The original POP Fridge Swap! Planning moved to another thread - link inside!

thanks for putting me on the list, will get a hold of the person after me when we get closer to see how/when she wants to hand off, thanks Carrie ( Btw-love your name-its my newest DD's name).Also let me know about how to pay for it!
Hi! :wave:
We're at Pop Dec. 2 (arrive around noon, depending on the plane and Magical Express) through Dec. 6 (depart around 11:30 AM). It looks like that puts us between 2 other DISers. We would like to participate if the fridge is available.

MyGoofy - I sent you a PM. :)
I had originally PMed this link to everyone because I was going to put contact info and thought better of it - all I need is for Google or some other search engine to archive a page with my cell phone number (contact info is available with info with the fridge)

Anyway, I posted the link in post one but I know a lot of people only look at new posts so I'll repost here. It's a FAQ type section, just so we know we're all on the same page as far as what to do (I'll update as things change) and make sure we're all on the same page. It also has a calendar so you can actually see who has the calendar on any given day.

You can find that page right here
Just so the info is here as well, these are the tentative guidelines I had on the page with info. Once we get the swap really underway and a few people in and see how it works in practice, not just in theory, I may adjust these so please check back before your trip.

What if another family and I are crossing paths at check-in/check-out?
You'll notice that many families overlap. If your trip overlaps on either end, it may be easier to borrow a cart from luggage services and set up a time to meet with the other family to swap the fridge without bothering the front desk. I can contact any family, but feel free to set this up on your own. You can then discard the labels for that family since it will not be going to the front desk.

There is too much time between my dates and another family's dates, how do I pick up the fridge?
If your dates do not overlap at check-in, just mention to the cast member at luggage services that a friend has left a package for you to pick up. If you are leaving the box for the next family, use the enclosed labels with name, check-in date, and possibly reservation number so that the resort can store and quickly identify the package when retrieving it for the next family.

I don't think I can pick up/drop off the fridge, what do I do?
If your plans change and you will not be taking the refrigerator, please let us know as soon as you know so that we can make other arrangements. Ideally, we would want to know before the family ahead of you checks out so that we can contact them and let them know of any changes. We don't want to have to hassle the resort more than absolutely necessary for fear they'd decide it's too much trouble and begin to restrict leaving packages for guests.

What do I do while I have the fridge?

I'm sure (I hope) that this isn't necessary to say, but PLEASE make sure the refrigerator is clean before you give it to or leave it for the next family. I plan to get Clorox Disinfecting Wipes on my trip to leave with the fridge if there aren't any by the time I get there. Just please take a moment to clean any spills or messes, and quickly wipe out the fridge so that it doesn't get filthy.

Since this mini-fridge has a freezer, PLEASE let it defrost before you send it to the front desk. Otherwise after a couple hours it'll start leaking water and make a mess of the box, any supplies, and anything near it in storage. Again, we don't want to hassle the resort so please give it a few hours to defrost and maybe stuff a hand towel to catch any excess moisture that the next guest can leave for housekeeping to take and have cleaned.

If you are meeting another family to swap the fridge directly, defrosting may not be necessary. If you don't unplug until you move and it's going to be plugged right in, you can get away without defrosting.

Refrigerators have a tendency of getting smelly fast, so please take care of it while you have it. Also, please keep the box in the best condition possible (best we can hope for with it being passed around so much) so that we have something to keep packing it up in.

How do I move the fridge?

POP Century Resort offers luggage delivery. In value resorts it works a little differently than in moderates or deluxe resorts. They make rounds through the resort hourly and are not as "on call" as bell services. So if you would like them to deliver the fridge, let them know and it can be brought to your room when they make their rounds.

IF YOU HAVE LUGGAGE SERVICES MOVE THE FRIDGE - please remember to tip the cast member that delivers it to your room. Granted they have a cart, but it can still be heavy to lug around in the Florida sun and heat.

The resort also allows you to borrow a cart to move luggage and packages yourself.

How do I make sure that the next family gets the fridge?

We will have lime green labels for each family that can be taped to the sides of the box. Of course, things may get disorganized or misplaced while changing so many hands so I recommend getting in touch with the families on either end of your trip to make sure the family prior has your information and that you have the correct information for the next family. At minimum the resort needs a name and arrival date to hold packages, and prefer to have a confirmation number. You may want to exchange telephone numbers just in case anything comes up last minute. I will make sure everyone has my contact information, but it may be quicker to directly contact the family that you need to work with as I may be limited in what I can do when I'm not local to the resort.

If anyone has any other tips or guidelines they'd like to see, please let me know and I'll add them.
thanks Carrie ( Btw-love your name-its my newest DD's name).

Good choice! :thumbsup2

I'm a geek, I love my name. When I was young and we'd all go play pretend and all my friends would choose new names for whatever we were playing, I never wanted to change my name! LOL!

It's one of those names that's not "uncommon" but it's not an overused name so there's a little uniqueness to it without sounding off the wall, LOL.
Hi Carrie,

Can you expand our trip to include Oct 18th... we are coming in a day earlier. Yay :cool1:

jjan said:
Hi Carrie,

Can you expand our trip to include Oct 18th... we are coming in a day earlier. Yay :cool1:



Always nice to add on extra time . . . my trip started out as a long weekend and is up to 6 nights, LOL!
:cheer2: Thanks Carrie!! :cheer2:

I just wanted to tell you that you are doing a tremendous job organizing this and we really appreciate it!! :cheer2: Thanks for posting the guidelines and the site :thumbsup2
PS. I love seeing the calendar, I pretend that it is my turn and I am at POP!! :wizard: I don't think I am gonna make it 9 months!!! :hourglass
Thanks! And you're welcome!

I don't know how you're doing it, waiting 9 months. This trip is the earliest I think we've ever planned - and it was 6 months. I'm too impatient. I like 3 months or less :rotfl: This one's been driving me crazy!
Just had a simple suggestion... I see that you have reminded everybody to keep the fridge clean and let's hope that this will not be a problem, but I was thinking perhaps someone should put a box of Arm & Hammer baking soda in it... you know one of the fridge boxes? It will help keep down any odors and also help absorb any humidity, or condensation during the down times. When a family is using it they could always remove it (for extra space) until they pack it back up. Just a thought... figured it might further help deter any future problems! And thank you for all the hard work you have put into this! You are amazing! :goodvibes
Sandy and I had discussed it, and she spoke to someone who spent a lot of time cleaning fridges and said that the baking soda was messy and harmful to children if ingested (obviously the small amount used in cooking doesn't hurt). And with the fridge getting bounced around, I didn't really want to take a chance of spills or getting someone's child sick. That's why I'm hoping everyone will regularly wipe it down. Maybe we can find a better deodorizer if it does start to get smelly, even with being wiped out with diinfecting wipes.
MyGoofy26 said:
Sandy and I had discussed it, and she spoke to someone who spent a lot of time cleaning fridges and said that the baking soda was messy and harmful to children if ingested (obviously the small amount used in cooking doesn't hurt).

Really? God, my mother must have been trying to kill us. We used to brush our teeth with baking soda when we were little. lol
So Sorry...thought it might be a good idea. The fridge packs have screens on the sides to prevent spills and from what I understand they have recently come out with an even better new and improved design. I have used them for years and never had any problems with messes or spills - back in the old days I could understand when people used to just open a box and set it in, but now things are sooo much more convenient. And I second the idea that my Mom must of been trying to kill us because we also used baking soda a lot when I was a kid and a lot of toothpastes still have a baking soda base - I have never heard that it might be harmful... I will definitely have to look into it. I guess it was not such a simple idea after all... sorry! I was just looking for a simple way to deter any moisture or odors being that I know someone will eventually not wipe it down properly or forget to defrost it before packing and the next person will have a mess to deal with. I did not mean to cause any problems.
To those going after me, I plan on buying a cheap 12 cup coffee maker and shipping it down in my "snack Box" as DH has to have his pot in the morning just to function. Well I planned on leaving it there, but if someone wants it I can leave it with guest services for them or just pass it along with the fridge, just an offer.

Also as far as the baking soda they now sell a special arm and hammer fridge disk looking thing specially made for fridges, its spill proof.The main thing is if its not going to be used the fridge needs to be wiped down and aired out, left open to let it dry completely if its going to sit for more than just a day turned off. So basically if you know its isnt going to another family let it air out the morning before it goes into bell services.
Newfie2000 said:
So Sorry...thought it might be a good idea. The fridge packs have screens on the sides to prevent spills and from what I understand they have recently come out with an even better new and improved design. I have used them for years and never had any problems with messes or spills - back in the old days I could understand when people used to just open a box and set it in, but now things are sooo much more convenient. And I second the idea that my Mom must of been trying to kill us because we also used baking soda a lot when I was a kid and a lot of toothpastes still have a baking soda base - I have never heard that it might be harmful... I will definitely have to look into it. I guess it was not such a simple idea after all... sorry! I was just looking for a simple way to deter any moisture or odors being that I know someone will eventually not wipe it down properly or forget to defrost it before packing and the next person will have a mess to deal with. I did not mean to cause any problems.

Oh, don't feel bad or anything. . . we may end up going with some sort of baking soda based deodorizer eventually if this thing does start to reek, LOL.

I had never heard the baking soda thing either, so I googled and came up with a few sites that said that baking soda and vinegar can both be toxic to children. Then the panicky side of me took over and didn't want to take any chances since I feel like the fridge is ultimately my responsibility, LOL. I haven't had a chance to look at what types of deodorizers are out there, I may pick one up if there's one that won't break open or leak.
To those going after me, I plan on buying a cheap 12 cup coffee maker and shipping it down in my "snack Box" as DH has to have his pot in the morning just to function. Well I planned on leaving it there, but if someone wants it I can leave it with guest services for them or just pass it along with the fridge, just an offer.

Hmmm... I wonder.... could we possibly get this to fit into the fridge? In effect then we would be passing around one box containing a fridge, freezer and coffee maker - that would be awesome! Look at me... I am not even a coffee drinker but could not pass the idea up!
Hi Everyone...unfortunately I am home now. Just wanted to let everyone know the fridge was great. The packets are inside (one per person with the instructions and the green labels). I also left packing tape and clorox wipes. I just spoke to Rhiansmom and she was picking up the fridge. They did give me a luggage ticket when I had luggage services pick up and I emailed her that number. The box is not the best. It is actually 2 pieces. I opted to make the bottom the top (as it was a separate little nothing), and I was concerned eventually it would cause the fridge to be dropped. The freezer part worked great, we fit in 3 bottles and overnight was plenty of time to freeze. Let me know if you have other questions.
Just FYI,
Baking soda is Sodium Bicarbonate--the harmful part is the Sodium--salt. In reality it would have to ingested in a large amount to cause harm, but too much salt could be harmful, especially to a baby or toddler. I believe it could cause convulsions, tummy problems and nervous system problems. It really tastes awful, so it is hard to believe a little one would eat enough to cause harm, but they have been known to eat worse stuff! ( a friend's 2 yr old drank an entire bottle of Nail polish remover --yech! fortunately it was the non-acetone type!)

Here is some information that I found online:
"important to
note that baking soda can be slightly toxic if swallowed in large amounts (2-3 tablespoons
for infants, 4-5 tablespoons for children, and 15-20 tablespoons for adults)."

And some more information about it:

The assumption is that if you are using it to brush you teeth you shouldn't be swallowing it so it won't be harmful (it is stressed that young children also shouldn't swallow fluoride toothpaste because of possible toxic affects). So, no, your moms weren't trying to kill you--unless they told you to go ahead and swallow it--a lot of it!

Baking soda is a very good teeth cleaner and is in many toothpastes, and is also a great natural household cleaner, and probably less toxic to children then the cleaners most of us have under the sink. But, most anything in excess can be dangerous. And with Disney being a family friendly place, anything that could put young children at risk should be avoided if at all possible.

I also would be concerned about having an "unidentified" white powder accidentally leaking from the box, or being spilled in the room. This could get our Frig removed ASAP and/or cause problems for the room occupant! Can you say--"FBI and Homeland Security"?????

I did see that Arm and Hammer has a new product available that is an enclosed disk to put in the fridge. I will see if I can find it. I think a better and safer alternative though is an activated charcoal product. I am going to see if I can find them and will bring them when I go in. . (see timer below!)


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