Thanks from one who "needs" a bargain.


<font color=FF99FF>Longs to hear....."A table for
Mar 21, 2001
I don't know if it's just me but I love to know that I'm getting a bargain. I like to get the best (or as close to it as I can afford and know I'm paying less than most of the people around me. I won't book a plane reservation unlless I know that I'm paying less than at least half the people on the plane. I will spend hours trying to get a rental car for the least amount possible but still getting a full size or better. I used to pay full price whenever I went to WDW, but not snymore. These boards have been a great help. Thanks to all.
Glad that you are enjoying the Budget Board Mom! Be sure to share your tips too! :)
For the most part I won't buy ANYTHING unless I think I'm getting a deal...

$129 gov't rate at Dolphin - and still hoping to get a balcony room with an Epcot view
PS at great sit-down restaurants in Epcot 15 minutes before lunch prices expire
Drive 1500 miles to WDW without stopping to sleep (ooops, that's my hubby's idea...not mine)

What I WON'T do.....

Eat PB&J sandwiches OR Cup of Noodles on vacation
Go without coffee in my room first thing in the a.m.

My biggest dilemma....

Whether to purchase a length of stay pass OR a hopper for my 6 night stay in Sept?????
when will you arrive at disney??
, i find the length of stay passes to be wasted if you have to pay for
'check in day and not be able to use them...
if you would be able to use them by all means
go for which ever is cheaper.
Whether to purchase a length of stay pass OR a hopper for my 6 night stay in Sept?????

Well, from your signature you were at WDW in 2000, 2001 and you'll be there again in 2002. What about an Annual Pass? Seriously :). Come back by September 2003 and you'll get a real bargain.
Hi!Robin when do I become a disney veteran? I know I had more posts than I have now. I know I had lost some when they did maintaince last year. :D


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