The Stuff we bought at DL is falling apart....

Kaos Creator

Aug 1, 2000
UGH! I bought my daughter a princess backpack and lunchkit in disneyland this past September. She is not hard on her stuff, and they have both 'broken'. First the zipper on the backpack broke beyond repair. I live 3 hrs from a disney store, so they let me mail it to them, and said they would replace it for me. The backpack I bought in DL was gorgeous. Pink and lavendar, with big pockets, and it was full sized. The disney store replaced it with one almost half the size, clear pink cheap looking plastic with princesses on it....not nearly as nice, but will do. Today, her lunch kit handle ripped off, and is beyond repair (its ripped the vinyl stuff), and the disney store does not carry these. I want to send it right back to DL....does anyone have an address I can send it to? Thanks.

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Looks like we threw out our Central OC phonebooks, but you should be able to call the phone number on the receipt. I think they will be able to help you or at least point you in the right direction. Hope this helps.

All work and no play makes Lisa a silly girl


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