Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge

:welcome: Kristina! Glad that you had a good time at Daytona Beach. I know this is tough time of year for you. :hug:

End of January thru beginning part of February (when their funeral was) is usually a blur to me. I was hoping we were going to have DVC points to use so I could go hide away at Disney, but we went kind of nuts last year and used them all. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do that weekend. I don't normally like being home but if it winds up happening that way I'll just stay in bed. I don't like being on the road that day because I have an unsettling fear that its going to happen again, only this tme I'll wind up dying.

Daytona was fun! I had never been there before. We didn't do a whole lot but it was just relaxing. I've got a lot on my plate right now that I'm trying REALLY hard not to stress over. Alan has informed me that I can be quite "grumpy" (won't use the adult word he called it, :laughing:) when I'm stressed out. My come back to his comment, "Gee honey its only taken you 3 years to figure that out" :laughing:.
i'm 3 pages behind! i'll catch up tomorrow. just had to come here and admit that i just housed THREE cupcakes. (stressful evening with the in-laws)

can't wait to get back on the wagon tomorrow! lisa, come pick me up!

happy new year friends!
i'm 3 pages behind! i'll catch up tomorrow. just had to come here and admit that i just housed THREE cupcakes. (stressful evening with the in-laws)

can't wait to get back on the wagon tomorrow! lisa, come pick me up!

happy new year friends!

Can you hear the wagon wheels? ;)
Last year at this time I was lurking on Team Donald. I gathered my courage and joined the spring and fall challenges. I've lost some weight, but still have oodles to go. I'm a 46 year old wife, and mom to 2 teen boys. :scared1: In 11 months it'll be our 25th anniversary and I'm making DH take me to Disneyland. My brother lives in Florida so we've been to WDW a few times (not nearly enough, though!), but never to DL together. One of my goals for this challenge is to force myself to do some type of "core" exercise each and every day, and do my 20 minute yoga video (yes, video) once a week. I'll continue with my running (I started C25K in the spring--I like to think I'm an inspiration to others--look at that old fat lady plod along) :rotfl2: Today I ran my 3.27 mile loop which I hadn't done in months and months and felt pretty good about it. Definitely makes me want to get out there more. And if anybody had told me a year ago I'd want to run when something wasn't chasing me I'd have laughed my head off!

Welcome to everybody! Keep up the effort. You can do it!
Hi all! My name is Lisa (actually my last name starts with an H so Lisah0711 makes me do a double take!) and my nickname is Lu Lu so since we have a LisaH you can call me Lu Lu or Lisa Lu!


I was just tinkering around yesterday on the DIS and I am normally a lurker, just reading TRs, but I thought I would check out the rest of the site. This was after I got off the phone with my mom complaining that I need to find a new way to lose weight! I stumbled across this page and thought this would be perfect! Losing weight with WDW crazy people like me!

I am extremely overweight and according to my Dr. I need to lose 120 lbs but in my head I would be extremely happy with 100 lbs. I am going to set a goal of 30 lbs for this challenge!

I am a mom to my DS Tyler (7 yo) and have been married to my DH Rob for 12 years. I am a 37 yo Chef that loves to teach cooking classes to kids. The sad thing is that my classes revolve around healthy eating etc. I also work at a catering company, where I Love the food and we have free pop available all day! (I am sooooo addicted to Dr. Pepper!!)

While I have a formal culinary education I do not have my bachelors degree and someday I would like to go back to school to become a Home Economics teacher!

I think I rambled on long enough! I look forward to getting to know everyone!

QotD: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

Ummmm..... I know I have to give up Dr. Pepper and cut out all pop so that is my first step. That is gonna be the hardest part!

Wii Fit! I lost a lot of weight playing this game! I love it and have to get back on the horse...i mean balance board!

Cut sugar! I am addicted to sugar in general. Candy, cookies (mmmm chocolate chip mmmm). Actually for the Healthy Habit Challenge I am gonna change a dessert recipe. I will share it and any other healthy cooking tips if you are interested.

I feel if I can do those three things I will be on a good track to achieving my goals for this challenge.

Thanks again for having me on Team Mickey!!!!

Lisa Lu
I'm so excited to be here!!:banana: I really can't get motivated alone, and after seeing so many people being successful on here I have decided to give it a try.

I'm 42 years old and this past year was very stressful for me. I am a stress eater too so I packed on about 15 extra pounds. Add that to the 15 that I already needed to lose and there ya go.:sad2:

A friend of mine has agreed to join the gym, walk and run with me to get this weight off. With that, and eating better I am hopeful that this year I can get back into shape and feel better about myself.

I can't wait to see how we all do!:goodvibes

GO TEAM MICKEY!!!!!:cheer2:

QOTD Saturday, December 31, 2011: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your goals for this challenge. :goodvibes

Hey, I'm Buffy aka BAMB I'm 37, married 19 years this coming April. I have 4 kids. I'm a NAHM, never at home mom. I like to scrapbook. UM...... this is like my 3rd or 4th challenge. I'd actually like to fully complete one, LOL.

My goals are:
1) lose 20 pounds
2) post at least once every day
3) make more time for myself.

Januarys' goal is to not eat out at all. January 2011 we spent $135.22 eating out, and that's the cheapest eating out bill we had. Some are upwards of $1000, it's ridiculous.

I'm on my way to #3. DH and I have been busting butt on getting the house organized so I can have time to workout. Tomorrow starts day 1 of training for the Princess 1/2 2013.
I'm not going to stick around to long tonight. I was trying to make it to midnight but I'm tired and I'm fighting a headache.

End of January thru beginning part of February (when their funeral was) is usually a blur to me. I was hoping we were going to have DVC points to use so I could go hide away at Disney, but we went kind of nuts last year and used them all. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do that weekend. I don't normally like being home but if it winds up happening that way I'll just stay in bed. I don't like being on the road that day because I have an unsettling fear that its going to happen again, only this tme I'll wind up dying.


Ummmm..... I know I have to give up Dr. Pepper and cut out all pop so that is my first step. That is gonna be the hardest part!

You can do it Lisa Lu!!!!
I bet my kids from just before Halloween to Thanksgiving that they couldn't go without soda for a month and they did it. They unfortunately have started drinking soda again (I refuse to bring it in the house though) but I have been soda free for 69 days and counting. The first 2 weeks were pure hell, but I'm glad I pushed through. I ended up losing 3 pounds just by cutting out the soda. My thoughts are clearer and my need for Maalox has been drastically reduced. And no more headaches!!!!
Which leads me to the Question of the Day for Sunday, January 1, 2012: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

Tough question. I think I have to make sure I hold myself accountable for my actions. I can't make excuses this year. I'm not to busy, I'm not to tired, I just need to do it.
QOTD Saturday, December 31, 2011: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your goals for this challenge. :goodvibes

My introduction:
My name is Michelle or yanni2. This is my 3rd attempt at a Biggest Loser Challenge and I'm really focusing on finishing this one...LOL!

I am a 40 year old, married for almost 18 years, SAH/homeschool mom of 2 dds. One is 13 and the other is 11. On top of homeschooling, both my girls are competitive gymnasts that practice 16-20 hours a week.

I am eventually planning on losing 100-110 pounds, and I think I'm believing to lose 25 pounds by the end of this challenge (not sure when that is).

Which leads me to the Question of the Day for Sunday, January 1, 2012: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

I've decided to make my goals small and weekly. So each week will build on the next. I'm hoping the small baby steps will work better for me that trying to do it all at once. I tend to give up when I feel I've taken on too many changes at once.

So my goals for this week are:
Exercise: 10 minutes on the elliptical
Water: 4 8oz glasses (this is my hardest...I hate water)
Food: Less carbs (snacks)

The next week will be:
Exercise: 20 minutes on elliptical
Water: 5 8oz glasses
Food: Salad a day + Less carbs

Hi everyone! I'm excited about this challenge and 2012.... a new year, and a new beginning with all new possibilities!! I have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm aiming for 1 - 2 pounds per week. I'm having surgery on January 11th and won't be able to exercise for 4 - 6 weeks. I know my weight loss may be slow during that time, but it will give me a chance to really concentrate on my eating habits, which need a lot of improvement. I joined and started using the app the other day. Love it!!

Happy New Year to everyone!
QOTD: I am doing Jenny Craig and am going to try to be more active. Originally I said I was going to go back to Tae Kwon Do, but after today, I'm nto sure how quickly that will happen. I have chronic bronchitis that only flares up when I get a cold or sinus infection. Unfortunately, I have been non stop coughing since school started with multiple colds and sinus infections. The last time I went to the doctor it was not a bronchitis flare up (yay!). A week after that cough went away, I got my worst sinus infection. Tonight my husband, sister in law, friend, and I were playing Just Dance on our new Wii. I ended up having to leave early because I was coughing so hard I could not breathe. I feel like crap.

I'm really disappointed. I was hoping to get back to Tae Kwon Do this week but that looks like it might not happen. I did reset my Body Media goal to be one pound per week and less active since I have had such a hard time exercising. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm just really frustrated that I can't seem to ever catch a break with this stupid bronchitis thing.
Hi my name is Margaret and I live about 40 miles west of London in the UK.

I have about 50 pounds to lose and I want to aim for 30 during this challenge. I'm following weightwatchers and it has worked for me in the past. My problem is that during maintenance I always fall back into my old habits and put the weight back on.

This time I am going to stop thinking about the bigger picture but instead focus on the small stuff every time I have a decision to make (go to the gym or watch TV, apple or muffin etc). If I make the right choice in the small things I hope it will add up to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.

I am also going to start using my pedometer again. I am very competitive so I like to increase the number of steps each day. I live right next to a gym so I'm aiming to go twice a week and use my wii the other days for my 20 minutes of exercise.

Good luck everyone!
Which leads me to the Question of the Day for Sunday, January 1, 2012: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

Good morning everyone! I have a few ideas on how to achieve my goals. First cook at home more. We go out to eat a lot! Not only can I cook healthier, but will save some $$$ too! Also I'm a diet pepsi addict. I think one of the health habits for this week is to drink more water. I hate plain water so I will drink Propel. I really do like that. I usually bring a 24 oz bottle of diet pepsi with me to work so to start with I'm going to cut down to one can and bring the Propel too.

Make sure to treadmill as much as possible. I really, really want to do the 5k in April with my coworkers. See the problem is weather conditions have to be near perfect for me to run outside. I love my treadmill. I'm a numbers gal so I like watching the mileage and time on the display. I do really enjoy trotting
on our lake trail with DH and DD in her jogger. We had so much fun last
spring and summer. This year she'll be a little heavier to push this year though lol!

My plan for today is to treadmill this morning, take my tree down, clean up
the house a bit and make a healthy supper. Have a great day everyone!:goodvibes
Happy New Year - I just joined last night and I am ready to get healthy in 2012. I have about 75 pounds to lose. I will be doing weight watchers - I lost those 75 pounds with their program in 2006, but have since gained it all back. I am a grazer, I seem to snack all day long and that is killing me. I need to stop that and stick with a eating schedule and only eat when I am hungry.

I had been exercising daily, but broke a bone in my foot in April and have been having troble with foot and leg pain ever since. I really need to get back to some type of exercise.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and shedding these pounds together!
Happy New Year Team Mickey! party:

Everybody excited and ready to make this the year that all your dreams come true? All righty then! Here's a little pixiedust: to help us on our way! 'Cause you can never have too much pixiedust! :wizard:

Hello Team Mickey :wave2:

I am on Team Donald this time around, but I will still be the weight keeper for both teams :goodvibes

Sue, thank you, thank you, thank you for being our weightkeeper! :worship:

Please be sure to PM your starting weight to dvccruiser76 today and most importantly include TEAM MICKEY in the subject line! For example my PM subject read Weigh-in 1/1/12 212.5 MICKEY. :goodvibes

:banana: AWESOMENESS!! :) (Is that even a word? Oh well, I'll make it a word)

I was sitting here with the page up while I was making out my meal plan for the month and hit refresh and saw that it was posted. I figured I might as well answer it now before I have to go searching for it tomorrow :).

Your meal plans looks great. :thumbsup2 It's nice to know what you're having so you can look for sales on meats, etc. and put things in the freezer.

i'm 3 pages behind! i'll catch up tomorrow. just had to come here and admit that i just housed THREE cupcakes. (stressful evening with the in-laws)

can't wait to get back on the wagon tomorrow! lisa, come pick me up!

happy new year friends!

Yoo-hoo! Nancy! We're sitting here in the wagon and it's right outside your door! Come on in -- lots of room in the wagon! :cool2:

Last year at this time I was lurking on Team Donald. I gathered my courage and joined the spring and fall challenges. I've lost some weight, but still have oodles to go. I'm a 46 year old wife, and mom to 2 teen boys. :scared1: In 11 months it'll be our 25th anniversary and I'm making DH take me to Disneyland. My brother lives in Florida so we've been to WDW a few times (not nearly enough, though!), but never to DL together. One of my goals for this challenge is to force myself to do some type of "core" exercise each and every day, and do my 20 minute yoga video (yes, video) once a week. I'll continue with my running (I started C25K in the spring--I like to think I'm an inspiration to others--look at that old fat lady plod along) :rotfl2: Today I ran my 3.27 mile loop which I hadn't done in months and months and felt pretty good about it. Definitely makes me want to get out there more. And if anybody had told me a year ago I'd want to run when something wasn't chasing me I'd have laughed my head off!

Welcome to everybody! Keep up the effort. You can do it!

::yes:: Yep, we can all do it and so can you, Linda! :cool1: I admire you for getting outside and running this time of year. :thumbsup2

Last challenge I had my best success by not thinking at all about my final goal and just concentrating on the big psychological milestone in the middle that I wanted by the end of January -- ONE-derland. Then I had monthly goals that I had to hit to break that bigger number down. It is harder as we age to lose weight but the one good thing about being in this weight range is that when you exercise you do burn some serious calories. :goodvibes I missed my goal for the year by 2 1/2 pounds but I hit 50 pounds lost so I am very, very happy. Not to mention I have the Tinker Bell hanging over my head to help motivate me to make up that little difference. :tink:

Hi all! My name is Lisa (actually my last name starts with an H so Lisah0711 makes me do a double take!) and my nickname is Lu Lu so since we have a LisaH you can call me Lu Lu or Lisa Lu!


I was just tinkering around yesterday on the DIS and I am normally a lurker, just reading TRs, but I thought I would check out the rest of the site. This was after I got off the phone with my mom complaining that I need to find a new way to lose weight! I stumbled across this page and thought this would be perfect! Losing weight with WDW crazy people like me!

I am extremely overweight and according to my Dr. I need to lose 120 lbs but in my head I would be extremely happy with 100 lbs. I am going to set a goal of 30 lbs for this challenge!

I am a mom to my DS Tyler (7 yo) and have been married to my DH Rob for 12 years. I am a 37 yo Chef that loves to teach cooking classes to kids. The sad thing is that my classes revolve around healthy eating etc. I also work at a catering company, where I Love the food and we have free pop available all day! (I am sooooo addicted to Dr. Pepper!!)

While I have a formal culinary education I do not have my bachelors degree and someday I would like to go back to school to become a Home Economics teacher!

I think I rambled on long enough! I look forward to getting to know everyone!

QotD: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

Ummmm..... I know I have to give up Dr. Pepper and cut out all pop so that is my first step. That is gonna be the hardest part!

Wii Fit! I lost a lot of weight playing this game! I love it and have to get back on the horse...i mean balance board!

Cut sugar! I am addicted to sugar in general. Candy, cookies (mmmm chocolate chip mmmm). Actually for the Healthy Habit Challenge I am gonna change a dessert recipe. I will share it and any other healthy cooking tips if you are interested.

I feel if I can do those three things I will be on a good track to achieving my goals for this challenge.

Thanks again for having me on Team Mickey!!!!

Lisa Lu

:welcome: Lisa Lu! Always nice to have another Lisa on board. :cool2:

I think being in the culinary industry would is tough for someone working on a healthy lifestyle but I'm confident that you are up to the challenge! :yay:

Depending on how much Dr. Pepper you drink you could have some serious calorie reduction just by reducing that alone. Cutting out two 20 oz servings a day would be a 500 calorie reduction and a pound a week - easy, peasy! :thumbsup2

BRB with more replies. ::MickeyMo
I'm so excited to be here!!:banana: I really can't get motivated alone, and after seeing so many people being successful on here I have decided to give it a try.

I'm 42 years old and this past year was very stressful for me. I am a stress eater too so I packed on about 15 extra pounds. Add that to the 15 that I already needed to lose and there ya go.:sad2:

A friend of mine has agreed to join the gym, walk and run with me to get this weight off. With that, and eating better I am hopeful that this year I can get back into shape and feel better about myself.

I can't wait to see how we all do!:goodvibes

GO TEAM MICKEY!!!!!:cheer2:

:welcome: wdwmom0f3! Glad you have a local buddy to help you and now you have a whole bunch of virtual buddies to help support you, too! :thumbsup2

Tough question. I think I have to make sure I hold myself accountable for my actions. I can't make excuses this year. I'm not to busy, I'm not to tired, I just need to do it.

::yes:: This is the year for you for sure, Buffy!

I do like the "no excuses" theme for the Biggest Loser (BL) show this go round. Sure we are all going to have days where we can't do what we should but in general, there is no reason that we can't do this for ourselves. :cheer2:

QOTD Saturday, December 31, 2011: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your goals for this challenge. :goodvibes

My introduction:
My name is Michelle or yanni2. This is my 3rd attempt at a Biggest Loser Challenge and I'm really focusing on finishing this one...LOL!

I am a 40 year old, married for almost 18 years, SAH/homeschool mom of 2 dds. One is 13 and the other is 11. On top of homeschooling, both my girls are competitive gymnasts that practice 16-20 hours a week.

I am eventually planning on losing 100-110 pounds, and I think I'm believing to lose 25 pounds by the end of this challenge (not sure when that is).

Which leads me to the Question of the Day for Sunday, January 1, 2012: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

I've decided to make my goals small and weekly. So each week will build on the next. I'm hoping the small baby steps will work better for me that trying to do it all at once. I tend to give up when I feel I've taken on too many changes at once.

So my goals for this week are:
Exercise: 10 minutes on the elliptical
Water: 4 8oz glasses (this is my hardest...I hate water)
Food: Less carbs (snacks)

The next week will be:
Exercise: 20 minutes on elliptical
Water: 5 8oz glasses
Food: Salad a day + Less carbs


:welcome: Michelle! Great goals and I love how you have divided them up and are making small changes each week. Way to set yourself up for success! :banana:

Hi everyone! I'm excited about this challenge and 2012.... a new year, and a new beginning with all new possibilities!! I have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm aiming for 1 - 2 pounds per week. I'm having surgery on January 11th and won't be able to exercise for 4 - 6 weeks. I know my weight loss may be slow during that time, but it will give me a chance to really concentrate on my eating habits, which need a lot of improvement. I joined and started using the app the other day. Love it!!

Happy New Year to everyone!

:welcome: Happy Mom2! I love, too. Do you have a smart phone? When I first got the app I was scanning everything! :rotfl2: Good luck with your surgery. :hug: After your recovery you will be ready to add some exercise to your healthy lifestyle.

I'm really disappointed. I was hoping to get back to Tae Kwon Do this week but that looks like it might not happen. I did reset my Body Media goal to be one pound per week and less active since I have had such a hard time exercising. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm just really frustrated that I can't seem to ever catch a break with this stupid bronchitis thing.

Sorry that you haven't been feeling well, Jess. :flower3: Hopefully your doctor can help you find something that will clear that stuff up for good. If your doctor has cleared you for activity maybe they can suggest something less intense that you could do for longer periods of time to get the same results?

Hi my name is Margaret and I live about 40 miles west of London in the UK.

I have about 50 pounds to lose and I want to aim for 30 during this challenge. I'm following weightwatchers and it has worked for me in the past. My problem is that during maintenance I always fall back into my old habits and put the weight back on.

This time I am going to stop thinking about the bigger picture but instead focus on the small stuff every time I have a decision to make (go to the gym or watch TV, apple or muffin etc). If I make the right choice in the small things I hope it will add up to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.

I am also going to start using my pedometer again. I am very competitive so I like to increase the number of steps each day. I live right next to a gym so I'm aiming to go twice a week and use my wii the other days for my 20 minutes of exercise.

Good luck everyone!

:welcome: Margaret! Sounds like you have a great plan to meet your goals! :thumbsup2

Which leads me to the Question of the Day for Sunday, January 1, 2012: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

Good morning everyone! I have a few ideas on how to achieve my goals. First cook at home more. We go out to eat a lot! Not only can I cook healthier, but will save some $$$ too! Also I'm a diet pepsi addict. I think one of the health habits for this week is to drink more water. I hate plain water so I will drink Propel. I really do like that. I usually bring a 24 oz bottle of diet pepsi with me to work so to start with I'm going to cut down to one can and bring the Propel too.

Make sure to treadmill as much as possible. I really, really want to do the 5k in April with my coworkers. See the problem is weather conditions have to be near perfect for me to run outside. I love my treadmill. I'm a numbers gal so I like watching the mileage and time on the display. I do really enjoy trotting
on our lake trail with DH and DD in her jogger. We had so much fun last
spring and summer. This year she'll be a little heavier to push this year though lol!

My plan for today is to treadmill this morning, take my tree down, clean up
the house a bit and make a healthy supper. Have a great day everyone!:goodvibes

Sounds like a great plan, fitgirl36! Just think when it is nice enough to go outside you'll burn more calories since your daughter is growing! :thumbsup2

I have a goal to get outside just to walk a bit more. I can't do the running thing because it's too darn cold but I want my muscles to get used to the uneven surfaces of being outside before my race at the end of the month. :tink:

Happy New Year - I just joined last night and I am ready to get healthy in 2012. I have about 75 pounds to lose. I will be doing weight watchers - I lost those 75 pounds with their program in 2006, but have since gained it all back. I am a grazer, I seem to snack all day long and that is killing me. I need to stop that and stick with a eating schedule and only eat when I am hungry.

I had been exercising daily, but broke a bone in my foot in April and have been having troble with foot and leg pain ever since. I really need to get back to some type of exercise.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and shedding these pounds together!

:welcome: dthogue! Sorry about the foot. :hug: Can you do an exercise bike or swim as an alternative? Did you see those crank things on the Biggest Loser Season 12? It's like a bicycle pedal that you push with your arms. They have one at my gym and it is a surprising hard work out that gets your heart going. Hopefully your doctor can help you find an activity that you can do.

Today it's take down the tree and make sure everything is ready for another week. Since DS has to go to school tomorrow we will be working. Have a great day! ::MickeyMo
By the way TEAM MICKEY the Donald team has noticed that we are chattier than they are and have more posts -- they are trying to catch up so check in when you can and make them keep chasing us! :rotfl:

We love a little friendly competition here on the WISH boards! ::yes::
Good Morning!

Just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder:

When you pm your weight, please remember to include your TEAM NAME. This will make things so much easier for our weight keeper. :goodvibes
Good Morning Team Mickey!

How is everyone today? Are you ready? Please remember to private message (PM) dvccruiser76 your starting weight tomorrow. Include your team name. She will be keeping track of our weights. Her first name is Sue. You do not need to post your weight on the thread.

If you will be participating in WIN, please PM buzz5985 your total measurements tomorrow as well. Her first name is Janis.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me or post on the thread. You should receive an answer quite quickly.

I finally made it to the grocery store yesterday. One of the 3 stores had nothing really on sale, so my father and I only went to 2 of them. We got some good deals and some excellent meat. Dinner last was a pot roast. I trimmed all the fat. :thumbsup2 Today I am planning to have pulled pork sandwiches.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Which leads me to the Question of the Day for Sunday, January 1, 2012: How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

As the Healthy Habits Challenge for this week says, I'm definitely going to write down my goals and post them somewhere I can see them. I've also got my notebook ready to go. I am going to make a Healthy Habits chart and post that somewhere obvious a and keep up with it this challenge.

Good morning Mickeys! I'm ready to go with this new challenge! I've got a notebook started for today, and after I'm done posting and finishing up the last bit of laundry, I'm going to go do Zumba on the Wii for at least 20 minutes. This afternoon is our annual family gathering, and I'm going to write down all that I eat. I know there will be healthy options there, so here are some of my goals:

-Eat some veggies from the veggie platter
-Eat some fruit
-One deli meat sandwich
-I know I will probably have some dessert, but no more than one of each thing that I *really* want.

I weighed in this morning at 210.0, so up 1.8 from the end of the fall challenge. But now I know where I stand! My initial goal is to get below 200, and then I'll keep going from there!


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