The How-Do-I-Write-a-PTR PTR!

Your PTR is turning out great, keep it coming. I'm usually just lurking around lately (since our Disney wedding last year), but DH persuaded me to also do my own PTR. So welcome to the gang and your little girl is super duper cute. :)

Happy Plannings!
Hello!!!!! Life has been kicking my behind lately, and I have had no down time to DIS. :( But I am here tonight and ready to sit back and catch up with everyone! :cheer2:

:guilty: Awww, happy that she has something to get excited over.....

PAID IN FULL DANCE :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I haven't even had a chance to reflect on how happy I am to be paid - hmm, maybe because I haven't paid that credit card bill yet. :faint: :rotfl:

Uh oh....this sounds interesting! Does it have to do with the DC job? I'll be waiting for the scoop.....popcorn::

I have to recheck but I think Wicked is coming to New Orleans next May. Of course, our cruise is in May as well. But, if I can make it work, I'm there!

Yeah, when they 1st came out with the musical & I saw that people were bringing their kids, I thought, "Ok. It must be really different from the book." Just because the book definitely has some very adult moments & topics. But, I'm interested to see how they changed it.

Don't worry about being talk-y! It's your PTR, talk our ears off if you want! :laughing:
As for jobs/moving, I am super-stressed now because my mom told me that she and my dad REALLY don't want us to leave, that they are so upset, etc. So I feel wicked guilty now. At the same time, if we stay, we don't have the financial security I want, and I will basically be giving up career advancement. :( No idea what to do!!!! Of course, in the last week, I have gotten interviews for both the San Antonio and Chester, VA jobs, so I am doing those next week!!!! :thumbsup2 and :scared:

I sure hope you get to see Wicked - so fun!!!!

To answer the questions you asked me, this will only be my second DCL cruise, and no I haven't been on an Alaska cruise, but it looks so beautiful! I live in Canada, so I am not too crazy about the idea of a "cold cruise" lol

I have heard so many great things about Wicked, I am glad you enjoyed it! I loved the book, and while I'm sure it would have to be hugely adapted for musical theatre, would love to see it!
Where in Canada are you? I hear you on the cold cruise stuff - I'm not thrilled about that myself (we live in the Pacific Northwest), but I have always wanted to see Alaska, and the idea of not having to add airfare to the price was thrilling for me. :rotfl:

Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'm excited about your PTR adventures!

My brother and SIL went on the Disney cruise to Alaska last year and LOVED it! I don't remember all the excursions they went on, but they enjoyed every one. They are wearing jeans and light jackets in all their pictures, so I'm guessing its not that warm (really scientific, right? ;) )

I'm so glad to year you enjoyed Wicked, we saw the show in Jacksonville, FL right before we moved to DC and really loved it too. I'd love to see it again!

Oh, and all you ladies and your cruises have inspired me. I have decided that as soon as Everett is potty trained we are going. I keep telling Everett that when he uses the potty like a big boy, we'll go on a Disney boat. Nothing like bribery, right? :laughing:
Hello!!! So glad you are here! pixie dust:

Yep - reports seem to be everyone has seen pictures of someone else on the cruise in warm clothes, so I'm going with "relatively chilly." :rotfl2:

Bribery can be a great technique!!! :thumbsup2 And how exciting it will be for you to cruise!

Your PTR is turning out great, keep it coming. I'm usually just lurking around lately (since our Disney wedding last year), but DH persuaded me to also do my own PTR. So welcome to the gang and your little girl is super duper cute. :)

Happy Plannings!
Hey there!!! Thanks for joining in! A Disney wedding - how wonderful!

As for jobs/moving, I am super-stressed now because my mom told me that she and my dad REALLY don't want us to leave, that they are so upset, etc. So I feel wicked guilty now. At the same time, if we stay, we don't have the financial security I want, and I will basically be giving up career advancement. :( No idea what to do!!!! Of course, in the last week, I have gotten interviews for both the San Antonio and Chester, VA jobs, so I am doing those next week!!!! :thumbsup2 and :scared:

First....congrats on your upcoming interviews. :goodvibes

I can understand your mom's position. But, at the same time, you have to do what is best for you & Willow. I would just go on the interviews & see what comes about with them. If it's an offer you can't refuse, you may just have to make your mom understand that you're doing what is best for your family.

It's good to see you on here, friend! Hope things can calm down a little for you!
I hope the interviews are a big success :thumbsup2 Both locations sound interesting -- can't wait to hear more :)

I very much understand how you feel about your mother's feelings -- we have been in a very similar situation -- bottom line is you weight it all out and make the best decision you can for you and your family. I will say every once in a while, at times like these, I do have a tiny piece of me that would rather not be the sole decision maker --- but overall it is the best system for us ::yes:: I wish you much luck and a happy outcome pixiedust:
Can someone tell me what a PTR is? Ive seen it all over the site but dont know what it is.:rolleyes1
- hmm, maybe because I haven't paid that credit card bill yet. :faint: :rotfl:

As for jobs/moving, I am super-stressed now because my mom told me that she and my dad REALLY don't want us to leave, that they are so upset, etc. So I feel wicked guilty now. At the same time, if we stay, we don't have the financial security I want, and I will basically be giving up career advancement. :( No idea what to do!!!! Of course, in the last week, I have gotten interviews for both the San Antonio and Chester, VA jobs, so I am doing those next week!!!! :thumbsup2 and :scared:
I'm only allowed to pay for vacation in cash ;) or I'd REALLY overdo it. Good luck on your HAVE to do what's best for you & Willow:hug:, don't feel guilty (easier sad than done I know) but everything else will work will :goodvibes
Hey everyone! (Or anyone who is left! :laughing:) I'm going to go back and do replies, but I wanted to give you all a quick real life update since I have been totally MIA from the DIS. You all know how crazy and busy life has been for the last few weeks. This week was no less crazy or busy - in fact, it was more so. On Monday, DD came down with a double ear infection - hasn't had one since she was a baby. Okay, we can deal with that. Wednesday and Thursday, I had two of the most stressful job interviews I have ever had. Then, yesterday, when I picked DD up from preschool, after some wild stories, she finally told me that she had shoved a tiny plastic bead (which came out of her stuffed rabbit) into her ear! :scared1: I looked with a flashlight and could see it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get it out. I took her over to see my dad (retired physician) - he checked with the otoscope and determined that because of how slick and round the bead was, he couldn't risk trying to get it out. We went to urgent care. We were there for 2.5 hours. The doc there finally gave up - after much pain, tears, and screaming (mostly from DD).

So, this morning, we went to the ENT. He looked in with the microscope and determined that there was no way he could get it out without taking her to the OR. :scared1: Of course, there was no OR available until 4:00 this afternoon, so we are just now home. They had to do IV anesthesia and everything, but the dang bead is GONE, and DD is fine. However, I have been a little stressed out! :rotfl2:

I am going to do some replies tonight, and maybe we can even chat about the cruise this weekend!
Hey everyone! (Or anyone who is left! :laughing:) I'm going to go back and do replies, but I wanted to give you all a quick real life update since I have been totally MIA from the DIS. You all know how crazy and busy life has been for the last few weeks. This week was no less crazy or busy - in fact, it was more so. On Monday, DD came down with a double ear infection - hasn't had one since she was a baby. Okay, we can deal with that. Wednesday and Thursday, I had two of the most stressful job interviews I have ever had. Then, yesterday, when I picked DD up from preschool, after some wild stories, she finally told me that she had shoved a tiny plastic bead (which came out of her stuffed rabbit) into her ear! :scared1: I looked with a flashlight and could see it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get it out. I took her over to see my dad (retired physician) - he checked with the otoscope and determined that because of how slick and round the bead was, he couldn't risk trying to get it out. We went to urgent care. We were there for 2.5 hours. The doc there finally gave up - after much pain, tears, and screaming (mostly from DD).

So, this morning, we went to the ENT. He looked in with the microscope and determined that there was no way he could get it out without taking her to the OR. :scared1: Of course, there was no OR available until 4:00 this afternoon, so we are just now home. They had to do IV anesthesia and everything, but the dang bead is GONE, and DD is fine. However, I have been a little stressed out! :rotfl2:

I am going to do some replies tonight, and maybe we can even chat about the cruise this weekend!

OMG! :scared1:

Thank goodness Willow is okay. I can't believe she had to be taken to the OR. But, you really don't want something bad to happen to those eardrums. :sad2: Hope things slow down for you!
First....congrats on your upcoming interviews. :goodvibes

I can understand your mom's position. But, at the same time, you have to do what is best for you & Willow. I would just go on the interviews & see what comes about with them. If it's an offer you can't refuse, you may just have to make your mom understand that you're doing what is best for your family.

It's good to see you on here, friend! Hope things can calm down a little for you!
Hello!!! I agree completely about the job stuff. I had two major interviews this week. I will just see where (if anywhere) they go. I hope you are doing well - I hate not having time to be on here more. :(

I hope the interviews are a big success :thumbsup2 Both locations sound interesting -- can't wait to hear more :)

I very much understand how you feel about your mother's feelings -- we have been in a very similar situation -- bottom line is you weight it all out and make the best decision you can for you and your family. I will say every once in a while, at times like these, I do have a tiny piece of me that would rather not be the sole decision maker --- but overall it is the best system for us ::yes:: I wish you much luck and a happy outcome pixiedust:
You know, I know that feeling - I love that I don't have to compromise anything, but sometimes it would really be nice not to be solely responsible for every major life decision! It is nice to talk to someone else who knows that feeling! :thumbsup2

I'm only allowed to pay for vacation in cash ;) or I'd REALLY overdo it. Good luck on your HAVE to do what's best for you & Willow:hug:, don't feel guilty (easier sad than done I know) but everything else will work will :goodvibes
:laughing: Just to be clear, I do not charge our vacations except to get miles. I charge everything I buy in order to get free flights, but I NEVER pay interest. So I can't go any crazier than I would if I were paying cash right at that moment, because I know that I will be paying cash the day that the bill arrives. :thumbsup2

Thanks so much - everyone keeps telling me that, so I know it's right. I feel a lot of guilt though. :(
OMG! :scared1:

Thank goodness Willow is okay. I can't believe she had to be taken to the OR. But, you really don't want something bad to happen to those eardrums. :sad2: Hope things slow down for you!

Thanks! It was NOT fun. I have a near phobia of anesthesia, so I was very worked up, but I managed to cover it very well, I think. I'm so glad that everything is okay now. :love:
wow -- poor Willow -- and poor you! Glad to hear she is okay now -- stuff like that is always horrid!

No worries about the being busy -- update us when you can, did they give you a timeline at the interviews?

Hope you and Willow get to relax and have some fun this weekend.
Oh my gosh! What a stressful couple of days you had! :hug:

I'm glad that they were able to get the bead out with no damage, but I would have been totally freaking out too! I know my time in the emergency room with Everett will come, but I am sooo not looking forward to that day! :sick:

I'm also sorry to hear that your job interviews were stressful, but I hope that they went well. If you do end up taking the job in VA, please let me know if you need any help scouting out places to live, school systems, etc. I'd be happy to help anyway I can!

I'm looking forward to hearing any new cruise plans!
Hello to anyone who is left here!

I am going to talk about the cruise!!! :rolleyes1

I just realized that it is less than two months away, and that is exciting! :cool1: Next weekend, my mom's friend is finally going to come down for a couple of days so that we can book excursions and make travel plans and everything. I have saved a few different excursions in my favorites that I think might be doable and enjoyable for all of us. We'll see what we decide.

I also really want to book a dinner at Palo. :cloud9: But I have no idea what night to choose! There are no parties (like the pirate party) currently scheduled, but apparently, that can change. There is a formal night and a semi-formal night, but I don't know what nights those are. I don't want to reserve Palo on a night that we'll be wanting to be doing something else. :confused3 Veteran cruisers, any advice on this??? Or am I going to find that I'm too late to reserve ANY night? :confused3 :rotfl:
wow -- poor Willow -- and poor you! Glad to hear she is okay now -- stuff like that is always horrid!

No worries about the being busy -- update us when you can, did they give you a timeline at the interviews?

Hope you and Willow get to relax and have some fun this weekend.
Thanks - it was scary. :hug:

Nope - no timelines. Federal jobs can drag on forever (literally, sometimes, they never tell anyone anything :rotfl:).

Oh my gosh! What a stressful couple of days you had! :hug:

I'm glad that they were able to get the bead out with no damage, but I would have been totally freaking out too! I know my time in the emergency room with Everett will come, but I am sooo not looking forward to that day! :sick:

I'm also sorry to hear that your job interviews were stressful, but I hope that they went well. If you do end up taking the job in VA, please let me know if you need any help scouting out places to live, school systems, etc. I'd be happy to help anyway I can!

I'm looking forward to hearing any new cruise plans!
Thanks. :hug:

And thanks again! I still have no idea what we will be doing! :rotfl: I did see a really good job in Atlanta posted today, so I am going to apply for that one this weekend. :confused3 We'll see - it is funny to job search without the stress of needing to get a job as fast as possible. Definitely a luxury.
So glad you're able to get planning on your shore excursions! I'm interested to see what you choose!

As for Palo, I have no idea (I know, I'm so helpful :rotfl2:). Hopefully some of the veteran cruisers can come on here and give you some info!
OMG!! Poor Willow and Mom!!! I'm glad to hear that everything is fine now, but how stressful!

Sorry that the job interviews were rough, but I hope that you feel good about them. Atlanta would be good. Pretty cool city, but terrible for flying :scared1:

Good luck planning for the cruise. I have no idea about the Palo situation either. Sorry! :confused:
So glad you're able to get planning on your shore excursions! I'm interested to see what you choose!

As for Palo, I have no idea (I know, I'm so helpful :rotfl2:). Hopefully some of the veteran cruisers can come on here and give you some info!
Yes, I'm excited to plan SOMETHING! :rotfl: I will post about the excursions we are considering if I can ever remember how to get back to my "favorites" or whatever it's called on that terrible Disney cruise-planning web site. It is not very user-friendly. :headache:

Well, it won't be the end of the world if we don't get to do Palo, I suppose, so I guess I will just see what reservations are available. I was a little excited at the thought of going out for a nice dinner and not trying to entertain a bored child through the whole meal. :rolleyes1

OMG!! Poor Willow and Mom!!! I'm glad to hear that everything is fine now, but how stressful!

Sorry that the job interviews were rough, but I hope that you feel good about them. Atlanta would be good. Pretty cool city, but terrible for flying :scared1:

Good luck planning for the cruise. I have no idea about the Palo situation either. Sorry! :confused:
Thanks. :hug: It was horrible, but we are very lucky that we haven't had to deal with anything worse.

Hmm, what is the deal with Atlanta and flying???? :confused3
I can't wait to hear what kind of excusions y'all do on the Alaskan cruise!

I've been thinking about booking Palo for us on our cruise next year. But, I haven't decided on brunch vs. dinner. I like the idea of dinner but like you said, it's hard to know which night to schedule it for. The only thing I'm not looking forward to on a longer cruise is the formal & semi-formal nights. I'm not a big dress up girly-girl. But, maybe it'll be nice.
Glad Willow (and her mom) is OK...OR sounds much better than the agony she went through at Urgent sorry. But I am sure you werefreaking out waiting for your baby!!! Hopefully there will not be anymore sticking stuff in her ear, up her nose, and all those other fun things kids do :hug:


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