Tasha's Post Baby Journal (Comments of course welcome!)

Hi Tasha,

I am sure that you will have a few pounds gone by next weekend. Your mini goal sounds doable!

Kylie is just precious.....she really is!!!!!!

Keep up the good work! You are doing a good job
Decided to edit what I originally posted b/c I was feeling sorry for myself and I think I was a little too whiny! I am feeling much better now! :) :blush:
Hey Tasha!

Wow, there's been a lot going on with you. I haven't posted in anyone's journals lately as I've been busy myself.

So glad everyone is ok from Katrina. My DD's best friend at college is from Baton Rouge, and I know he said the same about his parents, they've been helping others who were evacuated and doing what they can, and people are really pulling together.

Great news on the raise, and your trip next spring sounds like something to look forward to!! :goodvibes

Kylie's pics are so cute, I sometimes miss having a little one around (my baby will be 11 this year!) My best exercise when my kids were small like that was walking everywhere pushing them in the stroller. They loved getting out and about, and it was a good workout for me!

Keep up the good work!
Hi Tasha!!! :wave:

Hope you are feeling better today!

Keep up the great work! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hey Tasha ~

Hope you are doing well.

Have a fab weekend :)
Hi, everyone!
We went to our childbirth class reunion yesterday! It was really nice. It was great to see all the babies and hear all the stories. I even won a prize for giving birth to the biggest baby of the class. (Kylie weighed 9 lbs 7 oz when she was born.) I knew her size would pay off one day, lol! ;) Anyway, there were 6 other couples and babies there besides us. We were missing 5 couples but we were told that all 5 of them had boys. Out of the 6 other couples that showed up only 1 had a girl. This means that out of 12 couples only 2 of us had girls! Kylie hit is off w/one baby boy in particular. His name was Adam and his mom and I joked about them maybe dating in college. Well, later we were talking and discovered that we live in the same town as they do and our kids are going to be going to school together! Plus, her dh is the band director at the school! How ironic...so it looks good for her and her future boyfriend, right? Just kidding...or am I?! :teeth: Everyone had a great time and we are planning to meet again next year if all goes well so we can see how much the kids have grown, etc. It's possible I will be preg. by this time next year but we don't know for sure yet of course (that will depend on how we feel when the time comes, lol). Plus, most (if not all) of our kids will be walking by then so that should be interesting! Anyway, I took pictures and I thought I'd share. The last 4 pictures were taken today (well, I guess I mean yesterday since it's past 1 a.m. now!) and are Kylie's 5 month pictures. Yes, it's a few days early (she'll be 5 months on Wed.) but I wanted to finish up the roll of film. Here they are. The group ones are probably not easy to see on here but here goes nothing:



This is Kathy and Paris Grace (the only other girl born in our class!)

This is Brandon (the only baby I have met w/more hair than Kylie and he has already had a haircut! Isn't he adorable?!)

This is Adam (Kylie's future boyfriend ;) ) and Jake (Adam is sitting w/Jake's mommy and Jake is sitting w/Adam's mommy)

Kylie (sitting w/Scott) flirting w/Adam!

The rest were taken today and are Kylie's 5 month pictures:

This is Kylie with...ME! And you thought I wouldn't post a pic of myself, I'd bet!



She just rolled over and was playing in this pic and I accidentally snapped it with her eyes shut but I thought it was cute anyway.

Well, we had a great weekend! Now I need to get to bed! Night! :wave2:

I am so glad that everything went well for this weekend. Holy hair batman! Brandon has a ton of it!!!

Kylie is absolutley beautiful!!!!!
glad you had a good time at the reunion--its cool that one of the babies will end up at the same school as kylie..
as always ,her pictures are adorable!!
She is getting so big. I love that picture of when she rolled over. She has that look like - See I told you I could do it!!!! ROFL Glad you had a good time at the reunion - what fun!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Tasha!

I'm glad to hear that you had a great time at the reunion. :goodvibes We were the first couple in our childbirth class group to have a baby. It was fun talking about it and meeting everyone again post baby. :goodvibes

That picture of you and Kylie is so cute! princess: princess:

How are WDW plans coming along?

Hope you have a great weekend! Take care! :hug:
Hey Tasha ~

Glad everything went so well at the reunion. Can't believe how big Kylie is now.
Hey, all!
I apologize to any of you that haven't seen the pictures I posted earlier and can't see anything but a red x now. I don't like to leave pictures online (other than the ones I use in my siggie) for too long. Especially if it is of other people and their children. So that is why they are no longer there.

Anyway, Scott's company was just bought out. Scott is currently at a dinner/meeting to discuss how this will affect them concerning benefits and any other changes. From what we know this should be a good change. This is supposed to mean better insurance at a lower cost to us, more vacation time (he is supposedly going to start getting 3 weeks of vacation starting summer 2007!), more frequent raises, etc. So it sounds like it will be a good thing. Of course I won't know more until Scott gets home but that's what he had been told before the meeting. The only bad part is that this happened suddenly and his company had to switch their pay periods over to the new company's pay periods. So he was supposed to be getting paid today and instead will not get paid until a week from tomorrow. This hurt us a little on bills this month since it was so sudden! I had already put quite a bit of money into Christmas, our upcoming trip, and some other odds and ends. Who knew they would delay his paycheck? Anyway, after this month things hopefully will be back on track so we will basically just be on a tight budget this month to make amends. We'll manage.

As far as Kylie, she is now eating baby food. She is using her walker which she loves. She is almost able to sit unsupported. She can for a min. or 2 but not for a real long time yet. But she will be before long. She has so much hair now that I can put it into a ponytail! It is too cute! Anyway, I just finished carving a jack-o-lantern earlier today. I plan to put Kylie in her cute little bunny costume/pajamas and sit her with the jack-o-lantern and take her picture.

The only bad news (well, not bad, but frustrating to me) is that I can't seem to find the time to clean the house! Every time I try something happens. Tonight I was going to try to get a lot of cleaning done before Scott came home but Kylie was difficult at bedtime. I tried everything! She would not cry herself to sleep tonight. She just cried and cried till I finally gave in and went and got her. There is nothing wrong with her. She simply did not want to go to bed! So I ended up rocking her for an hour and finally got her to sleep. And today was pretty much the same. So many little things on top of naps, feedings, bath time, etc. By the time all of that was over the day was gone! And now I am so freakin' tired that all I want to do is go to bed (and it's only 9!)! I don't have the energy to clean! It's a good thing Scott loves me b/c I have had absolutely no domestic skills since having Kylie. She is the light of my life right now but she is also very demanding and time-consuming! Don't get me wrong! I love her and her laugh nearly makes me cry it is so sweet, but she can be hard work too. For anyone that has ever said being a SAHM is easy...they have obviously never been one or they had the most perfect child on earth! Anyway, I am just exhausted and thought I'd share. I am ready for Scott to get home and tell me about his meeting and then I want to go to bed!

Sorry for all of the spelling/grammatical errors that I am sure I have made. Like I said, I'm really tired! And I guess I must sound crazy b/c even after everything I posted above I still want to start trying for another baby next year! Hey, noone said it would be easy but trust me the good outweighs the bad, no matter how tired I am! :)
Hi Tasha,

Glad to hear that everything is moving right along. Hopefully everything will work out with DH job and the new company!

Have a wonderful Friday!
Hi, all! Well, as tired as I was I didn't get to bed last night until after 3 a.m.! Dh didn't get home until around 10:30. We stayed up talking until after midnight. Then, I stayed up looking over all of the health insurance information, etc. We have not had health insurance in almost a year b/c my job is the one we had it with and of course I quit after I learned I was preg. with Kylie and worried about the stress at my job affecting her. We got on medicaid at the time but I have really wanted health insurance since we have dd, Scott has an infected toe that has been treated twice with no luck and we worry his toe may need surgery so insurance would be good for that, and we want to have another baby around the time Kylie turns 2. I want to be able to pick my dr. and I would feel more secure having medical insurance. We were planning to get it anyway during dh's open enrollment period in Feb. but since they were bought out he his now able to get the insurance with the new company now and that is great! It would go into effect starting Dec.1. The insurance is a lot better and more affordable than what his old company was offering so that's another plus! I am having trouble deciding which plan to sign us up for now though. I of course want the best insurance but it is also the most expensive so I may go with the middle plan. There are 3 plans. But anyway, we will finally have health insurance! :cheer2: And dental insurance and his company is providing life insurance on Scott, Kylie, and me at no cost to us unless we want to add more to it. He will have a pretty good 401K plan too. He didn't get sick or personal days at his old company, now he will! He also got 2 weeks vacation but will be eligible for 3 weeks soon. The best part about that is that he was only allowed to take vacation time from April 1-Sept. 1. Now he can take it from March 1-Oct. 1 which is better! Anyway, seems this is going to be a great change for us! I only wish it would have happened sooner but I can't complain! At least it's happening and when we can afford to buy insurance and put money into his 401K plan, etc., so it really has worked out for the best.

Well, Kylie and I need to run to walmart and then I need to call my mom to get her opinion on all of the different insurance plans, and then Scott will probably be home and my day will be nearly over. And I have not accomplished squat today! Hopefully that will change soon too! Kylie and I slept for 3 hours this afternoon (which is extremely rare!) which is why I have done nothing today! Well, until next time... :wave2:
Glad to see new pics and hear that everything is going well. Do NOT worry about your house. When Kylie is 40 you can spend all your time cleaning house!

Have a great weekend!
As always lovely piccies of Kylie Tasha. Hope you still manage to pop in here every so often and tell us how you are all doing :grouphug:


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