The fine line between crazy and insane....kickin' asphalt on the way to Goofy '08


Relentless Forward Motion
Nov 13, 2003
May 9, 2007

15 months ago I was saying "...but I'm not a runner", 6 months ago I was saying "...but I'm not a marathoner", now I'm saying "....but I'm most definitely NOT an ultra-marathoner". perhaps calling The Goofy Challenge an ultra-marathon is taking a bit of creative license ;). But it sure is one heck of a challenge and to be quite truly is insane. Particularly for ME. So to begin this journal, I guess I'll recap my last journal which I allowed to slip into obscurity here on the WISH boards.

February 2006 - I begin running and plan to run the 2007 WDW Half Marathon.
March 2006 - I register for the WDW FULL Marathon.
Feb-early Sept 2006 - I train my butt off and run 5Ks, build my mileage and continue to Kickbox regularly. I'm running a solid and consistent 9 mpm. I run my fastest 5K in 26 minutes.
Sept 2006 - My first set-back. An injury :(. I am diagnosed with Post-Tibial tendonitis which sets my training back nearly a month.
Oct 2006 - Just recovered from my post-tib tendonitis I suffer my second injury, something similar to achilles tendonitis.:confused:
Nov 2006 - Just recovered from the achilles tendonitis I suffer a crushing blow with a leg injury that doctors told me was everything from SI Joint injury to Piroformis Syndrome to Bursitis and the list goes on. The injury, while never accurately diagnosed, lands me in hours of doctor appointments and Physical therapy sessions. My training comes to a screeching halt a month before the Marathon. I spend more time in doctors offices than I do training and miss most of my key long runs in December.
January 7, 2007 - Despite the injury and the lack of training I attempt the 2007 WDW Full Marathon. I finish without getting swept, although it was grueling at best and truly disheartening. I would never have finished without my running partner. It literally took every ounce of determination and strength that I had to finish the 26.2 miles.
January 2007 - I sign up for the Goofy Challenge Marathon and a Half for 2008. And it's official, I'm straddling that fine line between crazy and insane ;).

So there is the recap. The bottom line is that I am lucky beyond words that I have running support that gives me all the strength and confidence in the world...more than I really keep me going and truly allow me to believe that not only am I a runner...but that I am a marathon runner. And that is what makes this journey rewarding on so many levels. So now it is time for me to train smart, run easy and try to enjoy this new adventure that I'm embarking upon.

And as a side note....I apologize to some of you who were so supportive last year and truly wonderful as I posted about the ups and downs of my training. I know I disappeared from here and didn't offer you the same level of support that I received. But after the marathon I really needed to step back and figure out where I was headed...what the future holds....and how best to go about improving myself mentally and physically. I abandoned my journal....stopped running for a full month to heal myself....and started training more seriously in Pilates. I'm happy to say that I've been running seriously now since March and I am on my way to becoming a certified Pilates instructor. I just ran a half marathon and finished in a respectable 2:23 on a challenging course.

Of course, it wouldn't be a post from me without a here ya' go ;)...

"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." - Doug Larson

Thank you for taking the time to read this. :hug:;)
Hole E. Cow

Is it Easter or something around here cause I haven't seen a resurrection like this, maybe I have never seen one? :rotfl2:

So please allow me to be the first one to say:

Welcome Back!!

I cannot believe you are running Goofy....crazy/insane, insane/crazy (wasn't that a song?). Good luck with it, you'll have to let me know how it goes LOL!

Anyway, for real....I'm glad to see you back into the training and that Pilates gig sounds like it's right up your alley. I bet it will really benefit you as you train for this ultra-uber-awesome-endurance event. Keep us "posted" (get it? know, message on your progress & you can sure count on me for support.

Welcome back!
:sad1: Amy, you made me cry. LOVE YOU, girl. :love: I was proud of you last year, and SUPER proud of you in January for even showing up, let alone running the whole damn thing. :upsidedow But to "see" you again...and hear how you signed up for the Goofy the SAME month you completed the marathon. :eek: I honestly didn't think you could amaze me any more. But you did. :worship:

As I said on our bud Scott's NEW journal (coincidence.....I think not :rolleyes1 ) are also my co-inspirationalist (nope, definitely not a word). What I'm trying to say is....the two of you are my running inspiration. It's you guys that I think of when I run. And now that you're both back, you two will be the ones I hear to get my you-know-what out of bed in the early am to run instead of rolling over & hitting the snooze. Instead of WWJD, it's gonna be WWAD and WWSD. (maybe I should market them :goodvibes ) of these days, girl, me & you are gonna meet up here in sunny NJ! :thumbsup2 Maybe you can show me some pilates!

Again, I'm thrilled that you're back. And I'll be right here rooting you on! :woohoo:
Hey Amy!! I am so psyched that you are starting a journal again!! I look forward to keeping up with your journey to the Goofy!!

We definetely will have to get together for a training run at the park sometime.
Welcome Back, Amy! It's great to see you posting again!:hug: That's great that you signed up for the Goofy too....We can cheer you on to VICTORY!:teacher:
Hello and thank you to those who have stopped by and welcomed me back. :goodvibes I really do appreciate the encouragement and support. :hug:

:rotfl: LOVE IT!!!! You are an inspiration yourself girl! I know there have been a lot of personal ups and downs for you in the past year and a half. I'm always impressed with your ability to stay positive and keep working toward your goals. You inspire me. And I so appreciate your support here!!! We WILL get together this year :). Promise!

Scott, Scott, Scott.....goofy is as goofy does. What are we getting ourselves into? Seriously??? This whole running thing is really cramping my fun. Training on two weekend days this fall is going to be a little brutal. And for the record...this was NOT my idea people. I think I lost a bet, or lost my mind or something. :laughing: . :upsidedow But one thing is for sure....I'm retiring my inner uber-athlete after the Goofy and sticking to the much more rational distance of 13.1. :)

On to the week's training.....

Monday: Ran the neighborhood 3 Miles 30 minutes. Did the pilates ab series afterwards

Tuesday: Went with Jillie's class to The Bronx Zoo for a field trip :). Fun and exhausting day! No exercise...but lots of walking!

Wednesday: Pilates Circuit (was supposed to do 30 minutes of XT as well but didn't get to it)

Thursday: Ran the neighborhood 3 Miles 27:53. Wow. Where did that time come from LOL? 9:17 mpm pace has been virtually unheard of from me for a loooonnnngggg time. Must be all the inspiration I got here on the WISH boards :goodvibes . Did the pilates ab series and arm work as well.

Friday: 75 minutes of Pilates Circuit.

On tap for the weekend....

Sat: Pilates & Ski Machine
Sun: 5 Mile Run :)
All I can say is..... you freakin rock, girl! :woohoo: (I have a feeling I'm gonna be saying that a LOT!)

What is a pilates circuit? :confused3

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. And a VERY Happy Mother's Day!! :hug:
All I can say is..... you freakin rock, girl! :woohoo: (I have a feeling I'm gonna be saying that a LOT!)

What is a pilates circuit? :confused3

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. And a VERY Happy Mother's Day!! :hug:

Awwww ((hugs))....thanks Kim :).

Pilates Circuit is a small class and instead of doing the mat pilates, you use the apparatus/equipment. So there are usually between 2-5 people there and you go from one equipment to another. It's usually quite challenging!
Scott, Scott, Scott.....goofy is as goofy does. What are we getting ourselves into? Seriously??? This whole running thing is really cramping my fun. Training on two weekend days this fall is going to be a little brutal. And for the record...this was NOT my idea people. I think I lost a bet, or lost my mind or something. :laughing: . :upsidedow But one thing is for sure....I'm retiring my inner uber-athlete after the Goofy and sticking to the much more rational distance of 13.1. :)

Ummm....NOT your idea?? You don't remember pressuring me into signing up for the thing right when you did? "Oh c'mon Scott, it will be fun AND challenging...please run with me....please please please" (and that was after liquoring me up all night) :rotfl2: And you can retire your inner uber-athlete, but the exterior uber-athlete will always be there. Don't you remember this time last year when I told you we'd be running Goofy in '08?? :confused3 Keep that uber you alive for that duathlon/triathlon/adventure race that we are gonna do together in '09 (can't make up my mind which one yet). :scared1:

attn readers: ok ok...I lied...I think it was my idea. :laughing: I'm the only one stupid enough to suggest such a thing :rotfl:

Seriously....wait, I can't be serious! Oh yeah I can...lemme put on my serious hat :santa: :rotfl2: no not the Santa one...this one... pirate: AAARRRRGGGGHHH!! :lmao: haven't lost your mind, I have!! (maybe it was that run last night)

Anyway, great job with the training this week and good luck on the weekend activities. I'm disappointed that Kim beat me (Ms. McBeaner -- NO posting before me!!! (thought I had elite status around here....ugh)) to it but I wanted to wish you a

Happy Mothers Day!!

I hope you and your two princesses have a wonderful holiday.

K...someone on the phone...gotta go ;) bye!!
I'm disappointed that Kim beat me (Ms. McBeaner -- NO posting before me!!! (thought I had elite status around here....ugh)) to it but I wanted to wish you a

Happy Mothers Day!!

That's what a slow afternoon at work (for me) gets ya! ;)

I'm loving having the two of you back (have I mentioned that already? :rolleyes1 ). And I'm SO disappointed that I'm not able to make it to WDW in January...unless someone wants to sponsor me....:confused3 :rotfl:
Been there a couple times and LOVED it!! Would gladly go back again :)

WOO HOO!!! :woohoo: DIS runner meet in NJ!!!

Hey, Amy - hope all is well and you're enjoying this beautiful weekend! :hug:
First of all...before getting into all the training stuff....

Scott......what a wild imagination you have. In case people can't read that teensy weensy little disclaimer that what you said was a complete lie LOL! ;) Let me clear things up....running Goofy was your idea. I, on the other hand, thought running a half marathon sounded both reasonable and sane. So you better be prepared for a LOT of complaining when we hit mile 20 of the marathon. It's akin to being in labor without an epidural....."YOU GOT ME INTO THIS" may be the words that come out of my mouth at about that time. BE've been warned!!!! :rotfl:

Kim....would have loved to see you down at Disney this year. But now we know to be looking for you in '09!
So you better be prepared for a LOT of complaining when we hit mile 20 of the marathon. It's akin to being in labor without an epidural....."YOU GOT ME INTO THIS" may be the words that come out of my mouth at about that time. BE've been warned!!!! :rotfl:

Good thing I own an mp3 player :rotfl2:
:rotfl: good one Scott. And I'm just kidding was my choice and I think it will be an amazing experience and test of our endurance both physically and mentally. Thanks for being my marathon buddy again this year. I would hate to undertake something of this magnitude alone!!! :goodvibes
In my first post here I mentioned:

"So now it is time for me to train smart, run easy and try to enjoy this new adventure that I'm embarking upon. "

....but what exactly am I going to do differently?

Training Smart:
This time around I will learn to listen to my body. Last year I was such a slave to my training schedule that I ignored warning signs of fatigue and looming injuries. At this time last year I was awakened at night with aching legs. My body was telling me to slow down but I just kept pushing. I was running 3 days a week and Kickboxing 3 days a week. That was SIX days of pounding on my joints...just too much for my body to handle. So now I've stopped kickboxing and added the ski machine for cardio XT, and more importantly, pilates. Pilates builds my core strength and lengthens the muscles...which is counteractive to the contraction of muscles produced by running. I will aspire to do pilates 4 to 5 times per week throughout training.

Training smart also refers to my nutrition and water intake. I really need to make certain that I'm getting a minimum of 64 oz of water each day. This has been a struggle for me...I simply am not good at hydrating. I am trying to make this one simple change a priority in my daily routine. It's important in so many ways...but it's truly vital to my I have no choice but to make this happen! :) Other than that I will be careful to eat properly throughout the week and particularly before the long runs. I also hope to continue using the gels as an energy source during my long runs!

Running Easy
For me this means that I need to stop worrying so much about my pace and focus on good form and nice easy runs. As a highly competitive person this is a HUGE deal! But running fast didn't get me anywhere except on the X-Ray table. And the ultimate goal for me is to complete the two races in January....I mean, let's face it, I'm never going to be an elite runner so why push myself day after day??? It just doesn't make sense...but I'm wired with that need to improve and win....which really is a deterrent to being a healthy runner. So I will be making a concerted effort to run nice easy weekday runs and slow (purposely slow) 11 mpm LONG RUNS! According to the experts, you should be doing your long runs a full 60-90 seconds slower than your expected marathon pace. My goal is to run the marathon at a solid 10 11's during training are perfect. And hey....10 mpm is a goal....but I need to maintain a realistic outlook and try not to be disappointed if this does not happen during the race. The one thing I've come to learn about running is that it's impossible to predict what will happen on race day...or any day of running for that matter. Great runs seem to materialize on days when by rights I should be struggling....and on days when I think I'm lined up for a great run things happen and I find myself fighting for each mile. So instead of creating these unreasonable expectations...I just have to be proud of each and every mile. :)

So there is my new philosophy. Wish me luck because in many ways it's a huge mental shift for me! :goodvibes

On to my weekend training:

Saturday: 30 minutes of XT on the ski machine (did 3.6 miles) and 30 minutes of Pilates (at home)

Sunday: I did 5 miles in a solid 52:23. The weather was absolutely beautiful! I'm very much ready for a rest day tomorrow though ;)

Thanks again for stopping by!!! I hope all you moms out there had a great day!!
Wow Amy, it really seems that you have it've formulated such a great plan and great "strategery" to get you to the finish line of the full in January...I totally wish you the best of luck all throughout your training. :)

We really went off the deep end last year with all of the competitive runs...just killing ourselves when we should have been focused on training our bodies...building up a solid base. It's just really nice to see what you've come up with. I think you'll be very very successful with this approach.

And yes, be proud of each and every mile. I have been proud of all of your miles, especially those 26 torturous ones back in inspired me before January, you completely amazed me during that marathon and you continue to inspire me now. Keep up the great work :)

I hope your Mother's day was wonderful. You really deserve it :)


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