The Running Thread - 2019

another weekend, another 10k done ;) (can you tell I'm feeling pleased with myself? although to be fair, I did want to give it up today, but ended up walking with a woman doing her first ever 10k, each of us managed to encourage the other to finish. a lovely time.)

QOTD: Do you have family members that run? Do you run with them or just have general running discussions with them?

I started this whole walking thing with my sister (neither of us have ever been runners...both did varsity swimming in h.s.), which has gotten mama to start up and do her daily couple of miles, which has been awesome to see. Dad was on the track team (and football, and wrestling, and softball...) in h.s., but as long as I've been in existence, he's been dealing with significant weight gain, injury, and health issues. Don't think I've seen him run...ever. Although he did teach me how to throw a ball properly as a kid, but whatever athleticism he once had has evaporated over the years.

How about a Fun Friday QOTD? :)

More details about Disney's new streaming service "Disney +" were released yesterday. If every single Disney owned movie was available to you today, which would you watch first and why?

toss up between either Snow White (to watch them chronologically) or probably the Sword in the Stone, since it was one of my favorites and I haven't seen it in *ages*...all the <3 for Archimedes.
Race Report - Raleigh Half Marathon
“Mama said there’d be days like this”

I ran the inaugural Raleigh Half Marathon today. The race fills the void left by RnR when it left the Raleigh area and was designed to be “as flat and fast as possible”. Note that “as flat as possible” is not the same as “flat”. I went into the race in a bit of limbo. I hadn’t really raced all out since the Chicago Marathon last October, with my running focused on longer, slower runs to get ready for the ultras that I ran over the winter. I could tell that had eroded some of my speed, but I wasn’t sure how much. As a result, this race was always intended as a test bed to see where I stand. I need a sub-1:53 half to replace my expiring PoT, too, so this was also intended to show what I needed to do to get that in the fall.

The experimental nature of the race led me to a different strategy than I would normally use. Since my easy training paces suggested a half marathon tempo pace of 8:37/mile or so, my plan was to go out in front of the 2:00 pacers and see if I could hold them off.

There were some hiccups with race transportation and the start time ended up being pushed back to 8:15. Unfortunately, the day dawned warm and sticky at 67deg with a dew point of 66deg (~97% humidity). My plan worked great. For about 4 miles. I really good at 8:45-9:00/mile, but the humidity started getting to me. I was drenched and felt like I’d been running in a downpour, just without the cooling, refreshing effect. I tried to hold onto the pacing for another couple of miles as it started to slip away, but no dice.

At that point, it was apparent that sub-2:00 was not in the cards and rather than continuing to press, I dropped my pace and started up intervals of 3:00/1:00 or so. I’ve been fighting a sore foot for 6 weeks or so and didn’t see a point continuing to pound it at the best pace I could hold when there was nothing to be gained. I could’ve saved maybe 5:00 or so on my finishing time, but there was no need. I eventually cruised back in for a 2:10:28 finish.

All in all, a frustrating day on multiple fronts. I just don’t see picking up 17-18 minutes by September training through a NC summer, so it looks like I’ll be dropping back a corral for Dopey. I have enjoyed the ultras I’ve run without a lot of time pressure so much, I guess it’s too much to ask to keep my shorter distance speed fully engaged at the same time.

Thanks for reading! I know this one wasn’t as fun to follow as most of my others, but hopefully I can use it as a springboard for the next and get back to happy race reports.
No PR for me today. I knew it was going to be tough coming off Star Wars Weekend, but the weather was a big challenge today with rain/sleet/snow and wind that always seemed to be in my face no matter what direction I was running. Still a pretty solid effort considering conditions.

Official time for Gazelle Girl half - 2:11:48
I’m looking to run a fall marathon with DD20 and I’m not a fan of our local offering here in Raleigh in November. I’m thinking of driving us down to FL after Thanksgiving for Space Coast and taking some time to check out the space center. I know a number of folks here have run Space Coast. What feedback can you give on the course and organization of the race? Thanks!

I have already registered for the Space Coast Marathon on Dec. 1, but I've never done it before, either. Looking forward to the replies you get!
I am turning 40 in 2020 and was already planning on doing the marathon in January. Now I have the crazy idea of doing each RunDisney weekend in 2020. Expensive, I know, but is it insane? Has anyone else done this?

Last year I did all of the races (including Paris) except Star Wars. It’s certainly a lot easier to do now than it used to be since there are fewer races and none at Disneyland. I had fun but it was definitely a bit of Disney overload. I stay with friends in Florida, so that was a huge cost that I avoided. Also I flew most of the fights using miles, so again, a money saver.

I brought all the medals to W&D to get a picture, but be warned, when you put all of them on it makes you look like you have no neck at all! :rotfl2:
All in all, a frustrating day on multiple fronts. I just don’t see picking up 17-18 minutes by September training through a NC summer, so it looks like I’ll be dropping back a corral for Dopey. I have enjoyed the ultras I’ve run without a lot of time pressure so much, I guess it’s too much to ask to keep my shorter distance speed fully engaged at the same time.

Happy to meet you in any Dopey corral. Might even run with you at Space Coast too, if we both get around to entering. :)
I’m looking to run a fall marathon with DD20 and I’m not a fan of our local offering here in Raleigh in November. I’m thinking of driving us down to FL after Thanksgiving for Space Coast and taking some time to check out the space center. I know a number of folks here have run Space Coast. What feedback can you give on the course and organization of the race? Thanks!

from the perspective of a solid back-of-the-packer, LOVED IT. If you're at one of the host hotels they have shuttles to the start; the course is one of the best supported I've seen (read: still has everything set up for those of us bringing up the rear); they actually mean *flat* for the course (on the South half marathon course, the only inclines were the occasional speed bump...); when you finish you not only get your sweet medal and a great beach towel, but they've got breakfast for you as well. Plus, if you're a space nerd (like I am :) ) you really can't go wrong with the theming. They've got photo opportunities set up at the finish, so you can take a picture with some rockets or a space suit...

oh, and be prepared...those medals are HUGE. I almost cried when they put it around my neck, it felt so heavy!
Garmin Marathon

I thought this was a well put on race. My plan was to take it easy. I knew going into this race that it was pretty hilly, and that the first half was generally downhill and the second was generally uphill. I ran the first 3 miles with a friend who was running the half. There was a paved trail that we spent about 10 miles on (out and back) through a park/wooded area. It was pretty and I really enjoying this section. I tried to speed down the hills and then take it slow going up them. But wow! these hills were steep! Or at least they seemed that way to me. I trudged it out. I probably should have slowed down more, but by the end I was tired and my feet hurt. I did want to walk, but I convinced myself to just keep running so I could be finished.

Time 4:23:46

Also my Star Wars Times:
5k/2.5 miler: 24:48
10k: 55:53 (PR!!)
Half: 2:08:21
I have already registered for the Space Coast Marathon on Dec. 1, but I've never done it before, either. Looking forward to the replies you get!

Happy to meet you in any Dopey corral. Might even run with you at Space Coast too, if we both get around to entering. :)

I am strongly considering this as my first marathon as well.

Gulfstream 5K Race Recap:

This was originally supposed to be my whole family, but life got in the way, and the night before I thought it would just be myself running it. Well my daughter decided to be a trooper, (even though she was diagnosed with Flu A and B two days earlier) and said she felt much better when she woke up saturday morning, so she and I headed out for the race together. Being her first, she was not interested in running it alone, so I scrapped my time goals and ran with her. The race was run on a taxiway at the airport, and there were a couple planes parked along the way to add some interest to the route. It was very warm and VERY humid, which didn't mix well with my daughter's recent bout with the flu, so she wasn't able to do as well as she had been doing on our training runs, but she toughed it out, pushing herself all the way, I was so proud of her. I will say, the race t-shirt and medal were WAY WAY better than last year's, and being a 4 year medal series, I will definitely be looking forward to the race in the future.

Ryleigh Finisher Pic.jpg
Boston's favorite day of the year! The marathon! I have friends on their way over for brunch and to watch it from the comfort of the couch since it's a gross, rainy day today. I wish it were sunny because I love to day drink along the route... I mean... cheer on runners.

On a more serious note... today is also 6 years since the Boston Marathon Bombing. Rest in Peace Krystle Campbell, Lu Lingzi, Sean Collier, and Martin Richard.
You should be able to watch it on the NBC sports app if you enter your TV provider.
Thanks! Is that something I can do on a computer or do I have to do it on a phone/tablet? I tried the NBC Gold website and it doesn't seem to be providing an option to enter my cable provider information.


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