The ABCs of An EPIC Girls' Trip! May, 2019-Q is for: Quietly Sending this Trip Report off Into an Internet Sunset (8/25)

Understatement of the year!
Oh? Do tell!
Nope. No exaggerating. You were seething!
This is a new side to Liesa that I have not witnessed (and I've met her... 4(?) times!
I did. And eating, and eating, and eating, and eating. You get the picture. They were amazing. I loved them. The crispy wonton chips were just yummy. Even after I had a food baby on board, I couldn't stop munching on the those chips.
:laughing: High praise indeed!
O’hana included all the usual merriment with cocktails, laughter, too much food (oink, oink!), not enough ukelele, coconut races, and silliness.

And Cheesecake. Doc's Cheesecake. Yummmmmmm

Mom had just arrived and we rushed from just settling her in from the airport at our resort (an entire story all of its own!)

HAHA and a creepy rush it was! Didn't you work at Disneyland?

Actually Jenn, @Chrystmasangel , noticed her first and asked her if she was alright

I just remember looking at her and seeing her with both hands grasping both sides of the table used for bag checks. The look on her face was like that table was a precious commodity and if you tried to take her hands off of it, she would hurt you.

“Holy crap! Do you need to sit down?!”

Do you remember her fighting us and not wanting to sit down? We had to force her into the chair?

She lasted about 2 minutes. Honestly, time began to stand still, and I have no concept of the timeline from that point on. Could have been 1 minute, could have been 5 or more…

It was actually quite a bit of time. I was actually the oposite of you and wondered what was taking the EMT so long.

but SteppeDaughter was overriding most coherent thought processes

Daughter always takes president!

She came around fairly quickly

Thank god!


And oh my that EMT was so good looking! LOL bet you don't remember that!

She, understandably, was completely embarrassed and in the end we speculated that a recent change of her blood pressure meds, combined with the oppressive Florida heat and humiditiy she isn’t used to, the cocktail she had, the excitement and lack of rest created a perfect $hit$torm that led to the Great Monorail Platform Spectacle of 2019.

She has no reason to be embarrassed. Sometimes our bodies just do things we wish they wouldn't. They like to say "hey dummy, you need to slow down" and that's what hers did.

They provided a wheelchair for us to get back to our resort and told us to just keep it for the duration of our trip.

We never did get to do wheelchair races. :sad:

Way to go, Jenn. :)

I didn't do much but thanks!

I wouldn't know. I've never been. May never get there.

You should make it a point to get there.

By the way you sure can make a delicious cheesecake!! So nice of you and yum!!

:yay: for Cheesecake! So tasty. Want it right now!

Or even better option: get the Feast for room service and split it 3 ways with my kids for half the price.

I watched an episode of the Dis where they got this room service and it was beyond HUGE. They actually ordered it for both of them and they had enough food to feed about 8 people. It was crazy.

yes, it most definitely slowed her, all of us, down. And that's okay. We still had a wonderful time. :goodvibes

We did. Although I wish she would not have had this happen, I am actually grateful for the slow down. I like to push myself and commando through the parks, but this made me slow down quite a bit. I didn't come home feeling like I was exhausted and beat up.

I hope they were able to recover at least some of it!

Nope. None. They said I could send it in to see if they could retrieve it through a "deep dive" into it, but there were not gaurantees and it would cost $900. I said no thanks. I am sending it to one of our friends (not sure if it is ok to mention a name, so will let them chime in if it's ok) to see if anything can be recovered, so we will see.
And Cheesecake. Doc's Cheesecake. Yummmmmmm
Thanks Jenn. Glad you enjoyed it.

Daughter always takes president!
I'm not an English expert or grammar police, but I think you meant precedence. :lmao:
Just found this funny. No wonder we've only had one single president.

And oh my that EMT was so good looking! LOL bet you don't remember that!
I don't. Oh wait, I wasn't there....that explains it.

She has no reason to be embarrassed. Sometimes our bodies just do things we wish they wouldn't. They like to say "hey dummy, you need to slow down" and that's what hers did.
Mine just says hey dummy!
Too bad, it's right.

:yay: for Cheesecake! So tasty. Want it right now!
And again, thank you. May just need to give me a holler next time you're in town and see what might happen.

Nope. None. They said I could send it in to see if they could retrieve it through a "deep dive" into it, but there were not gaurantees and it would cost $900. I said no thanks. I am sending it to one of our friends (not sure if it is ok to mention a name, so will let them chime in if it's ok) to see if anything can be recovered, so we will see.
Yes, it's okay, but not necessary.
Gah! Leave it to the French!

In my prior post on this topic I did say that the dictionary seemed to indicate that using an "h" on the end was acceptable alternative.

Hors d'oeuvres on the Savannah?

You are right and I guess Disney chooses the spelling of the day!
I would love to find that calendar too.

Sadly, it sounds like it's not being produced anymore. :(

Do you know I have never eaten a corn dog? I think they are more of an American thing than Canadian.

REALLY!? They are nothing hugely special but there is just something about them at Casey's- the atmosphere and well, tbh, I love to also pick some up for a late night snack to eat while waiting for the fireworks or to carry around as I tour.

Can't wait to try this in July! A nice addition to my Hidden Mickey hunting. :)

I think this little diversion is RIGHT up your alley.

Love that new ride photo!

It's a really fun one! While not a ride photo, I still need to get a lantern one at the Tangled Tinkle Area.

I love the second floor of Y&Y.

If you're lucky enough to score a window table, the view is a good one.

We are eating there in July at DH's request as it is one of his faves. I haven'y eaten there since 2016 so am fine to go back. I'd rather be at Nomad's though......

LOL! The Nomad it is NOT!

So nice to have Caroline close by to lend a hand.

For sure!!
It's still a thing!
WDW Golden Spoon

Well, howdy doody!! I'mma check that out!

Actually, I was looking in a shop and you were right in front of me. I stopped to look at a jade elephant, and I look up to ask you something and you were just GONE! I mean seriously, I looked all through the shop again and the one across the way, and you were no where to be found. It was like you just wiggled your nose and BAM, you teleported away. I decided just to head back because I couldn't find you to see you were already back with Mom!

I was so worried about her and the heat. UGH! I knew I was pushing it to have her even in the park at that point and I certainly didn't want a repeat of the Great Poly Platform Spectacle of 2019.

Understatement of the year!

Incensed I tell you!

I tried to talk you into moving before asking, but you wouldn't do it. What would they have done if we would have been at that table when they came back to order our drinks. Nothing, that's what.

While I was disappointed and a bit peeved... okay, okay, fine, p!ssed, I am not brave enough to risk a scene, although as you point out there would likely not have been one at all.

If I recall, you were thinking about the lettuce cups too, but I talked you into sharing my Nacho's cause even before I knew it was as big as Mt. Saint Helens, I knew I couldn't eat them all. You were so nice and gave in to my demands!

I was, but it was sure a toss up. Those nachos were soooooooooooooo sharable!! Totally nacho average-sized dish for $16.99! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

I couldn't believe how big they were. They weren't that much either. I think if I recall, they were $16.99.

See ^^
As I already posted, photos from me are a no go. With my hard drive crashing, there are no photos for me for quite a while. I didn't really take that many any way. Just maybe a hand full.

OH man, that's so terrible. I am so sorry! I was whining about losing 2 1/2 days of photos from my trip, but yours was completely catastrophic!

Nope. No exaggerating. You were seething!

Yes. Sorry for my infantile behavior. ;)

Way to throw me under the bus! HAHA In my head "seared" is not raw. It has been in a pan or on a grill even if just for a moment or two. I am such a back woods girl. I never knew that it meant it was raw.

Hubby and I went out to a new cafe by us and I almost ordered a Tune Poke. He said I wouldn't like it because it had raw tuna. You should have seen him about fall off his chair when I told him I actually had it in Disney and didn't even know it. He was laughing at the story just as much as you all were laughing at me.

I googled and found this to make sure I wasn't miscategorizing:

Ahi tuna, also known as yellow-fin, is moist, supple and best served when lightly seared on the outside, leaving the inside tender and downright raw in the middle. Because the fish should be raw, not rare, you must start with the very best, sushi-grade ahi."

I love the flavor of the sear, but the interior is most definitely raw. And so, so yummy!

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much and that you shared all of its deliciousness with us. And now, you can order it again and know what you're getting. :) YAY!!

MMMM crispy wontons! I want them right now. They were soooooo good

I know you loved that part of the dish most of all. The flavors of everything really did make it a good choice.

I thought you liked it? Guess I was wrong for you to change the name to Yuck and yeti.

I've always called it that mostly as a term of light-hearted joking. Ever since I tried the dessert wontons which I literally could not eat. The pineapple was so sour and the oil used to fry the wontons was old and it just wasn't good. Then again that was 9 years ago and the name just stuck. I wouldn't call it out and out terrible but there are so many much better places out there.
HAHA and a creepy rush it was! Didn't you work at Disneyland?

I think I'll save that story for Letter G or Letter H... not sure. But I do have Letter A figured out.

I just remember looking at her and seeing her with both hands grasping both sides of the table used for bag checks. The look on her face was like that table was a precious commodity and if you tried to take her hands off of it, she would hurt you.

Never a good sign...!

Do you remember her fighting us and not wanting to sit down? We had to force her into the chair?

I do remember that now! Yes! I wonder if she was afraid she'd fall? or just was too confused at that point, or??

It was actually quite a bit of time. I was actually the oposite of you and wondered what was taking the EMT so long.

Interesting! I swear time stood still and for me there was no concept of it.

Daughter always takes president!

Probably a good thing!

And oh my that EMT was so good looking! LOL bet you don't remember that!

LOL! I don't. I was focused on the EKG reading and was completely relieved to see a normal sinus rhythm! And her CBG at 90 something.

She has no reason to be embarrassed. Sometimes our bodies just do things we wish they wouldn't. They like to say "hey dummy, you need to slow down" and that's what hers did.

I wish my body would slow down and stop aging!! It keeps doing that thing I don't want it to!

We never did get to do wheelchair races. :sad:

Nope, and I'll get to that too.

I watched an episode of the Dis where they got this room service and it was beyond HUGE. They actually ordered it for both of them and they had enough food to feed about 8 people. It was crazy.

I think we're going to order 2 orders and that should feed all 4 or 5 of us.

We did. Although I wish she would not have had this happen, I am actually grateful for the slow down. I like to push myself and commando through the parks, but this made me slow down quite a bit. I didn't come home feeling like I was exhausted and beat up.

Good! I'm glad you felt like it was a good pace in the end. I think you got a fair bit of touring in at a bit brisker pace on your own, yes?

Nope. None. They said I could send it in to see if they could retrieve it through a "deep dive" into it, but there were not gaurantees and it would cost $900. I said no thanks. I am sending it to one of our friends (not sure if it is ok to mention a name, so will let them chime in if it's ok) to see if anything can be recovered, so we will see.

UGH!!! Terrible! Just the worst! You see years of hard work, precious memories, etc... vanished in the blink of an eye!

I hope there is a glimmer left with this friend!
A is for: Acquiring Alice Art

I like art.

I like to admire art and, like you, enjoy some styles and genres better than others.

I like art museums.

I have some art.

But, until my last trip to Disney, I had never once chosen a REAL piece of art from a gallery for my own home. Prints, sure. Other media, such as batik, carved wood, and ceramics, yes, but never a painting. Techincally I still don't, as you'll see, but what I chose is close enough to put a big smile on my face.

One afternoon while sauntering through DTD Springs, (< there, a compromise on the name) I wandered into The Art of Disney, as I've come to make a habit of. In the not too distant past, I'd have rushed right on past, thinking what's the point? I can't have anything in there; everything is WAY too expensive. But life has a way of changing and taking things a bit slower is the new me. (That's code for I'm getting old as dirt.) Once overlooked shops, attactions, and entertainment options are suddenly the very things I seem to seek out nowadays. Sidenote: this story in no way, shape, or form insinuates that Steppe likes to shop. Steppe is not a shopper!

Not my photo, but this is it. It's over by the Market Place boat docks. :)

I never spent very long in AoD, but one display caught my attention: A Thomas Kincaid Galleries collection with some small gallery-wrapped canvas works- not original paintings, but they sure look and feel real. There were several, maybe 10 or so, stretched canvases on display that a buyer could choose from for the promotional price. I started to slide down that slippery slope of asking myself, "If I were to buy one of them, (knowing I probably can't afford it, but this is a fun game) which one would I choose?" Not all but some of these were on display as options. I contemplated Ariel , but in the end thought Alice was the best one with the most detail from the story with a lot of content going on. I asked the CM roaming the area how much they were, and she replied, "$50". That slippery slope turned into a rabbit hole where the unimaginable turned into the attainable.

As I turned to leave, I noticed a poster board advertising a signing session later that evening with one of the artists for the Kincaid Galleries who specializes in the Disney line- Dirk Wunderlich. In fact, he's a Legacy Artist (see
HERE). Huh! That'd be cool! A signed piece of art! I put it in my "I'll think about it" bank and left the store to head for my dinner reservation.... s. Yes, I had 2. I take oink to the next level.

Dinner(s) were great, and I'll do chapters on those later (is this particular line starting to sound like a broken record?), but as I was eating I talked myself into heading back to AoD... wondering if I'd spot the White Rabbit on my way back his Rabbit Hole. Afterall, $50 isn't tooooo bad. And signed no less.

There was one customer ahead of me who was finishing up and I was fairly stoked when I saw the artist taking photos with him. Even better! I mean, if I didn't have a picture, I'd have a hard time convincing you readers that this actually happened, right? The CM then asked me which canvas I wanted to purchase and I told her "the Alice one". The standard, "Good choice!" was given in return and she handed one to the artist to sign wherein he then asked me who my favorite character was. I was completely caught off guard. I like and identify with a lot of characters depending on my mood at the time, ranging from Sleeping Beauty every Monday morning, to Winnie the Pooh on Taco Tuesdays, to Ursula when my phone flips the camera to selfie accidently. Today, I was feeling rather impish and pleased with myself so was channeling my inner Tink, so that's what I blurted out. The artist picked up his sketching pencil and then spent the next 5 or so minutes drafting a really great Tink face. I was mesmorized as he finished up with his signature.

I thanked him profusely, then the CM snapped a few photos to commemorate the occasion. It was a BLAST!!

I know loads of you have done this, some of you multiple times (I'm looking at you @Malia78 and @franandaj ) but it was a really special, and first, treat for me. I have a wonderful canvas repro proudly sitting on my bathroom window sill so I can see it a lot. Yes, I'm 52 with 5 kids.... I see it a lot. Nicely wrapped up for travel, I took my artwork back to the resort and packed it carefully away in my luggage and that's the story of Acquiring Alice Art.

A is for: Acquiring Alice Art

I like art.

I like to admire art and, like you, enjoy some styles and genres better than others.

I like art museums.

I have some art.

But, until my last trip to Disney, I had never once chosen a REAL piece of art from a gallery for my own home. Prints, sure. Other media, such as batik, carved wood, and ceramics, yes, but never a painting. Techincally I still don't, as you'll see, but what I chose is close enough to put a big smile on my face.

One afternoon while sauntering through DTD Springs, (< there, a compromise on the name) I wandered into The Art of Disney, as I've come to make a habit of. In the not too distant past, I'd have rushed right on past, thinking what's the point? I can't have anything in there; everything is WAY too expensive. But life has a way of changing and taking things a bit slower is the new me. (That's code for I'm getting old as dirt.) Once overlooked shops, attactions, and entertainment options are suddenly the very things I seem to seek out nowadays. Sidenote: this story in no way, shape, or form insinuates that Steppe likes to shop. Steppe is not a shopper!

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Not my photo, but this is it. It's over by the Market Place boat docks. :)

I never spent very long in AoD, but one display caught my attention: A Thomas Kincaid Galleries collection with some small gallery-wrapped canvas works- not original paintings, but they sure look and feel real. There were several, maybe 10 or so, stretched canvases on display that a buyer could choose from for the promotional price. I started to slide down that slippery slope of asking myself, "If I were to buy one of them, (knowing I probably can't afford it, but this is a fun game) which one would I choose?" Not all but some of these were on display as options. I contemplated Ariel , but in the end thought Alice was the best one with the most detail from the story with a lot of content going on. I asked the CM roaming the area how much they were, and she replied, "$50". That slippery slope turned into a rabbit hole where the unimaginable turned into the attainable.

As I turned to leave, I noticed a poster board advertising a signing session later that evening with one of the artists for the Kincaid Galleries who specializes in the Disney line- Dirk Wunderlich. In fact, he's a Legacy Artist (see
HERE). Huh! That'd be cool! A signed piece of art! I put it in my "I'll think about it" bank and left the store to head for my dinner reservation.... s. Yes, I had 2. I take oink to the next level.

Dinner(s) were great, and I'll do chapters on those later (is this particular line starting to sound like a broken record?), but as I was eating I talked myself into heading back to AoD... wondering if I'd spot the White Rabbit on my way back his Rabbit Hole. Afterall, $50 isn't tooooo bad. And signed no less.

There was one customer ahead of me who was finishing up and I was fairly stoked when I saw the artist taking photos with him. Even better! I mean, if I didn't have a picture, I'd have a hard time convincing you readers that this actually happened, right? The CM then asked me which canvas I wanted to purchase and I told her "the Alice one". The standard, "Good choice!" was given in return and she handed one to the artist to sign wherein he then asked me who my favorite character was. I was completely caught off guard. I like and identify with a lot of characters depending on my mood at the time, ranging from Sleeping Beauty every Monday morning, to Winnie the Pooh on Taco Tuesdays, to Ursula when my phone flips the camera to selfie accidently. Today, I was feeling rather impish and pleased with myself so was channeling my inner Tink, so that's what I blurted out. The artist picked up his sketching pencil and then spent the next 5 or so minutes drafting a really great Tink face. I was mesmorized as he finished up with his signature.

I thanked him profusely, then the CM snapped a few photos to commemorate the occasion. It was a BLAST!!

I know loads of you have done this, some of you multiple times (I'm looking at you @Malia78 and @franandaj ) but it was a really special, and first, treat for me. I have a wonderful canvas repro proudly sitting on my bathroom window sill so I can see it a lot. Yes, I'm 52 with 5 kids.... I see it a lot. Nicely wrapped up for travel, I took my artwork back to the resort and packed it carefully away in my luggage and that's the story of Acquiring Alice Art.

I'm not an art connoisseur, but that's pretty cool. Did you see if they had an AP discount? Might have been less than $50.

Cool with the bonus Tink!

I think it's kinda funny he's wearing a magic if he needs one, I'm sure. Oh wait, maybe he was staying in one of the resorts and he'd need one for his room.
I'm not an art connoisseur, but that's pretty cool. Did you see if they had an AP discount? Might have been less than $50.

Cool with the bonus Tink!

I think it's kinda funny he's wearing a magic if he needs one, I'm sure. Oh wait, maybe he was staying in one of the resorts and he'd need one for his room.
LOL!! I noticed that too and was even going to add it to my chapter, but forgot!! I'm glad you mentioned it! Maybe he gets comped a room and still needs a key, or maybe a complementary dining plan or spending account, or???


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