The NEWER survey with 1,001 questions! XD

Wow... you weren't kidding lmao!

I'll fill it out as soon as my friend leaves. :p
wow, I can't believe you typed that out! I'm amazed. I just did basics but I'll answer more questions later, when I'm not half asleep here.
The Basics
1.) Your name: Bridget
2.) Nicknames: Brigitte, chicka, Princess Bridget, Troy
3.) Do you like these nicknames : yup
4.) Location: at my mom's desk in our fireplace room
5.) Age: 12
6.) Birthday: January 14 th
7.) Zodiac sign: Capricorn
8.) Parents names: Josephine and Raymond
9.) Siblings: 1 brother
10.) Pets: none
11.)Number of rooms in your house: 10
12.) Religion: Christain
13.) If so-practicing: Roman Cathlic I guess
14.) Male or Female: Female
15.) Is your family close: yes I guess
1.) Your name: Kayla
2.) Nicknames: Kayla
3.) Do you like these nicknames: Yes...
4.) Location: Homework Central..
5.) Age: 14
6.) Birthday: January.
7.) Zodiac sign: Aquarias(sp) I can't even spell my own sign.
8.) Parents names: No..
9.) Siblings: 1.
10.) Pets: No.
11.)Number of rooms in your house: 10 if you count the hallway.
12.) Religion: Don't have a set one.
13.) If so-practicing: No.
14.) Male or Female: Female.
15.) Is your family close: Yep.

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: Chinese
17.) TV shows: CSI
18.) Movies: titanic, road to el dorado, National treasure, more
19.) Actors: Daniel R, Nicolas C, more.
20.) Actresses: Emma Watson, more
21.) Books: HP, Series of unfortunate events. Twilight series, more.
22.) Artists: Music? Utada Hikaru, Taylor Swift, Nicholas Hooper, more.
23.) Types of Music: Mostly classical, soundtrack, j-pop, or country. Don't listen to anything else anymore.
24.) Video Games: KH/KH2, Final Fantasy series.
25.) Computer Games: None.
26.) Outfits: ? T-shirt and shorts.
27.) Stores: Walmart, bookstores.
28.) Sports: Mini golf...because that's all I can win at. xD I like to watch football.
29.) Colors: Red
30.) Numbers: 23
31.) Websites: DIS, Helium, mugglenet, wrinsiders, rewardtv,!
32.) Cartoon characters: Too many.
33.) TV Channels: FN, Spike [CSI] A&E [Again CSI], CBS, Vh1, animal planet.
34.) Made For TV Movies: don't know.
35.) Comedians: Don't know.
36.) Comediennes: ...
37.) Hair products: shampoo? xD I don't put anything else my hair..
38.) Soap/body wash: body wash
39.) Kind of Pens: Glittery ones.
40.) Broadway shows: Wicked...never seen.
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: Don't like Jewelry
42.) Kinds of Soap: don't know.
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: Head & Shoulders
44.) Game Systems: Gamecube, PS2, DS, Wii
45.) CDs: Disney CDs, Fantasmic, rascal flatts.
47.) Past times: Reading, Photography, scrapbooking, writing, thinking.
48.) Things to do on the weekend: Erm...the same as above.
49.) Magazines: Cosmo Girl.
50.) Animals: Wolf.

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: Don't know.
52.) Favorite sweatpants?: ? Grey ones...
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: t-shirt, shorts.
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: No.
55.) Do you like it?: ...
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: Walmart
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: No.
58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: :laughing:
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: Tennis shoes?
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: No.
61.) Do you wear hats?: No.
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: No.
63.) If so, what?: ...
64.) Do you wear belts?: No
65.) How many belts do you have?: Like...7
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?:
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look: No.
68.) Do you wear big pimpin..' coats?: No.
69.) Do you carry a backpack?: Yes.
70.) If so, what is it like?: Heavy...and it's disney. :D

71.) What are your grades like?: All A's cept Algebra II I'm getting a B- :scared:
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: In algebra..
73.) Are you failing anything?: No.
74.) Do you take a language?: No
75.) If so which language?: ..
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: English teacher.
77.) Do you decorate your locker?: Never have used mine...opened it once.
78.) Do you decorate your book bag?: No.
79.) If so, with what?: ...
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: No.
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: When I'm bored.
82.) Do you take art?: Yes! And I hate it.
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: driven to school and I and I walk home occasionally.
84.) Do you like school?: Sometimes.
85.) How big is your school?: 385 kids...SMALL.
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: Yes.
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?: Yes.
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: Yes.
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: I did.
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: FFA, FEA, Youth FriendsCorps, FCCLA. But I'm quitting FCCLA, I can't handle it this year.

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: Purple
92.) Is it messy or clean?: Messy right now but usually clean.
93.) What are on your bed sheets?: Comforter?
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?: Yesh
95.) If so, of what?: Final Fantasy X-2 one, Kindom hearts one, Mickey one, and on my door I have 2 tinkerbell ones.
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: Yes.
97.) A computer?: Yep.
98.) A radio?: Yep.
99.) An alarm clock?: Yep.
100.) A stereo?: That's the same as a radio..
101.) What is under your bed?: Hp legos. xD Puzzles, and 2 of my rugs I didn't want out.
102.) Do you have a big closet?: No way.
103.) Do you write on your mirror [if you have one]?: Write on it? Why would I do that.
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: No
105.) If so, what design?: ...
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: It's..white.
107.) If so, of what?: ...
108.) Do you decorate your door?: Yep.
109.) With what?: I made a sign that said Kayla out of ribbon and buttons last night...and I just put things up I buy.
110.) What color is your carpet?: Blue. :scared: But after awhile it's not that bad agains the purple.

111.) What are your favorite bands?: Rascal Flatts.
112.) Do you own a lot of CDs?: No.
113.) How many exactly?: Like..4
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: Not often.
117.) Do you like loud music?: I tend to turn up the volume on my mp3.
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?: Eh, not really.
119.) Do you like rap?: No.
120.) Do you like country?: Yes.

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?: CSI
122.) Are you a couch potato?: Eh sometimes.
123.) Do you watch the news?: Sometimes.
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: No.
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: Eric Szmanda!
126.) Do you watch late night TV?: No.
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: No...98. xD
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: I blocked all but 7 of those channels...
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: No.
130.) What is your take on commercials?: Stupid...well most of the time.
131.) How big is your TV?: erm I don't know.
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: Both.
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?: No...most of the stuff is crap when you do buy it. I yell at my brother when he begs someone to go find something that he saw on a me...we've had enough experiences with those things.
134.) Do you like dramas?: I guess.
135.) Do you like comedies?: Sometimes.
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: I hate it.
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?: Eric Szmanda. xD
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: Football.
139.) Do you watch music videos?: Sometimes.
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80s even if you werent living in the 80s?: No.

141.) Religion?: Don't have a set one. More athiest than anything. [Don't tell my friends that...]
142.) Do you go to synagogue/church/mosque regularly?: Nope.
142.) Pro-life?: Yep.
143.) Pro-choice?: Yep?
144.) Do you pray daily?: No.
145.) Do you believe in God?: Not really.
146.) Jesus?: Not really.
147.) Allah?: Not really.
148.) Buddha?: Not really.
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: No.
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas?: Not really.

151.) Who are your best friends?: My friends on DIS.
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: In real life, I think they are just pretending. On here? Erm...I guess.
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: Sometimes.
154.) Where do you usually go?: Out to games.
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: Yeah
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?:
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: Yeah.
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: Erm not really.
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: Yes.
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: Yes.
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: Nope.
170.) Are you part of a clique?: No and I don't want to be.
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: No.
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: Yes.
173.) Where did you meet them?: DIS.
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: No.
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: Rarely.
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: No.
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: No.
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: Yeah.
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: 3...
180.) How is this survey so far?: ...omg. :faint: I'm still treking though this is farthest I've gotton.

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: Messenger
182.) Punk/Emo: Neither
183.) Rock/Rap: Neither
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: Neither
185.) Justin/Clay: Neither
186.) Ruben/Clay: Neither
187.) Cat/Dog: CatDog..that show was awesome. xD
188.) PS2/Xbox: PS2
189.) DVDs/VHS: DVD
190.) CDs/Tapes: CD.
191.) Big screen/small screen: big
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: Home
193.) Popcorn/Candy: popcorn
194.) Jacket/Coat: Jacket.
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake
196.) Sister/brother: I want a sister.
197.) Home/House: ? Home sounds better.
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: Espanol
199.) Art/Computer: computer
200.) Laptop/Desktop: laptop
201.) pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
202.) Orange/Apple: apple
203.) Phone/Computer: computer
204.) Email/Letters: Email
205.) Big/Small: Erm? Small.
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: Toddler.
208.) 16/21: 21
209.) CSI/24: CSI
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Spiderman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: ?
212.) Letterman/Leno: Letterman
213.) SNL/MadTV: Don't know.
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: Flinstones
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: HP
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: M&Ms
217.) Pants/Shorts: shorts
218.) Skirts/Skorts: Skorts.
219.) Fork/Spoon: depends on the food
220.) People/InTouch: Huh?

Are you
221.) Gothic: No.
222.) a freak?: In what terms.
223.) a computer nerd?: No.
224.) a science freak?: sometimes.
225.) a sports fan?: Football is about it.
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: No.
227.) a class clown?: No.
228.) funny?: Not really.
229.) serious?: Yes.
230.) intellectual?: I don't know.
231.) an LOTR nerd?: No.
232.) a failure?: ...That is my I hope not.
233.) a success?: Yesh I hope.
234.) a loser?: Yes.
235.) popular?: No.
236.) lazy?: Sometimes.
237.) outgoing?: No.
238.) shy?: Yes.
239.) friendly?: Most people would say I guess not?
240.) easily annoyed?: At school.
241.) tolerant of others views?: Yes.
242.) addicted to crack?: Never.
243.) addicted to any other drug?: No.
244.) a partier?: No. Hate Parties.
245.) naturally hyperactive?: No?
246.) wild?: No.
247.) sporty?: No.
248.) smelly?: Haha. No.
249.) an insomniac?: I forgot what that meant and my tabbed browsing is gone so I can't go look it up.
250.) a procrastinator?: Not really.
251.) a criminal?: No.
252.) a crackpot?: No
253.) a bookworm?: Yep.
254.) hairy?: No
255.) good at playing basketball?: No.
256.) in high school?: Yes.
257.) in prison?: No.
258.) shaved or trimmed?: ...
259.) A boy?: No.
260.) A girl?: Well...let's see here. xD

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: YES.
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: No.
263.) Do you like nuns?: i don't know..
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: Oh yeah.
265.) Do you use correct English?: eh I guess.
266.) Hablar Espanol?: Huh?
267.) Spien Deutsch?: Again...huh.
268.) Speak English?: Yeah...why do you think I couldn't read the above. xD
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: No.
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: No.
271.) Do you like Russian names?: I guess.
272.) Like Vlad?: I don't know.
273.) Homer?: Yes.
274.) Are you a busy body?: All the time.
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: No.
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: haha. No.
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: No.
278.) Who do you wish was president?: NO!
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush? Be honest: I don't like him.
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: No.
281.) Are you insecure?: Not really.
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: Heyy were studying that in History. XD
283.) Roman culture?: Sure.
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: Old buildings?
285.) What style architecture is your house?: Trailer house. :cool2: No not a trailer park, our trailers are grounded and stuffs, I like them.
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: No.
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: Who does?
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: Not really.
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: No otherwise I'd be late.
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: It'll change before I finish this survey..
291.) Does anybody really care?: Sure.
292.) Who sings that song?: I don't know.
293.) Do you like Chicago?: Never been.
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? I don't know.
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: ...C...-. :scared: ALGEBRA II is EVIL.
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: Oh yeah.
297.) Do you play with dolls?: xD I'll tell you I think I'm the worst girl you've ever seen. I hate most of the things girls are suppose to like.
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: No.
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: Fish.
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: SHORT ones.

301.) Do you have a job?: No but I need/want one.
302.) What do you do?: ...
303.) Does your boss like you?: ...
304.) How much do you get paid?: ...
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: I need a savings account.
306.) Do you have a credit card?: No.
307.) a checkbook?: No.
308.) Are you a big spender?: Pft, where are the sales racks?
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: No.
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: Like...10 bucks
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: No.
312.) How about a France?: No
313.) Do you really care?: not unless I'm going there.
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: ...
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: Yeah.
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: Yeah.
317.) Why?:So I could buy books and get a start with college. And WDW
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: Dirt poor as long as the friends weren't pretending to be my friend.
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: It's disney! :D
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: 200

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: Pjs.
322.) What are you listening to?: My fan.
323.) Who are you talking to?: The computer.
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: Thinking about how long this is going to take me.
325.) How is your hair?: Medium length.
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: Socks.
327.) Are you cold or warm?: Inbetween.
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: No.
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: No.
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: Cell phone, staple, purse, glue stick. xD
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: Harry. :D
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: Junk.
333.) What time is it?: Time for you to get a watch.
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: Homework.
335.) Why arent you doing it?: Because it's stressing me out.
336.) Is your room a mess now??: Yesh.
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: No, the bathroom on the other hand.
338.) What are any people around you doing?: sleeping
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: I have a headache.
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: Nope.
341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: 30...all of that is blowdrying and straighting hari.
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: Most of the time.
343.) How long does it take: 20 minutes.
344.) Are your looks important to you?: Not really.
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: Eh, kinda.
346.) What would you change?: weight, skin, that's it.
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: Down.
348.) Do you dye your hair?: Blonde highlights.
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: Yes.
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: Brownish blonde.
351.) What is your eye color?: Green.
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: No.
353.) Do you look like your parents?: People say I do.
354.) Is that good or bad?: Good.
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: No.
356.) Why?: Huh.
357.) Do you have any piercings?: Yes.
358.) Any tattoos?: No but I want one.
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: No.
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: On the weekend and I'm bored.

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: No.
362.) Out of your state?: Yes.
363.) Out of your city?: Town? Yes.
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: Yeah.
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: Mostly to an amusement park.
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: No.
367.) In a boat?: Yes.
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: No, most of them live in the same area.
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: I don't know.
370.) Do you drive?: Yes.

371.) Favorite car?: 1953 cheverolet pickup truck.
372.) Color for that car?: Red.
373.) Do you have your license?: Permit.
374.) Permit?: Yes.
375.) Do you like fast cars?: No.

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 6-7
377.) Is this enough?: Sometimes.
378.) Do you dream every night?: Yes.
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: Our principal was chasing me around my house in a captain hook costume...
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: No?
381.) Do you sleep in school?: No.
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? ..
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: Depends.
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: On the weekdays.
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: A working one?

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: Never
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: No.
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: no
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: no
395.) Do you go clubbing?: no
396.) Ever been drunk?: no
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: no
398.) For what?: ...
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: no
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: no
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: no
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: never go to them
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: No
404.) What about those racing games?: eh
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: None
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: none
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: no
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: nope
409.) Who has the best parties?: Nobody

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: No.
411.) Do you love them?: ..
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: Nah
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: Not anymore
414.) Who?: ..
415.) Do they know?: No they didn't
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: I used to.
417.) Are you lonely?: No.
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: 8?
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: My family.
420.) Did you mean it?: Yep.
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?: ..
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: No.
423.) Whats your crush like?: ..
424.) Do you like romance movies?: Eh depends.
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: No.. I've never even went on a date before I couldn't break up with them.

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: Christina
427.) Justin or JC: JC...
428.) Frodo or Sam: Frodo
429.) B2K or Nsync: Nsync
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: Bart
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: Frankenstein
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: Simon
433.) Conan or Jay: ...
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: Rosie
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: Carmen
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now? ..
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: ...

438.) Who are your heroes?: Authors
439.) Why do you look up to them?: because they are awesome.
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: Yes.
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: don't know
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: Sometimes
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: No

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: Good.
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: No.
446.) what kind?: ...
447.) Do you like chocolate?: Eh somtimes.
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: No
449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: Sure
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: In.
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: Yes.
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: No.
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: I'm tried to hurt someone yeah.
454.) How is this survey so far?: ...omg.
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: Yes.

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: It's like a rollercoaster...but It's a nice rollercoaster.
457.) The world: Needs to change for the better.
458.) President Bush: Hmm...let's not go into that.
459.) Ahhhhnold: ..?
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: haha...nah.
461.) Howard Stern: Ehh.
462.) The war in Iraq: Again, let's not go into that.
463.) the economy: ...
464.) jay-z retiring: Don't care.
465.) school: Is awesome. Most of the time.
466.) going to college: Can't wait.
467.) basketball: Boring.
468.) football: Love it.
469.) baseball: It's ok.
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: Bad..

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: No.
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: No.
473.) Fart a lot?: haha. No.
474.) Burp a lot?: No.
475.) Do stupid things in public?: Oh yeah.
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: No.
477.) Have random hallucinations?: Probably.
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: No.
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: No.
480.) Wear leg warmers?: No
481.) Sing in the shower?: Only when I'm home by myself. xD
482.) Play any card game?: Not really.
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: No
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: No.
485.) Have a snake?: No.
486.) Have webbed feet?: No
487.) Wear colorful socks?: Yeah.
488.) Have a life?: Hmm good question.
489.) Drink coffee?: No.
490.) Drink tea?: No.

491.) What are your screen names?: ::Snow_White::
492.) Emails?: Nah.
493.) Do you have a website?: No.
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: No.
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: Yeah.
496.) What are your favorite websites?: You asked this question
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: eBay
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: Sometimes.
499.) If so, what?: Books.
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: A book.
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: Yes..
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: No.
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: DIS people.
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: Yeah.
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: MSN
506.) Whats your desktop background?: Something awesome that you can see on the show your desktop thread.
507.) Whats your AIM icon?:
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: Too much.
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: Neither.
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: Probably not.

511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: Laptop.
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?: There is never a bad present.
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: Yes.
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: Yeah.
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: Yeah.

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: Something I can't say.
517.) Favorite day of the week: Thursday.
518.) Favorite fruit: Apple.
519.) Favorite vegetable: I dont know.
520.) Favorite lunch meat: turkey
521.) Favorite candy bar: don't know.
522.) Favorite nail polish: Clear.
523.) Favorite chair: I don't know.
524.) Favorite early morning show: I don't know.
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: don't know.
526.) Favorite writing paper: One with lines.
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: None.
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): I only have I guess they are my fabvorite.
529.) Favorite distant relative: ERm...I don't know.
530.) Favorite dessert: Cheesecake.
531.) Favorite weather: Rainy.
532.) Favorite season: spring
533.) Favorite shoe brand: Nike
534.) Favorite lunch: Nothing.
535.) Favorite breakfast: Frosted Flakes.
36.) Favorite author: JK rowling and Stephenie meyer.
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: None.
538.) Favorite band to see live: I don't know.
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: ...Not this one.

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: Alone
542.) Work/Have off: Day off
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: ??
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: Blueberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: ...
546.) Acid/Shrooms: ...
547.) Who/The Who: The Who
548.) Older/Newer: older
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular
550.) Have sex/Make love: o.o NONE.

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: Yeah. haha.
552.) Skipped school?: No.
553.) Done drugs?: No.
554.) Been drunk?: No.
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: No.
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: No.
557.) Gone insane? Right now.
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: Yep.
559.) Been in a car accident?: No.
560.) A bike accident?: No.
561.) Broken a bone?: No.
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: No.
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: Probably.
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: No.
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: No.
566.) More than 12 hours?: No
567.) How about 5 hours?: Probably.
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: Yep.
569.) Passed out from hunger?: No.
570.) Been to a LAN party?: No.

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: No.
572.) How about swim meets?: No.
573.) Tennis matches?: No.
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: Nah.
575.) The ones with Richard?: haha. Nah.
576.) How about Match Game?: No.
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: No.
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: Sure.
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: No.
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: No.
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: YES.
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: No.
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: Yes.
584.) Do you like TiVo?: Don't know.
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: No.
586.) VCRs or DVD players?: DVD
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: No
588.) A vegan?: no.
589.) Vegetarian?: no
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: Author.

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: Yep.
592.) Two years ago?: No.
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: I think.
594.) The author of Frankenstein?: No.
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: No.
596.) The Queen of England?: Yep.
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: No.
598.) Espanol?: No.
599.) Deutsch?: No.
600.) Japanese?: No. But I want to.
601.) Franois?: No
602.) Chinese?: No
603.) Portuguese?: no
604.) (If you dont, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): Spanish, French, japanese.
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: no
606.) The capital of the US?: Yes.
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: No.
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English and portugese?
609.) How to fly a kite?: Yeah.
610.) How to surf?: No
611.) Skateboard?: No
612.) How about rollerblade?: No
613.) What year the Korean war started?: No

614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: Erm...I don't know.
615.) Happy eyed?: Disney, reading.
616.) What song always makes you sad?: I don't know.
617.) Happy?: disney songs
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: My baby cousin.
619.) Really depressed?: I don't know
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: Sometimes.
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: No.
622.) A naturally happy person?: Yeah.
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: A couple days.
624.) What do you do?: erm..go on DIS?
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: Too many.

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: My friend olivia.
627.) Talk to you?: My mom
628.) IM you?: My friend Olivia.
629.) Touch you physically?: ? My friend hugged me?
630.) Touch you emotionally?: I don't know.
631.) Hurt you?: One of my friends.
632.) Make you feel better?: My friend olivia.
633.) Scold you?: My mom.
634.) Praise you?: Erm..I don't know.
635.) Say Hello to you?: My mom.

636.) Are you secure with yourself?: Yeah.
637.) What do other people think of you: I'm depressed, angry and mean...I could care less really.
638.) What do you see yourself as?: Happy,Crazy, fun.
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: My ability to say no.
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: Yeah.
641.) A weak person?: Nah.
642.) Are you stressed out?: Oh Yes.
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: Yeah.
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: Yeah.
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: I laugh at yeah.

Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. Write
2. Photography
3. Scrapbook

647.) 3 of your favorite bands?
1. Rascal Flatts.
2. Don't know.
3. ..

648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. A handstand.
2. play an instrument.
3. lose weight

649.) 3 shows you watch all the time?
1. CSI.
2. CSI:Miami
3. Food Network shows.

650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. teletubbies!
2. Out of the Box
3. Barney.

651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. DISboards
2. Twilight.
3. Harry potter.

652.) 3 people you care about
1. Friends
2. Family
3. I don't know.

654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. Weight
2. My bossy-ness.
3. I wish I was less streesed.

655.) 3 of your strong points
1. I'm hardworking
2. I'm blunt.
3. I don't care what people think.

656.) 3 boys names
1. Edward
2. Jasper
3. Emmett

657.) 3 girls names
1. Kayla
2. Alice
3. Bella

658.) 3 TV channels
1. Vh1.
2. Animal Planet.
3. Food Network

659.) 3 things everyone should listen to

660.) 3 things no one should listen to
I won't tell people what they shouldn't listen too.

661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. OMG!
2. Idiot.
3. Great Flaming llamas.

662.) 3 words to describe your look
Still Mine.

663.) 3 words to describe your personality

664.) 3 things you want to do before you die
Meet Jk Rowling.
Go to Disney and meet some of my DIS friends.

665.) 3 things on your desk
1. phone
2. Glue
3. Purse.

666.) 3 things you hate
1. failure
2. aligators
3. Lazy people.

667.) 3 things you love

668.) 3 things that scare you

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: Tinky Winky, dipsy, lala, po.
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason? Yea.
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: No.
674.) Oday ouyhay peaksay igpay atinlay?: Erm?
675.) Isnt pig latin the best?: No.
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: No.?
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: No.
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: No.
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: Yeah.
680.) Are you in an asylum?: No.
681.) College?: Yeah.
682.) What is your favorite scent?: Soarin'!
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: Not often.
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: Golden Corral.
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: I don't know.
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: hatred
687.) Do like Spongebob?: No.
688.) Do you think he's gay?: no
689.) How about Squidward?: no
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework?: No.
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: Some of it.
692.) DO you usually get a lot?: Yes.
693.) .."OOOOOO poor baby.." << use that phrase a lot?: No.
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: No.
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?: No.
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: No.
697.) Dont you wish they would make them for humans too?: No.
698.) Where is you second home?: where I first home is WDW
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: Yeah.
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you dont need to look up?: 2.
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: Yes.
702.) Can you do the limbo?: Yeah.
703.) Do you make New Years Resolutions?: No...I stopped making them because I can never keep them.

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: Me.
705.) Has the coolest name?: Olivia.
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: Me.
707.) Has the nicest hair?: Rebecca.
708.) Has the fittest body?: Nikki.
709.) Do you hang out with most?: Jessica.
710.) Has the coolest parents?: Rebecca.
711.) Lives closest to you?: Jessica.
712.) Lives the farthest from you?: DIS friends.
713.) Can you relate to most?: Olivia.
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?: Olivia.
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?: Jessica or Aubrey.

Word Association!
716.) blow: bubble
717.) lollipop: yummy.
718.) obnoxious: People.
719.) cold: Snow.
720.) hot: Sun.
721.) smell: Feet.
722.) car: Ugly.
723.) rain: Yay.
724.) wet: pool
725.) steamy: french fry. xD
726.) bite: Apple.
727.) beer: Chainsaw..xD
728.) rock: ow.
729.) hard: Eh. Pretty.
730.) soft: feather.

OK Heres the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?:No.
732.) Whats your favorite place to be kissed?: No where.
733.) Are you a tease?: No.
734.) Do you know what a tease is?: Yeah.

More Do you
735.) Twirl your hair?: Yes.
736.) Hate yourself?: No.
737.) Want to kill yourself?: No.
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: Sometimes.
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: Sometimes.
740.) Touch your face a lot?: Yeah.
741.) Watch MTV?: Yeah.
742.) Have any lesbian/gay/bi friends?: I think...they just haven't came out and said it yet...but I'm just guessing.
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other peoples differences?: Yes.
744.) Wish you could fly?: Yes.
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: I already am.
746.) Read minds?: No, but I can guess! :D
747.) Watch wrestling?: No.
748.) Like filling out surveys?: Not this one.
749.) Work out?: No.
750.) Play any sports?: No.

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: No
752.) A speeding ticket?: No.
753.) Been in a fist fight?: Almost.
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: No.
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: No.
756.) Held a gun?: No.
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money??: No.
758.) Been used?: No.
759.) Been rejected?: Yes.
760.) Been on a rollercoaster?: Yes.
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: No.
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: no.
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: No.
764.) Tackled the mailman?: No.
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: Yes.
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: No.
767.) Done crack?: No.
768.) Done cocaine?: No.
769.) Passed out during school?: No.
770.) Fainted in the heat?: No.

More Random Questions!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: no
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: spanish?
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: no
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: no
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: yes
776.) Are baseball games fun?: Sure
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: to someone yes
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: No.
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: No.
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: yes
781.) Do you like U2?: yes
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded I LOVE U2! and the other person got really confused?: no.
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: No.
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: Yes.
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yes
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: No.
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: earbud things.
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: Never.
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: Neer.
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: Rascal Flatts.
791.) How often do you change your underwear?: every day
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?: No.
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say pimping popples instead of popping pimples? No.
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?: Yeah. XD
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to Harder to breathe or whatever by Maroon 5?: No.
796.) Do you pray daily?: No.
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: Erm...I'd just lie where I died at? I don't know until I die.
798.) Are you paranoid?: Not really.
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: No.
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: Yes. ew.

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: donatello(sp)
802.) Power Ranger: The pink one! :D
803.) Rugrat: Kimi(sp)
804.) Powerpuff Girl: Bubbles! :D
805.) Villain: Voldemort.

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yes
07.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Members Only jacket?: no
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: yeah
810.) A porno?: no
811.) A gun?: no
812.) A pair of toe socks?: no
813.) A portable DVD player?: yes
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: no
815.) A car?: no
816.) A trucker hat?: no
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: no
818.) A wife beater?: no
819.) A butcher knife?: no
820.) A pocket knife?: no
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yes
823.) A thong?: no
824.) A bikini?: no
825.) A speedo (guys)?: no
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: no
827.) A drum set?: no
828.) An electric guitar?: no
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?: no
830.) Any of the Rocky movies?: no

More Random they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: no
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: a whole new world...
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: no
834.) How big is your backyard?: small...
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: o_O No.
836.) Hairy chests?: o_O No.
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: Erm, depends.
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: No. Where are these hair questions coming from. :rotfl:
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: I don't remember.
841.) Are you on any medication?: no
842.) Do you have asthma?: no
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: no
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: no
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: no
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: don't know
847.) What is your hair length?: Medium length.
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: no
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: no
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?: No.
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: yep. for school.
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: No.
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: no
854.) Whats your take on the show Judge Judy?: She's awesome.
855.) When did WW2 start?: 1939
856.) When did it end?: 1945
857.) What is your nationality?: American
858.) Where did your family come from?: Germany.
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: I felt like I have.
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: Yep.
861.) Do you believe in angels?: Sometimes.
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: No.
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: 100%
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations like naked to get peoples reactions?: yes
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: no
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: no
867.) Arent those Menudo kids so sexy?: no
868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: No..
869.) Do you collect anything?: yeah.
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: no
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: Probably.
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: the little toe
873.) Favorite finger?: the thumb, it's left out
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: Don't know.
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because theyre so sad and stupid?: no
877.) Have you ever sang in the shower?: yes
878.) Did you like it?: yes.
879.) Do you sing a lot?: yes
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: Yeah. xD
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: Yes.
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of separation? I don't know.
883.) How about 5 degrees of separation?: I don't know?
884.) OK be honesthows the survey so far?: Annoying.
885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: Depends.
886.) What time is it?: Time for you to get a watch.
887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: No.
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really dont?: no.
889.) Can you take a --- in other peoples houses without feeling awkward?: No.
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: No.
891.) What did you do?: ...
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say ---?: ...?
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: Nah.
894.) Do you think its sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually dont?: no
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: yes.
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: crap? :rotfl:
897.) What does PMS stand for?: Something that I don't like.
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: No.
899.) Can you say the alphabet backward without stopping?: No.
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: 10
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: no
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: I don't know.
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: don't have aim.
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?:
905.) How about Good Fellas?: ...
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: No
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: no
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: no
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: no...
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: Zanarkand. That would be so awesome.
911.) Osama Bin Laden: ...
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: no
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: no
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: No.
915.) Do you use a calculator?: yes
916.) What kind is it?: I don't know.
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: yes
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: yes
919.) Dont they suck?: yup
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: Yeah.
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: I'm going to this year.
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?: Yeah.
923.) Are you a racist?: No!
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize your intake?: I only go to reastaurants so often so I eat what I want!
925.) Do you diet?: Yeah.
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?: Nah.

927.) How often do you shower?: Every day.
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: yes
929.) How often do you wash your face?: whenever i'm in the shower
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: Depends.
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: Sometimes.
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: yes.
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: No.
934.) Do you cough a lot?: No.
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: Cover mouth.
936.) Do you wear deodorant regularly?: yes

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: no
938.) Do you have OCD?: Probably.
939.) Do you have ADHD?: no
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: No
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: No
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: No.
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: Yes
944.) The monkey pox? Sure. xD
945.) The mumps?: Nope.
946.) The measles?: Don't think so.
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: No.

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: No.
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: No.
950.) In the newspaper?: Yes.
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?: friends
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: no
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: Almost.
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: love that movie.
955.) Do you think Frank Zilinski is a moron?: Erm...
956.) Throw me some Polish names: no.
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 8.
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: Don't know.
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: Normal.
960.) How much do you weigh?: Too much.
961.) How tall are you?: 5'3"
962.) Do you have cankles?: No.
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: Yep.
964.) Fat thighs?: Psh yeah. XD Runs in the family.
965.) Do you shave your toes?: Sometimes..
966.) Do you shave your legs?: Yes.
967.) How often?: All the time.
968.) How about those armpits?: Yeah.
969.) How many legs does a kangaroo have?: 2.
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
971.) How many legs do you have?: 2
972.) Do you have braces?: no
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: yes But it's almost over!!
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: sometimes
975.) Do you snore?: i've been told i do
976.) Do you have your own room?: yes
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: No.
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: no
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: no?
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: Yes I love him.
981.) How about Tim Curry?: No.
982.) Are you ticklish?: Nah.
985.) Do you like salad?: Yes.
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: Yep.
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: No
988.) Are you artsy?: No.
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: Yep.
990.) Do you like to say no pun intended for any reason?: Never said it.
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: pecan.
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: Love it!
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: Depends. :]
994.) Who was the Lone Rangers, nephews, horse?: don't know.
995.) Do you like cheese?: Yes.
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: Who?
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: Sure.
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: Kinda.
999.) Was it a waste of your time?: Yep.
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: Oh yeah.
1001.) Do you think too much?: YES.

OMG! I finished it!!!! :cool1: :banana:
I'm only doing some of them:
1. emma
2. Em, Emi, doodlebug,Emma Lemma Gemma Kemma(so on)
16.Italian (sp?)
19. Josh Huterson
20. Miley Cyrus
51. american eagel
76. Ms. Masterangleo math
95. Josh Huterson, Jason Dolley, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale, Vannsa Hudgendon, Cody Linley, emily osment, and Mitchell Musso ( poster on my walls.
120. I love Contry
134. I love Dramas
dk #. My best friend amelia
193. Candy
246. yeah i guess i'm willd
394. I am a socail butterfly
517. Friday my fave day
:banana: My answers :woohoo:
1.) Your name: Alison
2.) Nicknames: Al, Alpal, Alfred
3.) Do you like these nicknames: Yes
4.) Location: Buffalo NY
5.) Age: 14
6.) Birthday: Feb. 2
7.) Zodiac sign: Aquarias
8.) Parents names: Sheila and Steve
9.) Siblings: Andrew and kayla
10.) Pets: 2 dogs 2 cats
11.)Number of rooms in your house: Like bedrooms? 5
12.) Religion: Catholic
13.) If so-practicing: yeah
14.) Male or Female: female
15.) Is your family close: Totally!

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: Itallian
17.) TV shows: Greys Anatomy
18.) Movies: I donno
19.) Actors: John Header
20.) Actresses: Resse Witherspoon
21.) Books: I donno
22.) Artists: I dono
23.) Types of Music: Soft Rock
24.) Video Games: Wii Sample
25.) Computer Games: Sims 2
26.) Outfits: My Abercrombie Sweater with jeans and my Uggs
27.) Stores: Abercrombie, Hollister, Target, Abercrombie and Fitch
28.) Sports: Hockey
29.) Colors: Light Purple And pink
30.) Numbers: 21
31.) Websites: DIS, Myspace, Facebook
32.) Cartoon characters: All the Pooh Characters
33.) TV Channels: ABC And MTV and VH1
34.) Made For TV Movies: yeah
35.) Comedians: I don't know
36.) Comediennes: Again? LOL
37.) Hair products: Aussie
38.) Soap/body wash: Suave
39.) Kind of Pens: Uhhh, ink?
40.) Broadway shows: Hairspray and lionking

Oh yeah, you must have ALOT of time on your hands.
The Basics
1.) Your name: Angela.
2.) Nicknames: Ang. Ducky. Pirate Girl. Jangela.
3.) Do you like these nicknames: You bet.
4.) Location: The wonderful world of West Virginia.
5.) Age: 13.
6.) Birthday: December 11.
7.) Zodiac sign: Sagitarrius. Or however you spell it.
8.) Parents names: Mike and Debbie.
9.) Siblings: One brother. Eric.
10.) Pets: One dog, Toby J.
11.)Number of rooms in your house: 16.
12.) Religion: Christianity. Southern Baptist.
13.) If so-practicing: Um, huh?
14.) Male or Female: Female.
15.) Is your family close: My dads side is. On my moms side, not so much. Except for me and my grandma on my moms side, we're really close.

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: American.
17.) TV shows: Kyle XY. Monk. Reba. Grounded For Life. Degrassi. American Idol. The Biggest Loser.
18.) Movies: We Are Marshall. Pirates of the Caribbean. Hairspray. Shes the Man.
19.) Actors: Zac Efron. Cody Linley. Nicholas Cage. Adam Sandler.
20.) Actresses: Amanda Bynes. Ashley Tisdale.
21.) Books: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
22.) Artists: :confused3
23.) Types of Music: Alternative. Acoustic. Rock. Pop. Punk.
24.) Video Games: Anything really. Except war, I suck at those.
25.) Computer Games: Carmen Sandiego! And the tycoon games.
26.) Outfits: Tshirt. Jeans. Sneakers.
27.) Stores: dELiA*s. Aeropostale. Hollister. Abercrombie.
28.) Sports: Tennis.
29.) Colors: Purple. Lime Green. Orange.
30.) Numbers: 8. 41.
31.) Websites: DisBoards. MySpace. Any Mountaineer sports ones.
32.) Cartoon characters: Chip and Dale. Austin from Backyardigans.
33.) TV Channels: MTV. CW Washington. USA. Disney Channel.
34.) Made For TV Movies: High School Musical.
35.) Comedians: Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy.
36.) Comediennes: No idea.
37.) Hair products: Herbal Essences.
38.) Soap/body wash: Dove. The Body Shop/
39.) Kind of Pens: Purple and Green Ink.
40.) Broadway shows: Hairspray. Stomp.
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: Necklaces. Bracelets.
42.) Kinds of Soap: Kinds that work?
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: Didn't I just answer this?
44.) Game Systems: Wii. Nintendo DS. Xbox 360.
45.) CDs: Pshhhhht. It's called an I-P-O-D.
47.) Past times: Not having so much to worry or think about.
48.) Things to do on the weekend: Hangout with friends/family. Watch COLLEGE FOOTBALL. Chill on the computer.
49.) Magazines: Teen. Seventeen. CosmoGirl.
50.) Animals: Leopard.

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: Aeropostale. Hollister. A&F.
52.) Favorite sweatpants?: from DEB
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: tshirt. jeans. sneakers.
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: No
55.) Do you like it?: n/a
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: aero. hco. a&f.
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: nope. i just like those clothes even though they are popular.

Ill finish later.

58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: Not at all!
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: Airwalks
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: Ahhhh no!
61.) Do you wear hats?: Yeah! Well, in the summer
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: Not a Lot, but I like jewelry
63.) If so, what?: Bracelets, and rings, and necklaces
64.) Do you wear belts?: Not really
65.) How many belts do you have?: I think 2
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?: NOOO
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look: NOO again
68.) Do you wear big pimpin..' coats?: Ha no
69.) Do you carry a backpack?: No, our school doesn't allow
70.) If so, what is it like?: Nothin

71.) What are your grades like?: As and Bs
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: No
73.) Are you failing anything?: nope
74.) Do you take a language?: used to
75.) If so which language?: Japanese
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: yrs finished but it was Mrs De Lima she was awesome her or Mrs Doman
77.) Do you decorate your locker?: no
78.) Do you decorate your book bag?: no
79.) If so, with what?: N/A
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: lol yes
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: yes lol
82.) Do you take art?: YES!! AWESOME!!!
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: driven to the bus stop in the mornings and walk home from the bus stop in the evenings
84.) Do you like school?: some what
85.) How big is your school?: Massive
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: some
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?: yup but my parents wud neva allow
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: wah?
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: no
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: no

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: blue n peach
92.) Is it messy or clean?: half half lol
93.) What are on your bed sheets?: matching lol purple bed sheet, pink cover covered in dog hair
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?: nope not allowed
95.) If so, of what?: nope
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: yes
97.) A computer?: no
98.) A radio?: cd player - not used
99.) An alarm clock?: yea not plugged in tho
100.) A stereo?: yea
101.) What is under your bed?: a rug lol it annoys me so its there, usually a dog or 2 and a load of dog hair o and my sketch book and pencils
102.) Do you have a big closet?: soso
103.) Do you write on your mirror [if you have one]?: nah its too nice
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: lol no but i have a butterfly mobile thing
105.) If so, what design?: as above
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: no unless cob webs count
107.) If so, of what?: none
108.) Do you decorate your door?: on the bak where parents cant see and 1 of my wardrobe doorz
109.) With what?: Main door all my church rosters and nething to do with Church - wardrobe, drawings ive done and like
110.) What color is your carpet?: dnt hav carpet its wooden

111.) What are your favorite bands?: Relient K, Third Day, Hillsong, Kutless
112.) Do you own a lot of CDs?: no
113.) How many exactly?: bout 25 all from wen i was lil
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: sometimes
117.) Do you like loud music?: soso
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?: sorta
119.) Do you like rap?: not really
120.) Do you like country?: yea sometimes

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?: heh home & away and neighbours sumtimes the Bill
122.) Are you a couch potato?: not really
123.) Do you watch the news?: sumtimes
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: nup
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: dunno
126.) Do you watch late night TV?: sometimes depends if i can sleep or not sumtimes i like background noise wen i read
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: no
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: lol, no
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: no
130.) What is your take on commercials?: Materialism is a loud of rubbish, it destroys kids, pumping them full of knowledge they dnt need isnt good for them at all
131.) How big is your TV?: mine is 24 cms diagnolly the main 1 is 56 cm
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: remote and manually depends where i am
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?: What idiot does that?
134.) Do you like dramas?: predictable but pfft they're soso
135.) Do you like comedies?: yep
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: dunno
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?:no
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: no
139.) Do you watch music videos?: no
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80s even if you werent living in the 80s?: no

141.) Religion?: Christian
142.) Do you go to synagogue/church/mosque regularly?: Church yes
142.) Pro-life?: huh?
143.) Pro-choice?: what?
144.) Do you pray daily?: yes
145.) Do you believe in God?: yes
146.) Jesus?: yes
147.) Allah?: no
148.) Buddha?: no
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: no
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas?: yes

151.) Who are your best friends?: Eliza and Jono
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: fair amount
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: some what
154.) Where do you usually go?: Their place or jst hang out in town
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: yep
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: yes
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: i get along with them well lol
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: no
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: heh im not out going round ne1
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: depends hu
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: sumtimes
170.) Are you part of a clique?: dunno according to another mate not from church she thinks i am shes been a couple of times but i dunno
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: yea... usually
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: yes
173.) Where did you meet them?: NDF, Deviant Art and random online games from here and there, also cousins of friends
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: ?
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: no not all a big fan of them
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: lol no i act all polite and stand wen im offered a seat usually i do sumtimes at Liza's place and i used to at my mate Lisa's hu i havent seen in yrs
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: Lol yes lol Liza does, a lot of wat she says eventually become my words too
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: prob not
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: bout 5 or 6
180.) How is this survey so far?: lol alrite

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: huh?
182.) Punk/Emo: neither
183.) Rock/Rap: rock
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: neither
185.) Justin/Clay: dunno hu they r
186.) Ruben/Clay: dunno
187.) Cat/Dog: Dog
188.) PS2/Xbox: Xbox
189.) DVDs/VHS: Dvd
190.) CDs/Tapes: Cd
191.) Big screen/small screen: big screen.
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: either
193.) Popcorn/Candy: candy
194.) Jacket/Coat: jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake.
196.) Sister/brother: oo cant choose, sister can b mean but shes there wen i need her brothers r a lot of fun wen they r being nice
197.) Home/House: home
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: Espanol
199.) Art/Computer: oo thats cruel i cant choose
200.) Laptop/Desktop: desktop
201.) pepsi/Coke: coke
202.) Orange/Apple: apple
203.) Phone/Computer: comp
204.) Email/Letters: Email
205.) Big/Small: small?
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: either
208.) 16/21: 16
209.) CSI/24: neither
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Superman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: ?
212.) Letterman/Leno: again ?
213.) SNL/MadTV: ?
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: dunno
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: Lord of the Rings
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: Skittles
217.) Pants/Shorts: pants
218.) Skirts/Skorts: skirts.
219.) Fork/Spoon: Fork generally
220.) People/InTouch: ?

Are you
221.) Gothic: nope
222.) a freak?: I'll let Liza answer that im not sure
223.) a computer nerd?: yup
224.) a science freak?: yuk cant stand it
225.) a sports fan?: no
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: no
227.) a class clown?:no.
228.) funny?: Can be ive been told
229.) serious?: Usually
230.) intellectual?: dnt think i am
231.) an LOTR nerd?: ?
232.) a failure?: yup thats me
233.) a success?: pfft i dunno
234.) a loser?: yup yup
235.) popular?: average
236.) lazy?: yup
237.) outgoing?: no
238.) shy?: yep
239.) friendly?: yep thats b4 ur my mate, after that im jst plain annoyin
240.) easily annoyed?: sometimes
241.) tolerant of others views?: i try
242.) addicted to crack?: lol no... not me.... nah
243.) addicted to any other drug?: love... lol nah none
244.) a partier?: huh?
245.) naturally hyperactive?: Far from it
246.) wild?: nup
247.) sporty?: no
248.) smelly?: lol dunno
249.) an insomniac?: sumtimes
250.) a procrastinator?: Sometimes
251.) a criminal?: nope
252.) a crackpot?: no
253.) a bookworm?: can b if given the rite material to read
254.) hairy?: lol no
255.) good at playing basketball?: can b if i put my mind to it very rare tho, i dnt like people seeing me run and it envolves running
256.) in high school?: yeah
257.) in prison?: no
258.) shaved or trimmed?: ??
259.) A boy?: no
260.) A girl?: yes

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: heh they're awesome
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: hope not... Liza..?
263.) Do you like nuns?: thought neva occured to me
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: kinda
265.) Do you use correct English?: Can but im generally lazy, skewl yes on sites and jst casual stuff no
266.) Hablar Espanol?: no
267.) Spien Deutsch?: no
268.) Speak English?: si (lol spanish) yes
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: no
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: no
271.) Do you like Russian names?: sum
272.) Like Vlad?: No
273.) Homer?: no.
274.) Are you a busy body?: Depends on my surroundings
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: nope but want to try 1 day
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: lol no
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: nup
278.) Who do you wish was president?: dnt really care
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush? Be honest: dnt no dnt care he's jst sum dude that has sent troops into an inoccent country, putting his own in danger
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: lol used to
281.) Are you insecure?: yes
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: no
283.) Roman culture?: no
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: italian so i guess roman sumwat
285.) What style architecture is your house?: dnt no
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: nope
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: sumtimes
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: yeah or make fly noises then clap claiming they got it
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: no
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: no, lol
291.) Does anybody really care?: hmm
292.) Who sings that song?: wah?
293.) Do you like Chicago?: dunno
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? dunno
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: it was a test determing my grade for maths next yr... Advanced woohoo!!
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: sometimes
297.) Do you play with dolls?: no
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: no
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 20
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: sometimes

301.) Do you have a job?: no
302.) What do you do?: work round home
303.) Does your boss like you?: mum... hmm... no
304.) How much do you get paid?: nothing
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: yes but dads got my card
306.) Do you have a credit card?: dunno
307.) a checkbook?: sumwhere
308.) Are you a big spender?: no
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: no
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: bout 2-5 dollars
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: no
312.) How about a France?: no
313.) Do you really care?: no, lol
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: no job
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: sometimes
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: not really
317.) Why?: i said no
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog.
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: its a 10yrs olds prob lol
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: bout $250

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: tshirt n trackies
322.) What are you listening to?: wat eva my twins playin oo i like Leave that tree alone - Where's the Glove
323.) Who are you talking to?: no1 lol jst ma twin
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: was talkin but now jst swayin to the previous song
325.) How is your hair?: chest lvl
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: nup but dirt prob
327.) Are you cold or warm?: average
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: earrings thats it
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: none
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: Ipod, hair tie, books, letter
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: By the time on the mantle piece told her that it was twelve thirty, the cupboards were all scrubbed and rearranged to suit her fancy
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: prayer journal, jewellery box, staples, pens paperclips, head phone extention cord and a load of other junk
333.) What time is it?: 10.59pm
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: i usually make myself go to bed now
335.) Why arent you doing it?: tryin get this done
336.) Is your room a mess now??: yep
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: no
338.) What are any people around you doing?: sitting on their computer playin with his hair
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: My olda sis
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: no

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: about half an hr
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: nup never
343.) How long does it take: no time
344.) Are your looks important to you?: yeah.
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: yup
346.) What would you change?: my weight and my hair
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: always tied bak
348.) Do you dye your hair?: sumtimes
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: no
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: mixture of brown and blonde
351.) What is your eye color?: Bluey grey
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: Mum yes dad not a lot
354.) Is that good or bad?: bad prob
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: sometimes
356.) Why?: wen im cold or embarrassed
357.) Do you have any piercings?: one in each ear
358.) Any tattoos?: no
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: sisters wedding count?
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: no

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: live in it
362.) Out of your state?: yep
363.) Out of your city?: yes
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: no
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: wen we do Queensland for bout jst under a week
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: yeah
367.) In a boat?: yep
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: No other side of the worlds a bit expensive
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: i dnt do miles but maybe 35 km i dunno really
370.) Do you drive?: yeah

371.) Favorite car?: Small 1s but must hav 4 doors lol bubble car
372.) Color for that car?: black or blue.. or green
373.) Do you have your license?: no
374.) Permit?: no
375.) Do you like fast cars?: nope thats 1 its bad dad has 1

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 7-8 hours
377.) Is this enough?: yea... sometimes
378.) Do you dream every night?: sometimes
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: Grandad was dying so we put him in a sports bag and fed him the tablets that wud kill him
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: 1 hand under my pillow 1 by my face and i lay on my side
381.) Do you sleep in school?: no
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? lol no
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: side of on stomach
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: no
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: none

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: wen im invited n generally wen its not dress up so maybe bout 6 times a yr?
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: no
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: no
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: no
395.) Do you go clubbing?: no
396.) Ever been drunk?: no
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: no
398.) For what?: nothing
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: no
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: no
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: if out is town i guess
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: neva been to 1
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: dunno
404.) What about those racing games?: awesome
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: 3 mnths wud b November rite? thats 2 and 1 i had to miss
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: 1
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: no not really parties yes otherwise no
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: nup
409.) Who has the best parties?: hmm But's was scary but fun, Sez's was kewl and so were Elise's... Taneesha's lol hmm 2 yrs kids dnt take my fancy

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: nope
411.) Do you love them?: no
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: tryin not to
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: no
414.) Who?: none
415.) Do they know?: no
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: no
417.) Are you lonely?: sometimes...
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: no
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: parents and friends bout 15 all up i think
420.) Did you mean it?: yep
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?: but i did mean it so
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: depends hu it is
423.) Whats your crush like?: was tall and handsome and kind an funny but im tryin to forget him
424.) Do you like romance movies?: yep, lol
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: neva had a bf so i dunno

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: lol, dunno
427.) Justin or JC: ?
428.) Frodo or Sam: Frodo!
429.) B2K or Nsync: ?
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: bart
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: dracula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: simon!!
433.) Conan or Jay: ?
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: ?
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: hah dunno
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now? meh
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: ?

438.) Who are your heroes?: awesome friends around me and the doctors that work every day to save lives
439.) Why do you look up to them?: they take life as it comes, and care soo much bout another being
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: dnt want to b a doctor but to care deeply for others and takes life how it comes yes
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: Live, Laugh, Love Life.. lol i dnt no many
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: mum does
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: Liza heaps.. Emmy, Liesy and Belli

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: good
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: no
446.) what kind?: cinnamon r the best
447.) Do you like chocolate?: yup
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: not to my knowledge

449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: no
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: dunno
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: ?
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: ?
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: not murder but hurt yea
454.) How is this survey so far?: lonnnnggg
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: never seen it

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: something that has to be done, its like a set or hurdles we run and ocassionally trip and stumble but we get bak up set that hurdle and go again
457.) The world: shocking
458.) President Bush: pfft
459.) Ahhhhnold: ?
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: dunno
461.) Howard Stern: ?
462.) The war in Iraq: bad, pointless, should end
463.) the economy: dunno
464.) jay-z retiring: ?
465.) school: sumthin that sets us for life no matter how darn boring it is
466.) going to college: maybe
467.) basketball: s'ok
468.) football: meh
469.) baseball: sumwat fun
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: .... cant say nethin with this atm .... i know its not good

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: no
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: no
473.) Fart a lot?: no
474.) Burp a lot?: yea heh
475.) Do stupid things in public?: not intentionally
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: no
477.) Have random hallucinations?: yes hah!
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: nope
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: nope
480.) Wear leg warmers?: lol no
481.) Sing in the shower?: sometimes
482.) Play any card game?: solitaire bout it
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: no
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: sometimes
485.) Have a snake?: no
486.) Have webbed feet?: no, lol
487.) Wear colorful socks?: not usually
488.) Have a life?: soso
489.) Drink coffee?: sumtimes
490.) Drink tea?: sometimes

491.) What are your screen names?: i dunno
492.) Emails?: not sayin
493.) Do you have a website?: myspace yes
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: no
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: yep on Sundays
496.) What are your favorite websites?: ndfans, myspace and deviant art
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: dunno
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: no mum does
499.) If so, what?: none
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: present for my niece
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: yep
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: yea
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: TC, Claire all ya really
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: yes lol
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: MSN
506.) Whats your desktop background?: My name made out of sticks and stuff on a beach
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: huh?
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: heaps
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: neither
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: I'd go n read

511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: hmmm.. dunno i guess coming into the world? or Cabbage seeds.. lol good ole liza
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?: dunno prob cat food
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: yes
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: yesssss happened to me ths yr!
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: no

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: mix 101 lol
517.) Favorite day of the week: Sunday!
518.) Favorite fruit: Mango or Apples
519.) Favorite vegetable: Cauliflower
520.) Favorite lunch meat: Chicken
521.) Favorite candy bar: Boost
522.) Favorite nail polish: French manicures
523.) Favorite chair: this 1 or the corner seat on the couch
524.) Favorite early morning show: pfft
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: none
526.) Favorite writing paper: lined white paper
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: comics
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): heh thats mean (prob my sis)
529.) Favorite distant relative: Grandma on mums side, havent seen in 5 yrs
530.) Favorite dessert: Mars Bar Cheese cake or Triffle
531.) Favorite weather: rainy
532.) Favorite season: winter
533.) Favorite shoe brand: as long as they're comfy im not fussed
534.) Favorite lunch: not sure
535.) Favorite breakfast: dunno
36.) Favorite author: Janette Oke and Emily Rodda's not too bad
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: dunno
538.) Favorite band to see live: never seen 1 but will soon
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: dunno

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: depends on mood
542.) Work/Have off: depends
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: never had either
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: Blueberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: ?
546.) Acid/Shrooms: neither...
547.) Who/The Who: heh dunno
548.) Older/Newer: older
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular
550.) Have sex/Make love: make love...but neither....

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: no
552.) Skipped school?: no
553.) Done drugs?: no
554.) Been drunk?: no
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: no...
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: no
557.) Gone insane?: hopefully not. lol
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: yes
559.) Been in a car accident?: no
560.) A bike accident?: nol
561.) Broken a bone?: maybe my pinkie dunno
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: don’t think so
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yeah, lol
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: when my sis moved out yes
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: no
566.) More than 12 hours?: no
567.) How about 5 hours?: no
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: yup
569.) Passed out from hunger?: no
570.) Been to a LAN party?: no lol

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: sumtimes
572.) How about swim meets?: nup
573.) Tennis matches?: nup
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: nup
575.) The ones with Richard?: dunno
576.) How about Match Game?: dunno
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: ?
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: nope
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: no
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: no
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: yep
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: no
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: Sum
584.) Do you like TiVo?: ?
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: no.
586.) VCRs or DVD players?: Dvds
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: yes
588.) A vegan?: no
589.) Vegetarian?: no
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: dunno

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: no
592.) Two years ago?: no
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: no
594.) The author of Frankenstein?: no
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: no
596.) The Queen of England?: Queen Elizabeth
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: Tony Blaire
598.) Espanol?: no
599.) Deutsch?: no
600.) Japanese?: sum
601.) Franois?: no
602.) Chinese?: no
603.) Portuguese?: no
604.) (If you dont, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): Spanish yes
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: no
606.) The capital of the US?: Washington DC
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: no
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English and Arabic?
609.) How to fly a kite?: sorta
610.) How to surf?: yea cant do it tho
611.) Skateboard?: no
612.) How about rollerblade?: no
613.) What year the Korean war started?: dunno

614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: poverty
615.) Happy eyed?: new animals being born soo cute
616.) What song always makes you sad?: dnt no lots
617.) Happy?: many things
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: Liza
619.) Really depressed?: ... dunno
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: dnt think so
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: lol can b
622.) A naturally happy person?: I can be that also
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: can b 2 mnths it can b less it can b more
624.) What do you do?: pray and seek help from friends
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: dunno

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: Taneesha my two yr old niece
627.) Talk to you?: Rix my twin bro
628.) IM you?: Lani
629.) Touch you physically?: Neesha
630.) Touch you emotionally?: Lisa (olda Sis)
631.) Hurt you?: dunno
632.) Make you feel better?: dunno
633.) Scold you?: dad
634.) Praise you?: Lisa's friend Lisa
635.) Say Hello to you?: Neesha "CAAAAARRRRRRRRRRYYYYY!!! HELLO!!"

636.) Are you secure with yourself?: nope
637.) What do other people think of you: I’m shy and overweight
638.) What do you see yourself as?: shy, overweight and sumtimes useless
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: a friend in need
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: yeh..
641.) A weak person?: sometimes
642.) Are you stressed out?: always
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: Still hurts but yes
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: can but rarely
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: I try to...

Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. annoy people
2. look after kids (usually)
3. give advice?

647.) 3 of your favorite bands
1. Relient K
2. Third Day
3. Hillsong

648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. be myself
2. Draw realistically
3. slim down fast

649.) 3 shows you watch all the time
Neighbours, Home & Away and sum cop show i dnt the name of i jst sit down wen it starts

650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. Play Days (english version of play skewl)
2. Humpfry B Bear
3. Wiggles

651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. atm Necterines
2. msn
3. this site

652.) 3 people you care about
1. Friends
2. Family
3. Pets

654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. Weight
2. Height
3. Hair

655.) 3 of your strong points
1. Determined to help usually
2. Always try to b there for a mate
3. Maths

656.) 3 boys names
2. Kade
3. Caleb (If i hav a boy thats the order they will b names if i hav 3)

657.) 3 girls names
1. Cayde
2. Cailey
3. Ella

658.) 3 TV channels

659.) 3 things everyone should listen to

660.) 3 things no one should listen to

661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. Roar
2. Boo
3. Ne hu...

662.) 3 words to describe your look
i dnt no

663.) 3 words to describe your personality
a idiot really

664.) 3 things you want to do before you die
1.Be married
2. have kids
3. love life

665.) 3 things on your desk

666.) 3 things you hate
put downs (insults)

667.) 3 things you love

668.) 3 things that scare you

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: tinky winky.. lala...dipsy... poe
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason? yep
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: ?
674.) Oday ouyhay peaksay igpay atinlay?: esyay umsay atway
675.) Isnt pig latin the best?: meh
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: dunno.
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: lol, kinda
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: nope.
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: yep
680.) Are you in an asylum?: no
681.) College?: no
682.) What is your favorite scent?: the air jst b4 the rain comes
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: yeah
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: dunno Sofia's?
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: love for sum1
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: hatered
687.) Do like Spongebob?: yeahhh
688.) Do you think he's gay?: noo...
689.) How about Squidward?: noo...
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework?: lol, no.
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: yeah
692.) DO you usually get a lot?: yeah
693.) .."OOOOOO poor baby.." << use that phrase a lot?: yep and do the whole lip thing
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: l dnt no....
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?: hehehe yes not intentionally
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: wen i was lil yeal
697.) Dont you wish they would make them for humans too?: no
698.) Where is you second home?: Church
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: lol can b
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you dont need to look up?: bout 4 or 5
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: yea
702.) Can you do the limbo?: nope
703.) Do you make New Years Resolutions?: nope

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: Liza or Jono
705.) Has the coolest name?: Isabel
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: Shardia
707.) Has the nicest hair?: Isabel or Liza
708.) Has the fittest body?: oo... Jez?
709.) Do you hang out with most?: Jono
710.) Has the coolest parents?: Liza
711.) Lives closest to you?: hmm...Calum
712.) Lives the farthest from you?: Ambhruni
713.) Can you relate to most?: Sez or Bell or Elise
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?: Elise, Bell, Emmy or Liza
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?: Rach (both) or Lani

Word Association!
716.) blow: gum
717.) lollipop: candy
718.) obnoxious: pfft
719.) cold: freezer
720.) hot: coals
721.) smell: coffee
722.) car: engine
723.) rain: wet
724.) wet:.rain
725.) steamy: hott!
726.) bite: food
727.) beer: alcohol
728.) rock: pebble
729.) hard: desk
730.) soft: bed

OK Heres the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?: no
732.) Whats your favorite place to be kissed?: never been kissed but prob wud b 4head
733.) Are you a tease?: noo..
734.) Do you know what a tease is?: hehe not really

More Do you
735.) Twirl your hair?: no
736.) Hate yourself?: no
737.) Want to kill yourself?: no
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: hav
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: yep
740.) Touch your face a lot?: yep
741.) Watch MTV?: no
742.) Have any lesbian/gay/bi friends?: lol friend of a friend that i no yes
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other peoples differences?: yes
744.) Wish you could fly?: yup
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: sumtimes
746.) Read minds?: sumtimes wish i cud
747.) Watch wrestling?: sumtimes
748.) Like filling out surveys?: sumtimes
749.) Work out?: no
750.) Play any sports?: nope

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: no
752.) A speeding ticket?: no
753.) Been in a fist fight?: yup
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: no, lol
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: no
756.) Held a gun?: no
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money??: noo
758.) Been used?: no
759.) Been rejected?: yea
760.) Been on a rollercoaster?: no
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: no
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: no
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: yepp
764.) Tackled the mailman?: no
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: yeah elise is good at gettin me to do that
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: no
767.) Done crack?: no
768.) Done cocaine?: no.
769.) Passed out during school?: no.
770.) Fainted in the heat?: no

More Random Questions!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: no
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: dunno
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: no
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: no
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: not really
776.) Are baseball games fun?: yep
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: no lol
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: dunno wat they r so i guess not
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: 3 yrs n now cant play a thing
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: no
781.) Do you like U2?: Yep
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded I LOVE U2! and the other person got really confused?: Yup
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: yep
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: no.
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yup
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: no
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: the normal ones
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: no
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: like never
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: church songs on a cd
791.) How often do you change your underwear?: every day
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?: do de do de do.....
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say pimping popples instead of popping pimples? noo
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?: no
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to Harder to breathe or whatever by Maroon 5?: rofl, no
796.) Do you pray daily?: yea
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: dunno
798.) Are you paranoid?: I can be
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: no
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: yep lol

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: the 1 with the orange thing
802.) Power Ranger: the red 1
803.) Rugrat: Chuckie
804.) Powerpuff Girl: dunno
805.) Villain: hmm

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yeah
07.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Members Only jacket?: no
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: yeah
810.) A porno?: no...
811.) A gun?: no
812.) A pair of toe socks?: yes
813.) A portable DVD player?: no
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: no
815.) A car?: no
816.) A trucker hat?: no
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: no
818.) A wife beater?: ?? umm let’s hope not
819.) A butcher knife?: yep
820.) A pocket knife?: yep
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yeah
823.) A thong?: no
824.) A bikini?: no
825.) A speedo (guys)?: no
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: dunno...??
827.) A drum set?: nope.
828.) An electric guitar?: no
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?: no but Liza will b 1 day
830.) Any of the Rocky movies?: no

More Random they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: no
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: no
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: no
834.) How big is your backyard?: massive
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: no...
836.) Hairy chests?: no...
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: no...
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: no...
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: dunno
841.) Are you on any medication?: yup
842.) Do you have asthma?: used to
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: yep
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: no
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: no
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: like a month ago maybe
847.) What is your hair length?: lol chest height
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: no
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: no
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?: no
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: no
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: no
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: not really
854.) Whats your take on the show Judge Judy?: s'alrite i suppose
855.) When did WW2 start?: dunno
856.) When did it end?: dunno
857.) What is your nationality?: English
858.) Where did your family come from?: England
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: has felt like it
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: yup
861.) Do you believe in angels?: yep
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: lol sometimes
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: all the time
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations like naked to get peoples reactions?: lol, yep
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: ??
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: ??
867.) Arent those Menudo kids so sexy?: ????

868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: nope
869.) Do you collect anything?: no
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: no
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: no
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: the middle
873.) Favorite finger?: pinkie
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: all o them
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no lol
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because theyre so sad and stupid?: nope
877.) Have you ever sang in the shower?: yes
878.) Did you like it?: of course
879.) Do you sing a lot?: sometimes
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: yes!!
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: nope
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of separation? Dad wrote 3 or so books...
883.) How about 5 degrees of separation?: yea prob i dnt no
884.) OK be honesthows the survey so far?: longggggggg

885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: yes.
886.) What time is it?: 12.39am

887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: no
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really dont?: no
889.) Can you take a --- in other peoples houses without feeling awkward?: no lol
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: no
891.) What did you do?: nothing
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say ---?: no
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: noo
894.) Do you think its sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually dont?: no
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: ehh where is this goin...
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: .....
897.) What does PMS stand for?: premenstrual syndrom
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: noo
899.) Can you say the alphabet backwards without stopping?: not without stopping
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: dunno
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: noo gross
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: I dunno
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: I dnt hav AIM
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?: never seen em
905.) How about Good Fellas?: never seen
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: nope.
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: no
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: no
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: no...
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: dunno
911.) Osama Bin Laden: dead now...>.< people shouldn’t get the death penalty no matter what they did.
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: no
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: no
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: no
915.) Do you use a calculator?: yes
916.) What kind is it?: texas instruments sumthin or other
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: no
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: yea..
919.) Dont they suck?: yup
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: twin yes
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: no
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?: yea, a lot of people i know
923.) Are you a racist?: no, at least I try not to be
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize your intake?: minimize
925.) Do you diet?: yea
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?: I guess

927.) How often do you shower?: Every morning n sumtimes nites too
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: yes
929.) How often do you wash your face?: in the shower and another if its hot
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: sometimes
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: no jst water
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: yep
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: lol yup
934.) Do you cough a lot?: no
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: cover my mouth..
936.) Do you wear deodorant regularly?: yep

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: no
938.) Do you have OCD?: no
939.) Do you have ADHD?: no
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: No
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: No
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: Noo
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: Yes...ugh
944.) The monkey pox?: Uhhh sure?
945.) The mumps?: No
946.) The measles?: No
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: Uhhh idk..

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: Sadly, No
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: No again
950.) In the newspaper?: Why do you torture me!!!
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?:friends sumtimes
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: no
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: no hu is he?
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: Nope.
955.) Do you think Frank Zilinski is a moron?: Dunno know who he is
956.) Throw me some Polish names: Uhhh okay?
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 7
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: A LOT
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: average
960.) How much do you weigh?: not sayin
961.) How tall are you?: 168cm
962.) Do you have cankles?: Uhhh dont know what that means
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: No, they are really tiny!
964.) Fat thighs?: Sadly yes
965.) Do you shave your toes?: no
966.) Do you shave your legs?: Yes but not that often
967.) How often?: Like, once a week
968.) How about those armpits?: Yeah
969.) How many legs does a kangaroo have?:
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
971.) How many legs do you have?: Fifteen. No, just 2
972.) Do you have braces?: Thankfully, no
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: Not really
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: No, but my laugh is wierdd
975.) Do you snore?:Thankfully, no
976.) Do you have your own room?: Yes
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: Nada
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: Noooo....
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: what does that mean?
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: Sorta
981.) How about Tim Curry?: Dunno
982.) Are you ticklish?: OMG everywhere
985.) Do you like salad?: Yesss
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: No
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: No - and don't plan to!
988.) Are you artsy?: I try, but sadly, No.
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: Sometimes
990.) Do you like to say no pun intended for any reason?: No
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: Apple and Blueberry
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: Yummmmm yes!
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: Half full
994.) Who was the Lone Rangers, nephews, horse?: Wha?
995.) Do you like cheese?: Yeah!!
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: no...
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: Uhhh yeah
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: No, I TYPED IT!
999.) Was it a waste of your time?: No
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: Sheesh, ya
1001.) Do you think too much?: Ya[/QUOTE]

I just filled out this whole damn survey and because it took me so long over 2 hours to do it, I was logged out and lost all of it. That is it. I am pissed. I am not doing it again.

I just filled out this whole damn survey and because it took me so long over 2 hours to do it, I was logged out and lost all of it. That is it. I am pissed. I am not doing it again.

I'm sorry.
I've had that happen to me after I wrote a really long post.

When I finished it I highlighted it all and copied. And what happens? What i know was gonna happen and it made me sign in again. So I still had mine copies so I logged in and pasted. :D

I'm sorry. :[
I'm sorry.
I've had that happen to me after I wrote a really long post.

When I finished it I highlighted it all and copied. And what happens? What i know was gonna happen and it made me sign in again. So I still had mine copies so I logged in and pasted. :D

I'm sorry. :[

Thank You, it just sucks. I spent over 2 hours one this.
Here's some more of what I didn't finish
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: only at school and sometimes at sierra's
154.) Where do you usually go?: mall
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: plenty
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: yes
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: I guess
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: Yes
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: Yeah
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: Yes
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: Yeah lol
170.) Are you part of a clique?: everyone is
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: Not really, I'm shy
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: Mhm
173.) Where did you meet them?: FanFic, DIS, VMK
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: Yes I have a lot of Large Jewish friends..idk no
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: Only sierra's
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: yeah lol
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: Mhm
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: Did it all summer
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: 6
180.) How is this survey so far?: long

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: messenger
182.) Punk/Emo: punk
183.) Rock/Rap: rock
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: ew
185.) Justin/Clay: ew
186.) Ruben/Clay: ew
187.) Cat/Dog: Dog
188.) PS2/Xbox: ps2
189.) DVDs/VHS: Dvd
190.) CDs/Tapes: Cd
191.) Big screen/small screen: big screen.
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: theater
193.) Popcorn/Candy: candy
194.) Jacket/Coat: jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake.
196.) Sister/brother: can't pick
197.) Home/House: home
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: Espanol
199.) Art/Computer: computer
200.) Laptop/Desktop: laptop
201.) pepsi/Coke: coke
202.) Orange/Apple: apple
203.) Phone/Computer: comp
204.) Email/Letters: Email
205.) Big/Small: medium
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: toddlers are potty trained
208.) 16/21: 16
209.) CSI/24: CSI
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Spiderman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: Conan
212.) Letterman/Leno: Leno
213.) SNL/MadTV: Oh, that's hard..both
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: Flintstones
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: Harry Potter
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: Skittles
217.) Pants/Shorts: pants
218.) Skirts/Skorts: skirts
219.) Fork/Spoon: Spork!
220.) People/InTouch: People

Are you
221.) Gothic: nope
222.) a freak?: hah
223.) a computer nerd?: yup
224.) a science freak?: no
225.) a sports fan?: no
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?:
227.) a class clown?:depends
228.) funny?: yes
229.) serious?: can be
230.) intellectual?:yes
231.) an LOTR nerd: no
233.) a success?: idk
234.) a loser?: oh yeah
235.) popular?: average
236.) lazy?: yeah
237.) outgoing?: around my friends
238.) shy?: yep
239.) friendly?: somewhat
240.) easily annoyed?: yes
241.) tolerant of others views?: idk
242.) addicted to crack?: no
243.) addicted to any other drug?: no
244.) a partier?: no
245.) naturally hyperactive?: shno
246.) wild?: shno
247.) sporty?: no
248.) smelly?: never
249.) an insomniac?: no
250.) a procrastinator?: always
251.) a criminal?: nope
252.) a crackpot?: no
253.) a bookworm?: yes
254.) hairy?: lol
255.) good at playing basketball?: if I want to be
256.) in high school?: yeah
257.) in prison?: no
258.) shaved or trimmed?: ***..
259.) A boy?: no
260.) A girl?: yes

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: yeah
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: if you haven't seen me, then yes, because of my name
263.) Do you like nuns?: they should get out more
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: yes
265.) Do you use correct English?: Not usually on the internet
266.) Hablar Espanol?: sure?
267.) Spien Deutsch?: no
268.) Speak English?: what do you think?
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: yup
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: not sure
271.) Do you like Russian names?: I like the name Natasha
272.) Like Vlad?: gross
273.) Homer?: simpson!
274.) Are you a busy body?: I try to keep myself buy
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: Thanks for the idea
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: oh yeah
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: no
278.) Who do you wish was president?: no
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush? Be honest: I dont pay attention to politics
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: I have it
281.) Are you insecure?: yes
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: no
283.) Roman culture?: no
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: Renaissance
285.) What style architecture is your house?: Southwestern I believe
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: I live in Vegas, what do you think?
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: I did yesterday
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: idc
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: no
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?:sasquatch does
291.) Does anybody really care?: i don't
292.) Who sings that song?: not sure
293.) Do you like Chicago?: yes
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? we have a college team. Not proffesional though
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: 84 I think
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: no
297.) Do you play with dolls?: no
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: no
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 20
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: not this one

301.) Do you have a job?: no
302.) What do you do?: nothing
303.) Does your boss like you?: don't have one
304.) How much do you get paid?: I used to get 20$ a week
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: yes
306.) Do you have a credit card?: no
307.) a checkbook?: no
308.) Are you a big spender?: yes
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: yes
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: depends if I go shopping or not
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: Nope
312.) How about a France?: no
313.) Do you really care?: honestly, no
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: no job
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: yes
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: tes
317.) Why?: to spend it
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: dirt poor
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: it's made out of blue and white duct tape lol
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: 200$

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: tank and sweats
322.) What are you listening to?: Everything We Had - The Academy Is...
323.) Who are you talking to?: Nobody
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: Getting ready to get in the shower
325.) How is your hair?: messy, i haven't fixed it since I woke up
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: no
327.) Are you cold or warm?: average
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: earrings
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: not yet
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: a pen, mirror, hairspray and cd's
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: I learned the other reason they waited for a thunderstorm to play when Jasper, tyring to avoid Edward's inalible fielding, hit a ground ball toward Carlisle.
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: bunch of junk
333.) What time is it?: 11:40 am
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: taking a shower
335.) Why arent you doing it?: i want to finish this section
336.) Is your room a mess now??: no
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: no
338.) What are any people around you doing?: i'm alone in my room
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: the song i'm listening to
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: no

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: 1 1/2 hours
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: some of it
343.) How long does it take: 5 minutes
344.) Are your looks important to you?: yeah.
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: not really
346.) What would you change?: the color of my hair
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: down
348.) Do you dye your hair?: no
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: only my bangs
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: chocolate brown
351.) What is your eye color?: hazel
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: I don't like my dad too muh
354.) Is that good or bad?: bad
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: I'm not a freaking chameleon. I do blush a lot though
356.) Why?: Embarassed
357.) Do you have any piercings?: 2 on each ear
358.) Any tattoos?: no
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: nah
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: yes
The Basics
1.) Your name: marissa
2.) Nicknames: mar mar, mwizie
3.) Do you like these nicknames:there ok
4.) Location: at my computer
5.) Age: 13
6.) Birthday: september 4
7.) Zodiac sign: virgo
8.) Parents names: frank and stacy
9.) Siblings: None
10.) Pets: 1 Dog, and a cat
11.)Number of rooms in your house: uuh , don't know
12.) Religion: Christian
13.) If so-practicing: yes
14.) Male or Female: female
15.) Is your family close: Totally!

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: german
17.) TV shows: icarly and america's next top model
18.) Movies: any hp or potc movie
19.) Actors: daniel radcliffe and orlando bloom
20.) Actresses: emma watson and keira knightly
21.) Books: any good book
22.) Artists: van gough (sp)
23.) Types of Music: rock
24.) Video Games: Sims 2
25.) Computer Games: spider soliater
26.) Outfits: jeans cami and a jacket
27.) Stores: hollister, h&m, forever 21, american eagle, aeropostale
28.) Sports: dance and cheerleading
29.) Colors: Lavender, light blue
30.) Numbers 7, 13
31.) Websites: disboards , disney channel, youtube, keiraweb
32.) Cartoon characters: mickey, minnie, pooh and the gang, pluto, tinkerbell
33.) TV Channels: Disney Channel
34.) Made For TV Movies: yeah
35.) Comedians: Never actually watch Comedians.
36.) Comediennes: Again? LOL
37.) Hair products: garneir
38.) Soap/body wash: Body Wash
39.) Kind of Pens: Uhhh, ink?
40.) Broadway shows: lion king
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: Necklaces and earings
42.) Kinds of Soap: body wash
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: sunsilk
44.) Game Systems: xbox
45.) CDs: Hannah Montana! and the veronicas and chris daughtry
47.) Past times: singing, acting, modeling, writing
48.) Things to do on the weekend: dis , relax, write
49.) Magazines: M, tigerbeat, j-14, seventeen, cosmo girl
50.) Animals:panda

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: american eagle
52.) Favorite sweatpants?: cute ones
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: Jeans a cami and a fitted jacket
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: yes, we have like 5 shirts and 3 bottoms to choose from
55.) Do you like it?: no
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: aeropostale
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: only emma watson and keira knightly
58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: No, never
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: flats
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: Ahhhh no i hate them
61.) Do you wear hats?:sometimes
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: yes
63.) If so, what?: rings , necklaces, anklets, earings
64.) Do you wear belts?: sometimes
65.) How many belts do you have?: 6
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?: NO
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look: NO
68.) Do you wear big pimpin..' coats?: Ha no
69.) Do you carry a backpack?: at school
70.) If so, what is it like?: it is white and has blue and green polka dots

71.) What are your grades like?: As and 1 b
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: No
73.) Are you failing anything?: nope
74.) Do you take a language?: yes
75.) If so which language?: french
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: my english teacher last year
77.) Do you decorate your locker?:yes
78.) Do you decorate your book bag?: no
79.) If so, with what?: my locker- pictures and mirrors
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: no
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: never
82.) Do you take art?: no
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: driven, in a carpull
84.) Do you like school?: no
85.) How big is your school?: small
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: no
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?: yes
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: huh?
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: yes
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: choir, does that count

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: carmel and green
92.) Is it messy or clean?: half half
93.) What are on your bed sheets?: there green
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?: nope not allowed
95.) If so, of what?: nope
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: no
97.) A computer?: yes
98.) A radio?: cd player - no
99.) An alarm clock?: yes
100.) A stereo?: yes
101.) What is under your bed?: nothing
102.) Do you have a big closet?: its a walk in but not huge
103.) Do you write on your mirror [if you have one]?: sometimes
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: yes
105.) If so, what design?: sea shells hanging from some hooks
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: theres a ceiling fan
107.) If so, of what?: ceiling fan
108.) Do you decorate your door?: sometimes
109.) With what?: to do lists
110.) What color is your carpet?: beige

111.) What are your favorite bands?: daughtry, nickleback, simple plan
112.) Do you own a lot of CDs?: no
113.) How many exactly?: 2
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: yes
117.) Do you like loud music?: no
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?:yes !
119.) Do you like rap?: no not at all
120.) Do you like country?:sometimes

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?:i carly , hannah montana , america's next top model
122.) Are you a couch potato?: no
123.) Do you watch the news?: sometimes
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: sometimes
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: emma watson or keira knightly
126.) Do you watch late night TV?:no
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: yes
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: yes
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: no
130.) What is your take on commercials?: most are rubbish
131.) How big is your TV?: big
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: remote
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?: no
134.) Do you like dramas?: there to predicable
135.) Do you like comedies?: sometimes
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: dunno
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?: yes
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: the longhorns !!!!:goodvibes
139.) Do you watch music videos?: yes
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80s even if you werent living in the 80s?: no

141.) Religion?: Christian
142.) Do you go to synagogue/church/mosque regularly?: Church yes
142.) Pro-life?: huh?
143.) Pro-choice?: what?
144.) Do you pray daily?: yes
145.) Do you believe in God?: yes
146.) Jesus?: yes
147.) Allah?: made by a dumb person
148.) Buddha?: made by a dumb person
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: yes
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas?: yes

151.) Who are your best friends?: kelly and emily
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: no
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: not really bacause they live in ny
154.) Where do you usually go?: the mall
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: no
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: yes
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: yes lol
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: yes lol
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: no
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: sometimes
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: no never
170.) Are you part of a clique?: no
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: yes
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: yes
173.) Where did you meet them?: dis
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: ?
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot no i hate sleepover but i do sometimes
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: no
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: yes
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: no
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: at school 3 at acting 8
180.) How is this survey so far?: i like it

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: messenger
182.) Punk/Emo: neither
183.) Rock/Rap: rock
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: neither
185.) Justin/Clay: justin
186.) Ruben/Clay: neither
187.) Cat/Dog: cat
188.) PS2/Xbox: Xbox
189.) DVDs/VHS: Dvd
190.) CDs/Tapes: Cd
191.) Big screen/small screen: big screen.
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: both
193.) Popcorn/Candy: both
194.) Jacket/Coat: jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake.
196.) Sister/brother: sister
197.) Home/House: home
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: huh?
199.) Art/Computer: computer
200.) Laptop/Desktop: laptop
201.) pepsi/Coke: pepsi
202.) Orange/Apple: apple
203.) Phone/Computer: computer
204.) Email/Letters: Email
205.) Big/Small: small?
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: baby
208.) 16/21: huh?
209.) CSI/24: neither
210.) Superman/Spiderman: spiderman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: ?
212.) Letterman/Leno: again ?
213.) SNL/MadTV: ?
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: jetsons
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: hary potter :upsidedow
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: Skittles
217.) Pants/Shorts: pants
218.) Skirts/Skorts: skirts.
219.) Fork/Spoon: Fork generally
220.) People/InTouch:people

Are you
221.) Gothic: nope
222.) a freak?: yeh maybe
223.) a computer nerd?: yes
224.) a science freak?: no
225.) a sports fan?: yes
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: no
227.) a class clown?:no.
228.) funny?: no
229.) serious?: yes
230.) intellectual?: hhm
231.) an LOTR nerd?: ?
232.) a failure?:no
233.) a success?: getting there
234.) a loser?: no
235.) popular?: nope
236.) lazy?: no
237.) outgoing?: somewhat
238.) shy?: a little
239.) friendly?: i hope so
240.) easily annoyed?: yes
241.) tolerant of others views?: i try
242.) addicted to crack?: no never
243.) addicted to any other drug?: no never
244.) a partier?: no
245.) naturally hyperactive?: no
246.) wild?: yes
247.) sporty?: no
248.) smelly?: no
249.) an insomniac?: sumtimes
250.) a procrastinator?: Sometimes
251.) a criminal?: nope
252.) a crackpot?: no
253.) a bookworm?:yes
254.) hairy?: no
255.) good at playing basketball?:no
256.) in high school?: nope
257.) in prison?: no
258.) shaved or trimmed?: ??
259.) A boy?: no
260.) A girl?: yes

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: eew no
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: no
263.) Do you like nuns?: never talked to one but they seem nice
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: nope
265.) Do you use correct English?: normally
266.) Hablar Espanol?: huh ?
267.) Spien Deutsch?: what ?
268.) Speak English?: yes
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: no
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: no
271.) Do you like Russian names?: yes
272.) Like Vlad?: No
273.) Homer?: no.
274.) Are you a busy body?: yes
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: no
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: lol no
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: no i hate roller scating
278.) Who do you wish was president?: i like george bush
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush a wonderfull christain and is a great influence in our country, he normally makes great decisions
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: no
281.) Are you insecure?: no
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: sometimes
283.) Roman culture?: yes
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: mediterainean , roman
285.) What style architecture is your house?: no idea
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: yes
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: no
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: duh i hate it
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: no
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: yes
291.) Does anybody really care?:yes
292.) Who sings that song?: wah?
293.) Do you like Chicago?: the city? never been, but want to
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? i don't know
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: 100
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: not circles but lines
297.) Do you play with dolls?: no
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: no
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 20
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?:yes

301.) Do you have a job?: no
302.) What do you do?: chores
303.) Does your boss like you?: um
304.) How much do you get paid?: 90$ a month
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: yes
306.) Do you have a credit card?: no
307.) a checkbook?:no
308.) Are you a big spender?: no
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?:yes
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: about 2-5 dollars
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: no
312.) How about a France?: no
313.) Do you really care?: no, lol
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: no job
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: yes
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: yes
317.) Why?: more money for clothes !!!!
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog.
319.) Do you have a cool wallet? yes
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: 1,000 $

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: a purple skirt with a white cami and a black sweater
322.) What are you listening to?: kelly clarkson
323.) Who are you talking to?: no one
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?:breathing
325.) How is your hair?: ok
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: no
327.) Are you cold or warm?: averag
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: yes
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: yes
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: money, mickey pen, magazine, lock
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: i really like this gy, i've never felt this way before
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: 3 pens
333.) What time is it?: 10:33 am
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: no
335.) Why arent you doing it? ............
336.) Is your room a mess now??: yes
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: yes
338.) What are any people around you doing?: getting ready
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: my crush
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: no

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: 30 minutes
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: never
343.) How long does it take: no time
344.) Are your looks important to you?: yes
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: no
346.) What would you change?: nothing
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: tied back
348.) Do you dye your hair?: never
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: yes
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: brown
351.) What is your eye color?: green and brown
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: yes
354.) Is that good or bad?: good
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: no
356.) Why?: ..............................
357.) Do you have any piercings?: one in each ear
358.) Any tattoos?: no
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: yes
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: no

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: yes
362.) Out of your state?: yes
363.) Out of your city?: yes
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: yes
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: a lot at differnet times
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: yes
367.) In a boat?: yes
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all? yes
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: i don't know
370.) Do you drive?: me, no

371.) Favorite car?: bmw
372.) Color for that car?: grayblue
373.) Do you have your license?: no
374.) Permit?: no
375.) Do you like fast cars?: don't care

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 9 hours
377.) Is this enough?: yes
378.) Do you dream every night?: yes
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: voldermont tried to kill nut i lived
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: yes
381.) Do you sleep in school?: no
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? lol no
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: side
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: yes
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: sound souther/radio

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: every now and then
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: no
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: no
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: no
395.) Do you go clubbing?: no
396.) Ever been drunk?: no
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: no
398.) For what?: nothing
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: no
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: yes
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: not really
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: no
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: yes
404.) What about those racing games?: awesome
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: 4-5
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: 1
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: depends on my mood
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: yes
409.) Who has the best parties?: no one really has struck my fancy yet

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: no
411.) Do you love them?: no
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: no, i'm to young
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: hehe , yes
414.) Who?: me to know
415.) Do they know?: no
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: not constantly
417.) Are you lonely?: sometimes...
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: no
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: any one in my family
420.) Did you mean it?: yep
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?:........
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: not to often
423.) Whats your crush like?: short, sweet, kind, thoughtfull, the best smile and personality, piuts others before himself
424.) Do you like romance movies?: yes
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: never had a boyfriend

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: britney lol
427.) Justin or JC: ?justin
428.) Frodo or Sam: who?
429.) B2K or Nsync: ? nsync
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: bart
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: dracula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: simon!!
433.) Conan or Jay: jay
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: ?
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: ?
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now? ?
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: ?

438.) Who are your heroes?: emma watson, keira knightly
439.) Why do you look up to them?: they always follow their dreams
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: i don't want to be there twin but have a few simularities,
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: craet your dream, then live it
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: not at all
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: absolutley not

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: good
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?:yes
446.) what kind?: glazed and chocolate covered glazed, and cinamon cake
447.) Do you like chocolate?: only dark chocolate
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: no

449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: no
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: in
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: ?
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: ?
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: no
454.) How is this survey so far?: great
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: never seen it

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: A chance to honor and glorify God, make an important decision
457.) The world: evil, corrupted, despretly need Jesus in their lives
458.) President Bush: he's a great president
459.) Ahhhhnold: ?
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: who?
461.) Howard Stern: ?
462.) The war in Iraq: another war, another fight, humans being selfish on both sides, i think it's a war of religion personly
463.) the economy: fine
464.) jay-z retiring: ?
465.) school: the starting place of your carrer , where people either lose or find themselves
466.) going to college: a must if you want a job
467.) basketball: hate it
468.) football: love to watch it
469.) baseball: bloody awefull
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: bloody awefull, you should never harm you body

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: no
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: no
473.) Fart a lot?: no
474.) Burp a lot?: no
475.) Do stupid things in public?: yes
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: no
477.) Have random hallucinations?: yes lol
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: no
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: no
480.) Wear leg warmers?: no
481.) Sing in the shower?: every time
482.) Play any card game?: golf, go fish, war, spit, speed , garbage
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: yes
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: sometimes
485.) Have a snake?: eew no
486.) Have webbed feet?: no, lol
487.) Wear colorful socks?: no
488.) Have a life?: yeah
489.) Drink coffee?: rarely
490.) Drink tea?: all the time

491.) What are your screen names?: my name
492.) Emails?: i don't wish to give that out
493.) Do you have a website?: no
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: no
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: not really , lol
496.) What are your favorite websites?: dis, keirweb, youtue
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: kitson, shvitz
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: not entirley
499.) If so, what?: clothes
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: a watch
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: yes
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: no
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: kelly
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: no
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: MSN
506.) Whats your desktop background?: some of my friends
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: me
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: too much
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: i used to
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: no, i'd use my mom's, lol

511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: no idea
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?: socks
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: yes
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: yes
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: no

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: 104.1 krbe
517.) Favorite day of the week: friday
518.) Favorite fruit: rasberries
519.) Favorite vegetable: bell peppers
520.) Favorite lunch meat: Chicken
521.) Favorite candy bar: twix
522.) Favorite nail polish: French manicures
523.) Favorite chair: my buble chair
524.) Favorite early morning show: don't have one
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: no idea
526.) Favorite writing paper: white paper
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: celebrities
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): don't have one
529.) Favorite distant relative: josh my coisin
530.) Favorite dessert: strudel
531.) Favorite weather: rainy and cold
532.) Favorite season: winter
533.) Favorite shoe brand: steve madden
534.) Favorite lunch: hamburger
535.) Favorite breakfast: fruit salad and yogurt
36.) Favorite author: anyone who writes a good book
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: toyota center
538.) Favorite band to see live: hannah montana ,lol
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: this one

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: depends
542.) Work/Have off: depends
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: ?
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: rasberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: ?
546.) Acid/Shrooms: ........
547.) Who/The Who: ?
548.) Older/Newer: newer
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular
550.) Have sex/Make love: neither

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: no
552.) Skipped school?: no
553.) Done drugs?: no
554.) Been drunk?: no
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: no...
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: no
557.) Gone insane?: hopefully not. lol
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: no
559.) Been in a car accident?: no
560.) A bike accident?: no
561.) Broken a bone?: no
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: yes
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yeah
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: no
566.) More than 12 hours?: no
567.) How about 5 hours?:yes
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: yes
569.) Passed out from hunger?: almost
570.) Been to a LAN party?: no

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: no
572.) How about swim meets?: no
573.) Tennis matches?: no
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: yes
575.) The ones with Richard?: don't care
576.) How about Match Game?: no
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: ?
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: nope
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: no
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: yes
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: yes
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: yes, lol
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: no
584.) Do you like TiVo?: yes
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: yes
586.) VCRs or DVD players?: Dvds
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: yes
588.) A vegan?: no
589.) Vegetarian?: no
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: actress, model, and a writer

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: no
592.) Two years ago?: no
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: no
594.) The author of Frankenstein?: no
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: no
596.) The Queen of England?: Queen Elizabeth
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: Tony Blaire
598.) Espanol?: no
599.) Deutsch?: no
600.) Japanese?: no
601.) Franois?: no
602.) Chinese?: no
603.) Portuguese?: no
604.) (If you dont, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): french
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: no
606.) The capital of the US?: Washington DC
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: no
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English and french
609.) How to fly a kite?: no
610.) How to surf?: no
611.) Skateboard?: no
612.) How about rollerblade?: no
613.) What year the Korean war started?: don't know

614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: death
615.) Happy eyed?: baby animals
616.) What song always makes you sad?: no idea
617.) Happy?: many
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: kelly and emily
619.) Really depressed?: ali and maddison and sav
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: yes
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: no
622.) A naturally happy person?: I can be
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: long time
624.) What do you do?: pray
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: you found me

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: mom
627.) Talk to you?: dad
628.) IM you?: megan
629.) Touch you physically?: mom
630.) Touch you emotionally?: nick
631.) Hurt you?: ali
632.) Make you feel better?: nick
633.) Scold you?: dad
634.) Praise you?: .....................................
635.) Say Hello to you?: abby

636.) Are you secure with yourself?: yes
637.) What do other people think of you: obesseive, odd, a dork
638.) What do you see yourself as?: passionate, determined, opionated
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: ..........
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: yes
641.) A weak person?: no
642.) Are you stressed out?: all the time
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: yes
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: try not to
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: I try to

Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. write
2. cook
3. act

647.) 3 of your favorite bands
1. daughtry
2. simple plan
3. nickleback

648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. be myself
2. move
3. be an actress now

649.) 3 shows you watch all the time
1. icarly
2. hannah montana
3. zoey 101

650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. out of the box
2. the big compy couch
3. teletubies

651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. harry otter and cast
2. potc and cast
3. disney

652.) 3 people you care about
2. kelly
3. emily

654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. height
2. weight
3. teeth

655.) 3 of your strong points
1. creative
2. unique
3. caring

656.) 3 boys names
2. nick
3. daniel

657.) 3 girls names
1. emma
2. keira
3. hermione

658.) 3 TV channels
1. disney channel
2. nick
3. hbo

659.) 3 things everyone should listen to
1. goldy people
2. good advice
3. common sense

660.) 3 things no one should listen to
1. saten
2. demons
3. the world

661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. absolutley amazing
2. bloody hell
3. i love disney

662.) 3 words to describe your look
whatever i want

663.) 3 words to describe your personality
a determined girl

664.) 3 things you want to do before you die an actress
2. be a model
3. write a book

665.) 3 things on your desk
2. air freshener
3. candle

666.) 3 things you hate
mean people

667.) 3 things you love

668.) 3 things that scare you

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: po ....... thats all i know
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason? yes
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: ?
674.) Oday ouyhay peaksay igpay atinlay?: what
675.) Isnt pig latin the best?: no
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: yes
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: no
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: no
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: i'm in 7 th grade
680.) Are you in an asylum?: no
681.) College?: no
682.) What is your favorite scent?: lavender and rain
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: only datk
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: melting pot
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: love
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: hatered
687.) Do like Spongebob?: no i hate it
688.) Do you think he's gay?: yes
689.) How about Squidward?: yes
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework?: no
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: yes
692.) DO you usually get a lot?: yes !!!!!!
693.) .."OOOOOO poor baby.." << use that phrase a lot?: never in my life
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: no
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?: hehe yes
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: yeah, there not thay bad
697.) Dont you wish they would make them for humans too?: yes lol
698.) Where is you second home?: Church
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: yes
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you dont need to look up?: 4
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: yes
702.) Can you do the limbo?: not at all
703.) Do you make New Years Resolutions?: yes

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: kelly
705.) Has the coolest name?: abby
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: andrea
707.) Has the nicest hair?: alexis
708.) Has the fittest body?: madison
709.) Do you hang out with most?: madison
710.) Has the coolest parents?: madison
711.) Lives closest to you?: madison
712.) Lives the farthest from you? dori
713.) Can you relate to most?: kelly
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?: emily
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?: kelly

Word Association!
716.) blow: gum
717.) lollipop: candy
718.) obnoxious: mason
719.) cold: freezer
720.) hot: coals
721.) smell: lavender
722.) car: seat
723.) rain:awesome
724.) wet:.rain
725.) steamy: hot
726.) bite: fish
727.) beer: wine
728.) rock: pop
729.) hard: cement
730.) soft: bed

OK Heres the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?: no
732.) Whats your favorite place to be kissed?: lips
733.) Are you a tease?: ?
734.) Do you know what a tease is?: no

More Do you
735.) Twirl your hair?: yes
736.) Hate yourself?: no
737.) Want to kill yourself?: no
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: no
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: not often
740.) Touch your face a lot?: yes
741.) Watch MTV?: no
742.) Have any lesbian/gay/bi friends?: no
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other peoples differences?: yes
744.) Wish you could fly?: yes, who doesn't
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: yes
746.) Read minds?: never
747.) Watch wrestling?: no
748.) Like filling out surveys?: all the time
749.) Work out?: no
750.) Play any sports?: cheerleading

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: no
752.) A speeding ticket?: no
753.) Been in a fist fight?: yes
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: no
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: no
756.) Held a gun?: yes
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money??: no
758.) Been used?:yes
759.) Been rejected?: yes
760.) Been on a rollercoaster?: yes
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: no
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: no
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: yes
764.) Tackled the mailman?: no
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: yes
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: no
767.) Done crack?: no
768.) Done cocaine?: no.
769.) Passed out during school?: no.
770.) Fainted in the heat?: no

More Random Questions!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: no
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: don't know
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: no
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: no
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: yes
776.) Are baseball games fun?: no
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: yes
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: what ?
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: no, wish i could
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: all the time
781.) Do you like U2?: ?
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded I LOVE U2! and the other person got really confused?: ?
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: no
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: yes
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yes
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: no
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: the normal ones
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: no never
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: like never
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: son't own one
791.) How often do you change your underwear?: every day
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?:no
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say pimping popples instead of popping pimples? no
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?: yes
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to Harder to breathe or whatever by Maroon 5?: no
796.) Do you pray daily?: yes
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: go to Heaven
798.) Are you paranoid?: I can be
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: no
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: yes

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle , no idea
802.) Power Ranger: no idea
803.) Rugrat:no idea
804.) Powerpuff Girl: no idea
805.) Villain: voldremont !!!:goodvibes

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yes
07.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Members Only jacket?: no
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: no
810.) A porno?: no...
811.) A gun?: no
812.) A pair of toe socks?: no
813.) A portable DVD player?: no
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: no
815.) A car?: no
816.) A trucker hat?: no
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: no
818.) A wife beater?: ??no
819.) A butcher knife?: yep
820.) A pocket knife?: no
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yes
823.) A thong?: no
824.) A bikini?: yes
825.) A speedo (guys)?: no
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: no
827.) A drum set?: no
828.) An electric guitar?: no
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?: yes
830.) Any of the Rocky movies?: no

More Random they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: no
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: a majic carpet ride
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: no
834.) How big is your backyard?: small
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: eew no
836.) Hairy chests?: eew no
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: only ne like a year
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: no
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: i don't know
841.) Are you on any medication?: no
842.) Do you have asthma?: no
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: no
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: no
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: no
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: 2 months
847.) What is your hair length?: to my shoulders
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: no
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: no
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?: no
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: no
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: no
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: not at all
854.) Whats your take on the show Judge Judy?: weird
855.) When did WW2 start?: what
856.) When did it end?: no idea
857.) What is your nationality?: american
858.) Where did your family come from?: america
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: no
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: yes
861.) Do you believe in angels?: yes
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: no
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: 1oo
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations like naked to get peoples reactions?: no
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: ??
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: ??
867.) Arent those Menudo kids so sexy?: ????

868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: no
869.) Do you collect anything?: no
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: no
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: no
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: the small one
873.) Favorite finger?: pinkie
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: don't know, lol
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because theyre so sad and stupid?: yes
877.) Have you ever sang in the shower?: yes
878.) Did you like it?: of course
879.) Do you sing a lot?: yes
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: yes!!
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: no
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of separation? no
883.) How about 5 degrees of separation?: no
884.) OK be honesthows the survey so far?: long

885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: yes.
886.) What time is it?: 1:36 pm - i took a break from the last time

887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: no
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really dont?: no
889.) Can you take a --- in other peoples houses without feeling awkward?:what
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: no
891.) What did you do?: nothing
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say ---?: no
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: no
894.) Do you think its sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually dont?: no
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: ehh where is this going...
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: poop
897.) What does PMS stand for?: premenstrual syndrom
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: n
899.) Can you say the alphabet backwards without stopping?:no
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: 1o , lol
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: noo gross
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: clean seat
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: I don't have aim
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?: never seen them
905.) How about Good Fellas?: never seen
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: no
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: no
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: no
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: no...
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: no idea
911.) Osama Bin Laden: dead now...>.< people shouldn’t get the death penalty no matter what they did.
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: no
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: no
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: no
915.) Do you use a calculator?: yes
916.) What kind is it?: no idea
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: yes
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: yes.....
919.) Dont they suck?: duh
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: no :upsidedow
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: no
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?: yes
923.) Are you a racist?: not at all
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize your intake?: eat a lot
925.) Do you diet?: no
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?: I guess

927.) How often do you shower?: Every other day
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: yes
929.) How often do you wash your face?: twice a day
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: always
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: no just water
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: no
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: yes
934.) Do you cough a lot?: yes
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: cover my mouth..
936.) Do you wear deodorant regularly?: yes

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: no
938.) Do you have OCD?: no
939.) Do you have ADHD?: no
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: No
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: No
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: No
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: no
944.) The monkey pox?: no
945.) The mumps?: No
946.) The measles?: No
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: no

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: yes
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: No
950.) In the newspaper?: no
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?:yes all the time
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: no
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: yes
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: no
955.) Do you think Frank Zilinski is a moron?: who
956.) Throw me some Polish names: Uhhh okay?
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 7 1/2
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: 8
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: small
960.) How much do you weigh?: 95 pounds
961.) How tall are you?: 5, 4 and 1/2
962.) Do you have cankles?: Uhhh dont know what that means
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: No, they are really tiny!
964.) Fat thighs?: not to big
965.) Do you shave your toes?: no
966.) Do you shave your legs?: Yes but not that often
967.) How often?: Like, once a week
968.) How about those armpits?: Yes
969.) How many legs does a kangaroo have?:2
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
971.) How many legs do you have?: 2
972.) Do you have braces?: yes :scared:
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: Not really
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: No
975.) Do you snore? no
976.) Do you have your own room?: Yes
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: No
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: Noooo....
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: what does that mean?
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: don't know
981.) How about Tim Curry?: who
982.) Are you ticklish?: yes
985.) Do you like salad?: yes i love them
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: yes
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: No
988.) Are you artsy?: a little
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: ooh yes
990.) Do you like to say no pun intended for any reason?: No
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: Apple and Blackberry
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: yes
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: Half full
994.) Who was the Lone Rangers, nephews, horse?: What
995.) Do you like cheese?: Yeah!!
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: no...
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: Uhhh yeah
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: No
999.) Was it a waste of your time?: No
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: yes
1001.) Do you think too much?: Yes :goodvibes

i did it :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :dance3: :goodvibes :upsidedow
1.) Your name: Jamie
2.) Nicknames: dont have one
3.) Do you like these nicknames:
4.) Location: Tennessee
5.) Age: 11
6.) Birthday: 9th NOV.
7.) Zodiac sign: Scorpio
8.) Parents names: James and KAtie
9.) Siblings: 1, Kaitlyn.
10.) Pets: 4 cats, 2 dogs.
11.)Number of rooms in your house: Oh gosh...ummm, More than 10.
12.) Religion: Christian
13.) If so-practicing: ?
14.) Male or Female: female
15.) Is your family close: Yes.

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: Chinese
17.) TV shows: hannah montana, george lopez, home improvement
18.) Movies: blades of glory
19.) Actors: Jon heder
20.) Actresses: dunno
21.) Books: NOTHING
22.) Artists: ?
23.) Types of Music: Pop, rock, country
24.) Video Games: Wii play
25.) Computer Games: VMK, CP, and umm Gaia.
26.) Outfits: Hmmmmm...
27.) Stores:
28.) Sports: Gymnastics, Softball
29.) Colors: Lavender, Sky Blue, Turquoise, RED
30.) Numbers: 7,18, 34523
31.) Websites:
32.) Cartoon characters:
33.) TV Channels: Disney Channel
34.) Made For TV Movies: yeah
35.) Comedians: .
36.) Comediennes:
37.) Hair products:
38.) Soap/body wash:
39.) Kind of Pens:
40.) Broadway shows:
41.) Pieces of Jewelry:
42.) Kinds of Soap:
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: .
44.) Game Systems: PS2, Wii
45.) CDs: Hannah Montana! Cheetah Girls, Fergie
47.) Past times: ?
48.) Things to do on the weekend: Watch TV, relax, COMPUTER
49.) Magazines: M, BOP, and TIGER
50.) Animals: Dolphins

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: Whatever Sears makes
52.) Favorite sweatpants?: Cumfy ones!
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: Jeans shorts, usually a tank top
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: No, but a Dress Code
55.) Do you like it?: It's okay
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: Sears, again
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: Not really, depends on the person
58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: Not at all!
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: Airwalks
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: Ahhhh no!
61.) Do you wear hats?: Yeah! Well, in the summer
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: Not a Lot, but I like jewelry
63.) If so, what?: Bracelets, and rings, and necklaces
64.) Do you wear belts?: Not really
65.) How many belts do you have?: I think 2
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?: NOOO
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look: NOO again
68.) Do you wear big pimpin..' coats?: Ha no
69.) Do you carry a backpack?: No, our school doesn't allow
70.) If so, what is it like?: Nothin

71.) What are your grades like?: As and Bs
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: No
73.) Are you failing anything?: nope
74.) Do you take a language?: used to
75.) If so which language?: Japanese
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: yrs finished but it was Mrs De Lima she was awesome her or Mrs Doman
77.) Do you decorate your locker?: no
78.) Do you decorate your book bag?: no
79.) If so, with what?: N/A
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: lol yes
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: yes lol
82.) Do you take art?: YES!! AWESOME!!!
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: driven to the bus stop in the mornings and walk home from the bus stop in the evenings
84.) Do you like school?: some what
85.) How big is your school?: Massive
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: some
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?: yup but my parents wud neva allow
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: wah?
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: no
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: no

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: blue n peach
92.) Is it messy or clean?: half half lol
93.) What are on your bed sheets?: matching lol purple bed sheet, pink cover covered in dog hair
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?: nope not allowed
95.) If so, of what?: nope
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: yes
97.) A computer?: no
98.) A radio?: cd player - not used
99.) An alarm clock?: yea not plugged in tho
100.) A stereo?: yea
101.) What is under your bed?: a rug lol it annoys me so its there, usually a dog or 2 and a load of dog hair o and my sketch book and pencils
102.) Do you have a big closet?: soso
103.) Do you write on your mirror [if you have one]?: nah its too nice
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: lol no but i have a butterfly mobile thing
105.) If so, what design?: as above
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: no unless cob webs count
107.) If so, of what?: none
108.) Do you decorate your door?: on the bak where parents cant see and 1 of my wardrobe doorz
109.) With what?: Main door all my church rosters and nething to do with Church - wardrobe, drawings ive done and like
110.) What color is your carpet?: dnt hav carpet its wooden

111.) What are your favorite bands?: Relient K, Third Day, Hillsong, Kutless
112.) Do you own a lot of CDs?: no
113.) How many exactly?: bout 25 all from wen i was lil
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: sometimes
117.) Do you like loud music?: soso
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?: sorta
119.) Do you like rap?: not really
120.) Do you like country?: yea sometimes

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?: heh home & away and neighbours sumtimes the Bill
122.) Are you a couch potato?: not really
123.) Do you watch the news?: sumtimes
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: nup
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: dunno
126.) Do you watch late night TV?: sometimes depends if i can sleep or not sumtimes i like background noise wen i read
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: no
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: lol, no
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: no
130.) What is your take on commercials?: Materialism is a loud of rubbish, it destroys kids, pumping them full of knowledge they dnt need isnt good for them at all
131.) How big is your TV?: mine is 24 cms diagnolly the main 1 is 56 cm
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: remote and manually depends where i am
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?: What idiot does that?
134.) Do you like dramas?: predictable but pfft they're soso
135.) Do you like comedies?: yep
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: dunno
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?:no
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: no
139.) Do you watch music videos?: no
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80s even if you werent living in the 80s?: no

141.) Religion?: Christian
142.) Do you go to synagogue/church/mosque regularly?: Church yes
142.) Pro-life?: huh?
143.) Pro-choice?: what?
144.) Do you pray daily?: yes
145.) Do you believe in God?: yes
146.) Jesus?: yes
147.) Allah?: no
148.) Buddha?: no
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: no
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas?: yes

151.) Who are your best friends?: Eliza and Jono
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: fair amount
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: some what
154.) Where do you usually go?: Their place or jst hang out in town
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: yep
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: yes
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: i get along with them well lol
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: no
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: heh im not out going round ne1
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: depends hu
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: sumtimes
170.) Are you part of a clique?: dunno according to another mate not from church she thinks i am shes been a couple of times but i dunno
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: yea... usually
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: yes
173.) Where did you meet them?: NDF, Deviant Art and random online games from here and there, also cousins of friends
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: ?
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: no not all a big fan of them
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: lol no i act all polite and stand wen im offered a seat usually i do sumtimes at Liza's place and i used to at my mate Lisa's hu i havent seen in yrs
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: Lol yes lol Liza does, a lot of wat she says eventually become my words too
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: prob not
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: bout 5 or 6
180.) How is this survey so far?: lol alrite

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: huh?
182.) Punk/Emo: neither
183.) Rock/Rap: rock
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: neither
185.) Justin/Clay: dunno hu they r
186.) Ruben/Clay: dunno
187.) Cat/Dog: Dog
188.) PS2/Xbox: Xbox
189.) DVDs/VHS: Dvd
190.) CDs/Tapes: Cd
191.) Big screen/small screen: big screen.
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: either
193.) Popcorn/Candy: candy
194.) Jacket/Coat: jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake.
196.) Sister/brother: oo cant choose, sister can b mean but shes there wen i need her brothers r a lot of fun wen they r being nice
197.) Home/House: home
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: Espanol
199.) Art/Computer: oo thats cruel i cant choose
200.) Laptop/Desktop: desktop
201.) pepsi/Coke: coke
202.) Orange/Apple: apple
203.) Phone/Computer: comp
204.) Email/Letters: Email
205.) Big/Small: small?
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: either
208.) 16/21: 16
209.) CSI/24: neither
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Superman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: ?
212.) Letterman/Leno: again ?
213.) SNL/MadTV: ?
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: dunno
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: Lord of the Rings
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: Skittles
217.) Pants/Shorts: pants
218.) Skirts/Skorts: skirts.
219.) Fork/Spoon: Fork generally
220.) People/InTouch: ?

Are you
221.) Gothic: nope
222.) a freak?: I'll let Liza answer that im not sure
223.) a computer nerd?: yup
224.) a science freak?: yuk cant stand it
225.) a sports fan?: no
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: no
227.) a class clown?:no.
228.) funny?: Can be ive been told
229.) serious?: Usually
230.) intellectual?: dnt think i am
231.) an LOTR nerd?: ?
232.) a failure?: yup thats me
233.) a success?: pfft i dunno
234.) a loser?: yup yup
235.) popular?: average
236.) lazy?: yup
237.) outgoing?: no
238.) shy?: yep
239.) friendly?: yep thats b4 ur my mate, after that im jst plain annoyin
240.) easily annoyed?: sometimes
241.) tolerant of others views?: i try
242.) addicted to crack?: lol no... not me.... nah
243.) addicted to any other drug?: love... lol nah none
244.) a partier?: huh?
245.) naturally hyperactive?: Far from it
246.) wild?: nup
247.) sporty?: no
248.) smelly?: lol dunno
249.) an insomniac?: sumtimes
250.) a procrastinator?: Sometimes
251.) a criminal?: nope
252.) a crackpot?: no
253.) a bookworm?: can b if given the rite material to read
254.) hairy?: lol no
255.) good at playing basketball?: can b if i put my mind to it very rare tho, i dnt like people seeing me run and it envolves running
256.) in high school?: yeah
257.) in prison?: no
258.) shaved or trimmed?: ??
259.) A boy?: no
260.) A girl?: yes

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: heh they're awesome
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: hope not... Liza..?
263.) Do you like nuns?: thought neva occured to me
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: kinda
265.) Do you use correct English?: Can but im generally lazy, skewl yes on sites and jst casual stuff no
266.) Hablar Espanol?: no
267.) Spien Deutsch?: no
268.) Speak English?: si (lol spanish) yes
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: no
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: no
271.) Do you like Russian names?: sum
272.) Like Vlad?: No
273.) Homer?: no.
274.) Are you a busy body?: Depends on my surroundings
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: nope but want to try 1 day
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: lol no
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: nup
278.) Who do you wish was president?: dnt really care
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush? Be honest: dnt no dnt care he's jst sum dude that has sent troops into an inoccent country, putting his own in danger
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: lol used to
281.) Are you insecure?: yes
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: no
283.) Roman culture?: no
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: italian so i guess roman sumwat
285.) What style architecture is your house?: dnt no
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: nope
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: sumtimes
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: yeah or make fly noises then clap claiming they got it
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: no
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: no, lol
291.) Does anybody really care?: hmm
292.) Who sings that song?: wah?
293.) Do you like Chicago?: dunno
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? dunno
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: it was a test determing my grade for maths next yr... Advanced woohoo!!
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: sometimes
297.) Do you play with dolls?: no
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: no
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 20
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: sometimes

301.) Do you have a job?: no
302.) What do you do?: work round home
303.) Does your boss like you?: mum... hmm... no
304.) How much do you get paid?: nothing
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: yes but dads got my card
306.) Do you have a credit card?: dunno
307.) a checkbook?: sumwhere
308.) Are you a big spender?: no
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: no
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: bout 2-5 dollars
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: no
312.) How about a France?: no
313.) Do you really care?: no, lol
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: no job
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: sometimes
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: not really
317.) Why?: i said no
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog.
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: its a 10yrs olds prob lol
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: bout $250

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: tshirt n trackies
322.) What are you listening to?: wat eva my twins playin oo i like Leave that tree alone - Where's the Glove
323.) Who are you talking to?: no1 lol jst ma twin
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: was talkin but now jst swayin to the previous song
325.) How is your hair?: chest lvl
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: nup but dirt prob
327.) Are you cold or warm?: average
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: earrings thats it
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: none
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: Ipod, hair tie, books, letter
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: By the time on the mantle piece told her that it was twelve thirty, the cupboards were all scrubbed and rearranged to suit her fancy
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: prayer journal, jewellery box, staples, pens paperclips, head phone extention cord and a load of other junk
333.) What time is it?: 10.59pm
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: i usually make myself go to bed now
335.) Why arent you doing it?: tryin get this done
336.) Is your room a mess now??: yep
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: no
338.) What are any people around you doing?: sitting on their computer playin with his hair
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: My olda sis
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: no

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: about half an hr
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: nup never
343.) How long does it take: no time
344.) Are your looks important to you?: yeah.
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: yup
346.) What would you change?: my weight and my hair
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: always tied bak
348.) Do you dye your hair?: sumtimes
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: no
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: mixture of brown and blonde
351.) What is your eye color?: Bluey grey
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: Mum yes dad not a lot
354.) Is that good or bad?: bad prob
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: sometimes
356.) Why?: wen im cold or embarrassed
357.) Do you have any piercings?: one in each ear
358.) Any tattoos?: no
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: sisters wedding count?
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: no

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: live in it
362.) Out of your state?: yep
363.) Out of your city?: yes
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: no
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: wen we do Queensland for bout jst under a week
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: yeah
367.) In a boat?: yep
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: No other side of the worlds a bit expensive
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: i dnt do miles but maybe 35 km i dunno really
370.) Do you drive?: yeah

371.) Favorite car?: Small 1s but must hav 4 doors lol bubble car
372.) Color for that car?: black or blue.. or green
373.) Do you have your license?: no
374.) Permit?: no
375.) Do you like fast cars?: nope thats 1 its bad dad has 1

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 7-8 hours
377.) Is this enough?: yea... sometimes
378.) Do you dream every night?: sometimes
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: Grandad was dying so we put him in a sports bag and fed him the tablets that wud kill him
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: 1 hand under my pillow 1 by my face and i lay on my side
381.) Do you sleep in school?: no
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? lol no
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: side of on stomach
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: no
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: none

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: wen im invited n generally wen its not dress up so maybe bout 6 times a yr?
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: no
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: no
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: no
395.) Do you go clubbing?: no
396.) Ever been drunk?: no
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: no
398.) For what?: nothing
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: no
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: no
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: if out is town i guess
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: neva been to 1
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: dunno
404.) What about those racing games?: awesome
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: 3 mnths wud b November rite? thats 2 and 1 i had to miss
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: 1
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: no not really parties yes otherwise no
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: nup
409.) Who has the best parties?: hmm But's was scary but fun, Sez's was kewl and so were Elise's... Taneesha's lol hmm 2 yrs kids dnt take my fancy

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: nope
411.) Do you love them?: no
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: tryin not to
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: no
414.) Who?: none
415.) Do they know?: no
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: no
417.) Are you lonely?: sometimes...
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: no
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: parents and friends bout 15 all up i think
420.) Did you mean it?: yep
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?: but i did mean it so
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: depends hu it is
423.) Whats your crush like?: was tall and handsome and kind an funny but im tryin to forget him
424.) Do you like romance movies?: yep, lol
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: neva had a bf so i dunno

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: lol, dunno
427.) Justin or JC: ?
428.) Frodo or Sam: Frodo!
429.) B2K or Nsync: ?
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: bart
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: dracula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: simon!!
433.) Conan or Jay: ?
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: ?
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: hah dunno
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now? meh
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: ?

438.) Who are your heroes?: awesome friends around me and the doctors that work every day to save lives
439.) Why do you look up to them?: they take life as it comes, and care soo much bout another being
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: dnt want to b a doctor but to care deeply for others and takes life how it comes yes
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: Live, Laugh, Love Life.. lol i dnt no many
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: mum does
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: Liza heaps.. Emmy, Liesy and Belli

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: good
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: no
446.) what kind?: cinnamon r the best
447.) Do you like chocolate?: yup
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: not to my knowledge

449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: no
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: dunno
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: ?
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: ?
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: not murder but hurt yea
454.) How is this survey so far?: lonnnnggg
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: never seen it

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: something that has to be done, its like a set or hurdles we run and ocassionally trip and stumble but we get bak up set that hurdle and go again
457.) The world: shocking
458.) President Bush: pfft
459.) Ahhhhnold: ?
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: dunno
461.) Howard Stern: ?
462.) The war in Iraq: bad, pointless, should end
463.) the economy: dunno
464.) jay-z retiring: ?
465.) school: sumthin that sets us for life no matter how darn boring it is
466.) going to college: maybe
467.) basketball: s'ok
468.) football: meh
469.) baseball: sumwat fun
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: .... cant say nethin with this atm .... i know its not good

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: no
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: no
473.) Fart a lot?: no
474.) Burp a lot?: yea heh
475.) Do stupid things in public?: not intentionally
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: no
477.) Have random hallucinations?: yes hah!
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: nope
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: nope
480.) Wear leg warmers?: lol no
481.) Sing in the shower?: sometimes
482.) Play any card game?: solitaire bout it
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: no
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: sometimes
485.) Have a snake?: no
486.) Have webbed feet?: no, lol
487.) Wear colorful socks?: not usually
488.) Have a life?: soso
489.) Drink coffee?: sumtimes
490.) Drink tea?: sometimes

491.) What are your screen names?: i dunno
492.) Emails?: not sayin
493.) Do you have a website?: myspace yes
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: no
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: yep on Sundays
496.) What are your favorite websites?: ndfans, myspace and deviant art
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: dunno
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: no mum does
499.) If so, what?: none
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: present for my niece
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: yep
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: yea
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: TC, Claire all ya really
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: yes lol
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: MSN
506.) Whats your desktop background?: My name made out of sticks and stuff on a beach
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: huh?
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: heaps
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: neither
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: I'd go n read

511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: hmmm.. dunno i guess coming into the world? or Cabbage seeds.. lol good ole liza
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?: dunno prob cat food
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: yes
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: yesssss happened to me ths yr!
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: no

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: mix 101 lol
517.) Favorite day of the week: Sunday!
518.) Favorite fruit: Mango or Apples
519.) Favorite vegetable: Cauliflower
520.) Favorite lunch meat: Chicken
521.) Favorite candy bar: Boost
522.) Favorite nail polish: French manicures
523.) Favorite chair: this 1 or the corner seat on the couch
524.) Favorite early morning show: pfft
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: none
526.) Favorite writing paper: lined white paper
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: comics
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): heh thats mean (prob my sis)
529.) Favorite distant relative: Grandma on mums side, havent seen in 5 yrs
530.) Favorite dessert: Mars Bar Cheese cake or Triffle
531.) Favorite weather: rainy
532.) Favorite season: winter
533.) Favorite shoe brand: as long as they're comfy im not fussed
534.) Favorite lunch: not sure
535.) Favorite breakfast: dunno
36.) Favorite author: Janette Oke and Emily Rodda's not too bad
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: dunno
538.) Favorite band to see live: never seen 1 but will soon
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: dunno

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: depends on mood
542.) Work/Have off: depends
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: never had either
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: Blueberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: ?
546.) Acid/Shrooms: neither...
547.) Who/The Who: heh dunno
548.) Older/Newer: older
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular
550.) Have sex/Make love: make love...but neither....

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: no
552.) Skipped school?: no
553.) Done drugs?: no
554.) Been drunk?: no
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: no...
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: no
557.) Gone insane?: hopefully not. lol
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: yes
559.) Been in a car accident?: no
560.) A bike accident?: nol
561.) Broken a bone?: maybe my pinkie dunno
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: don’t think so
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yeah, lol
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: when my sis moved out yes
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: no
566.) More than 12 hours?: no
567.) How about 5 hours?: no
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: yup
569.) Passed out from hunger?: no
570.) Been to a LAN party?: no lol

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: sumtimes
572.) How about swim meets?: nup
573.) Tennis matches?: nup
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: nup
575.) The ones with Richard?: dunno
576.) How about Match Game?: dunno
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: ?
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: nope
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: no
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: no
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: yep
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: no
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: Sum
584.) Do you like TiVo?: ?
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: no.
586.) VCRs or DVD players?: Dvds
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: yes
588.) A vegan?: no
589.) Vegetarian?: no
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: dunno

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: no
592.) Two years ago?: no
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: no
594.) The author of Frankenstein?: no
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: no
596.) The Queen of England?: Queen Elizabeth
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: Tony Blaire
598.) Espanol?: no
599.) Deutsch?: no
600.) Japanese?: sum
601.) Franois?: no
602.) Chinese?: no
603.) Portuguese?: no
604.) (If you dont, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): Spanish yes
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: no
606.) The capital of the US?: Washington DC
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: no
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English and Arabic?
609.) How to fly a kite?: sorta
610.) How to surf?: yea cant do it tho
611.) Skateboard?: no
612.) How about rollerblade?: no
613.) What year the Korean war started?: dunno

614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: poverty
615.) Happy eyed?: new animals being born soo cute
616.) What song always makes you sad?: dnt no lots
617.) Happy?: many things
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: Liza
619.) Really depressed?: ... dunno
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: dnt think so
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: lol can b
622.) A naturally happy person?: I can be that also
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: can b 2 mnths it can b less it can b more
624.) What do you do?: pray and seek help from friends
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: dunno

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: Taneesha my two yr old niece
627.) Talk to you?: Rix my twin bro
628.) IM you?: Lani
629.) Touch you physically?: Neesha
630.) Touch you emotionally?: Lisa (olda Sis)
631.) Hurt you?: dunno
632.) Make you feel better?: dunno
633.) Scold you?: dad
634.) Praise you?: Lisa's friend Lisa
635.) Say Hello to you?: Neesha "CAAAAARRRRRRRRRRYYYYY!!! HELLO!!"

636.) Are you secure with yourself?: nope
637.) What do other people think of you: I’m shy and overweight
638.) What do you see yourself as?: shy, overweight and sumtimes useless
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: a friend in need
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: yeh..
641.) A weak person?: sometimes
642.) Are you stressed out?: always
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: Still hurts but yes
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: can but rarely
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: I try to...

Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. annoy people
2. look after kids (usually)
3. give advice?

647.) 3 of your favorite bands
1. Relient K
2. Third Day
3. Hillsong

648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. be myself
2. Draw realistically
3. slim down fast

649.) 3 shows you watch all the time
Neighbours, Home & Away and sum cop show i dnt the name of i jst sit down wen it starts

650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. Play Days (english version of play skewl)
2. Humpfry B Bear
3. Wiggles

651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. atm Necterines
2. msn
3. this site

652.) 3 people you care about
1. Friends
2. Family
3. Pets

654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. Weight
2. Height
3. Hair

655.) 3 of your strong points
1. Determined to help usually
2. Always try to b there for a mate
3. Maths

656.) 3 boys names
2. Kade
3. Caleb (If i hav a boy thats the order they will b names if i hav 3)

657.) 3 girls names
1. Cayde
2. Cailey
3. Ella

658.) 3 TV channels

659.) 3 things everyone should listen to

660.) 3 things no one should listen to

661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. Roar
2. Boo
3. Ne hu...

662.) 3 words to describe your look
i dnt no

663.) 3 words to describe your personality
a idiot really

664.) 3 things you want to do before you die
1.Be married
2. have kids
3. love life

665.) 3 things on your desk

666.) 3 things you hate
put downs (insults)

667.) 3 things you love

668.) 3 things that scare you

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: tinky winky.. lala...dipsy... poe
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason? yep
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: ?
674.) Oday ouyhay peaksay igpay atinlay?: esyay umsay atway
675.) Isnt pig latin the best?: meh
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: dunno.
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: lol, kinda
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: nope.
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: yep
680.) Are you in an asylum?: no
681.) College?: no
682.) What is your favorite scent?: the air jst b4 the rain comes
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: yeah
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: dunno Sofia's?
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: love for sum1
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: hatered
687.) Do like Spongebob?: yeahhh
688.) Do you think he's gay?: noo...
689.) How about Squidward?: noo...
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework?: lol, no.
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: yeah
692.) DO you usually get a lot?: yeah
693.) .."OOOOOO poor baby.." << use that phrase a lot?: yep and do the whole lip thing
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: l dnt no....
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?: hehehe yes not intentionally
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: wen i was lil yeal
697.) Dont you wish they would make them for humans too?: no
698.) Where is you second home?: Church
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: lol can b
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you dont need to look up?: bout 4 or 5
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: yea
702.) Can you do the limbo?: nope
703.) Do you make New Years Resolutions?: nope

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: Liza or Jono
705.) Has the coolest name?: Isabel
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: Shardia
707.) Has the nicest hair?: Isabel or Liza
708.) Has the fittest body?: oo... Jez?
709.) Do you hang out with most?: Jono
710.) Has the coolest parents?: Liza
711.) Lives closest to you?: hmm...Calum
712.) Lives the farthest from you?: Ambhruni
713.) Can you relate to most?: Sez or Bell or Elise
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?: Elise, Bell, Emmy or Liza
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?: Rach (both) or Lani

Word Association!
716.) blow: gum
717.) lollipop: candy
718.) obnoxious: pfft
719.) cold: freezer
720.) hot: coals
721.) smell: coffee
722.) car: engine
723.) rain: wet
724.) wet:.rain
725.) steamy: hott!
726.) bite: food
727.) beer: alcohol
728.) rock: pebble
729.) hard: desk
730.) soft: bed

OK Heres the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?: no
732.) Whats your favorite place to be kissed?: never been kissed but prob wud b 4head
733.) Are you a tease?: noo..
734.) Do you know what a tease is?: hehe not really

More Do you
735.) Twirl your hair?: no
736.) Hate yourself?: no
737.) Want to kill yourself?: no
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: hav
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: yep
740.) Touch your face a lot?: yep
741.) Watch MTV?: no
742.) Have any lesbian/gay/bi friends?: lol friend of a friend that i no yes
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other peoples differences?: yes
744.) Wish you could fly?: yup
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: sumtimes
746.) Read minds?: sumtimes wish i cud
747.) Watch wrestling?: sumtimes
748.) Like filling out surveys?: sumtimes
749.) Work out?: no
750.) Play any sports?: nope

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: no
752.) A speeding ticket?: no
753.) Been in a fist fight?: yup
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: no, lol
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: no
756.) Held a gun?: no
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money??: noo
758.) Been used?: no
759.) Been rejected?: yea
760.) Been on a rollercoaster?: no
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: no
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: no
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: yepp
764.) Tackled the mailman?: no
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: yeah elise is good at gettin me to do that
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: no
767.) Done crack?: no
768.) Done cocaine?: no.
769.) Passed out during school?: no.
770.) Fainted in the heat?: no

More Random Questions!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: no
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: dunno
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: no
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: no
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: not really
776.) Are baseball games fun?: yep
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: no lol
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: dunno wat they r so i guess not
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: 3 yrs n now cant play a thing
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: no
781.) Do you like U2?: Yep
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded I LOVE U2! and the other person got really confused?: Yup
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: yep
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: no.
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yup
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: no
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: the normal ones
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: no
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: like never
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: church songs on a cd
791.) How often do you change your underwear?: every day
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?: do de do de do.....
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say pimping popples instead of popping pimples? noo
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?: no
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to Harder to breathe or whatever by Maroon 5?: rofl, no
796.) Do you pray daily?: yea
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: dunno
798.) Are you paranoid?: I can be
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: no
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: yep lol

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: the 1 with the orange thing
802.) Power Ranger: the red 1
803.) Rugrat: Chuckie
804.) Powerpuff Girl: dunno
805.) Villain: hmm

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yeah
07.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Members Only jacket?: no
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: yeah
810.) A porno?: no...
811.) A gun?: no
812.) A pair of toe socks?: yes
813.) A portable DVD player?: no
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: no
815.) A car?: no
816.) A trucker hat?: no
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: no
818.) A wife beater?: ?? umm let’s hope not
819.) A butcher knife?: yep
820.) A pocket knife?: yep
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yeah
823.) A thong?: no
824.) A bikini?: no
825.) A speedo (guys)?: no
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: dunno...??
827.) A drum set?: nope.
828.) An electric guitar?: no
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?: no but Liza will b 1 day
830.) Any of the Rocky movies?: no

More Random they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: no
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: no
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: no
834.) How big is your backyard?: massive
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: no...
836.) Hairy chests?: no...
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: no...
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: no...
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: dunno
841.) Are you on any medication?: yup
842.) Do you have asthma?: used to
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: yep
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: no
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: no
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: like a month ago maybe
847.) What is your hair length?: lol chest height
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: no
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: no
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?: no
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: no
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: no
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: not really
854.) Whats your take on the show Judge Judy?: s'alrite i suppose
855.) When did WW2 start?: dunno
856.) When did it end?: dunno
857.) What is your nationality?: English
858.) Where did your family come from?: England
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: has felt like it
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: yup
861.) Do you believe in angels?: yep
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: lol sometimes
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: all the time
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations like naked to get peoples reactions?: lol, yep
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: ??
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: ??
867.) Arent those Menudo kids so sexy?: ????

868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: nope
869.) Do you collect anything?: no
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: no
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: no
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: the middle
873.) Favorite finger?: pinkie
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: all o them
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no lol
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because theyre so sad and stupid?: nope
877.) Have you ever sang in the shower?: yes
878.) Did you like it?: of course
879.) Do you sing a lot?: sometimes
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: yes!!
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: nope
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of separation? Dad wrote 3 or so books...
883.) How about 5 degrees of separation?: yea prob i dnt no
884.) OK be honesthows the survey so far?: longggggggg

885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: yes.
886.) What time is it?: 12.39am

887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: no
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really dont?: no
889.) Can you take a --- in other peoples houses without feeling awkward?: no lol
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: no
891.) What did you do?: nothing
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say ---?: no
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: noo
894.) Do you think its sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually dont?: no
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: ehh where is this goin...
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: .....
897.) What does PMS stand for?: premenstrual syndrom
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: noo
899.) Can you say the alphabet backwards without stopping?: not without stopping
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: dunno
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: noo gross
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: I dunno
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: I dnt hav AIM
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?: never seen em
905.) How about Good Fellas?: never seen
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: nope.
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: no
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: no
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: no...
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: dunno
911.) Osama Bin Laden: dead now...>.< people shouldn’t get the death penalty no matter what they did.
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: no
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: no
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: no
915.) Do you use a calculator?: yes
916.) What kind is it?: texas instruments sumthin or other
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: no
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: yea..
919.) Dont they suck?: yup
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: twin yes
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: no
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?: yea, a lot of people i know
923.) Are you a racist?: no, at least I try not to be
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize your intake?: minimize
925.) Do you diet?: yea
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?: I guess

927.) How often do you shower?: Every morning n sumtimes nites too
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: yes
929.) How often do you wash your face?: in the shower and another if its hot
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: sometimes
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: no jst water
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: yep
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: lol yup
934.) Do you cough a lot?: no
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: cover my mouth..
936.) Do you wear deodorant regularly?: yep

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: no
938.) Do you have OCD?: no
939.) Do you have ADHD?: no
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: No
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: No
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: Noo
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: Yes...ugh
944.) The monkey pox?: Uhhh sure?
945.) The mumps?: No
946.) The measles?: No
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: Uhhh idk..

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: Sadly, No
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: No again
950.) In the newspaper?: Why do you torture me!!!
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?:friends sumtimes
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: no
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: no hu is he?
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: Nope.
955.) Do you think Frank Zilinski is a moron?: Dunno know who he is
956.) Throw me some Polish names: Uhhh okay?
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 7
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: A LOT
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: average
960.) How much do you weigh?: not sayin
961.) How tall are you?: 168cm
962.) Do you have cankles?: Uhhh dont know what that means
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: No, they are really tiny!
964.) Fat thighs?: Sadly yes
965.) Do you shave your toes?: no
966.) Do you shave your legs?: Yes but not that often
967.) How often?: Like, once a week
968.) How about those armpits?: Yeah
969.) How many legs does a kangaroo have?:
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
971.) How many legs do you have?: Fifteen. No, just 2
972.) Do you have braces?: Thankfully, no
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: Not really
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: No, but my laugh is wierdd
975.) Do you snore?:Thankfully, no
976.) Do you have your own room?: Yes
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: Nada
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: Noooo....
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: what does that mean?
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: Sorta
981.) How about Tim Curry?: Dunno
982.) Are you ticklish?: OMG everywhere
985.) Do you like salad?: Yesss
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: No
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: No - and don't plan to!
988.) Are you artsy?: I try, but sadly, No.
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: Sometimes
990.) Do you like to say no pun intended for any reason?: No
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: Apple and Blueberry
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: Yummmmm yes!
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: Half full
994.) Who was the Lone Rangers, nephews, horse?: Wha?
995.) Do you like cheese?: Yeah!!
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: no...
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: Uhhh yeah
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: No, I TYPED IT!
999.) Was it a waste of your time?: No
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: Sheesh, ya
1001.) Do you think too much?: Ya[/QUOTE]

The bolded means i will to it laster, heh.
for all you guys who said tony blaire is the prime minister of the UK, he hasn't been for a few weeks maybe even months now. Gordon Brown is the new prime minister.
Sorry but besides george you were all saying tony so i thought i'd enlighten you.
361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: yes
362.) Out of your state?: yes
363.) Out of your city?: yes
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: no
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: .....
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: yes
367.) In a boat?: yes
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all? yes
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: I don't count them
370.) Do you drive?: In December I will

371.) Favorite car?: New Camero in Transformers
372.) Color for that car?: Yellow..hehe
373.) Do you have your license?: Not yet
374.) Permit?: I'm close
375.) Do you like fast cars?: Maybay

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 7 or 8 hours
377.) Is this enough?: Sometimes
378.) Do you dream every night?: Most nights
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: I was looking in the fridge and my sister came through the fridge and asked me if I wanted some peanut butter
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: yes
381.) Do you sleep in school?: In worldview I do, it's so boing
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? I had my notebook rings on my cheek once lol
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: usually on my side or my stomach
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: yes
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: A classic alarm clock, has mickey mouse on it. I got it from DLR

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: Not very often
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: no
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: no
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: no
395.) Do you go clubbing?: no
396.) Ever been drunk?: no
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: no
398.) For what?: .....
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: no
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: yes
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: Only a few or just one
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: if I'm with my guy friends
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: yes
404.) What about those racing games?: love em
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: umm 2 lol
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: Our school doesn't have dances. Except for October we're having Sadies but we can only square dance so no chance in hell I'm giong
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: If I have to
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: yes
409.) Who has the best parties?: Janae

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: no
411.) Do you love them?: ....
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: Yeah
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: Yup.
414.) Who?: A freshman and one in my grade (sophomore)
415.) Do they know?: Haha no
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: Nah, I'm not that obsessed
417.) Are you lonely?: Sometimes it's better to be alone
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: Should I?
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: My family and one boy, which I regret saying it to him
420.) Did you mean it?: To my family yes, and for the boy, at the time
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?:slkjfdskl
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: The special ones
423.) Whats your crush like?: Crush 1: Polite, totally funny, cute and great personality. Crush 2: Okay looking, great sense of humor and good personality
424.) Do you like romance movies?: Hecks no
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: That's stupid. Why cry about it?

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: Christina
427.) Justin or JC: JC, he's hotter
428.) Frodo or Sam: Sam has a little more meat, Idk
429.) B2K or Nsync: ? nsync
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: Cartman
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: dracula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: Simon
433.) Conan or Jay: Jay
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: Boy
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: Probably Carmen, that is a fight I do not want to see
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now: Idk
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: O'Reily

438.) Who are your heroes?: My mom and Jesus
439.) Why do you look up to them?: Because I can
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?:I'm already like my mom
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: Reach for the moon, because if you miss, you'll land among the stars
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: My mommy
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: No lol

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: yummy!
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: Not really
446.) what kind?: Maple bar
447.) Do you like chocolate?: mhm
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: Idk lol

449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: Only on Wednesdays
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: Out, in is bad for you
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: Why not
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: Have you?
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: No...
454.) How is this survey so far?: long
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: Yes

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: Live it.
457.) The world: Very influencing, bad
458.) President Bush: Has ADD
459.) Ahhhhnold: Arnold? He'll be back
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: That's funny
461.) Howard Stern: Dirty rotten b******
462.) The war in Iraq: Needs to end
463.) the economy:Bleh
464.) jay-z retiring: Could care less
465.) school: boring but good for you
466.) going to college: good for jobs
467.) basketball: involves an orange ball
468.) football: awesome to watch
469.) baseball: better if you're actually at the game
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: disgusting and wrong

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: Nope
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: No
473.) Fart a lot?: No..
474.) Burp a lot?: At home lol
475.) Do stupid things in public?: yes
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: My friend did that
477.) Have random hallucinations?: Yeah
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: No
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: No
480.) Wear leg warmers?: No
481.) Sing in the shower?: sometimes
482.) Play any card game?: yeah
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: no, but i have to hold onto a pillow when I sleep
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: it's a flippen cat, you don't take them for walks
485.) Have a snake?: no
486.) Have webbed feet?: i'm not a fish thingy, no
487.) Wear colorful socks?: yes
488.) Have a life?: yeah
489.) Drink coffee?: i had some at lunch
490.) Drink tea?: had some tazo yesterday

491.) What are your screen names?: xxloveli
492.) Emails?: nunya
493.) Do you have a website?: no
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: i have an UNdead journal
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: When I'm forced to
496.) What are your favorite websites?: Dis, FanFic, Youtube
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: I don't shop online
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: No
499.) If so, what?: ..
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: ...
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: yes
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: No :( A few I would like to though
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: Josh, he's funny
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: If I do, it's on purposed
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: AIM and Yahoo
506.) Whats your desktop background?: Scarlett Johanson as Cinderella
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: Umm..It says, "Your vaccuum wants me" lol
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: too much
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: no
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: We have four computers in this house, I'd just used the other ones lol
511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: Idk
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?:
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: yes
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: yeah
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: no

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: 94.1
517.) Favorite day of the week: Friday
518.) Favorite fruit: Strawberries, Pineapple, and apples
519.) Favorite vegetable: Celery and cucumbers
520.) Favorite lunch meat: Salami
521.) Favorite candy bar: Twix and 100 Grand
522.) Favorite nail polish: I don't wear polish
523.) Favorite chair: The one where you can sit on
524.) Favorite early morning show: I'm not up in the early morning, if I am, I don't watch tv
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: Idk
526.) Favorite writing paper: The one with lines
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: Comic
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): I couldn't choose
529.) Favorite distant relative: Distant? Idk
530.) Favorite dessert: tiramissue (sp)
531.) Favorite weather: Cloudy, rainy, thunder, windy, all combined into one
532.) Favorite season: winter
533.) Favorite shoe brand: converse
534.) Favorite lunch: chicken nuggets
535.) Favorite breakfast: french toast and fried eggs
36.) Favorite author: Stephenie Meyer
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: House of Blues and the Joint
538.) Favorite band to see live: Cute is what we aim for and Linkin Park
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: ...idk

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: depends
542.) Work/Have off: have off
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: pomegranate
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: raspberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: ...idk
546.) Acid/Shrooms: neither ty
547.) Who/The Who: The Who
548.) Older/Newer: newer
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: regular
550.) Have sex/Make love: none atm

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: Yeah lol
552.) Skipped school?: no
553.) Done drugs?: no
554.) Been drunk?: no
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: no...
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: no
557.) Gone insane?: nah
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: no
559.) Been in a car accident?: yes
560.) A bike accident?: yes
561.) Broken a bone?: no
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: yes
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yeah
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: no
566.) More than 12 hours?: no
567.) How about 5 hours?:yes
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: yes
569.) Passed out from hunger?: no
570.) Been to a LAN party?: a what?
The Basics
1.) Your name: Patricia
2.) Nicknames: Axel, Satan (don't ask...)
3.) Do you like these nicknames: Yep. Considering I'm responsible for both...
4.) Location: N'Hampsha.
5.) Age: 16
6.) Birthday: July 17
7.) Zodiac sign: Cancer
8.) Parents names: Linda and Joe
9.) Siblings: Two Half-Siblings and a half-brother-in-law.
10.) Pets: 1 psychotic kitty.
11.)Number of rooms in your house: 10
12.) Religion: Satanism (again, I'm not explaining that)
13.) If so-practicing: Mhhmm. As much as I can even if I'm underage.
14.) Male or Female: Femme Fatale!
15.) Is your family close: Nope.

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: French/Irish
17.) TV shows: Prison Break/House
18.) Movies: Serenity
19.) Actors: Wentworth Miller/Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
20.) Actresses: Summer Glau/Jewel Staite/Morena Baccarain
21.) Books: Anything dealing with History, Vampires, Werewolves, or Faerys.
22.) Artists: I'm a fan of Van Gogh, but Dali is good, too.
23.) Types of Music: Rock
24.) Video Games: Kingdom Hearts I and II, and Chain of Memories
25.) Computer Games: The Sims 2
26.) Outfits: Blue Jeans and a tank top
27.) Stores: Hot Topic, Nike, Pac Sun
28.) Sports: Volleyball, Track and Field, Snowboarding
29.) Colors: Black, Hot Pink, Lime Green, Electric Blue, Lemon Yellow
30.) Numbers: 15, 17, 33
31.) Websites:,
32.) Cartoon characters: Pikachu, Totoro, Kit Cloudkicker
33.) TV Channels: Spike, USA, SciFi, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN
34.) Made For TV Movies: Wedding Wars!
35.) Comedians: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Lewis Black, and Steve Carell
36.) Comediennes: Sarah Silverman
37.) Hair products: Alba, Marc Antony
38.) Soap/body wash: Alba
39.) Kind of Pens: Staedler
40.) Broadway shows: RENT, but I've never seen it live.
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: large guage earrings
42.) Kinds of Soap: Usually anything that smells nice
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: Stuff that keeps my hair soft.
44.) Game Systems: PS2, N64
45.) CDs: Minutes to Midnight (Linkin Park), and The Melody and The Energetic Nature of Volume (Evans Blue)
47.) Past times: Writing (essays, currently)
48.) Things to do on the weekend: sleep.
49.) Magazines: TIME, Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek
50.) Animals: Chipmunks and Penguins

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: American Rag
52.) Favorite sweatpants?: Hanes/Adidas
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: Blue Jeans, T-shirt
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: No. We have a very lenient dress code.
55.) Do you like it?: It's fine.
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: Hot Topic, Pac Sun, Nike
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: Nope. I am my own person
58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: A little bit.
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: Asics, but I want a pair of KangaROOS
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: I used to...
61.) Do you wear hats?: Not in school cuz they aren't allowed, but in the summer and out of school, yeah.
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: Two necklaces, a LiveSTRONG, 1-6 rings, 3 earrings.
63.) If so, what?: necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings
64.) Do you wear belts?: always!
65.) How many belts do you have?: about 10
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?: Nope.
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look: On certain people (but not me...)
68.) Do you wear big pimpin..' coats?: Nope. Sweatshirts only, even when it's -10F.
69.) Do you carry a backpack?: Yep. Medical permission, baby!
70.) If so, what is it like?: DC Shoes. It's big!

71.) What are your grades like?: Mostly As
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: A little. I wish I was better at Math.
73.) Are you failing anything?: Nada.
74.) Do you take a language?: Yes
75.) If so which language?: French
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: Currently Mr. Chamberlain, but it used to be a tie between Vandegrift and Mrs. Sellinger.
77.) Do you decorate your locker?: I only see it to get books, so no.
78.) Do you decorate your book bag?: Sorta
79.) If so, with what?: Keychains
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: Yep. And my mom hates it.
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: I'm trying not to this year, but I think I'm gonna fail at that.
82.) Do you take art?: I did last year.
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: Driven to the bus in the mornings, driven home from the bus in the evenings.
84.) Do you like school?: A little.
85.) How big is your school?: The school itself is huge, but the population is small.
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: All but 3.
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?: A little. I'd like to go to Fryeburg or Exeter.
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: Unfortunately, no.
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: Nope. I can't act on stage.
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: Just sports.

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: Aqua Blue.
92.) Is it messy or clean?: a little messy, a little clean
93.) What are on your bed sheets?: Tinkerbelle
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?: on my wall and my ceiling
95.) If so, of what?: bands, politics, movies, games, sports
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: nope
97.) A computer?: nope
98.) A radio?: Yessa
99.) An alarm clock?: Yep.
100.) A stereo?: Yep
101.) What is under your bed?: Writer's notebooks, a chess set and a lot of dust.
102.) Do you have a big closet?: Not Really.
103.) Do you write on your mirror [if you have one]?: No.
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: Nope. I will though, as soon as I get them (next week!)
105.) If so, what design?: Going to be stars.
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: posters
107.) If so, of what?: bands, sports, movies, politics, games
108.) Do you decorate your door?: nope
109.) With what?: Nothing.
110.) What color is your carpet?: hardwood floors with an oriental space rug under the bed.

111.) What are your favorite bands?: Evans Blue, Linkin Park, tons more
112.) Do you own a lot of CDs?: Yes
113.) How many exactly?: almost 80
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: all the time.
117.) Do you like loud music?: it has to be loud.
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?: Nope. It's a free country
119.) Do you like rap?: Not a whole lot of it.
120.) Do you like country?: Yessa.

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?: Prison Break, House, Psych, Burn Notice
122.) Are you a couch potato?: Not Really, no.
123.) Do you watch the news?: I'm addicted to Anderson Cooper 360, so yes.
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: Nope.
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: Currently Wentworth Miller/James Roday/Jefferey Donovan
126.) Do you watch late night TV?: Nope.
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: No...
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: I would if I had them.
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: Nope.
130.) What is your take on commercials?: They're stupid, but they pay for my shows, so they can stay.
131.) How big is your TV?: Mine is prolly 36" and my dad's is 54", but he's upgrading to 68" and I'm getting the 54" one.
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: Remote.
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?: Not usually. When they advertise for my shows on DVD, though. That's the exception.
134.) Do you like dramas?: Yes!
135.) Do you like comedies?: Mhmm.
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: Amazing.
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?: Yes...Wentworth Miller is my desktop...
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: Wrestling, football, and baseball.
139.) Do you watch music videos?: Country ones.
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80s even if you werent living in the 80s?: Nope.

141.) Religion?: Satanism
142.) Do you go to synagogue/church/mosque regularly?: No.
142.) Pro-life?: No.
143.) Pro-choice?: Yes
144.) Do you pray daily?: Yes
145.) Do you believe in God?: Kinda
146.) Jesus?: I believe he was a man, but not the way the bible describes him.
147.) Allah?: Again, an incarnation of God, so kinda.
148.) Buddha?: Not in the sense that he is a divine being, but that he was a man who achieved a great awareness of himself.
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: No.
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas?: No.

151.) Who are your best friends?: Morgaine, Erica, Ryan, Marion, Alyssa, Helena, and Alex.
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: Tons.
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: Everyday.
154.) Where do you usually go?: School, usually, but sometimes the movies or Portland
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: Lots.
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: I'm acquainted with almost everybody in my school.
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: Vandegrift...and Mr. Fayle, and hopefully Chamberlain.
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: Not really...
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?: I'm outgoing all the time.
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: Yep.
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: Nope
170.) Are you part of a clique?: Nope. I'm versatile.
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: Yep.
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: From the Dis, not so much, from LJ, tons!
173.) Where did you meet them?: LiveJournal, GreatestJournal
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: Tons, even if they aren't on my Flist.
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: Not really. I've got so much school work.
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: Yeah, if they tell me to.
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: Not usually
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: Yep. I've done if before.
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: 8
180.) How is this survey so far?: LONG.

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: Messenger Bag.
182.) Punk/Emo: Punk
183.) Rock/Rap: Rock
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: Jay-Z
185.) Justin/Clay: Clay
186.) Ruben/Clay: Clay
187.) Cat/Dog: Dog
188.) PS2/Xbox: PS2
189.) DVDs/VHS: DVD
190.) CDs/Tapes: CDs
191.) Big screen/small screen: Widescreen/HD
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: At home (Yeah, home theater!)
193.) Popcorn/Candy: Candy!
194.) Jacket/Coat: Jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake
196.) Sister/brother: My sister.
197.) Home/House: House
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: Deutsch, but only slightly.
199.) Art/Computer: Art.
200.) Laptop/Desktop: Laptop
201.) pepsi/Coke: Coke
202.) Orange/Apple: Apple
203.) Phone/Computer: Computer
204.) Email/Letters: Letters
205.) Big/Small: Big
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: Ravioli
207.) Baby/Toddler: Baby
208.) 16/21: 16
209.) CSI/24: 24
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Superman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: Conan
212.) Letterman/Leno: Leno
213.) SNL/MadTV: SNL
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: Flintstones
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: Harry Potter
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: Skittles
217.) Pants/Shorts: Pants
218.) Skirts/Skorts: Skirts
219.) Fork/Spoon: Spork
220.) People/InTouch: People

Are you
221.) Gothic: A little
222.) a freak?: A little
223.) a computer nerd?: In the 'I hang around online all the time' sense yes. In the 'I wrote my own operating system code' sense, no.
224.) a science freak?: Only a bit.
225.) a sports fan?: Yep!
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: Nope
227.) a class clown?: Depends on the class
228.) funny?: Usually.
229.) serious?: Depends on the situation.
230.) intellectual?: Liberal Arts wise, yes. Applied Sciences, no.
231.) an LOTR nerd?: Only a bit.
232.) a failure?: Not really.
233.) a success?: Not yet.
234.) a loser?: Only on mondays.
235.) popular?: With my friends, yes.
236.) lazy?: Only on Saturdays.
237.) outgoing?: Always.
238.) shy?: Nope.
239.) friendly?: Mmhmm.
240.) easily annoyed?: By certain people.
241.) tolerant of others views?: Every single one.
242.) addicted to crack?: Crack fics? Yes. Crack the drug? No.
243.) addicted to any other drug?: Hugs not drugs!
244.) a partier?: Not in the sense of school related parties.
245.) naturally hyperactive?: Yep.
246.) wild?: Yup.
247.) sporty?: Yes
248.) smelly?: Nope.
249.) an insomniac?: Born one.
250.) a procrastinator?: Again, born one.
251.) a criminal?: Only if you count stealing my boyfriend's heart.
252.) a crackpot?: Nope
253.) a bookworm?: YES!
254.) hairy?: On my head.
255.) good at playing basketball?: I used to be.
256.) in high school?: Yesh.
257.) in prison?: Only if you consider my house a prison.
258.) shaved or trimmed?: Shaved
259.) A boy?: No.
260.) A girl?: Maybe.

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: Not really...
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: With a hood on, yes.
263.) Do you like nuns?: No. They scare me.
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: Not really.
265.) Do you use correct English?: Usually, yes.
266.) Hablar Espanol?: No
267.) Spien Deutsch?: Nein
268.) Speak English?: Yes.
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: Yes.
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: I used to...back when I read the book...
271.) Do you like Russian names?: Yes.
272.) Like Vlad?: Yes
273.) Homer?: No.
274.) Are you a busy body?: No.
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: Yes!
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: Been there, done it.
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: If I had a paved road, yes.
278.) Who do you wish was president?: Barrack Obama
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush? Be honest: An idiot.
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: No.
281.) Are you insecure?: No.
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: Yes
283.) Roman culture?: Yes
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: Modern
285.) What style architecture is your house?: Rustic
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: I like to, but I don't get to often.
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: When I get bored.
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: I block them out.
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: I prefer watches.
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: Yes.
291.) Does anybody really care?: I do.
292.) Who sings that song?: Bingo.
293.) Do you like Chicago?: Never Been.
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? No.
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: a 100.
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: No.
297.) Do you play with dolls?: No.
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: Never watched them.
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 20
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: to pass the time.

301.) Do you have a job?: no
302.) What do you do?: Nothing.
303.) Does your boss like you?: Don't have one.
304.) How much do you get paid?: $30 a week.
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: Nope.
306.) Do you have a credit card?: No.
307.) a checkbook?: No.
308.) Are you a big spender?: no
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: no
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: $15
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: No.
312.) How about a Franc?: Those don't exist anymore.
313.) Do you really care?: Not really.
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: no job
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: Always.
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: Yes.
317.) Why?: I owe my mom.
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: Middle class
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: yes.
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: $300.

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: tshirt and jeans
322.) What are you listening to?: the hum of my computer
323.) Who are you talking to?: nobody.
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: nothing.
325.) How long is your hair?: mid back.
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: nope.
327.) Are you cold or warm?: middle
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: earrings
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: no
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: soda, nailpolish, calendar, chapstick
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: "When the 'pilgrim' approches the Magic Kingdom, he parks his car in a huge lot presided over by tutelary 'giants' represented by 'totemlike' designations: Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, and so on."
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: Paper.
333.) What time is it?: 16.30
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: writing essays for history...
335.) Why arent you doing it?: found this.
336.) Is your room a mess now??: Yes
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: No.
338.) What are any people around you doing?: Cooking.
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: Those darn essays.
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: Nope.

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: ten minutes.
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: No.
343.) How long does it take: If I did, about 10 minutes.
344.) Are your looks important to you?: No.
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: I want to lose some of my belly fat.
346.) What would you change?: belly fat...
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: tied back.
348.) Do you dye your hair?: no
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: sometimes
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: dark brown
351.) What is your eye color?: dark brown
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: no
353.) Do you look like your parents?: mom, and a bit like dad
354.) Is that good or bad?: dunno.
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: no
356.) Why?: I don't.
357.) Do you have any piercings?: 14g in each lobe, one in my right cartilage.
358.) Any tattoos?: Want some, but not currently.
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: No.
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: Soemtimes.

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: Yes
362.) Out of your state?: Yes
363.) Out of your city?: Yes
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: Yes
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: WDW about 2 times a year for a week.
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: Yes
367.) In a boat?: Yes
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: No.
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: 100.
370.) Do you drive?: Not me, personally, but in a car, yes.

371.) Favorite car?: 1974 Dodge Charger
372.) Color for that car?: black
373.) Do you have your license?: No
374.) Permit?: No
375.) Do you like fast cars?: YES

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 4-5 hours
377.) Is this enough?: No
378.) Do you dream every night?: No
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: drowning on the Titanic
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: Not really.
381.) Do you sleep in school?: No
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? Yes
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: My side.
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: Yes
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: A Disney Princess one, of course!

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: Whenever invited.
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: Yes
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: Yes
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: Yes
395.) Do you go clubbing?: not really
396.) Ever been drunk?: No
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: No
398.) For what?: N/a
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: no
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: Yes/no. It depends.
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: Not usually
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: Yes
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: Yes
404.) What about those racing games?: Love 'em
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: a few...I think.
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: 0
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: no.
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: no.
409.) Who has the best parties?: Hilary's.

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: yes
411.) Do you love them?: yes
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: Yes
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: Yes
414.) Who?: My ex gf.
415.) Do they know?: They might.
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: sometimes
417.) Are you lonely?: sometimes
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: No?
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: a lot.
420.) Did you mean it?: Yes
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?: I meant it.
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: Yes
423.) Whats your crush like?: My crush is about an inch taller than me, black hair, blue eyes, super skinny and really nice.
424.) Do you like romance movies?: Sometimes
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: No. I get revenge.

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: Christina
427.) Justin or JC: Neither
428.) Frodo or Sam: Frodo!
429.) B2K or Nsync: N'SYNC
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: Cartman
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: Dracula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: simon!!
433.) Conan or Jay: Jay
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: Neither
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: Neither
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now? Tommy Lee
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: Neither.

438.) Who are your heroes?: Lance Armstrong, Ryan
439.) Why do you look up to them?: They've overcome a lot.
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: Not just liek them, but a little bit.
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: "When you can't walk, you crawl, and when you can't do that, well, you find somebody to carry you."
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: No.
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: Alex, Marion, Ryan

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: Good.
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: No
446.) what kind?: Maple Creme
447.) Do you like chocolate?: Yes
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: Probably
449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: Yess
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: in.
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: no
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: yes
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: not murder them, but hurt them.
454.) How is this survey so far?: lonnnnggg
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: yes

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: We're all just dying.
457.) The world: Hot.
458.) President Bush: Dumb.
459.) Ahhhhnold: Funny.
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: Stupid
461.) Howard Stern: Freespeaking person
462.) The war in Iraq: Stupid mistake
463.) the economy: in pieces.
464.) jay-z retiring: saddening
465.) school: constricting
466.) going to college: definately
467.) basketball: fun to play
468.) football: amazing
469.) baseball: amazing
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: Not saying anything.

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: no
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: yes
473.) Fart a lot?: no
474.) Burp a lot?: yea heh
475.) Do stupid things in public?: yes
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: yes
477.) Have random hallucinations?: no
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: yes
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: yes
480.) Wear leg warmers?: no
481.) Sing in the shower?: sometimes
482.) Play any card game?: I am the rummy/BS/garbage master
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: no
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: no
485.) Have a snake?: no
486.) Have webbed feet?: no
487.) Wear colorful socks?: usually
488.) Have a life?: yes
489.) Drink coffee?: no
490.) Drink tea?: sometimes

491.) What are your screen names?: aim: themalonetheory, LJ: xonextheoryx
492.) Emails?:
493.) Do you have a website?: Myspace, LiveJournal, GreatestJournal
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: Yes
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: No.
496.) What are your favorite websites?: LiveJournal, Dis
497.) What are your favorite online stores?:
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: not really
499.) If so, what?: clothes
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: mocies
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: yes
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: no
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: Sam.
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: no
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: AIM
506.) Whats your desktop background?: Wentworth Miller in nothing but open jeans...*drools*
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: "Are You a Fan of Delicious Flavor?" with a picture of pineapple usidedown cake (you have to be a Psych fan to get that...)
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: Lots
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: Neither
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: I'd go do those essays.

511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: Serenity on DVD
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?: a cheerleading magazine
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: Yes, a bit.
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: Yes.
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: No.

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: WPKQ
517.) Favorite day of the week: Friday
518.) Favorite fruit: Pineapples
519.) Favorite vegetable: Pickles
520.) Favorite lunch meat: Bologna
521.) Favorite candy bar: Plain Old Hersheys
522.) Favorite nail polish: Bright green
523.) Favorite chair: my Air Chair
524.) Favorite early morning show: AC360 re-runs
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: None
526.) Favorite writing paper: cream colored, unlined
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: local sports.
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): My sister.
529.) Favorite distant relative: Tim.
530.) Favorite dessert: Creme Brulee
531.) Favorite weather: Stormy/Thundering
532.) Favorite season: Summer
533.) Favorite shoe brand: Asics
534.) Favorite lunch: Mac 'n' Cheese
535.) Favorite breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
36.) Favorite author: Stephen King
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: Foxboro Stadium
538.) Favorite band to see live: Montgomery Gentry (but I really wanna see Linkin Park live...or DKM)
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: This one.

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Both
541.) Alone/With friends: Alone
542.) Work/Have off: Work
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: Pmegranate
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: Blueberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: Abbot and Costello
546.) Acid/Shrooms: Neither
547.) Who/The Who: The Who
548.) Older/Newer: Newer
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: Pretzel Log
550.) Have sex/Make love: Love, not war.

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: No
552.) Skipped school?: no
553.) Done drugs?: no
554.) Been drunk?: no
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: no...
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: no
557.) Gone insane?: A long time ago.
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: no
559.) Been in a car accident?: yes
560.) A bike accident?: no
561.) Broken a bone?: No
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: my thumb
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yeah
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: no
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: yes
566.) More than 12 hours?: yes
567.) How about 5 hours?: yes
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: no
569.) Passed out from hunger?: no
570.) Been to a LAN party?: no

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: yes
572.) How about swim meets?: mmmm...swim meets...:cloud9:
573.) Tennis matches?: yes
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: yes
575.) The ones with Richard?: no
576.) How about Match Game?: no
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: no
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: yes.
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: some of them.
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: no
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: yep
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: no
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: No
584.) Do you like TiVo?: Yes
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: no.
586.) VCRs or DVD players?: Dvds
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: yes
588.) A vegan?: no
589.) Vegetarian?: no
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: French Professer.

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: The Colts...right?
592.) Two years ago?: My boys...THE PATS!
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: Dunno...
594.) The author of Frankenstein?: Dang...I can't remember
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: No
596.) The Queen of England?: Queen Elizabeth II
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: Not Tony Blair...
598.) Espanol?: Nada.
599.) Deutsch?: Nein.
600.) Japanese?: Heh. No.
601.) Francais?: Oui.
602.) Chinese?: Heh. No.
603.) Portuguese?: No.
604.) If you dont, do you wish you knew any of these languages?: all of them.
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: No Idea.
606.) The capital of the US?: Washington, D.C.
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: Maybe.
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: English and French (maybe Spanish...)
609.) How to fly a kite?: Yes
610.) How to surf?: no
611.) Skateboard?: Yes
612.) How about rollerblade?: Yes
613.) What year the Korean war started?: Nope.

614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: Animal abuse
615.) Happy eyed?: Civil Liberties
616.) What song always makes you sad?: Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park
617.) Happy?: Never Happy, Content.
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: Alex, Ryan, Erica
619.) Really depressed?: Ignorant People
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: No.
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: Sometimes.
622.) A naturally happy person?: Sometimes
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: about a day.
624.) What do you do?: Isolate myself and meditate.
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: ...To Be Loved by Papa Roach.

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: Marion.
627.) Talk to you?: Mom.
628.) IM you?: Julia.
629.) Touch you physically?: Marion.
630.) Touch you emotionally?: Ryan.
631.) Hurt you?: Nora.
632.) Make you feel better?: Helena
633.) Scold you?: Mom
634.) Praise you?: Coach Judge.
635.) Say Hello to you?: Caroline.

636.) Are you secure with yourself?: Yes
637.) What do other people think of you: That I'm out of it.
638.) What do you see yourself as?: A bit overweight, strong.
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: Alex
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: Yes.
641.) A weak person?: No.
642.) Are you stressed out?: Totally
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: Yes, after I insult them back.
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: Rarely.
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: I laugh with them.

Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. Throw
2. Write good essays
3. remember random trivia

647.) 3 of your favorite bands
1. Linkin Park
2. Evans Blue
3. Dropkick Murphys

648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. break a world record
2. draw anime
3. lose my belly fat...

649.) 3 shows you watch all the time
Prison Break, House, Stargate: Atlantis

650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. Little Bear
2. Seasame Street
3. PB&J Otter

651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. Wentworth Miller
2. Tattoos
3. Livejournal

652.) 3 people you care about
1. Ryan
2. Erica
3. Alex

654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. Belly Fat...
2. Hair Color
3. My -itisis.

655.) 3 of your strong points
1. Committed
2. Good Listener
3. History

656.) 3 boys names
1. Iollan
2. Morgan
3. Patrick

657.) 3 girls names
1. Maryse
2. Guinevere
3. Juiliette

658.) 3 TV channels

659.) 3 things everyone should listen to
Lewis Black's rants on Gay Marriage, Linkin Park's Hands Held High, and Jon Stewart.

660.) 3 things no one should listen to
Music by lip sync-ers.

661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. Nyah!
2. Nyfut

662.) 3 words to describe your look
punk, rock, odd.

663.) 3 words to describe your personality
zany, zesty, psychotic.

664.) 3 things you want to do before you die
1. Visit Dublin
2. See the World Series in Fenway Park (Live)
3. Snowboard in Colorado.

665.) 3 things on your desk
1. soda
2. books
3. nailpolish

666.) 3 things you hate
fake people
bad food

667.) 3 things you love

668.) 3 things that scare you
Spiders (only a bit)
Being unloved
Failing a class

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: Tinky Winky! LaLa! Dipsy! Poe!
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason? Yes
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: Not preally
674.) Oday ouyhay peaksay igpay atinlay?: Not really.
675.) Isnt pig latin the best?: no
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: yes.
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: Erica. Always smells like autumn.
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: nope.
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: Mrs. Sellinger/Mr. B
680.) Are you in an asylum?: No.
681.) College?: No
682.) What is your favorite scent?: After a storn
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: Yes
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: The Red Parka/Le Cellier
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: Acheiving something somebody told me was impossible.
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: being unloved.
687.) Do like Spongebob?: A little
688.) Do you think he's gay?: Yes
689.) How about Squidward?: Yes
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework?: Yes.
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: No
692.) DO you usually get a lot?: Yes
693.) .."OOOOOO poor baby.." << use that phrase a lot?: Yes.
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: No...
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?: No
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: No
697.) Dont you wish they would make them for humans too?: No
698.) Where is you second home?: WDW
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: Yes
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you dont need to look up?: 10...maybe.
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: yea
702.) Can you do the limbo?: yes
703.) Do you make New Years Resolutions?: nope

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: Erica
705.) Has the coolest name?: Helena/Nora
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: Helena
707.) Has the nicest hair?: Nora
708.) Has the fittest body?: Hilary/Karolina
709.) Do you hang out with most?: Morgaine/Alyssa
710.) Has the coolest parents?: Morgaine.
711.) Lives closest to you?: Uhhh....Sammy.
712.) Lives the farthest from you?: Erica
713.) Can you relate to most?: Erica
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?: Erica
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?: Erica

Word Association!
716.) blow: *dirty thought*
717.) lollipop: sucker
718.) obnoxious: nox
719.) cold: ice
720.) hot: summer
721.) smell: leaves
722.) car: door
723.) rain: shower
724.) wet: river
725.) steamy: shower
726.) bite: crime
727.) beer: bad
728.) rock: pierre
729.) hard: stone
730.) soft: couch

OK Heres the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?: maybe....
732.) Whats your favorite place to be kissed?: my neck
733.) Are you a tease?: kinda
734.) Do you know what a tease is?: yes.

More Do you
735.) Twirl your hair?: no
736.) Hate yourself?: a little
737.) Want to kill yourself?: *stare*
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: I have.
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: yep
740.) Touch your face a lot?: yep
741.) Watch MTV?: no
742.) Have any lesbian/gay/bi friends?: Yes.
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other peoples differences?: yes
744.) Wish you could fly?: yup
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: yes
746.) Read minds?: yes
747.) Watch wrestling?: a lot
748.) Like filling out surveys?: to pass the time.
749.) Work out?: yes
750.) Play any sports?: yes

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: no
752.) A speeding ticket?: no
753.) Been in a fist fight?: yup
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: *biggrin* yes.
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: yes
756.) Held a gun?: yes
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money??: no
758.) Been used?: yes
759.) Been rejected?: yes
760.) Been on a rollercoaster?: yes
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: no
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: no
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: yes
764.) Tackled the mailman?: I don't have a mailman...
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: no
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: no
767.) Done crack?: no
768.) Done cocaine?: no.
769.) Passed out during school?: no
770.) Fainted in the heat?: yes

More Random Questions!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: no
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: Spanish
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: Probably
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: Probably
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: Yes
776.) Are baseball games fun?: Yes
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: No
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: No
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: Yes
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: Yes
781.) Do you like U2?: Yep
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded I LOVE U2! and the other person got really confused?: Yes
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: No
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: Sometimes
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yup
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: no
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: SkullCandy Earphones
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: no
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: never
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: Evans Blue's The Melody and the Energetic Nature of Volume
791.) How often do you change your underwear?: every day
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?: Yes....
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say pimping popples instead of popping pimples? No.
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?: no
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to Harder to breathe or whatever by Maroon 5?: No
796.) Do you pray daily?: No
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: I'd become dead...
798.) Are you paranoid?: No
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: Yes
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: Yes

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Raphael
802.) Power Ranger: Pink!
803.) Rugrat: Tommy
804.) Powerpuff Girl: Buttercup
805.) Villain: Barbossa

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yeah
07.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Members Only jacket?: no
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: yeah
810.) A porno?: no
811.) A gun?: yes
812.) A pair of toe socks?: yes
813.) A portable DVD player?: yes
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: no
815.) A car?: no
816.) A trucker hat?: yes
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: yes
818.) A wife beater?: yes
819.) A butcher knife?: yep
820.) A pocket knife?: yep
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yeah
823.) A thong?: yes
824.) A bikini?: yes
825.) A speedo (guys)?: I would if I was a guy
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: Yes
827.) A drum set?: nope.
828.) An electric guitar?: no
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?: Yes.
830.) Any of the Rocky movies?: no

More Random they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: no
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: "Abu! NO!"
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: Yes
834.) How big is your backyard?: Several Hundred Acres....
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: No
836.) Hairy chests?: Sometimes
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: Always.
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: No
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: Heartburn
841.) Are you on any medication?: Yes
842.) Do you have asthma?: No
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: No
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: no
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: Yes
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: forever ago
847.) What is your hair length?: midback
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: yes
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: no
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?: yes
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: yes
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: no
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: I used to
854.) Whats your take on the show Judge Judy?: amusing
855.) When did WWII start?: for the US- 1941, for the rest of the world
856.) When did it end?: 1945
857.) What is your nationality?: French, English, Irish, Native American
858.) Where did your family come from?: Canada, England, Ireland, America
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: Live there.
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: Yes
861.) Do you believe in angels?: YEs
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: Yes
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: 100% of the time
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations like naked to get peoples reactions?: yes
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: ??
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: ??
867.) Arent those Menudo kids so sexy?: ????

868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: nope
869.) Do you collect anything?: Yes
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: no
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: no
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: the middle
873.) Favorite finger?: pointer
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: will have all of them
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because theyre so sad and stupid?: nope
877.) Have you ever sang in the shower?: yes
878.) Did you like it?: of course
879.) Do you sing a lot?: yes
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: yes!!
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: yes
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of separation? yes
883.) How about 5 degrees of separation?: yes
884.) OK be honesthows the survey so far?: almost over!

885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: yes.
886.) What time is it?: 18.22

887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: yesh
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really dont?: No.
889.) Can you take a --- in other peoples houses without feeling awkward?: Yes.
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: no
891.) What did you do?: nothing
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say ---?: Yes
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: Yes
894.) Do you think its sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually dont?: Yes
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: Yes...
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: ----
897.) What does PMS stand for?: premenstrual syndrome
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: I like to smell it, but inhale it, no.
899.) Can you say the alphabet backwards without stopping?: depends how concentrated I am.
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: 10...
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: yes
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: No idea.
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: 24
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?: Never Seen them...sadly.
905.) How about Good Fellas?: Again, Haven't seen 'em.
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: Want to.
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: Yes.
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: Maybe...
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: no.
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: Middle o'Nowhere.
911.) Osama Bin Laden: Is so dead.
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: Yes
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: no
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: Yes
915.) Do you use a calculator?: yes
916.) What kind is it?: TI 84 Plus
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: Yes
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: Yes
919.) Dont they suck?: yup
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: No
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: no
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?: Yes
923.) Are you a racist?: No
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize your intake?: Minimize
925.) Do you diet?: Yes
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?: To friends, no. To myself, yes.

927.) How often do you shower?: Once a day.
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: No.
929.) How often do you wash your face?: Once a day.
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: No
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: No
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: Yes
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: Only when sick.
934.) Do you cough a lot?: Only when sick.
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: Into my elbow.
936.) Do you wear deodorant regularly?: Yes. I smell like man! YAY! Adidas deodorant!

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: no
938.) Do you have OCD?: Yes
939.) Do you have ADHD?: Yes
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: No
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: Yes
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: No
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: Yes
944.) The monkey pox?: No
945.) The mumps?: No
946.) The measles?: No
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: beisdes the valves already there, no.

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: Yes
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: Yes
950.) In the newspaper?: Yes
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?: Yes
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: No
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: No
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: YES!
955.) Do you think Frank Szilinski is a moron?: No.
956.) Throw me some Polish names: Last or First? Karolina, Geneski, Polanski, Anya.
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 9.5
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: only a couple
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: average...
960.) How much do you weigh?: like...158 or something. Mostly muscle, though.
961.) How tall are you?: 5' 3 3/4"
962.) Do you have cankles?: No
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: No
964.) Fat thighs?: Only a little
965.) Do you shave your toes?: Yes
966.) Do you shave your legs?: Yes
967.) How often?: Every day
968.) How about those armpits?: Yeah
969.) How many legs does a kangaroo have?: 2
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: 8
971.) How many legs do you have?: 2
972.) Do you have braces?: No
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: Not really
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: No
975.) Do you snore?: Yes
976.) Do you have your own room?: Yes
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: No
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: No
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: Maybe. Who knows?
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: Tim Burton rules.
981.) How about Tim Curry?: So does Tim Curry!
982.) Are you ticklish?: A little.
985.) Do you like salad?: Without lettuce, yes.
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: Yes
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: No
988.) Are you artsy?: A little.
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: Depends on what kind.
990.) Do you like to say no pun intended for any reason?: No
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: Boston Creme
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: Yesh
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: Depends on what's in it.
994.) Who was the Lone Ranger's, nephew's, horse?: Tonto? No. That's not right.
995.) Do you like cheese?: Ya
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: No
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: Yes
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: Not really
999.) Was it a waste of your time?: No
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: essays
1001.) Do you think too much?: Ya
Holy goes nothing...

The Basics
1.) Your name: Juliana
2.) Nicknames: Julie, Jules, Jewlz, Jumbo
3.) Do you like these nicknames:Yeah
4.) Location: In my dining room, infront of the computer
5.) Age: 17
6.) Birthday: Dec 11
7.) Zodiac sign: Saggitarious (can't
8.) Parents names: Jerry and Cathy
9.) Siblings: 2 older brothers, Jerry and Marc
10.) Pets: No :sad1:
11.)Number of rooms in your house: 8
12.) Religion: Lutheran
13.) If so-practicing: Yup
14.) Male or Female: Female
15.) Is your family close: Yes

What is your favorite
16.) Foods: German, Italian, American
17.) TV shows: Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Heroes
18.) Movies: Too many to name
19.) Actors: Mark Wahlberg & more
20.) Actresses: Rachel McAdams & more
21.) Books: Too many to name
22.) Artists: Da Vinci
23.) Types of Music: Anything except rap and opera
24.) Video Games: Wii Bowling
25.) Computer Games: The Sims (original)
26.) Outfits: None
27.) Stores: American Eagle, PacSun
28.) Sports: Tennis
29.) Colors: Neon Green, blue
30.) Numbers: 8
31.) Websites: disboards & facebook
32.) Cartoon characters: Stitch
33.) TV Channels: CW, CMT, MTV, ABC, ABCFamily
34.) Made For TV Movies: Some are good, some or HORRIBLE!
35.) Comedians: Dane Cook!!
36.) Comediennes: I don't know
37.) Hair products: Anything
38.) Soap/body wash: Anything
39.) Kind of Pens: Black ink
40.) Broadway shows: The Lion King
41.) Pieces of Jewelry: Necklaces & anklets
42.) Kinds of Soap: Any
43.) Kinds of Shampoo: Any
44.) Game Systems: PS2 & Wii
45.) CDs: Too many to name
47.) Past times: Sports, reading, writing, listening to music
48.) Things to do on the weekend: Lay on the couch and relax!
49.) Magazines: Seventeen & Cosmogirl!
50.) Animals: Tigers

51.) Favorite Brand of Clothing?: American Eagle
52.) Favorite sweatpants?: Any
53.) What is your everyday outfit?: Jeans and a tee
54.) Do you wear a uniform to school?: No
55.) Do you like it?: N/A
56.) What is your favorite clothing store?: American Eagle
57.) Do you try to dress like other people?: No
58.) Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: HAHAHAHA!!!!
59.) What kind of shoes do you wear?: AE brown clogs, AE black sneakers, flip flops, or Kangaroo sneakers
60.) Do you like funky shoelaces?: Nope
61.) Do you wear hats?: Not really. I have lots of baseball hats though.
62.) Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: No, not often
63.) If so, what?: Necklaces & anklets
64.) Do you wear belts?: Only for work, b/c my khakis are HUUUGE!
65.) How many belts do you have?: Umm...2, but I only use the one.
66.) Do you wear revealing clothing?: No way!
67.) Do you like the Eskimo look: No!!
68.) Do you wear big pimpin..' coats?: No
69.) Do you carry a backpack?: No
70.) If so, what is it like?: N/A

71.) What are your grades like?: As and Bs mostly
72.) Do you wish you could change your performance in school?: Sometimes..
73.) Are you failing anything?: No
74.) Do you take a language?: Yup
75.) If so which language?: Francais
76.) Who is your favorite teacher?: Mr. Kulak, my english teacher. He's awesome!
77.) Do you decorate your locker?: No
78.) Do you decorate your book bag?: No
79.) If so, with what?: N/A
80.) Do you draw on yourself in school?: No
81.) Do you doodle all over your notebooks?: Yep
82.) Do you take art?: Yes, but I'm so horrible at it!
83.) Do you walk to school or are you driven?: I drive
84.) Do you like school?: Yeah
85.) How big is your school?: TEEENY!
86.) Do a lot of your friends go to your school?: All of them
87.) Do you wish you could change schools?:No
88.) Are you on the Honor/Merit roll?: Honor
89.) Do you participate in school plays?: No
90.) Are you in any clubs/which ones?: Yes, REBEL, Student Council, French Club

Your Room
91.) What color is your room?: Nasty pale orange
92.) Is it messy or clean?: A complete mess!
93.) What are on your bed sheets?: Palm trees!! <3
94.) Do you have posters on your wall?: Lots
95.) If so, of what?: Disney park maps, funny pictures, Aladdin lithographs, random pictures of friends
96.) Do you have a TV in your room?: Used to
97.) A computer?: Yeah, but it hardly works
98.) A radio?: Yep
99.) An alarm clock?: Yes
100.) A stereo?: Yes
101.) What is under your bed?: I think an old tennis ball, probably some pens
102.) Do you have a big closet?: No
103.) Do you write on your mirror [if you have one]?: No, but I have tons of pictures taped on it. I have a little square when I can see my face. lol.
104.) Do you have any beads hanging up?: No
105.) If so, what design?: as above
106.) Is your ceiling decorated?: Yes, a little
107.) If so, of what?: I have a picture of Aladdin and Jasmine on the magic carpet during the "A Whole New World" scene over my bed.
108.) Do you decorate your door?:
109.) With what?: I have a bunch of Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys stickers on it. I decorated it when I was 10 lol!
110.) What color is your carpet?: Blue

111.) What are your favorite bands?: Too many to name
112.) Do you own a lot of CDs?: Yeah
113.) How many exactly?: Probably about 30-40. I bought a lot on iTunes
116.) Do you listen to the radio?: Mostly my iPod now, but I listen to the radio occasionally.
117.) Do you like loud music?: YEAH!
118.) Do you think its obnoxious when people drive down the street with their stereos all the way up blasting the kind of music you loathe?: Yeah, but as long as they are driving by and I don't hear it for long, it's ok.
119.) Do you like rap?: Loathe it!!!!
120.) Do you like country?: Totally!

121.) What TV shows are you glued to?: Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girls
122.) Are you a couch potato?: Not a lot.
123.) Do you watch the news?: Not if I can help it. It's too depressing.
124.) Are you easily influenced by the people on TV?: No
125.) Who is your favorite TV star?: I don't know..
126.) Do you watch late night TV?: No, I'm in bed by 10:30 lol
127.) Do you have more than 100 channels on your TV?: Yeah! Go Verizon Fios TV!!
128.) Do you actually care about any of those above 100?: Yeah! HBO is in the 400's
129.) Do you watch the Spanish channel just for fun?: No
130.) What is your take on commercials?: HATE THEM!
131.) How big is your TV?: Not big, not small.
132.) Do you use a remote or change it manually?: Remote! I'm too lazy to get up and change the channel!
133.) When you see something on TV do you run out and buy it as soon as possible?:!
134.) Do you like dramas?: No
135.) Do you like comedies?: Yah
136.) Comedy Central-good or bad?: Good
137.) Are you obsessive over anyone on TV?: Not really
138.) Do you watch any sports on TV/which ones?: EAGLES FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!
139.) Do you watch music videos?: Yeah
140.) Do you like watching I Love the 80s even if you werent living in the 80s?: Sometimes

141.) Religion?: Lutheran
142.) Do you go to synagogue/church/mosque regularly?: No
142.) Pro-life?: Depends
143.) Pro-choice?: Depends
144.) Do you pray daily?: Uh huh!
145.) Do you believe in God?: Yes
146.) Jesus?: Yes
147.) Allah?: Yes -he's not my God, but he's somebody elses, so he might exist
148.) Buddha?: I love the Buddha! =D
149.) Do you have crosses hanging in your house?: No
150.) Do you believe in the true meaning of Christmas?: Yes

151.) Who are your best friends?: Jessie and Jackie
152.) Do you have a lot of friends?: Yes. 10 close ones
153.) Do you hang out with your friends a lot?: Yeah
154.) Where do you usually go?: Houses, movies, mall, around town
155.) Do you have inside jokes?: Too many! I can't keep track of them all!!
164.) Do you have a lot of acquaintances?: Yeah
165.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?: Yeah
166.) Are you friends with any friends parents?: Yeah
167.) Are you really outgoing only around your friends?:Totally!
168.) Are you comfortable around your friends?: Yep
169.) Are you easily influenced by your friends?: Not really
170.) Are you part of a clique?: No, I drift between "cliques"
171.) Do you make new friends easily?: Kinda. I'm shy, but once I warm up to people, I usually make friends quickly.
172.) Do you have a lot of friends online?: No
173.) Where did you meet them?: N/A
174.) Do you have a lot of LJ friends?: Huh?
175.) Do you sleep over at friends houses a lot?: Not a lot, occasionally I do.
176.) Do you make yourself at home when you go to other friends houses?: Yeah. They are like my second homes.
177.) Do your friends rub off on you a lot?: Sometimes
178.) Could you live one day without your friends?: I don't think so.
179.) Rate your social life on a scale of 1-10: 8
180.) How is this survey so far?: LONG!!

This or That
181.) Book bag/Messenger bag: Messenger
182.) Punk/Emo: Ew
183.) Rock/Rap: Ew
184.) Jay-Z/Nas: EW
185.) Justin/Clay: Ew
186.) Ruben/Clay: Ew
187.) Cat/Dog: Dog
188.) PS2/Xbox: PS2
189.) DVDs/VHS: DVD
190.) CDs/Tapes: CD
191.) Big screen/small screen: Big!
192.) Movies at home/in the theater: Theater
193.) Popcorn/Candy: Popcorn
194.) Jacket/Coat: Jacket
195.) Real fur/Fake fur: Fake!
196.) Sister/brother: I don't know..
197.) Home/House: Home
198.) Espanol/Deutsch: Deutsch!!
199.) Art/Computer: Compute
200.) Laptop/Desktop: Laptop
201.) pepsi/Coke: Coke
202.) Orange/Apple: Orange
203.) Phone/Computer: Computer
204.) Email/Letters: Email
205.) Big/Small: Big
206.) Pizza/Ravioli: Pizza
207.) Baby/Toddler: BOTH
208.) 16/21: 21
209.) CSI/24: CSI
210.) Superman/Spiderman: Spiderman
211.) Kilborn/Conan: Who?
212.) Letterman/Leno: Leno
213.) SNL/MadTV: SNL
214.) Flinstones/Jetsons: Neither
215.) Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: HP
216.) Skittles/M&Ms: Skittles
217.) Pants/Shorts: Shorts
218.) Skirts/Skorts: Skirt
219.) Fork/Spoon: Fork
220.) People/InTouch: People

Are you
221.) Gothic: No way
222.) a freak?: Define a freak...
223.) a computer nerd?: Not really
224.) a science freak?: Depends
225.) a sports fan?: YEAH!!!!!!!!
226.) one of those people that sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniff the whole time?: Nope
227.) a class clown?: Occasionally
228.) funny?: Yep
229.) serious?: Hardly
230.) intellectual?: Yes
231.) an LOTR nerd?: NO!! Ew!!
232.) a failure?: Sometimes
233.) a success?: Sometimes
234.) a loser?: No
235.) popular?: Like, totally!! lol
236.) lazy?: Oh yeah!
237.) outgoing?: Sometimes
238.) shy?: Yes
239.) friendly?: Yeah
240.) easily annoyed?: Definitely
241.) tolerant of others views?: Completely
242.) addicted to crack?: No way!
243.) addicted to any other drug?: No
244.) a partier?: A little bit
245.) naturally hyperactive?: No. Give me some soda and then I'll tell ya! =D
246.) wild?: Sometimes
247.) sporty?: Yepp
248.) smelly?: After sports I am. Other than that, no.
249.) an insomniac?: No! I love sleep!
250.) a procrastinator?: YES!
251.) a criminal?: No comment (haha!)
252.) a crackpot?: No
253.) a bookworm?: Yes
254.) hairy?: Nope
255.) good at playing basketball?: Yeah, my TRUE calling in life.
256.) in high school?: SENIOR BABY!!!
257.) in prison?: Now?? no. A few hours ago?? Yes. lol
258.) shaved or trimmed?: Waxed! What kind of question is that?!?!?
259.) A boy?: No
260.) A girl?: Yes

Random Questions
261.) Do you like frosted flakes?: No. I don't like any cereal
262.) Are you easily mistaken as being someone of the opposite sex?: No
263.) Do you like nuns?: I don't know.
264.) Is this survey getting on your nerves?: YES!
265.) Do you use correct English?: All the time
266.) Hablar Espanol?: Who?
267.) Spien Deutsch?: What did you call me??
268.) Speak English?: Indeed
269.) Do you know what an aphrodisiac is?: Yes
270.) Do you know what Draculas first name is?: Count??
271.) Do you like Russian names?: Sure
272.) Like Vlad?: I love that name! Vladimir!!
273.) Homer?: Simpson?
274.) Are you a busy body?: Occasionally
275.) Do you like to glue quarters to the floor and see how many people try and pick them up and proceed to fail?: HAH! I fell for that once! lol
276.) Do you like to go mini golfing dressed as old men?: No. That's weird.
277.) Do you like to roller skate?: Yeah
278.) Who do you wish was president?: Anybody but Bush!
279.) What do you think of Pres. Bush? There are children around...
280.) Do you play Roller Coaster Tycoon?: Love it!
281.) Are you insecure?: Not really
282.) Are you influenced by ancient Greek culture?: No
283.) Roman culture?: No
284.) What kind of architecture do you like?: Any of it.
285.) What style architecture is your house?: Your generic house..I don't know.
286.) Do you like to shop in big cities?: No. Too expensive
287.) Do you like to clean your room?: No
288.) Do you hate when people sit in the back of the room during an exam and cough and sniffle the whole time to break you concentration?: No, I tune it all out.
289.) Do you think that clocks are dumb?: No
290.) Does anybody really know what time it is?: Yeah
291.) Does anybody really care?: I do!
292.) Who sings that song?: Me of course!
293.) Do you like Chicago?: No
294.) Does Nevada have a football team? No
295.) What did you get on the last big test you took?: 95! woo hoo!
296.) Do you pace in circles when you get nervous?: Yeah
297.) Do you play with dolls?: Used to
298.) Do you like Star Trek?: NOO
299.) Whats 2+9+9?: 20
300.) Do you like filling out these surveys?: Not any more!

301.) Do you have a job?: Yes..sadly
302.) What do you do?: CVS cashier/clerk
303.) Does your boss like you?: YES! He loves me. I'm the best employee there!
304.) How much do you get paid?: minimum wage..7.15/hour
305.) Do you have your own bank account?: Yeah
306.) Do you have a credit card?: No
307.) a checkbook?: Yeah
308.) Are you a big spender?: Not really
309.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: Yeah, but I just browse
310.) In an average week, how much money do you spend?: Maybe 5 max.
311.) Do you know how much a peso would be worth in the United States today?: No
312.) How about a France?: No
313.) Do you really care?: nope
314.) Do you like your job if you have one?: It's ok
315.) If you dont have one, do you wish you had one?: N/A
316.) Do you wish you had more money?: Yeah
317.) Why?: I could always use more money!
318.) Would you rather be filthy rich with no friends or dirt poor with tons of friends and a dog?: Dirt poor
319.) Do you have a cool wallet?: Yeah! I love my wallet
320.) What is the largest amount of money you ever had in your possession at one time?: Now, a little more than $800

Right Now
321.) What are you wearing?: an old t-shirt and old shorts
322.) What are you listening to?: Gene Kelly - Singing in the Rain
323.) Who are you talking to?: Myself
324.) What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: Nothing else
325.) How is your hair?: In a ponytail
326.) Do you have anything on your feet?: No
327.) Are you cold or warm?: Just right
328.) Do you have any jewelry on?: No
329.) Do you have any makeup on?: No
330.) Name 4 things lying around your table: iPod, CD, college brochures, sticky pads
331.) Pick up a book lying near you and type a random sentence from a random page: I don't have a book near me.
332.) Open a drawer near you and describe whats in it: I don't have a drawer near me.
333.) What time is it?: 7:20pm
334.) Should you be doing something else now?: No
335.) Why arent you doing it?: N/A
336.) Is your room a mess now??: Yeah
337.) Is your mom nagging at you to clean it?: She has been for over a week. lol
338.) What are any people around you doing?: They left for a walk
339.) Who are you thinking about right now?: This stupid survey!
340.) Are you doing anything illegal?: No

341.) How much time do you spend on your appearance in the morning?: 10 minutes usually
342.) Do you dry your hair every morning?: At night, yes.
343.) How long does it take: 10 minutes maybe. I've never timed it.
344.) Are your looks important to you?: Kinda
345.) Do you want to change the way you look?: Not really
346.) What would you change?: Tone up my body, change my nose
347.) How do you usually wear your hair?: straightened & down or in a pony tail
348.) Do you dye your hair?: Hightlights once a year
349.) Do you straighten you hair?: Yeah
350.) What color is your hair naturally?: Light brown
351.) What is your eye color?: brown & green
352.) Do you wear colored contacts?: Nah
353.) Do you look like your parents?: Mostly my dad
354.) Is that good or bad?: Its good
355.) Do you turn strange colors sometimes?: Yeah
356.) Why?: Embarressed
357.) Do you have any piercings?: ears
358.) Any tattoos?: Not yet
359.) Ever gotten a makeover?: No
360.) Do you experiment a lot with new looks?: No

361.) Have you ever been out of the country?: Yes
362.) Out of your state?: Yes
363.) Out of your city?: Yes
364.) Do you go on a vacation every year?: Yes
365.) If so, to where and for how long?: Disney for a week
366.) Have you ever ridden in a plane?: Lots of times
367.) In a boat?: Yes
368.) Do you visit relatives that live far away from you at all?: Not really
369.) ON average, every week how many miles do you travel?: Maybe 2 miles
370.) Do you drive?: Yep

371.) Favorite car?: SmartCar or Mini Cooper
372.) Color for that car?: SmartCar = silver, Mini Cooper = dark blue
373.) Do you have your license?: Yes
374.) Permit?: I did
375.) Do you like fast cars?: YES!

376.) How long so you sleep each night on average?: 8+ hours
377.) Is this enough?: Yeah, but I want more
378.) Do you dream every night?: Usually
379.) Describe a weird dream you had: No
380.) Do you sleep in awkward positions?: Side with my arm under my pillow
381.) Do you sleep in school?: Sometimes
382.) If so, do you wake up with different patterns on your face? Haha yeah
383.) What position do you usually wake up in?: side or back
389.) Does your alarm clock wake you up?: Yeah
390.) What kind of alarm clock do you have?: I don't know. It beeps

Going Out
391.) How often do you go to parties?: Not a lot
392.) Are you a crazy party hopper?: No
393.) Do you like wild parties with lots of people?: Sometimes
394.) Are you a social butterfly?: Not really
395.) Do you go clubbing?: No!
396.) Ever been drunk?: No
397.) Ever get kicked out of a party?: Nah
398.) For what?: ----
399.) Do you throw a lot of parties?: No
400.) Do you go to the mall a lot?: Yeah
401.) Do you go with a lot of friends?: Yeah
402.) Do you like going to arcades?: Sometimes
403.) Is DDR a cool game?: No
404.) What about those racing games?: My favorite
405.) How many parties have you been to in the last 3 months?: 2 I think
406.) How many formal dances have you been to in the last year or so?: 1
407.) Do you dress up when you go out?: Sometimes.
408.) Do you go to see a lot of movies on the weekend?: Sometimes
409.) Who has the best parties?: Jessie, Jena, Dez & Kylie

Dating and Stuff
410.) Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: No
411.) Do you love them?: ---
412.) Do you wish you were with someone right now?: Not really
413.) Do you have a secret crush?: Yes
414.) Who?: Not telling
415.) Do they know?: No
416.) Do you think about them a lot?: Kinda
417.) Are you lonely?: Nope
418.) Do you know what 143 means?: No
419.) How many people have you said I love you to?: A good amount
420.) Did you mean it?: Of course
421.) If you didnt mean it, why did you bother saying it?: ---
422.) Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: No
423.) Whats your crush like?: Talented, tall, funny, cute
424.) Do you like romance movies?: Yeah
425.) If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?:No

Who Would Win In a Fight?
426.) Britney or Christina: Christina
427.) Justin or JC: I don't know
428.) Frodo or Sam: I don't know
429.) B2K or Nsync: Nsyncy
430.) Cartman or Bart Simpson: Bart
431.) Dracula or Frankenstein: Dacula
432.) Triumph or Simon Cowell: Triumph
433.) Conan or Jay: Conan
434.) Rosie ODonnell or Boy George: Rosie
435.) Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson: Carmen
436.) Tommy Lee or the guy whos married to Carmen Electra right now? 2nd choice
437.) Bill OReilly or Chris Matthews: Chris

438.) Who are your heroes?: Astronauts, people who make a different, athletes, police/firefighters/military
439.) Why do you look up to them?: They are brave and stand up for what they believe in
440.) Do you wish you could be just like them?: Yes
441.) State the most inspiring quote you know: I'm not afraid of storms because I'm learning to sail my ship
442.) Do your parents inspire you?: Yeah
443.) Do any of your friends inspire you?: My friend Sarah does

More Random Questions
444.) Are nutri-grain bars good or bad?: Delish
445.) Do you eat a lot of donuts?: No
446.) what kind?: Plain with chocolate icing
447.) Do you like chocolate?: Yeah
448.) Has your uncle ever gone to jail for unpaid parking tickets?: No
449.) Do you see dancing giraffes and living gnomes in your sleep?: ..No..
450.) Do you like headphones that go in your ears or stay out?: In ears
451.) Do you like mini blinds?: No
452.) Have you ever broken your mini blinds with a hanger?: I don't have them
453.) Have you ever gotten into a violent fit of rage and tried to murder someone?: Not quite that extreme
454.) How is this survey so far?: My hand hurts from typing....
455.) Do you like the movie Fantasia?: Not really

Whats Your Take On
456.) Life: It's great
457.) The world: It's going downhill
458.) President Bush: Again..children are around...
459.) Ahhhhnold: For crying out loud!!!
460.) Gary Coleman running for governor: O..M...G...
461.) Howard Stern: He's ok
462.) The war in Iraq: BRING HOME THE TROOPS!!
463.) the economy: Downhill
464.) jay-z retiring: FINALLY
465.) school: It's ok
466.) going to college: Can't wait
467.) basketball: It's all good
468.) football: LOVE IT!
469.) baseball: Boring to watch
470.) people cutting themselves for pleasure: They need help.

Do You
471.) Pick your nose?: Never
472.) Untie your shoe laces every time you take your shoes off?: No, I'm a slider
473.) Fart a lot?: No
474.) Burp a lot?: all the tim
475.) Do stupid things in public?: Yeah, by accident though.
476.) Terrorize innocent people on golf courses?: No
477.) Have random hallucinations?: No
478.) Wear shirts with quotes on them?: No
479.) Wear patches and/or pins on your clothing?: No
480.) Wear leg warmers?: No
481.) Sing in the shower?: Yeah
482.) Play any card game?: Yeah
483.) Sleep with a teddy bear?: A monkey actually
484.) Take your pet for a walk?: :sad1: No...sniffle
485.) Have a snake?: No
486.) Have webbed feet?: No
487.) Wear colorful socks?: Sometimes
488.) Have a life?: Yup. I gots one of them!
489.) Drink coffee?: Yuck!
490.) Drink tea?: Iced tea

491.) What are your screen names?: That's a secret
492.) Emails?: I have one
493.) Do you have a website?: Facebook
494.) Do you have a live journal or dead journal?: Nah
495.) Do you ever get off the computer?: To sleep & eat. lol
496.) What are your favorite websites?: disboards & facebook
497.) What are your favorite online stores?: AE & amazon
498.) Do you buy a lot of stuff online?: No
499.) If so, what?: ------
500.) Whats the last thing you bought online?: A book
501.) Do you have a lot of online friends?: No
502.) Have you ever met any of them in person?: no
503.) Whos the best person to talk to online?: myself
504.) Do you ever catch yourself using computer language out loud?: haha yep
505.) Do you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN?: AIM
506.) Whats your desktop background?: the Boardwalk resort
507.) Whats your AIM icon?: I don't have one now
508.) How many hours do you spend online in a week on average?: I don't know
509.) Do you have a webcam or a mic?: No
510.) If your computer shut down for a week, would you die?: No

511.) Whats the best present youve ever received?: I don't know
512.) Whats the worst present youve ever received?: Socks lol
513.) Do you think its better to give than to receive?: Yeah
514.) Do you feel guilty when people get you a great present, but you didnt get them one?: yeah
515.) Do you make up a lie to cover it up?: Sometimes

More Favorites
516.) Favorite radio station: XTU
517.) Favorite day of the week: Friday
518.) Favorite fruit: Watermelon
519.) Favorite vegetable: Broccoli
520.) Favorite lunch meat: roast beef
521.) Favorite candy bar: Mike & Ikes
522.) Favorite nail polish: None
523.) Favorite chair: I don't knw
524.) Favorite early morning show: I don't know
525.) Favorite morning talk show host: Regis & Kelly & Rachel Ray
526.) Favorite writing paper: any
527.) Favorite section of the newspaper: sports
528.) Favorite sibling (if you have any): both of them
529.) Favorite distant relative: Cousin Katie
530.) Favorite dessert: ice cream
531.) Favorite weather: hazy hot & humid
532.) Favorite season: summer
533.) Favorite shoe brand: Roos
534.) Favorite lunch: Roast Beef or rye bread with doritos and an iced tea
535.) Favorite breakfast: French toast
36.) Favorite author: Sarah Dessen
537.) Favorite place to see concerts: The Linc or Tweeter Center
538.) Favorite band to see live: KENNY CHESNEY!!
539.) Favorite survey youve ever gotten: Not this one!

More This or That
540.) Nike/Adidas: Nike
541.) Alone/With friends: Alone usually
542.) Work/Have off: off
543.) Pomegranate/Perssimon: ew to both
544.) Raspberry/Blueberry: Blueberry
545.) Cheech and Chong/Abbot and Costello: Abbot & Costello!
546.) Acid/Shrooms: None
547.) Who/The Who: The Who
548.) Older/Newer: newer
549.) Regular pretzel/Pretzel log: Regular
550.) Have sex/Make love: Make love

Have you ever
551.) Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: Hah..yeah
552.) Skipped school?: No
553.) Done drugs?: No
554.) Been drunk?: No
555.) Been so drunk you couldnt remember your own name?: no
556.) Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: no
557.) Gone insane?: no
558.) Been in the hospital over night?: no
559.) Been in a car accident?: no
560.) A bike accident?: no
561.) Broken a bone?: no
562.) Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: no
563.) Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: no
564.) Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yeah
565.) Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: no
566.) More than 12 hours?: no
567.) How about 5 hours?: yeah, when i was sick
568.) Slipped in public and had everyone laugh at you?: yeah
569.) Passed out from hunger?: no
570.) Been to a LAN party?: no

Other Stuff
571.) Do you like going to basketball games?: no
572.) How about swim meets?: no
573.) Tennis matches?: yeah
574.) Do you like Family Feud?: no
575.) The ones with Richard?:no
576.) How about Match Game?: no
577.) Do you watch Game Show Network regularly?: no
578.) Do you believe in dream catchers?: no
579.) Do transvestites appeal to you?: no way
580.) Have you ever been to New York City?: Yep, I love it there
581.) Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: no
582.) Do you dress in different ways to look like other people?: no
583.) Yes or No: Christina Aguilera has talent: No
584.) Do you like TiVo?: Yes
585.) Do you have a TiVo?: yes
586.) VCRs or DVD players?: DVD
587.) Are you an animal rights activist?: Not officially
588.) A vegan?: no
589.) Vegetarian?: no
590.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: Elementary school teacher

Do you know
591.) Who won the Super Bowl last year?: Colts
592.) Two years ago?: Steelers ( I think)
593.) Who hosted Family Feud after Richard?: no
594.) The author of Frankenstein?: no
595.) Who the Canadian Prime Minister is?: no
596.) The Queen of England?: no
597.) Prime Minister of Britain?: no
598.) Espanol?: no
599.) Deutsch?: i wish
600.) Japanese?: no
601.) Franois?: Francais?? then oui!
602.) Chinese?: no
603.) Portuguese?: no
604.) (If you dont, do you wish you knew any of these languages?): Deutsch
605.) The capital of Switzerland?: Bern..?
606.) The capital of the US?: Washington DC
607.) All of the Canadian provinces?: Some
608.) The two most commonly used languages in the world?: no
609.) How to fly a kite?: no
610.) How to surf?: i wish
611.) Skateboard?:kinda
612.) How about rollerblade?: yea
613.) What year the Korean war started?: no

614.) What is the one thing in the world that makes you teary eyed?: death stories
615.) Happy eyed?: fart jokes
616.) What song always makes you sad?: anything about death
617.) Happy?: lots
618.) Which person always makes you really happy?: Jackie
619.) Really depressed?: I don't know
620.) Are you a really emotional person?: sometimes
621.) Are you a naturally depressed person?: nope
622.) A naturally happy person?: yeah
623.) How long does it take you to overcome a bad emotion?: not long
624.) What do you do?: cry, pray, talk about it, write, listen to happy music
625.) What song do you think was written about your life?: Never Wanted Nothin' More - Kenny Chesney

The Last Person To
626.) Who was the last person to hug you?: My mommy
627.) Talk to you?: My dad
628.) IM you?: Jackie
629.) Touch you physically?: Mom
630.) Touch you emotionally?: Mom
631.) Hurt you?: don't know
632.) Make you feel better?: Jackie
633.) Scold you?: don't know
634.) Praise you?: my coach
635.) Say Hello to you?: my dad

636.) Are you secure with yourself?:yes
637.) What do other people think of you: shy
638.) What do you see yourself as?: athletic, smart, kinda pretty
639.) What is your one maaaaajjoooorrrr weakness?: chocolate. lol
640.) Do you consider yourself to be a strong person?: yeah
641.) A weak person?: not really
642.) Are you stressed out?: a little bit
643.) If someone insults you, can you just brush it off or move on?: sometimes
644.) Do you hold grudges against others that insult you?: not really
645.) If you are sitting in class and you say something really dumb or do something really stupid and everyone starts laughing at you, can you brush it off easily?: kinda

Three Things
646.) 3 things you can do
1. play tennis
2. make people laugh
3. make killer ice cream sundaes

647.) 3 of your favorite bands
1. green day
2. sugarland
3. aerosmith

648.) 3 things you wish you could do
1. do back/front flips
2. sing
3. draw

649.) 3 shows you watch all the time
Grey's Anatomy, Boy Meets World, Gossip Girl

650.) 3 shows you watched when you were little
1. Barney
2. Rugrats
3. Doug

651.) 3 things you’re addicted to
1. Facebook
2. Candy Corn
3. music

652.) 3 people you care about
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. brothers

654.) 3 things you wish you could change about yourself
1. ---
2. ---
3. ---

655.) 3 of your strong points
1. friendly
2. athletic
3. pretty good problem solver

656.) 3 boys names
1. Jack
2. Brenden
3. Anthony

657.) 3 girls names
1. Christelle
2. Jaiden
3. Krisin

658.) 3 TV channels

659.) 3 things everyone should listen to
African music, the ocean, whales

660.) 3 things no one should listen to
Rap, screaming, yelling

661.) 3 things you say all the time
1. Holla
2. I know, right?
3. Lordy lordy

662.) 3 words to describe your look
Beachy, summery, comfortable

663.) 3 words to describe your personality
shy, outgoing, friendly

664.) 3 things you want to do before you die
1. Fall in love
2. Go to Italy
3. Go to the Florida Keys or Caribbean islands

665.) 3 things on your desk
1. paper
2. iPod
3. Keyboard

666.) 3 things you hate
fake people

667.) 3 things you love
Palm trees

668.) 3 things that scare you
Physical pain
scary people

MORE Random Stuff
671.) Name all the Teletubbies in order right now no thinking: I forget their names
672.) Do you like to blurt out random sayings in a conversation for no reason? Yeah
673.) Do you talk Simmish?: no
674.) Oday ouyhay peaksay igpay atinlay?: No
675.) Isnt pig latin the best?: No
676.) Do you have a distinct smell?: No
677.) Do you know anyone who has a distinct smell that you wish you could bottle and make a perfume or something?: No
678.) Have you ever read Gone With the Wind?: No
679.) Did you ever have a crazy eighth grade teacher?: 7th grade I did
680.) Are you in an asylum?: Not that I know of
681.) College?: Next year!
682.) What is your favorite scent?: The ocean & the perfume from Norway, Laila
683.) Do you eat chocolate?: All the time
684.) Where is your favorite restaurant?: Thommy G's
685.) What is the best feeling in the world?: When you feel truly alive
686.) What is the worst feeling in the world?: Sadness
687.) Do like Spongebob?: Not really
688.) Do you think he's gay?: No
689.) How about Squidward?: no
690.) Do you like to make up stupid excuses in school like I was too busy getting raped by a bull to do my homework?: No
691.) Do you do your homework every night?: Yup
692.) DO you usually get a lot?: YUP
693.) .."OOOOOO poor baby.." << use that phrase a lot?: No
694.) Have you ever been French kissed by a dog?: Ew
695.) Have you ever fed a dog or cat out of your mouth?:No, but I did for a pig & a goat during a school trip in 6th grade. lol
696.) Ever eaten a doggie biscuit?: I licked one whe nI was little
697.) Dont you wish they would make them for humans too?: No
698.) Where is you second home?: Disney World!
699.) Are dollar stores cool?: Sometimes
700.) How many phone numbers do you have memorized that you dont need to look up?: 2 lol.
701.) Do you wish your teeth would get whiter?: Sure, why not
702.) Can you do the limbo?: Not to save my life!!
703.) Do you make New Years Resolutions?: Nahh

Which Friend
704.) Has the best taste in music?: Jackie
705.) Has the coolest name?: Jena (Jenna only with 1 n)
706.) Has the best taste in movies?: Jessie
707.) Has the nicest hair?: Jessie
708.) Has the fittest body?: Jena
709.) Do you hang out with most?: Jessie and Jackie
710.) Has the coolest parents?: Jessie
711.) Lives closest to you?: Jena
712.) Lives the farthest from you?: Brittany
713.) Can you relate to most?: Jena, Jessie & Jackie
714.) Is the best for advice on anything?: Jessie & Jena
715.) Can you make you laugh the easiest?: Jackie & Jena

Word Association!
716.) blow: bubble
717.) lollipop: Dum Dum
718.) obnoxious: Dez
719.) cold: Winter
720.) hot: Summer
721.) smell: Fire
722.) car: Rav4
723.) rain: Dancing
724.) wet:.Rain
725.) steamy: shower
726.) bite: Food
727.) beer: Mehh
728.) rock: Boulder
729.) hard: rock
730.) soft:pillow

OK Heres the dirty part
731.) Have you ever played a game that required the removal of clothing?: Nah
732.) Whats your favorite place to be kissed?: Lips
733.) Are you a tease?: Sometimes
734.) Do you know what a tease is?: Yup

More Do you
735.) Twirl your hair?: no
736.) Hate yourself?: no
737.) Want to kill yourself?: no
738.) Dream of death and blood and gore?: no
739.) Go into frequent fits of depression and/or rage?: no
740.) Touch your face a lot?: yes
741.) Watch MTV?: a little
742.) Have any lesbian/gay/bi friends?: yes
743.) Consider yourself tolerant of other peoples differences?: yes
744.) Wish you could fly?: yes
745.) Wish you could be invisible?: yes
746.) Read minds?: no
747.) Watch wrestling?: used to
748.) Like filling out surveys?: not any more
749.) Work out?: yes
750.) Play any sports?: yes

More Have You Ever
751.) Gotten a DUI?: no
752.) A speeding ticket?: no
753.) Been in a fist fight?: no
754.) Participated in a backyard wrestling match?: no
755.) Considered a life as a criminal?: no
756.) Held a gun?: no
757.) Considered prostituting yourself for money??: no
758.) Been used?: no
759.) Been rejected?: no
760.) Been on a rollercoaster?: yes
761.) Threw up on a roller coaster?: no
762.) Laughed so hard you peed your pants?: almost
763.) Slept more than 13 hours straight?: no
764.) Tackled the mailman?: no
765.) Laugh so hard you cried?: yes
766.) Been on the phone for more than 5 hours straight?: no
767.) Done crack?: no
768.) Done cocaine?: no.
769.) Passed out during school?: no.
770.) Fainted in the heat?: no

More Random Questions!!!
771.) Do you know what boricua/moricua/morena mean?: no
772.) What language is spoke in Brazil?: Brazilian..?
773.) Can you name all 32 football teams in the NFL?: yes
774.) How about every baseball team in MLB?: nope
775.) Do you like hot dogs?: yes
776.) Are baseball games fun?: not really
777.) Is 7 a lucky number?: maybe
778.) Do you believe in Ouiji boards?: kinda
779.) Have you ever played a guitar?: no
780.) Do you have dreams about becoming famous?: sometimes
781.) Do you like U2?: no
782.) Has anyone ever asked you about U2 and you responded I LOVE U2! and the other person got really confused?: no
783.) Do you own a CD by the Beatles?: no
784.) Do you straighten your hair?: yes
785.) Do you wear sweat pants?: yes
786.) Do you wear black lipstick?: no
787.) What kind of headphones do you have?: ipod ones
788.) Do you use your portable CD player a lot?: i dont have one anymore
789.) How often do you need to buy a new CD player?: never
790.) What is the CD in your CD player right now?: none
791.) How often do you change your underwear?:
792.) Are you addicted to popping pimples?: ew
793.) Do you ever slip and accidentally say pimping popples instead of popping pimples? lol!! that's funny
794.) Do you have a walk in closet?:i wish
795.) Did you ever get stuck in a closet while listening to Harder to breathe or whatever by Maroon 5?: no
796.) Do you pray daily?: yes
797.) If you die right now what will happen to you?: I would go to heaven
798.) Are you paranoid?: not really
799.) Do you go to thrift stores to shop?: no
800.) Have you ever seen a used pair of underwear for sale?: ew no

Which One Are You?
801.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Michealangelo!!
802.) Power Ranger: None
803.) Rugrat: Lill
804.) Powerpuff Girl: none
805.) Villain: Jafar

Do You Own
806.) A cell phone?: yes
07.) A CPR certification card?: no
808.) A Members Only jacket?: no
809.) A book over 900 pages long?: no
810.) A porno?: wouldn't you like to no?!
811.) A gun?: no
812.) A pair of toe socks?: lots
813.) A portable DVD player?: not any more
814.) A Michael Bolton CD?: ew no!
815.) A car?: yes
816.) A trucker hat?: yes
817.) A pair of cut-off shorts?: yes
818.) A wife beater?: ?? yes
819.) A butcher knife?: in the kitchen
820.) A pocket knife?:no
821.) A Rolex?: no
822.) A bike?: yeah
823.) A thong?: no
824.) A bikini?: no
825.) A speedo (guys)?: ----
826.) Anything from Tijuana?: no
827.) A drum set?: no
828.) An electric guitar?: no
829.) A signed photo of anyone famous?: no
830.) Any of the Rocky movies?: no

More Random they will not stop
831.) Do you have fleas?: no
832.) Quote Aladdin in any way: ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
833.) Did you ever play backyard baseball in real life?: yes
834.) How big is your backyard?: good sized
835.) Do you like hairy backs?: oh yes! :scared:
836.) Hairy chests?: totally!! :eek:
837.) Are you attracted to older men/women?: sometimes
838.) Do you wish you had more hair?: no.
839.) What does Prilosec treat?: heartburn
841.) Are you on any medication?: no
842.) Do you have asthma?: exercise induced..kinda
843.) Do you have an inhaler?: yes
844.) Do you use your inhaler more than 5 times a week?: no
845.) Do you think you need to take medication for this disorder?: no
846.) When was the last time you got a haircut?: beginning of summer
847.) What is your hair length?: below the shoulders
848.) Do you know how to change a tire?: not really
849.) Do you know how to change oil in a car?: no
850.) Did a ring ever turn your finger purple/blue/green?: no
851.) Have you ever taken a bus ride to another state?: no
852.) Have you ever taken a bus to the mall?: no
853.) Do you like the show Recess?: no
854.) Whats your take on the show Judge Judy?: booorring!
855.) When did WW2 start?: 1941..somewhere in the early 1940's
856.) When did it end?: 1945..?
857.) What is your nationality?: German & Spanish
858.) Where did your family come from?: Germany & Spain
859.) Have you ever been to Hell?: no
860.) Do you believe there is a Satan?: no
861.) Do you believe in angels?: yes
862.) Do people always tell you that you look stoned?: no
863.) What percentage of the time are you actually NOT stoned?: 100%
864.) Do you like to say random words during conversations like naked to get peoples reactions?: yupp
865.) Do you own any NKOTB merchandise?: huh?
866.) Have you ever gotten the urge to bang any member from Menudo?: whoa!
867.) Arent those Menudo kids so sexy?: ...........

868.) Do you constantly use away messages even if you are gone for 3 days at one shot?: yes
869.) Do you collect anything?: no
870.) Have you ever made a bong from an exhaust pipe?: no
871.) Do you have pothead neighbors?: they live down the street
872.) Which is your favorite toe?: the big one
873.) Favorite finger?: thumb
874.) How many wisdom teeth do you have?: the other 2 are non-existant
875.) Do you have a Kidz Bop CD?: no way!
876.) Do you like to watch the Kidz Bop commercials just because theyre so sad and stupid?: no
877.) Have you ever sang in the shower?: yes
878.) Did you like it?: it was ok
879.) Do you sing a lot?: no really
880.) Do you like to grate cheese?: no!
881.) Can you sing the Oscar Meyer jingle?: yes
882.) Are you related to someone famous through only 3 degrees of separation? um...not that i know of
883.) How about 5 degrees of separation?: maybe
884.) OK be honesthows the survey so far?: i am so close to giving up now!

885.) Do you usually like to answer all the questions on surveys?: yes.
886.) What time is it?: 8:15pm

887.) Do you use the word uber a lot?: yes
888.) Do you pretend like you know other languages when you really dont?: no
889.) Can you take a --- in other peoples houses without feeling awkward?: no!!
890.) Have you ever overflowed a toilet in public?: lol yeah
891.) What did you do?: ran away
892.) Have you ever heard an old lady say ---?: no
893.) Do you swear like a sailor?: when I'm on the toilet..yes. lmao
894.) Do you think its sassy when people of the opposite sex swear every once in a while when they usually dont?: no
895.) Can you sit on the toilet and take a poo?: not now. I already went
896.) What term do you like to use for poo the most: children are present!
897.) What does PMS stand for?: premenstrual syndrome
898.) Do you like to inhale potpourri?: potpourri is nasty
899.) Can you say the alphabet backwards without stopping?: no
900.) How far can you count on your fingers?: 10
901.) Are outhouses or porta potties ok for you?: no!
902.) What is the funniest portapotty company name you have ever seen?: i don't look at port-a-potties
903.) How many people are on your AIM buddy list?: i don't know. it's not on now
904.) Do you like the Godfather movies?: no
905.) How about Good Fellas?:no
906.) Watch the Sopranos?: no
907.) Does the mobster life appeal to you?: no
908.) Do you know anyone in the mob?: no
909.) Have you ever woken up to find a horse head laying in your bed?: no
910.) If you could rename your town to be anything you want, what would you name it?: Julietown
911.) Osama Bin Laden: die die die!
912.) Do you wear a lot of bright colors?: not really
913.) Do you watch day time soaps?: nope
914.) Do you watch Cartoon Network?: nope
915.) Do you use a calculator?: yes
916.) What kind is it?: graphing
917.) Do you like pizza to be delivered to you?: yes
918.) Did you ever have to do a science project?: yes
919.) Dont they suck?: depends on the subject
920.) Did you ever have to help a family member with a science project?: no
921.) Do you help out at the Special Olympics?: no
922.) Do you know anyone with mental disabilities?:yes
923.) Are you a racist?: no
924.) When you go to restaurants do you eat a lot or try and minimize your intake?: eat a lot, it's not everyday I go to a restaurant to eat
925.) Do you diet?: no
926.) Do you have trouble sticking to promises?:no

927.) How often do you shower?: every night
928.) Do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom?: yeah
929.) How often do you wash your face?: yes, every morning & night
930.) When you bleed do you use a band aid?: usually
931.) Do you wash your cuts out with soap and water?: yeah
932.) Do you wash your hair every day?: yeah
933.) Do you blow your nose a lot?: onyl when i'm sick
934.) Do you cough a lot?: no
935.) If so, do you cover your mouth or let the germs fly?: cover my mouth
936.) Do you wear deodorant regularly?: every day

937.) Do you have any type of mental disability?: no
938.) Do you have OCD?: no
939.) Do you have ADHD?: no
940.) Are you on any medication for any mental disorder?: No
941.) Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?: No
942.) Do you get sick really often and for long periods of time?: Noo
943.) Have you ever had the chicken pox?: no
944.) The monkey pox?: no
945.) The mumps?: No
946.) The measles?: No
947.) Did you ever have a hole in your heart?: no

The Last Set of Random Questions
948.) Have you ever been on TV?: yes
949.) Have you ever been on the radio?: no
950.) In the newspaper?: yes
951.) Have you ever been quoted by anyone at all?: yes
952.) Do you watch Saved By The Bell?: sometimes
953.) Did you cry when Mr. Rogers died?: no
954.) Did you ever see the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: no
955.) Do you think Frank Zilinski is a moron?: maybe...who is he?
956.) Throw me some Polish names: nah
957.) What size shoe do you have?: 10/11...i have boats for feet
958.) How many pairs of shoes do you have?: 7
959.) How big is your wardrobe?: not big, not small
960.) How much do you weigh?: 160
961.) How tall are you?: 5'9"
962.) Do you have cankles?: no
963.) Do you have fat wrists?: they are big, but not fat
964.) Fat thighs?: muscular
965.) Do you shave your toes?: no
966.) Do you shave your legs?: yep
967.) How often?: every other day
968.) How about those armpits?: yes, those too
969.) How many legs does a kangaroo have?: 2
970.) How many legs does an octopus have?: none..they have tentacles
971.) How many legs do you have?: 2
972.) Do you have braces?: no, i don't need them
973.) Are you getting sick of these questions?: completely
974.) Do you snort when you laugh?: sometimes
975.) Do you snore?:not that i know of
976.) Do you have your own room?: Yep
977.) Do you have an overactive bladder?: no
978.) How about an overactive pooper?: lol!!!!!
979.) Have you ever had an out of body experience?: no
980.) Do you know who Tim Burton is and/or do you like him?: yes/not a huge fan
981.) How about Tim Curry?: no
982.) Are you ticklish?: yup
985.) Do you like salad?: yup
986.) Have you ever been to a Farmers Market?: yup
987.) Ever been to a pig auction?: no
988.) Are you artsy?: no
989.) Do you like to eat pie?: only lemon merguine or key lime
990.) Do you like to say no pun intended for any reason?: No
991.) Whats your favorite pie flavor?: see #989
992.) Do you like ice cream cake?: not really
993.) Is the glass half empty or half full?: depends
994.) Who was the Lone Rangers, nephews, horse?: me
995.) Do you like cheese?: no!!
996.) Do you know Eric Shaun?: nope
997.) Do you think that last question was really lame?: chyeah!
998.) Did you think this whole survey was really lame?: yeah!
999.) Was it a waste of your time?: yeah!
1000.) Do you waste a lot of time doing stupid pointless things when you should be doing more important things?: uh huh
1001.) Do you think too much?: sometimes


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