~The Daily Grind~ 10/15/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ FlyLady
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

This month's Habit is: Paper Clutter
Zone of the week - Zone3 -- The Main Bathroom and The Children's Room (no kids - a room of your choice)

~The Daily Grind~ 10/15/09

It's the Day Before Friday!!! :yay:

I know there will be more stuff on my list...just can't think tonight about it. I didn't sleep well last night and felt like poo all day... just dragged myself around. Don't you hate days like that!!

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

Stay on points!

365 pic...

Dinner.... Something Pork...DH got a pork roast the other day

Have a Great Day Everyone!! :teeth:
Deb totally hate those days. I was up at 4 this am sat down for lunch and woke 2 hours later and I'm already ready for bed.

Lets see
am routine
get self and paper work to school for 9:30 for IEP eval meetings
go though meetings
find out if L is taking the bus or I have to go back and get him
bring in 4 wheel barrel loads of wood
clean off porch
fill potato bucket
empty and reload dishwasher
change over cloths
run 1 more load

make dinner wither golash or meatloaf may make both and be done with cooking for the weekend other than sides
early swim team
boys showered and off to bed L is going to be wiped out from testing on the heals of the state testing.

Hope you all have a great day.
I know there will be more stuff on my list...just can't think tonight about it. I didn't sleep well last night and felt like poo all day... just dragged myself around. Don't you hate days like that

I hope you feel better soon, Deb.
Christy, it's no wonder you get tired, you just were sick and look at the hard work you do on a daily basis. Try to be as much rest as possible and don't over do. I know, easily said than done.

My Thursday to do list:

Throw a load of work clothes in the wash.
Fold clothes in the dryer
Check if new pants purchased at Target fit DD.
Write in DD's communication book
put wood in the woodstove
Pick up car
Run home for dinner
Attend Emergency Response Team meeting at Town Hall.
Good Morning!

Bible Study- 7am
work at school- 8:30am
work on swaps

Good morning, everyone!! It's THURSDAY--WOOHOO!! DS got up at 1 am last night crying and didn't want to stop. I think he's teething. . .about time for the 15 month molars and stuff, blech.

Deb--I hope you feel better soon! I know exactly what you mean. . .I hate days like that!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Make grocery list
4. DS up
5. DS to mom's
6. Work

7. Fold laundry
8. Wash 2 loads of laundry
9. Call hair place
10. Run to mall for shirt for FIL's party Saturday
11. P365 pic
12. DH--pick up last sets of pics
13. Organize pics
14. Watch DVR'd shows
15. Dinner--leftovers
16. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have a TERRIFIC Thursday!!
It's opening night!!!! The play DS is in at school opens tonight. I'm so excited about getting to see it tonight, and tomorrow night, and Saturday night!!!!!:banana: DS is having such fun even if he is exhausted from all the late night rehearsals and keeping up with homework and school work and then taking the PSAT yesterday. His goal right now is to get through these 3 shows and then sleep all day on Sunday!:lmao:

My day:
Make DH's lunch
DS up and off to school
Clean up kitchen
Go out to dinner with DH
Go to school to see DS's show!!!!!!!!!:banana:

Have a great day everyone!!!
Debbie, I have so had days like that and they really bite!!!
DIT ~ we had PSAT's yesterday too.. DD said they were not as bad as she anticipated... Good luck to DS for opening night!!!
Everyone else, please take time to take care of yourselves...this is the "bug" season and it's hitting all of us early (so it seems).

make bed
make lunches
empty dishwasher
youngest up & morning routine
make bed
get ready have to drive kids to school this AM
ck email/DIS
DD up as she has earlier mtg than DS13
elem kids on bus
DS13 up and moving

take DD to school for mtg.
take DS13 to school to drop off pumpkin project
bring up 365 project book

pick up kdg. kid
journal 365 project

sweep family room/entry/hallway
make older kids' beds

prep dinner (crazy night)
get camera ready
trade out purses ?

pull/iron DS13's choir outfit for concert tonight
dinner menu x 2 weeks
grocery list (kroger/aldi)
walmart list
dollar tree list
list of errands for Friday (both boys have tmts this weekend and no time)

scrapbook 1 week of 365 project (I'm behind)
elem homework supervisor
DS13 homework supervisor
DS13 showered and ready for concert
DH to take DS9 to football practice tonightcancelled
drop DS13 off for early rehearsal/sit in car and wait for 40 mins
drop DD of to her jr. leader mtg.cancelled
store for hamb for DD to take for free lab in foods (man this class will cost me an extra $50.00 by the time they are done w/ free labs...good thing her group is very good about splitting the costs of these labs evenly.... if you get the big item this week you get a small item the next week)
feed anyone that hasn't eaten dinner
bedtime routines

I know there is more but that is all I can think off...

Hope everyone has a great day!!
morning ladies!

Deb- i hate days like that. i really do. we had pork roast last night.
Christy-hope you start feeling better. good luck at the meeting. :hug:
Lisa-how's the car? are you loving it?
Rebecca-have fun at school!
Brooke-love to babycakes. teething is no fun!:hug:
Stephanie-YIPPEE for opening night! have fun!

ok it's thursday so lets see......

ds, up, dressed, breakfast, bus
prep supper
dep $ into cu
pay a bill
make beds

so may i vent about work????
i have 2 big things today....
i have a car that i'm supposed to repo today and the mother called and they are just dropping it off to me today! GREAT! what the heck. i hate these days. and i have my state payroll audit! GREAT! not up for that either. i've had a headache for days now that i just can't shake and i have to deal with these 2 extra things today. i really want to hid under the covers. not to mention that it's my mom's birthday this week and i'm trying to deal with that. UGH. i really want to sit and have a pity party for myself. why oh why i life so hard some days??? :sad:
thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

anyone have an interest in a brand new mustang???
anyone have an interest in a brand new mustang???

had you said something last week before I got our new one! DD's dreams are crushed..
She said you could just send it to her free and clear if you want to just get rid of it... LOL
DIT ~ we had PSAT's yesterday too.. DD said they were not as bad as she anticipated... Good luck to DS for opening night!!!

DS said the test was pretty easy.

anyone have an interest in a brand new mustang???

had you said something last week before I got our new one! DD's dreams are crushed..
She said you could just send it to her free and clear if you want to just get rid of it... LOL

DS wants one too! He'd like his name in the hat too!!!!!:rotfl:

:hug: Holly on getting through the day.:hug:
Holly, are you giving one away?
DIT, tell your DS to break a leg!
Sorry to hear about the not so feeling wellness going around.
This is going to be a very bad bug year. It is starting early and I think it will make more than one trip around. Stock up on your medicines, soups and oral rehydration fluids.

Been working at school all week and running around for appointments. Saw the female issue doctor yesterday for annual and got a seasonal flu shot on Tuesday and Little Bit got his second H1N1 shot for the vaccine study. He has two more visits, one for vitals and one for a blood draw and then just phone calls after that. Be so glad when I don't have to drive downtown in the mornings. I have no idea how those people don't go crazy with that stop'n'go traffic. Quick let's get to 65 so we can slam on our breaks and crawl at 5 for a mile and then quick go fast again only to stop again. :headache:

So school duty again today.
Take Eldest to get his allergy shot. DH will get Little Bit off the bus, fed and to his last soccer game.
In between see if I can't get some of these clean clothes put away. Where is my laundry fairy?
ME ME ME! I want a new Mustang!!! What color is it? OMG, I've always wanted a Mustang, thank you! If it were only that easy...

I've got today off and a list a mile and a half long of errands to do.

Pick up $ for nut sale from friend x 2
Pick up deposit slips for nut sale
Bob's Store? Those $10 off $10 coupons are great - Princess wants a Life is Good Lunch box, it'll be practically free and I can make it a Christmas gift.
Bath & Body Works - freebie and refills for the house smelly thing.
Target - return and shampoo
Dinner? No idea, I'll probably pick something up while I'm out this morning.
Enter more orders for nut sale
Decide what we are doing at our next GS meeting on Tuesday.

Hope everyone has a super fantabulous day...It's COLD here. Princess had to wear a hat and gloves with her winter coat!
po3 - New car? We could use a new car..... :rotfl:
And :hug: to you to get through the day!

DIT- Tell DS to break a leg! I remember how hectic play season was

Cake for breakfast (soooo nutritious)
Bundle up
Head into school
Meeting with graduate student
Student Government meeting
Babysitting the "Terrible Three" - I always say never again, and then I always feel bad....
Holly Hugs to you as you get through another 1st. It was 21 years ago I lost my oldest cousin. He's been gone over 1/2 my life! Bill was the joy to this family the 1st born of my generation to me being the last one we always had a special relationship. Hang in there I'd say I'll be on the end of the computer all day but it will be on and off I will have my cell though.
On a happier note I'd LOVE the car please and thank you. My first car was a mustang. totally not practical where i live now for the winter but I'd be happy to have it. and thanks for the well wished I'll be glad when I feel 100% again.

Lisa thank you. I wish that I'd get more done in a day then I might actually get a day OFF!!!
I'll take the new car......DH is driving a 14 year old Neon that has seen better days. He can have the minivan, and I'll take the Mustang!

I don't have a huge list for today, thank goodness....

Boys up, dressed, fed, and to school
put away yesterday's laundry (and be thankful it's already folded!)
today's laundry
load dishes
Find my "want to" and scrap awhile
Take a nap
Homework for DS8
Make sure both boys know Bible verses for school tomorrow

Hello all!

Please to be sending free, new Mustang out to CA! It will be perfect. Please can you deliver it and I will take you to Disneyland!!


DDs up, dressed, fed
I have busstop duty so DNiece and DNephew are already here
Switch laundry

Go to horse barn - help do morning chores
Go to look at a horse
Come home
Go to teacher conference
Homework oversight commitee
Rascal Flatts concert!!:woohoo::woohoo:

- enjoy that play!!
okay went back and editted list with all the stuff I couldn't remember last night that has been done maybe just maybe I can enjoy a day off this weekend. course that means I need to find something to keep the children and husband out of my hair.

Hope you're all getting lots done, I am!!!
ok UPDATE on car.....

they did not drop it off as planned. NO KIDDIN'!
now i have to pay the repo guy to go get it. UUUGGGHHHH. why people....why are you stressing me out!

and for the record it is RED. it's a beautiful car. i'd love to keep it. but no thank you on the payment. :scared1: holy cow! i can do w/out that!

i had such a headache earlier today i shut my computer off at work and just went home for an hour and 1/2 and layed down. trying to shut my body off for a little while.
not really working.

ok gotta run. just a drive by post!
Well, how very dishonest of them... why do people do that stuff? I just don't get it...
Sorry you are having to pay the repo guy...but at least he has job security this way... he thanks you! ;)

Hope you feel better soon!

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