Survivor's Temporary Home (Until Jeff can re-post it) ;-)


Apr 23, 2000
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Pin Survivor, the Ultimate Challenge ... Voting for Adventure Removal #1

Deep within the heart of the Florida outback in a remote swamp near Interstate 4, a small base camp will be created. From this camp, four teams of six members will spend what will seem like an eternity testing their skills to determine who is the ultimate Disney Pin Survivor. I invite you to follow the adventures of these intrepid castaways as they try to match their wits, their experiences, and their stamina against each other and against the elements. Each episode shall document the trials and tribulations of the Florida Swamp-back (not to be confused with a Humpback, that is another story) and the teams. Besides the constant challenges associated with living away from their loved ones for an undetermined amount of time, each of the contestants will be forced to fend for themselves in sometimes hostile surroundings. Challengers have been chosen from many walks of life and will soon be notified of their selection. Each one of them will be allowed to bring one luxury item of their choice to the swamp. They will also each be required to provide a photograph of themselves in case the unfortunate happens and we are forced to place their faces on a milk carton for the search party to use.
Spectators will be allowed to follow along on this misadventure and watch the journey unfold. You will also be given an opportunity to help determine its outcome, as at the end of each episode, one person will be voted out of the swamp. Challenges will be conducted for contestants to show their worthiness to remain in the swamp. Members will be allowed to gain immunity from the tribal vote by winning the use of the immunity lanyard. In the end, we will once and for all determine who is the ultimate Disney Pin Survivor…




Yay!!! New saga by Jeff!!



Should we be scared now?



All right!! I was hoping you'd start another adventure soon. I guess we're all addicted to your storytelling now.



This sounds like fun! I can't wait to see who the chosen ones are Good to have you back on the board Jeff, we missed you!



Jeff, that is great! LOVE the sound effects!!


Nah Nat
We're already wearing an immunity lanyard. We wer in the last saga so that means he will pick on others and we can rest and laugh ahem I mean watch. YEA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A JJ I think we all love your stories. I'll have to call Tinkerbel129 and tell her she has been in mourning long enough. Two deaths in one family = almost 4 weeks in mourning. Time to come out Lori!!! and bring that Dean BuzzLightYear with ya. There a campfire burnin and Cousin JJ is spinning yarns again.



Dar, I'm sure glad you mentioned the sound effects. I had my speakers turned off and I didn't know there were any! Now I've got 'em turned back on so I won't miss anything.



This sounds like so much fun!! Looking forward to the first installment!!




So my asking for a new saga worked.....yippeee!!! I cant wait. I wonder who the lucky/unlucky soles will be..... I am soooooo excited to read the first installment

May the florida swamp gods be with us all and the mosquitos be few.....




Love Mussy Rice with my Mountain Dew

What would everyone's luxury item be that they would take with them.

Have to think about this one.


Oh wait I know. My blow up bed - that is what I would take.



I would take my toothbrush, I think...either that or my Bible...oh gosh which one!!!!!


can use a finger for a toothbrush

I have thought of one I really cant live without......but I am not telling...yet!!



Oh boy!!! A new story!!!



There is no way I could survive without my black rubber pin backs.



Wow, a remote swamp near I-4. Sounds like that location might be really a real challange to most of us.
Hope the campsite is in a really rustic location like maybe AKLor WL, I would hate to think we would be too close to transportation. Lets make those survivors rough it by walking a good distance to transportation.
And it can't be too close to Cheese soup or Beaver Tails, we should have to hunt more for our food.
Can't wait for the first installment, this is going to be a good one. Peggie



I'd have to bring a brush.. I wouldn't even want to think about what I would look like without one!



I think that I know what I'd bring, but like Kathryn I must have immunity.
Mary Jo


Eeyore's Pal

I'm in over my head now!
I've never watched this show, not once.
I'm always to busy doing something else . . . Oh, yeah -- Pins!

Does this grant me immunity?




Another classic in the making!

Sounds great! All these wonderful stories over on the collector's board could almost get me wanting to start collecting pins after all, so I could understand them better.
Do YOU have ODD? (Obsessive Disney Disorder) If so, enjoy these links:
"A Dream is a Wish..."
ODD/Game Happy Day


Nat and Sandy - You could bring an RV

I think Nat and Sandy should bring as their luxury item an RV.
My idea of roughing it when we had our motor home was leaving the remote control at home.




Eek! Sound affects almost got me in trouble at work! They are great, but I had to see how fast I could disable my speaker before everyone next to me came to see what was going on! Whew! Met that challenge...:)
I'm still employeed...:)

Can't wait for the saga, Jeff.

Back to lurking...




The Ultimate Survivor Challenge

Random musings of a Survivor Viewer...
1. Who will celebrate a birthday while in the swamp, and will that person follow Richard's lead and spend his or her birthday in his or her birthday suit?

2. Luxury item... Who wouldn't bring their Pin Book (or Vince & Suzi's trader book(s)) to the challenge?

3. Who will be felled by an alligator attack? Or who will emerge as the "Alligator Hunter?"

4. Will brush fires flush the Survivors from the swamp? Will they be chased by (or chase) wild pigs?

5. Will the Fesitvus Pole reemerge within an immunity challenge? (And can we impale Jeff Probst on top of it?)

6. What do Love Bug larva look like?

7. Is the clip thingy on the end of a lanyard a carabiner? Can it be used as one?

8. Rice as a food staple has been overdone. Will these new Survivors have to subsist on a dozen Krispy Kremes a day?

9. Can we keep the Survivors safe from Florida drivers? How close IS the swamp to I-4?

10. And finally, what corporate sponsors will send buckets of money to AZ Jazzy Jeff in exchange for cameo appearances on "Survivor--The Ultimate Pin Challenge?"

We shall see... And I can't wait! Thanks Jeff, for brightening our days.




oh no!
LOL who else has a birthday soon besides me? what's the name of that thread looking for birth dates???


Not to worry

Kathryn you could always send a pix from some sexy magazine as your birthday suit!!!Or one of a real womans birthday suit, sweatpants, baggie tee, and warm socks...along with the chocalate cake...


TDC Blue Fairy

Wise Guy!!!!!!!

OMG!!!! I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I heard the sound effects!!!!! I love it already!!!!!




Kathryn... I hate to say it but my birthday is before yours....April 30.



"8. Rice as a food staple has been overdone. Will these new Survivors have to subsist on a dozen Krispy Kremes a day?"
IMO, that would be WAY too easy. I could live on Krispy Kremes - no problem!

"9. Can we keep the Survivors safe from Florida drivers? How close IS the swamp to I-4?"

I-4 is on the swamp! I-4 would be a dangerous crossing - like a dry river bed suddenly filled with rainwater. Not to mention the random swamp fires...

I still can't think of what I would possibly use as a luxury item... my annual pass maybe? Or my credit card.. I could always buy another AP!




OH NO!!! You mean you havn't been told about the swamp adaped sharkes just found in Florida!!! Jeff, you are going to supply shark repellent ....



yo Deb

maybe there ought to be a "Taurus" team LOL. Do you think a Palm Pilot with Internet connectivity and a database of all the Disney property phones numbers along with property shortcuts and PinPics on it would be a worthy "Luxury"?



Yo Kath!

Team Taurus Rules!
I do believe that the Palm Pilot can be a Luxury item.....

And we could not survive on Krispy Kreme....but Cheese soup!!




Hey Kath
I have 6 birthdays on my list before you....maybe you're safe!!
The Birthday Fairy


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Invitations have been made...

Deep within the Arizona desert, a lone figure is seen walking across the harsh sands. Deliberately, he makes his way towards you. As he approaches, you can see he is dressed as an adventurer. Along his belt is his bullwhip, which seems to have seen quite a lot of action. Upon his head is a weather beaten Diamondbacks hat. Adorning his leather jacket can be seen twelve Christmas pins that were gathered from his last great adventure. As he reaches you, he speaks,
“Twenty-four contestants have been identified to partake in the next grand adventure. I have personally spoken to each of them and requested their presence. If they accept my challenge, they shall report here for the adventure to begin. Everyone shall be given until the setting of the sun on Monday next to check in. Those who fail to meet this deadline shall be left to fend for themselves. Adventure waits for no one.”

As he completes his comments, our hero turns and walks towards the sunset. The shadows begin to fade as night falls and everyone waits for the contestants to arrive.




Team 3

Hi everyone my name is Mike and I am a member of team 3 as told to me by Arizona Jeff. Who else is on Team 3?



Mike, looks like I am also part of team 3, now only 4 more people to find and we will be able to figure out a name, etc. I accept this challenge Jeff, thanks for picking me! I'm excited




First member of Team 2 checking in!

Wait...ok I am not Mr. Smee. Have to keep reminding myself...not Smee...not Smee...



Cool SnoWhite and I are on team 3! I'm really excited to see who else is on our team.



Calling Team 1

Oh My God! I've had my invite!
Ok, I am part of Team 1

My name is Penny and I live in London, UK and I've never ever seen Survivor! I do however, live in the East End of London, so being a Cockney I feel that I have a small advantage there to help me make of for that

So 'team', whereever you are...I'm looking forward to some top tips on any Alligator wrestling and Swamp stomping as both of them are a bit thin on the ground over here... (Hmmm, I do have the Hackney Marshes close by, so maybe I could get in some intensive training there first? There are lots of puddles.)

I'm also a bit curious about this Birthday Suit I heard I might need (May 4th). Is this a smart thing, like for the office? or can it be maybe just some sort of informal, casual 2 piece...

Now then...I have to go and give some serious thought to my Luxury Item!

Thanks for the invite Jeff - even though I can only imagine what it is I am getting in to!




Another member of team 3 checking in. That's 3 of us.. Who are the other 3????



Waaah!!! Jeff split us up!!!
Lauri's on Team 3 ... I'm on Team 1. Too bad, because with her, me, and Disneymad on the same team we could have called ourselves the Mad Mods.




Team 3 Here!

Fourth member of Team 3 Checking in!
We seem to be the most anxious team as already 4 of us have checked in. So we will win this ultimate pin challenge!

Who are the last 2!




2nd member of Team 2 checking in!
Name: Dominic
Occupation: Youth Program Director

I work at Boys & Girls Club teaching art, woodworking, archery, riflery and soccer.

I hope someone on this team watches this show because I don't.

Now where is the other members of my team?



Okay, I'm jealous

Not unless Jeff is still sending letters, I'm left out in the heat by myself No Story for me this time.
But one day I'll get to be immortized in an Arizona Jeff story.

Oh, wait, I was in the hat pin story. But is was a very short role.

You all have fun.




Third member, Team #1, reporting in...
Totally surprised and brought to full consciousness very early (DS had outing) this morning when my welcome invitation appeared...nearly buried and already dusty and worn by the endless spam which promises to save my credit, home, marriage, children, hard-drive, "entertainment deficits" AND guarantees a weight-loss of at least 50 lbs in the next 3 hours! And I didn't even know I had all those problems. Knowing those caring and wonderful SPAMMERS have my homebound interests well in hand, I can procede with gusto at PIN SURVIVAL!

Grab that lightsaber, OBI WAN! (Malibu Matt was only a disguise...everyone now knows the true identity of MZLUCAS, uh, DAVIS.) Ditch Darth's pin in the dirt, rev the Falcon to light-speed and set your course for Earth and the might Team One, we who anxiously await you and THE FORCE to begin our Pin Survival journey and quest.

And Penny, we are "pin-sync"! Matched with Taurean determination, East-End Cockney and the pinfamy that has, oh, just occasionally been linked with Chicago. (Keyword: Capone, Al) Not much experience in alligator wrestlin' or swamp-stompin' but somethin' tells me we'll be REALLY quick studies! Heck, we'll dust off our leatha' togetha' and plunge (ARGHHH, to what I'm not sure) right the pins and whatever we must face to reach them!

AND, as I wrote the MAN IN THE DIAMONDBACK HAT, thanks to the demise of the Bulls (any Washingtonian who smirks gets a big, old, moldy raspberry!), the pINFINITE futility of being DIE-HARD CUB FANS plus the Bears decade-long hibernation (aren't they hungry yet???), I have learned to be strong and survive under the most dire, desperate, and disheartening conditions.

Now, hope we soon here from the intrepid members of our team who have not, as yet, revealed themselves.




team 4 reports in

On a lazy Saturday morning, Duckfan turns on her pin communication device and waits for input. It's Saturday so only have her brain is working. This is probably a good thing as the poor thing receives a communication from the man in the hat with too much weight on his chest (man those pins must be heavy she thinks). He tells her she has been selected. She is not awake enough to be afraid so she accepts......
Okay, here is a member of Team 4, Duckfan, new trader with limited trading abiltity but a crazed and creative mine reporting in.. where are the rest of the team?



I wanna play!!! Can I be an alternate??



Alas LFG

you and I will be sitting on the sidelines rooting for hmmm for whom will I cheer? Gotta wait to see who all the other contestants are.
Are there alternates Jeff?




Team 1 here!!!!!!

Wooo hoooo Jeanie you and I on the same team...oh my will the others ever get in a word.....I doubt it.....
Team 1 lets email each other.....gotta pick that name you know.....

Yippee I cant wait to start our adventure.....




Team #2

Jeff has made the challange and little did he know he is putting two of the 4 stooges on the same team. We have an advantage, we are close enough to work out our plans and beat those other two teams. And with our combined strength, to say nothing of our intelligence,
Red Rover Red Rover send team 3..... sorry wrong game.
But anyway, I am up for the challenge. The only thing I might have a problem with is sending the photo to our leader. Can I send my high school picture or the glamour shot I had made 10 years ago??? Peggie


Eeyore's Pal

Team #4 Here!

I beg you now, fellow team members, go back to your loved ones! I have never seen this show. I will lead us into the pit, into the ravine, or into whatever!!!!
Turn back now!

That sort of lacked team spirit, didn't it?

Yeah! Hurray! Go Go Go!
Defense! Defense!
Hey, hey take it away, take it down the other way!

Am I getting it yet?




Alas, Linda and Kathryn, I too will sit on the sidelines with you and cheer for our favorite team. Kathryn as soon as you decide who to cheer for, let me know and I will cheer with you!!
Oh to be chosen, just once

But wait, do I really want to be in one of JJ's stories, maybe not

Sitting on pins and needles to see how this all plays out, but wait, I will not sit on my pins anymore, okay, only sitting on needles!!




OHHHHHH....Cindy! He couldn't have known, that Man in the Diamondback Hat, that he was pairing Motor Mouths of which even NASCAR would be proud! Another great surprise this morning!
SO...along with ObiWanMatt and DISNEYMAD we'll be working the quest who are are remaining mysterious two?




Linda, Kathryn and Ann -- can I join you on the sidelines. Maybe we weren't chosen, but we can be a great rooting section! But who will we cheer for? Let me know who you decide to support and I'll be with you!


Eeyore's Pal

What if the rest of team #4 never shows?

May I hereby claim the right to choose worthy alternates from the likes of Cherry, Ann, Linda, and Kathryn?
(If my earlier post has scared them away from team#4. )

I would be proud to serve with any of you.

(You don't have to answer with the usual reciprocal response. We all know any team I'm on is in trouble. I've never seen the show! Have I already mentioned that?)




Linda, Kathryn,Ann and Cherry, got room for me up there on the bleachers???



Come on up, Robin. There's plenty of room up here in the bleachers and I think the view is gonna be great! Hey, Robyn, I may just have to root for your team -- can you believe it, I've never seen the show either!



Scootch over and make room for me on the bleachers. The foundling was not chosen either. Some day I will be wanted



Team 4 checking in!

Bridegirl was just returning from her wedding dress fitting. She whipped up a mango margarita and streched out by pool to sip it down under the bright sunny Southern California rays, while checking her e-mail.
Low and behold! A summons! A message! The game was beginning! And she was ready. She pulled a Pin trader t-shirt on over her bridal bikini and set out to find her team mates.

There's only one thing girls love more than being brides. A contest! A game!




Okay... so where is everyone else???? The teams are looking a little short!!


I am a lurker too.

I guess that not only do I lurk on the boards but I must lurk in this game too.
Good luck teams!



Don't worry guys.. with any luck there just *might* be a sequel.. just like the real Survivor!


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Western memories...

As the sun sets below the western horizon and the night stars begin to twinkle in the twilight, our hero stands alone in the desert. In his hand is a small notebook. By the light of the full moon, Arizona Jeff writes in his journal,
"Day one is now complete. All of the invitations have been sent. The contestants have begun to arrive at their predefined destinations. Of the twenty-four that were contacted, sixteen have arrived. Eight others are still unaccounted for but hope remains that they shall arrive soon. Two days remain before the quest begins. I am concerned. Of the sixteen who have come, only five have brought a picture and only three have their luxury item. Looking over this crew, it is still unclear who will survive. Time and the adventure will give us the answer."



I can't wait until this gets underway...this is gonna be more fun than a book of Foghorn Leghorn sayings on a long drive...
"That boy's mind is duller than a sack of wet mice."

"That boy's about as sharp as wet shoe leather."

It goes on and on...

I can't wait to read more shenanigans, hijinks, and don't forget the tomfoolery!!!



why don't you cheerleaders form a "team"

you may not be on a team right now but you could pick a team to root for and encourage through what I am sure will be a wild time. Develope codes and everything, after all my dh always said only 8 people play football but everyone plays in the band.



Opting out - this is a little like being half invited - you can come to the house but have to watch the party through the window.



I'm starting feel better now. I'm thinking it might be better on the side lines than in the actual adventure.
I can't wait to see what JJ is going to put everyone through.




Another Team 3 member reporting in!!!!

Just got my invite...I'm on team 3!!! Gotta go meet up with the rest of my team mates and work out so I am up for all challenges!!



Come on and be part of the fans watching as the story unfolds... Help us decide our team names, our strategies for challenges, what luxury items we should bring. I was going to bring my stuffed Tigger but my Mom said I was crazy! Wonder if Jeff will let me bring Apples... hmmm.. I dunno



Personally, I'm happy being on the sidelines routing. I don't think a pin, not even a holy grail is worth eating rats for.........gack!



Robin.. never mind the rats.. what about some of those BUGS in Florida we might end up having to munch on!!!!


Lady Kat

Wow What fun. I've never seen the series but am proud to be an observer in the bleachers with the others. We will cheer you all on as you dig worms and eat bugs, speed down the lazy river or chase through the skies above avoiding all the dire things we just know Jeff has thought up for you. Good luck to all and may the best pinhead survive !



bugs... rats...yech

I don't think they will make us eat rats.. I mean isn't that kind of like a relative to the Mouse, you know the one I mean.. I should have brought Snow's cat.



Bugs are no problem...

just dip 'em in chocolate, instant Nestle's Crunch!
Rats? That's the day I decide to fast...faster and faster! HOWEVER, if it comes to skinning a 'gator for the spit, hey, PARTY TIME!

Seriously...everyone is gonna have a terrific time with this just as Duckfan and MZD suggest!

In fact, I personally think we should offer anyone who's ROFL on the sidelines as we HEAVE ho our way through these gourmet meals a very generous sample portion of each course!




Bug Eating?

Maybe we better read this site before leaving:

HEY! That could be our team name The BABES
(for Bay Area Bug Eaters Society)
Any Bay's where we will be ??? LOL




"ALL HAIL THE PEACH", Mr. Peachident has been summond to partake in this peachy adventure, as you all know i am your peachident and i do for a living what you all would love to do, PINTRADE!!! with my peach in one hand and my trusty pin book in the other i am ready for the challenge. for those of you who dont know me i my name is mike and i have chosen to be part of team 4. so here i am and let the impeachment begin.
so right now as far as i can tell team 4 has:

-pinhook(Mr. Peachident)
-eeyores pal(way cool robin)

Mr. Peachident



Hey Guys!
Got anymore bleacher seats, I wouldn't miss this for the world!!


MadStrawberry two is missing two people

Where oh where are you? This is Ms. Mad reporting in and forget the margaritas is Strawberry Daiquiris all around. Is someone bringing a blender?
also known as Elizabeth (no last name)



Team #2 ....

I am accepting the challenge with knees shaking!
Haven't even watched the show and with JJ who knows what he will think up for us!
I'm ready...............................
I think.



I have a question I need to ask.. since it is really hard to read true emotions when they are just words typed in a post, I would like to know if there are people that are truly upset that they were not chosen as contestants in this round of Disney Pin Survivor.
Please keep in mind that people were picked purely at random and that new people as well as older members were included. The entire board was going to be asked to participate in this game in one way or another, whether it be as a player or as the jury who decides who should be "voted off the island". This is not meant to be a game for a select few, rather something for everyone to enjoy and play along with.
I'm sure there was never an intention to hurt feelings and make people feel left out.. only to create a fun tale that could be followed by all.

I agree

with the above post. I would hate for anyone to really be upset. I am on a team this time but there have been lots of times in my past that I wasn't. I hate that feeling. Please be patient and enjoy the ride. I am pretty sure there is a lot more ideas in Jeff disneycrazed mind with parts for everyone. But if people are really hurt, I would well, if I could, give up my spot because it is great to feel a part of this community.



Think I'm the last member of Team 3 Just got my invite and I am SOOO Should be a LOT of fun, and here's to Jeff for setting this whole thing up...



In jest only

My feelings were not hurt at all. I am sorry if I made you think I was. I was only teasing. I am very happy to cheer from the sidelines and know there will be plenty of opportunities to "be picked on". Looking forward to lots and lots of fun.



I am extremely happy to be on the sidelines of this adventure! Just reading the posts makes me laugh - oops! What great imaginations!! Keep the excitement coming - Elvis is standing right beside me as we speak - wanting in on the action!! Gigi from Memphis



Kathi, we got plenty of room up here on the bleachers, come, join us!!! Okay now guys, we as a team are going to need:
- sun screen
- hats
- AK spray bottles that have fans attached....
anything else?

Matthew, feelings hurt??? pshaw!




No hurt feelings here! I'm all settled in on the bleachers with my stadium seat and my good buddies around. Sunglasses, Robin, don't forget the sunglasses. And maybe one of those really good pineapple ice cream things from the MK to keep us cool while we're watching the competition.
Glad you're here, Kathi, this is going to be fun!
Maybe we can make up some cheers, guys, to root the teams on once we know what their names are.

Lauri/Matthew -- got any cheerleaders clip art we can use?

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



heres some dole whips and kakigoris

for the cheering sections from me. I was going to say on me but I really don't want that kind of bath.



Thanks, Duckfan. But be careful what you say -- you don't want to give JJ any ideas about tubs full of Dole whip!


shirley 38

Hey man

Can't wait.



Team member two checking in

I am not really home yet. I will post tonight what I will bring. Shirleyn is writing this for me. BUT HAVE NO FEAR BIG JOHNNY IS HERE ON TEAM TWO.



Where's the cheering section? I am a HUGE Survivor fan (my DBF doesn't understand why, but that's ok) and can't wait to see how this all unfolds!
What can I bring to the cheering section? Anything especially California-wise needed?

AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
The saga begins...
As the sun slowly sets below the horizon, the final remnants of daylight fade to darkness. The night sky begins to come alive with countless stars not seen within the city. Far in the distance is the cry of a coyote breaking the lonely silence. In the midst of the darkness sits a man who has built a fire. He appears to be waiting for something or someone to join him.
From out of the night, several people suddenly appear. They look very confused and many of them even seemed frightened as if they are not sure what to expect. Without turning around, our hero speaks to the figures approaching from behind, “Well, well, well it would appear that you indeed waited until the very end before accepting this challenge. This does not bode well for your adventure.”
“I, uh, we, hmm, it was John’s fault!” exclaimed one voice from the crowd.
Ah, already there was contention within the group. This would indeed be quite a trial for Arizona Jeff. “It matters not why you waited until the end. It merely matters that you are here. Gather around the campfire as I explain what is about to occur.” Said Arizona Jeff.
With that, the group made its way around the campsite eager to hear what is in store for them.
“You have each been randomly selected to accompany me on my next great adventure. I am again in search of rare antiquities and need help to bring them back to the Arizona Disney Pin Museum. At the end of my last adventure, I heard of another elusive set of pins. After countless weeks of research and many visits to Vault Disney, I have identified four rare pins that together create a set. Based upon the journals and writings in the Vault, it seems these pins must be collected simultaneously or they shall be cursed. Since I cannot be in four places at once, I need your help. My problem is that I don’t know who is best able to help me. To help me determine who is most suited, I have devised this challenge. You have been divided into four teams of six members. Your team will be given an area in which to set up base camp. Once established, you will be presented with challenges that will help me determine your skill set. At the end of each episode, a member from one of the teams will be asked to leave the adventure. Before you think that you are in this alone, let me assure you that is not the case. There will be countless people watching your every move. They will form your destiny. These onlookers have an enormous job ahead of them. They will identify the challenges you will face, provide input to your adventure, and ultimately they will vote to decide your fate. Throughout your adventure, you will come in contact with many individuals. Some will be helpful, others will not. How you deal with these encounters will help the members determine how worthy you are to continue.” Recounted Arizona. At this point, he reached into his pocket and removed four Disneyland 2000 shield pins. He held them out and the firelight danced upon the faces of the pins.
“Each team will assign a representative to carry one of these pins. If your pin is lost, your team shall forfeit all members and be eliminated. Your team’s goal is to trade this pin for one of the four that I am looking for. The pins that the Museum has asked me to search for are the Walt Disney World Seasonal Series featuring characters from Winnie the Pooh. The teams will determine which pin in the series they will attempt to retrieve. The teams will choose in the order that they were filled. Team 4 will choose first followed by Team 3 then Team 1 and finally Team 2. Once this has been decided, everyone shall board the plane I have chartered to begin the adventure. According to the archives at Vault Disney, the adventure shall take place on swampland, which Disney obtained some 30 years ago. When we arrive at our destination, each team will be given additional instructions. Good luck adventurers. If I know the members of this board, they have many ideas and your journey shall be memorable indeed.”
With that, Arizona Jeff put out the campfire and gathered his belongings making his way in the dark to what at first appeared to be a deserted airfield. Soon though a plane arrived to carry the adventurers to their destination. At last, the adventure begins.


at least

I don't have to eat any bugs yet, I saw that show, its tough to eat a bug, no wait. I remember now its really something else. Oh well. Hope the museum supplies motion sickness pills, that wasn't on my luxury list. Oh, got to take off.



OK, I have a cheer......

please note, names in ( ) are simply for demonstration purposes
(Ellen, Ellen) she's our gal, if she can't do it.........


You get the idea!




you sure are a toughie
also known as Elizabeth (no last name)


shirley 38

It was not John's fault

This is a story in itself. Our dining room ceiling was really really starting to crumble from all the rain and a leak in our roof.
The guys have been working on it for a couple of days and guess where our computer is.
Yep right in the middle of the dining room.
I am ready for any adventure. Name your poison.



Okay.................Ms. Mad has reported into Arizona Jeff

I am ready for the quest.
also known as Elizabeth (no last name)
New alias.........Ms.Mad



Ok Bring it on! I'm ready. I will even eat bugs if need be, but just don't ask me to eat Tuna Fish, I cannot and will not do it! (Oh no, I think I just set myself up didn't I?)
Proud member of team #3



Luv2Roam checkin' in to check it out!
And my luxury item is a cell phone w/recharged batteries.
Can I get a pizza delivered in or near the swamp?



uvs to ...

is that your final answer? Wanna use a lifeline or phone a friend??? That cell phone may not work in the "swamp". Being a frequent to the swamp, I have reason to believe that for some sadistical reason Disney has blocked signals from most if not all cell phones, rendering them virtually useless on property. :-)


Goofymom..checkin in

and my luxury item is .....TOILET PAPER....well now I am sure you know the most logical reason for it in the swamps, but did you know you can use it to wrap a pin, wipe a nose, sooth a cut, wipe away tears, stuff a bra...oops now where did that come from,....anyway even the little tube has its uses...funnel, horn, firestarter, see it wasnt a really silly choice afterall...
Now where did all those cheerleaders for team one go....Ann, Suzanne....waiting to hear those great cheers when we disembark the plane....

Well I am off to pack, wish us "ALL" luck..




Team 2 checking in. I have brought my sketchbook and drawing pencil. I want to see how jeff weaves that into his storyline. I am ready for the challenge!!



don't forget

your Dramamine (!)...ya want to start out feelin' good....LOL




I hope someone is bringing an gallon sized bottle of bug spray!!!!!



Another member of team 2 here...

checking in....After much agonizing over what to bring to the swamp off of highway 4, (pins, toliet paper, my DH,(he wanted me to bring him!)
food, toothpaste...etc....I'm bringing cool clear water and lots of it...
When do we leave? Are we there yet?


Eeyore's Pal

Checking in from team #4

I am bringing a very, very large roll of 2"-wide water-proof adhesive tape.
I am thinking we may need to tape stuff together, tape stuff to each other, tape ourselves to each other, tape someone's mouth shut . . .



Team #4

Dar's checking in for team #4. My luxury item is my credit card. I figure what I don't have, I can buy! LOL...
Kathryn, you just need the right phone! My phone works great on property (Nextel), Hubby's doesn't (Sprint). Strange...

Here's a recap for Team #4:
-me - see above!
-Mike (pinhook), bringing his pin bag
-Robyn (Eeyore's Pal) bringing 2" wide waterproof tape
-Joy (Duckfan) bringing moleskin
-Suzy (bridegrl) bringing the champagne
-Barbara (Luv2Roam) bringing cell phone and batteries

We have elected Mike to be the holder of our shield, and elect to find Tigger - Spring is in the Air.




Another cheerleader reporting in!

Move over gang, I want to join that cheering section! Is there room?
In fact, I think I prefer watching.
Unless they eat bugs. I couldn't watch that. Eeuuww...

This should be SO MUCH FUN! (Thanks, Jeff!)




Plenty of room in the cheering section, Janet! Come join us on the Cheerleaders thread.
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Mickey527 checking in

Hi all,
I guess I have no choice as the nurse to bring a full first aid kit.
I have lots of moleskin for our blisters, bandaids, gauze and tape for the cuts and scratches we get , bug spray, suntan lotion, scissors to cut the gauze and tape,and lots of other little things necessary for a safe and healthy day in the swamps.
I will send in my photo soon Jeff, I have to run over to the opposition (Leslie) and have her take it with her camera. Good thing she is about as computer illiterate as me otherwise I would be worried that she may add a few extra noses. Peggie



Team 3 ROCKS!!!!

Just checking in and letting you know about my luxury item...I dug my official James Bond/Austin Powers spy Swiss army knife out of storage. Here's what it has:
magnifying glass-to see clues
mat cutter-good for framing
scissors-hair cut anyone?
blow torch-ya never know
decoder-in case we meet up with the "enemy"
flare gun-to send up a signal
lip stick-a gal's gotta look good, even in the Swamp-back
compartment full of rubber pinbacks
Mickey Stamper- for marking things along the way
I have been working out all week, and am ready for the challenge!!

And by the out for Peggie with that mole skin...that stuff is deadly! And, by the way also....I do know how to put extra noses on your picture, but I promise not to (what??? DH just said something about crossing my fingers behind my back...I don't know what he's talking about).

Bric-a brac-a, fire crack-a, sis boom bah...TEAM 3, TEAM 3, RAH RAH RAH!!!!!





I have a printed out a complete copy of pin pics for my luxury item.


eye R.N.

Another cheerleader here.

With melt proof chocolate and latte's for the hard working folks in the bleachers.

Who knows, maybe we get to become "the jury!"



shirley 38

Team 2 is ready to go

My special item is going to be what else but my dog he has a special pouch in which he carries water proof matches.
I was going to bring John but he is on a different team.


shirley 38

A Change

I cannot bring my Dog a alligator might eat him. So I am going to bring the water proof matches.
But I have a favor to ask. Can someone take care of my little dog while John and I are away. Just don't go for that look the says I AM HUNGRY. He is a real moocher but he also loves blondes.
.Oh by the way I have never missed a survivor show yet. That is why I am always late for pin chat.




Lost in the jungle. Finally found my way out.
You say , what jungle ???? Well it was the massive Concrete Jungle of Philly. I saw a tree on the horizon ; I knew I was getting closer to my house. I AM A SURVIVOR !!

I wanted to bring a Bell helicopter but got shot down. So, I have the next best thing, maybe better than the helicopter, it is "THE HAT" with 163 lovelies on it. If you need it, I got it. Drool and let the games begin. I WILL BE THE ULTIMATE SURVIVOR, but a team player.
Good luck to all----john59



Cheerleaders are considering

getting outta their LazyBoys. Will the plane be arriving soon? Or do we have time to have that golden tanned boy bring us another pina colata?



Team Two - The Mad Hatters - All set packed an ready to go! Here is our roster all typed nice and neat and in alphabetical order.
Dom13 - Dominic - Sketch Book and Drawing pencil (will draw for pins!)
HolyCow - Lisa - Lots of cold refreshing water.
John59 - John - "The Hat" with over 160 pins on it.
MadStrawberry - Barbara - Pin bag full of traders.
Mickey527 - Peggie - Extremly well stocked first aid kit.
Peoplemover - Amy - Her Bible.

Pin Bearer - Dom13

Pin we are searching for - Winter Pooh.

We are ready for the challenge!
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
The plane, the plane, the plane
The contestants slowly entered the plane and found seats. It was clear that they had already divided themselves up into teams. As the plane left the ground, the players were busy talking amongst themselves. It was clear that these people were beginning to think as a team since they had immediately identified names for themselves. Team 1 proclaimed themselves to be Pinvincible. Team 4 began to refer to themselves as the Rolling Peaches. Team 3 soon countered after a long and lengthy discussion with the name of Landsharks. As for Team 2, they climbed on board went to their seats and immediately went to sleep. Not another word was heard from them until the food cart began to make its rounds. At that time, they were conscious and very excited. Between bites, they agreed that they should be the Mad Hatters. Many of the contestants must have believed this would be their last meal as their savored every bite of freeze-dried chicken with wild rice and a stale slice of carrot cake. Before long, the plane began its decent into central Florida. The doors of the airplane opened and the players gathered their personal items and made their way to the door. The Rolling Peaches were once again the first to the door, they were all eager and not one of them had stopped talking since they boarded the plane in Arizona. The Landsharks were next although it took 10 minutes before they appeared at the plane door. It seems they had to discuss how best to unfasten their seat belts and then vote on the order in which they would appear. Pinvincible came next, they seemed to have a swagger about them as the said little but came to decisions quickly. As for the Mad Hatters, well Arizona Jeff had to go into the cabin and wake them as they were all sleeping once again. When everyone was finally off the plane, they walked across the runway towards what looked to be the bus from the Partridge Family. Along the way, they saw numerous elderly women who seemed to have had one to many Dole Whips sitting in Lazy Boy recliners. As the contestants walked by, several of the women attempted to dislodge themselves from the chairs but after several unsuccessful attempts, they slumped back down with a haphazard “Yeah”. The contestants loaded up their items on the bus and again awaited further transportation. Arizona Jeff took out what looked to be a very old map and began to survey the area. After his review, he stepped onto the bus and gave the driver directions. As it pulled out, sounds of Keith Partridge could be heard streaming out of the eight-track player. The driver followed Arizona Jeff’s instructions perfectly and soon they arrived at the spot that was marked on the map with an “X”. Everyone got off the bus and looked around and then at each other. It was clear that they were not where they thought they should be.
“I can’t understand this. This is the exact spot marked on the map as the swamp where the four pins are located.” Said Arizona Jeff.
“Well this don’t look like no swamp to me!” Exclaimed Mean Laureen. “This is more like some kind of park!”
“How old is this map?” Asked Pinhook.
“The date says 1969.” Said Arizona.
“I have socks older than that and I know where those are.” Added John59.
There they stood, all gazing up at the sign that stood before them. What they thought was a swamp now said Walt Disney World Transportation Center. The map of the swamp had been transformed into a map that consisted of 4 parks.
“Regardless of its current condition, those four pins are here. I can sense them. There is only one thing to do. We must split up and each team will take a different park and try to find the pin. Pinvincible, I want you to go to the place they call Disney/MGM Studios and look for the Summertime Piglet pin. Rolling Peaches, you have been assigned to the Animal Kingdom to search for the Springtime Tigger pin. Landsharks, you will go to EPCOT to find the Autumn Eeyore pin. Mad Hatters, Mad Hatters? Oh for heavens sakes, will someone go on the bus and wake them up? Tell them that they are to visit the Magic Kingdom and look for the Winter Pooh.” Arizona Jeff said.
With this, the teams each regrouped and collected their personal belongings. Already, the teams were contesting who would be successful first in the search for their pin. It was clear that there would be challenges between the teams as they tried to prove who where the ultimate pin survivors.
“Each of you must go to your defined parks and begin your quest for the designated pin. At the end of your episode, return back to the Walt Disney World Transportation Center. There will then be time to challenge one of the other teams to prove your worthiness to continue this adventure. The team who loses the challenge will have one of their members voted out of the contest. Good luck adventurers. I will see you back here soon enough.” Said Arizona Jeff.

Um Jeff.........

and I quote..."Along the way, they saw numerous elderly women"
ELDERLY....ELDERLY????? Um Jeff, you know that birthday pin I sent you???....Sit on it!!

Kathi (elderly mother of four, ages 8, 5, 3, and 2----hope I'm not in a retirement home when my youngest graduates High school!!)

shirley 38

Oh No

Elderly women do we know any of them. Is it any of our cheerleaders.??? We need them.
Eeyore don't hurt Jeff or we will never get out of this swamp.
Oh by the way John from team 2 is sound asleep.
signed no name



i am so bummed out, jeff you took me away from my park....EPCOT..... your sending us to animal kingdom, well thats ok i know AK very well,hehe. anyway as they say,"let the games begin". or in our case let the peaches start rolling.......

Mr. Peachident



how true

team 4 is a very talkative bunch and what fun we are having already. I am glad to see that all our great cheer leaders shared the dole whips I gave with the old folks home down the street, they are a great bunch aren't they? Send them a pin right away. Any way, I for one am glad to be off the plane and still haven't had to eat a bug!!!!! Well, off to Animal Kingdom I go.



Jeff, I love it! Not only are we at Epcot, but I think you have our team down pat We are having a great time, thanks for doing this. I love the cheerleaders, you guys are the best.



" Not Scared? You will be, oh you will be..." (Yoda)

Silent, ded..icated, and quick to act. (Gee, got us right on the funny money, there, Jeff!) Totally PINVINCIBLE and, with MGM as our REBEL BASE, also indestructible as the FORCE, of course, is with us!
As we pursue our quest for success, we will banish Vader and that gnarly, bug-ugly Emperor of the Dark Side to lurk silently in the underbrush of the other parks

... while stealthily diverting them, of course, safely away from the Charming Cheerleaders and Lovely Lounging Ladies League.



Well I confess, I am a little on the sleepy side, but we, The Mad Hatters, were only building our stamina up. We know we have such an important task ahead of us. We are focused and determined and WE WILL SURVIVE!!!



Looks can be deciving...LandSharks will survive and the competion! HAHAHAHA!!



OK, on to if only I could get this song out of my head..."I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of, I'm afraid that I'm sure of, a love there is no cure for......" Why oh why did it have to be the Partridge Family???
Gotta try to concentrate on the quest. I'll try to sing the Landsharks unofficial theme song:(sung to the tune of Jaws) Ba-dum,bum bum bum bum bum bum ba da da......




Yay we are in Epcot....I hope there is enough time to stop for an Off Kilter show while eating a bowl of Cheese soup!
Let the adventure begin!




sssssay hasssssss sssssseen my team.....
sssssince I made the boo boo, I sseemmmm ta hav lossss dem!!!!
just kidding....its too early in the day for that kind of talk...RIGHT!!!

good job pegging the teams Jeff.

Go Cheerleaders....and old....not an old one in the bunch....just lovely spirited young ladies with spiked Dole Whips....courtesy of the Pinvinclbes.....



That's right, Mike my Evil friend...They won't know what hit 'em...

Eric (the evil mime )



By the way.. the repairmen will be by today to install the wheels and the remotes in your lazyboys so you can cruise from park to park in style and comfort...
all made possible, just for you, by...

the Landsharks

Mean Laureen



Sleeping!!! Glad to see you were fooled by our clever ruse!!! We were planning our strategies and conserving our strength so that we will be VICTORIOUS!!!!
Also there was this thing about an escapee from Fruit of the Loom.....



Come on team 2...

Hey Dom13 your giving away our're off to the Magic Kingdom Yippeeee!
Holycow! this water is heavy though, at least we won't have to drink the fountain water.
Hey, lets look for Scoop Mc(something) he's the super trader I met him 2 weeks ago when I was there. He noticed my DIS pin...maybe he'll help us!



Cindy, oh Cindy...where are you Cindy?

Come home now...we need to discuss the deliveries that are being arranged for the cheerleader. ALL those MANY deliveries...



SCOOP SANDERSON!!!!! The MAN on Main Street. He's from a city that's about an hour and a half from me, but now he lives all the way down there *pointing* in Orlando. Well at least I will get to see my neighbor again!
Oh yeah...somebody better call Fruit of the Loom, an angry member of the promotional team has escaped...(LOL Dom)




I was just resting up, ya know there is a time difference for me. Now........on to victory and DOm, enough of the Fruit of the Loom comments. You will bruise my feelings. hehehehe
Ms. Mad
also known as Elizabeth (no last name)
New alias.........Ms.Mad




now two of my teammembers are picking on me (hehehe PICKING, get it is funny) oh well, guess ya have to be there.



So everyone knows.................

to clarify, Md in my name is MAD.....but is is for CRAZY not ANGRY. Just thought this info would help you people in understanding this California Strawberry. If I go alittle wacko on this quest you will also understand.........muhahahahahaha!!!!



Grab that strawberry..

Quickly now PINVINCIBLES, pick that big ol' berry, dip it in a vat of melted chocolate and serve it to the cheerleaders with those Magnums of Dom Perignon we ordered!
ENJOY, LADIES.........



With our Compliments, PINVINCIBLE!

Oh no........................

RUN........ A ..............WAY !!!!



Did I hear someone mention...

champagne?!?!? Hic. . .hic. . . please, please can - hic...hic..I try out for the cheerleaders??? I looove champagne!!!! hic...hic...and look out Ms. Strawberry ... I loove those too!!!




The folks from Ghiradelli are already stirring the vat of their FINEST...and the berry is being washed by the team of 12 CHIPPENDALE's guys (who also happen to have degrees in massage therapy and are absolutely the hunkiest group in the whole entire establishment) we also hired.
Massages by appointment only...although the tables are on all-terrain wheels so the guys can make "chair" calls...




Sure Gigi,

I just put in another quick call to Moet & Chandon...another planeload of Dom (Perignon, not our opposing team player!) will be arriving from Paris this afternoon...
Oh, and is Beluga all right with everyone who likes caviar? Our Russian caterer wanted to be quite positive before packing it up.





As the first original cheerleader of PINVINCIBLES...

I say:
Hurry up with that Strawberry and the Dom, I'm starving here!!




Ann...look on your porch, a special case was sent to you first...

Just try to pace yourself until the shipment from Russia arrives.
Oh and your box contains enclosure cards imprinted with COMPLIMENTS OF PINVINCIBLE! inside.
Please distribute them quickly before those Chippendalers get oil all over everything.





To the teams,
I have three of the pins you seek in my trade pile



Jeff, for the elderly remark....

PINVINCIBLES - smart....VERY smart!

Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Elderly??? Kathi what say you and I arrange a layover in AZ on our way to the Convention in September? I think there's someone there who needs to see who he's calling elderly!!!
And you thought LAURI could be mean....



Oh making me think of jumping ship

over to the cheerleaders....yummmmmmmm strawberry chocalate and Dom (the drink, not the boardmember) ohhhhhh baby!!!! Hey now I need to add my donation to the about a little Pineapple Juice and Appleton Rum straight from jamaica, along with a healthy serving of jerk chicken for lunch. Oh and plenty of wet ones for the Chippendales to clean you "young" ladies up with....(or would Herbal Essence Body Wash be better)lol!!!!! Hmmmm and maybe a pedicure for those well doesnt it!!!! So how many of you cheerleaders are now routing for the PINVINCABLES!!!!!!



Hey !! No fair pickin' on Mean Laureen, Jonie The holder of Team 3's sacred pin is actually the NICE one of THIS bunch



Wait a minute...Lauri is the nice one? What does that make the rest of us? Kathi, pizza and pop will be coming shortly, compliments of team #3. So sit back in your recliners and enjoy!


Eeyore's Pal

Team #4 - The Rolling Peaches - Assembles at the Entrance to Animal Kingdom

Six bright, springey-stepped (Tigger-like?), excited Survivors poured off the AK tram, and headed for the AK turnstiles.
As we walked we were heard to sing one of our many new team songs:

Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity Ay!
My oh my what a peach of day.
Plenty of pin trades, rollin' our way,
Zippity Dooh Dah, Zippity Ay!
There's the Peachident on our banner,
He's our boss, of course, who could better lead our force?
Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity Ay!
Here come the peaches rollin' your way!

As we approached the AK turnstiles, we each whipped out our super-special Survivor-provided passes, and entered the park of our destiny.

We took a moment to slather on our SFP999 and anti-bug spray. (Susy and I were very glad to discover that our virtual selves did not require the rental of those go-carts. We had been miraculously stored to our previous states of vim and vitality!)

We noticed a group of youthful-yet-mature cheerleaders off to one side. Several of the cheerleaders looked quite sad. Our Peachident inquired why the group was unhappy and they responded that they couldn't find a survivor group to cheer for -- one that would be worthy of their attention, and not just a corrupt group of insincere bribers!

As a group, the Rolling Peaches approached the cheerleaders and began handing out little goody bags with mints, pre-frozen Disney fruit drinks in commemorative cups, and very special vouchers. The cheerleaders appreciated the tastefulness of our gifts and were very interested in the voucher.

Well, we all know what vouchers are for . . .don't we???

Stay tuned . . .




Robyn, I LOVE the banner!! You did a very nice job!!
And the pizza is wonderful guys-- we are set for days!!
Kathi (still not elderly, but getting bigger by the minute!!)



Important message from AZ Jeff (er--yea--that's the ticket)

Teams 1, 2 & 3!!!
New important development!
You all are to report immediately to the CSR gift shop!
Your next important mission is to:
1) Find the nearest Krispy Kreme
2) Buy six dozen originals
3) Find Team #4 and their faithful entourage of vibrant cheerleaders
4) Serve hot coffee/tea and KK to Team 4 and gang
This is not a joke.

Proud Member of . . .
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Pinvincible – Day 1 Disney-MGM Studios
The Pinvincible team collected themselves and began to make their way up the ramp to a waiting Monorail. They would be traveling to Epcot before boarding a ferry that would take them MGM Studios. Each member had brought with them one item to use on this adventure. The tan strapping lad in the lead was Malibu Matt. He had brought along his trusty Darth Maul Light Sabre with extra batteries and kept moving the device from hand to hand as he tried to find a comfortable way to carry it. Behind MM was Goofymom. She had brought toilet paper and carried it through the tube on her index finger. Her problem was trying to decide which would be best, should she hold it so it unrolled from the top or from the bottom. This was a great concern to her as she concentrated on this to the point that she kept running into the back of MM causing him to fall several times. The laughter being heard behind GM came from Disneymad. DM had brought along her Disney CD player and CD. She was constantly checking the battery level as she forgot to bring extra batteries. That did not stop her from watching the comedy going on in front of her though. Everyone liked Disneymad, it was probably her British accent and proper dress. Everyone kept asking her if she were related to Mary Poppins, which seemed to be getting on her nerves. Behind DM came Shirley38, one of only two members of the team that did not have an “M” associated with their names. Shirley38M just for consistency sakes had decided to bring with her waterproof matches. It was a good thing the matches were waterproof as they were covered in dog spit. SM had offered to split up the matches and let everyone carry some but so far, no one wanted the wet sticks. After Shirley38M came Fantasmickey. FM had decided to bring a Tumi “mini office” suitcase that seemed to be completely full of who knows what. The suitcase was on wheels and was obviously very heavy. It had gotten away from FM on a couple of occasions knocking down team members and other innocent bystanders. The latest problem was that the wheels had gotten lodged in a storm gate on the way to the Monorail. FM was desperately trying to dislodge it but she couldn’t. Bringing up the rear of the group was SwampFox whose item had already come in handy just in the walk to the transportation. SF had brought with him a Leatherman, the tool not the doll. It had several useful items on it, the one that was currently coming in handy was a large blade that was being used to pry the wheels of FM’s suitcase from the storm gate. As they reached the Monorail, they each took seats and immediately departed the Transportation Center. Soon they found themselves at the Epcot station where they once again collected their things and made their way to the fairy. As they tried to board her, she began to scream. “Hey, what do you think you are doing? Can’t you see I am trying to read? And another thing, this seat is taken. I swear, first I am kicked out of the front yard, now I am ousted from an Epcot restroom. If this keeps up, I am never going to get these PinPics papers read.” Said TDC Blue Fairy. With this she rushed from the room. Pinvincible looked at each other, shrugged and made their way to the lagoon to board a “ferry” to Disney-MGM Studios. They soon arrived at their destination and entered through the front entrance to the park. This crew and their items were a sight to behold and tourists everywhere were gawking at them and pointing. It did not seem to affect the players as they had their own problems to deal with. They were in search of a Piglet seasonal pin and they were unclear how they were going to proceed. They gathered around in a group, took out their map of the park and began to formulate a plan of where they would go to search for this pin.
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Mad Hatters – Day 1 Magic Kingdom
The Mad Hatters team yawned and stretched rubbing their eyes surprised to see that it was daylight. They realized that most of them had no idea what was going on but someone said something about the Magic Kingdom and they were all for going to the Hall of Presidents where it was dark and quiet and they could get some sleep. Slowly, they began to collect their belongings to make their way to the park. Since they had been sleeping most of the trip so far, they decided it would be nice if they got a little exercise and they stressed little. The team therefore decided that they would walk along the Seven Seas lagoon to their destination. Dom13 was the first to collect his things and set off. Behind his left ear he held an artist’s pencil. In his hand was a sketchpad. It was clear that he was envisioning this adventure as a way for him to be able to draw a few pictures and catch up on his rest. Behind Dom came Mickey527. Mickey527 was the mother figure of the group. She was always checking on the other members and when they went to sleep, it was Mickey527 who tucked little blankets up to their chins and kissed their foreheads. As a typical mother, Mickey527 brought a first aid kit to fix any bumps and “boo-boos” they may get along the way. Behind M527 came the Mad Strawberry. Many thought the Strawberry was nuts only later to find she was just a fruit. As her item, MS had brought her pin bag and traders. When she was awake, she was checking out lanyards. It was clear that she took this pin-trading thing serious. This was evident by the fact that she was lugging around a bag that weighed close to 40 pounds. As a result, Mad Strawberry’s right arm looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger while her left arm looked like Doogie Howser. Many of her teammates were already referring to her as the DoogieNegger. Behind DoogieNegger came John59. No one is clear what exactly happened to the first 58 John’s although they think that TDC Blue Fairy maybe could tell them something. John59 was the eldest of the group. The other team members wanted John59 to bring a cane as his luxury item but he rebuked them and instead brought his trusty hat. This was not an ordinary hat; it was covered in pins and weighed in at over 10 pounds. The problem with this hat was that the weight kept tipping poor John59 over making him walk diagonally back and forth along the path. Following John59 came HolyCow. HC had decided to bring along water, lots and lots of water. The effect of this decision was that HolyCow sloshed when she walked. It was clear that she would not be sneaking up on anyone. It was said that if you listened closely to HolyCow as she walked, you could hear the ocean. Bringing up the rear of the Mad Hatters caravan was PeopleMover. PM had brought along her bible as her luxury item and was constantly reading from the good book. This resulted in her always lagging behind everyone else. She tried to explain to everyone that the maximum speed of a PeopleMover was 1.5 MPH so she was going as fast as she could. The group made their way along the path stopping what seemed like every 5 minutes to stop and look at someone’s brick. Finally, the team made their way to the front gates of the Magic Kingdom and into the park. This was not an easy task in and of itself as the Cast Members had never seen a cow wearing the Pope’s hat and carrying gallons and gallons of water. When they finally made it inside, they stood in front of the Mickey flower garden and Main Street train station and tried to determine which area of the park they would visit first to begin their search for the mysterious Pooh Winter pin.
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Landsharks – Day 1 Epcot
The Landsharks team had already caused their share of problems on the plane trip to Florida. It seems this team has a devious nature. On several occasions, whipped cream had been placed in the hands of sleeping Mad Hatter’s team members and then their noses were tickled. John59 still had squirt cheese from a can hanging out of his ear. The Landsharks began to gather their things to head towards the Monorail station. The first one to head to the transportation was WVRevy. WVR had brought with him a copy of Birnbaum's Guide to Walt Disney World. He was constantly reading this book and announcing to the others on his team that he had found a new tidbit of information about the park. Following behind WVR was EpcotKilterFan. EKF had decided to bring with her the Disney A-Z Encyclopedia and she too had her nose in a book constantly. The difference was that EKF’s book was larger and she insisted on rubbing that fact in to WVR at every opportunity. WVR was obviously not enjoying the reference to his being smaller and there appeared to be a storm brewing even within this team. Behind EKF came Mean Laureen. She was again dressed in her black leather jacket and had a kickboxing belt wrapped around her head. Although she did not bring it as her item, she did carry a large chip on her shoulder and let everyone know what she thought about everything. What she did bring was a hairbrush and a can of Frizz-eze. It was still unclear how these items would help but one thing was for sure, no one wanted to be the tangle in HER hair. Following ML was BeautyLLM. BLLM had with her what appeared to be a James Bond Swiss Army pocketknife. As she was walking along, she kept flipping it open playing with the different blades and utensils. Among them was a pair of scissors that accidentally snipped off a piece of Mean Laureen’s red hair. BLLM quickly put the knife back in her pocket and hoped that Laureen didn’t notice the missing hair. After BLLM came SnoWhite. SW had decided to bring with her a seven-man inflatable raft that was stored in a small backpack that she carried with her. It had a pressurized air device that could inflate the boat at a moment’s notice and could be used for a number of things. At the rear of the group came SwinginEvilMike. In his hands was a printed out copy of the entire PinPics database. He had reams and reams of fan-folded paper that had every pin that had been entered. He was continually dropping part of the paper deck and having to re-fold it. Being a man, he knew how to fold maps and printouts but didn’t know how to ask for directions. This was proven when he attempted to board the wrong Monorail and nearly ended up at the Contemporary Inn. When the team finally got onto the correct Monorail, they were whisked away to Epcot. As the entered the gates, they found themselves in the midst of the Leave Your Legacy graveyard in the shadow of Spaceship Earth. They huddled closely together and tried to develop their strategy for where they would go next in the park. When no one was looking, they would draw moustaches on the faces of people who had left their legacy. They had to determine where they would go to find the lost Eeyore Autumn pin. Only time will tell what kind of trouble this team will cause.
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Rolling Peaches – Day 1 Animal Kingdom
The Rolling Peaches were by far the most talkative of the teams. Since the moment that they boarded the plane, they had talked non-stop. They even managed to eat in shifts so that someone was available to talk at all times. It became obvious that this team had a lot on their mind and decided the best way to decide what the team should do was to talk it out. As they continued to chatter back and forth, they gathered up their things and awaited one of the Disney buses to take them to the Animal Kingdom. As everyone knows, the waits for the buses to arrive can be long and arduous. The Peaches didn’t seem to mind as they continued talking the entire time while standing at the bus stop. Pinhook otherwise known as the Peachident lead this group. He had a loyal harem of women who seemed to follow him around everywhere constantly yakking. It did not appear that he was able to get a word in but he patiently listened to everything they were saying. While he listened, he got out his pin book and traders that he brought as his item and rearranged pins from page to page. At the moment, Dar20 had Pinhook’s ear and was chatting about records and water damage as well as house hunting and the current legislation pending in the Florida Congress about the legal alcohol limits for athletic rodents. Dar had brought along with her a credit card. After all, you cannot go anywhere without a credit card. From the looks of the card, it was fairly worn to the point where the numbers were no longer raised and there were skid marks down the card from the countless times it was run through the scanning machine. Next to Dar20 was Duckfan. DF was busy talking as well; all the while she was packing and repacking her fanny pack. The odd thing was that there was only one thing in there, a roll of moleskin. At first, when she proclaimed that she had brought a moleskin several of the team members with weaker stomachs nearly lost their lunch as they through about skinless moles wandering around the country. They were relieved to find out this was used for covering blisters and such. Behind DF was Bridegirl. Tear streaks were still visible on her cheeks from the tearful good bye at the airport when she left her darling groom. To help drown her sorrows, Bridegirl had brought a case of Cristal from 1988. No one was quite sure how she was going to carry around a case of champagne but they really wanted her to be successful. Next to BG was EeyoresPal. From the way she was looking at Bridegirl’s champagne, by the end of the adventure she may be changing her name to BridegirlsPal. EP had decided to bring with her a roll of waterproof adhesive tape. This may very well be the most important luxury item anyone brought as by the end of this adventure the tape may be used across some of these people’s mouths for a little peace and quiet. The last member of this team was Luv2Roam. True to her name, L2R was again on walkabout looking all around at the sights. With her was her trusty cell phone, which seemed appropriate since she too seemed to like to talk. As the bus arrived, the driver identified herself as TiggersMom and invited them to board the bus. The team climbed aboard and began their journey to the Animal Kingdom. All along the way they sang and talked much to the chagrin of the bus driver. As the bus pulled into the Animal Kingdom parking lot, Tiggersmom gave them an earful about how loud and silly they all were. Couldn’t they just shut up for even a minute? The team took her ribbing in fun and patted her on the head as they left the bus, still talking away. The Rolling Peaches made their way through the gates and into what looked like a tropical garden. There they all huddled together to talk about what their next move would be. There was a Springtime Tigger pin that must be found and time was short indeed.


Yeh, I was wobbling all over the place, because of "THE HAT".
Quick shuffled the Pins around.

Fixed the wobble, but (why is there always a but) I got the Biggins on one side and Littlins on the other side. Now I am walking in circles.

Team Mad Hatters---Did Jeff mention Pooh---Is he trying to say something about the new attraction in the Magic Kingdom. Is it a clue or a curve. Somebody on my team, HELP !!!!---Gotta fix these Pins fast, getting dizzy.



Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

That caviar and Dom was good stuff, but, I got that girdle off and put on my pooh slippers and ate too much meat lovers extra cheese pizza.
Plop Plop Fizz Fizz
Gaining weight? WHO IS ????
Guess we should all shuffle over to the Animal Kingdom and see if Pinhook REALLY knows his way around any park besides EPCOT. They may have to make him President of the Lost Boys Order. hah

Next should we look at MGM and see if there is a rebel base anywhere around Team. We'll meet up back here to discuss strategies of of the EPCOT and Magic Kingdom group.

Now, At Magic Kingdom I think we should check near the Pooh Ride at that toll house cookie place. And at EPCOT, I'm sure we'll find traces of team members at Le Cellier.

Where should we be looking at AK and MGM Just stand outside the turnstiles??



wow, thanks TIggersmom

I just want to thanks Tiggersmom for Driving us. She is so helpful. I know she thinks we talk too much but she loves us anyway. We are all trying not to get too sidetracked, and I of course had to go see the moles, just to make sure that my moleskin did not come from there. I spotted Naked moles but I am happy to report that none were skinned. Please note: although some things in this park do eat bugs, I am still not one of them.



So which team claims this???



Hey, Team 4!

I know Tigger likes to hang out over across from that bbq restaurant (to the right of the tree towards Dinoland). Perhaps he knows where his pin might be? I'm his number one fan.. perhaps I can persuade him to share?



here'a another

Let’s go Guys
Push’em back
Victory team
On Attack
Run for the pin
Go for the WIN
Never, Never, Never Give In


Race you over! Last one there is a Pin Pig!



Go team 4!!!

I love my team!!!!




not only have i started a demand for a silly pin, i have a pin harem as they like to say. but hey i love the new sign,its great. as for me pintrader i know all the parks very very well thank you. i am in all of them all the as team 4 heads into the mouth of the peach we can go to camp mickey/minnie to find mr. tigger so he may lead us to the illusive pin.

Mr. Peachident



Hey Landsharks!!!
Check out this great clipart! If you like it, load it on in to your sigs too!



Listen, do you hear a Landshark?

Ba dum....bum bum bum bum bum bum bum da dummmm.....
Landsharks have landed at Epcot...




at camp minnie mickey

we are taken by our fearless, all knowing leader through the trees and shrubs. Duckfan, ever the non woods person, whines, "we will get lost". Luv2Roam replies "knock it off, we are on the path for heavens sake." "Oh, right. I forgot." duckfan admits. The leader uses his vast knowledge to lead them to the 100 Acre Friends and who do we see but Tigger, we all bounce with great happiness and Tigger joins the fun. We are now with Tigger in Springtime.



Ok Team 4!!!

On to Camp Minnie/Mickey to find Tigger!! I guess he had his fill of bbq sandwiches and headed over there to see all the kidlings. Ooo.. Camp Minnie/Mickey has some new pins! No, wait.. musn't be distracted! On to the task at hand!



Hey Team one

Lets get going.....we need a logo too!!!! Anyone good at it, cuz I am not...
Also where to visit that first day....Hmmmmm!

Oh yes and cheerleaders dont forget the rum and pineapple juice along with jerk chicken to be served at MGM at noon today. By the chippendales of!!



I always forget the batteries...

I will really have to watch that battery level now though...I originally thought my Disney CD would be the moral booster for the whole team, but I have since found it to be a much more potent weapon... it was all very strange really, whilst discussing tactics at the front gate of MGM with my comrades, we were approached by a Character - well, when I say Character, I mean a Star Wars Stormtrooper. He was very fierce and I could see that MM was already reaching for his Darth Maul Light Sabre as the Stormtrooper started questioning us about our activities. Just when I thought we (that is MM, but the team were right behind him, honest!) were going to have to fight it out the Stormtrooper paused at the sound of the sweet melodies that were coming forth from my CD Player. Suddenly he appeared hypnotised and no longer interested in our movements...I suggested that we be allowed on our way, please Mr Stormtrooper with the big gun, and as if in a trance, the Stormtrooper agreed and left us be! Hmmm, a hypnotic effect - I think that could prove to be a useful weapon in the future!

Hmmmm, Mary Poppins eh? Hmmmm.....




Testing clip art take two......

Hope it works this time...I'm supposed to be packing...DH is going to have a fit!!!



Go, teams, go!!! We're right behind you (in our rolling, remote-controlled Lazy Boys) supporting you all the way!
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Which batteries do you need, Penny?

Hey Teamie,
Among the "who knows what" I have in my huge suitcase (HA! the case is 12" x 16" and expands to a whopping 8 or 9" deep if both large sections are filled with bulging pin cases! Just HAD to clarify that matter!) are the extra batteries I keep for my Palm Pilot and DS's hand-held game (removed for the time bein).

Need AAA, AA or C batteries?...Rock on! Not only the FORCE will be with us to overcome those mindless Imperial dupes but enough battery power to anesthetize the whole Squadron! PLMK...ASAP...
if I can help!




Well, we Sharks are gonna set up camp, appropriately enough, at Pin Central in the strange land of EPCOT. We've heard rumors (which MY book told me about, even though EpcotKilterFan's much BIGGER book neglected to mention about a wandering tribe of people known as "Supertraders".
Apparently, these nomadic folk migrate throughout the park, displaying their collected relics on their exotic clothing. I suspect they may be some kind of shaman that worship these shining antiquities that they display. We're hopeful that one of our NICER members can convince them to share any info they may have. We certainly don't want Mean Laureen, evilMike, or yours truly (the evil mime) to have to get involved...nor do they...(insert evil laugh here)



Hi team #3!

I thought it might be a good idea for me to get my own username for the contest.. how do you like it?? Maybe I should change my moderator name to this too??



HEHE I like it

Pin Survivor The Thread On the Collector's Board!

I love it!!!




New Logo for the Mad Hatters.
Ms. Mad



Ms. Mad, you outdid yourself. That's a great logo.
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



It was the work of our Great Leader

Thanks Dom, you are the greatest ! Guess that is why you are called the Great Leader ! LOL



Just can't leave things alone can I!
The final (??) version of our graphic.


Eeyore's Pal

Artistic Recognition

I don't care what team I'm on . . .
Dom, that is an absolutely spectacular logo!




Well after tripping and falling over an exposed root, Luv2Roam is back from the infirmary.
(Or was I pushed by a member from another Team? Hhhmmmmmm.)
The hunt intensifies and mysteries abound!



Just testing my team logo.

Just wanted to see if I can put a logo in my signature. A happy member of the Mad Hatters. Peggie



The Mud Haters ??
Oh that's Mad Hatters.
Scuze me.




testing...our great new logo...YEAH DOM13


amazingly enough

the rolling peaches found that they could only bounce so long. It seemed to rattle the peach stones in there giant creative brains. So with panting breathe they bid tigger goodbye in springtime and headed for the Festival of the Lion King show. Talking, talking, talking, talking while you walk, keeps the story moving on and gives you quite a rush. Calmly, the crew procedes to the entrance when they are stopped by an incredible sight, it stops them all in their tracks, it is incredible, it is stunning, it is wonderous, it is a castmember with an untouched lanyard. The team nearly faints in shock. But Eeyore's Pal is moving like a chipmunk being chased by a duck (no not duckfan, she's too slow), for on that lanyard is the all glowing miracle pin ( no not the quest pin, that would be too easy, besides stop trying to second guess me). She spots the Festival of the Lion King pin. She quickly steals a pin from the team's fearless leader, barely able to keep from ripping his vest. She trades with the castmember, barely allowing them to take off her long quested for pin. It glows in her hand (well to her it does). The rest of the crew look over the pins and the castmember who is strangely wearing a mask. With a few quick back looks, the crew proceeds to the show. Quest or not they have to visit this place. They must initiate Dar20. Still they all ponder as Luv2Roam says out loud. "Who was that masked castmember?"




A hairy Cirque du Soleil show.....
Dar, don't sit too close to the acrobatic monkeys!
How is the heart-stirring rendition of the Circle of Life?
Care to start a sing-a-long???

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

Good enough? Let's go get that pin! Peachy Pin Marauders LEAD ON!!!!!!



I hope it's not too late

to become a cheerleader.
After a very difficult week & a half trying to get my ISP to work on my new computer - it finally worked yesterday after reinstalling all my software - yes everything including the operating system. I finished readin the Pin Survivor Saga & other postings this morning.

I would like to join the cheerleaders in their comfy chairs & cheer on the teams. I must say I am leaning toward the Mad Hatters since 2 fellow Connectikiters are on the team. Go rah, rah MAD HATTERS!!

AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Day 2 - Pinvincibles at MGM Studios
The Pinvincibles had met as a team and determined that if they were to find the Lazy Days Piglet pin, the search would have to begin. Looking over the map, they quickly came back with a battle plan. What better place for a pig in an inner tube than Echo Lake? Gathering up their personal belongings, they began to follow FantasMickey as she led them to Dinosaur Gertie's Ice Cream of Distinction. The team walked down Hollywood Boulevard towards the Great Movie Ride. Along the street were several women lounging in recliners who were attempting to wave. Well, more specifically, they were attempting to right themselves in the chairs but it was difficult to see from under a stack of pepperoni pizza boxes and Dole whip cups. As the team approached Echo Lake in front of the 50’s Prime Time Diner was a mysterious figure. Dressed all in black, the figure emerged into the sunlight. There against the dark clothing was a shiny pin. That pin was none other than a Lazy Days Piglet Seasonal pin. Malibu Matt was the first to spot the pin and attempted to call out. Since the figure was still very far away, Malibu decided to raise his hands to his face to help his voice carry longer. Unfortunately for him, he happened to be playing with his Darth Maul Light Saber with the additional batteries at the time. In his excitement, he accidentally flipped the switch on. The laser blades immediately came on slicing half of his moustache cleanly off his face. The other end of this two-ended weapon completely shredded one pant leg from the waistband down to the ankle. He stood there stunned. The smell of burned hair still lingered in the air. With all the commotion, the dark figure with the pin had disappeared from sight leaving the team confused and somewhat disappointed. They had to feel good that at least they had seen the pin even if just for a moment. Night was approaching and it was time for the team to set up camp. They made their way over to Tattooine Traders to set up base camp. The team began to clear an area near the Star Tours exit. Park visitors would stop to stare as they began to make camp. Since team members had neglected to bring a tent or other shelter, they were forced to unroll the Toilet Paper that Goofymom had brought to shade themselves from the elements. Luckily, it was a double roll and two-ply so for now they seemed protected. It was time once again to determine where to look next for the dark figure with the coveted Piglet pin.
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Day 2 - Mad Hatters at Magic Kingdom
Squish, squish, squish, were all the sounds that were heard as HolyCow rambled her way down Main Street carrying her own private Seven Seas Lagoon. Behind her were the remaining members of the Mad Hatters. The other team members found it refreshing to follow behind her as the cool breeze coming off the water helped to reduce the Florida heat. The team had determined that the best place to look for the Winter Pooh pin would be at The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh attraction and off they went towards Fantasyland. Along both sides of Main Street were groups of frumpy women in recliners basking in the sun with various culinary delights strewn around their chairs. At first, the cheerleaders attempted to raise their arms in a wave but soon found that they would have to put down the food if that were to happen. Obviously that was not going to happen so they did the next best thing. As the team members passed, each of the woman flipped up the footrest in unison creating the world’s first Lazy-Boy wave. The Mad Hatters gratefully acknowledged the cheerleaders and then headed past Cinderella’s Golden Carousel towards Dumbo the Flying Elephants. The team members were so interested in the sound of the ocean that HolyCow was making that they completely missed the figure dressed in black circling above their heads a top a flying elephant. The figure’s face was in the shadows but a Wintertime Pooh pin glistened in the late afternoon sunlight. The Mad Hatters continued on their journey not knowing how closely they had come to completing their mission. Sunlight was quickly fading as the sun began to set. John59 decided that it might be best if they set up camp for the evening. To mark a spot for camp, John dropped his hat. Unfortunately, due to the weight of the hat, a large size 7 3/8 crater was formed. HolyCow missed seeing this hole and tripped into it sloshing water into the pothole thereby filling it full. As the water settled in the hole around the hat, the team members looked up to find 27 tourists with cameras who immediately formed a line at the edge of the hole thinking this was a new attraction. As John attempted to retrieve his waterlogged hat, two people asked him when FastPass would be installed at the hole since they did not want to stand in line. As night arrived, the team members huddled around each other for warmth. It seems no one had thought to bring some type of shelter. Luckily, Mad Strawberry’s pin bag was large enough that several of the members could fit inside out of the elements. Another night and still no idea of where the Pooh pin may be.
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Day 2 - LandSharks at Epcot
As the LandSharks made their way into Epcot, they immediately headed towards Pin Central. If anyone would have an Autumn Eeyore pin, they would be hanging out at Pin Central. When they arrived, they found a helpful young cast member named Phil who happened to be at his first day of work. Mean Laureen approached the young lad and began to flip her red hair to gain the boys attention. She would walk back and forth in front of him batting her eyes and playing with her hair. All the while, Phil would watch her trying to determine what in the world this woman with a purple kickboxing belt in hair was doing. Of course he was so interested in seeing what she was doing that he was completely oblivious to WVRevy who had snuck up behind the lad and was carefully removing pins from his lanyard and replacing them with pins from Universal Studio. After 10 minutes of this, WV had replaced all twelve pins. When he had finished, he signaled Laureen and she waved to the confused boy and walked away. Behind the building, the two LandSharks reviewed their take to determine whether or not they were successful in their quest for the Autumn Eeyore pin. Unfortunately for them, they happened to pick the one cast member who had just traded with a German guest who had managed to trade away all of Phil’s pins for a bunch of rubber pins that are no longer accepted at Walt Disney World. Now WVRevy and Mean Laureen had in their possession twelve pins of no value and Laureen had managed to get her finger stuck in her hair leaving her with only one arm. Not exactly the haul they had intended from this heist. When they reported back to the other members of the LandSharks, there was obvious disappointment. The team decided that they should establish a camp before it got dark. SnoWhite was one of the few team members who actually had though about bringing something to be used as shelter. She removed her backpack and pulled the handle on the inflatable raft. Air immediately inflated the boat flipping it smack dab in the middle of the fountain near Pin Central. At about the time when the raft hit the fountain, a large geyser of water erupted from the center shooting the raft nearly 50 feet in the air. The stunned team members watched in horror as their shelter went ballistic into the atmosphere. After what seemed like an eternity, the boat began its decent and landed squarely on EpcotKilterFan flattening her like some sort of cartoon character. The team members quickly came to her rescue and slid her out from under the boat. The remainder of the evening was spent attempting to help EKF try and determine what day it was or at least where she was at.
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

From: Chandler, AZ USA
Registered: 12-06-00
Posts: 806
Day 2 - Rolling Peaches at Animal Kingdom
In what has to be a record even for these women, the Rolling Peaches were still talking even after 24 hours straight. It was obviously beginning to wear on the PinHook as he had stopped several times along the path to stick twigs and leaves in his ears to drown out some of the noise. As he reached down for that special leaf that would drown out Dar20, he brushed against a figure standing in the shadows. The figure was dressed all in black but on his cloak was a Springtime Tigger pin. Of course Pinhook was not interested in finding the pin as much as he was interested in finding some peace and quiet. The team made their way to the Lion King shows and went inside. There they watched as men dressed as funky monkeys danced around and bounced from wall to wall on trampolines. The female peaches loved the production as it gave them an opportunity to make more noise. The one frightening part of the production came when DuckFan offered her animal sounds. She selected the sound of a mole being skinned. It was a sound that will wake children up screaming at least until their teenage years. As the show completed, the team made their way into Camp Mickey and Minnie to set up camp. They all pooled their resources to determine how to make their camp. What they found was that no one had thought to bring shelter. Dar20 did bring a credit card though so the team took that and suspended it between four bottles of champagne using waterproof tape. The team members took turns lying under the credit card reading the instructions on what to do if this card was lost or stolen. The night came quickly and the team still had to decide where to look next for the missing pin. Well, everyone had that on their minds except Pinhook. He was still trying to get the sticks and leaves out of his ears.


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