Tasha's Journal (UPDATE: Our baby has arrived! Pics on last page!!)

Hey, everyone! Well, *sigh* it was ANOTHER false alarm! I don't mind not having her yet b/c I don't want her to come before she is ready, but I could really live without the false alarms. That is the most frustrating part. But as of now, no baby! It won't be long now though either way so it's okay. :)
How exciting!! Go Tasha Go! :cheer2:

I can't wait to see the post about Kylie's arrival.
Well, I guess everything happens for a reason. I still have not had the baby but that is a good thing, b/c Scott got a call yesterday for a job interview. It is good that I have not had the baby b/c he might have missed that call or the interview. I am hoping that this job pays well, has good insurance (since we currently don't have any and his current job won't let him even look into it until next January!), flexible hours, and good vacation time, etc. I am really hoping he will have some good news when he gets home. It would be nice to add one more life change into the mix...a new baby and a better job. Wish him luck!
Hi, all! Just a quick update to let you know that Scott got the job. Everything sounds like it will be sooo much better than his current job. And we will finally have medical insurance so that's a plus. He is taking his 2 weeks vacation from his current job starting on Mon. and then he starts his new job when his vacation is up. So he will still be here with Kylie and me to help out some...granting she decides not to be 2 weeks late or something!
Oh Tasha!

That is wonderful news!!! :Pinkbounc I am so excited for both of you!!! That will be nice that Scott will be home to help you and Kylie out. ::yes:: My DH was able to be home with me and my girls as well. I have to tell you: it was such a blessing to have him home to help with both girls. ::yes::

You, Scott, and Kylie remain in my prayers! I can't wait to hear your good news!!! :Pinkbounc

Have a great day Tasha! :sunny:
Yay!! How awesome he got the job...that's so great!!! :jumping1:

I can't wait to hear about when you have the baby!! princess:
Congrats to Scott on the job!! It will be so nice to have that security with the insurance. Where oh where is Kylie???? How are you feeling??

You must feel like a kid at Christmas! You remember that giddy feeling, being so excited because you know it's coming and you're getting the best present, but since your a little kid...you're not quite sure which day Christmas is!! Each morning you wake up asking your parents if today is the day and are so excited on the day it happens! :teeth: I'm just so happy for you.

Take care!! Gail
Hey, all! Thanks for all the encouragement! Well, I kept saying today was going to be the day that Kylie arrived but unless I go into labor very soon it doesn't look like today is the day either! You are right about the Christmas thing, Gail! I keep waking up thinking is today the day? But then I am like a child that doesn't get anything for Christmas and I get disappointed and then I perk up and say well, tomorrow must be the day then! :rotfl:

Anyway, I finally got that burst of energy everyone has told me you get a few days before you give birth. I was like a mad woman yesterday. Dh came home, and literally looked at all the trash and boxes that needed to go out (I had unpacked a lot of baby stuff and cleaned up the nursery), looked at the bottles that I had sanitized and were drying on a towel, went in the nursery which is spotless and completely organized, looked at our freshly scrubbed bathroom, saw the mounds of baby clothes I had washed and folded...and said, "Okay, this baby will be here by this weekend." I hope so! I believe I have the nesting instinct so I hope that is a good sign! Keep your fingers crossed. I was hoping it would be today, but this weekend would work too! ;) Now I feel like I have to finish cleaning today and then what will I do with my time??? That's all I have left to do!
sending you :wizard: and :goodvibes that everything goes well, quickly and soon!!!! :banana:

Can't wait to hear the good news! Take good care of the two of you Tasha!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Hi, everyone! Well, I went to my 40 week appt. today. I gained 8 lbs in 8 days! It is from water retention but it still wasn't fun to see an 8 lb gain in the course of a week! Anyway, they did a pelvic exam to see if I have dilated any more and her words were, "Well, you are nearly at 2 cm but you aren't quite there yet!" Gee, great. So anyway, I discussed my options for induction with her. They have scheduled me for another exam next Thurs. (May 5) at 8 a.m., if I haven't had the baby yet. They are going to schedule me for an induction at that time. So, I will probably be induced either next Fri. or Sat. if I haven't gone into labor on my own yet. They don't want me to go more than a week past my due date and I am ready to have this baby so an induction is a relief by that point. So even if I don't have her this weekend at least I know I don't have to wait more than a week after that! Still hoping to have her without needing an induction but that all depends on this stubborn baby at this point. Anyway, Scott decided not to start his vacation next week after all b/c even though my NP doesn't know for certain that I won't go into labor on my own she didn't seem optimistic about it. She seems to think I will end up needing the induction. Guess we'll see!
Hey Tasha...maybe you should do what got you pregnant in the first place..wink..wink..I've heard that helps bring on labor!

I'm hoping you have her soon! You really timed this well...you don't have to be pregnant during the hot summer months!!

Sending lots of prayers your way!!

Hang in there Tasha!

Pretty soon, you'll be holding your beautiful, precious daughter in your arms... :cloud9: We're praying for you! :grouphug:
Thanks Gail and Tracy! Oh, and Gail...I have been doing what we did to get preg. in the 1st place. So far no luck! We plan to give it another try though...lol! This baby is stubborn like Scott (b/c of course I couldn't possibly be stubborn...lol!) and just does not want to be born on time. What can I say?!

I am now experiencing some terrible swelling of my feet and ankles. I noticed it yesterday during my appt. and told my NP about it. She said it was normal and not to worry, just to try to keep my feet elevated. Well, we ended up going to my mom's last night and I was sitting in a chair chatting for several hours. I didn't have my feet elevated...wasn't thinking about it at the time. When I got home my right ankle was sooo swollen. I have been resting with my feet propped up all day today and the swelling is gone, but I need to get off the computer so my feet won't swell again. I am not able to keep them elevated while I am on my computer. So I probably won't be able to post tomorrow. Trying to take it easy and keep the swelling down. I will try to post some Monday and let you all know how I am doing. If you don't hear from me Monday then you'll know I have probably had the baby. (Hmmm, why do I have a feeling you WILL hear from me Monday though?!!?) I hope you all have a great weekend!
SOrry i havent been around alot--been going crazy at school--finals are over tuesday!!
Hope things are going well....come on now and have this baby :)
Tasha, I certainly hope that we don't hear from you tomorrow. I wouldn't be saying that under normal circumstances.... :rotfl2:
Hope everthing is going ok ~ Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


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