TEAM DONALD--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge

Good afternoon everyone!

I feel alseep around 10:45. DH said he came in the bedroom at midnight, and kissed me. Apparently, I just patted him on the check. I don't remember any of it. It's been years since I stayed up til midnight on NYE.

I hope everyone has a great day, and a wonderful start to the new year!!
Happy New Year Everyone!

Alright ready to get this show on the road. I was up 4 lbs from the last time I weighed. Also darn scale was at 300 which I have never seen. :eek: :guilty: :sad1: So I'm more than ready to get it going the other direction. :yay:

We went to the Phoenix zoo in the morning. Planned to do their noon years celebration where they were counting down to noon and having a toast for kids that may not be up late. They also had brought in or made snow(seemed made to me) so it was lots of fun. I took dd and my best friend's son who has been staying with us the last couple days. They had a blast having a snow ball fight then promptly got too cold as it was 30s-40s. :scared1: Not our norm but yes we did see those flurries. ;)

My Zoë with her monster snowball chunk she found as is and had a giggle fest with it and then chased her friend around with it(no intentions to through it since it was an icy chunk)

Stopping for a photo the best expression I could catch in the brief time she'd slow down

Later on the safari train where she got froze out and just wanted to leave.

Never saw many other animals than what we saw on train and the zebras we walked by to get to train. Good thing I have an AP and don't feel like I wasted my money. I've already got my money's worth long ago in the year. I hope I can renew it in March.

We didn't do much at the real new year but pause the Super Returns movie we were watching and countdown. Started it back up then started hearing all the fireworks going off. So we watch a few but it was too cold out for us so back to warm cozy living room and throw blankets. I'm a night owl and was getting drowsy around 8pm. LOL I made it but surely the few Mountain Dews I had didnt help my little gain issue. Todays won't either but we had nothing else handy. Gonna make some tea with tap water I think. Less calories is always good. Must go to the water store!:guilty:

Small world indeed. I just moved back to Mesa from Lakeland, Florida a year ago this past Oct. :wave: from your neighboring town. I spent the better part of the last 17 years here in the valley. But I do greatly miss Florida. :sad1:
Holy cow, I am so behind already! :eek:

Hello everyone, I'm Tau - 39 years old, mother of 3 (ages 17, 14, 11), artist, former surrogate and wife to my high school sweetheart of 17 years. I have creative and geeky kids that I adore. My 14 year old son is attending UNCSA in their high school ballet program, and we leave tomorrow to drive him back. :sad: (and we live in IL, so its a pretty long drive!)

2010 was a difficult year for me. My last surro baby died 1 day after his due date, and was stillborn the following day. My Intended Parents were really awful about the whole thing and it was the most traumatic event of my life. I'm still neck deep in the grieving process and losing weight will help me find the 'me' I think I've lost.

My goal is to lose 10 pounds. I have a lot more than that to lose, but I want to set achievable benchmarks so I'm not overwhelmed.

QOTD 1/1/11 - How did you ring in the New Year?


My eldest, my mom, and my husband

We eat a "party dinner" full of treats and finger foods. This year we didn't buy any candy, but still had a lot of cheeses , nuts and salami. (hello fat!) It was super yummy though, and I tried to keep moderation in mind.

At about 7pm, we crack out all the games and play until just past midnight. We laugh, yell and compete - its so much fun! We've been doing this since my kids were little, because we wanted to find a way to include them in the festivities. I had no idea we would still be doing it this many years later - its become a big part of our holiday traditions.

tarheel618 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! What a great day to celebrate your new you and a new year. :butterfly

Mickeysp - Its great that your son is joining your goals! My daughter says she will too, but that remains to be seen. (she said she will start calorie counting tomorrow ;) ) We all have been having fun with the wii fit as a family, though, and I think that will be a continual thing. What things will your son be doing with you?

Donac - Congrats on having two kids launched into adulthood! It must be so exciting to see them on the cusp of their own adult journeys. I feel like my babies are just hitting their young adult strive, and I am enjoying the heck out of it.

Worfiedoodles - Im so sorry you lost your cat. Pets really are such an integral part of our lives. I have 4 dogs that I adore, and have been wonderful companionship. I don't know what I'd do without them. Nothing like cuddling with something warm and fuzzy on a down day.
Hi I am Becky. I am on Team Mickey but am just stopping in to say hi. I wish that everyone has a Happy New Year and has a good time during the Biggest Loser Challenge.
My Zoë with her monster snowball chunk she found as is and had a giggle fest with it and then chased her friend around with it(no intentions to through it since it was an icy chunk)

I have just gotten into crocheting and have been making hats, did you make your DD's hat and scarf?

2010 was a difficult year for me. My last surro baby died 1 day after his due date, and was stillborn the following day. My Intended Parents were really awful about the whole thing and it was the most traumatic event of my life. I'm still neck deep in the grieving process and losing weight will help me find the 'me' I think I've lost.

:hug: I am so sorry to hear this. pixiedust: for a great 2011. :)
we lost our dear Worf aka Worfiedoodles (17 years of black cat full of love and demanding attention) a couple of weeks ago, and we've been processing that. Maria :upsidedow


"I just can't quit you, BL Challenge"...

Maria :upsidedow
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Oh my, this really cracked me up!

Have fun at WDW and god luck on the Donald run!!:donald:

Oh, forgot that I had a funny story from this morning. I got up with one goal in mind--weigh in. Which I actually do a few times a week anyway, we have a scale in the bathroom. I just have to be sure to have my glasses or I can't see what it says. It is also important to know that I tend to pull off my clothes at night, throw them on top of the scale and then pick them up the next morning to take to the hamper.

So I go in to the bathroom. SHOOT! Forgot my glasses. Go and get them and come back. I pick up my jeans, shirt and sweatshirt off the floor and underneath is NOTHING. :confused3 What the heck? I know there was a scale here when I went to bed last night. So I go downstairs, across the house to find DH and tell him that we have been scalenapped. Of course he has taken it to use for something. 365 days in a year and he chooses the ONE day that I really need the scale to remove it from the bathroom. :rolleyes:

I reclaimed it and all is right with the world. Except that I think I dropped the dirty clothes on the floor again in my shock and confusion and don't remember picking them back up. Not going back upstairs to check.:rotfl:

:lmao: good story

Good afternoon Team! Happy New Year to everyone!!

I am new to the BL challenges. My name is Tressa, and I'm from a small town in NW Georgia, about 40 miles NW of Atlanta. I have two sons, 18 and 14. I'm very excited to get fit this year, and cheer everyone else on, as well.

QOTD: I spent the evening at home with my sons, watching the ball drop on T.V., and enjoying our annual new years toast with sparkling grape juice. :goodvibes

:welcome: Tressa:cheer2: We will be flying through Atlanta this Thursday...

Happy New Year Everyone!

Alright ready to get this show on the road. I was up 4 lbs from the last time I weighed. Also darn scale was at 300 which I have never seen.

:hug: Great attitude! Today is a fresh new start!
Love your pictures!

2010 was a difficult year for me. My last surro baby died 1 day after his due date, and was stillborn the following day. My Intended Parents were really awful about the whole thing and it was the most traumatic event of my life. I'm still neck deep in the grieving process and losing weight will help me find the 'me' I think I've lost.

:hug:Such a sad story. Hoping you will find peace in the new year. Good luck with the drive tomorrow. Your NYE celebration sounds fun, I LOVE party foods like nuts, cheese, dips, meatballs................

Hi I am Becky. I am on Team Mickey but am just stopping in to say hi. I wish that everyone has a Happy New Year and has a good time during the Biggest Loser Challenge.

Thanks for stopping by:wave2: There is so much wonderful encouragement on the WISH boards:thumbsup2

I got in all 3 HH for today. Have not eaten dinner yet and may be going out tonight, not sure yet. Took my Mom shopping today. It took a lot of patience but she found 4 new nightgowns, what she was looking for, and she got some great deals too. I got a new pair of Danskos, my favorites and some Cuddleduds and PJ's for me too. Mom & I split one of those delicius soft buttery pretzels at the Mall. Other than that, I have eaten pretty lightly today. Hope you are all having a good day:cool1:

I have just gotten into crocheting and have been making hats, did you make your DD's hat and scarf?

Yep I sure did. I crocheted that one without a pattern in late 2008 to anticipate cold weather when we attempted to move to Nashville(where her dad moved to so he could keep a relationship with her didn't find work and headed for Florida where I found temp work then ended up back here in AZ). Anyway I couldn't be much help but youtube tutorials is how I learned. Last year I bought a Knifty Knitter which I love but have not spent a lot of time using. Should make that a resolution to work on this year.
Yep I sure did. I crocheted that one without a pattern in late 2008 to anticipate cold weather when we attempted to move to Nashville(where her dad moved to so he could keep a relationship with her didn't find work and headed for Florida where I found temp work then ended up back here in AZ). Anyway I couldn't be much help but youtube tutorials is how I learned. Last year I bought a Knifty Knitter which I love but have not spent a lot of time using. Should make that a resolution to work on this year.

Very pretty-- I love the colors.

My DD15 has a Knifty Knitter but I haven't really even looked at it. My sister taught me to crochet this summer and so far hats are about my speed! I made one and then my daughters were fighting over it so I had to make another one. Then MIL decided she really liked them so I have to make her one.

I have found lots of great places on the internet to get patterns and get help when needed.
Greetings from Your Healthy Habits Coach

I see that a question was posed about HH and I apologize for the delay in responding. If my response is not helpful enough, feel free to ask more questions. :goodvibes

HH points question...maybe I missed this somewhere.
there are three habits for the week, do we get a point for each habit per week or per day or is it one point a day for doing all three? and what if I can't drink all that water on a work day since I don't have enough potty breaks Is there a teacher discount? only need 5 a day? :rotfl2:

Happy New Year everyone...better get started on that water...:drinking1

Yeah I am new so not sure how points work either, thanks for asking.

This week, there are 18 possible points you can earn. 1 point for each HH per day. Here's an example. Today I ate 3 servings of veggies and drank 6 8 oz. glasses of water (at least). I earned 2 HH points for the day. If I repeat this all six days this week, I will have a total of 12 out of 18 possible Health Habits points. The competition is based on the number of participants, not the total number of points.

As for getting in 6 glasses a day while teaching, I understand. I taught for 2 years and my planning time was at the beginning of the day. The good news is that typically your body/bladder gets used to drinking that much (and more) and you should be able to work it into your schedule. But, that being said, it is important for you to do what works for you and you are encouraged to participate in as you see fit. Perhaps this week you focus on eating veggies and next week you focus on exercising. You could be gradually trying to increase your water so you can focus on this HH during Week 3. :goodvibes
Hello, everyone. My name is kelly and I am looking forward to having someone support me in this weight loss journey. I have a lot to lose and I think reading your posts will encourage me to keep on track.

Nice to meet you Karliebug! You are not alone - I have about 200 to lose - so we can all do it together!

My name is Tressa, and I'm from a small town in NW Georgia, about 40 miles NW of Atlanta.

Welcome, Tressa, from about 130 miles south of Atlanta! It's nice to see a few people from places I actually recognize.

Alright ready to get this show on the road. I was up 4 lbs from the last time I weighed. Also darn scale was at 300 which I have never seen. :eek: :guilty: :sad1: So I'm more than ready to get it going the other direction. :yay:

I remember the feeling. You have that arbitrary number, saying you'll be okay as long as you never reach it, and then when you see it pop up on the scale you feel like you've swallowed your tongue. Nasty feeling. But that is just that much more of an achievement when you get to your goal!

2010 was a difficult year for me. My last surro baby died 1 day after his due date, and was stillborn the following day. My Intended Parents were really awful about the whole thing and it was the most traumatic event of my life. I'm still neck deep in the grieving process and losing weight will help me find the 'me' I think I've lost.

I can only imagine how hard that must have been on you. I'm so sorry. But atleast you know that you are surrounded by friends on your journey back to stability.

And thanks for the clarification, CC! I can't remember the last time I drank this much water. I feel like I'm sloshing everywhere! :scared:

Holy cow - I'm behind already!!!

Question of the Day How did you ring in the New Year?
We had a "family fun night" - played the Wii (Toy Story Mania and Smarty Pants), laughed and had a good time without any stress. And I was able to stay awake til midnight! :goodvibes (..not always a given...)
...We watched everyone partying in NYC and realized how old we are!! :lmao::lmao::rotfl2: DH and I celebrated in NYC pre-kids and had a blast... but that was a looonng time ago!!!! :lmao:

I'm Jude, and this is my 3rd BL challenge. I still have at least 30 lbs to lose. My goal is 10 lbs for this challenge. If I hope for more I think I will just get overwhelmed. My problem is that I like to graze...all the time. That will be my biggest issue during the challenge. I exercise like a fiend so, obviously, my problem is my eating habits. I'm a work in progress.

I'm mom to DS15 and DD11. My DH is also trying to "get healthy" - I'm forbidden from using the "d" word. LOL. I'm planning to run the Princess Half Marathon in February; it will be my second half marathon. I can't wait to meet the other BL Princess participants in person!!

...still owe a PM for my weight. heading up to the scale right now (gulp...)
Have a great night everyone!!!
So far so good. I ate more than my 3 veggies today and I am at enough water for 2 people- Exercise not so much :(
I was suprised at my Weigh in Today. I hadn't weighed myself recently, and I was happy to see it was a bit less than what I had been 3 weeks ago. Like 5 pounds less!

As far as soda goes, I like Seltzer cause I like the fizzy. it has just been easier to grab a diet something other than Seltzer. So I went shopping and got a few things today. No soda today and I have survived!

I am also known as Abby, I turn 48 Wednesday, I work for a non profit , been married to my wonderful DH for almost 15 years, I have 3 great kids- a 12 YO DD who has already marked when she can start the college program for Disney, a 17 almost 18 YO DS who knows everything, and a 26 YO DD, recently married and happy.

I need to drop about 40 pounds.

(DH just told me he got reservations for Le Cellier for our anniversary.. Now how am I gonna eat good at Le Cellier ??? I appreciate him doing that- But I need to plan now so I don't go nuts and order 6 mooses:)
Hi everyone - can't believe I'm behind already!!! ;)

Question of the Day How did you ring in the New Year?

We just hung out at home, cuddling and watching movies. My kids are young (3, 3, and 5). We also played Simon Says and Ring Around the Rosy (wow - we're pretty lame, huh?!?!? LOL)

So, I'm Marsha, this is my 1st BL challenge. My ultimate goal is to lose 75 lbs, but for the challenge, I'm setting a smaller goal of 15-20 lbs. So my addictions include CARBS, SWEETS, and SODA. The major problem with the carbs is that I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which makes it difficult for me to regulate my insulin and sugars. I really need to curb the carbs and focus on the proteins... which will definitely be a challenge.

I'm mom to DS5, DD3, and DD3. My DH is also weight-challenged, although sadly he is not on board to getting healthier and losing weight just yet. :confused3 We have a late September/early October trip to WDW planned and I have my sights set on running the 5K. I think it's definitely an attainable goal.

So I sent a PM with my weight to Tracey last night, I think I'm set for now...

Have a great night all!
Hi All.

I signed up and forgot that everything started today!

It was nice to "meet" those of you that have posted so far!

I'm a SAHM to three just-turned 8yr olds. They are now in second grade, and I was SURE that once they started school full time last year, I'd have all the time in the world to get my self, my house, and my life organized... here it is a year and a half later and our lives are still crazy and I'm still not motivated/organized enough to exercise consistently!

I blame my kids for my weight issues;)....I was at a healthy weight and exercised regularly before I had kids. I gained 75 lbs when I was pregnant with them and that baby weight didn't BUDGE for their first year! We planned the kids' 1st WDW trip for when they were 2, and that was enough motivation to get me to lose the baby weight and get in shape.
Since then, we've been back to WDW every 6-12 months, and before each trip I am motivated to lose some weight and get in shape. The problem is that between each of those trips, I've gained a bunch more, then lost a bit less. I've gained back all of that stupid baby weight!!!

We've got a trip planned for either April or May of this year, so I'm looking forward to making THIS weight loss stick and staying in shape!

Happy New Year to you all!
Greetings from Your Healthy Habits Coach

I see that a question was posed about HH and I apologize for the delay in responding. If my response is not helpful enough, feel free to ask more questions. :goodvibes

This week, there are 18 possible points you can earn. 1 point for each HH per day. Here's an example. Today I ate 3 servings of veggies and drank 6 8 oz. glasses of water (at least). I earned 2 HH points for the day. If I repeat this all six days this week, I will have a total of 12 out of 18 possible Health Habits points. The competition is based on the number of participants, not the total number of points.

As for getting in 6 glasses a day while teaching, I understand. I taught for 2 years and my planning time was at the beginning of the day. The good news is that typically your body/bladder gets used to drinking that much (and more) and you should be able to work it into your schedule. But, that being said, it is important for you to do what works for you and you are encouraged to participate in as you see fit. Perhaps this week you focus on eating veggies and next week you focus on exercising. You could be gradually trying to increase your water so you can focus on this HH during Week 3. :goodvibes

thanks for clarifying....working up my tolerance sounds like a plan. I measured my water bottle that use everyday and it holds 4 cups so I really drink almost that much each day and manage fine. I also finished off my little water bottle today which is 2 cups. So poof 6 cups of water down now I'm going to drink a creamy diet root beer. :love:
Howdy Team Donald!!

As of right now, I have received WIN measurements from *7* members of Team Donald and *9* members of Team Mickey.

If you choose to participate, please try to send in your WIN number by late Monday.

Come on, y'all! Let's see if we can put up as many WINners as Team Mickey already has!!
Hey everyone!! I'm your team mate Janis, I am 51 years old, live North of Boston with my DH of 25 years Joe. We have one DS 14.

On NYE we stayed in playing Wii, starting watching Inception, and didn't even realize it was midnight until we heard the Fireworks from Boston. I think it is the first year I missed seeing the ball drop.

Looking forward to the Challenge, and making new friends on the DIS!!!

Good morning Team Donald

Today is the last day of my vacation. I always have a lot to do on Sunday. Between church, grocery shopping and getting ready for school I never seem to stop.

Yesterday was a semi okay day. I have to put some things in the freezer. There is still too much food from Christmas in the house. I did 2 out of the three HH. I didn't get the exercise in but I was busy all day. I got involved with a mystery quilt challenge. You start by picking out fabric and start cutting without knowing what the piece will look like. It started at 11 and the final set of instructions were posted at 3. By 4:30 I was just about done with the top. I haven't done anything like this for a while and it was a lot of fun. Since my sewing room is set up in the basement and the computer was on the main room I was up and down the stairs alot yesterday.

Question of the Day

What are your hobbies?

As you can see from above I love to sew. I have been doing this for 45 years and I still enjoy it. I also knit, knit crochet and needlework. I got into a yoga class about a year ago. I am missing it since my knee has been giving trouble since Thanksgiving. I have a modified yoga workout and am going to try it tomorrow morning and decide if I can go back for this session.

Have a happy and healthy day everyone.
Hi, I'm your teammate Tracy. I am 32 years old and am married for 4 years to my DH, Matt (HappyMatt on TeamMickey). We have two DD, Samantha (3) and Molly (1). We go to WDW at least twice a year. We are looking forward to our next trip 1/30 and we are also going to try out the DisneyDream. I haven't taken enough cruises since the kids were born :) In all, my goal is to lose about 140 lbs. For this challenge, I'd like to lose 30 or 40.

I've lost weight before, but always get discouraged at the plateau's. Hopefully, by tracking with WIN - I'll be able to celebrate on other milestones besides the scale.

QOTD1: How did I celebrate New Year's? I went to bed early :)

QOTD2: What are my hobbies? Before the kids, my husband and I did Improv and I loved to watch improv. Today, I'd say my hobby is Internet Shopping and finding the best deals - uh, is that a hobby? Maybe I need to find a new hobby...
Driving to and from NC today and tomorrow, so I won't be around much. (but I'll probably be reading from my iphone!) Here's hoping I can count calories while eating on the road!

QOTD 1/2/11 - What are your hobbies?

I like to read, scour the interwebs, watch tv/movies and I make art. The last isn't supposed to be my hobby, its supposed to be my income - but my production has been really low lately and its something I want to turn around this year. My user icon is of a painting I did several years ago. Here's one of myself that is nearly finished:



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