TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

Ran 6 miles this afternoon, but haven't done much else today. We are going to watch the Colts play tonight--GO COLTS!!!! I am paying for the fact that I did not eat great this week with stomach issues after my run, but oh well. Someday I will learn! I lowered my maintain weight a pound today, so that's exciting!

CC--I still have to pm you my HH points!

Don't forget--when Pm'ing CC or Tracey, always include your team name!

Have a great Saturday night!
Getting a jump on tomorrow! Here's a list of those who have yet to send in weigh ins this week! Reminder that all weigh ins must be in by Monday night at 7:30pm EST!


ALso: need initial weigh ins from :

If you sent and your name is listed, please send again. With so many, I'm bound to miss one or two!


Your happy weightkeeper!!!!!
Tracey--since it came up already, can you address how you want folks to handle it if they are going to miss a weigh-in? Thanks!

Now that I think about it, I believe Shannon would mark them as excused or something along that line. We might want to post the answer to this question on the Team Donald thread as well. :)
Getting a jump on tomorrow! Here's a list of those who have yet to send in weigh ins this week! Reminder that all weigh ins must be in by Monday night at 7:30pm EST!


ALso: need initial weigh ins from :

If you sent and your name is listed, please send again. With so many, I'm bound to miss one or two!


Your happy weightkeeper!!!!!

I sent my weight in Friday morning but I will send again.
If you are going to miss a weigh in just send me a PM and I will make note of it! I was actually just looking for that post so I can post that myself! Great minds think alike!

Enjoying a Saturday night drink. Had a frozen chicken parmesan meal that wasn't too bad in calories though we added some extra chicken. I've been bad today. I finished a bag of chips and a bag of twisted Cheetos. And I had a big handful of M&Ms! Oh well! It will really get me to be good during the week! I hope to not be as tired. Wednesday may be a snow day around here so I will have extra time and also do some Just Dance with the girls! It's PMS so that will end on Monday. I will get up in the morning and do my own EASA2 workout that I set up before church. I will also drink lots of water and NO ALCOHOL!

Watching the Saints/Seahawks game while wearing my Patriots shirt! Don't care about this game but DH says tonight we want the Jets to win over the Colts so we can see Rex Ryan cry! Sorry Colts fans! I'm a die-hard Patriots fan!

DH helped me clean the kitchen before I made supper. Ash needs to finish her room! If I have to tell her again I may scream!!!!! Izzie cleaned hers pretty good. For 6, she does sooo much better than her 10yr old sister!

Sorry I'm rambling. I have a lot of laundry to take care of tonight. I also need to plan for my Sunday school class in the morning. Luckily the person in charge was going to do most of the arranging for me as I've had no time this week with everything else going on this week!

TTFN :tigger:
No, we don't want the jets to win over the colts!:thumbsup2

Tracey--thanks for replying about missing a weigh-in. I was obviously confused this morning!:rolleyes1 Next time you post on Team Donald, please let them know as well if you think of it!:goodvibes

We are having Amy's bowls for dinner and then we are going to watch the Colts BEAT the Jets. C'mon my gamecocks got shellacked in their bowl game, I need a win here!:goodvibes
Yesterday I pretty much just knit picked at food but I stayed within my calories. Today I'm at a slow start (didn't eat my first meal to 2pm). I walked a mile so that put my miles for the week up to 4

Now to get motivated to do homework, oye
No, we don't want the jets to win over the colts!:thumbsup2

Tracey--thanks for replying about missing a weigh-in. I was obviously confused this morning!:rolleyes1 Next time you post on Team Donald, please let them know as well if you think of it!:goodvibes

We are having Amy's bowls for dinner and then we are going to watch the Colts BEAT the Jets. C'mon my gamecocks got shellacked in their bowl game, I need a win here!:goodvibes

SO sorry that I'm routing the other way!!! I will post on Donald as well in a second!!!!! We just want to see Rex Ryan cry!!!!! We love the PATRIOTS!!!!!
Perhaps I'm throwing a cat among the pidgeons:scared1: ... but .... I just saw a british show on TV about additives in food and how your brain and body react to them. The show talked about how someone somewhere has done all this research and that diet soft drinks are counter - productive cause they lead to having sugar cravings and eating more food. So basically when you have them your brain/body doesn't get the sugarhit and then feel sated so cravings start and people tended to eat more food:eek:

Also - just to be a complete painful smarty pants - my nutritionist told me that the phosporus in the drinks from the carbonation process leaches calcium out of your body. So even the diet ones or carbonated mineral water is problematic.

I appreciate I'm being a downer:sad2: my solution: a squirt of lime juice in my water - which I really enjoy:goodvibes
Perhaps I'm throwing a cat among the pidgeons:scared1: ... but .... I just saw a british show on TV about additives in food and how your brain and body react to them. The show talked about how someone somewhere has done all this research and that diet soft drinks are counter - productive cause they lead to having sugar cravings and eating more food. So basically when you have them your brain/body doesn't get the sugarhit and then feel sated so cravings start and people tended to eat more food:eek:

Also - just to be a complete painful smarty pants - my nutritionist told me that the phosporus in the drinks from the carbonation process leaches calcium out of your body. So even the diet ones or carbonated mineral water is problematic.

I appreciate I'm being a downer:sad2: my solution: a squirt of lime juice in my water - which I really enjoy:goodvibes

I've heard about the first part before! That's one reason I've cut down from 1 can of soda a day to about 3-4 a week! Some days I just need my caffeine in the form of a soda. I don't drink coffee but do like Earl Grey Green Tea. I had a glass of Coke Zero this morning. I can't drink full sugar soda as my body doesn't like it. When I'm sick I sometimes need Coke Classic or Ginger Ale.

How are things Down Under? Any better? I saw a report on CNN that some areas are still expecting major flooding! Praying for Australia!
Hi all! Just a quick check in. It's been a crazy and not all that great last half of the week. With the crazy part I haven't had a chance to get on the computer much. I did have a 2lb loss this week so that's good, though.

And a quick catch up on the QOTD before I have to go make dinner...
1/5/11 Wednesday QOTD
Did you watch (or will you if you want to answer tonight), watch Biggest Loser tonight? If you did (or will), what did you do that was healthy during it?

Yes I did. I exercised while watching and drank lots of water.

1/6/11 Thursday QOTD
Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Epcot at Christmas and if I can add some imagination into it...with the winter lights back on the walkway to World Showcase. Open to close day starting with Soarin' and ending with Candlelight Processional and Illuminations. That's my best day!

1/7/11 Friday QOTD
What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?
I was formulating a plan when my car died an untimely death and threw it all off. Now I'm just trying to survive the weekend without too much depression (we are - or maybe were now - a one car family so our ability to get out and do fun stuff will be curtailed for a little while it seems) and get a little work done in the process - cleaning and working on stuff for the Girl Scout Day Camp I have found myself the director of.
Perhaps I'm throwing a cat among the pidgeons:scared1: ... but .... I just saw a british show on TV about additives in food and how your brain and body react to them. The show talked about how someone somewhere has done all this research and that diet soft drinks are counter - productive cause they lead to having sugar cravings and eating more food. So basically when you have them your brain/body doesn't get the sugarhit and then feel sated so cravings start and people tended to eat more food:eek:

Also - just to be a complete painful smarty pants - my nutritionist told me that the phosporus in the drinks from the carbonation process leaches calcium out of your body. So even the diet ones or carbonated mineral water is problematic.

I appreciate I'm being a downer:sad2: my solution: a squirt of lime juice in my water - which I really enjoy:goodvibes

I have heard the same thing about diet soda. I'm trying to give up my regular soda for water. Many people ask me why I don't just go to diet soda. Because of the above, I tell them if I'm going to get used to something that I don't naturally like, I'm going to go for water which is healthier. The last time I drastically cut down on my soda intake and lost 15 pounds in a few short months with no other lifestyle changes. I'm hoping to do the same thing again.
1/6/11 Thursday QOTD
Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Disney at Christmas time. Epcot for the Christmas stories, resorts for the decorations, Hollywood Studios for the Christmas lights. Just meandering slowly and taking in the Christmas decor.

1/7/11 Friday QOTD
What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?

Trying to get paperwork and "stuff" organized at home. Being organized in my regular life helps me to get into a routine which helps me stay on plan for my healthier habits as well.
Hello Team Mickey!

Just catching up after two busy days, I hate not having time to keep up with reading everything! I have read a few posts and sounds like we had some great losses!! Good job.

I was down 1 pound, which I am happy with! Thanks to this challenge I stayed on plan all week and had some weekly points and all my activity points left over. I exercised every day too and it feels really good, haven't done that in a while. I am going to do more of the same this week! I got to a WW meeting yesterday and learned a little more about the new plan so I'm going to incorporate more power foods. Maybe I'll do a little better this week.

I saw the comments about Diet Coke, and I too gave it up cold turkey in Dec. 2009. Now I just drink coffee, tea and water (well and beer, wine, margaritas...but less of that now that I count every point!). Since then I have given up artificial sweetener too. Someone told me about using Equal to get rid of ants in her kitchen - and it worked. Um, I don't want that in my body!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

1/6/11 Thursday QOTD
Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Disney at Christmas time. Epcot for the Christmas stories, resorts for the decorations, Hollywood Studios for the Christmas lights. Just meandering slowly and taking in the Christmas decor.

1/7/11 Friday QOTD
What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?

Trying to get paperwork and "stuff" organized at home. Being organized in my regular life helps me to get into a routine which helps me stay on plan for my healthier habits as well.

Oh, forgot to add the Christmas stories to mine. Thanks, Vicki! Wish there was a way to put the Osbourne lights in the process of an Epcot day, then it would be perfect.
If you were told you only had 1 week left to live (and you werent sickly) how would you spend your time?

If I only had one week left to live I would spend it with family and going places that I enjoy. I would eat all the foods I love and tell my family every day how much I loved them.

I would spend every last second with my family. It wouldn't matter what we did, but every second would be with them. I might also make videos of things that I still want to teach the boys. Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes.

I had one that was missed on exams got missed and grew very large. I had it removed last August, they removed 2.5 gallons of fluid from it plus the ovary and tube. They are watching it like a hawk due to my previous history.

I am down .2 pounds. I will take any loss I can get it is better then nothing. If you stayed the same or gained don't worry about it today is a new day. Make healthy choices and keep moving forward to a happier healthier you.

I was supposed to go to one of our camps today for work as my volunteers are having a retreat there. It was snowing like crazy when I was supposed to go and I couldn't get out of the drive way which is very steep without shoveling or cinders and the road hadn't been touched yet. I decided to stay home, it had stopped for a bit and I was thinking I should have went but now it is snowing again. I decided driving 2 hours to and another 2 hours home in unknown weather conditions wasn't something I wanted to deal with today. I would rather be safe then sorry.

So I think I am gonna do some cleaning or organizing.

Staying home was a very wise decision:thumbsup2
Yes, Tracey and I do have a good time together! Luckily we do more walking together than drinking :) It is fun to have someone who has the same goals and knows when enough is enough. So important to have that kind of support!

its great that you have found a partner in crime.;) It is nice to have someone to lean on.

Well, at the parties we do more drinking than walking!!!!!

Id actually like to see you guys drinking and then walking, that might be more comical.:lmao:

I had two beers last night, and honestly after the week we had, I was pretty happy that I only had two!

I would say those 2 beers were well deserved for you this weekend. You went through alot this week. How is tom doing back at school?

Things are going well so far no major cravings and not eating out is no doubt helping me weightloss wise!

thanks for checking in. We use to eat out almost every night. I have no idea how we even afforded it, and I am amazed that I wasnt bigger than I was. Glad your doing well and good luck on getting off of the soda.

Ran 6 miles this afternoon, but haven't done much else today. We are going to watch the Colts play tonight--GO COLTS!!!!

Whoot Whoot for getting the run in and for doing 6 miles on the TM. I hope you enjoy your game tonight and i can say that I hope your colts win, for your sake. For the record this is not me cheering for the colts, just hoping that it makes your night better.:lmao:

Watching the Saints/Seahawks game while wearing my Patriots shirt! Don't care about this game but DH says tonight we want the Jets to win over the Colts so we can see Rex Ryan cry! Sorry Colts fans! I'm a die-hard Patriots fan!

I am wearing my eagles NFC East Division champs tshirt.:lmao: We cheer for no other in this house. Except with dh's fantasy team but then its only cheering for individual player and that it ok.:lmao:

I walked a mile so that put my miles for the week up to 4

Woohoo way to keep moving this week. YOu are doing great.

Also - just to be a complete painful smarty pants - my nutritionist told me that the phosporus in the drinks from the carbonation process leaches calcium out of your body. So even the diet ones or carbonated mineral water is problematic.

all such great information. thanks for sharing and dont feel like a downer or a smarty pants. These are things that we all need to hear.:goodvibes

Hi all! Just a quick check in. It's been a crazy and not all that great last half of the week. With the crazy part I haven't had a chance to get on the computer much. I did have a 2lb loss this week so that's good, though.

Great job on loosing the 2lbs. I hope your week gets better and sorry to hear about your car. that really stinks.

I last checked in today when I was heading out for my run. well......
I completed it at a 12min pace, in 30 degree weather, while it was snowing. At one point my eyelashes froze together and I had to wipe my eye a few times until I could open it.:lmao: The first few miles wasnt bad but by the end I was slipping all over the place. It was interesting but I did it and feel very proud of myself.

We went and cleaned out more stuff out of dh's nanas apt (she passed away right before christmas). We ordered pizza for lunch there and I had 2 slices with onions. I figured I should add a veggie. I then went to the grocery store and stocked up on good stuff. I feel prepared for the week. I am going to get my kids to bed and relax for the rest of the night.

Have a great evening.
Hi Team Mickey! If you have a birthday in February or March and would like to be added to our birthday list on the first page, please send me a pm. (I asked for January earlier, but I am happy to still add in any January birthdays I missed.:goodvibes)

On the diet soda topic--I gave up diet soda over a year ago, and it was the BEST thing I have done on this healthy journey. My binges typically included diet soda and chocolate and potato chips. And I would just eat and eat. I just craved the sugar and carbs. I have not had a full out binge since I gave up the diet soda. I still think about it, but the craving is just not there. One of the things I read was that when you consume large amounts of artificial sweetener your body can behave as if it is having thyroid issues. (This of course has not been proven.) My thyroid was huge and my doctor regularly checked me for issues. I can't believe how much smaller my neck is and how much healthier I feel. Even when I lost weight before my neck was always large and I just couldn't get below 160 pounds until I stopped drinking soda. I eventually gave up caffeine as well, but that took a little while longer. I will not eat anything with artificial sweeteners, because I really think for my body it is poison. YMMV.:goodvibes

Anyhow, everyone has to do what's best for them. My dh does not seem to be effected by artificial sweeteners at all. (Though he has given it up along with caffeine). So, you might not notice anything. For some reason, it really seemed to effect me. Just something to think about.:goodvibes
Id actually like to see you guys drinking and then walking, that might be more comical.:lmao:

I last checked in today when I was heading out for my run. well......
I completed it at a 12min pace, in 30 degree weather, while it was snowing. At one point my eyelashes froze together and I had to wipe my eye a few times until I could open it.:lmao: The first few miles wasnt bad but by the end I was slipping all over the place. It was interesting but I did it and feel very proud of myself.

We went and cleaned out more stuff out of dh's nanas apt (she passed away right before christmas). We ordered pizza for lunch there and I had 2 slices with onions. I figured I should add a veggie. I then went to the grocery store and stocked up on good stuff. I feel prepared for the week. I am going to get my kids to bed and relax for the rest of the night.

Have a great evening.
Lindsay--way to go on that run! You will be ready for anything! I had to smile at the drinking and walking comment! Were people looking at you like you were nuts, running in the snow? I am really proud of you for gettting it in!:goodvibes


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