, hahaha! Will have a nice dinner and some cake tonight :)
Pack for trip
Check in with my sisters
No walk today - maybe tomorrow or some exercise videos

Enjoy your weekend and stay safe!
Morning! August!!

P2000 - so excited for a trip!! Happy Birthday to your hubby!
m2mrb - hope you got some answers at your appointment!
Hi PN96!

Weather this weekend is perfect!
No big plans - time at the campground
And work on photo folders

Enjoy your weekend!
Good morning. Can’t believe it’s august!

happy birthday to Joe!! Great the hurricane is missing you guys and not ruining your trip.

well good news rheumatologist said I have no indicators that It’s an autoimmune issue. Next stop dermatologist this coming Friday. At least I’m not having any flare ups right now.

love my chairs and hard enough to recover a couple pillows and saved a big piece for just in case.

megan is needing to finish up her review work and didn’t get much done this week. We’re going to put my folding table in her room so she can work and be more productive than sitting on her bed.

finish up a couple chores
Pay couple bills
See if I can pretty up the space above my kitchen cabinets.
hopefully get out for a walk or two

have a wonderful weekend and stay safe
Becky--- Happy Birthday to Joe!! Glad to hear the storm is going to miss you and that vacation is still a go...

Good news Lisa. Hopefully you will get something figured out soon.

Hi Chae!


once over house
get cards & gifts ready to go out in the mail this week
scrap a little
update scrap challenge and announce who did the most
get to do list ready for next week..



Have a wonderful weekend...


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