That one moment **TISSUE ALERT**

my moment? My then dd5, and a HUGE jack Sparrow fan, couldn't believe that she was going to meet him at the pirate and princess party. When we finally were ushered into the room that jack was in, she gasped like only a princess would, hands over her mouth about ready to faint, picked up her princess skirt and ran into his arms and beamed up at him, "I've waited my whole life to meet you!" in the most dramatic, disney princess voice I've ever heard. Remember, she's five. lol Jack could only laugh and gave her a huge hug! the best part, the photopass photographer got it! I wish I had it on this computer so I could post it, but her dream had come true. It brought tears to my eyes while I was laughing.
I have two:

Our first trip was in 2002 as a family. my wife found the disboards, what a big day that was! well my wife starts to plan our first trip and we suddenly think we shouldn't tell the kids where we are going. we rented a car that year and drove. the kids never really asked where we were going. we stayed at CR and we were through the front gates to MK/Resorts and were wondering if they were asleep because we didn't hear anything from the backseat. we pull through the 'tunnel' and the CR was right in front of us and we hear this HUGE gasp followed by "WE ARE AT DISNEY" ahh what a moment.

the other is one that i got to create when i was at disney on the College program. My first night on what was called bridge, basically stand at the entrance to Adventure Land at closing and making sure that no one 'gets in' after hours. As i was walking out to the entrance of Adventure Land i notice a coulple looking frntically around the benches. I asked if I could help and they said that they had just got engaged, i congratulated them and asked what was wrong. they said that they had a Stitch plush that had been used but had set it down and had lost it. I gave them a 'gift certificate' to get a brand new one from any of the MK shops on the way out of the park. they both hugged me and thanked me for making their night complete.
I've had many moments...but my most recent one was when I stood there watching Wishes with two 21 year old VERY manly men who never cried..and both of them cried like babies and afterwards said " brought a tear to my eye..let's go to pleasure Island now!" Although i saw them sobbing about half way through.....:rotfl:
Well, thanks a lot everyone! I was doing just fine until I read this thread. :rotfl: I cried many times throughout our trip because I was so happy that DH actually agreed to go there (He was totally anti-Disney and anti-Florida). I had never been there and had always hoped I could take our kids.

What really did it for me was on our last day. We had to meet ME by noon so we decided to have a nice relaxing breakfast and enjoy the resort instead of hitting the parks since we also had a long drive home from the airport.

At one point we were lounging in our room when I noticed that DD7 (her birthday was the previous day) was sitting on the balcony looking out very quietly. I went to check and see if something was wrong because she's normally very active and bubbly or throwing a tantrum (no happy medium with her :rotfl: ), to find her sitting there quietly crying. When I asked what was wrong, she told me she was crying because she didn't want to leave. It melted my heart.
I will go into Cosmic Rays every visit now just to remeber my Father holding my little girl (dressed as Tinklerbell) sharing French Fries and Ketchup dancing to the music.

:lovestruc :sad:
We were there on 2007 and it was the last night in the parks and we went to the princess storybook dinner at norway. My daughters favorite princess is Jasmine and up until that night we had no sign of her. Well while were waiting for our table the matordee was talking to my husband and then he starting nuddging me. Well at the same time as he was nudding me i was stopping the girls from bickering. Well he finally whispered in my ear that she was here and i asked him who and he said Jasmine. Well i did not say anything to my youngest that her wish was about to come true and when they started to come out her mouth dropped when she saw Jasmine from across the room and when Jamine finally got to our table my daughter started to cry and she gave her a big hug and thas when I knew Disney Magic had happened.
For me, it was seeing my daughters face during the parade at MK. It brought tears to my eyes and luckily I got a picture of her face. It is now one of my most favorite pictures....

Ugh!! I cannot get the picture to post!! This is the best I can get it but it's so tiny!!

My "moment" was the Sunday after 9/11. I was ticked that the UT/UF football game had been cancelled and was just sick of the endless loops of the two planes smashing into the towers being the only things every single television station was airing, so at like 10 pm Saturday night I just snapped and told my wife we were going to EPCOT the next day (she was ecstatic, she had never been). So, early the next morning, we jumped in the car and made the drive down from Gainesville. There couldn't have been more than a couple thousand people in the park that day. It felt as if we had the whole park to ourselves. My moment came at the American Adventure. We were standing in the rotunda, listening to the Voices of Liberty perform before the show started. As they started the Star Spangled Banner, an old man sitting in a wheelchair next to me attempted to stand. He was having a difficult time getting up and his wife was doing her best to keep him seating. He kept beating her protests away and finally I had enough and just grabbed him under his arm and lifted him. We stood there, two complete strangers, listening to our National Anthem at the end of one of the worst weeks in our history and we wept like little babes. At the end of the song, he looked at me and just said, "Thank you." I nodded and he was back in his chair and off into the theater. It was a moment I'll never forget.

Awwww this just made me cry at work. It sounds like something my daddy would do (help the guy up)
I know there have been several threads on here about the Disney Magic. What I wanted to know is, what was that one moment at Disney that really impacted you?

Mine is the time we were at Epcot. Im not sure exactly how this all happened, but we witnessed a little girl interacting with Mickey. The little girls was deaf, and Mickey was signing to her. The mother of the girl was welling up watching her little girls excitement. We almost could not hold back the tears. This was the moment I truely understood the Magic of Disney.

So, what was your moment?

I got all teary eyed with that one
I have two magical moments that bring it all together for me.

1. We flew to WDW one month after 9-11. We went into the American Adventure to see the show. Patriotism at that time was at an all time high. As the show played we sobbed as the Statue of Liberty came on and especially at the end as the picture of the Twin Towers came up on the screen. Everyone was walking out wiping tears from their eyes.

2. The second and most important to me was just a few months after my son had been diagnosed with Autism we were in Magic Kingdom. He watched his sister get dressed in her princess dress just before the parade was to start. As he looked longingly at the bag the dress was in he asked, "I don't supposed there is anything in that bag for me?" There was.

We dressed him in his new Peter Pan costume! Peter Pan is his favorite character and he recites lines from the movies for hours. As the Peter Pan float crossed the bridge from Liberty Square into the hub my son saw Peter Pan on the front of the float. He started jumping up and down and screaming, "Peter it's me! It's me!" I started to cry. Peter Pan looked down right at him, pointed to himself and then to my son and back again. He then gave him a big wave. My son knew that Peter Pan saw him and he knew he WAS Peter Pan.

I knew in that moment that everything was going to be all right. It may not be the path I would have chosen for my son but he could still believe and he still believed in pixie dust so why couldn't I? :goodvibes
My "moment" was the Sunday after 9/11. I was ticked that the UT/UF football game had been cancelled and was just sick of the endless loops of the two planes smashing into the towers being the only things every single television station was airing, so at like 10 pm Saturday night I just snapped and told my wife we were going to EPCOT the next day (she was ecstatic, she had never been). So, early the next morning, we jumped in the car and made the drive down from Gainesville. There couldn't have been more than a couple thousand people in the park that day. It felt as if we had the whole park to ourselves. My moment came at the American Adventure. We were standing in the rotunda, listening to the Voices of Liberty perform before the show started. As they started the Star Spangled Banner, an old man sitting in a wheelchair next to me attempted to stand. He was having a difficult time getting up and his wife was doing her best to keep him seating. He kept beating her protests away and finally I had enough and just grabbed him under his arm and lifted him. We stood there, two complete strangers, listening to our National Anthem at the end of one of the worst weeks in our history and we wept like little babes. At the end of the song, he looked at me and just said, "Thank you." I nodded and he was back in his chair and off into the theater. It was a moment I'll never forget.

I loved this and it made me tear up!

My dd and I have been going to WDW since she was a little girl. Her first trip at 18 months came right on the tails of my mom finding out she had cancer. My mom wanted to take dd and I before she started treatment. Well, we went and had a fabulous time. DD, my mom, and I would look over the photos very often.

My mom died a little over a year later. DD and I still look at the photos often.

On our trip last May on our last night we are at MK watching Wishes. DD is sitting in my lap. She turns around and tells me - Mommy - it feels like Grandma is right here holding us both! Naturally I was teary enough at just watching wishes but that made me cry. My mom loved WDW - she would love to know that dd feels her presence there!

I just started crying so hard my roommate came out of her bedroom to see if I was okay!!!! What a wonderful memory to have :hug:

I've had many moments...but my most recent one was when I stood there watching Wishes with two 21 year old VERY manly men who never cried..and both of them cried like babies and afterwards said " brought a tear to my eye..let's go to pleasure Island now!" Although i saw them sobbing about half way through.....:rotfl:

This one was awesome, it made me laugh after reading all of the other stories!
When my DS was 6 , we took him on his first trip to the world. Two of his favorite characters were Chip & Dale (even though he would mispronounce their names) but we had no luck finding them at the parks. On the last day, we were at AK and were leaving the park to go and catch our flight, and there stood Chip & Dale outside the front entrance signing autographs but apparently it was time for them to go in. I begged and pleaded with the CM to wait for me to find a pen and dig my camera out but she refused and made the characters leave the scene. My DS6 grabbed the autograph book and started running across the entrance screaming "CHIP & DIP....Waaaaaiiiiiitttt". It was so heartbreaking.

I told this story on the DISBoards and the nicest person mailed my DS an autographed picture of Chip & Dale to our house. He was sooo happy to receive it!

Fast forward to his second trip in 2008, we were in Epcot on a day that didn't seem crowded. We were about to pass the International Gateway and my son let out a gasp. I looked down the hill and there stood Chip & Dale all by themselves. DS started running toward them and one of the chipmunks started running toward DS and they just embraced in a huge hug. DS was telling him how he had tried so hard to find them last time. I got a picture of Chip and DS walking arm-in-arm back down the hill to meet Dale. It is one of my favorite pictures!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this thread! It's heartwarming, uplifting, sad, and i am so grateful to have been able to read it!:thanks:
The first time we took our boys to WDW, they were 4 and 1. The oldest was a major Toy Story nut, and MGM was running the Toy Story parade. We had front row, curbside seats, and he was beside himself! It was almost like he had a sign on him, "I LOVE TOY STORY" because first, the green soldiers stopped right in front of him and saluted, and then the monkeys rolled right up to him and shook his hand. This was the best thing that could have happened to him here! He's 16 now, but still remembers the soldiers and the monkeys.

- Erin

One moment from last trip...

DBFs brother knelt down to his daughter and said "You see that castle over there?" And she looks and can't see it because of her height and the people around so DBFs brother picks her up and puts her on his shoulders and I saw her face see that castle for the first time and she just looks down and says "oh Daddy thank you so much for coming home"

Okay, this one did me in...I was teary with the stories before this one but :sad1::sad1: now.

2. The second and most important to me was just a few months after my son had been diagnosed with Autism we were in Magic Kingdom. He watched his sister get dressed in her princess dress just before the parade was to start. As he looked longingly at the bag the dress was in he asked, "I don't supposed there is anything in that bag for me?" There was.

We dressed him in his new Peter Pan costume! Peter Pan is his favorite character and he recites lines from the movies for hours. As the Peter Pan float crossed the bridge from Liberty Square into the hub my son saw Peter Pan on the front of the float. He started jumping up and down and screaming, "Peter it's me! It's me!" I started to cry. Peter Pan looked down right at him, pointed to himself and then to my son and back again. He then gave him a big wave. My son knew that Peter Pan saw him and he knew he WAS Peter Pan.

I knew in that moment that everything was going to be all right. It may not be the path I would have chosen for my son but he could still believe and he still believed in pixie dust so why couldn't I? :goodvibes

:goodvibes What a wonderful sign for your family that all would be okay.

The first time we took our boys to WDW, they were 4 and 1. The oldest was a major Toy Story nut, and MGM was running the Toy Story parade. We had front row, curbside seats, and he was beside himself! It was almost like he had a sign on him, "I LOVE TOY STORY" because first, the green soldiers stopped right in front of him and saluted, and then the monkeys rolled right up to him and shook his hand. This was the best thing that could have happened to him here! He's 16 now, but still remembers the soldiers and the monkeys.


My nephew went to DL to visit his sister, who is a CM there. She knew some of the "Green Men" and told them her brother was stopping by before his next deployment. As they watched the parade the soldiers stopped adn turned to Tim and saluted him. My sister (and me too) cry every time we hear this story. A little thing perhaps, but huge to us.
Mine was on our first trip. We woke DD (then 6) up and gave her a gift box. Inside was a Cinderella dress & a note inviting her to breakfast at the castle. When I read her the note, she looked at me and with wide eyes said, "For really Mommy?" I started tearing up right then (just like I am now, thinking about it!). Our daughter had been in foster care for 5 years & it was awesome to know that we were able to make her dreams come true. The pictures from that morning are incredible because she is literally glowing with happiness. It absolutely amazes me.
Ugh this thread is just KILLING me!! The more and more I read the sadder yet happier I get!

Mine isn't a sad story, but on our first trip last April all 3 of my kids had an experience that for me would be the experience of a lifetime. It was even mine and my husband's first time there. We went to watch Festival of the Lion King. When we were being seated, the CM told me to have some of us sit at the end of one bleacher and some of us at another, right in front of each other. I was a little annoyed and didn't really want to split up. She was kind of firm about making us split up, which upset me even more. Then she said "trust me, these are good seats". I gave in because I just wanted to see the show and my kids didn't seem to care. Anyway, at the end of the show when the characters choose kids from the audience to come down and march around the middle with the instruments, all 3 of my kids were picked to go down. I sat there blatting like a baby while video taping it with my camera! That day at Animal Kingdom sold me on Disney!

Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories here. They are truly uplifting! (It doesn't help that I'm only 6 days post-partum and cry at the drop of a hat anyway!:rotfl: )
Okay ours was after my dd had saved a matching bracelet in a tiny box for MONTHS, then remembered to bring it to Disney (I didn't even know she had it still!) she gave it to Cinderella who put it on and KEPT it on! My dd was beyond ecstatic! This was our final morning at Disney and we left to start our drive back to Pittsburgh pa. We stopped for gas and potty at the gas station right outside of MK, then headed north. Almost 2 hours into our trip we hear these faint sobs from the back of our suv. I turn around and dd is drenched in tears quietly crying her eyes out. I ask her what is wrong and she tells me that she took her matching bracelet off at the gas station to wash her hands and left it there. She was absolutely heartbroken. Her entire face was red and swollen, she must have been crying for some time! I am trying to tell her that we will call and they can mail it back- as my dh takes the next exit,...... back south.
We pull into the gas station and sitting right there on the sink, the bracelet.
4 hrs extra travel time -rough
Curing your daughters heartache-priceless!


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