The Running Thread - 2016

Strava has made good on their Back Half Challenge offer. Got the code for a pair of New Balance shoes today. So I have a question for the NB wearers out there. I have worn nothing but Brooks Glycerins for years (started with the 5s and on the 13s now). What does NB have that would be similar/equivalent to the Glycerins? The closest I've been able to find is the Fresh Foam 1080s but I want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything. Thanks!

My husband LOVES the Fresh Foam Zante. He likes that the toebox is a little "looser" for his toes to move around.
Yesterday’s question was so heartfelt and inspiring that I feel like the only thing I could do with today’s QOTD was go in the exact opposite direction.

QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor

i couldn't remember if we do QOTD on Sat, but just in case @rteetz you are up next :)
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Interesting QOTD @roxymama

ATTQOTD: Mine are bold and underlined.

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor


Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater I can eventually tie the sweater around my waist, right?

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) Childcare poses a problem for out of town races. A girl can never have too many shoes either.

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua That's what they make pepper spray for.

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters Being at Disney is always better than not being there.

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty I don't race in headphones, but there's still no recovering anything dropped in a porta-potty. I can always use the course clocks if necessary.

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations. There's no wrong answer to this one.

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” I don't like beer, so this is a no brainer for me.

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat Heat always has more of an impact than hills for me.

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year. I would always be an Olympian which is too cool.

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps I can't handle laps. It's the reason I never run past my house

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race. Summer training brings more speed to the fall race.

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess Only child, need-to-be-the-center-of-attention syndrome FTW

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station I carry my fuel

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 Umm, not gonna swim in Bay Lake

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor I can't even handle my long hair swishing, so I have to tie it up in a bun using a ridiculous amount of hair bands. I think the swishing of the skirt would drive me insane.
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I'm another one without a real running hero per se --I've been running since the 5th grade, thought with non-running periods mixed in! Now, I run for myself -- both for health, and for "me" time -- which is inspired by my 2 DDs (ages 5 and 1) :-)

Race in thick jeans

Free entries+flights to races for a year

Harassed by bees

Race through WDW with no characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race (I need my podcasts to pre-occupy me!)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” (I run for beer/wine!)

Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race -- TBD!

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect

Handed only money at every aid station

WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt
Some really good questions this week....

ATTQOTDs: Form: Focus on shoulders and if my head is up or down. When running with others I don't look at the ground as much. When by myself, I tend to look at the ground right in front of me....

Hero: Don't really have one for running. I run mainly for myself and my future health.

and the toughest questions of the week!

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater (ouch and ouch!)

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) (more travel destination races!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations (Waffles!!!)

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat (I can survive the heat...not sure about all uphill....LOL)

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps (this was probably the toughest to answer!)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race (Houston winters FTW!)

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess (almost all of my race pics suck)

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor
Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor
Yesterday’s question was so heartfelt and inspiring that I feel like the only thing I could do with today’s QOTD was go in the exact opposite direction.

QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater (at least I can push the sleeves on the sweater up)

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (I spend way more on race fees and airfare than I do on shoes)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua (I can deal with the tiny dog)

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters (this sure would spice up the parking lot)

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the ports-potty (don't wear headphones so this is not a problem)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations (I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't like Dole Whips)

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” (duh)

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat (running uphill hurts much less than running downhill)

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year (mostly for the chance to walk in the opening & closing ceremonies)

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps (I've done enough parking lot running)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race (winter in the Middle East is pretty nice)

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess (my form always looks horrible)

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station (I can carry my own if needed)

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 (I do wish they'd bring this back)

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor (I do this all the time anyway)
Yesterday’s question was so heartfelt and inspiring that I feel like the only thing I could do with today’s QOTD was go in the exact opposite direction.

QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor

i couldn't remember if we do QOTD on Sat, but just in case @rteetz you are up next :)
Cool QOTD!

Wool sweater, I wouldn't be able to move in jeans.

Free entries and flights, I have 35 pairs of shoes already.

Chased by a chihuahua.

Race through WDW with no characters.

Drop headphones in port a potty

Dole whip aid stations

Well I can't drink so run out of free beer

Uphill course

Last place in the Olympics. It's the freaking Olympics.

Straight out and back.

Summer training

Bad form

Handed money

Team relay

Bring on the skirt!

And I don't think we normally do a weekend QOTD but if you guys want one I'll do it.
I love this question, it's like my teenage daughter was asking it haha


Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater - I like the "stretchy" jeans that are out these days, could almost make this work. Itchy, no way.

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) - Close to $2000 this past year for 2016 WDW Marathon, Boston Ironman and Dopey 2017. Plenty of other races thrown in there as well and triathlons are $$$. Don't even need flights to make this one a no-brainer for me.

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua - easier to punt a Chihuahua than swat bees

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters - I love the characters, but it is the place itself that is magical. And flat ;)

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty - no biggie, I never race with music

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations - easy one...nice cool Dole Whip, yes please!

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” - Is this a real question? :drinking1

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat - I hate the heat. Hills aren't all that bad.

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year - Hard to top being an carry that honour for life.

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps - I'll take the drag race :) Too much turning otherwise

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race - I guess the race you're training for might make a difference, but in general I really enjoy winter running. Summer training gets in the way of triathlon season.

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect
OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess - I'm not paying MarathonFoto either way

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station - I can carry my own fuel :)

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 - OMG you went there.

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor - are you trying to pit me and @FFigawi against each other in some sort of bizzare Sparkle death match? I'll say the skirt since I have worn that one too...and it probably means I'm doing a Disney race!

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porte-potty - Don't listen to music when I run.

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” - Beer is food, so no loss if they run out of free food!

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat - Just kidding, I guess uphill with perfect weather.

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year - this isn't applicable for @CheapRunnerMike since he already achieves one of these.

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps (assuming this one has scenery)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station (great, another use for the MagicBand)

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 - ALLIGATORS!!

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor
Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor - are you trying to pit me and @FFigawi against each other in some sort of bizzare Sparkle death match? I'll say the skirt since I have worn that one too...and it probably means I'm doing a Disney race!
Haha! I'm on Team Sparkle...nothing but love here :)

I guess I should probably also answer the QOTD. It's easier to come up with the scenarios than answer them.

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater (less chance of chafing?)

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) (hello DLParis!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua (get to higher ground, throw fuel)

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty (I'll use the mile clocks)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat (can't do hot)

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps (this was so hard, but less turning is better)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race (more daylight)

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess (crop the picture!)

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor (although if I did a marathon relay, I'd say we all should wear both!)
Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year - this isn't applicable for @CheapRunnerMike since he already achieves one of these.

Emphasis on "small" race ;)

Haha! I'm on Team Sparkle...nothing but love here :)
Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor (although if I did a marathon relay, I'd say we all should wear both!)

Yay Team Sparkle!
Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater -both would suck so bad

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty - don't need headphones so in they go :)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat - downhill can be brutal on it's own I'll take uphill anyday

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps - better be some great stuff on these laps :)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race - winter sucks so summer heat bring it on.

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station - money please as I now I can survive without fuel/water OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 - I would drown so relay it is

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor
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QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

My responses are in bold. Reasoning in (parenthesis). Fun QOTD!

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater. (Just the thought of this makes me itch)

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!). (Like Dr. Suess says, all the places you will go)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua. (Allergic to bees)

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters. (Time in WDW, is still time in WDW.)

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty. (Don't use a GPS, but need my podcasts and music)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations. (Can't eat gluten...)

"We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” (gluten again, but I also don't drink alcohol much anyway)

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat. (I like uphill)

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year. (Even just to be there...)

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps. (Both sound horrible!! I am choosing door number 3; which I hope is a new car!)

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race. (I like running outdoors year round, but weighing a Michigan summer run verse a Michigan winter run, no contest.)

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess. (It would be the first time I had perfect form).

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station. (I am going to stockpile the money for future WDW trips!)

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018. (I have a ridiculous fear of deep water, no triathlons for me).

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor. (Really I am good with either, but folicly challenged, so a regular ball cap is better for me.)

Good luck to those racing this weekend!
Was very touched reading all of yesterday's QOTD answers. I selfishly run for myself, but loved that the little guy was tagging along in the womb when I started getting into 5+ mi runs.

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater - I think I've run in jeans before, not as horrific as I thought it would be.

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!) - is there a race in Bora Bora/Maldives/Patagonia? I'll take Disney Paris!

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua - assuming no bites/stings!

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters - was going with Disney characters initially, but realize I didn't miss not stopping for pictures last time, but running through the parks is so cool.

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty - could do without music for 5k, but any longer I need music to drown out my wheezing and negative thoughts

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations - duh!

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer” - double duh!

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat - hmmm, tough... I hate uphills but can't run in 100+ heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year - Olympics!

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess - agree with cropping! ha!

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station - money!!!

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 - can't ride a bike and can barely swim, so marathon relay it is!

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor - wouldn't mind trying out one of these sparkle skirts everyone raves about and if it worked for @FFigawi ...
QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

As with others my answers in Bold:

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater-Jeans are unequivocally the worst. Cue Jean Ralphio.

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)-I'd really explore the space on this one. I could do some damage with an unlimited shoe budget for a year.

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua-Is there anyone who would prefer the bees?

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters-I don't stop for a lot of character pics. The experience would be cool even without the characters for me.

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty-I know the length of the race. I don't want anything to do with any type of porta-potty incident even if it is easily

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations-Allow me to be blasphemous for a moment. I don't get the appeal of the Mickey Waffle. They're just waffles. I mean, waffles are good and all but...

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”-Purely on the basis that I don't drink alcohol

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat-These are not good choices

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year-Neither is even remotely plausible.

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps-These read pretty much the same

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race-I'm equally bad at both

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess-This is basically my reality. Well, not the face looks great part

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018-Bikes don't like me

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor-Seems like it would be quite comfortable.
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Cool Question!

QOTD: “WOULD YOU RATHER”: DIS-RUNNER EDITION! Answer A or B (reasoning welcome)

Race in thick jeans OR An itchy wool sweater

Free entries+flights to races for a year OR Free shoes for a year (you can stockpile!)

Harassed by bees OR Chased by an angry Chihuahua

Race through WDW with no characters OR Race at home with Disney characters

GPS runs out of batteries pre-race OR Drop your headphones in the porta-potty (I don't wear headphones so...)

Bonus Dole Whip Aid Stations OR Bonus Mickey Waffle Aid Stations

“We’ve run out of free food” OR “We’ve run out of free beer”

Uphill course with perfect weather OR Downhill course and 100+F heat

Last place in the Olympics vs First place at every small local race this year

Straight out and back marathon with no scenery OR 26+ one mile laps

Only Winter training for a Spring race OR Summer training for a Fall race

Blink in every picture but your form looks perfect OR Face looks great but form is schlumpy mess

Handed only money at every aid station OR get charged for water&fuel at every aid station

WDW triathlon 2018 or WDW marathon team relay 2018 (No way would I swim anywhere in FL unless it's in a pool)

Wear a red sparkle skirt OR A pink sparkle visor


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