Surprising will be their xmas gift!


<font color=teal>"Easy to love"<br><font color=dee
Nov 25, 2001
I remember reading a thread last year where someone had surprised their kids with a cruise for xmas. They had set up something like a "treasure hunt" with clues around the house that the kids needed to find. I can't seem to find the thread and was wondering if anyone knows what I am talking about! We are giving this as a gift this year as well and I would love to do the treasure of course I know I can make up my own but this one was really cute!


Our DS (9) who will be 10 at Christmas gets this surprise every year. :cool1:

He hasn't figured it out yet...:confused3 We started going on the DCL Christmas Cruise when he was 5.

Its easier for us though... His birthday is Dec 19, so we can surpirse him either as a B-day present or Christmas present.

We pack and hide the luggage in the basement, and the day we leave; we usually say lets go! And he is like :banana:

Last year we picked him up at school, they were having their Christmas party and he said what are you two doing here? We said we are going on the DCL.:banana:

We will keep surprising as long as we can...pirate:
popcorn::We're giving our kids a DCL cruise for the 2nd year in a row for Xmas. We don't do the scavenger hunt, but rather wrap up a bunch of clues in boxes for them to open. Last year I wrapped up pirate costumes, & other pirate accessories, buckets, sunblock, shorts, sandals, sunglasses. As my kids opened all this stuff on Xmas morning they looked at me like i was nuts. Then for their last gift I got 2 huge boxes & put a "fake" DCL ticket w/ their names, dates, & cruise info in the box w/ tons of tissue paper for them to dig through. Probably just doing that again this year. I think they'll catch on a lot quicker though.
I can't wait to surprise them!! We are also going to WDW for 2 nights so that will be somewhere within the "hunt" as well!

I sure hope they are as excited as I am..this is better than any transformer figure! LOL

I am going to keep searching for that thread because it was really really cute!!
We are doing the same thing--surprising our 3 boys with our first cruise ever--and it's Disney!!!
I am so worried that they won't be satisfied since the cruise won't be until March. I mean--I know they'll like the cruise but not sure that they'll be happy with the fact they won't get other gifts from us. Santa will be bringing 3 gifts each for them to open. Oh well--I am liking the idea of a really simple Christmas and get back to the true meaning of Christmas. If they aren't happy with it, then I know I better do a better job teaching them appreciation for the things they have and for the reason for the season. Yet--I still worry about it!!!!
We plan to suprise our kids with a cruise for x-mas as well. We are on the 27 Dec 3 nighter. This will be thier first DCL (they have hounded us to take them ever since we went in Mar).

We are picking them up from thier mother on the 26th in Tallahassee and driving straight to PC. No mention of why we are going there, we figure they will have been driving for 4 hours allready, why not an extra 2, they shouldnt even realize we are off the beaten path. Then we will visit grandma for the night and drive to the terminal in the morning. This is when we will tell them. I love the look on thier face when they realize we are doing anything Disney related.

This summer we took them for a week long camping trip to FW and didnt tell them where we were going. It wasnt until we passed under the gateway that they figured it out and started shreeking with joy (they are 16 and 13 btw). They caught on to that and now as soon as we get anywhere close to WDW they know where we are going. So that suprise is out. Theyve never been to PC so it should be an easy suprise.

We do plan to get them some gift cards for x-mas to go along with the cruise, so they wont be empty handed and they can get whatever they want.

They prentend that they are too old for Disney, but when they found out we are going to MNSSHP, they instantly gave us a list of what they wanted. Pictures of this villian, autographs, pins, little things they miss about Disney.

Disney is now a Daddy Daughter thing. Thier mother has never taken them to Disney, but I have had the pleasure of taking them to EVERY Disney attraction except China and DCL. So this is a momentus cruise for us and Im sure they will not even care that they didnt get anything else for x-mas.

I turned my girls into Disaholics, and proud of it.
We are doing the same thing--surprising our 3 boys with our first cruise ever--and it's Disney!!!
I am so worried that they won't be satisfied since the cruise won't be until March. I mean--I know they'll like the cruise but not sure that they'll be happy with the fact they won't get other gifts from us. Santa will be bringing 3 gifts each for them to open. Oh well--I am liking the idea of a really simple Christmas and get back to the true meaning of Christmas. If they aren't happy with it, then I know I better do a better job teaching them appreciation for the things they have and for the reason for the season. Yet--I still worry about it!!!!

OMG!!! I was going to say the same thing but then I erased it because I was afraid people may think my boys are unappreciative!! LOL I worry because they have certain toys/gifts they pick out for Santa to bring. My oldest is really careful about what he asks for because he knows "Santa" has to bring things for all of us! ;) Youngest has no clue so his list will be a mile long! LOL Of course, my youngest is also saving his change so that one day he will have enough money to go on a Disney cruise! :lovestruc (I think he has about $3.56 saved so far :rotfl:).

I think they are going to be SUPER excited and we are tacking 2 nights on to go to WDW as well...short but better than nothing! My family will be thrilled also because they won't have to go crazy trying to find them something....Disney gift cards will be what they are all giving this year! That way the boys have their own spending money as well. They certainly are a lot more careful about spending $$$ when it is their money!! We actaully came home with souveniers that have lasted instead of every plastic doo dad they saw in the parks! :laughing:
we did this last year, and it was so much fun!!! i love to watch the video of the kids running up and down the stairs searching for clues. we used alot of the clues that were listed in the other thread. our first clue was a scroll from santa that we rolled up and placed in a huge gift bag with lots of tissue paper. it said:

Dear Wheeler children,
You’ve been a good girl and good boys
But I didn’t want to leave too many toys.
This year is different, my gift will be fun,
You must figure it out,
Please walk…don’t run.
I’ve hidden clues all around,
Look high and look low.
Now, come on children, let’s get on with this show!!!

1. With this gift, you’ll be treated like kings and a queen
To find your next clue,
Go to where you get clean. (hidden upstairs in the bathtub)

the rest of the small clues were wrapped into scrolls and placed in small gift bags:

2. If you like to listen to music and watch a good show,
You will have lots of fun, at this place you will go.
Now go back downstairs, and have a look,
Your next clue can be found by mom’s library book. (back downstairs to end table)

3. Where you are going, it will be hot.
Look in the dryer to find the next spot. (back upstairs to dryer)

4. Santa knows this gift will fulfill many wishes,
Your next clue can be found with the dishes.(back downstairs to the dishwasher)

5. Are you tired yet?
Need to rest your head?
Then go and look underneath a bed (back upstairs to search thru all 3 bedrooms to find the right bed)

6. On this trip, you will see mice
Now go and look where we keep the ice. (back downstairs to freezer)

7. You’ve searched all over,
What could it be?
Go find your reward underneath the back room tree. (hid the last scroll in a gift box under our 2nd tree)

our reveal was a scroll wrapped in a big box with shiny christmas paper and lots of tissue paper:

That was the last clue, your search is all done,
In 3 short weeks, is when you’ll have fun!
You’ll be flying to florida with your mom and dad
How much more fun do you think can be had?
Gramma Gloria and Papa Bob will come along too
What kind of trip is this? What will you do?
You’ll embark a ship that you love and know well
You’re all so lucky because this gift is real swell.
The ship where you’ll stay is the Disney wonder
You’ll have 4 days onboard to scavenge and plunder.
You need to be good like I know you can be.
I’ll be watching you all while you’re out to sea.
I love you all and I hope you enjoy
I’ll be back next year, with my bag full of toys.
Merry Christmas!!

my youngest almost burst into tears when he realized we were cruising again. they were all so happy! you def want to make sure someone has a video camera, cuz the expressions are priceless!!! they only had a few gifts to unwrap under the tree, but because we tied all the scrolls with ribbon and put them in gift bags, they were unwrapping through the whole scavenger hunt.
now this year, i'm out of ideas, and we are cruising for thanksgiving. the only bad thing about surprising them last year is that this year i can't top it!!!! LOL!
We are doing the same thing--surprising our 3 boys with our first cruise ever--and it's Disney!!!
I am so worried that they won't be satisfied since the cruise won't be until March. I mean--I know they'll like the cruise but not sure that they'll be happy with the fact they won't get other gifts from us. Santa will be bringing 3 gifts each for them to open. Oh well--I am liking the idea of a really simple Christmas and get back to the true meaning of Christmas. If they aren't happy with it, then I know I better do a better job teaching them appreciation for the things they have and for the reason for the season. Yet--I still worry about it!!!!

That is the most amazing warm fuzzy I have read in a while! I too am having the same issue; we are booked on the March 6th Magic sailing and our final payment is due 12/15-they know about the cruise-they are 8,5 so it's kind of vague to them that it's sooo far in the furure and it's mom/dad's present to them. but it will be cutting into the Christmas budget abd I was looking for a way to put it into perspedtive. Thanks for the reminder that God is the reason for the season. :thumbsup2
Ohhh Shannon! Do you mind if I use some of those lines? I have some that are similar but I like the beginning and ending paragraphs. TIA.
we did this last year, and it was so much fun!!! i love to watch the video of the kids running up and down the stairs searching for clues. we used alot of the clues that were listed in the other thread. our first clue was a scroll from santa that we rolled up and placed in a huge gift bag with lots of tissue paper. it said:

Dear Wheeler children,
You’ve been a good girl and good boys
But I didn’t want to leave too many toys.
This year is different, my gift will be fun,
You must figure it out,
Please walk…don’t run.
I’ve hidden clues all around,
Look high and look low.
Now, come on children, let’s get on with this show!!!

1. With this gift, you’ll be treated like kings and a queen
To find your next clue,
Go to where you get clean. (hidden upstairs in the bathtub)

the rest of the small clues were wrapped into scrolls and placed in small gift bags:

2. If you like to listen to music and watch a good show,
You will have lots of fun, at this place you will go.
Now go back downstairs, and have a look,
Your next clue can be found by mom’s library book. (back downstairs to end table)

3. Where you are going, it will be hot.
Look in the dryer to find the next spot. (back upstairs to dryer)

4. Santa knows this gift will fulfill many wishes,
Your next clue can be found with the dishes.(back downstairs to the dishwasher)

5. Are you tired yet?
Need to rest your head?
Then go and look underneath a bed (back upstairs to search thru all 3 bedrooms to find the right bed)

6. On this trip, you will see mice
Now go and look where we keep the ice. (back downstairs to freezer)

7. You’ve searched all over,
What could it be?
Go find your reward underneath the back room tree. (hid the last scroll in a gift box under our 2nd tree)

our reveal was a scroll wrapped in a big box with shiny christmas paper and lots of tissue paper:

That was the last clue, your search is all done,
In 3 short weeks, is when you’ll have fun!
You’ll be flying to florida with your mom and dad
How much more fun do you think can be had?
Gramma Gloria and Papa Bob will come along too
What kind of trip is this? What will you do?
You’ll embark a ship that you love and know well
You’re all so lucky because this gift is real swell.
The ship where you’ll stay is the Disney wonder
You’ll have 4 days onboard to scavenge and plunder.
You need to be good like I know you can be.
I’ll be watching you all while you’re out to sea.
I love you all and I hope you enjoy
I’ll be back next year, with my bag full of toys.
Merry Christmas!!

my youngest almost burst into tears when he realized we were cruising again. they were all so happy! you def want to make sure someone has a video camera, cuz the expressions are priceless!!! they only had a few gifts to unwrap under the tree, but because we tied all the scrolls with ribbon and put them in gift bags, they were unwrapping through the whole scavenger hunt.
now this year, i'm out of ideas, and we are cruising for thanksgiving. the only bad thing about surprising them last year is that this year i can't top it!!!! LOL!

AWESOME!!! MAN am I glad I asked for this thread again!!!! I would love to use some of your ideas...hope that is OK!!!
Here's what we plan on doing for our surprise. We will be sailinig on the Dec 20th three night plus 4 nights pre cruise at POP.

We will put up the Christmas tree as a family, like we normally do, the day after Thanksgiving. I will put a huge wrapped box under the tree when we finish as the first gift of the season. The kids will open it and it will contain some helium disney balloons, pins individually wrapped, a plush Christmas Minnie and Mickey (got from target last year on clearance) and an envelope with some DCL and WDW info inside and the planning dvds.

This gift is from their dad and I. We wont be getting them anything else but Santa will come while we are gone so when we get home on the 25th we get to open a few things.

I'm really excited about this surprise! We did the clues thing a few years back and it turned out okay. No screeching or jumping up and down but definitely lots of disbelief and smiles.
Ohhh Shannon! Do you mind if I use some of those lines? I have some that are similar but I like the beginning and ending paragraphs. TIA.

AWESOME!!! MAN am I glad I asked for this thread again!!!! I would love to use some of your ideas...hope that is OK!!!

i don't mind at all! i hope you have alot of fun with it. it was so much fun to watch my kids run and open each clue. it was by far one of our best gifts ever!!
Okay, I think I FINALLY got all my clues together. This cruise is truly their Christmas presents. As you read in my previous post, I feel so weird not getting them anything. So I decided to wrap gifts and put them with each clue. So technically, there will be 2 clues at each treasure spot. This is what I am hoping what will happen at each stop:
1.) open clue
2.) open present
3.) open next clue that will be wrapped within the present so they will know where to go next.

I decided to have presents along the way for 2 reasons: 1) these are things I would be buying for the cruise anyway (I’ll just be purchasing them in December rather than March) 2) I hope it adds to the excitement.

Take a look and see if there is anything that you can think of to make it better.


Dear boys,
All year long you’ve been very good boys,
But we didn’t want to get the same ole’ toys!
This year is different; our gift will be fun,
But we can’t just reveal it; there is work to be done!
Your gift is an adventure, but you must figure it out.
We’ve hidden clues all around, so you better not pout!

You’ll have to look high and low on this ‘Ultimate Treasure Hunt’,
Before you get started, there are rules you MUST follow:
• You must stay together at all times
• Take turns opening everything
• You must read all the clue cards out loud after opening the clues

Now, come on boys, let’s get on with this show!!!
We hope when you figure this out you will say it’s totally cool,
Your first hint is there will be more then 1 pool!

First clue: hand it to them after they read the above.
“With this gift, you’ll be treated like kings and a queen,
To find your next clue, Go to where you get clean.”

Second clue: (hidden upstairs in the bathtub)
“Get ready cuz we’re going to take a dive, we hope this makes you feel alive!”

Present to unwrap with this clue: Scuba gear. Then next clue that will be wrapped with the scuba gear:

“We hope this gift will fulfill many wishes,
Your next clue can be found with the dishes.”

Third clue: (hidden downstairs in the dishwasher)
“Leave the cold back home, warm adventures is where we’ll roam”

Present to unwrap with this clue: Shorts and t-shirt. Then next clue that will be wrapped with the new shorts outfit:

“Where we're going it will be hot
Look in the dryer to find the next spot.”

Fourth clue: (hidden downstairs in the dryer)

“Pictures you’ll want to take, to capture memories you’re going to make”
Present to unwrap with this clue: Disposable, underwater cameras. Then next clue that will be wrapped with the cameras:

“On this trip you will see mice
Go and look where we keep the ice.”

Fifth clue: (hidden in the freezer-icemaker)

“Where you’re going will be lots of sun, so keep sunscreen on to ensure lots of fun!”

Present to unwrap with this clue: bottle of suntan lotion. Then next clue that will wrapped with the lotion:

“Are you tired yet? Need to rest your head?
Now go look underneath your bed.”

Sixth clue: (hidden under one of their beds)

“Food to eat all day long, even multiple stops at the ice cream bar!
In order to get there we will be driving in our car.”

Present to unwrap with this clue: tropical themed snacks (anything coconut related, etc...) Then next clue that will be wrapped with the snacks:

“You will sleep very close to the ocean floor,
To find the next clue open the front door!”

Seventh clue: (hidden on the front door step)

“Pirates are the captains of the ship, and in the ocean we will take a dip”

Present to unwrap with this clue: something pirate related. Then next clue that will wrapped with the pirate stuff:

“3 months from now is how long till your treat, But your next clue is under mom's favorite seat.”

Eighth clue: (hidden under living room couch)

“Don’t get bored on the ride down, take these so there won’t be a frown”

Present to unwrap with this clue: PSP or DS games. Then next clue that will wrapped with the new games:

“Our trip will have music and a show,
To find out more, look down low.”

Ninth clue: (hidden under family room couch)
“There will be so much to do, even games and movies,
Heck, you will even make your own smoothies!”

Present to unwrap with this clue: DVD’s. Then next clue that will wrapped with the DVD’s:

“You’ve searched all over, what could it be?,
Go find your reward underneath the tree!’

Tenth and final clue: (hidden under the tree)

“Once you put these pieces together, let’s hope for good weather!’

Present to unwrap with the final clue: puzzle (I found a picture of the Wonder and added our dates along with “We’re going on a cruise!”

One final letter (after the puzzle revealing the surprise):

You found all the clues, your search was very well done,
In 3 short months, is when we’ll have all the fun!
We’ll spend your Spring Break out at sea,
We really hope this makes you full of glee!
The ship where we’ll stay is the Disney Wonder,
We’ll have 4 days onboard to scavenge and plunder!
We know under the tree is usually filled with toys,
Considering you are three wonderful boys!
But toys only last for awhile,
The memories we’ll create will always make us smile!
Spending quality time together, a whole week long,
We figured we couldn’t go wrong!
We love you more than words can say,
And we hope we made this the best Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!
Mom and Dad


Here are the clues that I didn’t use. I can’t take credit for all of them—I found some of them here. I really liked some of them but I didn’t want them to figure it out until they put the puzzle together. Also, some of the clues were when we were going on a 7 day Western so they no longer relate to our 4 day. Here they are just in case you want to customize your hunt.

“Have you ever heard of Castaway Cay? This one is hidden underneath where mom and day lay.”
(Yes I know Cay is pronounced key, but they wouldn’t know that so I was going for the rhyme!)

“Chips and salsa are a Mexican treat, don’t be afraid of the swine when we go on this fleet”

“Don’t forget to pack this shovel and pail, before we set sail…wait, has anyone checked the mail?”

Gift: dolphin or stingray toys-- “These animals can be found in the sea, and swimming with them will make you full of glee”

“Hope your not tired cuz you’re almost done with the clues, where you’re going you will need a pair of dress shoes.”

Gift: flip-flops/sandals-- “your feet may get gritty, so you better keep them pretty”

This adventure is meant for the whole crew, To find your next clue go to where mom drinks her morning brew.

Thanks again to anyone who unknowingly contributed to my treasure hunt! I’ll be back on later to let you know how the progress goes!

I sure hope it goes as planned!!!!!!!!!:goodvibes
"Present to unwrap with the final clue: puzzle (I found a picture of the Wonder and added our dates along with “We’re going on a cruise!”

Can you tell me where you found the picture???
"Present to unwrap with the final clue: puzzle (I found a picture of the Wonder and added our dates along with “We’re going on a cruise!”

Can you tell me where you found the picture???

I can't take credit for it. I found it on the Creative DISisgns board here. I can't remember who made it.


I'm going to add the dates at the bottom.
I can't take credit for it. I found it on the Creative DISisgns board here. I can't remember who made it.


I'm going to add the dates at the bottom.

AWESOME! Thanks! Will u be having the puzzle made on the previous site mentioned?

Dh is cracking up at me but loves each and every idea etc!

FYI I was showing the boys pics etc of the new ship and they both kept saying "do you think we will do that some day" "I wish I were on the ship now" etc etc etc so i really think they will be thrilled!!!!!!!!! can't wait!!!!!!
AWESOME! Thanks! Will u be having the puzzle made on the previous site mentioned?

Im actually going to order the puzzle from 8x12 puzzle is $17. They have a size smaller also.
I'm sure you can find it cheaper but I've always had good luck with them!

Wait-- has puzzles. 8x10 for 13.99. They also have a size larger.

I think I am going to go with the smallest size at mpix. That way it won't take them too long to put it together and figure it out!


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