Support Group - 10 lbs or less

OhMom - glad to hear the CT came back clear, although I guess that doesn't help them figure out what it wrong! hang in there and hope you feel better soon! Happy birthday to you and your daughter!

MuffyCat - :welcome: I don't have a workout buddy in "real life" but the support of this group is just as good!

Mejkjj97 - I usually workout/run 3-4 times a week - the goal is 4 but sometimes I only get in 3. It is hard with little kids - I know when my kids were younger I didn't workout much at all - took a lot of walks with them in their strollers or walks later at night when they were in bed. Even now (they're 7 and 4) I still go run later in the evening, closer to bedtime, so I don't miss as much and am not gone that long while they're still up. In winter I would elliptical during their nap time too - any time I could squeeze it in!

As for me this week - been kind of a blah week, I ate bad again this week. I'm up a half pound today. I ran on Sunday and Monday 4 miles each. okay runs. Tuesday I didn't run but did the 30 Day Shred again - felt good but still sore - not used to it yet. Wednesday I did NOTHING except eat terrible :rolleyes: it was our anniversary and we went out to dinner, I ate bad...very bad. Then last night I did my long run - and it went really pretty good! This week's was 11 miles! I finished in 1:58. :)

I went and got fitted for new running shoes on Monday, and also picked up some fueling products and a water bottle to carry along with me. A co-woker of mine who runs marathons told me that anything over 7 miles or so I should be "fueling" along the way, so I got some products to experiment with. I don't know for sure but it seemed to help - I had a TON more energy than last weeks 10-mile run which I felt like I was dying during. And still had a lot of energy at the end - the last 2 miles I felt like I was going pretty strong...I was tired, but was able to keep up a pretty good pace.

But MAN was I sore when I got home :eek: - as soon as I started walking the .25 mile stretch of my cool down my calves started to ache - I thought they might cramp up on me - I just kept walking with long strides to stretch them and they luckily didn't cramp, I was worried though. Its like as soon as I stop running my entire body freezes up - stretching out afterward is tough!! So, two more weeks of building miles then I'll be done, then I just have to maintain until the half. I can't wait.

In other news - TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY WE'LL BE IN DISNEY! :banana: First trip to WDW - Can't wait!

Hope everyone is doing well!!
Hello all, hope you don't mind if I jump in and join. Small background - we bought a house 4 years ago and in the process of remodel ate out A LOT! Fast forward a 25lb gain (from somewhere around 120 and gained to about 146) in about 6 months and YUCK!. Well I lost 10 of those and would really like to get down to 125.

I really would like to be around 115 but not sure if that is realistic anymore because I've been building muscle and such. I guess I'm realistically looking to get the fat layer off.

I am currently working out 1-2 days a week with interval training (lifting weights and intervals of cardio) and running 3 days week. I'm doing a breakway to 10K program and am on week 3, by week 6 I should be able to run a 10K. This is my training for the Wine & Dine 1/2 marathon.

I think I need a check-in to keep me accountable and help motivate me.

So that's about it.

Today I walked 11 miles. I'm running the Wine & Dine 1/2 in October. I wanted to strictly walk today just to see what my time would be if I had to walk the entire thing. I did 11 miles in 2hrs 49min, that put me at a 15.25min/mile which isn't bad at all.

I did run about a quarter mile because I got caught in a downpour and wanted to get to the next area of trees where I wouldn't continue to be drowned upon.
once again, sorry to go MIA. with package bookings coming out today I have been a busy bee!

I have been doing well, yesterday I ran 6 miles. I am starting marathon training not this week, but the next week (I think)
hope everyone is doing well!

I leave for disney a month from tomorrow!
Hi everyone! And welcome to our newbies!:flower3:

Just a quick check in before I have to get back to work. I am glad to report I finally got a longer run in! I was able to get myself out of bed early Saturday so I could get done before the heat and thunderstorms we've been having lately could kick in. I did my 8 mile loop, and was happy that it went well. I was all done, had breakfast, and showered before my usual wake-up time on weekends (I am sooo NOT a morning person) So I also had the bonus of a 'longer' Saturday. :banana: Also kept my snacking under control, so all in all feel pretty good about my weekend.

Hope you all had a good one, too!
Good Afternoon All

I got a run in yesterday afternoon, it was very humid but I was able to take it nice and slow and got in 4 miles.
I was hoping to get up and out this morning for some strength training but the baby was up twice and I shut my alarm clock off to get up and feel back asleep. Hopefully i can get something in tonight.

Tomorrow I have a group run scheduled, we are doing the couch to 5k and it's our first week off a straight run as a group. It will be interesting since we are all a different levels. But I am glad to have this group to help push
Great job everyone on getting your exercise and runs in! Welcome Cobbler!

I didn't do much over the weekend, I woke on Saturday with a VERY sore right knee, then remembered that during my long run on Thursday I tripped over a piece of uneven sidewalk - my left toe caught the edge of the sidewak and I fell forward - I didn't fall down, my right leg caught me and had a pretty decent impact on my knee. I remember thinking "I hope this doesn't mess up my knee too bad" and didn't think much of it after since it didn't really hurt. Friday my knees were a little sore but that is pretty normal for me after a long run. Then Saturday AM I got up and could hardy bend my knee! I went for a 4 mile run Saturday morning on it and it didn't hurt at all while I was running, but after I was done it got REALLY sore to the point I couldn't hardly lift my leg all, couldn't lift it enough to go up a stair or anything. So I've been icing and resting - it is feeling better today, just a little bit sore but nothing like Saturday, today I can lift it and bend it pretty far with no pain. Plan to do a short, easy run tonight and see how it goes.

Back to tracking my calories again, I have been so bad with eating and keeping track of calories. I.Must.Do.Better. I can't let myself give up now, I'm so close to my goal. I don't know why I can't stick to it, I was doing so good for such a long time. I know what I need to do, just can't seem to do it! :rolleyes:
Quick question for you runners. I missed my Friday and Saturday runs because my left knee felt really stiff and sore. It hurt to bend, move, and stretching it just killed. By Sunday, I could only walk stiffed legged. What do you do when you feel like this? Is there something you specifically use of do to help loose it up? Boy, growing old is painful!


Steves1bear - How is your knee doing?

All I do is ice it and rest. (Just hurt my knee this week so this is my first experience!)

Hope your's is feeling better!
MMQ - My knee is feeling better, but I've been taking it really easy this past week. I haven't run since last Saturday and I'm sure that is helping. I'm going to try again next week and hope that taking a week off will have been enough. I did try ice, heat, heat and ice together, but nothing seemed to help. Here's hoping next week goes better because I need to hurry and lose about 5 pounds before the end of September! We're going to Disneyland and it will give me a great excuse to buy some new clothes! Thanks for asking!

Hope everyone else's week is going great!
Steves1bear-glad to hear it is feeling better!

My week has been terrible - I haven't ran since Monday! I did 4 miles Monday night, knee felt good. Since then it has been outrageously hot and humid and we've had heat advisories all week. I wanted to run on Tuesday but it was just too hot, and Wednesday night I had plans. I was hoping to do my long run last night but at 7pm it was still 90 degrees with heat index over 100 and I just couldn't go in that heat.

So, I'm up 1.5 pounds this week. Combination of no exercise and not the greatest eating. This weekend will not be much better - still hot tonight and thunderstorms, and tomorrow morning we leave for a wedding out of town, we'll be gone until Sunday night. Hope to run Sunday night after we get back - temps are supposed to be down by then. Weather this summer is brutal!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey ladies!! I've gotten a little tied up with wedding planning so I admit I haven't been on here as much as I should :guilty:

Things are going ok for workouts- although running lately has been a pain. Still hitting record temps although today is the first day we're in the 80's! I'm so excited. Although.. I can't run because we leave for the lake tonight. I ran 4 miles last night straight- and lately I haven't been able to do that. I keep getting this horrible side stitches or a cramp by my ribs (like my diaphragm). I don't know what my deal is.

This weekend we're going to the lake with DF's parents so it will be bad eating but I need to try to stay good. I'm down to about 1.8lbs lower than I had seen continuously so I am starting to think that's an actual loss instead of a fluctuation! Yay! I haven't been this low in a while. I need to keep it up. Disney is in less than a month too and I want to look good for pictures!

Wedding planning is in full swing and we officially have a date.. 9.10.11 :lovestruc Photographer is booked, DJ sent us a contract, wedding planner is sending us one today and venue's contract is in the mail! AH! It's real now :cool1:

Have a good weekend everyone!!
hey gang...Karen i love your date!

hate hearing about knee issues! speedy recoveries to you!

i don't have any changes on the health issues and i'm frustrated. folks, i have gained 20 lbs since the end of June and I'm not 'eating' it all I know! yesterday I started on a Rx for water-retention, he gave me 30 days so i'm guessing it's not fast-acting. i'm chugging water though hoping that will help. technically i don't belong in this group anymore ...sadface. I have been telling DH that on monday i'm heading for the big "D" and don't mean Dallas. my workout partner and I have decided to repeat the Making the Cut program starting next Tuesday. I will weigh myself (and cry) Tuesday. over the weekend i'm working on portion control and no snacking...ugh
I'm with all of you on the heat. I actually did run Tuesday - early, had an intention to run today but it's so humid and those heat advisories. I can't wait until next week when it should cool down. I haven't weighed since Monday and with the past two days of not so great eating, I don't even want to know.
i don't have any changes on the health issues and i'm frustrated. folks, i have gained 20 lbs since the end of June and I'm not 'eating' it all I know! yesterday I started on a Rx for water-retention, he gave me 30 days so i'm guessing it's not fast-acting. i'm chugging water though hoping that will help. technically i don't belong in this group anymore ...sadface. I have been telling DH that on monday i'm heading for the big "D" and don't mean Dallas. my workout partner and I have decided to repeat the Making the Cut program starting next Tuesday. I will weigh myself (and cry) Tuesday. over the weekend i'm working on portion control and no snacking...ugh

OhMom - so sorry to hear they have not yet found the cause of your weight gain - I can't imagine how frustrated you must feel. I hope the Rx helps some and you find some relief. :hug:

Well, if we're going to be technical I wasn't technically a qualifying member of this group when I started either (had over 15 lbs to lose), but no one kicked me out or told me to get lost so you better stick around with us and keep posting! ;)

I'm sure you've been through a battery of tests but is there anything else the doctor can look for? I only ask because I went through a period a while back where I gained about 10 pounds in less than a month and for the life of me could not lose it. Ended up gaining about 7 more pounds after that and then found out my hormones were completely out of wack because of that ovarian tumor. The type I had was actualy able to secrete hormones into my bloodstream and I was convinced my thyroid was out of wack due to my symptoms (severe hot/cold sensitivity, tired, weight gain, and I had severe episodes of facial flushing due to heat/cold sensitivity), but it was the tumor messing with everything. My PCP didn't have a clue what was wrong with me, they did bloodwork but it came back okay. I lived with it for a while until it got worse and worse, then she sent me to an OB (he was new to me since we had just switched insurances) so after spending like 20 minutes explaining my symptoms to him, he had no clue either and basically asked me if I could just live with it (PCP had actually asked me the same question). He said something like "gosh, throw me a bone" while raising his hands in the air because he just had no idea. It wasn't until I mentioned something that I had read about a rare type of ovarian tumor that he kind of tilted his head and looked at me, and decided to order an ultrasound, and that's where they found it. So I guess the moral of my long, somewhat OT story is to NOT GIVE UP! It took me a year to find the answer to my problems and I did HOURS/DAYS/MONTHS of internet searching on my symptoms. I had 2 doctors tell me that I should just live with it but I knew there was something not right, and I would not just live with it. And I would have gone to a different doctor if that is what it took to find the answer. I really hope they can find an answer for you! :flower3:
MMQ -- you have a way of posting just what i need to read :goodvibes i had (yet) another PCP visit yesterday, this time I took a list of ALL the symptoms i have been having over the past 6-8 weeks. i did some researching/self-diagnosing myself this past weekend online. I think there is a good chance i have a type of spondyloarthritis. He isn't convinced it's an arthritis, but he doesn't have an answer either. He did say he wants to send me on, but needed time to think about which speciality. He did a good variety of labs yesterday, some of which won't come back right away. I did ask for a specific test I read online that is a marker for a type of spondylarthritis but i'm not sure if he agreed to add it on. I asked the nurse, I was frustrated with him b/c he's always so good about listening and I could sense he was trying to move on, out of my room. and i was right, when i asked about the add-on test the nurse told me he had left and she'd ask when he returned. I work at my PCP office (very part-time) but happen to be working friday so i'm definately reading my chart ;)

AND -- the Lasix did nothing for me, in fact i gained another 4 lbs in the past 7 days. ugh. seriously? i started counting WW points monday and am going to continue journaling and keeping my points low until my next appt Tuesday. oh yea, at end of our discussion he's like "can you come back and see me next Tues" and i'm like "yes, but i just can't be like this and wait another week!" i went to the local consignment store and bought 3 pairs of shorts...2 sizes bigger...and a pair of scrubs so i have something to wear friday. i could've sat in my van and just cried.....

thanks for the support and listening guys....somehow venting it all here helps

on another note -- i'm heading out for a walk, it's beautiful here, the extreme heat has settled down into a tolerable summer heat :thumbsup2
OhMOM :hug: I know how frustrating that can be. Sometimes the scale doesn't make sense. I see sometimes where it looks like I gained 2lbs overnight and I'm thinking there is no way I ate an additional 7000 calories over and above what I burned especially when I only at 1600 all day. Sucks!!

Hang in there and I hope you get some relief soon.
OhMom - Glad to hear you had another doctors appt and have yet another one coming up - at some point they gotta find something or send you onto a specialist. I'm glad you are finding a little relief by coming here, posting, venting - you know you have all of our support!

KarenA - congrats on setting a date! Very exciting! The next year will fly by for you - it'll be here before you know it!

As for me, pretty good week this week. I ran on Sunday 7 miles, Monday 4, and last night did a long run...12 miles!! EEK! It was a little rough since I didn't do a long run last week due to the heat (had 5 days off from running) so my legs were a little sore heading out to begin with. By mile 8-9 I started struggling and walked a few short stretches. I really wanted to cut it short and head home, but I kept pushing on and had to force myself to run, I REALLY wanted to walk, but I ran most of it with a few short stretches of walking. I made it home in 2:10 so was pretty happy with that, about a 10:35 per mile average. I was SO sore last night, easily the worst I've felt since I started running, entire body ached and I really questioned why I'm doing this since I haven't yet registered for the half, and still don't know if I want to. If I'm not going to do the half I don't need to continue these horribly long training runs, I can just do a few 4 milers each week and not torture myself. ;) At least when I get home from these long runs I can moan and groan in agony in private - can't imagine how I'd feel after a half and being this misreable out in public for all to see! :laughing:

And happy to report that I've finally lost the 1-2 pounds that I've been fluctuating up the last several weeks. So I'm glad about that....BUT tomorrow it mostly goes out the window becuase we're leaving for our frist trip to WDW!!! I'm so excited I can't hardly stand myself - so giddy and excited! We're on the quick serve dining plan and I really hope I can come back having only gained 5 pounds. That's what I'm allowing myself - 5 pounds. Hoping I can get lots of salads, wraps, sandwiches and not all greasy deep-fried junk, althought I'm sure there will be some of that too. After vacation I'll have to buckle back down and lose a few pounds - never did make it to my goal, still hovering about 3 pounds away. I hope to run a few times on vacation too - taking my running stuff and hope to get 3 runs in.

I hope everyone is doing well and I'll be back in about 10 days! :thumbsup2
Have SO MUCH FUN MMQ!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

I'm leaving for Disney w/ my mom for 9/11-9/19 and am super excited. I've been so busy/distracted with wedding planning I hadn't gotten myself psyched up for Disney until the last few days. I've been making an effort to go on the attractions board more and I've started to get excited :) We're on the regular (free) DDP. Honestly I'm not worrying too much about gaining because we walk SOOOO much in Disney. Also I'm going to get up early to run around the resort a few mornings since I'll be training for another 10K by then. MMQ I don't even think you'll gain 5lbs, esp on just quick service.

And 12 miles?! Jeez!! That's amazing! (and faster than I run 5 miles on average!). Although most of the beginner training guides I've seen for half marathons only have you go to 10 miles or maybe 12 the week before the half. I'm surprised you're so high in mileage. When is the half you're thinking of doing? I'd say after getting to that in training you should definitely do the half, if even just to say you ran a half marathon.

I've been doing ok lately.. had dropped some lbs and now am creeping back up. Argh. Last night had a little break down with sushi and ice cream and am up 1.4lbs this morning from yesterday :headache: Tonight I'm going to run as long as I can (depending on when I get to the gym- a local bridge malfunctioned last week and it takes twice as long with traffic to get there now :sad2:) and then a beginner spin class. I think I'm going to try to incorporate some spin classes to mix things up a bit.

Hope everyone is doing well! OhMom~ I'm so sorry to hear about all your troubles. The weight gain isn't permanent, I'm sure once they figure out what's going on you can get it back under control. It's not for lack of effort and we're all pulling for you!! Focus on your health and I agree with MMQ that don't give up! Keep searching and let the doctor(s) know what you find. I'm sure there's got to be a diagnosis out there somewhere!! :hug:
Have SO MUCH FUN MMQ!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

I'm leaving for Disney w/ my mom for 9/11-9/19 and am super excited. I've been so busy/distracted with wedding planning I hadn't gotten myself psyched up for Disney until the last few days. I've been making an effort to go on the attractions board more and I've started to get excited :) We're on the regular (free) DDP. Honestly I'm not worrying too much about gaining because we walk SOOOO much in Disney. Also I'm going to get up early to run around the resort a few mornings since I'll be training for another 10K by then. MMQ I don't even think you'll gain 5lbs, esp on just quick service.

And 12 miles?! Jeez!! That's amazing! (and faster than I run 5 miles on average!). Although most of the beginner training guides I've seen for half marathons only have you go to 10 miles or maybe 12 the week before the half. I'm surprised you're so high in mileage. When is the half you're thinking of doing? I'd say after getting to that in training you should definitely do the half, if even just to say you ran a half marathon.

I've been doing ok lately.. had dropped some lbs and now am creeping back up. Argh. Last night had a little break down with sushi and ice cream and am up 1.4lbs this morning from yesterday :headache: Tonight I'm going to run as long as I can (depending on when I get to the gym- a local bridge malfunctioned last week and it takes twice as long with traffic to get there now :sad2:) and then a beginner spin class. I think I'm going to try to incorporate some spin classes to mix things up a bit.

Hope everyone is doing well! OhMom~ I'm so sorry to hear about all your troubles. The weight gain isn't permanent, I'm sure once they figure out what's going on you can get it back under control. It's not for lack of effort and we're all pulling for you!! Focus on your health and I agree with MMQ that don't give up! Keep searching and let the doctor(s) know what you find. I'm sure there's got to be a diagnosis out there somewhere!! :hug:

Hi Karen! Thanks - it's our first trip so we are SO excited. I was never there as a child or anything, DH either, so it will be a fun trip filled with many firsts for all of us!

The training plan I've been following is sort of a blend of a couple plans, and I think I followed an intermediate plan since I was already running a 10K when I started the plan, and I started several weeks into it. This week will be the highest for miles - 12 is the most I'll do. The half I'm looking at is on 9/19. So, the week we get back from vacation I'll do a couple regular runs and 1 last long run, then I'll have 2 weeks to taper before the half and do one long-ish run the week before. If I can run on vacation I'll be okay, but if I don't I think I'll really be struggling to finish the long last night. ;)

Congrats on your upcoming trip! Should be fun! Good luck on your 10K training!! :thumbsup2


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