The SuperFamily vs. Silverware, Felons and The Little Mermaid!updated 1/27/14

No problem with that everyone tour the parks difference. Too me I feel a day not in the parks is wasted even if it's a half day. Typical I will only have a ticket for my arrival day as flying back to Canada DME wants me to be picked up four hours prior to my flight which if you have one of the first flights back it means you are waiting at the airport for an hour before the airline employees are there to check you in.

Well the only way to have tickets for every day is to have an annual pass..and thats too cost prohibitive.. and we LOVE our down days...
Well the only way to have tickets for every day is to have an annual pass..and thats too cost prohibitive.. and we LOVE our down days...

that makes sense if you stay for more then 10 days and you really don't know when your next trip will be. It actually makes more sense to me than someone getting non expiring tickets with more days then they need.
So we had gotten our first ride out of the way.. and no one had maxed out their score..whaaaa..

Up next we had FP+ for The Tomorrowland Speedway....otherwise known as asphyxiation alley.. seriously.. they NEED to fix this ride... make them "green" at the very least.. because between the lack of oxygen because of the nasty fumes and the fact my spine needed to be realigned after this is a one and done attraction for us!

Of course the mister was a MUST stop on the walk over

Ok back to the actual point of this.. FP+.. I scheduled this one first because IF our MagicBands or the FP+ didnt work it would be no great loss.. well it did work..whoot whoot. We knew what to do because we had been part of the FP+ testing the year before!

Declan was riding alone..

Ziah with her father

and Taejan with me!

"Driving" along.. now along with the lack of oxygen and my spine being bounced my leg ached..totally forgot how hard those pedals are to push and maintain.. oh and we apparently had a weakling a few cars in front of us because it kept stopping for 10/15 seconds causing a back long.. especially because they only had ONE LANE running!!


As we unloaded a CM gave Taejan and Ziah their offical Speedway licences..

Now I wanted to head to the NEW Fantasyland... I needed to see it all...




Up next.. the battle begins!
After walking through the new Fantasyland we , naturally , wanted to ride the new Under the Sea ride!! If I had only known then what I know now...well... anyway.

Gorgeous Queue..longer than anything..but gorgeous...




Well the ride is cute.. but oh my I think Ariel smoked a little happy grass because at a few points she was a little bit crazy looking.. yep I said it!! Declan was like "Mom.. Ariel scares me a little" too too!

We walked towards Barnstomer

Taejan LOVES this ride ( which makes me laugh because when we MADE him ride it in 2012 he said and I quote "I'm gonna poop myself "..because he was so scared...

Ziah and Declan rode together:

Taejan rode with daddy

I was left all alone...whaaaaa


We rode this one twice..nope no pictures of the 2nd time and I dont at all remember who rode with whom...

Now it was Dumbo time but first we stopped in the giant sugar filled tent.. anyone else get a sugar rush just by breathing the air in here?? Let's also remember my kids can't walk by a CM without having to pin trade....


We let the kids go hog wild in the play area...stand by was only 5 minutes but we played anyway.

Dec rode alone:

Taejan with me

Ziah with Daddy

now it seems we rather like the creepy Ariel... so we just HAD to go see her again...

See..Declan is a little freaked out..

Now this is when "the song" becomes stuck in my head.. and to torture my son I sang it..over and over and over for the next 15 days...

Up Next..Be Our Guest..will we get in?
Now with "Ive got gadgets and gizmos aplenty" properly stuck in my brain, we headed over to Be Our Guest...

This is what the line looked like:

But we had a secret weapon.. I had gotten a FastPass Plus before we left. Would it work? Well we just didn't know because we don't think we were SUPPOSED to be able to get said FP+..

Went up and yep..we are IN!! Whoot Whoot!!


it was a tad busy..

We hadnt pre-ordered our we ordered.. and in we went



And this was the view from our table..

Please dont ask what we ordered..I have NO idea and I didnt write it down..not a big food but tracking it not so much..Except I know Ziah got the Mickey Meatloaf...

Taejan got..oh I have no idea.. but he seemed to like it

And before long we were done.. it was a good meal..that much I wrote down..ha ha ha..

In fact we needed to digest..and it was hot.. and what better place to go that It's a Small World.. it would only be better if I was allowed to bring a BB gun..just saying ( and mostly kidding)


Ok so we got that ride out of the way..usually its ONCE a day one and I dont have to ride it again..whoot whoot ...

We missed Peter and Wendy..whaaaa

I was dying to see the new Tangled Bathrooms... so much "controversy" over them on the various social media and message boards.. well I have to put my 2 cents in.. they are AWESOME.. what amazingly themed BATHROOMS..and sitting area and more..loved loved!!


And cell was dead and we were hot and our FP+ for Enchanted Tales wasnt for a we charged up



Details and awesome themeing.. total WIN for Disney IMO!

Up next The Beast?
it was now time for our Enchanted Tales with Belle FP+... I was looking forward to this..Taejan was UBER looking forward to it because Belle is his FAVE...


This was the point I HATED my point and shoot camera.. it totally SUCKS taking indoor pictures...oh well


Pretty cool..


So the CM is getting people for LOVELY tween daughter turns into instant grump girl and wont even look at the CM.. Declan and Taejan..well for Declan Disney is his safe happy home he's Mr NO I'm not trying anything new, I dont wanna be the center of Disney he will try anything. Taejan LOVES to be the center of attention.. so needless to say they both got parts:

Wait..before you look at Taejan ( isn't he too darn cute?)..notice the face on the little girl picked to be the Beast.. NOT HAPPY.. her mother told me she had been Beast before and was not at all wanting to be him again!



That there adorable CM noticed the little girl was less than thrilled and right away fixed it for her.. so my boy got to be Beast... oh my..
( this would cause an issue in about 13 days BTW....)

I have a video of the beginning of the show..but I wont bore anyone.. Taejan is cute, does a great Beast and LOVES dancing with Belle!


Oh yeah..he's in love



Look look.. grumpy girl who refused to take part in the show or the little parade they do actually allowed us to take a picture!

I have to say we really enjoyed this attraction and I so wanted to be able to do it at least once more!

Up next.. a few of our favorite things!
So.. its now about 12:23 ( according to the time stamp on my pictures).. We had done so much including eaten and it was noon.. LOVE it!

Ok so.. we had these:

and we knew we had to use them we wouldnt be back in MK until after they expired... So we headed off to attempt to use em!

First stop.. Haunted absolute FAVORITE ride in all of WDW.. and I'm not ashamed to admit on our first trip..way back in 1999 when I was 23 almost 24 years old I rode this one with my eyes closed because I was a chicken.. yep..Owning that!

Standby was all of 5 no need for those FP's at all



This queue needs some TLC.. the books no longer work..very sad..

I think we did 3/2 for this ride..most likely Taejan and Declan with me..

Declan wanted to do a guess what we did next? He was driving me nuts so this was the only way to shut him up for awhile..


After that we went over to Splash.. that had a decent enough wait time we used our epic fast passes!


Decln really is with us..he hides for the drop ( this would haunt him in 13 days...if I forget remind me)


After Splash we headed over to Pirates which proceded to stop in the YO HO YO HO room for about 20 minutes.. at least it got "Ive got gadgets and gizmos aplenty" out of my head for a few minutes..

Now came time for our Peter Pan FP+ so we headed off to the shortcut..but my kids had to stop...because..of course..a CM had some pins!


and out of nowhere I got a face full of camel spit.. awesome.. was the first of many times.. apparently I have a giant target on my face!

notice the little monsters I call my children are rather amused?

Now for the 4th of my top 4 rides!

At this point Declan is still wanting to do some Sorcerer missions and I could use a break from him and the husband.. not gonna lie.. so we separated..

I took Ziah and Taejan to Philharmagic..we got one of those cool red things

Not a fan of this show .. the 3d is just not great ..maybe its the glasses..but I find Its Tough to be a bug which is older has better 3D.

Up next..a Date for Taejan...
After Philharmagic we were simply wandering when Taejan spotted his newest love...

Meet Bridget..

Taejan was taken in with her immediately..and they proceeded to talk and make plans to go to the ball..


Now mind you...Taejan was VERY interested in this ball.. he would have followed Bridget anywhere I think..

Instead plans were made to meet in that very spot in a year...little does Bridget realize we will actually be in that very spot in a

We kept wandering..

At this point Thing 1 and Thing 2 were in lovely moods... if I've never mentioned it Taejan and Ziah pretty much hate each other.. all the do at home is fight ( and since they are homeschooled they have a LOT of together time to fight).. silly me always thinks it will be different in Disney.. and it was..until right about NOW.. sigh.. so the fighting began ( I'm sure I'll make it into someones TR for having "those" kids or being "that mom"..such is life).. what's a mom to do? Why bribe them of course.. snack credits to the rescue!


We take our snack and head through Storybook Circus..seeing the clowns ( who are not the least bit creepy BTW) on the way


We were heading to the fastpass tents where they had tables to sit at, shade and charging stations..

Since Eric and Declan were still not done we decided to go ride Pooh.. I loved this ride back when it was its not nearly as



Finally we got a text from Eric..they were done..told em to meet us at the People Mover.. we headed over..and of course..its its Carousel of Progress time instead... its all good we needed to cool our core's down anyway.

TTA was up and running when we got out of COP so we hopped on and all rode together!


and just because we had time and we all wanted to try and max our scores we jumped on to Buzz again...


and because I am so gangsta


Now it was time to say goodbye to MK..


Oh yeah..can't you just see in on their faces...they are so pleased with each others existence..

And to any of you that read our August 2011 TR ( link is on the 1st page) you know I had a LOT of taejan meltdown moments..well here we go again... at the boat dock waiting not so nicely!

I love the ride over to Fort Wilderness

Up next HDDR
We arrived via boat to FW.. the kids really needed to blow off some steam ( before I blew them up!)



Oh no...what do I see..Meltdown Boy!

we wandered around, Ziah bought ( and then returned because it didnt work) a hat. We saw the horses etc...



We got our lovely picture done


then it was time to go inside...

I was so pleased with our table.. in 2011 we were all the way in the back this close to the stage!


Declan showed us the proper way to drink orange soda


We had hands down the best waitress ever.. Lisa.. she made our night.. called Taejan Beebs ( because he looks like Justin Bieber..go ahead google Justin B age 6 or 8 or whatever and see for yourself). She was amazing and so much fun!!

Eric took full advantage of the free

taejan got to play the washboard

The boys did the little parade..the girl..well she sulked!

We headed back to the boat and , as always, got chatting with the people in line.. I really think all the nice people are in Disney.. we always encounter the best people!

Hopped a bus back to POR and our room was nice and clean and ready for us!


Oh just for funnsies I turned my Map My Walk app on all day ( hence why I needed the charging stations).. now mind you this included every ride, boat, bus, actual ride as well as was def cool to see how much distance we covered in a day! ( well from when we entered MK until we entered HDDR)

and that concludes our 2nd day in Disney!
Ok..seems I forgot something.

I got this cool Jack lightup at FW..and wore it the whole way back to the resort all lit up then put it in our room window


After we got back to the room we had a snack then the kids begged to go for a swim..I said NO because it was late and we had rope drop plans for the morning... but they won out..


Ok NOW it was back to the room and in bed
Before I start on our HS day let me very honest..I dislike HS. I find it to be boring.. there just isnt enough stuff to do. Also for me at least I find I have little desire to experience the same stuff there every year.. that said we did go..

Original plans were dinner at Sci-fi because when we went there in 2011 it was miserable due to my son's then girlfriend. Well a few weeks before the trip Jadziah decided she wanted to see Fantasmic so I switched our meal plans to Mama Melrose so we could do the Fantasmic package.

Ok so thats the back ground...

It's Saturday September 14... the night before had been both MNSSHP and the Villians I expected HS to be manageable..

no super rush that morning..we were up and at the bustop by 7:30 ( why can't my kids get up and moving that fast at home???)

All sorts of bright eyed and bushytailed


We got to HS and waited for the magic shot picture..


Was worth the wait!

We had FP+ set for Rockin Rollercoaster, TSMM and Star Tours.. with plans to double dip and get paper ones for TSMM.. yep we did it... flame away.. Well there was no need for the RR FP+ so we cancelled that and traded it for The Great Movie Ride...

The place was fairly dead.. it was nice. Ziah wanted to ride RR..the boys and I did we split up..Eric took her and the boys and I went and got our paper fastpasses...


Grabbed those then went over to meet up with Eric and Ziah..



We waited in the gift shop..I had never been in here..both boys ended up getting hats.. I'm such a softy when it comes to my boys..bad mommy!


Ziah was not overly fond of the coaster..but I am glad she at least tried it!

we were all hungry so we stopped at the food area for some snacks..the kids were already grumpy... epic..mix grumpy kids with my least favorite park and it's looking like its going to be a LONG day.. I will survive..I hope.

I was determined to get LOTS of pictures from Photopass over the course of the with all of us in em.. Big ole UGLY stage in front of the hat kinda ruins this shot.. oh well..oh and my triple chin from turning my head..yeppie!! Oh wait and the 9 and 11 years olds were fighting so don't they look thrilled?? Precious family moments!!


It was time for The Great Movie Ride..we love this one. I do wish very much they'd vary the dialogue but such is life.The CM at the 2nd FP+ post was clueless so that was amusing.. oh well.


As always we got the Gangster..

Up Next..the kids hold the key
After The Great Movie Ride we still had some time before our TSMM paper FastPass time. We bounded off to The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow. This was new since our last trip so I was all sorts of excited to have something to do we had never done!

We got in the queue and were right up front..the CM asked my kids if they wanted to be part of the show.. of course! I have to say this is a pretty cool attraction..


Eric and the kids in their show spot

We still had a few minutes before the FP time so we wandered.. this happens a lot with FP's I find now that you have to use them within the time frame..

Misters.. they draw the kids like moths to a flame!



Finally it was time so we headed back to Pixar Place.. and there was Toy Soldiers around..most going

It was so nice to interact with them

Well it WAS.. we got photobombed! No idea who this little girl is but she was not having any part of NOT being in our picture..LOL..her mother was mortified..I found it very amusing..

Kept walking..kept seeing soldiers and it amazed me how many people simply didnt notice them!

Now it was FP time


When we got to the line merge they had us go via the handicap entrance.. which was nice because the merge point was packed..

This ride is ok..Declan turns it into a giant competition.. of course..I have NO idea where that child gets his competitive

After TSMM I wanted to go do the Backlot Tour.. we didnt do it in 2012 and Taejan would really enjoy it now off we went..with a very grumpy daughter who did NOT want to go.. suck it up buttercup!

More adventures soon...
So we had the grumpy girl, and her brothers and we got in line for the backlot tour.. luckily it was perfect timing and we were in the show in 2 minutes.. that def helped with grumpy girl!

Someday I want to be part of this!



Just as I thought Taejan loved catastrophe Canyon


Now The Backlot Tour is nothing like it once was..but it has it's own merit.. not saying I wouldnt LOVE to see it leveled for Carsland though.. that would make me WANT to go to HS!

After the backlot tour we went and used our FP+ for TSMM.. then we headed across the park..

And this.. I cant help but think this area is a huge waste of space in a very limited park..but thats just me..




The kids "met" Mater and Lightening


then we were ready for a snack.. I was determined to get to Pizza Planet. Declan went here last year with Noah but the other 2 kids had never been ..I felt like a total failure as a mom..



Our new mission was paper fast passes for Star Tours ( again flame away)..
Dont like look so thrilled??


the wait time was 10 minutes so we skipped getting FP's and walked right on..Eric went to the food place near Jedi Training and had a beer..he can't do the motion simulators!

They love this ride so all of a sudden I had happy kids again.. wonder how long it will last???


Declan was the rebel spy this time around and we had a ride vehicle filled with non stop talkers. The kids next to Declan gave him a blow by blow of what was glad my son has some tact and manners otherwise those kids would have been told to stuff it. The people behind me talked through the entire annoying!

Now it was time for our FP+ and we rode again.. much quieter crowd this time lol

Taejan had been begging for the car show.. it was hot so I figured sure.. we can sit through this and get a break.. sorry but once you've seen this show its need to see it again for me..but Taejan loved it..

We sat in the very top row and it was anything but cool in there .. we were all very overheated now and needed something inside... of course I said "Voyage of the Little Mermaid".. Declan groaned.. more Ariel is more happy right?? not to him..ha ha such is life son!

On the way over we saw more Toy Soldiers..and people were still just walking by them..wth??

ET phone home?


Ariel time!

After that we went to the Animation Building.. Ziah was dieing to meet Venelope.. but the line was CRAZY long and you know my kids.. they don't wait in character lines!

We opted to go ride The Great Movie Ride..AGAIN.. yes its a little cheesy and the same thing over and over but hey..its a nice relaxing way to cool down!

As we got in the line we saw what would be one of MANY times we saw the same sight.. someone on the ground, EMT's with them.. this time a young girl.. overheating issues..poor thing.

Whoot whoot this time we got the Cowboy..YES!!!! that made doing the ride again so worth it!!
Great updates! I LOVE your Jack Skellington light up thing. I need one.

I hope that CM is there for her date with Taejan next year! I know my kids wouldn't forget about that. She doesn't want to break his heart!

I hadn't heard about the Jack Sparrow show! I'm definitely looking forward to that now.

Love the pics of your kids on Buzz, and especially your DH. He looks so serious!

Can't wait for more!

Oh, and this Facebook group, how do I find it?
Great updates! I LOVE your Jack Skellington light up thing. I need one. They have a Mike W from Monsters Inc one too!

I hope that CM is there for her date with Taejan next year! I know my kids wouldn't forget about that. She doesn't want to break his heart! I know,..he's already spoken of it a few times!!

I hadn't heard about the Jack Sparrow show! I'm definitely looking forward to that now. its where the Narnia thing was I believe

Love the pics of your kids on Buzz, and especially your DH. He looks so serious! Oh wait..the pics of my hubby get

Can't wait for more! Soon I promise!

Oh, and this Facebook group, how do I find it?

replies above in green
How did I get so far behind?:confused3
I never knew anything about the charging stations. I f you only knew how many times my phone and camera died! I needed those!
HDDMR looks so much fun. We are trying it next year.
Do you work any 'school' into your Disney time? This is our first year homeschooling. We're doing American History this year so Hall of the Presidents and American Adventure will fit quite well. I'm just not sure what else there is.:confused3


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