TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

Today I turn 50 and we have an open house during the evening hours for friends and family. It is Seattle Mariner themed with all of the baseball trimmings (hot dogs, peanuts, cracker jack, etc) plus a few adult beverages and soda. Plus the cakes are recreations of the wedding cakes from my daughter's and son's weddings, since I did no eat cake at the weddings (too busy).

Does it fit into my healthy lifestyle? Not today, but I will not gorge myself, and I did my P90X this morning.

Dave--Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!:yay:

I hope you have a fabulous day! Enjoy your day off! I know you will be right back on plan tomorrow.:goodvibes That sounds like such a fun party!
Good morning! I am really optimistic about getting a run in tomorrow.

Good luck tomorrow Rose! I will be thinking of you.

QOTD--Saturday, March 19
What are you doing for fun this weekend? How does it fit into your healthy lifestyle? Is it different than it might have been in the past?

Have a great Saturday!

We dont really have a whole lotta fun planned this weekend. So its easier to be healthy. I did go out for a walk today with my boys and the dog. We did 2 miles. This time last year I probably would have just sat on the couch all day.

Tomorrow we are doing the 5K before our St Patricks Day parade, the change from last year is this time we are running, last year we just sat on our butts and cheered for everyone else while they ran.:lmao:

Thanks and have a great weekend! Can't wait to be with everyone from both teams all the time! I'm looking forward to making new DisBuds and renewing old friendships!

I am excited for the merge too. Thank you so much for being our weight keeper!!!!

how come grandmothers always put endless butter and salt and unhealthy stuff in everything? and they never seem to gain weight! even with the added "flavor" to the tomatoes it sounded like you made some great decisions. plus, you wound up down which is great!

Yes my nana who cooks with lard and puts butter and sugar in tomatoes is thin. I just dont get it sometimes:confused:

I hope you have a great day whether it is relaxing or hanging with your friend.

For fun--today I went to the Y:goodvibes, this afternoon we are watching UK bb at noon and then SDSU bb at 6:00 (Go AZTECS!!!--I'm an alum:goodvibes). We will probably go out to watch that game.

Glad you and mike both had great workouts today. Have fun tonight watching the game.

Dh and I went for Mexican last night. It is my splurge food. I was pleasantly surprised as they now have a fajita Salad that was great. The onions, peppers and the chicken come on the sizzling skillet and then the salad comes on another plate. Yum. My downfall...those chips!!!

ooohhh that fajita salad sounds yummy. Drink lots of water to flush out the salt. We all have to splurge every now and then.

Today I turn 50 and we have an open house during the evening hours for friends and family. It is Seattle Mariner themed with all of the baseball trimmings (hot dogs, peanuts, cracker jack, etc) plus a few adult beverages and soda.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!!!!! Your party sounds like it will be so much fun. Have a great time.

So far so good today with my eating. I had a small bowl of cereal w ff milk for breakfast and a bowl of italian wedding soup for lunch. I plan on making grilled chicken with a light alfredo sauce and pasta for dinner. I was tempted to run today but since our race is tomorrow I just decided to walk. I took my boys with me and the dog. We did 2 miles. Now I think we are going to take naps. I dont get to do that often so I might as well take advantage.

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend.
Our weekend is a bit different this weekend. Last night Chris played lacrosse in the driveway with the boys for awhile then we spent a couple of hours in the sugarhouse boiling. Today was typical morning of bowling followed by afternoon lacrosse. We had a really good boy turnout. I'm really worried about having enough girls for the program. I'd hate to have to cancel all the girls games if we don't have enough players to field a team :headache:

Tomorrow I need to sort through and reorganize all of the equipment that needs to go out to the 5 coaches this week as well as printing all the paperwork that I need completed by parents. This week will be very labor intensive for the program, but things should ease up after this week. Hopefully just in time to start a new job (fingers crossed)
Rose- Do you use the stick on your calves for PF? DH has one and when I first went to my PT, I was SO tight, she told me to hold of using it..which now things are MUCH better. I do need to go to the PT one more time.

Dave - Happy Birthday! Sounds like a totally fun day. enjoy!

Nancy dumbobud- Glad your DH made it home safe!

Tracey - Wahoo on smaller sizes! Way to go.

Nancy princess - I LOVE mexican. Its so hard to stop eating those chips. Fajitas would be so good right now!

Deb - got fingers, toes and everything crossed for your job! Sounds like you will be busy the next few days. I am sure the parents are grateful to have you.

Our plans this weekend are just hang out. I did try to teach my little princess age 4 her first economics lesson. We emptied out Hamm the piggy bank and went to coinstar. She had 4 my little pony toys picked out and I told her we only had enough $$ for 2 and that she had to decide. She did a great job when we got to Target of only getting the 2 toys she decided on. She has been thanking me and kissing me all day...though I keep reminding her, they toys are from saying our pennies and coins. Such a cute age!

Hey, has anyone here used walking sticks? The weather is SO nice and while I am not ready to push myself running and do want my PF to heal just a bit more, was thinking of walking and thought I could burn more calories with those things. Target has them for $19 which is not bad if I use them.

Anyhoo, Happy Saturday. Its the Feast of St Joseph, so a special wish for all the dads out there today!
This has been a crazy week with my weight on Monday I was down to 171. Thursday St Patricks day my weight climbed up 4 pounds. I worked so hard with my Tae Bo in the am and pm this week to bring it back down, I even added a 2 mile walk with my poor mini schnauzer yesterday. She was so exhaused when we got home:sad2:

The good news is I am back down to 172. But so difficult. I am back to my Special K with berries with skim milk for breakfast. I also have been drinking Cranberry juice and eating carrots and almonds to bring balance back to my sparatic week.

I have 3 months to lose my last 20 pounds for my ultimate goal:thumbsup2
Julie--I originally bought the stick for my plantar. I have a knot that forms in my right calf (scar tissue?) that if I don't pay attention to it, it causes a lot of problems. This is what happened at Princess--I let it go to long. So then I tried new inserts and ended up with a knee issue (other leg!). Goodness! It really hurts to roll the knots out, but it's so worth it in the long run.:goodvibes

I'll be back tomorrow with more replies. Have a good night.:goodvibes
HI all!

I just spent over 2 hours updated my race report on my journal. My boys are having an impromptu sleep over at my parents house. My parents invited us out for dinner and I am not one to turn down a free meal so we graciously accepted.

I just had to pick the fajita's every since princess nancy brought them up earlier today. They were so yummy. We went to a place called pickles and they actually serve nice cold whole dill pickles in a bowl instead of your traditional bread basket. They were good and my little guy nick had 3 of them.:lmao: This is where he gets his nick name: nicky pickle. Poor kid.

Anyway I am enjoying my quite time at home and shortly will head to bed to get a good night sleep. Tomorrow is my 5K and I am excited for it.

Talk to you all tomorrow.
Evening All!

Today is day #2 of being OP and not bingeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just a bit excited. ;)

I ate my veggies today, but I still feel like I should increase how much of them I eat. Another serving would have been a lot better. I made a WW recipe for dinner that would have been great if I didn't forget the salt. Well, it's not forgetting it, it's that I was so used to purposely omitting it that I don't add it. Unfortunately, it needed salt. I ate it the way I made it, but my parents added salt at the table. I'll probably add some salt when we eat the leftovers later in the week. Snack/dessert tonight was low fat strawberry frozen yogurt with a serving of defrosted to th point of being warm frozen strawberries. It was so simple, but delicious and felt like a big splurge that wasn't one at all.

I'm rambling. I apologize. Can you tell I'm just a bit excited about my OP day? :rolleyes1

:woohoo: to everyone who lost this week and :hug: to hose who need one.

Have a great, OP day tomorrow everyone!

Your salad sounds good. I gave up meat for lent. I actually like it since I am trying out new recipes, especially with seafood. Did you give up something as well?

I suggested giving up meat for Lent to which I got a resounding "NO." In the end, I didn't give up anything. I am focusing on bettering myself as a person. I haven't had any soda yet either. :goodvibes

If you get a chance, I'd love to hear about some of your seafood recipes. I love to try new seafood dishes.

The merge is coming! The merge is coming!:goodvibes

What does this mean? Next Friday, March 25th, we will be merging the two Biggest Loser teams.

So excited for the merge!

QOTD, Friday March 18: Reflect on the last ~12 weeks. What is one thing that has surprised you about your weight loss journey? Did you try something new? Were you able to accomplish something you didn't think you could? Was something easier or harder than you thought it would be?

Well, I am up 15 pounds since the start of the challenge because I've binged so many times. But, I've broken my diet soda habit and that was much easier than I expected. I've also learned that if I put my mind to it, I can NOT binge.

QOTD--Saturday, March 19
What are you doing for fun this weekend? How does it fit into your healthy lifestyle? Is it different than it might have been in the past?

My friend and I went out to dinner last night. I fit dessert into my points. And, dessert was worth it. Sometimes, I'll get dessert but it's not worth it. This was very good. :cool1:

Today I turn 50 and we have an open house during the evening hours for friends and family. It is Seattle Mariner themed with all of the baseball trimmings (hot dogs, peanuts, cracker jack, etc) plus a few adult beverages and soda. Plus the cakes are recreations of the wedding cakes from my daughter's and son's weddings, since I did no eat cake at the weddings (too busy).

Does it fit into my healthy lifestyle? Not today, but I will not gorge myself, and I did my P90X this morning.



Hey, has anyone here used walking sticks? The weather is SO nice and while I am not ready to push myself running and do want my PF to heal just a bit more, was thinking of walking and thought I could burn more calories with those things. Target has them for $19 which is not bad if I use them.

I was just thinking about those today. I'm interested in them too. I've heard that you burn more calories using them, but I don't remember where. :goodvibes

We dont really have a whole lotta fun planned this weekend. So its easier to be healthy. I did go out for a walk today with my boys and the dog. We did 2 miles. This time last year I probably would have just sat on the couch all day.

Tomorrow we are doing the 5K before our St Patricks Day parade, the change from last year is this time we are running, last year we just sat on our butts and cheered for everyone else while they ran.:lmao:
Lindsay--I hope you have a fabulous race! The bolded comment made me smile. You did healthy things and I think you had fun!:goodvibes And what a cute nickname for Nick.

Our weekend is a bit different this weekend. Last night Chris played lacrosse in the driveway with the boys for awhile then we spent a couple of hours in the sugarhouse boiling. Today was typical morning of bowling followed by afternoon lacrosse. We had a really good boy turnout. I'm really worried about having enough girls for the program. I'd hate to have to cancel all the girls games if we don't have enough players to field a team :headache:

Tomorrow I need to sort through and reorganize all of the equipment that needs to go out to the 5 coaches this week as well as printing all the paperwork that I need completed by parents. This week will be very labor intensive for the program, but things should ease up after this week. Hopefully just in time to start a new job (fingers crossed)
I hope all the other parents appreciate how much work you all put into this Deb!:goodvibes

This has been a crazy week with my weight on Monday I was down to 171. Thursday St Patricks day my weight climbed up 4 pounds. I worked so hard with my Tae Bo in the am and pm this week to bring it back down, I even added a 2 mile walk with my poor mini schnauzer yesterday. She was so exhaused when we got home:sad2:

The good news is I am back down to 172. But so difficult. I am back to my Special K with berries with skim milk for breakfast. I also have been drinking Cranberry juice and eating carrots and almonds to bring balance back to my sparatic week.

I have 3 months to lose my last 20 pounds for my ultimate goal:thumbsup2
Congrats on getting back down to 172!:goodvibes
QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

This question is for me, because I feel like I have been failing at handling stress lately. I'm staying at maintain, but I feel out of control. In the past I had these great ideas of meditating, and exercise, etc to handle stress. Well these past two weeks have not gone well, in regards to my plan for handling stress. I hate to meditate and I while I have been able to exercise, my biggest stress reliever is running and we all know how that's been going.

So I am re-evalutating my "stress plan". I am working more on preventative stuff so that when stuff pops up (which it will) that causes extra stress, I have a plan in place to handle it. For me this means managing my environment--when my house is a mess I get anxious. It means making a meal plan--if we have a plan we do better at eating at home and eating healthy. And I have decided to ease off on worrying about food when I'm stressed. I try to make the best choices I can. I get in my veggies. But if I need some extra carbs, then I have them. Stressing about my diet when I am stressed was making me more stressed! So, if I am eating my healthy meals and I have a brownie for dessert that day, the world is not going to end. I have also been working on finding some alternative forms of exercise. Stress happens, sometimes you just need to get through it.:goodvibes
:cake:party::bday: Happy 50th DAVE!!!! Have a super Dave! You have been doing so well! I'm so proud of you!!!!!

Enjoy your day!

Long night! I knocked over my water at 3:50 this morning so I ended up on the couch since my side of the bed was soaking wet! I read for awhile and did finally fall back asleep!

Gotta go shower for church since I'm teaching Sunday school. I had a big bowl of fresh strawberries with some Splenda and a little bit of whipped cream! They were delicious! I may have to make some biscuits later.

Have a great day! Keep those weigh ins coming. We're still behind by about 5 pounds! I will be using Friday weigh in since I was not very good last night!

TTFN :tigger:

QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

I am SUCH an emotional eater. Its VERY hard to be healthy and stay on plan. Of course when I feed the stress I find I am later regretting it and down, so its just a downward cycle.

I started the Body Flow Class at the gym. LOVE IT. Its TAi Chi, Pilates and Yoga combined. I thought it would be good for me releax and stretch and work my core. I always feel great the rest of the day. Maybe I need to do some Yoga every morning...hmm.

when I am stressed and want to eat, I will try to drink something - water, coffee or just something. I try to keep celery and carrots on hand for when I want to just eat since they are so crunchy. If I want salt, on rare occasion I will salt the celery a bit. I am not perfect though...I buy pringles for DD in the individual serving containers. that way if I go through a stress binge its just one serving vs the whole can.

Sometimes I will say, no eating for 30 minutes and then usually by the time 30 minutes has passed, I am up for something healthy - fruit or veggies, or just not hungry.

I also have found my running has been marvelous for me. I am slow which is ok by me, but being outside really lifts my spirits. I hate to get up in the morning, but when I do get up early to get my exercise in, its just so beautiful outside. Its quiet also. I prefer exercising outside to indoors for sure, maybe its something in the sun.

I need to get moving today. Total slug yesterday! My DD wants to ride her bike so thinking we will hit the path down by the river.

Happy First Day of Spring.
QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

This question is for me, because I feel like I have been failing at handling stress lately. I'm staying at maintain, but I feel out of control. In the past I had these great ideas of meditating, and exercise, etc to handle stress. Well these past two weeks have not gone well, in regards to my plan for handling stress. I hate to meditate and I while I have been able to exercise, my biggest stress reliever is running and we all know how that's been going.

So I am re-evalutating my "stress plan". I am working more on preventative stuff so that when stuff pops up (which it will) that causes extra stress, I have a plan in place to handle it. For me this means managing my environment--when my house is a mess I get anxious. It means making a meal plan--if we have a plan we do better at eating at home and eating healthy. And I have decided to ease off on worrying about food when I'm stressed. I try to make the best choices I can. I get in my veggies. But if I need some extra carbs, then I have them. Stressing about my diet when I am stressed was making me more stressed! So, if I am eating my healthy meals and I have a brownie for dessert that day, the world is not going to end. I have also been working on finding some alternative forms of exercise. Stress happens, sometimes you just need to get through it.:goodvibes

When I get over stressed every area of my life shows it. The house is a mess, all the food plans that I had been doing well at creating have gone out the window, all motivation has stopped and weight has been gained. I really have to get the stress under control before anything improves. I'm feeling good about the interview so I have already seen an improvement in energy and the fact that I've been sick means that I haven't been binge eating. Maybe just maybe I'm on the upswing :cool1: I don't have any suggestions for stress management as obviously I don't have in under control
QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

I agree with my3princes. I have to get my stress under control before anything improves. I was doing really good there for a while working out, watching calories, making smart eating choices, etc. Well, then life got really stressful and I went back to drinking the sodas (after I'd gone 63 days without one). I've realized though that have one every now and again was/is helping keep my stress level down. I tell people all the time "Dr Pepper is my drug of choice" :lmao:.

I was in the habit of if I got stressed I was getting on the treadmill and just "walking away the stress". However, I've let my stress get the best of me and I need to get back on track of getting it under control. I need to quit stressing the little things I have no control over. Over the past 6 months I've started to have really bad chest pain when I'm stressed. I hate that feeling. So, I'm trying to keep my stress levels from getting that bad but its not easy some days.
QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

Handling stress eating. That is a tough one. I need to get out of the house. Maybe go to the mall and do some window shopping. But I tend to go the route of boredom eating myself. For example today. Sunday, my dh basically does not want to do anything but watch sports on tv. I already did my morning workout and took a 1 mile walk with the dog. Now I am watching boring TV and we just finished a bowl of popcorn with butter flavor. Soooo bad. Heeeelllppppp:eek:
QOTD: I didn't realize until I read the question today, but I have been stress eating!!!! I have been reasonably satisfied with how the weight loss has been going, so I had become more relaxed with my eating, then WHAMMO!!! stress hit - and between being busy and away from home, and just not having the energy to "think" about how to eat right, I have been making very poor decisions. I let the water drinking go and went back to diet soda, I quit exercising, and I have felt yucky (for lack of a better word!) ever since. I even forgot to PM my weight this week - although it was a "0". Well, tomorrow is my official starting over day, although I will be good the rest of today. I guess that long story was to say, I don't handle stress eating well. But, that question was the kick I needed today, so thanks!!!

QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

I am SUCH an emotional eater. Its VERY hard to be healthy and stay on plan. Of course when I feed the stress I find I am later regretting it and down, so its just a downward cycle.

I started the Body Flow Class at the gym. LOVE IT. Its TAi Chi, Pilates and Yoga combined. I thought it would be good for me releax and stretch and work my core. I always feel great the rest of the day. Maybe I need to do some Yoga every morning...hmm.

when I am stressed and want to eat, I will try to drink something - water, coffee or just something. I try to keep celery and carrots on hand for when I want to just eat since they are so crunchy. If I want salt, on rare occasion I will salt the celery a bit. I am not perfect though...I buy pringles for DD in the individual serving containers. that way if I go through a stress binge its just one serving vs the whole can.

Sometimes I will say, no eating for 30 minutes and then usually by the time 30 minutes has passed, I am up for something healthy - fruit or veggies, or just not hungry.

I also have found my running has been marvelous for me. I am slow which is ok by me, but being outside really lifts my spirits. I hate to get up in the morning, but when I do get up early to get my exercise in, its just so beautiful outside. Its quiet also. I prefer exercising outside to indoors for sure, maybe its something in the sun.

I need to get moving today. Total slug yesterday! My DD wants to ride her bike so thinking we will hit the path down by the river.

Happy First Day of Spring.
Running was a great stress reliever for me too. It sounds like you have some good ideas for dealing with stress. And part of the reason I think I failed in the past is I thought I had to be perfect. You don't have to be perfect, just keep moving forward.:goodvibes I hope you had fun with your DD.

When I get over stressed every area of my life shows it. The house is a mess, all the food plans that I had been doing well at creating have gone out the window, all motivation has stopped and weight has been gained. I really have to get the stress under control before anything improves. I'm feeling good about the interview so I have already seen an improvement in energy and the fact that I've been sick means that I haven't been binge eating. Maybe just maybe I'm on the upswing :cool1: I don't have any suggestions for stress management as obviously I don't have in under control
I hope things are on the upswing too. :goodvibes
QOTD--Sunday, March 20--Today's question is about stress eating. I will try to find an article for later. I know we have talked about stress eating before, but do you have a plan for handling stress? If you do, how's it working? If you don't why not?

I agree with my3princes. I have to get my stress under control before anything improves. I was doing really good there for a while working out, watching calories, making smart eating choices, etc. Well, then life got really stressful and I went back to drinking the sodas (after I'd gone 63 days without one). I've realized though that have one every now and again was/is helping keep my stress level down. I tell people all the time "Dr Pepper is my drug of choice" :lmao:.

I was in the habit of if I got stressed I was getting on the treadmill and just "walking away the stress". However, I've let my stress get the best of me and I need to get back on track of getting it under control. I need to quit stressing the little things I have no control over. Over the past 6 months I've started to have really bad chest pain when I'm stressed. I hate that feeling. So, I'm trying to keep my stress levels from getting that bad but its not easy some days.
Letting go of the little things is hard sometimes. Could the chest pain be an anxiety symptom or did they diagnose it as something specific?

Handling stress eating. That is a tough one. I need to get out of the house. Maybe go to the mall and do some window shopping. But I tend to go the route of boredom eating myself. For example today. Sunday, my dh basically does not want to do anything but watch sports on tv. I already did my morning workout and took a 1 mile walk with the dog. Now I am watching boring TV and we just finished a bowl of popcorn with butter flavor. Soooo bad. Heeeelllppppp:eek:
Getting out of the house is a good strategy. Hopefully the weather will get warm and stay warm!:goodvibes Next time try putting popcorn in a little tiny bowl and eat it as slow as you can. I am much better at limiting my portions when I use smaller plates/bowls.

QOTD: I didn't realize until I read the question today, but I have been stress eating!!!! I have been reasonably satisfied with how the weight loss has been going, so I had become more relaxed with my eating, then WHAMMO!!! stress hit - and between being busy and away from home, and just not having the energy to "think" about how to eat right, I have been making very poor decisions. I let the water drinking go and went back to diet soda, I quit exercising, and I have felt yucky (for lack of a better word!) ever since. I even forgot to PM my weight this week - although it was a "0". Well, tomorrow is my official starting over day, although I will be good the rest of today. I guess that long story was to say, I don't handle stress eating well. But, that question was the kick I needed today, so thanks!!!
It's really easy to let things go. I have been terrible about water this week, too. Why does that always seem to be one of the first things to go? I hope you are back on track tomorrow!
I hope everyone had a good Sunday.:goodvibes I may not be on until tomorrow afternoon so here is the QOTD:

QOTD Monday, March 21
Switching gears, what is your favorite restaurant at WDW or DL? Why? Is there a restaurant you would like to try?
QOTD: We loved Narcoosee's 2 years ago! Best meal I've ever eaten anywhere! I tried new foods and fell in love with that restaurant! We also loved Yachtsman in December!

OMG! I've been working on Izzie's room, mainly her closet, since about 1pm and am nowhere close to finishing. She has so many books and so many little things in her room that it's making cleaning difficult. I have come up with about 3 bags of trash and 2-3 bags of old clothes including some of Brian's that were hanging in her closet since we share one. I planned on starting this on Wednesday but it's good that I started today or I would never finish by next Friday when I'm hopefully going away. The only reason I am stopping is because it's bedtime! I will hopefully get some work done in there after she goes to school in the morning and before we head up to NH to get our taxes done. I'll also work on it in the afternoon once we get home.

Totally OP today but I haven't eaten a ton. I had strawberries for breakfast and then we had butter chicken over rice for lunch with a side salad. FOr supper we had sandwiches and some chips. I haven't really had much to drink today. I had some tea this morning and a mango rum with diet coke and some diet Mt. Dew this afternoon. I guess I will have water the rest of the evening.

I hope to have the energy to get up and workout tomorrow morning. I pretty much took last week off from workouts due to exhaustion and foot issues. Hoping they will be better in the morning. I'll probably just try and do the 3 mile Pilates walk. I'll probably be able to control my eating better in the morning tomorrow and during the week.

OK, I'm done rambling! I better go get that water!

TTFN :tigger:
I hope everyone had a good Sunday.:goodvibes I may not be on until tomorrow afternoon so here is the QOTD:

QOTD Monday, March 21
Switching gears, what is your favorite restaurant at WDW or DL? Why? Is there a restaurant you would like to try?

We're not too fussy. We used to love Coral Reef, but it wasn't as good on the last trip. We loved the food at the Turf Club (SSR), we love the atmosphere of the ESPN club, We love the character interaction at Chef Mickey's, we always hit Pecos Bill's when at MK. The sundae are terrific at Beaches and Cream (gotta love the Kitchensink).


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