The Many years disney review-a-thon - Update 8/26 Kona Cafe

jezebella said:

Your daughter is absolutely beautiful.
Fabulous thread!! You're so lucky living so near to WDW!!
We'd be in the water parks all the time if we lived there!!

Would it be possible to add some prices to your photos/dishes, to give us 'budget conscious' dissers a guide to the cost??

Look forward to more delicious reviews!!

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
Loving this post and all your reviews. I am going in Aug and have ADR for LTT for lunch (because of a dessert picture I saw here on the DIS) hope it is as good for lunch as it sounds like it was for dinner.

Also, if you go to Columbia Harbour House, I would love to hear about that.
Thanks for your reviews.

What a fun thread! Thanks for sharing your reviews. I'll be keeping an eye on your thread as we think about our September trip! V&A for your honeymoon sounds marvelous (congratulations!). My in-laws did this a few month's ago for their 35th wedding anniversary and had the best time.

BBB birthday party with 10 5-year olds? Yikes, throw me off a bridge! Although hoping to check out the new adventurers section with my boys in September!
Awesome project! :sunny: I'm jealous. I like San Angel Inn, but nobody else in my family does. I think it's because I always start with a marguarita. :) Hope you have a great meal.
what a fantastic idea, so glad Mr. Brit guided me over here, you're living my dream baby, great reviews so far,
Claire xx
Nedebpats said:
I am going in Aug and have ADR for LTT for lunch (because of a dessert picture I saw here on the DIS) hope it is as good for lunch as it sounds like it was for dinner.

I'll be eating at LTT for lunch as well. I know you said that you would only be going to each restaurant once until you were done, but, any chance you would consider going to LTT for lunch for a review, since the meals are so completely different.

LTT lunch is something I can almost never find reviews, or "gasp" pictures of.
OOH this is FUN!! I am loving the reviews and can't wait to see the next one! How about Garden Grill or Concourse Steakhouse for dinner. We arrive in 3 weeks and those are 2 new ones on our list. Wondering about GG since that is the one we are going to July 4th(wondering if it will be worth fighting the crowds for it.. but we have to eat right?) Oh and we have 4 kids so kid friendly is a plus for us.
Adorable daughter and that party is making me happy that we don't live near Disney right now! YIKES!! talk about $$$$.
Oh and if we follow along can we all be invited to the wedding? :bride: :rotfl2:
Wow -- how exciting!!!
Just do them in any order you wish, I'll be reading along!

Definitely waiting for your San Angel review. Just decided to put it on our list, and we're almost at 180 days!

You may be a little disappointed when you get to Hurricane Hanna's, which you list as a TS. It's just a little open-air burger & sandwich stand in the Stormalong Bay pool complex at the Beach Club -- maybe 5 or 6 tables nearby. Definitely a CS! Nearby Beaches & Cream on the other hand is indoors with booths & tables, menus and servers. Kinda small, unpretentious menu, but IMO definitely a TS!

PS Don't you just love the Google ads we get in this thread. :rotfl2:
java said:
Wondering about GG since that is the one we are going to July 4th(wondering if it will be worth fighting the crowds for it.. but we have to eat right?)

I'm not the OP, and I haven't eaten at GG, (at least not since the old menu, 2 changes ago), but I would like to comment about "fighting the crowds" on the 4th of July. We were at Epcot last year on the 4th, and assuming you have an ADR, you should be in much better shape than you would if you were trying to get CS that day - then you'll really find out what "fighting the crowds" means! ADRs on high attendance days will make your life much, much easier.
Hi all! Just wanted to give you a quick update! I'm at work again this morning..and after staying at EPCOT yesterday from 10am-9pm there was NO WAY I was uploading pics last night.

We ate at San Angel Inn but never made it over to MK. So, our CS for this weekend was the Tangerine Cafe. There is a story behind this. Yesterdays cast was Mr. Brit, Princess, and our friend Robin--who is from Essex, but lives here now. Now, since I've known Mr. Brit he's been ranting and raving about missing "Kebabs" -- which for the Yanks--I've figured out is somewhat like a Gyro. Well, Robin also shares this affliction and Mr. Brit had to introduce him to the Tangerine Cafe for the closest to home Kebabs they can get.

I'll be doing the reviews this evening -- of course with pics!

And thanks for all the kind comments re: my little one! She's such a little actress. Be sure to look for her in about 10 years in a princess costume signing autographs! :thumbsup2
I am anxious to read your review on San Angel Inn. My and sister and I have ADR's there in September, and I have read mixed reviews on this restaurant.
First off, let me start this review by apologizing. At the current moment--there are no pics :guilty: I know..I know...but well, lets just say Mr. Brit and I had a little too much fun at the Rovers last night and they didn't get uploaded. But I promise PROMISE that the will be added in the moment I get home! :woohoo: <----just an FYI--that IS Mr. Brit's dancing. :rotfl:

Okie dokie then....Here's San Angel Inn.

We had an ADR for 2:00pm and from not eating any breakie (hehe, new term I learned this weekend from Mr. Brit's friend Robin. He text messaged me at 3 am about going for breakie and I was like..what the breakie???) we were starving! After checking in, we were seated in less than 5 minutes at a lovely table near the water.

Our server quickly came and took our drink orders --- Milk for the Princess and then Dos Equis all around!!! The BIG ones please! :drinking1

Dos Equis Lager Draft Beer - 16 oz - $6.25; 20 oz - $7.00

I mean, come on...who wouldn't go for 4 more ounces for $0.75?? :confused3

She then brought us a big basket of chips and two bowls of salsa. The chips were hot and you could tell they had just been fried up! Crispy and fresh! The salsa I loved, but it was a little too hot for Mr. Brit. Robin didn't seem to mind and helped me out clearing out those bowls.

I then ordered the tortilla soup.

Sopa Azteca - traditional tortilla soup with avocado, cheese and pasilla pepper $4.50

WOW! Could you just bring me about 3 more bowls of this and I'm good?? It's a tomato based soup with a hint of chicken stock. Very flavorful and mild. There were huge chunks of avocado which lended a smooth, creamy texture. Two pieces of pasilla were also in the bowl, but I'm not a big fan of munching on dried pepper, so I just pushed those to the side, but they lent quite a bit of flavor. It was so cheesy that when you scraped your spoon on the bottom you brought up a long string of cheese all the way from the bowl to the mouth. I suggest scraping the cheese and then wrapping it around one of the many crunchy tortilla strips they toss in last! Needless to say, we passed the bowl around between myself, Mr. Brit, and Robin (hey...we're all friends here) and we all agreed that it was amazing!

Robin ordered Plato Nacional - sope with chicken, tamal, and beef flauta, served with sour cream and Mexican rice $15.99


He said it was "ok". Then he proceeded to explain to me why he never ate at taco bell before and that this was just subpar especially for the price. I didn't steal his plate, so I can't vouch for his meal, but he didn't seem overly impressed...and when he is impressed you know it.

Mr. Brit ordered Pollo A Las Rajas - grilled chicken breast served over red peppers, onions, chile poblano, chorizo and melted cheese $15.99


At first glance it looked like a piece of chicken swimming in some queso..and that's about what it was. Mr. Brit stated that the chicken was very dry. It's a good thing he had a bowl of queso to sop it up with. I tried it, and being the lover of cheese, thought that it was pretty darn good. The sauce really does taste like a mild queso, but very flavorful and rich. Out of all three, this was my favorite.

Princess ordered Chicken Strips - served with refried beans and rice $5.99


I don't know who this child is sometimes. If it wasn't for the striking resemblence, bossy nature, and the need and desire to be on stage (seriously folks...the kid has vibrato in her perfectly pitched voice at 5!), I would think she was switched at birth. God forbid that a black bean touched the precious chicken tender! "MOMMYYYYYYYYY...GET IT OFF". :confused3 What am I going to do? She's a picky PICKY eater even though we make her try everything -- it's her way or that's it. So, after picking anything resembling a black bean off of her plate, she ate one chicken strip and about 5 bites of rice, which she wasn't too happy with. But, we're not counting her opinion....she thinks the best culinary cuisine is fettucine alfredo from Olive Garden. Anyways, she's happy to just sit and watch the boats go by.


So, I guess it's down to me.....I ordered Carne Asada Tampiquena - grilled beef tenderloin served with a chicken enchilada topped with ranchera sauce, esquites and black refried beans $18.50


NEVER......AGAIN! Do not order this unless you really enjoy dry, severly overcooked, rubbery steak. Several of the bites I took had huge flakes of carbon! YUCK! The chicken enchilada, however, was very good (although after the steak, I think that an old boot would have tasted good). Just to mask the steak I started plunging it in Mr. Brit's queso soup that was left over. Hey...I was hungry...and drinking! Sue me!

I have eaten here several times before and thought it was pretty good. Apparently I had been drinking waaaaaaaay more those days though. The food was ok---the only reason I would go back would be for a big beer, chips and salsa, and a huge bowl of soup! For the 4 of us our bill with tax came to around $90.00. To be honest, I could have gotten better mexican around the corner from my house for a quarter of the price. But, then again, it's Disney and you're paying for the ambiance, especially at the San Angel Inn. The dining area is gorgeous and you just can't beat it! If you are on the DDP---GO...try it out...the setting is nearly worth it and you're not out any money. I'm not so sure if you're paying OOP. I can think of a lot of better places to blow $100 for GREAT food at Disney.


Up next: Tangerine Cafe!
Maybe we'll just try Biergarten this year, and stick with the wonderful new Abuelo's nearby for good Mexican.
I am so glad I don't have an ADR here!!!! But, we may have to drop in for a beer and soup lunch!!!
Tangerine Cafe

....and the death of the cell phone...and the rain

Upon walking out of San Angel we noticed people walking in in ponchos! OH NO! GASP! I left my cell phone in the Tinkerbell bag in the stroller! :guilty:
Great! It's dead. Mr. Brit takes it apart and tries to dry it out a bit and manages to get it working but the display screen is shot! I'm ranting and raving (at myself of course) and need another beer to deal with this. We go on rides--yada yada...get to the food, I know.

Well, around 7:30 we decide to head over to Tangerine Cafe so that Robin can now experience the "closest to Kebabs from England" he can get---which happens to be in Morocco :confused3

Thunder! Lightening! We start walking a little faster, by the time we made it to TC it was a deluge and apparently half of Epcot decided that TC would be a great place to hide out during the storm. No more than 3 minutes in TC, Princess lets me know she urgently has to go potty! :rolleyes: the deluge. Fine...we RUN through the rain to the restrooms as the people hiding under there are laughing at us. She does her thing, I check my shallow pockets for my cell and we take off running again back to TC. At this point, I'm pretty wet and Mr. Brit is standing there wiping me down with napkins. All of the sudden I realize---NO PHONE!!!! In a panic, I leave Princess with Mr. Brit and Robin and RUN back to the bathroom. An older lady sitting in a wheelchair said "ohhhhhhhh, so you decided to join us again?". To which I told her as I'm standing there, TOTALLY soaked about the phone. She informed me that nobody had been in there since I had--but still NO PHONE. So, at this point, I really don't care about the rain and just start wandering around thinking it had to have fallen out of my pocket---which, if it had--it would be completely fried by now. I give up, go back in and Mr. Brit decides to call it. It's, outside I go again just when a lovely woman in a poncho runs up to me and says "I've got your phone"!! I asked her where it was, but she, apparently not wanting to get wet shuffles me into TC. I thank her profusely--but never find out where the heck it was :confused3 Gosh that was longer than I expected...sorry. stops raining and everyone heads out...I stalk people for a table and get lucky in about 5 minutes while Mr. Brit and Robin go to get the grub. I opt for the lamb wrap.

Mediterranean Wraps - served with Tangierine Couscous salad and lentil salad.


Yum-O! Basically, it's a gyro. Mr. Brit and Robin argue that it's a Kebab--well whatever you want to call it, I tore that thing up. the Couscous Salad was good as usual, but I didn't really care for the lentil salad. It was alright--a lot of vinegar on it. Not something I would go out of my way to get. That being said, both sides were really unecessary considering the size of the wrap.

Mr. Brit and Robin both opted for the lamb platter

Shawarma Platters - served with hummus, tabbouleh and Tangierine CousCous salad with fresh Moroccan bread.Lamb $11.95


Lets just say the licked the platters clean. I stole some of Mr. Brits tabbouleh, which I LOVE and some hummus.

Princess had kids Pizza


It's served with fries and I was having flashbacks from Elementary school. She seemed to like it, but the cheese was dry, with grease on top and it looked as if it had been sitting under a heat lamp for about 3 days. Gross...I know people complain about Pizza Planet, but PP is the an award winning pie compared to this! YUCK! But hey...I already told you that she has no taste..that is, until it comes to desserts.

We love this place...especially Mr. Brit and Robin. Robin enjoyed it so much he had to call our other friend, Glen (owner of Rovers, also from the UK, rants about missing kebabs, best man to be at the wedding, and the reason I didn't get to the pics last night--jager bombs). Robin went back right before we left and got two of the lamb wraps to go--one for him and one for Glen. He was a very happy man!


Happy Flower & Garden Festival!!
Thanks so much for taking the time and making the effort. As another poster said, you are living my dream!

We had similar experiences with San Angel (never again, unless something changes) and Tangierine (never disappoints). Surprised to see you got fresh fried chips at San Angel...we were there last Halloween and got cold broken Tostitos.

Keep it coming!


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