Thank you to our wonderful hosts!


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2000
I'd just like to use this move as an opportunity to tell our web hosts, and board moderators how much I and I'm sure many others appreciate thier wondersul efforts to allow us to share information and the wonderful benefit all of us end up with by improving our pleasure and enjoyment we experience with our DVC ownership.

This is a fabulous resource, one I have recommended as best practice to other organizations looking for the best out there on the net.

You folks all deserve a great deal of credit for the wonderful job you do, the fairness with which to moderate and intervene when emotions get a little out of hand and the excellence you achieve in keeping the boards as the fantastic resource they are for those of us who have such a special place in our hearts for that 43 square mile area in Florida and all its sister resort areas.

You are constantly improving and making things even better. My hats off to everyone involved and a sincere thank you. :cool:
Aye, aye, Captain!

The work going on behind the scenes at this site helps make it what it is: a wonderful resource for those who can't stop planning that next trip, or should we or should we not purchase VWL, should we rent a car, what's the best way to do it, etc. I've so appreciated coming here and getting answers to my questions. Thanks to Pete and his support team for doing a great job!!!
So glad to hear how much you enjoy the DIS and the DVC Board in particular! I am very happy to be a part of the team that brings the best DVC discussions onto the web. Looking forward to lots more fun and informative threads here in our new Home! Thanks to Doc, Robin and all our wonderful DIS visitors! :D
Yes, Thank You! This has been fun. My clip art ran away, but I found some new stuff. Thanks again. :bounce:
Just wanted to add my Thanks. You guys do a terrific job. And, I have to say this new posting site is awesome!!! One of the best on the internet!! Thanks for always improving.
I send my thanks too!

We appreciate all the behind the scenes tasks that keep us up to date on WDW and DVC!

I concur with the thank yous. This board is a great resource.

I agree! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication that goes in EVERY day!
I recently introduced these boards to a Disney Fanatic who has owned at OKW since day one. She told me that she spent two hours here the first night. That's a heavy compliment.:D

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