That Foo's Boo Is Incredible!!! - Jan 14 TR *THE END 7/19 Pg. 51*

I LOVE your ride photos!!! They are absolutely hilarious....especially the sleeping one! Still loving your TR!
Awe what a sweet popadon. My dad does that too on occasion. My poppa rocks too :P

You are beautiful without make up. No worries ;)

And yes I'd love to follow you while you train.
Props to ya for registering for the princess!! I’ve thought about it but not running outside ever would just ruin any chance I had bahaha! Congrats on the first 5k, and major pros to the new (?) workout plan for you, you can do it! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!

I would totally be in on a ptr!!

Love the leggings! I really need to get myself to a hot topic next time in in the US! Also love the make up!!

YES! Thank you! Lol, the fp+ planning is honestly FINE with me, we go early, ride rides, meet some characters & do shows in the early afternoon, have some lunch, and then use our fp+’s in the late afternoon/evening and it works PERFECT, even with park hopping. In Oct I was able to make sure we got on TSMM halfway through the day!

Love the pictures on Space Mtn! They are awesome!!! GAME FACE!

But seriously, your ride photos are amazing. Also please teach me your galactic hero ways?!?!?! I SUCK AT THIS GAME/RIDE!!! Tsmm is fine, it’s a good time, GREAT time for me, but buzz, I am PITIFUL AT! Love the surprised scared face on peoplemover!!
Haha, nothing says you just successfully completed a 5K than beer. :drinking1
I'm personally waiting for the 10M and 20M marathons (i.e. metres).

Honestly, I'm all for breakfast in the room just for the time savings alone.

Dani, your Ariel leggings ARE awesome!!!! And seriously, how can you be too old for it??? They're not made for a kid.

Of course Yeti was ready. He would certainly want to check out the other Disney coasters and compare.

Haha, great (unintentional) reaction from the girl behind Popadon's game face photo.
Why does the Dis keep screwing with the settings?!? Every time they do some sort of update I go through having to wait out for the settings (color, size, font) to be changed. Frustrating!!

Okay, where to start....I did such a huge read to get updated that I'm not even sure where I started....

Fun to watch y'all having so much fun at DHS, the Dalmatian hat on your mom was hilarious, I'm so use to seeing PapaDon with his funny faces, but not your mom! :rotfl: I guess you come by it honestly!!

I know just how your mom feels about riding ToT once a trip, it's not my favorite. Although, I just went to Sea World with the kids the other day and after riding the Steel Eel and taking that first hill over and over again to where I was able to keep my hands up the entire time I think I can handle the ToT now. :laughing: I think I've mastered my fear!! :scared1: ::yes::

It's too bad your picture didn't turn out, note to self....always get the first row if you want your picture to be seen. :laughing:

I'm sorry your hot dog didn't turn out to so good, I know what you mean about the Dijon mustard, it's not my fav either. Regular mustard, totally different story, I could smother a hot dog in that and be perfectly happy. :cloud9:

I'm doing these ALLLLL out of order.

You aren't missing anything by not seeing the Legend of Capt. Jack Sparrow, I'm kinda ticked they spent so much money on something that probably won't last out but a couple of years before no one will be willing to see it. Walking in there it looks pretty amazing, but the show is pretty....average, and for me to say that and for my daughter to say that (who's an even bigger fan that I) is saying something. Sadly.

One Man's Dream..... :lovestruc It's such a wonderful place to be, I want to cry every time I go through it thinking about how amazing it must have been to make all that come true. It took him a life time but he did it, how satisfying that must have been to see your dreams come to be and more importantly how your God given dreams and imagination made sooo many people happy. :love: And I'll let you in on a secret, I cry when I watch the movie too.

Brenda: Glad to hear my messy ways won't end a lovely friendship. :hug:

Your family is great about taking mid day breaks, it's something I've never really been able to do. Touring with Brenda may change all that, we'll just have to see.
Mackenzie and I were so good about getting up early, getting our hiney's out the door and getting to the opening of the park every morning. But we were also really good about getting ourselves back to the room by 10 or so every evening, not a full 8 hours of sleep, but even 6-7 hours is a full nights rest when you are in WDW. Then again starting off the trip by not hitting the ground running really helped, also taking a break in the middle of the trip made for a nice rest from the hustle and bustle. ::yes::

Ohana, loooooved it the first time we ate there, but after I've changed the way I eat, I'm a little more inclined to stick to the shrimp the entire time. Being that I'm a big protein dieter-is that even a word? :confused3 You'd think that place would be perfect for me, but the sweet on everything was a bit of a turn off for me this last time. Oh well, I can still eat my weight in shrimp and the salad and broccoli.

I'm anxious to see what they come up with for the Poly's GCH lobby, I'm hoping they won't take away all of the 70's theming, I think that is so synonymous with the Hawaiian look, don't you think? I'm pretty sure we can all can expect it to look very similar to what you are seeing with Disney's Aulani resort.

Talking Mickey, I thought he was interactive like Talking with Crush. :confused: Why did they make him a recorded Mickey? Where is the fun in that?!? :confused3 Oh well.
I don't think I like the fact he blinks now, when the show in front of the castle is happening you get random pictures with his eyes closed. Not something they probably thought of when they started making him talk and blink, I think they should take the blinking feature away for the shows.
Y'all look so cute in the pictures with him. :goodvibes

Tangled bathrooms... :lovestruc Can't beat them. I never noticed the satchel or the hand held mirror, too cute. This is part of why I love the Dis so much, you learn something new all the time. The cupcakes DO look yummy! Next time I'm there I'll have to get someone to get one so I can have a bite. :goodvibes

Loving your Peter Pan inspired makeup, so cute. Peter Pan is one of our favorite movies. My daughter and I have serious envy when we see all the cool shirts and leggings from Hot Topic. We go during the hotter time of the year so I'm not sure we'd be able to get away with wearing them to Disney. :worried: But we sure love seeing you and your Mama in them.

I love reading your reports, you talk about things we didn't even know existed in WDW. I didn't realize there was a Discovery island. We've also not ridden the Ferry, looks like a nice way to get to the park. Mackie and I did however ride the boat over to the GF on Mother's Day when we had a Tea time over there, very windy but a very fun ride to experience. :lovestruc

Since I'm not sure that Brenda's and my trip will work out in Nov., I'm already planning for a trip the following May in 2015 for my son and I.
Talking about all the things I've not done and things I have gotten to do (without him there) is giving me some great ideas about what to plan for our trip. :woohoo: I think planning Tea at the GF is a must for us. I think I'm going to plan the whole thing as surprise, this will be fun!! :laughing:
What goofy/fun things can I come up with? Hmmm.....:stir:

By the do NOT have to comment on everything I'm saying here. :laughing: Save your energy. :laughing:
Congratulations on finishing your first 5K. :cheer2: I live in the Chicago area, love to run outside, hate treadmills, but this winter has just been terrible for runners. So that was some powerful motivation you had there. :)

My sister and I ran the Disney half marathon many years ago and had a great time. I hope you find a good training partner you can run with. It makes it a lot more fun that way. :goodvibes
I think you look beautiful without your make-up :)

Loving your leggings, I'm like Rosie (it must be a British thing) and am far too conservative/shy to wear something like that, I don't even really do patterns :rotfl:

Congrats on your Buzz score, I've done it once but can't for the life of me remember which targets I hit :rotfl2:
Not in Chicago and not a runner, but totally understand what you mean about the never-ending Winter claustrophobia. Can't wait to be able to go outside and enjoy things again. Good job running your 5K!

Nice leggings! I love how they were able to delight other guests. :rotfl:

Yay for winning on Buzz! So, you did that without the ride even breaking down? Wow. :worship: The only times we've done it, the ride has to pause to allow it! And there was no announcement...maybe because of the paused ride? Anyway, nice work! Your game face paid off.

Mine Train?! :hyper:

It's horrible, right? I can't wait to just be outside more often! It's been truly exhausting!

Thanks! My last official 5k was all the way back in September! :scared1: That's bad.....

I did do that without the ride breaking down! My game face did indeed pay off. :rotfl2:

I LOVE the leggings! Are those hot topic too?

Y'all are so cute!!!!! Makes me want to vacation with your family :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I actually got those leggings from Target of all places. :goodvibes

Awww, thanks! We just like to have fun together.

I LOVE your ride photos!!! They are absolutely hilarious....especially the sleeping one! Still loving your TR!

Thanks! I always try to make sure I do something a little bit different. Although at some point, I think I'm going to run out of ideas. :lmao:
Awe what a sweet popadon. My dad does that too on occasion. My poppa rocks too :P

You are beautiful without make up. No worries ;)

And yes I'd love to follow you while you train.

He's so good about it.

Awww, thanks. Just had to put that warning in there. :rotfl2:

All right! One training follower.

Props to ya for registering for the princess!! I’ve thought about it but not running outside ever would just ruin any chance I had bahaha! Congrats on the first 5k, and major pros to the new (?) workout plan for you, you can do it! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!

I would totally be in on a ptr!!

Love the leggings! I really need to get myself to a hot topic next time in in the US! Also love the make up!!

YES! Thank you! Lol, the fp+ planning is honestly FINE with me, we go early, ride rides, meet some characters & do shows in the early afternoon, have some lunch, and then use our fp+’s in the late afternoon/evening and it works PERFECT, even with park hopping. In Oct I was able to make sure we got on TSMM halfway through the day!

Love the pictures on Space Mtn! They are awesome!!! GAME FACE!

But seriously, your ride photos are amazing. Also please teach me your galactic hero ways?!?!?! I SUCK AT THIS GAME/RIDE!!! Tsmm is fine, it’s a good time, GREAT time for me, but buzz, I am PITIFUL AT! Love the surprised scared face on peoplemover!!

Hahahaha. Yes my dear friend, running outside would definitely be of assistance before registering for the 1/2 marathon. :lmao:

It's a slightly different version of what I was doing last year in regards to training, but I'm hoping it will help.

Those leggings were actually from Target if you would believe it!

I feel like I'm one of the only people right now that loves FP+. I don't care that you can't park hop and I don't care that we get three. Because honestly, I've never used more than that anyway! Parkhopping would be a plus, but it's not a deal breaker for me.

I will absolutely teach you my galactic hero ways! It will be so.

Haha, nothing says you just successfully completed a 5K than beer. :drinking1
I'm personally waiting for the 10M and 20M marathons (i.e. metres).

Honestly, I'm all for breakfast in the room just for the time savings alone.

Dani, your Ariel leggings ARE awesome!!!! And seriously, how can you be too old for it??? They're not made for a kid.

Of course Yeti was ready. He would certainly want to check out the other Disney coasters and compare.

Haha, great (unintentional) reaction from the girl behind Popadon's game face photo.

That is exactly right! What says reward more than a beer!

I'm not sure there are going to be any 10 meter marathons......:rotfl2:

Right?! I'm certainly not too old for those leggings. But some of the strange looks I got said otherwise. Good thing I don't care! :lmao:

Hahaha, I know, that girl was like "huh?"
Why does the Dis keep screwing with the settings?!? Every time they do some sort of update I go through having to wait out for the settings (color, size, font) to be changed. Frustrating!!

Okay, where to start....I did such a huge read to get updated that I'm not even sure where I started....

Fun to watch y'all having so much fun at DHS, the Dalmatian hat on your mom was hilarious, I'm so use to seeing PapaDon with his funny faces, but not your mom! :rotfl: I guess you come by it honestly!!

I know just how your mom feels about riding ToT once a trip, it's not my favorite. Although, I just went to Sea World with the kids the other day and after riding the Steel Eel and taking that first hill over and over again to where I was able to keep my hands up the entire time I think I can handle the ToT now. :laughing: I think I've mastered my fear!! :scared1: :

It's too bad your picture didn't turn out, note to self....always get the first row if you want your picture to be seen.

I'm sorry your hot dog didn't turn out to so good, I know what you mean about the Dijon mustard, it's not my fav either. Regular mustard, totally different story, I could smother a hot dog in that and be perfectly happy.

I'm doing these ALLLLL out of order.

You aren't missing anything by not seeing the Legend of Capt. Jack Sparrow, I'm kinda ticked they spent so much money on something that probably won't last out but a couple of years before no one will be willing to see it. Walking in there it looks pretty amazing, but the show is pretty....average, and for me to say that and for my daughter to say that (who's an even bigger fan that I) is saying something. Sadly.

One Man's Dream..... :lovestruc It's such a wonderful place to be, I want to cry every time I go through it thinking about how amazing it must have been to make all that come true. It took him a life time but he did it, how satisfying that must have been to see your dreams come to be and more importantly how your God given dreams and imagination made sooo many people happy. :love: And I'll let you in on a secret, I cry when I watch the movie too.

Brenda: Glad to hear my messy ways won't end a lovely friendship.

Your family is great about taking mid day breaks, it's something I've never really been able to do. Touring with Brenda may change all that, we'll just have to see.
Mackenzie and I were so good about getting up early, getting our hiney's out the door and getting to the opening of the park every morning. But we were also really good about getting ourselves back to the room by 10 or so every evening, not a full 8 hours of sleep, but even 6-7 hours is a full nights rest when you are in WDW. Then again starting off the trip by not hitting the ground running really helped, also taking a break in the middle of the trip made for a nice rest from the hustle and bustle.

Ohana, loooooved it the first time we ate there, but after I've changed the way I eat, I'm a little more inclined to stick to the shrimp the entire time. Being that I'm a big protein dieter-is that even a word? :confused3 You'd think that place would be perfect for me, but the sweet on everything was a bit of a turn off for me this last time. Oh well, I can still eat my weight in shrimp and the salad and broccoli.

I'm anxious to see what they come up with for the Poly's GCH lobby, I'm hoping they won't take away all of the 70's theming, I think that is so synonymous with the Hawaiian look, don't you think? I'm pretty sure we can all can expect it to look very similar to what you are seeing with Disney's Aulani resort.

Talking Mickey, I thought he was interactive like Talking with Crush. Why did they make him a recorded Mickey? Where is the fun in that?!? Oh well.
I don't think I like the fact he blinks now, when the show in front of the castle is happening you get random pictures with his eyes closed. Not something they probably thought of when they started making him talk and blink, I think they should take the blinking feature away for the shows.
Y'all look so cute in the pictures with him. :goodvibes

Tangled bathrooms... :lovestruc Can't beat them. I never noticed the satchel or the hand held mirror, too cute. This is part of why I love the Dis so much, you learn something new all the time. The cupcakes DO look yummy! Next time I'm there I'll have to get someone to get one so I can have a bite. :goodvibes

Loving your Peter Pan inspired makeup, so cute. Peter Pan is one of our favorite movies. My daughter and I have serious envy when we see all the cool shirts and leggings from Hot Topic. We go during the hotter time of the year so I'm not sure we'd be able to get away with wearing them to Disney. :worried: But we sure love seeing you and your Mama in them.

I love reading your reports, you talk about things we didn't even know existed in WDW. I didn't realize there was a Discovery island. We've also not ridden the Ferry, looks like a nice way to get to the park. Mackie and I did however ride the boat over to the GF on Mother's Day when we had a Tea time over there, very windy but a very fun ride to experience. :lovestruc

Since I'm not sure that Brenda's and my trip will work out in Nov., I'm already planning for a trip the following May in 2015 for my son and I.
Talking about all the things I've not done and things I have gotten to do (without him there) is giving me some great ideas about what to plan for our trip. :woohoo: I think planning Tea at the GF is a must for us. I think I'm going to plan the whole thing as surprise, this will be fun!! :laughing:
What goofy/fun things can I come up with? Hmmm.....:stir:

By the do NOT have to comment on everything I'm saying here. :laughing: Save your energy. :laughing:

Hahaha! Wow! You did a response like I do when I fall behind on a TR!

I'm glad that I can teach you new things in my TR's. I've been fortunate to be going for quite a number of years, so I've seen a lot of things come and go.

I want to do a tea at the GF!

Congratulations on finishing your first 5K. :cheer2: I live in the Chicago area, love to run outside, hate treadmills, but this winter has just been terrible for runners. So that was some powerful motivation you had there. :)

My sister and I ran the Disney half marathon many years ago and had a great time. I hope you find a good training partner you can run with. It makes it a lot more fun that way. :goodvibes

Thanks! It was actually my first one of the season. I completed several of them last year. I kind of got addicted to them after I finished my first one, which has encouraged me to just keep going.

My SIL Jeni is actually my normal training partner. It was a bit easier for us when we lived next to each other, but now we normally plan our long runs together on the weekends.

I think you look beautiful without your make-up :)

Loving your leggings, I'm like Rosie (it must be a British thing) and am far too conservative/shy to wear something like that, I don't even really do patterns :rotfl:

Congrats on your Buzz score, I've done it once but can't for the life of me remember which targets I hit :rotfl2:

Thanks! I don't often take pictures without it, but I'm also not about to wear a full face for a run. My pores would NOT like me. :lmao:

LOL. Maybe it is a British thing.....:rotfl: Mine must be a Belgian thing. :rotfl2:
Dani, you would love tea at the GF. It's so much fun. :goodvibes

And I agree, you do look really pretty without make-up on. ::yes::

Yeah, this Chicago weather just makes me wanna move somewhere south! It's physically draining. I mean, come on, next week is Spring!

We never made it to Discovery Island, I probably didn't even know it existed on our first trip in 1995, but just the fact that it's still sitting there in Bay Lake to keep reminding you that it's closed is a bummer and kind of sad!

I like your makeup - the only time I wear makeup at Disney is to go out to dinner, I'm lazy like that.

I love the People Mover, it's usually never crowded and such a nice break in an otherwise busy park!

I clearly had time on my hands.

:rotfl2: Why, yes, yes you did! Best Buzz ride picture ever! :rotfl2:

Nice Pete Pan eyes. Can you do my makeup, please, because that eyeliner is pretty flawless. Oh - and I LOVE the pants.

You are seriously going to need to talk to Popadon about the photo-bombing. :rotfl2:

Congrats on the 5 K today? or was it yesterday? Love the green outfit!

Good luck on your training! Sounds like you have a good program mapped out.
Love Peter Pan eyes! So very clever! I wish I was a runner but sadly I just am not. I totally feel ya on being over this winter! I cannot believe it is going to be back into the teens tomorrow. It is March for goodness sakes! Sorry, didn't mean to go on such a rant! Pictures of your parents just make me smile!
A big congrats on being a Galactic Hero! That's awesome! Didn't your mom get a ride photo last time of checking her phone after maxing out on her points? You should have done the same pose! :rotfl:

I love how all of the Disney rides appear to be very Yeti friendly!
Eeep the Kermie hat is too cute!

I have that Tiana pin! Excellent choice :thumbsup2

I love those leggings! Glad they were such a hit :goodvibes

Yeti and Popadon are killing it in these photos. Too great.

YOU GO GALACTIC HERO! My dad's gotten it before, but I've only reached 603,000.
Congrats on doing a 5K! I can't imagine getting out there in that cold and running. I'm an outside runner, as well, but at least I only have about a month or two of cold-ish weather to deal with. I don't think I could live in Chicago. :rotfl2:
I would follow a Princess Training PTR! I have read a few, and I think it's always so great to watch people's progress and see how amazing it feels for them when they complete the race. :thumbsup2

Your Ariel leggings are awesome! I probably would've had to have gone up to you and told you how great I thought they were if I had seen you. Life's so much better when you embrace your inner child, and I feel bad for the folks who don't get Disney leggings. :rolleyes2

Well, you can't get much better than that score on Buzz...
Dani, you would love tea at the GF. It's so much fun. :goodvibes

And I agree, you do look really pretty without make-up on. ::yes::

I'm sure we would! I'm thinking maybe we can make some time for it on our trip in November. :goodvibes

Awww, thanks hon. You're so sweet. :blush:

Yeah, this Chicago weather just makes me wanna move somewhere south! It's physically draining. I mean, come on, next week is Spring!

We never made it to Discovery Island, I probably didn't even know it existed on our first trip in 1995, but just the fact that it's still sitting there in Bay Lake to keep reminding you that it's closed is a bummer and kind of sad!

I like your makeup - the only time I wear makeup at Disney is to go out to dinner, I'm lazy like that.

I love the People Mover, it's usually never crowded and such a nice break in an otherwise busy park!

Ugh, it's been the worst, hasn't it? I've just felt so absolutely unmotivated. It's been horrible!

I don't wear quite as much makeup when it's hotter weather, because I'm always afraid of it melting off. July was a good example of this. I mean, it's there, but not as intricate or heavy as it could be.

The Peoplemover is one of my absolute favorites!

:rotfl2: Why, yes, yes you did! Best Buzz ride picture ever! :rotfl2:

Nice Pete Pan eyes. Can you do my makeup, please, because that eyeliner is pretty flawless. Oh - and I LOVE the pants.

You are seriously going to need to talk to Popadon about the photo-bombing. :rotfl2:

Congrats on the 5 K today? or was it yesterday? Love the green outfit!

Good luck on your training! Sounds like you have a good program mapped out.

Hahaha! I was trying to think of a way to look bored, tried to recreate my Mom's "looking at her phone" picture, but you can't see the phone!

Awww, thanks! Honestly, the eyeliner just takes tons of practice and patience! I've done many a crappy job on my eyeliner before. :rotfl2:

It was the day before I posted it! I was so happy to get outside. It was somewhat rough, but I was really glad that I did it.

I'm trying really hard to stick to that program through the summer, because I want to finish this race and finish it well.
Love Peter Pan eyes! So very clever! I wish I was a runner but sadly I just am not. I totally feel ya on being over this winter! I cannot believe it is going to be back into the teens tomorrow. It is March for goodness sakes! Sorry, didn't mean to go on such a rant! Pictures of your parents just make me smile!

Thanks! I had the red eyeliner, and when I was writing down looks to create, I wanted to use it. Peter Pan's feather just came to mind.

Believe me, rant away! This winter has been the worst for so many people.

A big congrats on being a Galactic Hero! That's awesome! Didn't your mom get a ride photo last time of checking her phone after maxing out on her points? You should have done the same pose! :rotfl:

I love how all of the Disney rides appear to be very Yeti friendly!

She did get it last time! And I was trying to recreate that pose! You just can't see the phone, because apparently I'm an idiot. :lmao:

Eeep the Kermie hat is too cute!

I have that Tiana pin! Excellent choice :thumbsup2

I love those leggings! Glad they were such a hit :goodvibes

Yeti and Popadon are killing it in these photos. Too great.

YOU GO GALACTIC HERO! My dad's gotten it before, but I've only reached 603,000.

Thanks! I was unsure of what the weather was going to be like, so I figured the nice warm hat that would cover my ears would be the way to go if I needed it.

Popadon and Yeti have quite a reputation of being photo hogs, I have to say.

Congrats on doing a 5K! I can't imagine getting out there in that cold and running. I'm an outside runner, as well, but at least I only have about a month or two of cold-ish weather to deal with. I don't think I could live in Chicago. :rotfl2:
I would follow a Princess Training PTR! I have read a few, and I think it's always so great to watch people's progress and see how amazing it feels for them when they complete the race. :thumbsup2

Your Ariel leggings are awesome! I probably would've had to have gone up to you and told you how great I thought they were if I had seen you. Life's so much better when you embrace your inner child, and I feel bad for the folks who don't get Disney leggings. :rolleyes2

Well, you can't get much better than that score on Buzz...

Thanks! I haven't had an "official" 5k since September. My nightly runs are normally that distance, but I just love racing. I just wish I didn't have to pay registration fees!

Believe don't want to live in Chicago. :rotfl2:

If I do start a PTR, I'll make sure it's when my training actually starts in earnest. ;)

I feel bad for the people that don't get Disney leggings either! Just have some fun people!
I could have sworn I responded to this. :confused3

Yes, I know exactly how you feel about this weather. It is so depressing and just wears you out. It's going to be warm on Friday and then back in the high 30's next week with a chance of snow one of those days. Seriously, can we just move on to Spring now? I finally did updates on my TR...and it took all I had because I'm just so tired all of the time.

Congrats on your first 5K. I LOVE your Kermit cute.

And I love your leggings...those are just so cute. And great job on the make-up.

I love getting a picture of that Mickey as you walk from the parking lot to the TTC.

Love your dad's poses in the pictures with your mom. And great shot on SM!


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